Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Sep 1913, p. 5

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?tS$pWSOTS>l ifftSi^iiliiiiilPg 1W?M Dr. and .fj&.SV* ,|jp ,„,„, Wednesday.^". ,,/^|vv Chicago- . ^tMy'^ilM?;t^ i-^e. .peat ilM» ^^ ^| m Milwaukee. W'^l":^:.:i_^,,kll$r nr Finley miingwoo*^t888:$#;',. Ural street, baS:^returned^#^g§J« %ip to Pueblo, tW^Mip^^&^i Miss "BU'He" Halt^t'l^W^*!'^^ R, vlsttlag her i^ftlgfi^ ?S;«ale, 608 Churoh^J*re«ii|| Mr* 0. L. Edtf*lSt* *<** sSi«*Ni- avenue, is W^iitfvl^^^f^^^^O^SS^W^ f'..... • â€"In Mwmews,mi%y^&, ^^,^T.l^^ii:,'.»'â- - *4yars place, have 'rs##P**^,:;.*l| ^tended trip #<?^$*^gi|§ ||- Miss Gates o£;;C31^eiiui*^_;^t|« [Lest of her »i*^"^y$*^rM *"Jose and family, 2W*W$*m$m Miss Ruth Mttehell. 220* m#W r,tanimmma^^M^. tli «*d,IBlJMlll he$}t; ie, 721 8herldan it- :Aa#^eekVM \ Muskegon, .^â- ^^^^^J^kln^C" 2215 |^n||pj^^ sum- ^|i|^;i^-^-^.:li»ra*eli and l|||i£^ returned iji*J$fc^^ trip to â- ^w, Robert F. Milne and daughter, MlM Marjorle EL Layton, J719 Ridge 'i^^^^;|on^:t6;'Mic|itgan to spend Sit has returned trdinW^:M^$**^., . . f^e »he ba# .Pent :tiie:fulW^^|^^|g^iA.;B. Dale and family, Mrs. Dan. fi. Brunjn>tity'""'"" ~^ *"*" * .............. _ #$#ji iSlace? haTaa 'her /g^t§:g|^*f& 'in. Green and"»oi^*^l||>fk1*l£ 'fe-Mrs. George B. ^iilW?^ ft^0^ #14 Ridge aveW^r;!^-^^*1^* ifrom an e,«nt-w^^^S!^S â-  i|ey. i; -.'fi^^'j^^^®^S?^SSffll •|^Hf. and Mrs;;,||oJ^ -!^gl»Ury avenuft...%::|»i'^i;*:**WW^ i'^om a rootorlhii^H'f^i^lSp! Ijawin- ':^mJ:W^mM^^: ;^s <'<]$eil Stewart retUI^^'-^^c^wifW inland, where ^e^,**^;^:*^* , ,:j|r. and Mr8.:3fWmi|^J#i;^Ulu^ ['$r, Margaret R*I»««!^^W".C«****W. kltreet, returned:' 'Mai0^l00^J^, mmm, and MIW;<^-JIlbp^*^: lord street, have>l^l«#L;^«kT-M*« . ueneva- ^â- ^.sftSraS^3»»aE'S-f » *â-  Mr. and Mri.'f^Hjp'^*;^^^**?!1 ataman wwt^-'^^:*^'^^f.. Jairiee, vt-^n^«||iy^te^^l!!' fpuner. * . :â- ;' j^^pl^^^S:^ " Miss Alice Han«en,;|^::Vl^-;|*ar«^ Chicago, has been/^^iififc'W^^' Henry Sweeting and faiail& ..fjffc^esr 'â- " -•*" â- '"â-  j-'â- â- 'â- ' VvS.v â- â- â€¢â€¢-viT-j--' ky avenue, "'•^^•â- ...â- â- .â- â- â€¢â- â- .'â- c,.^-;" â-  â- â€¢~;-"- ' 'Mr. and Mrs. V.:miB^i^^m tons and Mrs. Kohn of ^':|l0jglttr are the guests of It*..1^-$&&&$& ^Betts, 2713 N. Vn^C^:tsm^Z;:X 'lur. and Mnk %^lt««fe-3fe^liliii'NWWI»*' ,„_ |«ptr»l street, returned .Pri- da^^trooa a month's outing at One- j^i^il^V' ."SSbBnall " anT*:;'- Lester :'^ranc|):,v2?0-l Harrison Street, left Fri- day tf spend a week'" in Hot *:;;:Mr, "aatf' Mxa. '.Arthur L. Sprinkle, i)M8 -fliftrniam avenue, left Saturday to spend the week-end.,and Labor Day ,^^||ieneva.. •â- '." ;, ^llr^t^Mra. John Haslon, formerly of Kenliworth, are the guests of Dr and .'Mil.