Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Sep 1913, p. 8

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Di^o^lum^S RoadNmu Om^m the Most Important Questions Confronting the Citizens of Evanston and North Share COPY OF BILL PASSED AT LAST SESSION OF LEGISLATURE Tbe disposition of Sheridan road Is one of the most Important questions now confronting the citizens of Ev- anstonani the various municipalities along the north shore. For the bene- fit of those who have not given the subject the study and consideration it deserves. The News prints below the text of the bill passed at the last session of the legislature, granting to the Lincoln. Park commissioners the right to take over and maintain the famous driveway. At an open meeting of the Evans- ton Commercial association held Thursday night more than 100 prom- inent citizens of Evanston and the north? shore were present to hear the various ipeakers set forth their opin- ions on the subject. - The Bill. The following is an official copy of the bill: An Act to enable the commissioners of Lincoln park to take, regulate, con- trol, improve, locate, extend, diminish, -widen, straighten and otherwise deal with the public street or boulevard known and to be known as Sheridan road, now under the control of incor- porated cities, towns, villages, park dis- tricts, townships and counties, which leads from Lincoln park, a public park In the city of Chicago, to the northern boundary of the state of Illinois and to provide for the power of eminent domain to carry out the authority here- in granted and to provide the method funds fur of securing funds fur the Improve-' ment and maintenance of said road. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois, represented in the |§f|;t General Assembly: Boulevard and fl^ Driveway. That the commissioners of |*;;fLincoln parte of the county of Cook are hereby authorised to take, regu- late, control, Improve, locate, extend, diminish, widen, straighten and other- wise deal wltH s> public street, thor- oughfare, boulevard, or driveway ;-? known and t<> be known as Sheridan road running from Lincoln park, a public park now tinder the control of the commissioners of Lincoln park, to the city of Chicago, county of Cook, Illinois, through said city of Chicago and that portion of Cook county north of Chicago and through the county at Lake to the northern boundary of the -state of Illinois, said territory contain- ing the North Shore Park district in y said city of Chicago, the city of Evans- toh, the village of Wilmette, thetown- a city, town, village, township or park district, the territory of which is not taxed for the maintenance of said Lincoln park, the commissioners of Lincoln park shall certify to the local municipal authorities of said cities, towns, villages, townships or to the commissioners of the said local park districts the amount of taxes required within the jurisdiction of such cities, towns, villages, townships or park dis- tricts for the Improvement of said Sheridan road, street or driveway; and thereupon it shall be the duty of said local authorities of said city, town, village, township or park district to levy or cause to be levied according to law a special tax or assessment on property benefited for such sum so certified. And such special tax or special assessment shall be collected and enforced in the same manner as is provided by law for the collection and enforcement of other taxes so far as the same are applicable; and such fund when so collected shall be paid over by the respective collectors to the commissioners of Lincoln park upon their sole receipt and shall be expended by said The Commissioners of Lincoln park for the improvement of said road, only within the munici- pality, township or district for which the tax is levied and for the purposes stated within the requisition and none other. Mjist Make Estimate. unpleasant seriously !