Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1913, p. 8

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«â- â- â- "â- :â- â€¢' THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBERS, 1913. f k C«K« Siwre ftcwj puiujsHKu every Thursday ------------:------------------_ BY,----------------S-----------â€" THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO., 526 Davis Street, Evanston. Albert H. Bowman . Bertha R- Bowman lames Leonard Lee SUBSCRIPTION WtlCE, $2 A YEAH; ! themselves. Both these unfortunate facts are to be regretted but they are nevertheless facts with which the bar- bers and the public must deal. ' . New York state has found a way â-  around the difficulty of the Sunday j ^______ closing by providing for one day in J Managing Editor! seven free from work, that day not, of Associate Editor; neceBsity, Sunday. The ruling applies ^^^^^]TlieT%TSoO"lonF^ i clerk*, cigar store employes and wait* FIND PLACES ON City ANOTHER HOME ROBBED WITH FAMILY ABSENT Burglars Ransack Residence of G. W. Kean on Wain Street and Police Have Clew. All matter tor publication in any] The need for a weekly day of rest is week's issue should reach our oflic«;not of a religious nature primarily al- oot later than noon on Monday. ! though that consideration is also of ===!===-------------â-  . â€". ! importance. The Inconsistency of the j Entered as second-class matter June, -,.,*».* •. i!8, 1911, at the uostoffice at Gvanstou.jraan who professes faith in the teach-1 Illinois, under the Act of March 3,:ings of the Scripture and compels the j ! High School Students Show Good Records in Scholar- ship and Deportment During the Month. Another burglary in a home where the occupants were absent, was re- ported to the Evanston police Friday. j in the residence of C. \V. Kean, 913 j Main street. An entrance -was gained through the rear basement window. floors in the various irooms littered with papers, etc. A report was im- mediately made to the police. Chief of Police Shaffer, with two plainclothesraen, has been working diligently on the numerous residence robberies during the last two days and thinks that he has a good clew which will lead to the arrest of tho thieves within a short time. Several persons have seen suspicious looking characters in South Evanston during the last. week, and - with descriptions furnished, the police feel that they have a good cietv to work on. THIEVES ARE ACTIVE. Sneak thieves ft'ho make a practice of stealing speedometers, tires. etc, 1879. â€"--â€"^-THUHSKSYTOCTPBEB 23...-1913.. THE ELECTION OF JUDGE CRAIG. Infringement of the fourth command- â- metttr^srto-say the least, lamentatfle. That obligation, however, does not . articles because of the absence of the FIRST YEAR PUPILS LEAD.famiiy. It is known that'the house was en- whlch was broken open. The house I from automobiles, made two futile at- was ransacked, but no report could be J temi,ts at robbery in Evanston Friday obtained by the officers of the stolen ; nigi,t The lock on the private gar- age of William J. Luther. 1317 Elm- The following pupils of the Evans- wood avenue, was broken sometime after 10 o'clock, but the thieves evi- tered sometime between 8 o'clock in'dently were frightened away, as they the morning and the same time at did not enter the place. .Within a ton Township High school have been night, as the person who is caring block of the Lutlier home a garage perfect in deportment and attendance for the home visited the place Fri- in the rear of 925 Greenwood boule- rest upon all Sunday patrons of the and satisfactory in scholarship during day morning and everything was in vard was broken Into. The only artl- DRLE1BICC We wish to ann< new grinding ai safety razor bla<j Phone§1577 nee t boni :s, scissors machinejpiji klj^ 6flDavisStr«tt.j^.