- CbaHes 8, Hart, 620 Clark street, <|r. a fe> days., |0Hri,ij. JR Woolworth and son, Cur- tfijp, 2334 Harrison street, left Mon- day,, for Mr*. Woolworth's former boMel| Omaha, Neb. Hi» Judith SM^^Blttii O^S£r'«a^»i- Asbniy^Tenue, ittt Asbury aveniiei'lrtff liw ti^^^ fwet Prof. Howerton;-'clJ^JfiflR^^ tad Lee university, Lexington, Va Mrs. Charles H. fSiUer s^^ekflf dwn, 1734 Aflbury avenue, returned ftldsy night t^immi^'^^ of Wr 4a^t^ Mrs. Bl B. Olp, 2824 they have rHa-mimli^^^l!**.?f, 'mmjLhm â- â- â-  y&isi$'&"":& '..;â- -"â- '•'"., wKmm. â- ZtW'if â- :&$%,"â- : :â- â€¢â- 'â- â- â-  The Mls«e. Easie an» Marguerite Hills, 104ft Michigan avenue, who have been spending tiW^«W^"'rt""M>* rtaeid, N. Y^ are «qi6*ȣ W#* *»• latter part of tm^m-^^^M^i ' |^;vmss EdnaH«r»^^ili^o|^i^^ ^iwnue, left Prlo^::ll*;l«f#* ttna. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. •llwrer, mt«rt»ia^r.^^'i^^( ift'a fareweU dlna^||C^r^!^;^ :$IM for ten. .;, â- â€¢â-  v-f<l^^P^'-' SS^©i;:. rMrs. Charles Samner, WW Orieeii- Jiood bottleTarfl, !• ^M JMiton, Mnss., tttending the biennial aesslon of the Sapreme Lodge, b**sr Daughters ot a George, as delegate irom Coro- |;Mtlon Lodge Ko^i^^i^O^ which she Is ^i^^^lt^^^;0^a, Ut. and Mrs;; A^J^^'l^i^' Foster and Jack Poster, 12M Hln- - avenue, ' i^i:3l^^0ivN>^--:-:^ *mi (nee T«i^iitW'<M^m: .to Hiuman avenne, ?eturne4 Bun- JBr night froml>8mr1li^^;i^^^ f^'have be^;i|rS|Â¥BlBl-,<I^ ftilrs. l. itors^cisiiiiiinjt*^ pitsalie Karger, 12W Slinwood aVenue, fibre i«urned'.t1r^rsV^r^,i|l>Mil^'^ â-  SWr weeks throil^ the Alleghany pi^iwtntains. â-  M^^^Sbfls^'ll^;;^ '!*« abroad f^;;^^iii»ntb* ^jast by hn_wi^^$^^!^.^ .^rty part of'An|3^:"-:>':y:5;"^'^"1- :r';: Pitt and Mrs. L<rfie ^ardy of tfit- IM. s. , D.^=^af^^"ii»Jiit - « Br. and Mrs. ClarkMS De Wl '?#ii Sherman w«iili^&Jr?1if^^ l^oiw aix weeks ag» In their as^otno- :p»»'and s^o|sjii^^.|ttpB^?C^ :|^ilee to 8t.j(>o>u#^|lpi^^ «ttln« relatives and frleWdsm dtffet- •t poinu in tlw tlr«*:8tits«v KaMSS. -iF^Nf Nort*ws)||s»W<i^^ f ,**â- Â» made, MiM.'oih^rJasma-ns^-Ot. **f::tW' left Tnesday for Montana to spend theiponth with his son, Paul, wjio has a ranch a* D«rby, Mont Mra. OeorKe S. Rice of Sewlckley, P«u, formerly of Bvanston, Is spending the week here. She, arrived Monday and will remain until Saturday. r^g^feBln Schwartzi and family, 1S2« Washington street, left Friday for Shetek, Wis., fbr three weeks' va- cation. They went by automobile. Hiss Dorothy McGraw, won has been vultinst Miss Margaret Hingeley, 1920 Orrtagton avenue, has returned to her hpme In Minneapolis. Minn. Mr. "Win. H. Graves and two daugh SH>t Colfax street, liave gone to spend two weeks at Middle Lakes, WIS. ' ]'â- :_:â- . . Mrs. Ernst, who has been the guest Park place, in visiting In Cleveland and Toledo, <X, where she will spend several months. Miss Bath Terrill, daughter of Mr. and