imm 44 i 11 M"W***»« i ' â- »♦*♦♦♦; Wat People Are Doing; in Highland Park Mr and Mrs. John Erbe are occupy .their new home, in Wilmette. Miss Mary Blossom of Rochester, y is the guest of Miss Cecil Vail. Mrs E.W. Spencer and her daugh- ,1 returned last week from Europe. P [Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Glass are leaving l6 week for an extended visit, in the r"! benefit card party was held at St. Gary's Catholic church Friday even- jlr. and Mrs. Thos. Dignau and Mrs. Welch have returned from Eu- The "Mystic Workers" held an in- „.nlal dance at Ravinia Park Casino ist evening. jlr. John Oliver and Mr. E. S. Gail [ft Saturday for a week's fishing trip „ Wisconsin. Mrs. W. J. Louderback left Wednes- |ay for a two weeks' visit in Old [ichigan, Mich. Mr. arid Mrs. Royal C. Vilas will jpen their town house at 839 Buena tvenue November 1. The Highland Park club will give jts opening reception and dance Satur- jay evening, October 23. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Marjorie Ayelworth Mihills to Mr. Ueo. Washington Rossetter on Oc- Etober 25. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Loudon enter-1 gained informally at dinner- Friday evening. Mr. Richard Purcell and Mr. Dodd of Denver, and Mr. Merle latliburn of -Springfield, 111., were their guests. Mrs. C. M. Greene, an old resident jf Highland Park, died at her resi jence Wednesday, October 8. The fun |«ral was neld at the home Saturday afternoon, October 11. Temporary Iburlal was at Montrose cemetery. Lat- ter the bodies of both Mr. and Mrs. fCreene will be taken to the family [burying ground in Rome, N. Y. VBE £ake shore news. Thursday, October is. 1913. *^S#^^W^^:^-'""" *WF ^^â- flPWfP*WB :r;:;i;.jiiilt'liliij THE NEWS'GALLERY OF BE A UTIFUh LAKE SHORE HOMES â- |l|gj '^'â- â- â- r,'-Q S;f;:;;"|fl:J mm nil IHI3"- ' "â- ('W P^H,: ';j/^:f<'T: 1 â- â- •• ^."W'*" * :'"\:M ;|Sp| "y ';;"; ' ^B V,, â- â- vVfi1.^*"^ HI tjM.i-r ':BB1 Pfl -Courtesy of the Hook of ttie North Shore. Residence of Frederick Morgan Steele, 581 Sheridan Road, Highland Park. GAMP GOOD WILL IN SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING MOTOR GOP INJURED; SPEEDERS SPEED [Sergeant Pestka Is Thrown From His Machine and Motorists Gain Advantage. Automobile speeders in Evanston will enjoy one and possibly more days of freedom from the watchful eye of the motorcycle policeman, following an accident Sunday to Sergt. George Pestka, when he was thrown from the police motorcycle and slightly In jnred, Pestka was riding in West Railroad avenue, north of Foster street, when the machine skidded on a wet pavement and he was thrown to the pavement. He suffered a badly sprained left wrist and bruises' about the left knee, which probably will keep him from motorcycle duty for a day or so. Oct, 28 Is Date Chosen and the Meeting Will Be Held in Central Y. M. C. A, LAKE FOREST TO HAVE ^ftOTO FIRE TROCIt In (lie regular meeting of the vil- lage board of Lake Forest Monday night the trustees. voted to purchase a $3,500 automobile fire truck. The villagers have been considering In- stalling the up-to-date apparatus for some time, and after receiving bids from various auto concerns, voted to purchase a White machine. It will be delivered the last of. next month. The semiannual meeting of the Camp Good Will association will be held in the Evanston Y. M. C. A. rooms Friday, Oct. 28, at 8 o'clock. Re- ports of the work*conducted this sum- mer will be read and other important business matters transacted. The date of the semiannual meeting has been changed from February 4 to October 28, and it is hoped that a good repre- sentation of the various churches, who support the camp will attend the ses- sion. In addition to the various reports which will be read by the workers in