Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1913, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY Cm Cam S^k Aw* PUBLISHED EVBRY THURSDAY ---------------,-----------â€" BV ------;-------------"â€"â€"â€" THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO., 526 Dsvls 8tn«t, tvsnston. children come Into the home, that the mother fulfil her duty to loeloty rather than devote her energy to the finan- cial support of her family, the nat- ural prerogative of her huiband. It lit to b«? hoped that the publicity given the cmo of Mrs. Pkixotto will PUBLIC SERVICE MEN ABROAD WELL TRAINED irontlntied from Page 1.) font experience soimhow seem* to have borne In upon them the nwcea- thoroughly. «-*â- *«* ""»"'â- â€¢*"«......â€"» *• atte°,pt SSU5 E5LXSS*** t,„. « vibert H. Bowman Ilertha It. Bowman. Associate Editor t0 conl(nU(. tnnhlng, after having as lumen l.i-otiard ... • tJlty Editor | HUMSCUIPTION l'lUCK, $2 A YBA'li ! sunx'd niony. the All uittUm lor publication m auy .<*««*.;«, I.8»ue 'should, reuch our oIHok | â- not Jan-r limn noun-on- Mooda*.' * j tlttulu toward the public servico lm- rtHponHlbllltk'i of matrl-. prcaaed mo more than any oth«r one ! thing In 'the aocla.l aervlcc Add, be- : rauHo It Im bo fundamental, so fiir- â- '•'..' & * rrachlng In Kh b'arlng*. It has to do //<• yqvjlAYU TKAUH, PREPARE wl|h ttJe regulation and .enforcement TO sill,!) TUKSt NOW." or/transportation., street cleaning, f«tr: ' , ."huge collection and disposal; housing. •The-bloveh hoof is ever a sad at- „Hl.k admlnlstrat-lnn,\-m"l),k; and wa(er â- â- â-  .^.;:: :...â- â- ,â- .'.-------:-----------^_â€"..; lr)ljUtl, l0 ,,„Kiiig perfection, a spec-' supply, health work, the care. Of dill- "is-L-^^w-^j^. w.....„ „ ,„,„ „ t.P,M0 t>„ ^râ„¢;^ 'sr ":; â- ih, l'Jll.Hi the postolllce-at Mansion. Mliuois-. uiuH:r tlie Act of March 3, ii...__ t» u *â- . titiiurm uurnrmn which -•â€"•'â-  Militant Suffragettes, bus come to sincere and ldwillstlc pro-; »We foun,j aji England In terror of Knaalvra.....the revelation of an ante- the militant, suffragettes Galleries uud iiHiseuma were closed and-the election pledge from Aurmrii 11. Shay, (,,own j(.w,,|H jlnd a special guard. Just progressive candidate for the Su- ut this very time came the word tliut ranks of worshippers of the image. nr„ „f the citizen every hour of the Hence It Ih a painful surprise which day. THriiBDAY. OCTOUKK 16, l&ia. run hhvoxh lesson. the school at or before the comple- same line In the city of hot Angeles, tlon of the eigbthrfrade. Thousands "In spite of Its enormous slae and or of children ln-t#country need this Its Intense problem In the white guidance and help, imd our education- chapel district, London has Just al authorities need the reaction that'achieved the position of being the will come from an Ultimate knowledge | healthiest large city In the world. In of the world to which the children go London ninety babies out of one thou- on leaving: the school and to what ex- hand die before they are one year old, tint tho schools have prepared them'lii Berlin 142. In Chicago 117. Ja our for it, | country at large the number pe% thou- "Tho housing question Is receiving mind Is 165. . much attention all over Europe. The j "In a recent address, John BurnB most notable example that came to »tated that they had decreased the In- my'notice was in the city of Liver-(font death rate thirty per cent in six pool, where the authorities Have gone year a. and he says that In three years into tho worst sections of the city. I Hiey ought to have a maximum gen- have destroyed -whole slum areas and oral infant mortality of one hundred rt placed them with municipally owned out of a thousand, with seventy-flve U -nement*. These build ings are most per eent of their areas ranging be- r»dnilral)ly and •«uhHt»iulalHy built,,and r^een eighty and ninety, they are' attractive-,' light and airy, j "Mr. Burns stated that the annual They range from two to five rooms, I consumption of milk in laborers' fam- iind run