Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1913, 1, p. 1

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SECTION VOL. IV, NO. 4§. OHILMETTE CLUB More Than $1,500 Is Cleared at Two Days' Fete Held In Wilmette By Club folk Last Week. MANY FESTIVAL Attraction!^ Tho«iiful-W«nb«W fa Amuse- ment and Eirtertainrnent of Throngs. THURSDAY. QTOBER 8.1018. Wilmette 5^Mpfy Women Sell Viands at Mq di Gras â- â-  * m * a 0 0 * m * m m"*. mrease Ouilmette Club Furnish ^,"fn i?cial Ieadcrs in village who took part in fete held at Country Club Friitky and irday. They are costumed as gypsy fortune'.tellers and dancers. ~ Ttvo afternoons and evenings of fun of iho most rollicking sort briefly idp. ribes thie Mardl Gras festival U '1 by. member* of the Ouilmette Fcomitry club at the club grounds Fri- dav and Saturday. The big outdoor entertainment, given for the benefit of the club, was one of the most sue- <nful enterprises ever sponsored by ti,(> organization. Hundreds of resi- dents of north shore towns attended the fete and enjoyed the fun which had been so splendidly arranged by the untiring club folk. While a definite statement as the finances cannot be given, it is as- sured that more than $1,500 will be cleared from the entertainment. This sum will be devoted to the furnish- ings fund of the club. To Stimulate Interest. The festival was planned, prima- rily to stimulate interost In the promi nent Ouilmette Country club. Th: members are highly gratified at the results and declare that north shore residents, who never before had be- come acquainted with all the social advantages offered in the splendid or- al ganization,'are now fully conversant lp with the, JsorkJbnga- In £r fact, the residents of the north shore communities were completely sur- ^ prised at the splendid features of the t club life and were not slow in voicing their appreciation of the efforts ot ; the club members in providing the i- jolly two days' festival. Parade Big Feature. f Preceding the opening of the Mardi Gras Friday evening a "mammoth" automobile parade waB given through the streets of the north ahure towns I: as far north as Wlnnetka and south to the main business district of Ev- an ston. Seventy-seven automobiles were in line, filled with jovial per- sons dressed in costumes depicting the "harvest festival" character*. 'lenty of noise was furnished by the <lly crowd to apprise the townspeo- ,.!•â-  of the big fete. The committee on general arrange j ments in charge of the festival was ; >mposed of T. M. Knox, Louis A. ark, A. \V. Hawkes, C. M. Puhl- > an. C. N. Reese, Phillip H Hugu<»- 1 in and the president of the club, B. Brown. Not a single feature was < rrlooked by the members of this -mmittee which helped to wake the Tair a big success. Neither was ex- nse spared to furnish the best en- rtainment possible in vaudeville and reus acts. Professional talent wan "cured and the performances were clared by everyone to be of the shest quality. Concessions Galore. With the numerous side rhows and 'Tactions on the "gay white way" | the. festival were more than a scora ' concessions. There was the old- me cane-rack in charge of Village resident John Couffer; itie pony d(!8, with genuine pet ponies for the file ones, in charge of Alvin Butz, nd the old style circus presided over 'v G. T. Dyer as announcer and ring- n aster. Teddy bears, dolls, pennants and very known article usually found in Pleasure resorts and fall festivals were given away> providing the patron <as lucky enough to. hold the right 'lumber. Even parrots and Turkish "ugs were included in the list of prizes given away. In addition to these numerous money-getting booths, there were the "ld-fashioned merry-go-'round, shoot- ing gallery, Punch and Judy show, monkeys lb the circus menagerie, «tc. Charles Clark was in charge of the Teddy bear booth.. From this con cession alone #175 vu cleared. Mr. , and Mrs. George I- Diettrich were m ' charge of the circus, and Mr. and _ Mrs. SI Jackson Casse o/tke d-ncing. p which was held m the Wn room of Proved fn^ tl» most»*â€"~"--*- W WIHNETKA SPIU Fred Crowell of Evanston Suf- fers Broken Limb In Collision With Auto Tuesday Eve. Fred Crowell of Bvanston, aged £1 years, suffered a compound fracture of his left limb and cuts and bruise* Tuesday evening when the motorcycle which he was riding in Wlnnetka ave- nue, Wlnnetka, collided with an auto mobile driven by N. El. Daily of Win- netka. The injured youth was taken to the of Dr. N. H. Rlatchford in Wlnnetka. where his wounds were dressed Later he was removed totho Bvaaaton, where the fracture was re- duced. Crowell was riding his motorcycle 'ill .I ' 'â€" â-  â-  ft lit. . â- â-  I HUMS. Mrs. C. H. SI ay ion Police Magistrate Prouty in- augurates New Plan by Hear. Ing Case Over Phone Since Drainage Trus Are Advertising foi Police Itaglstrate ^Carlton Prouty is .. , :;;; Progressive.' That does not; mean that i he has