M« A. 8. TerrtU of Oak^Park. who Is to be married to Charles Car- lisle Giddings, 1639 HInman avenue, Wednesday evening, October 1, has chosen her bridal party. The cere- mony will b« performed at 8:80 o'clock in Grace Bpisoopal church, Oak Park. Mrs. Terrill, mother of tie bride, Mrs. Marshall 9. Barrett, of Wilmette, sis- ter of the btidegroom, Mrs. Edward Bacn, of Chicago, and Mrs. Bdward WUllams, of Indiana, win act as ma- trons^honor; Miss ^telen Caldwell and Mlas Isabel Norton, of Oak Parav as niaidi of ionor, and Miss Gladys lttner ot St. Lonis, Miss Baisabeth Bufrum, of Westerly, R. t; Miss Plor ence Batier and Miss Myrtle. Bour geois of Oak Park, as bridesmaids. Baby Hay and Dorothy Bour will stretch (he ribbons and BMta Bsch and Mary Wffliaina will be flower girts. Jldward Williams will he «iw 'bs^'^BM^~v-Tiis) ushers have not yet been ebaen. A larg» reception wlU follow tie ceremony at the Terrill home.".;»-: A preuy weddini was solemnised :*a*a*t',-m: *t *'J* °'ctock ** "Bnena Vista" cottage, the home of the WWe1! parenta In Fo» Lake, WK, when Mi» 4is*ry Camito Hotchkiss. daughter of Mr,^«»d Mra Dean Hotca- w .. kiss and June* B. Westcott, of Laeon, ^dy.-h*. wew'£^*£!PT Jt'^ Mary Hard, of Van Wert, O^ served Harry J. Hastears, sister ot the bride, of Sparta,^WHw â- "**• *»«*««* '****- The bridesmaids were Miss Irene l^ruham, o< Lsanrhnn, Mksh., and Miss ^ u ttit nla. The bnde wore * ia^if #«inoes« mos^ o^e* <*•*â-  ' n,^ tut sttendaats â€" gw"» Colo, ip ^a« D. Oander, of 'go,^^ ij mv*ndar and pink lingerie ;Pte»go. ^hosiaNuiUisfssternalunv â- &&'^JMfc:^****Hi**l9i ^•nd a nwcst^ M Phi Kappa P*» grad^a^stlliJs^^ J^naty. Mt«i*sj^i%ii1p?ii^» ^Wfr+W^^toW****;" attei avenms, for thej past three, years. llaiwsii and Ja^ Hayj^ 'visited.'Itt Montreal, Rochester and dif- ferent places la Connectlcnt :; - Mrs. J. Orchard, 6(8 Inclestde place, entertained her comin, the Misses Book of Burlington, Vis^ and the two Messrs. Book of Antloch, 111., the week- end and Labor Day. 'Miss Marie Graff, with her sister, Pauline, and her brothers, Robert and Albert, 848 Judson avenue, has re* turned from Pish Creek, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gault, after spending six weeks in New York city, have been traveling by easy stages UMrat^h at their snmawkrim* in essjtarn Ohio, and wm reach s>aa*ten early in f^s> tcmber. -:;.::.,r^^-Hi "â- ^^..,:^t' BTaadsos, AugSstng Abbott, 818 Shsti- «an roao^ left 'ffeaaesiay for their home in; I^e Oensra., They wttThs gone through Beptember. Mra Nathan Webb and funTly. relatives of Mrs. NU^tlngsle. ot trrbana, UL, will be h«re durlnf the period of their ah- isaosxs^ •-:-':.-;-'^.?