Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Sep 1913, p. 5

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SSBffP HPI|g.!pig|! Mr. â€" â-  _ JJSrtrtll.iir^. SepV^a dau**. ir,. Lillian B. Raymond. Ill Saerl- „ road, returned Monday from St ad, returned Monday from a short in to Omaha, Neto. t and Mr, George 8. Valentine 07 Pioneer road, have been visiting Davenport, la. - Mrs. Frances Clark of Newton, N. J.. , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. e 2327 Central street. Mra. Jennie Baker, 630 Central reet, returned Saturday from a three lonths' stay on the Georgian Bay â- â- â- -â-  la^ 1M*W 1^^ ,** snston, now of Los Angelas, Cai. ii visiting frtenda here. ^ /•'-.: Born, to Jtr. and Mrs.. Albert D Sanders, Jr., 615 Dempster street. I danghter. Tueaday, Sept ft. Mrs. Broast 8wartaut, UW Wash IngtOn street, is in Bertrand, Neb., lor » month's visit with relatlres. Mr. and Mrs. Hen*r H. parr, «W Greenleaf street, have as their guest Mies Marjorie Kerr of New York, ?;': Born, to Mr. and, Mrs. John Bunch, formerly of 907 Michigan avenue, now of Chicago, a son, Sunday, Sept 14. Mr! Edgar Robinson, 1620 Ridge avenue, left Sunday for Cambridge, Mass., to attend Harvard university. Mr. M. A. Dean, 1228 Human ave- nue*, is at the Bad Nauheim hotel Germany. He will sail for America on Oct 20 Miss Ethelnyn Hinckley has been spending a short time in Marblehead, Mtb J. H. Witter, £62(fSShland ave- Mass., before entering school in *e has returned from a two weeks isli on the Chicago Boys' club farm. Mr. Clayton 0. Billow and family. )13 Ridge avenue, have returned from elr summer vacation spent in the Miss Anna Bowers. 2118 Maple ave- „e returned Saturday from Mllwan- wbere st« has been for two eeks. Charles Dickinson, 1016 Ayars place, Has gone to Aberdeen, 8. D., where he will work on his farm for a few weeks. Mra. Frank L. Richardson and son, pierce, 2712 Harrison street, have re- turned from a montn's visit at Malta, Illinois. Miss Frances Coffeeh, 015 Hamlin street, has returned after a six weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Wisconsin. I Miss Nell Boyer. who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Joseph Pearson, m Noyes street, returned to her home In Goshen, Ind., Friday. Mrs. George M. Clark and daughter, Miss Alice Clark, 1217 Forest avenue, bas returned from a three weeks' out- ing on the St. LaWTence. Miss Gillespie, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. R. K. Row, 2311 Sherman avenue, has returned to her borne in Brantford, Canada. Dr. Charles R. Kappes, 1432 Asbury avenue, celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday Thursday. It was observed by an informal family dinner. Mrs. John W. Meaker, Lincoln street and Pioneer road, is entertaining Mrs. George Hill, a former popular Evans- ton resident, who now lives in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur Worst- all, 2212 Lincoln street, have returned from a month's fishing and camping trip In the Nlpigon river country of Canada. Mr. Henry Gross haa gone east with his guest. Mr. Bowers, who is return- nig to Cornell. Mr. Gross will enter the law school of the University of Chicago. Mrs. Charles Nichols and two daugh- ters of Portland, Me., are spending a fortnight with Mrs. Nichols' sister, Mrs. Henry B. Bidgaway, 1714 Hin- man avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Rollert and am, 421 Keeney street, have returned from Wawasee, where they have been visiting Mr. Rollert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rollert. * Miss Dorothy Gross, 1100 Ridge 8venue, and Miss Fowler have gone to Philadelphia, where they have taken a furnished apartment at Hamilton court for the winter! Mrs. William Simpson' Jones and daughter of New Orleans, who have