joined the ranks of th, nun Intercepting Sewer Moosers, but it does signify that tho _, -• e. *, Wlnnetka justice is alive to the tinn a North Ofiore NOW and is mnduoting his ottee, not in tin old fogy manner that oharaoteriBes so many J. P. courts, bat in up-to-dato style. His latest innovation is fining automobile speeders who are arrested on warrants taken oat in his court after conducting a hearing over the telephone. ....... Marriages have been solemnised over the telephone, hug* deals tnvot*. ing millions iiave bestt closed by use of Bell's marvetoua instroiaMt, bat this is the first instance in thissection at least where court hail been conduct- ed over the telephone.. ' r: Last weak it was learned that the automobile which Chief of Police Pe- terson of Wlnnetka was chasing when he met with ah accident is colliding with another automobile a few weeks ago, was owned by Kenneth Stevenson. In fact Stevenson was an occupant of the car, and if some stories are correct be was driving the machine. At any rate he was booked before Justice Prouty and bis case continued a few days. At first Stevenson showed fight and talked about taking a change of venue. Justice prouty at once offered tn grant the change and then the ac- cused speeder changed his mind. two days after the ease had been postponed until this Week, the tele- phone in Justice Pronty's office Jingled, The following is the conversation ot Stevenson, the auto speeder: "Hello! This Judge ProutyT This is Stevenson, remember, the fellow charged with â- needing. Bay, Judge, I have just been thinking why can't I mail you a check for the line, what- ever it might be, and save me a trip of appearing In your court? What do you say?" , "A "â- '.; Justice Prouty always has'had the reputation of being one ot the most accommodating cltisens of the north shoT^ Tie bis beih kwiwii. to gc a great ways oat of his .way to do a friend a favor. Bat here was a prop* osltlon which slightly pawled him. Should be grant the speeder the priv- ilege of mailing him a check and en- ter a fine? Was that perfectly right? Then an Idea struck him. Why not conduct the hearing over the tele- phone? That would be perfectly legal and proper. The perfunctory questions concern- ing the guilt or Innocence of the ac- cused were then asked and all other Information necessary to give the "court" the facts of the case. Steven- son readily admitted that he bad vio- lated the speed laws. "Guilty, your honor, of the charge, WILMETTE TAKES: |« Village Board â-  A&pt C4tft the RlgMt^6«^lf#f Improvementâ€"New | Offlos tt Created. ^^IWrnw^'^^ipiibiaiN^'- olds by th-i trustee* tr.iMf district of Chicago for the on the" intercepting -^^:;|g north, shore froaV;^»i*ii£ â- Â«o^.'tht;>lllag«;^s|^:if1" Tuesday night, in their regn] passed an ordinance giving to construct such n *£#£ sti^»orthA;iiiwii||l . Bids win be recwtW for work up to Not. G. wbfa ihi opened In a puUie drainage district tnutn* finder contract Nov Jj^pt t| to be included Is to* mf'^- " .of the-: intercepting sewer cut from the north .litf**^ the - sanitary';', district a* north along Sheridan street^l^nctltit';-*| the conaeoUon to the »t nortii #hare chann*),,. .road;, fa^;«itlV'|j|^~: brick, eonerete,«........ oanstroetlon,'-||i The work t«< crate,, reuifoKlng atftt^ Iron castings and stntoto: ; Mayor to Name 0#^n health ison^issloner t» supittant board of ksalth. whkh ernlng the health and the villagers all these onanimoosly by theM _ Tuesday night. Since las* question to change ta« ; power over the heattli an individual instead three men, has bsea ordinance has been MNflslljy by Village Attorney ~ " meets with the hearty i Wilmette physicians and have helped promote tho The new code give* V dent Couffer the power »W IfeW the various booths. There were tho palace of sweets, the pie shop, th^ candy booth, etc. All of thesp delica- cies were made by the housewives of Wilmette and represented their best culinary efforts. In charge or tn? domestic science section were Mrs. D M. Gallic. Mrs. C. C. Carnahan. Mrs. J. B. Marshall, Mfs. E. R Fatcrt. Mrs. J. C. Akeley and Mrs. H. S. Gem- mill. Even the cafe was not omittedfrorr. the list of money-spending places. It was in charge of Mrs. G. D Wtil»e. Mrs. Q V,'. 