^§^i r ^^^i^^: ; Miss Theora Bniltl* of Birohwood gave. v a. mtoceUsJaeius . shower Fri- day s^temoon to» M^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. r. G Lake, sassMBsaaai"tdt' ^ U **bM & 0*k V&* • was .feejiatlr.::;.lpn««hns^ Bekbardt of Oak fsoViavs a kJteas* shower i^nrdw ensrneon m he* â- vnjjqm^f-,______ RossJ^d Mumfwd. daughter of Mra WUliant ttlee Mnmford, 748 Jndson •venue, to Arthur Jay Smith, was an- counced last week at a tan given by pii^ eaina*4ons and nuld^s^utir fsiiu and pink shade* candles yere used profusely. throaghottt the house. The wedding will take plaxw In Ofltobt*. ; Mr. and J sen"' it^ss4.' rJbntLake.IB. ' "Mrt, I.ilff^ftir 'daft rea< !• entatts^nla* lw nisea Miss^anei«Wo^4fWa»p«*.Wla Mra J^JB. sl.«Waf St Losta 'TlW*iJ«SW^,?*S7*'"'^^flP ;..^^P*S^e/a;-'^"*'" ^^^' C«nnosu IW Manle «ran»^ tor three 'â- 'MrOeWr, ,nas ^ rsaiH nen .(Wi.'â„¢.^"; o;^^^-^fM8<li88^ avenue, l^sn^iBH^ mcrnliigtnrBlocesjMa.Ind^toss^ several days, .â-  W<yC%i:r£?'0t'.{Mi•^:i>-:.: <maVlesWnglliutdilUne41iigBroa^ a^iiaw;'thlit'l'isn:fB - WBB«SJBBJ(,^,if^SB|(Sa^v.SSJSBfW^«-|BSJS»SBBBf 1 /•m i'tiu^':.«tss* "aa^ltf^iili vfl^ssBBf,', >^s^^!H|/.. ^wjsssw^"" .^s^w|s/-^ ^^^v.^^r,-|i and' 'tMsa variens B4dtttt:s4': :d|^h|d|is)sn'SjSjd^ si imnsd ^ *w* ^**^ -** iItii, .......... j^53!lE^5eR5.,..,,,Bi%»ii!i^-l."«l>,uHTV.-"...f#^"' M. Bs^ 2W O^rtngtoa ........ bilk Mhwh^ hltllw » wsB ;^ 'tene^' lftMhwehtera"hvst's2m - â- ^â- iyw.^^ft^wM^^wi' iinji 'in i»i Spec ii The grocery prices listed below continue until Monday night, September^. |fi|| aoy r^ to leave your flrtcery order on any of the other sales days, leaye^ff Monday and we will fill it. This is the first tim^ftiat we have made this exceptional offer. It means thwe'saml.pitees.aiday.Motid^ mm M» ^iti^iai^Siiiiife mtMmmm......,.„.„.,...., .;•â- â-  :*httr|da^:a^«»»^^ â- ,Crii»n.*>i-.iÂ¥fe*ii.v'*vi:,^«;'»^ Not more than three enn» to a' Wsshlno Soda, per ^-y^;fpornv;tha#" •ipraMMira, t^et fr^n»ery iMSHer, Wayne .. , sad Low aM Heitantf Oreasse ;••.; -^per ib^brlelti^,. ^^^^^^ ..«NKi,.ner e^,.»»«i,-4.^»v.>-»,^*jssjf... Hone delivered af CUT PmCB SALE NATIONAL •incUIT CO.*hl>KQ. CRACK1R8 . .'^fefc"' OOLD MtOAL FLOUR. Delivered with any grocery order at the following very low prices: „ 1-8 bbl. sack..............,88c 2f*,«^ww»|«i flavors...*>8e 1-4 bbl. sack..........------tlJB five O'clock J^.......»..»,!Ja W bbl. sack..............IM8. JE*&£~%^>........"iJ/t N.pCon Plour at the name price. g£T^ 8>l^^icrs»: ^ 11:;^ "*-'--------"-â- ; .'â- -â-  ' Vanllln WidmM^--......<•.â- .<••â- ' "Uiiejeda. wa^piK^-------,.,.....#• Oatmeal Craeksrs .......•••« Graham Craeheiw,... - •.....,...^80, No. 1 cans, 8 ctns for......itoc No. 8 cans,,A;iiM for.......»e No. I'^IHi for. .,^.88e ^_c .. ............ pi&*:^.fc 'W- :^jv? "â-  ^^s5«S!53Baw8Me'rW^"*fc*^i'-:i^.?i?^'^ Campbell's teupa, 1JUJI. o*any£r^S;$j# "" one kind ier.Mv'-^'V»i^>:""^.