fllJjlf 10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913. it®iii "?li$r .♦♦♦IIIIIIMIIIIIHIIUM; I What People Are Doing I***** in Winmtka IWr. Carl Unrig will spend the win- ter in Chicago. Mrs. Roger Sherman will entertain at a tea next Tuesday afternoon. tyr. and Mrsi Louis J. Hopkins of Sheridan road are In Duluth, Minn, Miss Christine McCordlc of Oak street is visiting friends in Maine. ; Mr. George Hufton ot Providentave-. 1 liue'lias returned from an extensive trip through the Canadian northwest. ' Mr. and Airs. John Karier have : moved to Chicago. Mr. Karier re- cently sold out his business in Wln- mtka. Air. Ernst Von Atamon will take part in the play, "Fancy Free," given in Lake Forest by the Lake Forest players. Miss Ruth Greeley, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lowell -----"C^pelandThas returned to her home in Boston. Mrs. Allen of Mt. Olive, 111., who has been the guest of Mrs. H. A. • Kohlef of Linden street, has returned lo her home. Mr.- and Mrs. A. H. Spiegel and family have moved to their town house on Ellis avenue, Chicago, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Hermon B. Butler has re- turned from a visit in the east. Mrs. Butler attended the Episcopal church convention in New York city. Mr. .William J. Fisher of Chestnut street 1b in Philadelphia with the Chi- (.ago and Philadelphia Grand Opera company. Mr. Fisber is a member of the orchestra, playing first violin. , A*Targe reception was given by Mrs. James G. Weart of Linden street :" last Saturday to introduce her daugh- ter, Miss Dorothy Weart. The affair was one of the largest given this fall. i::•.•!:.- Miss Carrie I. Jewell of Mariette, Ohio, who is a missionary to China : and who is In this country on a leave of absence from her work, is the " jguest of Mrs. E. S. Harold or Elm 'â- < "â- 'â- :'â- street.;'.;::i:;";-..',/':: .{::-â- .,".^;;"::-â- Mrs? Harriet A. Brown, a former resident of Wlnnetka, who has been ?; the guest of Mrs. Elmer B. Adams ,-;;;- last week, has gone to Iowa for a visit 5, before returning to her home in Penn : sylrania The Misses Williams and the Misses ft; ; Plttmans have moved from 460 Wil- |;5 low to the house at 600 Sheridan l|- ft road, formerly occupied by Dr. and ikl-Mrs. Philip S. Doane. f Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, Mrs. Fred- |i§ «tkW Greely and Miss Harriett Hout- l||il«ling are attending the general con- Mlliventlon of the Episcopal Church in ||||New York City-this weekv v M:$M' Mrs, Harry Hyde Barnum of 925 SS*|sBjb street will entertain at bridge SSIIttomorrow in honor of Miss Dofothy |#|l8weart. The affair is given for the fpil^Triends of Miss Weart who served at Ittllyher coming out reception. IP I Mr. and Mm. John Rice Relliy, who || Sl^were married two weeks ago, have re- Sf/ turned from their wedding trip, and ||t ^Walton Place, Chicago. Mrs. Reilly lH was Miss Anna Dunham. tSMI The new Samuel Sewell Greeley $Mf-school is to be dedicated at 2 o'clock. Iff! tomorrow afternoon. An extensive W* program has been arranged and all S S are cordially invited to attend. The III chief .speakers will be Mr. E, 8. Fech- |§f" helmeVand Mr. Samuel Se\veU .Qree- â- i||: ley. ~%%;&&^0^yMDl %'c:^:^::-:' â- SM Injjl^ election oif_cjftss_ officers at ^UnSew Trier Township Hlgji school 1^1 Louise May Greely was elected sec- 11 retaryof the. senior class and Stanley I Clague. Jr.. and Theodore Cox were i v; elected as president and treasurer, re- V:; spectively, of the junior class, â- I; ^ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ware and Miss ? Ware have gone to New York for a ? t visit before returning to their home v in California. Mr. and Mrs, Ware, 5 who were residents of Winnetka up ; to a few years ago, have occupied the