from about four to seven and Hies is five gallons per head; in the Hght dollar* a month. In front are fumllles of artisans twelve gallons; playgrounds, band Btunda and recr'ea- the lower middle classes twenty-five tlon places. The contrast between Uullons, middle classes thirty-nine gai- these and the dark alleys and noisome Ions, the upper classes thirty-one gal- places of the~oi'd buildings Is simply [ions; and he calls upon employers, la- thrilling, Mr. Turtmi, the assistant ( borers, surveyors, doctors, counsellors, purveyor, who hus this work in uud members of parliament and social The disaster to Die steamship Vol . ut orif*,â„¢* to ,hl, l>n mo Ixndi In. the Fifth district turno bears terrible witness to tnc ' difficulty with which the public learns a lesson, even one taught wlthall the dreadful reality of thcTUanic disaster. After the. catastrophe-in tho ice reg- ions, there be but one point upon which, the traveling public was Inclined to IiihIsCu Hiifnelt-nt number of life boats to accommodate the pus- Bc-ngers. Whether or not there are faci- lities for launching the bouts which Illinois had admitted to the franchise the women of the state from whom There can be, but little doubt in the ttt least many of us expect will In- , . „ , . ,„ ».,>!,«. rw>r«rt creasingly come this very demand ami mlndofanyhonestman, beheDemq: flMm<)at^n ^^ w|J| ^ m ^ erat, Kcpubllcan or I'rogreaslre, of the i<fvkI of government, the kind of pub- moral standards of a wouldbo judge lie servant we need "The thorough and painstaking way who pledge* himself to rondel* a pre- j,, w|,j(.n the various Investigation uml scribed decision before he has heard matters of public Interi-at are treuteil . I» noticeable, especially In England the evidence. And that i» what Mr. ()t)(| (if ,.,„„„ v_ T|t<v <((, ,10l Htilve to Kiiay Ih accused of doing, condemned be brilliant or.witty or striking. They by some, commended anil supported by others DKLKBKO o/nc J ho is. Si We wish to annojfnce new grinding an J honing safety tazor bladiS, scissors Phone 1577 621 Davit we have jt machin^lsttii kfa^ azon,; PAID ON SAVINGS cumber the decks doesn't matier. Tho Kr (III til aStUHII merits the attention and Interest ot and these others lire, nlas, t|io«e ermci-rued. 'and set ubotit gatli- ering and selling forth the fact*.- m< tubers of his own political party. charge, told me that typhoid, tubercu- losis ami infant deaths had reduced by about fifty per cent, and that ar- rests for various crjinrs and misde- meanors had been likewlBo reduced by hah'. "As in'our own country, there is u Kreat multiplicity of private charities. This seems to be notably true in Lon- don. I found many people making efforts to promote cooperation and to £et these multitudinous charities te> •work togethe»r. Tin y do not seem to have succeeded any bitter there than vc haye In this country, and, indeed, that the subject Itself 1 do not believe there-la any such <>T- frctivo work In clearing house meth- ods us tliero Ih In Boston,-Chicago and Cleveland, The^ have u g:reat. many "Birth registration .Is fundamental titled people, Dukes, sa tne 111 d 1 ffe re n co e x1 st.» manning.of these '-boats and the abil- ity of tlie crew, in many cases com- posed of men who aro no more cor- rect ly to bo called seamen than walt- ort{ and bellboys in any hotel or res- taurant deserve that name. There is, in every case, a most astonishing <gul- lability apparent. With boats before his eyes, the passenger who entrusts his life to the steamship company makes no inquiries about their use. lie is content to be fooled, If there were half the insistence upon provision to avoid accident, if proper flre-flghting apparatus were de- manded, for Instance, there would be concerning the 'Jlla' •,1"" l,l,:dge happens to concern wlth them. They regard it. us essen- the validity of th,- Equal Suffrage act, Hal to the national bookkeeping, and their workers do not undi rstiiml now does not change the complexion, of j, lH p0HH||,|,. f,sr uny country to get. Mr. Hiiay'h idea, of equity in judicial on without, this elemental Hem, It Ih Hie very basis of their statistical work, IHUttelB. 