8chmldt and Mrs. Edward Zipf. Grounds Well Lighted. Special arc lights for the Ughtln* of the club grouuds were provided by Frank Baker. Every detail, such »s lighting, care of booths, etc., wascaro- fully arranged. Scores of the members attended ti»«a festival in costumes and masked. Such characters as Ouflmette, tto^ famous old Indian, after whom the country club was named, was imper- sonated by the fun-makers. Phillip Httguenin represented this staid o>ld chief and welcomed aH of the visitors. Al»» Van D?ke WOmette's ^r*® is nearly leven feet taj. *^fj'*^ to costume to^ represen* a wnwiilaw make up a rousing carnival was fur- nished the throngs. CROSS POINT GIRL IS SAVED BY LUNG MOTOR to the question ! Jury," ho added. ! "In that event It will be the duty of ! the court to fine you 110 and costs," , was the telephone order of the police magistrate. "All. right, your honor, you shall have a check tomorrow for the amount. How much does It total? Oh 913. Thank you." In i he next day's mall. Magistrate i Prouty received the check from Stev- I enson. He is a member of the Exmoor club in Chicago and during the sum-; mer months lived at a hotel In High- land Park. 8tevenson Is a member â-  of a brokerage firm in Chicago. NORTH SHORE FORESTS ; TINTED BY J. FROST! health commissioner, hie was his answer i of courM to ^ ^^0,^ And 111 waive a ,age trustees. His duties nre l as were vested with the the board but with the ant one official it Is thought taarir, efficiency in this depgrtasea* maintained. He will have fall of affairs and will be «xpe«led>t^^ayi force quarantine and othsft* tive measures should an ;Iop. Would Shorten •eeetons. Trustee J. P. Stone, Whs wearied at the long and tedloge sion of the Wilmette village during the last weeks Of made a suggestion In Tuesday Mfslon, which should have responsive chord with the) di tees. He suggested that aom of procedure be adopted Wl weekly meetings might be He pointed out that the lengthy ordinances eoasuased *------------------- j amount of time and aiked tt so Pretty Autumn Scenery H^S^^J^SJ??*- Attracts Attention Of Com- trustees or Prudent Courr^ Eighteen - Year - Old Susanna Meyer Attempts Suicide By Inhaling Gas. muters on North Shore. Kaamlner photo. Another life was saved by the use of the Evanston lung motor Monday, when Susanna Meyer, 18 years old. of Gross Point, was revived after she had attempted suicide by inhaling gas. A telephone call was received from Hoff- man Bros.. Wilmette, by John Leyner at the Public Service company for the life saving device. He immediately notified the police, who in torn se- cured Lieutenant Hoffstetter and the machine and made a hurried rob to Gross Point W;--.A'.j, - -After fifteen minutes' work. Mls« LINEMAN RUN DOWN BY AUTO AT GLENGOE Reckless Motorists After Sri Ic- ing Bicycle Rider, Do Not Stop to Give Aid. While riding a bicycle near the via- dnet in Hazei avenue, Olencoe. Thurs- day afternoon, William Weible. a line- man employeoV by the GSiicago TWe- H«^^lessiel»toB^;.«^>s*S d«^;^ a«toto who st^oA Weible o^ not slanigiii'f Is itfifi ^jjil Is"nfaVs Vaini â- ^•sMP^sM^aat â- '•»^s";-»sfwws»f -^asHsaajie ^ssBjp-^ wew^f*^ ..: ^ •*,• ^^ Since "Jack Frost" has mauo two or three visits to the North Shore, the beauty and grandeur of the forest scenery along the electric and steam J ***" roads which pass through the sub-:tht urbs, is now at its best. Enthusiastic " ' ly sanctioned the action was taken. Promoters of vu. picture tru>ar.ts suKK-Ktion amd and Clerk Orr grant ♦><! and am: west In Wlnnetka avenue, and was Just turning south In Church road when he collided with the Dally auto ! remarks are heard from passengers He was thrown several feet in the I *»"» â- Â» not ewerydsy users of th. impact. The occupants of the Dally ,lne« **o«* **• beautiful scenes sin- auto picked the Injured man up and '"»» has colored the leaves of th, rushed him to the physician a office. »»>"»bs and trees. From the north <*• Crowell is a CiU-penter and had been j »»<» °* Bvanston on, the variec «.i.,r. a new home :tbat OM CMk •** trom the car wirutuw n:il ' mail rtnir g th« r«<a<l est*,**] ' theil a. theft tft- of til working St his trade on tn Hubbard Woods. not license number on the auto was obtained. Weible wv rendered partially an conscious by the fall to the pavement.! The recent rains have livened the ear- eclipses the fondest dream of the artist. One surprising feature of the au-1 tumn appearance of the trees and shrubbery la' that the lawns and pas- i ture land still retain the green hue. sad for almost, an hoar he toy by the roadside before he was foond by passenber. He wa*»taken to a phr- slatan't; ofBce In Oteacoe and ak fat- Jsjrise oTeswed»,:-.:He sa4atsd a aevere cut o« th« left Npb and was, badty pet of of spring* Hety of bsaotlful autnmn shades sf the leaves, forms a lovely pietare, J^cii to -nainre- follow «e» have fsUV to ^iiu fl v.-ltd req tn o[>«rate tr-vi)Vi*s« in, conirtniOfeW In Tuesday i r'tiiMt from': 'hkago, who wosid r and not charge tmts admlHslon If itiat s-jiyintn^l '»r the building, pmv.d Tl « nxutter waa rie baildlaK committee. 3B, -Is, sUo a nioviug picture th moter. askt'<l permission to vaud*>vlUo theater hi the â-¼ communication also was ta No Amusement Ordinal When the vaudeville read. Villagt President prised the trustees that A1 tiu m&i until it has the vividness; son and he bad dlaeovtfwat toe contrast with the ra-; was no ordiaaaa*. tn \hm% :kage co* wMcft govern* reesartly aloar. tlw north iiore te fshew o^taaaeev -We, am« t'4.;^ V;«wi«i»*«B,i *. mm

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