^ It is all over in the fifth congress-j barber shop and others which public ional district but the shouting, and j demand keeps open seven days in the there will be little of that for there is j week. little to occasion it. 1913: the month ending October Fourth Year. Harry Ahlbeck, Eleanor Berry, Ed- na Byani, "William Carson,. Donala Chapman, Gertrude Cox, Raymond Freedom from work one day In the '• Dart, Ruth Eddy, Gertrude Erickson, The News is not surprised at the? weekJa_^aentiaMrâ€"we~TfouTd"""pre-" result. There waB but one issue pos-j serve the home life of our people. If Bible from the first. It is the lesson' we wish to become a nation without of last November repeated with the1 homes, if we would emulate the Esther Forsyth,„Mary Goes, Marjorie Grantham, Louise Hammon, John Hill, Harriet Kisch, Amalia Kropp, Mabel Langil), Charlotte Lawson, Katherine I^cwls,- Alexander McNaughton, Ruth Mitchell, Virginia Montgomery, Lowell perfect order. When the keeper went cle missing is a steamer rug, to the home last night lie found the at $20. valued same moral to be drawn by RepublMFrench and eliminate the hearth Noyes, Lillle Olson, Beryl Olston, The- ~ , j ifc mt „„.. *„r«n,r Hfc j than wp! odora Piatt, Frederic Stiles, Elizabeth cans and Progressives and the same; from our family life,,/then we Taft> Laurence Tilden, Arthur Van- doubtful reasons for self-congratula- \ can go about it in no better way than; Deusen, William Washburn, John tion on the part of the Democrats. ! to make impossible the gathering to-. White.jSarah Whitman. . i â-  | Second and Third Years. Yesterday's overwhelming defeat [gether of the family as a unit one j Franklin Alexander, Dorothy Allen, should inuress upon the voters of the j day in the week. I Ellen Andersen. Marjory Baker, Cora I ' „ ' . . â- â-  ' Bowdish, William Branch, Gertrude Republican and Progressive parties: â- -â-  . Jk t&Jk.....•• â- --^--=rJ_-Brand't, ,Ray.mond--Bristo,wiâ€"Margaret- one truth, a truth which has bem\~ ME GLUTt?OF THE SUNSET. \ Brown, Wyatt Brummitt, Dorothy A I . . •.,.. ! Buchanan, Esther Buck, Dorothea demonstrated in every trial of politi- - -â-  ..... . cal strength. There is no hope for the various clauses are removed from the context and treated as a- whole demonstrates the obvious unfairness of extracting a sentence from an ad- vlctory in any general sense for either party so long as they persist in unit- ing on only one point, throwing votes to the Democratic candidate. The election of Judge Ceaiq to the j dreBB and twisting into it a meaning 'â- Supreme bench is significant proof of the futility of seeking reformation in /political or judicial affairs by the measures which have been adopted by 'the Progressives. It shows that the voters in "down state'-' Illinois are coming to a realization of that vital fact but it shows that not all former .Republicans and Progressives are re- maining true to their political faith. It shows that that body and women who sang with so much gusto last November "Onward Christian Sol-: diers" have prevented, with premedi tatton^nd_aJuJl^alization of JwhatKmffl^ntJr^telllrig standing ^aJone; â- : they were doing, the election of the ;:;5 best man to fill the vacancy on the k; Supreme bench, The party, professedly devoted to ':-r the cause of equal suffrage, has elected H a man acknowledged to be adverse to â-  â-  it. It haB defeated its own ends, both /political and moral. ^^J^w^jLongjBJi&H we persist in our ;: Mfolly? How long shall we work to de- : Istroy ourselves politically? The hand- writing on the wall is plainly to bo Ip2geeaa in the-resultsrof yesterday's elec- tion. Shall we not read and be wise? 'There is but oneway of salvation from Democratic supremacy in every de- partment of government. The signifi- cant increase in the Republican- vote over that of last November shows that many who revolted from that party | then, have returned.;. Let us hasten I the day of harmony between the two, I when we shall again be enabled to te- feel the pulse of the party throbbing | with new strength and new energy ;| because of the test through which we p have gone. :;X:^:^;v," fe^^*v::^;-/:--:-* * *'";'-:-;.' ,'v-'- ^^ TO'PRESERVE OUR BOMBS. â-  ^ ^belegates to the Illinois Journey- H men Barbers' association meeting in p- Decatur last week, passed a resolution ||seekia«; an act, of the state ||j; legislature forbidding the open* ||§lttf of barber shops on the Sabbath. *â„¢Thi* was not achieved without a v ttnggie for there were among the barbers present those who were loath to we tlie income from Sunday labor takes from their grasp* And in this, tftcfar* not wrio«:e^;|g^!;>^^ tie srzvments advanced by the op- sone perfectly sound in their dn grow