the charitable movement, a general discussion as to ways and means of improving the camp will be held. Added facilities were prominent in the equipment of the camp this summer and it is. the intention of the social workers to improve further the out- door colony for the city's poor. *>» While no financial statement has yet been made public by C. N. Ste- vens, treasurer, it is thought that a detailed account of the expenditures and receipts of the camp will be given in the fneeting. More'persons were accommodated at the camp this year than in any other period in the history of the associa- tion^â€"Naturallyâ€"theâ€"expenses--nave: been "much heavier while $e dona- tions from a monetary standpoint have not been sufficient to create a large balance in the fresh air fund. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCU- LATION, ETC., of The Lake Shore News, published weekly at Evanston, 111., required by the Act of August 24, 1912. Editor, James i>eonard Lee, C2J Clark street, Evanston. Managing Editor, Albert H. Bow- man, 1402 Chicago avenue, Evanston. Business Manager, Albert H. Bow- man, 1402 Chicago avenue, Evanston. Publisher. The Bowman Publishing Company, 526 Davis street, Evanston. Owners: A. H. Bowman, 1402 Chi- cago avenue, Evanston; Arthur Rob- erts, 2302 Harrison street. Evanston; James C. Woodley, St. Louis, Mo.; F A. Davidson, 1113 Foster street, Ev- anston. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: J. A. Patten, Ridge avenue and Lake street, Evanston, 111.; C. G. Dawes. Sheridan road and (Jreenwood boule- vard, Evanston, 111., H. H. C. Miller Estate, 1707 Hinman avenue, Evans- ton, 111.; G. P. Bowman, Grayville, 111.; F. G. Meagher, First National Bank building, Chicago, III.;- Central Trust Company, 125 West Monroe street. Chicago, 111.; Bermingham & Seaman, Tribune building, Chicago, 111.; Barton Hobart Paper Company, C08 South Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. p A. DAVIDSON. Sworn to and subscribed before m? this 14th day of October, 1913. F. L. JACKSON. Notary Public. (.My commission expires Aug. 10. 1914.) HARVEST HOME DINNER. I Members of tho (jlonviow Golf olub j I What People Aro Doing | in Lake Forest *â€"* Mr. »nd Mrs. C. J. Lambert visited friends in Kenosha last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Brown returned last week from Europe. A. E. Scheppers made a business trip through Wisconsin last week. Mr. C. M. Sutherland has returned from a year in Winnipeg, Canada. Mrs, A. Eggenah left last week for an indefinite stay in New York city. E. A, Blake was the guest of friends in Lake Forest the first of this week. Lake Forest council No. 1208 held its annual Columbus day bull Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Volney Poster re- turned lust week from a Canadian trip. Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Meeker will give a Thanksgiving ball at the Black- stone hotel. James Mttchel of Lake Forest is re- modeling his residence on Westmins- ter avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gary have re- moved to their Chicago residence, 130S Astor street. Mrs. A. Watson and children have returned from a month's ntay in Mag- nolia. .Mass. Mrs. (ieorsfe Kflfey"IrwtlertaiiiliiK her brother and his daughter of Camp- bellsport, Wis. ---------- , James Peter De Vine and his family were guests of Mrs. B. A. Horran the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson Armour opened their winter home In Chicago at 2120 Prairie avenue last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGann will open their town residence, 1.20 Pear- son street, the latter part of this Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMullin, after a pleasant summer at Onwentsia club are taking up their residence at the Blackstone