I Sanborn home on Oak street this M. Maurice and His Wife Will Show North Shore People the Correct Way to Dance Tango YESTERDAY IDEE »»â- I lllllll*H»*4 :; What People Are Doing: Glencoe "The Road to Yesterday," This Week's Comedy Bill, Is a Good One for Both Young and Old, IS A WHOLESOME PLAY Cast Headed by Harry Minturn and Nelle Redd Do Some Clever Acting and Everyone Appears Pleased. Kvanston playgoers who seek the diversion of a performance of "The Road to Yesterday" at the Evanstou this week will not be disappointed in their expectations and desire for a pleasant afternoon or evening, for the play is distinctly entertaining and the players do good work. The plot is -built around the old Irish superstition that a wish ex- pressed on mid-summer's eve, June 23, may be realized, and the belief in 11^aJi,^ „r. ,, ... ... .„ . the reincarnation through successive "f,f LHWh"? ther? ^ Tw"! m*ke generations and the expiation of a sin Itheir head«uar^s at the Lake Poy- through nine lives of the soul. « Mrs. Laurence Israelson was the guest of Mrs. A. F. Voltz this week. Mrs. Jas. Enright is enjoying a visit from her nephew, Eugene Dee. Miss Kent and Miss Margaret Kent of Montreal are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McArthur. . C. • T. Northup . of Hubbard Woods held an auction sale of lots in Glen- coe Saturday afternoon. MisBes Agnes and Charlotte Cornell will give a Hallowe'en party at their home Friday, October 30, at 3:30 to 5 p. m. Mrs. Win. Moore and Miss Bessie Moore were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Faucett the latter part of the week. The Woman's league of the Glencoe Union church will hold a rummage sale at the village hall Thursday and Friday, October 23 and 24. . Mr. Allbright of Hubbard Woods will entertain the Woman's library club of Glencoe at his studio on Thursday evening, October 30. The Glencoe Men's club-gave a fine entertainment in the Woman's library club last Thursday night. The Illi- nois quartette furnished music and refreshments were served. The Young Woman's guild of the M. E. church will grve a concert at the Woman's Library club Tuesday, Octo- ber 28, the proceeds to be used in the building of the new M. E. church. Judge S. A. Goss left Sunday night for Lake Poygan, where he will join Judge Geo. Kergten for a duck hunt- Classified Business List- GENERAL MERCHANDISE Does It Fit You? If it does, you can make no mistake if yon purchase tUp-home. *, _jm, |lt lajjry toutblcCks tJ^nttestation and is anyjAent to ill jneBJflcesAa will wauit Mynaa a goof jayphfl^pma frontage of The house iKmctivpngwo and out, mild has six rooms oeades tS^h§fh-room and a large hall,-and mF all the-usualmodern con- veniences, r Price is $4,500. Terms reasonable JONAS H. MADSEN Phone 345 Winnetka, 111. GROCERIES Fine fruitsâ€"in and outot^rea- sonâ€"aStays form ajpartof our large stoclNfSptect and Fancy Groceries. Jnffe»<£ 8teel Cut Coffee,1Jar'Good. OSrO. B. WIN North shore society people will have Florence Walton, have been giving an opportunity Saturday to see a dem-' demonstrations in the hotels and onstration of the correct way to dance'clubs of Chicago and vicinity. Mr. the Tango, the Maxixe, the Hesitation Maurice has been retained by the Chi- waltz, the One-step and other versions ( cago Examiner to give these demon- of the latest dances. The demonstro-, stratlons gratuitously, the newspaper tor will be no other than the origina- tor of these weird fads of the slippery floor, M. Maurice. The demonstration v/ill take place Saturday afternoon at the Ouilmette Country club In WU- mitte, and Saturday evening in the ball room of the Moraine hotel at Highland Park. These demonstrations are to be given through the cotirtesy of the, Chicago Examiner. During the week