Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1913, p. 3

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fhat People Are Doing j L: in Lake Forest ,rt Chas. Harder 18 home fjom a* *Sed vWlt in Wisconsin, ^.^pm 7 los. Ph Coleman is spending a MJ'ys in French Lick Springs, lad. -,r8 iiueh McBlrney gave a lunch- ,fsu.Hlay for her daughter, MisB [Bhel McHirney. • ' r^:y:^'^s^' «, iiiii Mrs. Frederick C. Aldrlch ^n!!.oi.-town house at 48 Banks, Xov'iii'"-'1' *• â-  I A\. R. Nash of Califor- ,»â-  {heir daughter,: Mrs THtf MRS. W. B. LITTLE AND MR.1.C. DALLY II WINNERS OF BIG AUTOMOBILE CONTEST KE SHORE NEWS. TriPRSDA»TtfcTbBER'iri» (Continued from Page 1.) I reet lit arc *:iK:sfs I Beed of Undui avenue. c T ('hast' has sold his residence â-  iiiirH av< lino and .moved to his !•' rtsid•â-  n."-\ 3204 Sheridan road. | ' . alul \iis, It. G. McGann moved â-  to their i"^i> residence, 120 Pearson W Chk-". Monday. . E u- xe\v.-on left the.latter part of Ihe'werk'f'H; Terre Haute, Ind., where I. will v mi! iii indefinitely. Mr. «;<i ViS- Byron L- Smlth haVe rfiifd'tlK "• town house at 2140 Prai-' Tlc avenu«'-. ' Miss KoH>a entertained Informally lot'alutM'l""11 Tuesday, complimentary itn Miss Anita- Aldrich. The W. «.V O. F. Court 77 Will give ball in Anderson's hall Thursday railing, November 13. I Mrs. W. H. Boyle is convalescent, and has returned to, her home from the Clifton Springs sanitarium. The annual Perry Hall bazaar for I-the benefit of the Alumnae scholarship 'will be held November 21 and 22. i Mr. ami Mrs. I. Newton Perry are returning Thursday to their town ; bmCi i23") Astor street, Chicago. Fred and James Skinner of Pitts- burg, Pa- were nere this week t0 at" tfnd the funeral ot their father, Ed- win S.- Skinner. The announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Francis Mo- ran to Mr. George Jackson of Wauke- fan. ' â- 'â- Â«.. Mrs. Frank McMullen is In Quincy. Ill;; attending. the conference of the •Illinois chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution. Miss Laura Riley, who has been the guest of Mrs. Thos. Horran foT the past two weeks, has returned to her home, 630 North 53rd avenue, Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Chatfleld-Tay- lor will remain in Lake Forest during the winter. In other years they have moved to their town house in Chi- â- cago. The Lake Forest Soccer and the Mil- waukee Caledonians played football on the Lake Forest grounds Sunday after- noon. Score: 1 to 0 in favor of the Caledonians. The children's class in gymnastics and folk dancing, will be held on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Classes for adults will meet on Thurs- day evening at the new Y. W. C. A. •club room on Deerpath avenue. OFFICERS' ELECTED. . The following officers have been elected by the Evanston Political Equality League for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. G. W. Boot; vice- president, MrB. Jessie Campbell; treaa- urer, Mrs. C. M. Mohr; secretary, Mrs. J. G. Hubbell. Members of the exec- utive committee are the above officers and Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch, Mrs. U. S. Grant, Mrs. Townsend Smith, Mts. W. M. Green, Mrs. G. H. . Kelley. Mrs. C. O. Boring, Mrs. D. T. Fesler; Mrs. Wilfred Childs, chairman â- of membership committee; Miss Gra,- *ia Erickson, chairman press commit- tee. â-  ; *EWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS offices of the newspapers at 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, and all of the win- ners are invited to be present at that time. The management of the publication desires especially to thank each and all of the contestants for t&e fair and courteous manner in whichrthey have gone about the self-imposed duty and taak of Securing subscriptions and re- newals for The Daily News and T,he Lake Shore News, and especially do we wish to thank the judges for their sacrifice of time and energy which they made, so thoroughly and conscien- tiously to discharge the office as to make it'absalutely impossible for any one to question in the slightest de- gree the fairness in which they ar rived at their decision. Satisfied With Outcome. The following are letters received this morning from W. E. Hort'on,nviw was second, and Wm. O'Brien, who was ninth in the District No. 1 con test: .