for the winter. Mrs. Charles Holt and daughter. Miss Isabel Holt, have returned from the east and are opening their town home, 383G Prairie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rausm of Bitter Root Valley, Mont., will arrive the latter part of the week, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lambert. Robert Russel, an old resident of Lake Forest, died Sunday at his resi- dence on Western avenue. Mr. Rus- sel is the father of the present county surveyor. Mrs. George A. McKtnlock of Brown Gable's, Lake Forest, will spend the winter at the Blackstone. She will remain in Lake Forest until the 1st of November. Lake Forest and Kenosha ramblers played at Kenosha Sunday afternoon. Lake Forest losing by a score of 2 to 1. Next Sunday they will play at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Croft, Miss Gertrude Blomenhaus and Miss Lillian Smith motored to Elgin the latter part of the week, when they were guests of Miss Smith's parents. A large class of candidates and several members of Council 1268. Knights of Columbus, attended tho de- gree work and banquet given by Wau- kegan council Sunday afternoon, Oct. 12. AGED RESIDENT DIES. John Snyder, one of the oldest resi- dents of Highland Park, died in the family home Sunday. He was 8G year* old. Death was caused by cancer. Fu- neral services were conducted in the home Tuesday afternoon. ______________ enjoyed the annual harvest home din- ner and dance at the club Saturday evening. More thaii 500 persons at- tended the function. The club rooms were tastefully decorated with au- tumn decorations, including pump- kins, sheaves of wheat, golden rod, chrysanthemums, etc. Ha* Temperament. When a girl is intense that means her mother needn't expect much help with the housework. mouth: Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham will move rrom the Hotel Moraine to-their new home In Winnetka the latter part of the month. Miss Anna Morgan has close,d her summer home, Eastgate cottage, Ra- vinia, and opened her town home at 3312 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brewster have returned from Europe and are stop- ping at the home of Mrs. Edward BrewBter in Lake Forest. Just What It la, After extended investigation we have reached the conclusion that rip- pling laughter is the giggling of the Idresa Mitt 1735 Chicago AveW Eval Telephone 1384 OR SALE h^Bbm rnodern^affle, iiyLdesirible loWnon, four b«bifrom jafatfcn. etst of The railroad, fwnerjgoinfW Jtâ€"must sacrifice. g^ufc, wvSnero Tel. Wlnnelka 430 Hubbard Woods, III. i^ertRi\ntunes ISmo Cmfcr and Malrer 1117 Mfjs^t., fvjpiton TafaphonwMsmMton MSJRT and 44» Official Tuner for NortttfMstern School of Mu«te. M. EILEEN LONG Bramattc art Vocal Culture 8l*0e JDanctitQ tzes QfM&tttt tp. rtr. Opvn Day *ad Krcalng P««tr«rs Ruil4lag, Sulfa 1301. 37 S Wibuh Avi. iAtr. Monro* St., Chicago Pltona Central 34X2 Sherwood Music School Pounded by Wm. H. 712 Fine Arts, GEORGIA Highe Piao^nfrgan. HarpionjgPCouater Pointfaprnpoaition, VdWI Viplin, PublioSchool Music, Musical His- tory, School of Expression. / For catalogue address JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue ISr lettagftt Star taach* u in Eranaton Hospital, MASSAC* # CHMkOtODY KKIN Late of Om't Hospital. atLKCTaftC LIOM^BATH tar MmpiHw, Hwlh: «s t>m>i> that, lit. A4VAUPHD MASaaunSBMT TO BcarosNca t»!4 IHCRMAN AVENVJ1V Wetland Bid*.. Sulta 303 MSM C. A. THORSE Teat ati Livery ai BuildiC Af YEARS 0t tuHttwud *atAr«««, •twn* (Ma* ^' tht b*u wala«« tar tht taut M«a»y. *s» ptmptmt m to at* yoa »• ntafta yaar CtoUtmtm i7EdwaiVlQ^M%gB nsmonda.WatAj£niAJb«wtlry 132 No. mtfit., (tytgo;;«igp r MG# AasMrt*" i^M4'$ Slid lor 0M a/ aar ' North Shore Trust Company STMT w coun STATE BANK CAPITAL. $100,000 akea loans on improved North Shore Rogers Park to Highland Park, county, fl Issues Certifica4e^<Bf Deposit f< in denominX«jj>ns cf tloo and four percerniuteugt. 