^il. - - ^ tto, chicken. â-  ^'-t«- ^ --2aw* EDUCATOR CRACKERS pin :';«p|.8|*^^,i|f - ^^^fc' jrtria wHeiS Wb^ *rea«, in the imeeaierloard irr"' baked fresh erary day, loaf â- ., ,^:,, a, v*i:*^,^^i.iiv.^.»:*; •â- %t^fi^ im^:'Jai|ii#^^ ..... SATimtMr WvtFm _ â-  fy/ffi'iff:W!•;;:I*k*.';. *».f;-..-;:-,«#?". ,^. _,_. ^'^jJP^^i^^iW(tf8' ut Idssareens, per lb. * .81o r-fa> ^hBgrtr^sjg^yjt^^Tp"^":-"'"â€"'rh^i ; CUT PRICK SALE OF EDUCA- TOR CRACKERS. Bdiiestor Toasterettss, pkg......9o educator Animal prs«ksrs,'............ per pkg .................•••»» educator Water enckere, tin 2So educator ChoeolaU crackers, ifS VSmiA O^nnV^ne^ ©ejleleua^jiu^ t\b. Stum!!?.,??. ;•.. i^lW ,.;.:.^..diu^^;.;e^*^;^||^^ ,JiS i^^i^,i^ffi^'rrl |«i|bgi£^iM^?'rairiiltf Van Cams/e No. 1 cans, No. 2 cans, 8 Red Kidney M for.<....2Bc tor.......880 cans f or 88e Coaotry • 8 lb. n»u.».........*.,»< Fanoy New York Awierlean â- **^ i per lb.,,. • â- '.â- ,>,:-.. • â- Â»* «â- . .84c ..fh)Nwejf!t ? ^ofk^'rSk* " ^^i .' Sum" ' >• .^? ,4ll 23o Hominy, No. 3 caa«- 8 cans for 28c tin ,.. .^,.... ^^ • • • • - Jg-â-  «s^r Krhirt^1ter8tpB7Tcanrm Educator Brsn oockles, tin....23c p^mBkin, No. 8 oi Miuatiu tWatani. tin___.......ZSC U»«K ^>m>« Mlllr «â- ! educator Wafers,«[»..........sflc Educator Ginger eoeklea, tin..23c Educator Sweet Orahdm crack- era, pkg ......... ..........•» educator Toaotstt«fc tin.......23c Fruited educator, tin.........23c CSUtCALS. Shredded Wheat, pkg; ~... lie per dos 81.28 Quskor Oats pkg; .......»c per dos...fTc Or. Price's X'^-l Rolled Oats pkg. .......a© per dos.. .89c Cream et Wheat _ Pkg .....13c ' per dos... .fi^S Ketloog's Com Flskss, **.»••**. T»er dos..........• • • • •.... .870 Puffed Rico, pkg He; ..dos. 81.48 Puffed Wheat, pkg 9e? dos 97o Gold Medal Corn Pl»kea per pkg....8c; per dos-----89c Borax, 20 Mule Team 1 lb. pkgv...vi1J per dos ....81.28 Pearfine, 10c size .......8o A. dv H. Soda 1 lb. pkg......Se Potato Starch 10c nkg.......8o Onion ••«, Noe. ? ee Brand • 18c glnas»ot.i2e 60cglase hoC.«7c -'• •'â-  i.S '. '/.' "r;2-Js&l Chicken feed, 100 lb. . »„â€",.".... .,-. J ciway S cans 28o Van Camp Millc, fami^aise, - _ ' ;t* eatt»-^fdr...,,#gp;,r».....*8e olesi for...28c .....,+No. l' shtsi>H»i â- ^». tor ...m '?,Raven:^8)i»nd:;s;«i Ljhjsjsjt_^8h]ssje:u^ Corn, 8 cane lor ..... 88* '::•*â-  8^r«y;4un*g:i _ ^n^sjs>reanf'-88d^ lSSlnf^|^....^v.;.;.i1e 'â-  Jene, .all 'flSA'"':-s;'Â¥ vore, 8 pkgs say one . â-  '-» .:;.:/da^c*i<o#:^aJn| • Marshmjillow -::% Powder, can ^cto SsusKs Lemon or Vanllbl «» tract, 26c bottle....... *.... .we •fej:i'•' i-:":'â- "â- â- â-  ""'.A :%m tall cane to pm: ddB-'-:';'^'.. „.ies|ui^;,:;i^ii^ 10 bars for..88o pat nesneisjir'..â-  uepajF â- ; ....^„-.'".^".............. .t||;s;, 10 bara.;j^.,»'»v,»^'^;^%>-«»•^j*Q|" 4i=fe" â- ',;';per;' ease • -. v..