oeen the guests of Mrs. D. W. Rich- ardson, 427 Greenwood boulevard, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Nilles, 2119 Col- fax street, have returned from Bloom- tagdale, Mich., after spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McLaln, formerly of Evanston. Mrs. Irwin Rew, 1128 Ridge avenue, â- died Saturday on the Kaiaerin Au- tUta Victoria for America. She will Join her family la St. Joseph, Mich., tor a week before returning home. Mr. Dan B. Brummltt, 2523 Park ftae, is away on an extended trip through the west visiting annual con- ferences of the Methddlst church in to interests of toe Epworth Herald. Mr. and Mrs. Jamison Handy and tashter, 712 Hlnman avenue, left *»esday for the eastern part of Mary- ipfed, to be gone about four weeks. mr will also visit Washington before Krs. William G. Alexander, 2040 Or- ^gton avenue, EaTeaavanctlou bridge^ fty Thursday evening. There ware tfcnt tables. The house was deeo- "•kd profusely with garden sowers. * two^ouTse luncheon followed the .'J^'pmiMmm* o* her way to *» home in-Dw Mrtaas, la, from 2** lite*, whart she has been taaeh- **:** ta* TjaiTsnitr «f rim-wm lg» ws* of MM^Olalslsa^ Boa* â- "Pr: **t Hamlltsa attstrt" Itbw stv Northampton, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Tiers, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter 8. Prim- ley, 903 Forest avenue, have sailed for their home In Paris. Mr. and Mrs. John C. H. Breyt- spraak and daughters, 1010 Forest avenue, have returned from their farm in Rldgefleld, III. Mr. John Pickett, an old resident of Evanston, but who for several years has lived in Holly Wood, Cal., la vis- iting friends and relatives here. Rev. and Mrs. Frank T. Barry, 1609 Emerson street, have returned from a month's vacation, the first three weeks of which were spent at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. Yamcuy of Dallas, Tex., left Thursday for a short visit in Missouri after being the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. K. Rodgers, 2600 Hartray ave- nue. Mrs. Edwin L. Martin and Mrs. Ger- trude Carrier of Pasadena, Cal., ar- rived Monday to be the guests of Mra. V. E. Sweazey, 239 Greenwood boule- vard. Mr. L. F. Kunstman, 2506 Park place, left Thursday for Coloradp to meet Mrs. Kunstman, who Is return- ing from a three months' visit in Cali- fornia. Mr. Harry MacJohnston and fam- ily, McDaniel avenue and Park place, have gone to TJrbana, 111., where Mr. MacJohnston will teach in the uni- versity. A Mr. and Mrs. ST E. Riser and three children, 726 Clifton place, have re- turned from a house party at Lake Beulan, wis., where they were the guests of T. W. Williams. Mrs. Walter D. O'Connor and her little" daughter, Mary Theodore, of Denver, Colo., are visiting Mrs. O'Con- nor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Ferran, 1425 Emerson street W. L. Steele, 716 Michigan avenue, C. H. Barry, Forest avenue and Lin- coln place, and Fred S. James, 239 Greenwood boulevard, spent last week at the Hotel Champlain,' Lake Cham- plain, New York. ' Prof, and Mra. Harlan D. Updegraff, 2226 Hartzell street left Thursday to make their home in Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Updegraff has accepted the chair of education in the state university. Capt. CheBter, formerly of Evans- ton, now of Long Beach, Cal., is suf- fering from a paralytic stroke. Capt. Chester is well known in the First Congregational church, having atone time served as an officer of that church. Mr. Frank Van Vlisslngen, 315 Da- vis street, has gone to New York City. His friends will be Interested to know that he has work under Belasco with Dasid Warfleld. He will go with the company to Baltimore next week, where they are to try out a new play. Miss Katharine Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hudson Har- per. 1002 Lake street has chosen Nov. 1 as the date of her wedding to Donald Butler, son of "Mr. and Mrs. Morton Butler, 1565 Ridge avenue. The wedding will be a small home service. Prof. Edgar W. Burrttl, 1637 Chi- cago avenue, has gone to New York for work at Columbia university to secure his doctor's degree. He will return to Evanston at different times throughout the year and will fill vari- ous engagements to lecture m Chi- cago and vicinity. