Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1913, 1, p. 3

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siipipippiiilipji THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THLRSDAV. OCTOBER 9, 1913. <orth Shore Noted for Exquisite l$jfccenic Spots In and Around Raviniajhe Splendid Nature Park Scenery and Costly Residences ?rom Evans ton North, the Splendid Natural For L's/ .aid Shrubbery Surrounding Palatial Homes an I Country Estates Form Splendid Views huh A re Not Equalled in the Middlewe .,,,,,, , :s Hi'- north shore tmm M llortii houndnries or ., M;m in;'lclly »"••" acquiring . , ,.: helm: flu' r"°': beautiful ,,, th,. nii«l()l«.'W<-'f.t. The l.akp .s. u,. thronvh lh<> Kindness of of the booU of the I>ark. which places for si spots, which monploce to th where suburbs, annually by thci tre enjoying tri environs. )ne of Birch-wood's Pretty â- :Mliiislftlii?;i? LNoriii I vie* > Keen* t Th- lOttllni' aeff-r Jig nho' Vjf>»H .Dri'. herewith iiii'si'fiic a few hii h arc prominent In the .iiicl noted npotH In till* : tun- of the primitive home oi - i he lovable old liiilian cliiir in Hiled in \Vllme»t<- in lx2>.. In another column. AIho the Korl Sheridim and llavlnh: [ROBBERS MAKE RICH ; HAUL IN EVANSTON Home of R. E. Wilsey, MOO Sheridan Road, IsRansacked and Jewelry Taken. 3|f â- â- Vfffi'i The natural forest «â-  i.»;.v shrubbery, which iiIjoihkIh nion.u north whore. In one of I lie feiMure the hulJdlng (>( inntflii'lciTit rnd c ccuntry homeH. It In doulj'liil It1 other section went of NY v Yor eiist of California can 1> a«; of sectlonn more ubuwlnnr wlt'i see than along the north shore. Twilinht robbers made a rich haul In the home of R. E. Wllsey, 1100 No one heard a sound or knew of the entrance of the thicveH until the loss was discovered aller the evening meal. The farts of the roDbery were not given to the police until yesterday af»- ernoon and there Ih small possibility that the robbers will ever be appre- hended. The Wilsey household !-t protected by burglar Insurance Thinking the' it was unnecessary for the authorities to \w notified of th<? theft, since the loan »as to be borne by the Insurance company, no report n Hearch for the thieves might made. Th list of Jewelry taken follows: Mne stick pins set with diamonds. pearls and rubles, aggregate valua $1100; ladies' gold watch, Swiss move ment. with Initials D. S. \V. engraved on case, value, $40; gold neck chain with gold cross attached, surroundel with water pearls, value $20; bracelet with sunburst set of pearls, value $20; gold cr Li bracelet, value $10; child's hank cantatnlng about $10. and lady's purse, valued at $5, containing about $:i In change. Jovial crowd present at north end banquet Good Talks, Good "Eats" and a General Good Time En- joyed by Guests. <»ood talks, teeming with apprecia- tive statements of the spit-mild work which Is being accomplished In the Several Views Showing Beauty of Surroundings at Ft.Sheridan^"It inr<"mai Yan.n.e.'whtch'u^ mm ! In the Institution this season. More than 2M persons attended the affair and listened attentively to the Inter- i Ht lag speeches. H. K. Klser presided as toasiinar>ter in his Inimitable manner ami Intro- duced each speaker in such an easy vvjiy that e\ery KUest at the banquet table was kept in a Jovial rmmil. In faet, the manv Jests which were pro- voked by the funny column conductor of a Chicago morning newspaper. pliasm was laid upon the co-operatlo'i which lias been given by several citi- zens o( Notth Kvanston in the prose- cution of automobile speeders. Th? work of the North End, Improvement association was particularly lauded oy May< r Smart President Oliver T. Wilson of the KvnnHlon Y. M. C A. board of direc- tors, gave an interesting talk deal- ing