^giF-â-  y«#^ "Evanston, 111., 10. 27. '13. "Mr. Albert H. Bowman, Editor. *My Dear Mr. Bowman:. "As one of the contestants in the automobile contest Just closed, I want to thank the management of the con- test for the fair and impartial man- ner in which the same was con- ducted. "Being personally acquainted with all the judges of the contest, I feel confident that if favoritism had been shown any one I would have finished a strong first and not second. "Thanking again all concerned in the above contest for a "Square Deal,' I am, "Very truly yours, "W. E. Horton." "Evanston. Oct. 27, 1913. "Mr. A. H. Bowman, Editor. "Dear Sir:â€" "I wish to thank you and your paper for the prize that has been awarded to'me in the automobile con- test. I might say that this is the third contest I have been in, and that It was the fairest of the three. I wish also to thank the judges for their de- cision, which was the fairest of the fairest. You could not have picked better judges in-Evanston. "Hoping that your paper will profit by the contest, and that the con- testants will be satisfied that they were fairly and squarely dealt with by the judges, as I am, I remain, "Yours, "Win. O'Brien. "C26 Davis St., Evanston, 111." PRESIDENT DUTHIE NAMES COMMITTEE President James R. Duthie of the Evanston Commercial association, has appointed a committee of prominent merchants to co-operate with the mem- bers of the Evanston Woman's club in the entertainment of the 700 visiting delegates who will be in Evanston No- vember 11 to 14 to attend the annual state meeting of the Federation of Women's clubs. The committee is Macphcrson, John (Continued from Page 1. This means that local merchants in the villages to the north and west of Evanston are given an advertising medium in their home cities with a circulation many times larger than they are able to secure otherwise. .. â-  The Only Route.- It means that the"enmbinvd circula- tion or The Evanston Daily News for any day, and The Lake Shore News Tor Us .Thursday issue," is. at least. four times as large as the combined circulation of all the other papers pi luted in(Evanston and' Wilmette. It moans 'that, advertisers who want to reach the buying- public of the whole north shore can reach k only through iluise. two publications. The gain has been so large that it has,made it, practically impossible to print the paper rapidly enough on the p;<H8ent flat-bed-- presses- which have been in use and the management has already signed a contract for the in- stallation of a large web perfecting machine of the, same general descrip- tion as is used to print the Chicago Daily News and the Chicago Tribune; This press will be in operation within two weeks and will have a speed: of 6.000 per hour. Its installation will enable the editors of The Daily News to close the forms at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and make it possible for the press run and the subscription de- partment to print and distribute the papers before dark during the winter season. Hiiinm» What People Are Doing in Highland Park AN AWFUL BUMP. North western's crippled football warriors were ignominiously defeated by the University of Iowa squad Sat- urday, the latter eleven piling up 'a score of 78 to 6. The feature of the contest was the brilliant showing made by Hightower, the splendid quarterback and mainstay of the un- lucky squad. As one fan quoted the score after the game, he classed High- tower ^s JoUowsj„__"Iowa1 ..._78i_Hlghi tower, 6; Northwestern, 0." Miss Minnie Knapp of Foreston, III., is the guest of Mm. B. A. Schultt. Mrs. T. Pierson Is home from a month's visit in the east. Kf Miss Josephine Balni of Janesville, Wis., is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Pyffe. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Brand were guests of friends in W'aukegan last week. Miss Marjorie Dorrajico of Houston. Tex.. l» the guest of Miss Prances Kemp. Mrs. B. A. Smith of South Second street is visiting relatives In Omaha, Neb. Miss Myrtle Mitchell of Negaunee. Mich., Is the guest of Miss Lenora Hpyne. Mrs. Geo, Smith and Mrs. John 8ln- nott spent the week-eiul with friends in Waukegan. ,i Mr, mid..Mrs.jlMichael. Qrtbof Ran- dom Lake, Wis., ar^giiMts of Mr. and- Mrs. O, B. Brand. .-..." The liaracea class will give its an nual Hallowe'en party Thursday even Ing in the'church parlors. r The regular Saturday evening dances will be..continued throughout the winter at the Hotel Moraine, D. C, Dennlson enjoyed a visit the first of the week from his father, Judge Dennlson, of St- Louis. Miss Cecil Vail expects to leave Sat- urday for an extended visit jn Roch- ester, N. Y., and Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R, Cain re- turned home last week from a two month's visit in London and Parli. Miss Anna Towns of Libertyvllle and Adam Fox of Highland Park were ! married last week In Highland Park. Mrs. Margaret Walsh of Ballina, Ireland, is here to Bpend the winter] Jerome Steever, on North Sheridan Mr*. E. H. Blttlnger returned last week from a several weeks' visit in Petersburg, N. l).^t)lJtft»jKtaJ!l$&l Lyle Bittinicer. M&l&SMI&lKM Mrs. Frank Hamilton, who has been visiting friends here for several weeks, has returned to her home in Sioux Falls, 8. D, »plip«iflilii Miss Lenora Hoyne entertained in- formally at luncheon Friday for her friend, Miss Myrtle Mitchell, of Ne guunee, Mich; Miss Maud Cheeanun of Shannon. 111., and Miss Etta Groom of Mowea- qua, 111., are visiting Rev. and Mr*. .J. F^Van Bvera. ';â- â- - . W^f, tor. and Mrs. Paul Gleser «iter' talned a large company of friends on Monday evening in honor of their sil- ver wedding anniversary. Mrs. Geo. W. Roberts and daughter; Helon, have returned from a trip through Germany and Italy. They have been abroad eighteen months. Mr. and Mrs. "Wright have moved here from Libertyvllle, 111. They will occupy the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver during the winter. M18.S Jessie Chandler entertained in- formally last Saturday with a lunch- con, complimentary to Miss Norcroas of Boston and Miss Worth of Phila- delphia. Owing to the illness of her guest, Mrs. Edward V. Price, the reception which was to have been giiveh October 14 by MrB. K. Tyner, has been indefi- nitely postponed. /SJ^-;;.--^ â-  i Miss Margaret Mlhills/and Mi\ Geor Rosseter were married Saturday even- ing at the home of the bride, 529 For- est avenue. Mr, and Mrs. Rosseter will reside at 1109 Ardmore avenue. Chicago. The marriage of Miss Francis, Steever and Mr. Carl L. Odell of Wat-' erloo, Iowa, occurred at'the home of the ; bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. How Much MoreCheerful lAii;Hiie;Blci^,r L-U- NEWS WANT ADS BRING ACftUl â-¼â€¢ with her sister, Mrs. George Smith, Jr. Mr. W. H. Weaver left last week for his plantation In Alabama. Mrs. Weaver will jcin him during the holi- days. .'â- '.'.'â- â- ;'; Miss Jameson and Miss Jane Floyd have gone to NewYoriPttT-attend ther graduating exercises of Miss Louise Floyd. road. Wednesday evening, October 29. 