«,»«:«i-*:*£**Ui;#fJ8ji«an/ i»:-' r^l^t!W8>r^^?;-^^:^^.-;;:-^| â- ;â- â- â-  §;â-  large bars tor. •Vi»;^**.A.*.».*.#8jgfs; "v 6 double "hex cartons........ate fell i S^lfKh^ikjirsjB) sjonn, In bnni fas? .djh) Armour^ Llflh# house Waetiinf gi 4 lb. phg.....l8e â€"_-......- ., "'i-^m Wood Meats at low©^ fhiit.-©•16^^ V^c^.^jsf4||ij| .•^ISS' g'l^^if I - -r-^; MJIMli^i^ ^S^s| fp; OSS â- MMMpji CXTflA SPECIAL ON r^m^iMm^: Armour's St«r Hams and Bacons loI^^jSinS^I average, lb ^2SI lb 6 pound average, lb., Native Chuck f*^ f****1 ***$ eholeaSeef, lav^^'...i8-i**^ »ast Strloln Steill tonder ••«» eiiey, lb,-....«.>;;........••^e fettve Shoulder Heak, lb..lie .Freeh-. Ground rUmhurgsr ::«? Steak, ib ..^.^vi:..^...i«|-; Native Snoulder Ve«f'-lleaay^S Ctwice Fine Vest dtstw, lh, its sTnaey Veal Chcc^ Rlh, lb. .881 '.; Lofn, per lh ^^*wo,; Finney Lamb Che**, PUb, VM* ^einV lb 88«r 8M8«^ l|jnav .^siv» :ti'mtWfa:vW*#&:-. Fancy Smokad Sonetese Sutts, per lb..... ... Best NatK* Porterhouse Steak, lb ............. *.. wc CRISCOâ€"We Sell â-  fjt,.;;-"ir^t â-  â- â€¢ • S8c else fiwf^-;V'*v'^-V*i^88e;. -': Son sise' for..f.>^...v^>^i^e»8 JJ-28' ^'fe*' wc^HnfnaB^ W^SP* B^Mkfset°lta^fl, the famous MLcieus mild cufed ^------- i to • ih pieces, lb. LareV I tts for. .^^,^.».^ Morris «. Co."s White Lesf Pure Lard. Jb pail for....48* Llttla Pig peek Sausages, 14c SPECIAL tATURDAV.^-^ Fresh Dressed f>ncy 1818 Spring Chlckenei^.H to 8 jb average, lb .............tie SelectaTspiirm Leo of tamh 6 to 8 lb. averagalh .-.• i»»/a« Prime Rib Roast ieef ef yeung native ©ettle, beet aoautyr per lb .....>.........."ltHif ^yMOHOAV" fPsTCtAlptl^:';: *-* Heme, Itttle pig, 4 to • fh igttv t^et F&kleV 'iii&t&w' #. â-  "enf J^njdt; sjell Shane, :8)SSt_ .leaf lardV».i.^i/.«i;,|854e Cottelene, 4 A j^ for......No Cllcowot Qlnger Ale 8 18c hottlea....i â-  Masts. .BjffsjSjji,' 'OTBn;:'-."i- soanle :eyrniA "â-  ::::0jh^> , .^..|fn;v^hs|p^Hhy Old Dutch Cleanser â- on Ami, 3 cakes Z4c Scoiirene, % bars....So A. b. Steve Pdleh 10c bottle .......7e Ammo, the ammonia 3 10c cans .......... \tZt ^i^^mm^.miim FRESH FRU IT A*D V EQE. , TABLES. Evergreen Ccrn, every ear se- lected, per dos..............ise Freeh Bssts, 8 bunches........./c Fresh Carrets, 8 bunches.......1* Celery, 8 for...... ..........«••» Cucumber*, 8 for...............«e Oreen StrtiM •eana, per « Fane* Wax leans, per Qt........Se Larae Fancy Spanish Onfcns, v^ 8 lbs for..............♦***.,.â- Â» Peare, per basket.........,...«• Peaches, per basket...........ins Applss, fancy cooking and esw>_^ tag, per peek........,....*.8Sn Tomatess, xt*. ripe, per seaket. ne fp» m& M Wk rm THESE Wed., Tfars.| and Sat., 3d, 4ih, 5th and >:v*t? Rosenberg's Trtding Stamps s^^Art;':'«;#P* Good in Trade MS? Ml^^al^lMl^

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