'Disillusionment Is a palnrul process. That the Progressive party Is being eompellul to undergo in the period ot Its extr'ine youth such bitter experi-. etice Is Hud, Indeed. Sad. but to be and It. enables them to "guide thorn- Helves In the welfare work for babies, for the prevention of blindness, for properâ- care and regulations concern- ing employment, education, etc., for tho. children. j "One of the 'notable development., in England Is the labor exchange. expecti d, for men arc but men, human TIkso are taken up by the govern- , ' ... ,,.,-, .... ,.,, «„„•. merit, on a broad and comprehensive beings with all the frailties of the flesh ^ Th<.y ^^ <|u)H <m t|j(, (>on. even though they are assembled under dltlon of Industry, and are able to the banner of righteousness and"havoi««"i'»-lliute labor to the points where !H is needed, performing a great, serv- stood at Armageddon.. HARD. ON HABY. The maternal Instinct is no longer j ice to those who are in need of em- ployment, as well as to those who, are seeking it. - Employment of Juveniles. â- HU. UMitart »< noodle, «.« Ul.{ „ „„ „„„„ „,»» io ted, the youns ' ,J™™,â„¢ ££ Z^Zt* boats, which It is always difficult and, niother thc proper way to handle her that of the children's Held. Advisory in case of storm impossible, to lower t| baby§ science has invaded even '"""""»"'H for Juv.nllo employment i i work In connection with labor ex- to the sea without grave peril to the tiiut rcaim atui white capped, stiflly; changes. Thv.y are made up of'inter- persons contained'In then, starched nurses aro soon to invade! ested citizens, and this service ufl'ords >._ _.. , , „„ . in ,.„. ^ one of the most interesting and help- Prom the" Titanic, wo learned to dp-|ChicaR0 pubilc Bchools to Instruct the ful ,)1(%(.(m of ^oelul work Umt can be mand life boats. Prom tho Volturno j)ulc gjrj8 in tnf, art ot caring for' performed. They have found that we may learn to inquire Into the lire- baby [^^^ 'TZ'Tlrtr^na ' ,uuv). ! fourteen years of age or earlier, and fighting equipment. In time, the pub-| ivrhaps' you think thc new course j that large numbers of thorn pass with- N. m*U UMkt .c..o„.Mough m,ls „ „„ . K,,ou. ,ort ot doll ^â- \Z!SytJZZ, I',"'!, Sh:«r„f" that school of experienco which de- Not B0, Tiny bits of live humanity are; imhtstry. They are faced with a va mands human life In tho *ayo^uj1_11LjuU4M^^ -^-1--------------;-----â€"â- â€"""I 7^ , ZL t ... ... , ... .J ! though Immediately lucrative, are not Tnslst upon the removal of u« mothers. The babies will doubtless f^onefjcla,( a^ Bomt, aro permanently protest, but probably without mucli ' detrimental to both character and danger which results from the care lessncss of the ship's officials or the;elTe,'t greed of the steamship companies. If they crjuld express their ' physique. Such children often drift view of the new course, they would from one Job to another In rapid suc- cession, making their entrance into â-  industry a demoralizing experience. "When one realizes how much it means for a boy or a girl to take this j step, and how much attention is given i to It by the fathers and mothers who , , â-  - . , i are well circumstanced and how vital it requires a measure of optimism - h t,„nk „ ,B that thc boy and glrl not. often seen to predict the carrying >houW bo g,vcn a propcr gtart( one 1b re-(of a cnoatltutlonal amendment pro- mn n,a„zo whftt jt wjn mean t0 thou. Ividlng for universal suffrage at tb« | Bantl8 of boy8 aod girls going out, with next session of Congress, even suppos ( , fourth, fifth or sixth grade ed- C. ing the women are able to "keep at ; "These committees have a secretary whose business It is to .acquaint him ....,,,,, , , . or herself with the child's standing a child, was permanently dismissed privileges that they enjoy today >y , am, condltlon on tho one hand, with â- fm«, ti,« .nr»* nt t^h.r* . few dava'l â-  °, BAT ° ^T^ "?'"' f L' I h«» family surroundings, and with the flf«w dava , d th, „|a be „,, exceptlon to ttte, |n(|UHt>y5nlo whk!h he proposes to go rule. They have, at. least, one strong • - - - •â-  -• lever. perhaps suggest that the little girls Then, and only then, will there be an | wait a bit and learn the care of Imby end to occasion for anxiety concern-! ^ experience with their own oiT- ' spring. Ing those "in peril on the sea." i .