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Barrett (Leone Giddlngs) of Wumette entertained at dinner at the Hotel La Salle, followed by » theater party In honor of Miss Ruth TerriH usugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Terrill of Oak park, and Mr. Charles Carlisle Giddlngs, 1689 Hinman avenue, who wili be married Wednesday, Octl. On Monday, Mtos Dorothy Bow win be a luncheon and hrM* hostess at the South Shore Country dub. Tues- day, Miss Myrtle Bounoois snur- ts^nthuMaMonattlMlllliio^Atltj let* da*; Wudsssdsy. Hw. W*#* teeh gave a luncheon ajl;»•«** •tois, gad o* MeW f^***** Mrs. A. D^ Currier, Ml Shorldan road, la visiting her mother in Bait*. mor^Md. .'. v Mr. and Mrs. lUehara L. Cranptou, 1224 Oak avenue, have returned from White Lake. Mr. Franklin Morse, 1019 Michigan avenue, has gone to Asheville, N. C. to attend school. Miss Mary Haakamp. 2619 Ridge avenue, is in Madison, Wis., where she will remain several weeks. Mrs. E. R. Whaley of Buffalo. N. Y„ is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Goitre, 1612 Hinman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Caroll Shatter, 1719 Hinman avenue, have returned from a few days' trip to New York. Miss Irene Olin, 830 Forest avenue, left Monday for Champaign to at- tend the University of Illinois. Mrs. Arthur Orr and two daughters, Misses Eleanor and Helvetia, hare re- turned from Europe, where they spent the summer. Miss Edith and Mr. Arthur Meera, 2301 Sherman avenue, have returned from Belolt, Wis., where they spent two months. Miss Lucile Robertson, 811 Reba place, left Saturday for Madison, where she will attend the University of Wisconsin. Miss Lois Goltra, 1612 Hinman ave- nue, has returned from northern Michigan, where she has been spend- ing the summer. Mr. Bryant Judson, 912 Ridge ave- nue, returned to Champaign Sun- day to resume his studies at the Uni- versity of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Paddock of Denver, Colo., have purchased the house at 1139 Elmwood avenue, and remove there soon. Mr. Leland A. Gilbert, superintend- ent of the new street car system here, and family, will make their home at 2429 Central street. The Kappa Alpha Theta sorority en- tertained at tea Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carl 8. Williams, 2223 Orrlngton avenue. Mrs. H. Meyer and son, Mr. Donald Meyer, 821 Greenwood boulevard, have returned from a motor trip to Iowa, where they spent a month. Mr. John Griffen, 1127 Forest ave- nue, will attend the University of Illi- nois this yea*. He left the latter part' of last week for Champaign. Miss Helen Miller, 1014 Ridge ave- nue, who has been spending the sum- mer visiting at different Atlantic coast resorts, returned yesterday. Mrs. Hugh Morrison of Popular Bluffs, Mo., has returned to her home after a month's visit with her nephew, Mr. Howard Ries, 823 Reba place. Mrs. Daniel Woodhead, lKj^Hljh man avenue," is entertaining ner mother, Mrs. Charles N. Chadwick of Old Lyme, Conn., who arrived Satur- day. Miss Margaret Bannard, 1045 Bidge avenue, sailed Saturday for England with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gustard to be their guests there for several months. Mrs. Lestia C. Thompson, mother of Mrs. H. W. Mons, has left for an ex- tended trip