$£- any put thereof, shall pass from the control of said The Commissioners of Lincoln park, the power and author- ity over the same granted or author- lied by this Act shalt revert to the proper corporate authorities or park commissioners of such city, town, vO. lage, township or park district re- spectively, aforesaid. Sec. 6. city, etc* May Grant Control Any city, town, village, township ox board of park commissioners In this state shall have fun power and au- thority by appropriate ordinance or resolution to vest said The Commis- sioners of Lincoln park with the right to take over under the terms of tins Act, any of the streets of such city, town, village, township or park dis- trict which may be used for the pur- pose of carrying ort tteij^ her paths are ever and conditions of Qua Act Approved June 28, 1013. FIREMEN DISPLAY .. GOOD JUDGMENT Working; as quietly as a crowd of mutes, the Evanston city Icemen, dis- played tact and good judgment Friday night about 9 o'clock in extinguishing a small blase on an electric light pole in the rear of the Star theaten thus preventing a possible panic had a fire « moving picture i^"*-^^^ pole is one of ^B$ ship of New Trier, the village of Ken u ,. ,ti. ^__,^„_ _^ "tebrorth, the village of Winnetka,.WjEE! !!^^^}S!S!LS- •,:;g â- Tillage of Olencoe, all in the county &f||„of {Jook; the city of Highland Park, |||i the â-  Fort Sheridan, reservation, the % township of r^rOeJd. the city of Lake p^;$"ioresi,--the village of Lake Bluff, the *-|fe<ownshlp of Shields,.the city of North pf|Chicago the city of Waukegas, the ll^townahlp of Hftmkegau, Zion City, the ^irfflager-^of Winthrop Harbor and the . -township Of Benton, all in Lake coun- ||fty, Illinois: Provided, the content ;; |§|ih writing of the owners of a major- :. .&ipny^e«^ ^ft^fcdji. abutting on the said Sheridan : ^';»oad In each xnonldpallty :or^paVk,4hV: itict or tn thai portion of each'town â-  flimlp toot within any city or village | shall be first obtained: And, provided, " farther, that the consent, expressed %T resolution, or otherwise, of the au- thorities of e*ch. municipality, park 'f/ district and township shall first,beob- talned. In case the consent of such f^fflfcitttn* owner* la not obtained, as - herein provided, In any-one or more tf said eitlss, Tlllaces, towns, town- . ships or park districts, that fact shall I not be construed to abridge the power f oT the commissioners of Lincoln park |J -.' â- â- :^'&^':&&]V&^&A\ii)i said Sherl- {: dan road In such cities, towns,»vU- '; ' lages, townships, or perk districts In .' which the said consent may be ob- ; twined: Provided, the consent of the &..â- â€¢ authorities of such cities, towns, vil- i- lages, townships or park districts hss f also been obtainel ;: _ ?l|iee. 8. â-  Eminent pomata. , â-  . V^Vns eoejntlssiones's of Lincoln park suy enter upon any land to' make sur- yn^'tuA • earamiaitlons1 for the pur- oc locating; «x^ MrsJa^tenlng or odkerwise lmprov- «r altering saU Sheridan road and sloners of Lincoln park, after the im- provement of said Sheridan road with- in any such municipality, township or district, to make an estimate of the amount of money required during the succeeding year for the maintenance, repair, up-keep and government of such road in each city, town, village, town- ship or park district through-whlch the said road shall extend, which estimate shall he made and certified to the lo- cal authorities of such municipalities, townships or districts on or before the first day of September in each year. And it shall be the duty of said cor- porate authorities or commissioners In each such municipality, township or park district to meet on the first Wednesday in October in each year and fix upon and determine the amount of (ax necessary for the purposes aforesaid, and immediately to certify to the county clerk in the county in which such taxing body is situated the amount to be raised by taxation for the purposes aforesaid in their re- jife:' districts and the county