irrespective of tistsjs/ssT the week. Sanaa* patrons ** **» feMrtcr shop will, therefore. In bo drtnssi to aaar* which the speaker had not considered nor intended. We do, therefore, apol- ogize for extracting from the talk of Mr. L, P. Moobe before the Members of the Sunday Afternoon club of the Cen- tral Y, M. C. A. this sentence, "A man may be stirred up and impressed by the glories of a sunset, but unless he put. It. on the canvas, the vision is lost." As an illustration of the futility of aspiration and good intention unsup- ported by effort to realize one's ambi- tion, the. statement of Mr. Moore is: however, it suggests an altogether dif- ferent interpretation. '% â-  J: The spiritual uplift which is a part of the experience of one stirred up and impressed by a sunset is not, we be- lieve, a perishable thing. The vision is not lost in after years, it becomes more and morejreal as one grows in power to be impressed and stirred up by the glories of the heavens, the stronger because of its intangibility. It__ls__ia, the effort to materialize the glory of the sunset by transcribing it to the canvas that the glory of the vision is lost. /...:,/';:V. * M * â- '.;".â- â- â- "â-  We are an amusing people, making much fuss in pretending that we are not going to do the thing which we know we shall do all the time. This time it 1b Mrs. PANKHtrasT. No one ever expected that she would be de- ported. The lady herself must have depended upon our American bluster and our real goodness of heart and intention when she sought our shores. She probably did not expect quite such far-reaching advertisement nor so great alacrity as we shall presently display in pouring a large proportion of our pin money into the fund for the promotion of militancy abroad. Some allowance must be made for the consciouB virtue of the pose which Speaker Curb: has struck and the premeditation with which he has placed the political halo upon his brow, when we consider his heroism in declining to lecture for money, for only therein can we discredit the doubtful compliment which Mr. Clabk would pay the American people. Con- tract to frequently as effective at har- mony, la this ease it Is probably es- teemed to be store so. U^-^^^mi-mm- The endless variety which may be|Bu]1( Edith Burden, Helen Burdlck, rung from a Bible paragraph when |>lerrill Burdsal, Helen Butow, Kath- j erine Chandler, Henry Cheyney, Doro- thy Church, Lillian Cissna, Elizabeth Clarke, Jean Cookenbach, Edward L. Ccoley, Betsey Cowap, Don Crawford, Margarett Dade, Katherine DeCelle, lone Dewhlrst, Elizabeth Doane, Ella( Dobson, Irene Downie, Mary Eagaji, Richard Ellis, Evelyn Elphick, Ruth Erickson, Hannah Fisher, John Foster, Gladys Goodreau, James Gormley, Harold Grantham, Pearl Gridley, Frances Griffin, Rowland Hagen, Mil- ton Harper, Helen Heppher, Elizabeth Hill, Florence Johnson, Hazel John- son, Parkman Johnson, Robert John- ston, Winifred Kaufmann, Burnett Kelsey, John Kimbark, Nancy KSIghT, Kenneth Kraft, Ina Lawrence, Ken- neth Leigh, Carroll Lenning, Vincent Lenth, Dorothy Lewis, Alfred Lexow, Irene Lieurance, Kleanor Lord, Elwyu Manning, Mary McGaughey, Margaret McMillan, Edith Mitchell, Helen Mont- gomery, Chester Nash, Arthur Nelson, Hazel Nordstrom, Elizabeth Odell, Harriet Odell, Esther Ortlund, Norma Ortland, Dennison Paden, Lillian Park, Eitonor-parkeiv-Robert Parker^ James Penny, Dorothy Peschon, Ella Peterson,' Paul Post, Elizabeth Powers, Grlswold Price, Aubrey Prosser, Ed- ward Richardson, Melvin Root, Kath- leen Row, Robert Sherman, Dorcas j Sherwood, Mary Siegele, Lucille Sing-] er, Marjorie Sloan, Florence Stewart, j Esther Swansen, Grace Thackwell,: Marion Thayer, Katharine Thomas, i Marshall Thompson, Yvonne Tomes, Catharine Towne, Frances Ullrlck, Ar- thur VanHorne, WillardJVggel, Hester WalrathrMafioT w^Se,^Arthuf Weber, j Florence Welle, Robert Wheeler, Jes- sie Wllkenning, Bradley Williams, Gladys Williams, Emma Witt, Loren Wylie. Mabel Andrew, Frances Borre, Ken- neth Brubaker, Esther Dart, Mary Ford, Eliza Perrln, Ethel Shaffer, Monroe Wheeler, Winslow Whitman, Marion WilllamB, Marguerite Zimmer- man, Edward Atchison, Benjamin Baker, Mary Bauer, Eleanor Bennett, Sidney Bent, . Allan Benzing, Curtis Blunt, Evelyn Bostwick, Mildred