through Iowa and Okla- homa to attend a reunion of brothers and sisters. Miss Marjorie Layton returned Sat- urday from a few weeks' stay In Pen- nellwood, Berrien Springs. She leaves soon for Pittsburg, Pa., to visit her grandmother. Mrs. Emma Hinsdale, 909 Forest avenue, her daughter and grand- daughter, Mrs. R. H. Hobart and Vir- ginia Hobart, 1112 Grove street, have returned from the seashore. Mr. Donald Robertson, 911 Reba place, who has been spending the sum- mer at Crown Point and Lowell, Ind., has returned. He will attend the Northwestern university school of law. Mrs. Frank F. Corby, 1113 Davis street, who has been ill with inflamma- tory rheumatism since last winter, is beginning to improve and hopes to be able to resume her club duties this season. Mrs. E. K. Reddlch and daughter. Mrs. Edwin L. Thompson, 1223 Wove street, have bought the Starkweather residence at Asbury avenue and Grove street. Later in the fall they will go to California. Mra. Frank Rasmussen, 73T Judson avenue, gave a thimble party Satur- day afternoon In honor of Miss Grace Rosalind Mumford, who will be mar- ried October 7 to Arthur Jay Smith, both of this city. Miss Helen G. Slocum, 1316 Forest avenue, sailed Saturday on the steam- ship **Rochambeau" for Europe, to bo gone indefinitely. She will go direct to Paris, visiting Switserland and other countries later. The series of "Soirees Musical**" which are to be given at the BvanfUm Woman's club this winter, is OMsinsT The masicales, six In number, an un- der the management of Mrs. Charles F. Dwight and wttl he given irsry tblrd Tuesday, beginning October «•. Mrs. Dwight has arranged programs of varied Interest, Including two esav tume redtals and the series to be one of the social as well as ar- tlstle events of the Ulss Louis* nun avenue, entertained da}! evening. .""*.'&*'! ,â-  Mr. and Mrs, T. V.PttroelL 1102 Wesley avenue, returned Baturday; frota New York. '•'..â- â€¢'.' Pi 'â- : '"â- Â¥%$" Mrs. Waiter M. Pond, 1117 Forest avenue, hat returned from Bates Park and Colorado Sprtngs. Mr. and Mrs. B, Witalepe and son, Kenneth, 813 Lee street, an spending a few days at Lake GUbraltb, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Spearman and family, 1612*Wesley avenue, re- turned Saturday from Mercer lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Freoca, 1414 Hinman avenue, spent the week-end at Clarendon Hills, with Mrs, French's brother! Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Locy, 1746 Or- rlngton avenue, have returned from Leland, Mich., where they spent the summer. Dr. Robert Grant Martin of North- western university returned Saturday from Salem, Mass., where he spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chapman. 2016 Orrlngton avenue, have as their guests Mr, and Mrs. Charles Arthur of Piatt- ville, Wis. Mrs. Lillian Lee Weeks, 1823 Chi- cago avenue, is visiting friends in MC- Batn and other cities In northern Michigan. iilsa Jparrle Potter of Goderlch, Can- ada ts visiting her cousins, Miss Cora Browne and F. 8. Brown, 2106 Ash- land avenue. Mr. James S. Rood, 410 Davis street, left Sunday for Madison, Wis., to resume his studies in the University of Wisconsin. Mrs. O. N. Carter, 619 University place, returned Sunday from 8eattle, Wash., where she haa been for the past two months. Mrs. W. J. Chapman, 2016 Orrlngton avenue, gave an informal neighbor- hood tea yesterday afternoon In honor of her sister, Mrs. 8. C. Hybart of Mo- bile, Ala. Mrs. W. W. Cook and daughters, Misses Adelaide and Ruth, have re- turned from California, where they have been since early spring. On their return Dr. Cook and his family move* from Evanston to Chicago. Miss BauBa Boyer, 14tt avenaa, k a Newark. O, tor a weeke'visit .