clerkshallcom- pute and extend the same as other gen- eral taxes, but such tax shall be placed in a separate column headed, "Drive- way Maintenance Tax" The taxesso levied and collected shall be paid to said The Commissioners of Lincoln park upon their sole receipt to he ex- pended by them within the district for which the taxes are levied for the purpose of such maintenance, repair, up-keep and government and for none *tber, ~ - 0"k^:r:'[l". B the corporate aathorfUe*^dr"ooni- missioners of such municipality, town- ship or park district after such road is Improved and extended shall refuse and neglect to fix and determine the amount to be raised for the govern- ment and maintenance of such'road in such town, it shall be the duty of .the commissioners of Lincoln park tcr meet at the county clerks olBcs tft each county through which such road extends, at such time or times as mat be determined upon by them and fix upon and determine the amount ^to- be collected in each city, towifc vil- lage, township or park district for the purpose aforesaid and certify the- same to the county clerk, who sUsF thereupon proceed as If such were certified by the proper corpor- ate authorities or park conanlssfonsrs of such cities,'towns, vUlages, town- ships or park districts and for tite ner- formanoe of this duty the comralsstonv ers of Lincoln park shall be corporate authorities of such town, village, township or park dhv trict and responsible as suchi ;'^l|pf; - See. 4. Control of Park Commissioners. Said commissioners of Lincoln shall have, in addition to the power herein conferred, the same pows« and Wh»n it shall »« ns<M«sar>, for jsxr^ise df locatltg, extending, wld- the highest;lit,the business section of the city and carries a network of wires. A fuse box was biasing furi- ously and it was with temerity, that the firemen tackled the hjuatdoOs Job of tearing down the biasing box. Jack Leyner, ntghi repairman for the Public Servtoe company, appeared on the scene and, mounting the pole, tore away the charred box containing fuses, and other electrical contrivances. The circuit which supplied current for the street tights in Fountain Square, was out for an hour or so fol- lowing the fire. â- "â- â- â- ' ' V;:'""v Muoh credit is due the firemen for the manner in which theyv conducted themselves at the fire. Not an unnec- essary noise was made, it Is said. In the backing of the heavy auto fire truck and other apparatus Into the alley. Several persons in the theater tlsnedfrom Page 7.) -; ."â- I"1 "'^jji,".'.' ' 'â-  '"' \'.'â- â- %' of #lrrery. Votes Implies tone plus speech, and to t»> to pro- dtfce besuttfnl tone without giving to the reoniiements of pursuing n VVllI-o^the)' Wisp," ..". _T Singers wfose speaking voices are there are many) are- apped. .. '•."•;â- â€¢ i-:\'^.-fi We have found in Lyric Diction the other half of skgiag, and by far the more important half, If the founda- tion Is to h* built broad and so> stantlal etMjsih to rear the highest vocal art ., , .. I can safe^rpropbesy that singers and speakers who study this art of Lyric Diction thoroughly will climb faster and more joyfully than those who neglect H, and I would also say that the percentage of efficient sing- ers will be much greater than It is at | prssant 'B0:U ART '" "V"-:f<: Art is wondrous long And Patience smiles, though Genius may despair. Give us bnt knowledge though by stow degress, .blend our toil with moments aepthese; .** Lejt Friendship's accents cbeer our dottbtfulway And Lovers s>ure planet lend its guid- './^tag^ray^^ Our ^rdy Art shall wear an angel's - wings: \£%'* ijj0-' And life shall lengthen with the joy it •, _J^B||gi:l":Cl â€"Holmes. Let me close with a definition of lyric dietiow *<W!