__ ij* -^ ^ j*' ?!f M te \ IP THIIY "Kh'kP.AT IT." THE CAHK OF MRS. PElXOTTO The New York school board ceiving much adverse criticism for attitude in the case-of Mrs. Dbidgkt « '.â€" '.«.' _^-j Iâ€"» 1..II â- !•," which Mrs. Oii.ho> Oahdmcr con- Pkjxotto, who, suspended ast April „...,, hi*-__-. slders the one essential to success, because of absence from school to bear Women have obtained most of the from the corps of teachers a few days ago. There are many angles from which the matter may be viewed. The most popular among the newspapers, possi- bly because It is the most sensational, prcBentB the action of the school hoard an a blow at motherhood, setting a penalty upon the bearing of children, depriving a woman of her natural right of maternity, and much of the same sort. Not a word is said of the little child at home, which would be left in the care of bands less capable than the mother's, of the home de- prived of its natural head, of the chil ., . , on the other. In this way they are Were a Democratic president betUjr guJt thc cnlIat0 the able to secure for the women of the land this coveted boon, he would have every reason to expect a return of the bread of his influence cast upon the water of politics, in the guise of women's votes to return him to office for a second term. Congress may be meditating on that phase of the matter now and Mrs. OAimNKB's propecy to the Olencoe Equal Suffrage association may he realized. * *K * Residents of all north shore towns will do well to heed the warnings is- sued from the several health depart- ments concerning precautions against epidemic from the use of lake water as it comes from the faucet. Analysis Ore. .r m Woo, M. «u rece.,, ^L^^^S,^ comes from Lake Michigan. There Is inconvenience connected with tho sterilization of drinking water, of course, but when one compares the expenditure of effort and time requi- site for boiling all water used for drinking purposes' with that which at- tends a case of serious illness, there is no question of the relative cost, And In the condition which now exists In the lake water, a chance of infec- tion Is taken: with every drink of wa- ter which is untreated or unboiled, The wise will not take that chance. -from their- teacher only a part o Interest which should be theirs. In our opinion, the school board of New York has acted wisely. It has worked for the best interests of the school, it has ensured the child of the dismissed teacher the care and atten- tion of its mother. Far from placing a penalty upon maternity, it has made It possible and natoral that, xther task which he is to perform. There are all kinds of possibilities iu the work. They get into touch with the physician or welfare department, or with the employer or manager; they learn the nature of the industry, and they help adjust tho burden to the ten- der shoulders which are to bear it. "In London and Berlin I saw these officers at work. The child with bis parent or parents would come In and alt down and talk it all over with the agent who had the work in charge. In the last year in Berlin, from one office, they had apprenticed over 2,000 children to skilled trades. This Is something that has passed from us in this country, but it seemed to be work- ing well there. ________Vocational Guidance. Lords and fondles, and Duchesses, one prime workers to Bee that by hook or crook more gallons of milk per annum are brought to the laborer's wife and child. Ho further stated what Is well known In thiB country- that where the wages are low, infant mortality is