â-  .' Miss Louise Moore. UU Orrlnftea Misses Katharine McMullen. Ruth Allen and Ruth Stanwood wttl attend Vassar college this year. Mrs. Frank T. Murray, 622 Church street, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Banv usl Merwin, in New Jersey. Miss Agnes Dwight of Appleton, Wis., Is visiting her brother, Mr. Tim- othy Dwight, 780 Hinman avenue. * Among the Bvanstontana who will attend Cornell this year are Messrs. Edwin Dawson, Frank Gerould, Barns- daU Lasher, Jack Charles, Wilder Bowers, John Flanner, Cyrus Wil- liam* Little Miss Dorothy Corby, who hat been spending two months with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Corby, HIS Davis street, has re- turned to her home in 8t Louis, to at- tend school. â- Mr* T. H Osisinglasa sst ftrr ^lltiArtwan^hmre. turned from Hs*t<* Fotn*. MM*. : htr. snvys MaelU* »» l%rkf*»e% aadMr.B^UB«»Mt.ttttBaW*eU g49s*vci|jfi:;9^^ Wla,:' where they::;,w*#-Irtiiied:.'â- ;•*. Wa*r*.sMl8il*-4^^ ' Mr. sad Mrs. Itank Leraa Bdman of Argus, lad, ;gs^siM:.tB» birth of a; son,.: 8o»t«lM»..:i|@llrs, Bdman waa Mist Mary Bdlth mmamt of Bv- anston, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Bumner. Tb* sonV name will be Loran Craig Bdn»an. ^jjgffilMI fnttasfcc ' Batsv. BsrisCSBJSS ^^^^SMr: ^F?^T^ay^7^"' W ^ flflatsj. nffSjesAB, 811 ftp stmt serosiooNY 'TURNEH HA iiMM'OMjiJiam^fjs,. W FALL HAT er*;cc^ OBQ Talking Machines »"£& Phosfgraphs rem ohsja price if *' f the shore. om Wtan«tk» JAMES M WBtf LAKH IS WEST en pur- 'mm made nnetka. torsi 8SOT ONS OBIOAOO ATTENTION! MoAtaMorri Eknismlary School-Und«rgart43ii Smgll CI attained or strain. er will be the system. Address: Director, Care College •caVol, KsaUwerth, 111., Paoae Wnmette 024 Elements before six witl If interested, glad to call anoTexp] 'fiM$$3mL 3'; INTEREST^ PAiD ON JH- SAVINGS l^^iMS^BIg A TRliST COM & A N V THEOLDhbi BANK ONTH NORTH SH0R Ii;" :':!!^^^^||pS|R|^i||Rp|^^^-^ New Residents of EjgJIton YOU may be a therefore strong bank. W« IttvtU yo Bank of Bvansti It receives d pajs*S% compo is; issues Fo: should rvm open an^eoount with company, subject to chjBFln^any amount, oneJsf!ngs from |1*> u»- Bxchange; furnishes investments ', o customers; rents Safe l^poalt Boxes for fg.oo a year and asnres la all trust capacities. STATE BANKopEVANSTON '!IH WmSm Where doyou buy thfeiBl Buying exclusively teorfr us will save â- y^Sf"^imS^v All North Shore customers ire requested to order early to insure prompt Saturday delivery. GROCERIES SUOAR. •astern Orsnu- Istetf Sugar, with a on*. dollar STooory order or over, (flour, soap and butter not included.) 10 lbs. for...47c With a t> gro- cery order. 20 lbs. for......»2c With a $3 Sto- eery order. It ._ Ibsf fer....f1Jg With any 110 gTocery order, (flour. soapi and butter not Included) W« will sell a lajLJfr hag-jrf sugar for...S3.J8 FRE8H FRUIT AND VKaKTABI.>S. Fresh Beets, 3 bunches........9e Freeh Carrots, 3 bunches........9o Cabbage, soUd heads, each......7o Hubbard Squaeh ,12c Sweet Potato Squiah, 6 for............23c Michigan Concord Grapes, per basket.......1»o Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. for........19c Qreen Peppera, per dozen........9c Red Peppera, per dozen.-j....15c Fancy Preserving Pears, per peck.,49c Seckel P»*r», peck.49c 5 lb. box for.....28c Fancy Dry Onloni, 6 lbs. for........17c Spanish Onions, 2 lbs. for.........9o Pickling Onions, per peck.........89c Fancy Cooking and Bating Apples, per peck.........99c Crystal Domino Gran- ulated Sugar, 5 lbs. for........28c Crystal Domino Sugar. 2-lb. box.......«1c 6-lb. box........4Cc Light Brown Sugir, 6 lbs. for........27c Dark Brown Sugar, 5 lbs. for........28c Pure Maple Sugar, 1 lb. cake.......21o CANNKD OOOOS, Fall River Corn, t cans for......,2So per doseo.......