wlih the history and extension o( the religious and social work of North KvatiHlon. C M. Cartwright, one or the leading North ICvanston citizens, responded to a call by Toastmaster Klser with a hrii f fketeli of the accomplishments, of the North Knd Y. M C. A . telllnir in detail liow the Institution was per- fected after strenuous work by the north nlde residents. "We felt a need for a meeting place of the hoys and vouni! men during their liours of leisure." said Mr Cart wright. "an 1 we sei about to provide this institu- tion Instead of making It necessary for the youths to seek a place where good Influence probably would be Inckiiic we brought the right kind cf instltuilon to them Now we are be- Log Home of Wilmette's First Settler tnr-s of Hu- ll «,.-â-  a I fr'-e i-nmil il '-tiioris- rate !,ii Nort.-i i: • • most i-ii 111\ . l)M:i.|Uet. i ;â- . -. . K'ikI fiat'if â-  A , eh li.i.l gat I. !e- -pint «lil<li ;oi«toii Ki«-n i.- iiiiilnt labor" 'â-  i f that seetlnri i- proud <>f tin- V M C A iti-t itnt ii n. as was : b v the lari.'" attetiflanee at care â- e.J W> '.' i lll'-i si dent ji-rincb lested - ha.: â-  Ih of a mm pre Imi c i -. I r 11:: I. ji|*M't. A )>uutitiful feast was p:uvM«--J | by A \j. Jones, t.te caterer. invocation was *aid by Rev \ I. I < KIllllllll It > A . â- uri tali. b'. \\ \| ii ii:.- NoiHi i-:mi a.--o<l!il.iori I'robabU /.in in the norlh part of th- r-|t\ t more ulil.v i|iialitied to sp.-ak of tl.i splendid roiiinniiiit y spirit wlm h pr- \all. ibere than Mr Cre-n Ko man i earn he has been ptominnn in ewry rno\ emi-tit to betti â- - condl road, Vvednesday evening -i. when more than $400 worth « Jewelry and valuables were stolen various rooms la the home from "£m various rooms la the home 1"e robbery was effected between 6 •n* 7:30 o'clock, when the members 11 the home were at tie dinner table. e, a When , representative I No clew is available which might | Murray of St Matthew* Kpl* opal j tlons In that section of the »»l filed' ^non ' „ ~.n..i iP.d to the Identity of the robbers I rhurrh. following which Mayor .lam.- In ""' absence of Karl Shunmk-r from the insurance company called j lead to _the ,^ mi,^h__, fht> wl, Ru^n Smar, RaVf, n M)ort fa|k> ltl |Btatfl llWtar)- of thl> y. M. C A . m TUZ ^ oZl I-nuTr^d if rhe .nee none of the members of the W Mice had ten notified. Given a Ley family or any of the domestic, negative answer he at once demand- noticed any strangers about the place S'Sat S? authorities be given a ! or heard any noises when the rob description of the stolen articles that bery was committed which he highlv commended the ar-j Hurt of the Central Y. .\f. C A t aln tivlty of the citizens of North Kvans-jing srhool spoke about th-' work ton In their work looking toward 1 which Is being conducted in the Ev- civic and social Improvement Co janston Institution. ATTENDANCE AT N. U. TO REACH 5,000 MARK Latest Report From Offices of Registrars Show In- creased Enrollment. From the latest reports received registration from the administrat' - .offices of Northwestern university in- figures bid fair to exceed the 5 >>" mark. At the close of school last ><-..•. there were 4,787 students enrolled i; the various schools and colleges oi th university, so the present figures sho an increase of about 300, and th: number will probably be still greater at the end of the year. Tabulated Figures. The number In each school is shown in the following list: College of Liberal Arts..... Graduate School .......... Medical School ........... Training School .......... I .aw School ............ Engineering ............... Pharmacy ................. Dental .................... School of Music ........... School of Commerce....... Srhool of Oratory.......... Garrett Biblical Institute... Kvanston Academy ........ Grand Prairie Seminary.... Klgln Academy ................ G5 Liberal Arts Gains. Some Interesting facts are to be noted concerning these figures. The College of Liberal Arts shows an In- crease of 10 per cent over last year. which, considering conditions, la re- garded as remarkable by the adminis- tration. Of this number 522 are men and c.n women. The freshman class numbers 49fi, and the women are fn the majority by two, the men number- ing 217 and the women 249. Decrease In Pharmacy. The Law School shows a JO per cent increase In freshmen. Engineer- ing gained 2.1 students over last year. Pharmacy shows a marked decline, but this was expected since the re- quirement for admission was raised from one year of high school to four. Music School shows an Increase of 10 per cent, and Commerce School has gained 25 per cent. The new quar- ters in this school have done much to Increase the enrollment. Academy Holds Ovm. The Bvanston Academy shows a slight loss, hut it also aaa a gala In students attending from a distance, which is gratifying to Principal N. W. Helm, who has carried on a thor- ough and extensive advertising cam- paign. FIRE LADDIES PRAISED BY CAPTAIN C.G.HEALY . 1.08.'. . lOo . ISO . 121) . 2S0 . 80 . 12'.) . 525 . 470 . 4S3 . 175 . 250 . 370 . SI Director Hedrickand Chicago Officer Have Nothing but Praise for Them. I :•• .in -ttm'rf MHrt \ four citv f'remert !â- â-  --il wordn 'it praise and cm- ii,.â- '. :.nion Krnla\ from ('apt. C. i 1 ii- of ('hii-aKos mounted police, aI.u .u-'.-.l .1-, Mid «,r iumea K. Suiart'a personal, representative. Director or i ubl i. Safety Hetlrick, lollowicg mi iO,sp' .hi whit h «!*â- ."< conducted In the thr......iiuine hunse-j The gen- eral upi" arance of ih« firemen was compliin. Med by the m*m making the Inspection, and only one recommenda- tion wan made. That huh thut a sup- ply of bad".••>« be secured and dis- tributed among the lire, fighters. Sev- « of the firemen have no badge and confusion Is experienced In tell- ing whether or not the uniformed man is a policeman, guurd or fireman. The Inspection of each fireman's uniform was conducted in the most ex- acting detail. Kven the working of the button holes of the coat and the finishing of the lapela was noted. Tho general good condition in which the firemen had kept their uniforms was mentioned by both Capt. Healy anl Director Hedrick. The firemen were lined up In mili- tary fashion for Inspection. There was an absence of rubber and cellu- loid collars, which marked the In* spectlon of the clothing of the police officers ten days ago and called forth the caustic comment from the In- spectors that these old fogey man* ners of dress should he discarded. No recommendation was made con- cerning any of the fire-fighting equip- ment. Capt. Healy stated to a repre- sentative of The News that, in his opinion, there Is In Evanston a lire organization, both w to equipment and men, of which the city may welt be proud. EVANSTON THEATRE FOUNTAIN SQUARE CVANSTON AMUSCMtMT CO , PROP. PHONES 2890-2099 H. L. MINTUNN. MANAOIN TONIGHT £ND BALA' V THE EVANSTOW STO< WHY GE0R8E BROADKUJIST TUES..THURS. and SAT* ALL SEATS 25C NIGHT PRICES: 400 Good Main Floor Seats at 50c a few at 75c NEXT WEEK -George M. Cohan's "6et-Rich Qiick Wallligfor." ^wo Gift BooKs Quality of First Book of the Njirth Shore Pru i >1 M>j \ ""/ Second Book\f ffie Norrli^J:u^ f'riyrS&2.0() Homes, Gar^ns, LanJ i c ways and Byways, P;i * J !'â-  n by M A4UAN .\. \\ Hill IntenselyjniterestinjEj, Hisiorj^ally \ai',uHc, P; - fuscly Illustrated in sepia and of iiktcj\i:ii; v j'.v^ j booksHrfII not be reprinted. Make rvmittany^iirca ro ARIAN A. WHITrL 28 Sheridan Road Chicago

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