*at since so many ask >ifj jLjrte Diction?" Lyrlo melodious, toneful. Diction Implies^correct speech; thereforeâ€" ... ^ IIOSllKO BY THUQS. A report wss made to the police Fridayjnprnifig by the Rogers Park poHesTo? a hold-up which occurred shortly afters o'clock Thursday night at Arnold and Howard avenues, on the seuih border of Evanston./ Er- neet Wildes, }2«8 LaSalle street, was the-'trlctlnv^jHe was relieved of J» by two young thugs, both armed,'who tibrust revulvers in his face while rob- bing him. The hold-up occurred with- m CSilcago territory, but the local au- thoring ^are nasked to be on the look* out for the thugs. ?s* #ilili ;Ho«g<^rRp|i;T«ip. â- ";:..-; ,^' .-...4Dm^rMcArlh«^,a]id dahgh- ter. Miss 'ess, fetuJitetTTast week to could smell the burning Insulation m^^ hbn||^ln Bfnff street, Olencoe, the wires but when perfect quiet was jfojgg. g jjj^ wesks* trip through the mainUined by tte are fighters no sue northwestern Rockies, Calgary and knew that a fire; which might spread I Edmonton, Canada, sections. They to the adjoining buildings, was rag-lalso spent some time m SeatUe and immmm i»i it i n i • inn n lit it i • i n ij i»m ii 11 • 11 is iifiiftii Sliile W&mtal : Wssl A4^ m t^ ^^ Sk»r« News trt cliiged at dsloOowtag rates ^^rtJfa^TifiW'C^Hltty^ 7\£cttt$ ner lias,' 'â- â- â€¢'^'v ^^:; -:"~ '7"" â-  ^^B-^:0^:Ck^B^m^-4.^'per |sii.#B^"^'â- â€¢:â- "'â- â- â-  I Misiasa Brke, 15 ceatt. r^ •dvcrtiseassn^safged fot 1cm tasa 25 cests MtlMII t II11 f III till II11HI »H »> 11 lllif llf Mil 01 Id HELP WANTED >ework; 'matte; Phone ciB'Tailor-Biai IIS NOBTH fTan[»TSH«T CmmmISIS CHICAGO '-; :^S.»jiJS ..... '.L.;vwotiW?'ttu: â- i2."8»/.':'Ws%fca*Sfi....... _„ -'twi^niwnftftt^^ t&mpmiff^^ P. a Bo* 73 Sesllwejrtlfcm William R. Wilson" Builder and Jdbher.VPreeas, Hard- wood Floor| Storm Sash, sod Shingling my Specialties. Pboss Kssllworth 1146 ' 'IMNM tsav1w^^0ssM|MM^w OSe* Boors, S-hXl-S. Vsav*tasM, ton*. 74dS PhwoimrtM floor-, MDtrUBU ******». U. ^^s|i^jgj»^^ dunir contra over the said Shei^an road, W^SS^mm^y:§^^M^:;:. â-  or;.any;part thereof, 'ur^^:tln%-^B# ss-'l»^aoxor'"may be by law vested in them, of and concerniag .tbOjMHrlm,' improving oral- boulevards or driveways now under said flheriilia road, to take'orl tholr control and may acquire t»hl $?0y^&ti&&». the same may (to lands: necessary to carry out the li'lilW'Ai^t^^^ of thls.A^'^t^^f«# 'M*xi<ii laliieil anil mi itii In the man' mm %Tsjs>e ai^Aaassa mania, ^^hat la idC casss'l|H|fc"Js|ip.'. nbart "' 'fndfaiilL: 'stit^l^a"'lsxilv;foir' ita^l»s^a^/<a?. >D«JBVa^ fj^S»a^^s^BsrsBBB»-^ 4P|k.' -^«s^BausrinsB^-»s>- ewdr ^a"** -.â- ussjrass- chase, as well as by iwnmest domain: Provided, that the iwwer and oontrol conferred ~ on the rr>inm1rtl»ii|lfit Iff; IJneoln park by this Act shsK ' "^ l>e construed to be in limitatlom the power of the authortUes of" cities; towns and vmages..... the fSiltafiinraa' Ihsieof wfll Us of the said Sheridan rcssl ^^' *' ^^BroJg^^BB^^Pfflpyj^ia^^la^gw^gjWaW' ""w".........""* W& Oaslaf^Oils,StssnwOUs, iposf* Gnase, Wsroa 4 - Ors«BOUSMp,a^rrptlas WB W:M .ism,^- ij..,!!â-  ,i i^.JiL.aflPJftBa, ' ."ii".'^.'-": '• â-  'â- â- â- <> '."â- â-  "'â- â- ":Ww:'?'y,& aft -••'â- "â- ';*::.ty&Gmk-'- '^ ~':'«M l^iir^ilibiii^ w$: lii-^^p^ men gives Ainstintcdly sometimes ^aj^n't sions have you made? That inv^trt sister* needs *re toing tale ju$i as great whethej youVeone|rthotji6f\-that ' or father Joii't gnjvf prosperous after ymi leave him^those v^jfiyj^t "patddle their own â-  canoes" dln't be^roe exT>erieneed navigators when thel pilot drops out»Hesjslessnes81 Look the problem squarely in the eyeâ€">' don't dodge 'round corner* of luckâ€"leave «o//iifigr : â- â-  "-to- chance. ;:;^iir^-|)erf^tuat^:^^ daily excursions to the Styxand you never: yri^yj^$^m^l^Ag .up'3^^gr^rvati(Wi3 v_. lii-.jiia^^ mind^^on't disappoint himâ€"or youreelf-^or your dependents* Invite usâ€"tfte llltooli Ltfeâ€"at once g3--while you're on^the subject. -W^^&tfke onrj gyisit short and to the ppiW. We'U tell /ou of ail f Pex^iiaive line of policies that fit jewt |«articulat fj^equi^mentav^'vt^o^ "::"$?.*$%!&£ Ivaautoa Omce, Rood BoildlBg

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