>2o Fancy Vermont Corn, the finest corn SSf^SoJS* '""ai as per oosen.... .fiiOO) standard Tomatost. No. S eaus, per cast.........1So per dosea......|).B0 Fancy Whole Beett, per per doson......|1M Savoy Rod KMnsy per ean.,12o Beans, Hlltod ____ Stsragut, Ko. 1 eaus. per eaa..........lie per doson......SJIM ...18c .$1.68 ...20c $1.95 8trlno ..12c .$1.25 Red ___ ......«83c pesjFUosen......$2.23 Beauty Asparagus, No. 2% cans, per can.........28o per dosen...«...$2.7B Savoy Brand Soups, all kinds, per can..........10s per doten.......S8o Peerless Milk. . toll cane, per can...Wc per doien......$1.12 Van Camp's Milk, family slse, per oan.........l0o per dosen.......Mo Van Camp's Hominy, per can..........loo per dosen.......9Bo Van Camp's Pumpkin, per can......... .10o Trer HoserT. .7S8c Van Camp's Sauer- kraut, per can... 10c per doson.......98c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 1 can. per can..........10c per dosen......$1.08 No. 2 cans per can___ per dosen. No. 3 eons per con.... per dozen. Fancy Cut Beans, per can.. 12c per dozen......$1.28 Fancy Cut Golden Wax Beans, per can...... per dozen.... Garden Party Kidney Beans per can...,,. per dosen.... Nashotah Brand Peas per can..........12e per dosen......$1.28 High Life Brand Peas per can..........18c per dosen......$1.48 Campbell's Pork and Beans, per dosen cans. .98c Plymouth Rock Red Salmon, tall cans. per can..........18o per dosen......$1.7$ Plymouth Rock Red Salmon, flat cans. per can .........18o per dosen......$1.18 Faney Red Salmon, No. 1 flat oans, per «an..........Ifo per dosen......$1.7$ Marshall's Kippered Herring, per can..........1»o per dosen......$1.78 Now Japanese ^Crab- meat, Sapco brand. H-lb. cans......32c Our Boy Pears, per can..........We per dosen.......$1.88 Fancy Red Pitted Cherries, No. 2 „ cans, per can...Ifo per dosen-----•^••.•J8 Burnham A Merrill's Fish Flakes, large, cans, per eaa...lis per dosen......11.89 King Oscar sardines. P«* ««........J»/L par dosen.......ft** Smoked Norwegian Sardines, in pure olhre oH. *-jr American Sardines, tn oil, per can.......So per dosen.......$2o Union Jack Kippered Herring, oval cans, per can..........1$o per dosen......$1.15 New Burnham a Mor- rill Lobster, „ H-lb. tin........ato $ Una for......$1.35 Pish Balls, tn Bouil- lon per ean......iso $ cans for.......7So Blue Sea Tuna ?>*>*• H-lb. ©ana,^â€" per can.......<.>..1*« 8 cans for.......7$o Blue Sea Tuna Fish, 1 lb. cans, . Ser can........#iBc cans for.....M1M Mushrooms, p t fjo e s and stems. â-  per can.......a. .29c 6 cans for...a..See Mushrooms! very per can ....a...19c 8 cans for..». .$1.85 French Peas, Medium slse, per caffJ....l9e 6 cans for#...-95c V^ry FlnsW Small French PeA, ?er can...*......28o cans for.....$1.39 Savoy Tomatoes, hand packed, whole red ripe tomatoes. P<t can..........l5o pnr dozen......$1.65 Bntlro Wheat Bread, large loaf.........So Union Ssked Beeni, â-  In tomato eauot, tbe flneat beans . packed. No. 3 slse. per dosen ..........$1.» No. 8 slse, per ^ dosen ..........Iijs PICKLES. OLIVI3 AND PRBSSRVBf, Y. Brand Stuffed) 01* Ives, 20-os. Mason Jar ............:2» Y. Brand Plain OIIvm 20-os. Mason Jar for .............3w Tall Bottle Stuffid large Queen OIIvm, per bottle.......28s Ripe Olives, Curoco brand, Sfio cans.Ho Monsoon Brand Sweet Mix. jr PtektM, Jxed.â€"Chow- Pickled On* Dill Mekl«, .......23o Catsup, new «|nt hot. .210 r>ttlea....3ta Brand Jam. berry and Bed >erry. new , per Jar....2oo ,_ I WBBKLV ON BY SAVERS. Mason Jar Rubbers. beat nuallty, r«%d or white. 3 dos for 23c Lomax Qtnoer Alt and Root Beer, per dos bottles..89o Clicquot Qlnoer All, lBc bottles. 3 for..2to e$$»»$eee»eeeeeeee$ee8e»$»s< : MEATS at Low Prices Native Chuck Pot Roast, from Choice Beef. lb ............. .........19y«o Best Sirloin Steak, tender and „ Juicy, lb ........................?2o Best Round Steak, tender, lb......20o Best Shoulder Steak, tender, lb... 17c Best Lard. 3 lbs. for...............43o Snow Drift Shortening, 3 lb. paI1..3So Breakfast Bacon, mild cured. 