M. Maurice, assist- ed by his wife and dancing partner, management paying him the hand- some stipend of $1,000 per week. Manager F. W. Cushlng of the Mo- raine has sent out several hundred in- vitations for Saturday night, while President Brown of the Ouilmette club expects to have a large number of his membeis present Saturday afternoon. The photograph above shows M. Maurice and his wife in one of the steps of the difficult Maxixe. , ^JJJJLMMMMAAlJJJAVi*• »; -iVTRUeK^BV-An-AtlTOT i What People Are Doing | â-º*♦ inHubbard Woodsâ€" M. A. Healy and family returned last week from Williams Bay, Wis. Louis" B. Kupenheimer and family have g:one east to spend the winter. Mrs. E. Poarch will return next week from an_ex^tjendeAj^sEJj!-I»4fc4te-her hotoe^inr Yauger's aulo~^where Yauger was While dossing Main street at Chi- cago avenue about noon yesterday, Mrs. Ida Anderson, 1123 Hinman ave- nue, was^ struck by an automobile owned arid driven by A. B. Yauger, 2320 Hartzell street. She was Knocked to the pavement and the rear wheel of the auto passed over her right limb just above the-ankle. No bones were broken, but the woman was severely bruised. She was taken ^ 8havlng a Monkey. A coxcomb once said to a barber's boy, "Did you ever shave a monkey?" i"Why, no, sir," replied the boy, "nev- er; but if you will please to sit down, ?I will try." •W Wedding Inexpensive new and novel Birthday and mMemembrafse Gifts ikique ims at ^pp- mm the \fW :r-?ir--~^ ' PICTURES (nk FRAMES nd Cra/w Ware, Mand rettrelry, LtatherMood$< nd Coffer W<£, Book- nd Dtcorafjp Rememl 'ards. -#- y Shop of Its Kind Sin Chicago W0i&% ><tC6 5>ru ana. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Busscher are receiving congratulations over the birth of a son. ' Fred Nelson, from Chesterton, Ind., is a guest. • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Johnson. Fred Berkett of Winnetka was re- cently appointed assistant in the Hub- bard Wood's postoffice. The Camp Fire girls made Up a matinee party Saturday to see "Get- RIcU-Quick Wallingford" at the Evan- ston theater. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Jerrems moved to their winter home in Chicago last week. They have been occupying the I Healy residence this summer. Miss Hazel Jamison and Mr. John McCarthy were married at Sacred j Heart church Wednesday morning. The ceremony was followed by a re- ception at the home of the bride. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Balllnger will leave this week for a trip through Kentucky and Tennessee. They will travel by automobile and will visit Chattanooga and Lookout mountain. Mrs. John W. Gary, who opened her beautiful new home in Hubbard Woods this summer, will remain here until late in November, when she will open her town^house at 1343 North â- State street. Mrs. Gary will spend most of the winter in California. ' a physician was called then arrested by the police on an as- sault charge. It is clahxted by Officer Ruland, with whom Mrs. Anderson was talking, that Yauger failed :o stop when signalled. Mrs. Anderson became confused and dashed in front of the auto. It Is not thought that her condition is serious. DEMPSTER JUNIORS WIN. In a football game Friday after- noon the Dempster Juniors won from the Washington Park Juniors by a score of 48 to 36. An Air of Mystery. There is a delightful air of mystery from the very beginning. The be- wilderment of Elspeth Tyrell (Nelle Redd), an American girl who has been "doing" London, and returns, wondering at a sense of Intimacy with life of the years agone, the Celtic superstition of the Irish, maid (Jessie Royce), and the feeling of unrest which affects the little circle In the studio of the artist, Will Leveson (Edward Ewald), prepares the on- looker for the