high. "On the recreational side, ft seems tome that the people of Kurope know how to play together much better than wodo in this country, and in many re- spects they are more democratic In their amusements. Cheap Car^Fare. "They have given much attention to tract ion. The laborer can ride to jhkI from his work at about otic cent per ride. This is a big factor in re- ducing congestion. It is also enabling the people to get tile children to bet- ter sites for schools. Glasgow is abour A TRUST COMPANY A» BANKING KNOjM&rcf nawnuate conceDt MANY people i the value o, fve a very inadequate conception of 'a checking account. We shallcflsj sider it a privilege t^have an 6WortunU^||SjsJ^(J| the numerous aafanpgjs of an accou«(S»|rthiB kind and the Bimplicl^JgjfSregularly making deposits anil drawing checks to c\»ver expenditures of every descrlu. ticn. " ::-mw- fcnvi Y :MM STATE BAN Kof EVANSTON (unction of these people noms to be u. Mtabllsh a school center apart from the city where they can have nature a<! uti aid. The Shooters Hill Open In head some kind of charity Co-operative Charities. "In Berlin there is a charities en- dorsement work carried on by the as- sociated charities. They art? beginning iv cooperative work in this lino with tho large commercial organizations but there \t nothing approaching the Important andL_efflciem Chicago Association of Commerce, the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, or oi what h about, to bo done in the Air school or the one at Chariot tern burglt have afforded examples of what ileitis and forests and streams can do to promote health and enlist children's interest." OuchL r'Do you believe that poets are born, not made?" "Sure. Who'd be so crazy as to make a poet?" M0NT£SSORRI Elementary Schocl indergarten Closes Personal Oleint*nt/afislfflucw<iif attained before mlw\1moutMrf<>Jl t>r strain. Jfi n te rehteXth t# eu#) er, yy U! btL ngTSa to caiTmadlyfyflm^the system. Address: Director, Care College School, Kenilwortli, 111 , Phone Wilmette 624 Pere/nlaiJiM *- JOJUF?REEMAN, Proprltt>t Noyes Street r/JH im\ 27th^Anniversary Sale 59l "One of the largest fields for service in this country, it seems to me, is along the line of vocational guidance. More than fifty per cent of the children in our country are finally separated from We offer the following 27 Soitveiik Bargainsâ€"one for each year, k 1886 was laid the foundation of thh store with square dealing, honest values in dependable merchandm and the securing of public confidence, rowth proves the high hich this store is held imulate us in ourettorh make our store more helpful with passing year. CLEARANCE OF WASH DRESSES, worth to $5. Women's $1,50 Silk Hose.. V.....19e Wash Dresses....... .. \......7l)Ci 5-inch Messaline Ribbon, yd..\..-..1? Linen Fabric "Writing P^per, Ip., - 19c Silk Dress Shields, pair........V..l()c Lace and Net Ruchings, yd..... 7â€"2-5C Jap Rose Toilet Soap.............. (>c Women's $1.50 Muslin Gowns... 85c 15c Long Cloth, 10 yds........ .^...$1.20 Stamped Embroidery Linen at...... % $3.50 plaid Blankets for.... ...... .§2.49 Hand Emb. Handkerchiefs.........25c Bath Towels, 45x22 in...............19c? ......,...,$1.49 Men's Pari^^arters___ . ...15c 59c Vanity Cases................... 29c Women's $1 Union Suits...... .... 75'C Wool Crepe Dress Goods, yd... Pride Laundry Soap, 10 for..... Dressed Dolls............:...... Table Tumblers, doz.......... Toilet Paper, rolls,10 for.. Toile du Norde Gingham, yd. Fine Laces.............,..'!.at Half Price Children's Flannel Sleepers.. ... ..35c 89c 25c 19c 39c 39c IOc Muslin Curtains, pair ... Children's Books, soiled 39c 15c Exclusive Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns William Fountain Square 5. Lord Evanston, Illinois Evanston Phone 1024 Wilmette Phone 000 No charge for connections POR WS NURSERIE EMERSCmfTl Now is the tins^o^pj/ntâ€"Go! vanston, I/lin< !f,i mile west of canal id make personal selection Phone 99?

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