1 Offers fur tattRmjnt first mortgaaeajlaHniproved real estate, netting tbeJbvestor five atfafone-half percent, inllill . sums of $5ooaM|jhpward. Send for list,' . ^mmtms$&M. ..GpFICERS AND DUIE0T0R8 '^W;â€" >^&^^ J. Fred McOai re. President Charles A. Wightntan, VtoePrwiaent Ira J. (Jeer, Connâ€"I R. Q. Keller Arthur W, Vereoe. Caahier Banking Rooms Central Avmue and Sheridan Road MgMaad Park, Mnola ARTHUR W. VERVOR Caahtar .-. ;igl Teteahoae CalwmeC 434 Auto Pfcoae 43-J7I Chicago Coach and Carriage Company unicag LlCHICAN I Manufac< BODIES ^iNDT .IWfcRAL^q&PAIRWC ANbTHlNIIWC North Shore Branch, 918 Sheridan R4. prom GreceJaad *a* M O R R I FL1 ilsta-clau line of new and second-hand STOVES, RUGS and HOUSKHO Second-band Furniture boa lOO-l e KMBKHON ST.. aUVANSTON jrt^1 at Halt Price tzcaanged ;â- 'â- TELEPHONE lit mi 'MM "O SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE <? Buyers' Guide to Shops of Quality vT ARTS AND CRAFTS. VIRGINIA CHEST BOOKBINDER, syT Books B<iind to Order. PupilyReceived. Harrison 6227. FASHIONABLE C08TUMES MILLINERY 8HOP. LEDGERWOOI^/ HBTJBN C. LEDOERWOO: Room 706 lit So. Mic #e^aU Tl,thl< dins caat> ART AND BfbOK SHOP- Randolph 80M. TBJB ARTS it. CRAFTS BOOK ft^P Complete line of Books, Djkaoa ^•rkers, QaWrt|rly/«OTers, Cross * Cftown Jewc|rajra|4res, also hand- â- »«e Je^eli5rV V 3ult« 616 Monroe Bid*. Tel CtDtral 612. 104 S. Mkhiaaa Ave. TOILET ARTICLES. HA8 NEVER BEEN BXCKLLMD. The newest fcnh^Borf arttstic pro- ductions of Gftaffs foi all Jbccasions art now ready §>r youVegfly inspec- tion. MlDAME HOFFMAN. 502 Hfesner Bldg., Cor. Wabash and Madison. ENUE. SUMMER SCHOOLS. KfETIAN M^ILLIN FANNIE EXCLU 209 Venetian Bldg., 15 East Wasliiflgton St.. Chicago. FASHIONABLE COSTUME8. ERY CO Prop. :ry. 'NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. HLDREN'S FROCKS AND LAD1E8" BLOUSES MADE TO ORDER. Smocking, Mc lemodeled. THE NEE^JinCRAfip'SHOP, 717-718 Veletlan Bldg., 15 East Washinfton St., Chicago. Tel. Central 4691- Svmmer F^b and Camp Session. niosSftted bw»^B» »PPlleation* *^ Suits Made to WORKMAN and Up. GU.4fL4£[TEED. 118 North State. St,,cCMcago. Opp. Field's. Central 399. MA8SAGE INSTITUTE. i/C Pbone .Harrison 353S. ACME MASSAGE INSTITUTE. Scientific Mass| Shower Light Hours 10:00 a. M I S S M a ; Suite 90, 39 W. Adams St, Chicago. GOWNS AND FASHIONABLE * COSTUMES. Gowr ^r ma MADAME G.U I L LOT. /•'â- ' 10MPANY. PARISIAN W GO Gowns R«flt%0>4nd S|ftdei)ver at Reasona 1211-18 Venetian Bldg., 11-16-17 East Washington St., Chicago. 118' TAILORS. TIVB CLOTHE8. NEWEST FABRICS. _T " PRK Manufacturers Hats. Rebioci ing of Ladies' 105 N. WifBASH AVE. (Fifth Floor) Phone Central 5180 GOWNS AND FASHIONABLE COSTUMES. OIL PAINTINGS. HAND EMBROIDERY. ^lAND EMBROIDERY. Monograms, -Rerffrated Patterns in Orti FANCY F. W. fOOD CO.. 116 N. StatefSt., Opp. Ftold'a. LARBOIf «j ANDERSON. 803 Mailers Bldg., Madison St and Wabash Ave., Chicago. Tel. Cent 6162 . H. M08H1ERCO., 22 MichlgaaAy.. 5th floor. EXCLUSIVVuMSBS^naiLORS. Formerly located!t ldOeSnehlgaa At IAIR ORESSiNO. ralther. Helen F. Swasey. AR 616-622 OP. MANICURINOTUfD HSUBJDRB88IN0 Hair Goofs SpMlInied, Bonney Qoodf Us«d ExelualTely. Telephone Harrison 8166. MILLINERY SHOP. V EX( PAIN) CLUSIVE Suite 517-51' 15 East Wi CI iTed. L LERNER WOMENfiTA/LORja Fall styles and ahyavf Ju*T ricali Modeftwprtcef J Suite 814 »ener Bait, N. E. Cor. WabaalF Ave. and Madison fct, ChJeaga. Telephone Randolph 727. BENSON COMPANY GOWN© » WAJSaTS Bate and Pose The Pf»tt Front with the Tongue. NCli SHOP as FORT. >-;i;A;:j:;:g VfledAr wearlat Baojr Ubee Corset 430 RepabllC Bldg.. 20* S. State 8LV j^lft/; Chicago. ^-Hw?1ril^^pl^^