revelation of the dream of the tired Elspeth, in which she lives through the experiences of her existence three- centuries before. In the tragedies of that incarnation, the explanation of mysterious influences in the present is presented, the dis trust, unexplalnable even to the lady herself, which Elinor Leveson (Billee Leicester) (eels for her lover, Kenelm Paul ton (Jean Clarendon) is shown to be the fulfilment of the prophecy of the witch that through nine lives should live ciillriioru Slraugevoo suf- fer and seek expiation for his sin against Elinor Tylney. There is much more to the tale than can be outlined here. It must be seen to be enjoyed, with all the attendan' charm of the stage setting which has 4>een vcry^appily^trranged.. Pretty Scenes. The tableaux at the end of the first and the third 'acts are particularly to be mentionedâ€"the first presenting the wondering and delighted Elspeth set- ting out upon her journey on the Road to Yesterday, dp*wn onward by the hand of her hero;' the second, the equally anxious search for the "way back to the beautiful present," the "now" in the London studio with trl®a^~andllh7 the cycles of expia- tion done and the essence of love and kindliness replacing the spirit of greed and hatred and fear of the dream. A Wholesome Play. The Road to-Yesterday" may be enjoyed by old and young. It is wholesome and clean, has essential characteristics of an acceptable play In our theater. Next week the stock company will present "Charlie's Aunt." NEWS WANT AD8 BRING RESULTS Monotonous Routine. "A-nytbing new at your boarding house?" "Not a thing, either in grub or gossio:" _ â€"j.------------ man 3t0e.3(ffe 1 i 8 South Michigan Ave. \j:^;~: Phone fUadolph 5017 .||j CLOSING VOTE SCHEDUtJL the Etonston bally ««wsâ€"Lsk« Shore News Grand Automobile Contest. Tf?E EVANSTON DAILY NEWS. Three months' •ub»CTiption.... ...... .| .90...... 700 Votes 8ix months' subscription. ......... $1.75.... ..Vi..--- 2,000Votes One year's subtcripttoirr........ $S.OO.... -----5,000 Votes Two years' subscription. ............ $6.0O... .......15,000 Votes Three years' subscription..;,,:......-. .$9.00.... .. .30,000 Votes THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. ; : 8lx months' subscription........ ......$1.25.......;....... 600 Votes One year's subscription................$2.00..../..,....... 2,500Votes Three years' subscription......^r-,.-^. .$6.0O.-.-,; rr; r.lT".77TTTI 15,000 VotSs* gan Gun club. The federation of clubs of the Tenth Congressional district of Illi- nois held an all-day meeting at the Woman's club In Glencoe Wednesday, October 15. Luncheon was served at 12:30 in the Union church. Addresses were delivered by Mrs. M. L. Purvin, Mrs. F. W. Blocki, Mrs. Jno. Bucking- ham, Mr. S. C. JCingsley, Mrs. Catha- rine Waugh McCulloch and Mr. Hor- ace J. Bridges of London. ^♦♦•♦♦♦•♦«'Sv>: : What People Are Doing in Kenil worth*â€" Quality and not Quantityâ€"the best for the moneyâ€"is ourjrot- to. Our large stock of gpscerles is^^sAnjays select, jjafl Fresh Fruits atTr>.JtegetaWle8 a speci- alty. A. AS DE EN HOTELS THE HOUSE mo ecialty, . CARLTON PROUTY Police lyifrgjjtrate JjUrisdictlin . Jff a JustiMBf \X PBOUTWBUI Telephone Wwnetlu JEWELERS AUGUST RODEMK Successor to* Rodellu. A 1^ Expejt Wat Rejmring ajn clocks ence with houses, 'hone 2632. A cTOpttohi" ^d watea« ear>' «per|. wu plueaio 827 Davis Street MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Made^ciotnet t» Order. Packard Shjgs for^a? Sorosls \hoes taTLadir- -m Children. ACensHmenta Fonasi ing Goods. H A AYES PLUMBING ert plumiin/, BeBung tad chas. ^wjMllace Phone 270 #625 Qrrlagtoa An. PRINTING Printing of All Kind DoneV Promptly Satisfactorily BOWMA TelenJkwnes 585 and LAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS^ 83 NOTE |IN8J*)E PLAYER Installed Call and s Our prices PATTE Tel. Evaruton 654 t pisaot. 