Brown, Mary Buchanan, Roland Bu- tow, Dorothy Carney, Dibert Church, Helen Clark, Elizabeth Corse, Ruth Crawford, James Dame,' Gladys Dean, Henry Diettrich, Loradp Eadie, Lottie Eadie, Beatrice English, Roberta Fer- guson, Vance Fisher, Donald Fores- man, Walter Gerould, William Gloeck- ler, Gertrude Green, Robert Grier, Helen Gross, Oscar Gustafson, Beatrice Haight, Lucile Hart, Mary Hayes, Nor-i man Hoff, Arthur Holt, Elizabeth' Holt, Elizabeth Hoover, Harry Hun-J ton, Wilmarth Ickes, Dagney Johnson, j George Johnson, Adah Kleinsmid, Clara Lee, James Leslie, Philip Lord, Ruth Manning, Hathorn McCulloch, Hester McGaughey, Harry Montgom- ery, Milton Naramore, Phyllis Neid- linger, Helen Nicholson, William No- ble, Hilda Olsen, John Paver, Herbert Payne, Mary Pekin, Graham Penfleld, Margaret Pore, Sara Pore, Edward Price, Marjorie Price, Louise Raddin, Lila Robbins, Benjamin Sargent, Cora- He Scbaefer, Elmer Scheibe, Harvey Seribner, Jarvis Shedd, Marjory Shef- field, Ifehe Smith, Doris Starkweather, Marguerite Sumner, ,Lucy Taylor, Sarah Taylor, Jeannette Todd, Eliza- beth Travis, Carolyn Trowbridge, Ed- ward Voorhees, HeleJT "Walrath, Eli nora Westcott. EVANSTON THEATRE FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON AMUSEMENT CO , PROP. PHONES 2898-2899 H. L. MINTURN, MANAGER AND BALAM WE.EJ TONIGHT THE EVANSTON STOC Presenting the Delightfu^y Enchan The Tester \\Jjr By Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland end Beulah Olx Matinees: Tuesday, Ihursday. and Saturday. ALL SEATS 25c. Mght Prices: 400Good Seats on the Main Floor, iOCems. A Few at 75 Cents. NEXT WEEKâ€"CHARLEY'S AUNT STATE BANKof EVANSTON l/Shrub All variettaf of Roses, Frulf and Hardy, Hefaceous PereAnial Gaplefls J0B2V VREEM AH,J^£Hei«r 818No\esStreet p??oN6E : MONTCSSORRlpi JyClementary School Small CK$9i Pj leptioi Elements of edpcatifn^ltained before six whhmit effofrorstrmio. If interested, Ibe teacher will be glad to call and explain the system. Address: Director, Care College School, Kenilworth, 111., Phone Wilmette 024 Satisfaction %vw* 'ery thread l||^f ttons too am^nirimimm Perfect fitting Wear longest Wash best You can't wash out the fit of a Mu using Union Suit. The gar- ments are made to hold their shape. ?5^9^; Munsing Under- wear, because of The exceilenfseF vice it renders, is the most eco- nomical under- wear you can buy. Healthy Comfort and Economy are all combined in the popular priced. Underwear for Women and Children. We believe in Munsing underwear, that's"w son webelieve in it is because we know positively that it is honestly made, well finishe Those who wear it believe in it because they know it rlally nts tlie body, really wea _ feels good to the wearer, because you can "forget you lave got it on." None of the bunchy, distr ing about Munsing. None of the annoyance due to im|erfect mpking, and you get a real fit, e fit&ngjMunsing sellVlyftid theTea- reasonably priced. Sng and well, really "' "jfefiljv you are longer, broader or flatter than ordinary people. It waslpot chanleynuck that caused us^^Te up with the Munsing line. It was a decision reached after a careful |est and iVrest&ation of differeitfKinds of underwear, and the wish to offer our trade only the kind which prored its wortfc*^Ask any Munsing wearer if he or she would wear any other kind, and then get into the great Munsing family of satisfied wearers of the best under- wear at any price. Why experiment with the unknown when the proven best is ready to hand? We have laid in a full line, including your size> at the price you feel able to pay. Girls' Vests and Pants, 50c, 59c, 75c Children's Suits, . 59c, 75c Girls' Suits, 50c, 75c? $1, $1.50 Misses* Suits, . . . $1.25 Women's Corset Covers, 50c Women's Union Suits, in all styles, regular and extra sizes, . 59c, 69c, 75c $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 K Exclusive Agents Ladies*^ Home J \ Journal Patterns Fotiiiaiii Square K vanstoniIII i nois ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m :-MMm^wM^MmMM. Evanston Phone 1024 i: Wilmette Phone 600 No charge for connections 5 EMERSON STREET, I mile west 0 w is dp4ft»wp*iaptâ€"Coine and make personal selection vaniton, Illinois Ifii Phone 997

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