4 to 0 lb. pleoe, per lb..................«°a Soup Meat, lb....................1*/«c Ye Olde Time Brand Codfish, 1 lb. wooden box for..................20c Best Shoulder Veal Roa Choice Fine Veal Stew, Best Rib Veal Chops, lb „ Fancy Lamb Chops Shoulder; lb..20o Rib, lb........2$0i Loin, lb. Roast, lb... 17*40 tew, lb... .ISVSo s. lb...........»o Choice Lamb Stew, lb. Little Pig Pork Sausages, lb. 250 ,arc EXTRA SPECIAL ON ARMOUR'S _ STAR HAMS AND BACON. Star Hams, lb........•%•••»• ••"•"2J? Star Bacon, by the strip. lb.......$Bo SATURDAY SPECIAL. _ Prime Rib Roast Beef, best gualltir J rolled m standing, lb...toe and 220 v aeleetad Spring Leg of Lamb, I to I â-º lb. averaae. lb,............i!"17!a? â-º Faney Pickled Beef Tongue. Ib....2Sa â-º Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, * *o < Vellow Corh Meel,_ , 5 lbs. for........Its waits Ctvn Meat. _ • lbs. for.....,..19e â- est Quality Relied Data, 4 lbs. for.. 17© CBRBALS. Cream of Wheat. ,.24o ...80 ,.13c .15o Poetum Cereal, â- malt pkg...,...1So largo pkc.......22c Instant Poetum, large tin...... •mall tin...... SOAPS. Life Buoy Soap, 3 bars......... Orandpa's Tar Soap, " bars......... " Ollvllo Soap, 3 bars..'....... Soeurlne, 2 bars. Sapollo, 3 bars.. Hand Sapollo, 3 bars......... Bon Ami, 8 bars...lie Armour's Lighthouse Soap, 10 bars....42a per case.......$2.58 Hammer Soap. 10 bars for.......25c 100-bar case... .$2.*6 Flotilla. 6 large bars for.21o Lighthouse Cleanser, 1 cane for.......2*0 Largo Ivory Soap, 10 bars for......73c Coreoota and Pills- bury Flour, J 1 bbL sack.....69c bbl. sack....f 1.38 1 bbl. aack... .$2.74 d Medal Flour, bbL sack.. " bbl. sack... bbl. aack... Napoleon Flour, M, bbl. sack ;-nfst ftn ask. 16a IMUWU as MONDAY BAROAINS. Hams, Little pig. 4 to $ to. aTetaae. . _ per lb.........................ii?** ' » Bell Shaped Leaf Lard, lb....... 1«Vie » Freeh Oround Hamoerger Steak. .. n> ........................r..«e lb.............»»e * Chetoe Lam* Stew, % bbL sack. (S bbl. pack. $Z56 ..see COFFEES AND TEAS i OSel Ores Qeldew San- tee Coffee. _ per lb...........sfe Tlbf...........St^S Our special Besets •lend Coffee, per lb...........Sfe i% Ibe. for....$1^0 Stterldan C< ~ tn tbe yellow nn>...........___ be. for......$1.00 Our SUndard Samoa flbTfeT.*::::« QNMMttne MoelM Cenee. * 1 lb. e»n........I CamptMll't Tomato per can........$Hs . Not mo*• taavn $ oane to a ouatomer. Baker's premium Chooetite. H lb. cako.....l4Vse Owlft'a Toilet Sean. 8 bars to the box.... per box..........*s Lakeside Grope Juice, 26o bottle.......144) Only 3 bottle* to the cuitomor. Oold Medsf Cern Flakes, erfap and fresh. 8 10c Dkga for...Ifle Sun Klst Rye Flakes, Wo pkf, ........Wfia Not more than 3 pkars to a ouatomer. Southern Mixed Cooklet, a tfellotoas marahmatlow cookie, always 15c. per lb. 104 SATURDAY SPICIALS. SententBor 87th. Coffee Cikes. all ^ kinds .....• • 1Sa Aneel Food Cakea Its a Layer Queen Cakes, chocolat* and cream..........Its SPstCIALS POR MONDAY S«S»T. 83. No phone or mall order*. New Ohio Came audi Maple lyrus. 10a ltet&« Sseded Rilalnsu ^ Mo^ «Mpr^sTi .tie KlngaferoCere Staroh. _. ^_ 8 too ptsja for..tts Klngeferd OJeee ataroh, ^_ ' mm_ 8 tee pkss. for..3ss Runkel's Ceea H lb. Una.. Cheeaeti its per par----- Sanl-Pluoti. __ 36e oaa...,....'•>*s Mertett'a rre» Phm. ."J?a> Saiw "12222? •Hfaur*^. tee « Wed., Thurs., Fri# sfsV Bftsvo* cwpte 24, 25,26 & 27 TtlAT tELLS EV^BYTWNCT. SALESWOMEN, GOOD PA^T w ~ffi$t *xw "â- < 'BM .$1$. ^MMMxM^^iMMi W^^^^^^M^iA^M^$^^"^^^M ^^^^M&MMMi^^iMM «^it^**i eafessiK'jfejssftfc:.;

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