1522 Sherman Ate, • that Peaco ING WINNETKA Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ball are among the new residents of Kenllworth. They are occupying the new residence at Woodstock avenue and Essex road. Friends of Mrs. V. C. Sanborn will be pleased to learn that she is again at home after a three week's stay in the Evanston* hospital. She is im proved in health, Rev. Charles Horswell, pastor of the Kenllworth Union church, will talk upon Winston Churchill's novel, "The Inside of the Cup," next Sunday morn- Jnav------â€"-------â€"------~â€"â€"-------- Members of the Literary committee of the Neighbors club were enter- tained in the hone of Mrs. Sidney Corning Eastman in Melrose avenue Thursday afternoon. Several members of the Ladies' Guild of the Church of the Holy Com- forter were entertained in the home of Mrs. James C. Murray, in Curanor ioad Monday afternoon. Workmen are rapidly placing the new curbing iir th^ princrpal^streets of the village, and hope to have all of the work done before freezing weather sets In. The curb Is of concrete with drains placed every one hundred feet. R. L. G Contra Repairing ine Winnetka 42f Shop: 909 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods, Illinois \f WE ARE MAKING Ladies'Tailo Suits for/$30 Best Matafal and Wor! 118 NORTH STAT* STREET Opposite Field* Phone Central 8IS CHICAGO 8earch That Never Ends. Ignorance may find a truth on Its doorstep that erudition vainly seeks In the si ' Mushrooms 'body can make%iOOOt^fhi.OO weekly, growingJUmhroom^ncellars, sheds,stables,jk^ BookJfifree. Visi- tors welcome fTthi hrnT'an-ftime. North Shjtfjjmushr^jsrTarm, Tel. winnetka 377 Hubbard Woods, 111. 804 MAS^RTC TOVIPLE CHICAGO HENRY I FLORIST, William R. Wilson Alterations, Shingling, Hardwood Floors, and Storm Sash. PHou1 Ken fl wortfiTl**" y C. A. FQ DBA fancy firoccrics, Hie Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 hardware bbard Woods, III. ^WJ0i. EDWARDS Ij/uNTER and DECO ^NTERspR Est . O. Box*R| HubbVd Woods . Phone «len ABANDONED HI8 WIFE. Phillip Livingston, 707 Oaktori street, Evanston, was arrested In Chi- cago Saturday on a charge of wife abandonment, it Is stated he has not been contributing to the support of his family for several months and the otBcials/bave kept up a futile search for hhjf during that time. rzm fficlals/b >r hi/ <3 Wo John A. Odh Upholstering frd ACaJ»i%t Making M, Antique St. Hubbard Wood* |li|5 VOTING BLATSIKf-::s;§S'i; :$^;0^Tfte Evanston Dally News^The Lake Shore News ; Graod 20 Prize AUTOMOBILE CONTEi5*f h'«^; o Votes o â- m When cut out neatly and mailed or sent to The Newa office this coupon lg0M will count as FTve votes .for .the, name .- ^written, thereon^;-^:^.^.-;-;:; ^NASt:---------------.â€";â€"'.....;..„.........;.„.....,..,.. w .a.^j--------$r«wm^^&***> %Dimm- THIS coui*on must be voted by sa,tu6day^octs_25^ PRES^NG REPAIRING Plionyfianetka 278. Maynard Bldg. HH. E.ODHNER MerctefftT Ladies' aad4ents^feitsjpade topraer 1046-48 Gapre St^IJ/*rd Wdbds, 111 All &jndvtllsfMcyV4atBSaTOg Jwepttoiw Winmtka 278 C. JT. NORTHROP and iTE^rTfNG Gage St., fftfoliarsTWoocIs A Pleasure to Show the Property k/Wdnted to Buyg A GAS RANCrf'wWHOOD Qall 430 Wrnnetl&af a^ress :'.'â- • Hussard Wood* lien's A Specialty fine garments ti fact that we do We do the rvo We have so skill in u may nape lly well t here in 622 Davis St (Evanston 1730 ifWilmette 1475 Ide a riptj^nion [ing women s \rlooked the men's cloth Phones: nston; y ^ -1HE- mold Massage Vibrator WdT$25, is now $15 METROPOLITAN ELECTRICAL SOPPLYC0. Everything Electrical ,,5^ 180W. LakeSt., â€"mSulj CHICAGO ;ph«»aa4MS-M-«*«'n &ws M' i^;^^B^^^*!i«rti^^i^