1637 Chicago Av«. T*l. 4231 E*#nit*n Womin'i Enchtni* CAFETERIA LHlMDlvidcoiu * Iwvi cle»«. nfrci whnlerflVi food*.. -^â€"^- DAILY TfX rjRNDAX«r^* BreaVfMt . S:48 to«U/lr««b#Tst - 7dOTn» Lunch - • 11:Sn to1:«TTDtnn*r - - 12 to 2:30 Dinner - • 5:80 to 7:30 I NoSuppw composed uf C. D. Victor Lee, Peter Randlev, W. J. O'Connell and A. H. Bowman. It will be the duty of* these well- known merchants to interest every business man in Evanston in the com- ing of the hundreds ot clubwomen, The merchants will be especially urged to decorate their places of busi- ness and extend a hearty welcome to all of the visitors. The committee members will also lend any other as- sistance possible in providing enter- tainment for the delegates. Disasasasa §P5^ The NorthWestern Limited The Train Chica St. Paul Lv|Ch *go daily 6:45 p Fivl o|f er daili^l av« splerlmd trains ive Chicago 8:45 a.m., 1(115 a.m., 10:00 p.m. 10:10 p m., 2:50 a. m. The Best of Everything Chicago and North Western Railway Ecanston, Illinois Rememberâ€"You leave from the new Pauenger Terminal m gasasasasHSBsasasasas Fall *nd Winter Season 1913 Never before have the style, fabrics ^aiid trimmings been |f>oretty as for -this season, and my »1 lection is well I worthy of yoi M y great su| to the lact that patrc Best Qualh Correct Styles Artistic Workfhanship feet Fit Thanking the contin urs Respectfully, H. NAKUTIN 808 Dempster Street Phone 258 Much ol^he real eni reading or sewr from the US] Lamp, i The flood of light is eyes but the Electric Lamp a hospitality and good cheer to any room. Electrii a well-c nerous, nly conge appear a distinctive atmosphere of H ysm^EXmcBic Lamps ^^m. the^ecorative~effect8 of each room in your home may be matched perfectlyâ€"in the predominating color scheme and architectural motif. At ELECTRIC SHOP, you can choose from more exclusive Electric Lamp patterns than you will find elsewhere in the tVeat. Electric Lam p price* here ran go from $2.25 to $400. .Our beautiful new mail order catalogue will be sent free, upon request. US Eijectric Shop-Chicago Michigan and Jackson Boulevards "D SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE' & Buyers' Guide to Shops of ^ R GIN I A CHESTER, BOOKBINDER, \/- Harrison 6227. HELEN C. LEDGER WOOD, 'J' Room 706 .116 So. Mich ART AmrBCt>K SUDP. Randolph 3098. *Tfe^ CAers, Cross & i, also hand- ^HE ARTS & CRAPTS BOOK IhOP Complete |lne, of Books, • Lesson barkers, Q ^*°wn Jew . ••^e Jewel all!* 8juite 6I6EMonroe Bldg. *•!. Central 612. 104 S. Michigan Ave. J" The newe ductions of are now rea tion. M 502 tistic pro occasions ,______ly inspec- AME HOFFMAN, raer BIdg.. Cor. Wabash and Madison 121 NORTH W Centr 3201, SU^MM"ErTsCTh 00 L8. MILLINERY SHOP. V EN ETIAN MILLINERY CO. FANNIE J. FELDKAMP, Prop.â€" J1 EXCLuAvJjJJU/fcERY. / •209 l^Wtian HUfg,, 15 East Wasliilgton St., Chicago. . NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. ,„EN'S FROCKS AND LADIES' ,OUSES MADE TO ORDER- THE N 717-7 15 East Washf Tet. Central 4691. Summer Farm/ and. /.' â€"~ niustrated'booWeronYpllca"0"- 15 East W shlngton St., Chicago. FASHIONABLE COSTUME8. HATS. Phone Harrison 414. 800 Rftublic BIdg., 209 South State St., Chicago. TOILET ARTICLES. Manufacturers ff LaSTes' Fine Felt Hats Iteblocklng, Cleaning & Dye- ing of Ladies' HatB, 105 N. WABASH AVE. (Fifth Floor) Phone Central 6160 OIL PAINTINGS. LADIES' TAILORS. DISTINCTIVE CLOTHES, NEWEST FABRICS. â€"awi>------' .AIBST SSlYLES rrlrri BrtTft/TfTi n n ir LARSOjJ « ANDERSON. 803 Mailers BIdg.. Madison St. and Wabash A/e. Chicago. Tel. Cent. 6152. IT. H. MOSH1ER CO.. T6-622 Michigan Av.» J&h door. EXCLUSH ii.ons. Formerly locate/ at HOG ^Michigan At Chicago. fyr* LADIES' TAIIJDR1NCJ. and Fancy Suits at ReaaonablQ WorkmM4l% (;uat%nte«d. CiOW*NlVl MIHJRVED. Phone 'tEVanetbn! 1*87. ^l^HamlltotiSt. A. NYSTHOM. GOWNS AND FASHIONAaLS COSTUMES. 'â- -I. UKBNKitg WOMEN'S TAILOR. Fall styles and j P Juj^acel'ed.: ModeratJ Pflceul Suite 814 K»sner BB|!; : N. E. Cor. Wabash Ave. and Mad.Km St.. Chicago. :". Telephone Randolph 78" H BENSON COMPANY GOWNS & WAISTS HAIR DSESSING. __ __^ Helen F. Swaaejr Emily C. Waltbsr I Tjr^ABCADE «HOP. |^^«16-«2| Mililgan MANICURINOTtRrHAIrH^ESSINO Hair OoodslspectallWHl. Boun ey Ooods I»pd exclusively. Telephone Harrison 82M.

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