Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Sep 1913, p. 2

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a certified copy of the bill, which for ~ lack of space In today's issue of The Dally News, will not be printed until tomorrow. James A. Patten, Wm. 8. Mason, Oeorge P. Merrtck and Mr. P. H. Gree- ley, ex-president of the village of Win- netka, addressed the members of the association and all of them, with the exception of Mr. Greeley, were hearti- ly in favor of granting sovereignty of the road to the Lincoln park commis- sioners. Mr. Greeley In a twenty-min- ute talk discussed both sides of the situation as be sees it from the stand- point of his village and concluded bis remarks by saying that he is not clear In his own mind yet whether he will favor or oppose the proposition and stated that at the present time It Is about six of one and a half dozen of the other, so far as he is concerned. Two Oppose Plan. Chas. H. Bartlett, cx-clty treasurer of Evanston and Oeo. Kearney were op- posed to the proposition. Mr. Kearney on the ground that he feared If Ev-1 anston permitted Lincoln park com- missioners to assume control at this j time it will precipitate the agitation of the annexing ot all or a part of Ev- anston to Chicago, Mr. Bartlett drew out the fact that there Is no limit placed on the amount of taxes that the Lincoln Park board might demand that the city of Evans- ton raise for maintenance, whereas school and other taxes are limited by law.- Mr. Bartlett thought also that the city of Evanston and the other muni- cipalities could'do all the things that the Lincoln Park board can do and pointed out that, while the gross tax- lug power of the city is limited, all the taxes raised for the maintenance of Sheridan road would take just that much of the funds now available for police and other municipal purposes. Mr. C. D. Macpberson asked bow the tax would probably be Bpread for the Initial building of the road as well as tor its ultimate up-keep year by year. Mr. George P. Merrick stated that the original road would be built by the city of Evanston under the direction of the city council of such material as tbey saw fit to use and that the road would not be turned over to the Lin- coln park commissioners until after/ the road was completed. Initial Payment from First Tax. It was explained that the initial payment, would be put down either by special assessment or special tax, that a special assessment might be spread, fbughly speaking, from the lake shore to the tracks or at some undetermined point on either side thereof and that the corporation counsel or the authori- ties of the city that spread the assess- ment would have to use their Judg- ment as to how far the benefit ex- i-aafi-that-the waft would be asked to confirm this special. assess- tnent. ©tr the other hand. If the ape- ?cial tax is resorted to, .and Mr. Per- 41ns B. Bass stated that in his opinion the road would be built by special tax, all of the burden for the Initial pay- ment would be borne by owners of the property immediately fronting on Sheridan road. Commissioner of Public Works John H Moore was asked for figures as to the probable cost and stated that there were approximately ,90,000 square yards of pavement to ue built at a cost some place between S2 and fa per square yard. If Mr. Bass Is right in the assumption that a special ta* will be resorted to, this Initial cost of something between $180,000 and g 8270.000 will necessarily be borne by p the property owners immediately fl fronting on the drive, in which case |? the city of Evanston will have to raise y by taxes an. amount' equivalent to the $»â- â-  frontage on the drive actually owned §^;^"tbe«tty. ..â- 'â- â€¢ 'â-  * â-  'k' â-  Mr. Moore stated that the Lincoln H- park board figures 8 cents a square Hi ysurtt ;>per. pear tor maintenance, but |H that lie thought that this maintenance p> should include sweeping, sprinkling, ;:^. snd lighting, and might aggregate as much as 10 cents per square yard a year, watch would require the raising of $9,000 a year by taxes in Evanston telllllllllHIItH i What People Are Doing i 1 ioWilmette"-^1 Marshall Davis Is reported recover- ing from a serious Illness. MiSB Agnes Dekaye of Wilmette will resume her studies at the Visitation academy September 9, 1913. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes McKinney, 815 Linden avenue, have returned home from a we tern trip. Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue, has returned from a few weeks' stay at Gull Lake, Mich. Mrs. Ira Kyuer, 116 Fifth street, Is In St. Mary's. la., for a few weeks' visit with ])<r grandparents. Mrs. 1'aul Sehroeder, 418 Greenleaf avenue, entertained Mrs, William Fo- ley of BuHhnell last week. Mrs. Fn<I Peters, Jr., of St. Louis is the guest of Mrs. 11. A. Plgott, 1239 Lake avenii'-. MIsk .Murk' Burnet* of Hinsdale was the t;u<-bt »f Miss Mildred Cunneen, 73.1 Ashland avenue, last week. Members of the Town club enjoyed at. Informal dance at the Woman's club building Saturday evening. Albert. Scheidenhclm has returned from Grand Haven, Mich., where he spent (wo weeks. Miws lielm Shurtleff returned last week from !)«.• Kalb, where she visited friends for a few days. Mrs. Horace Demny has returned to her home, 022 Central avenue, after a lew weeks spent at Ephraim, Wis. Mrs. J. B, Denman, 626 Hill street, has for her guest Mrs. A. O. Evans of Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Cornelius Jones,* 1114 Forest avenue, returned Monday from Ridge- Up, Tenn., where she has been visit- ing for several weeks. Mrs. E. C. Bream and Mrs. F. C. Hopkins and daughter spent a few days last week visiting in their old home city, Jacksonville, 111., last week. Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Schwartz, 111 Sixth street, bad for their guest last week Or. William Henderson of Cold- water, Minn. Mrs. C. C. Prescott, 1019 Linden avenue, has for her guest, Miss Erie Chambers of Little Rock, Ark., for a few weeks. Mrs. Louis Clark and Miss Effle Ladd, 716 Lake avenue, have returned from Star Lake, Wis., where they have - been for a few weeks. Misses Jeanne and Madge Wetland Mrs. i* RoVs, im Offiiea ay. departed last week with her daughter, Mrs. Grant Marbury and children for Maysvilk, Ky., where they will: visit for several weeks. „ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell have re- turned to their home in tU Linden avenue after a pleasant tbree weeks' trip in Colorado and other western states. Misses Edna Doyle, Martha and Louisa Leidle, who nave teen spend- ing a few weeks the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Harry King, 152} wmvraot avenue, have returned to their/homes in Sheboygan, Wis. ( The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of the Wilmette Methodist church is scheduled for today In the church. Luncheon will' be served at noon after which the annual business session will be conducted/ Officers for the coming year will be chosen In the meeting. Mr. and Mra. H. A. Whitman and son, 930 Greenwood avenue, have re- turned from an extended automobile trip through the eastern states. They bad a delightful time and, though tbey traveled a great many hundreds of miles, experienced littlo trouble with their machine. Mr. Whitman is loud in hi* praise of the^ condition of the roads in the e^st. "They are so far ahead of u» in the sheet metal avenue, everything elson Bros., plumber, Iroad ave listener, psfTOslng. livery lag stable!, 96 West Oak AID SOCIETY TO MEET. The Woman's Aid society of the Wilmette Baptist church will hold a»i all-day meeting. Monday, September 8th, in th# home of Mrs. Harry Dll- lenbeck/1^16 Elm wood avenue. Lunch- eon will be served at 12:30. In the fafternoon, Mrs. Lester, president of aast that there is no use In trying, th6 Wolaen.B BaptIgt Home Mission for. M- K- y etktt Drug & dlse corn- tailor for innetka Coai-L" building mnteri avenue and Spruce ^fJVth Shore Gas gjfc1 fppliances. ' mJfttHOt Otto, landscgjBle Cft- lorlst, 917 Willow str*t. 9 a^Rndea A Marsh/ and surveyors, r."8 I IfllirfiU Sc Wylle ConetfjMt pany, concrete constridHbnn1 Annex.-â€"Advt. * dener and engineers treet. ion com- 6 Prouty to make a comparison. We don't know what good roads are here." The Whitmans made stops at Boston, New York, Newport, Saratoga and other points of interest. Dr. F. b. Vreeland, of the Green- wood Inn, Evanston, well known in Wilmette, retarded Sunday by the way of Quebec from an interesting European tour. He spent several months fn traveling through France, Germany, England, Ireland and Scot- land. He also attended the medical conference, which met in London. Mr. C. P. Van Schaack is expected home this week from a trip to Brit- ish Columbia, California, and through the Grand Canyon, Colorado, James G. Barber, 621 Linden ave- nue, who is in the engineering de- partment of the Western Union Tel Springfield. He was at home Sunday with his parents and then left Son- day afternoon for Bloomlngton, 111. Leading merchants on the NortH Shore society, vijll speak. beautiful tiongregatJonal grounds between Lake Michigan and Late crystal and the1 second: .;&•# *> the Bible Conference at Winona Lake, lnd.> ( This conference was the* most suo- cestui in the history of Winona. The leading speakers were Gipsy Smith and Dr. G. Campbell Morgan and the management stated that eight thou- sand people were on the grounds. The Conference adopted the plan of fees and reserved seats and not only met the approval of those in attendance but closed the season with a balance in the treasury. Already plans are in operation to make next yearV Bible.Conference even more helpful and successful. â- â- â-  Dr. Wilson will speak Sunday morning on "Thus it becometh us to fullfll all righteousness" and in the evening at 7:46 o'clock on "The Healing Touch." Strangers and new- comers are especially invited. The Young People will hold their monthly devotional meeting at 6:45 o'clock and Miss Florence Rae will lead on the topic, "The Faith of the Ideal Christian." S .,.. CHURCH BULLETIN WILMETTE. Wilmette M. E. Church. The pastor, Rev. T. K. Gale, will preacb next Sunday morning at 10:45 on "Christ and the Blind Man," and at 5 p. m. on "Christ and tlM People." The .ladies' quartet consisting of Mrs. Colweil, Mrs. Burrows, Mrs. Harker and Miss Peterson will sing at the morning service. Sunday school at 9:30. Junior League at 4:00 p. m., in charge next Sunday of the pastor. Epworth League at 6:00 p. m. wUl be a young men's service, led by a wide-awake, good leader. The young egraph company, spent last week ln-jladles will go in a body to the home The following advertisers on the Home Builders' page, vshich appears returned to their home in 706 Green- once a month, are good firms to trade leaf avenue Sunday after a visit s?lth . PT::" :1 ^ log and the lighting of that part of WSheridtin road lying within the muni- l^clpalitjr of Evanston. He further ex- §§jpjlt»ed that this |9,(H>0 would mean a mMtMX o* approximately 80 cents per ' capita on all ot the eltisens of the city. •||Pi|i:jCliy Would Have Authority. • r Ih the discussion it was brought out tliaft the bill as passed by/he legUIa- â- â€¢g^^:-.^^?^^Ei^i^ th£ municipal-' Jlty. through which the drive runs : ]iiOTn having authority" over the road v lb the matter of enforcement of local ordtflABoes, such at making arrests lor }&i^p&tiifa,::^:^ie»lowtog local speed laws and for regulating the road othaiwiss),'in" accordsaes with cxlstitti erdinanosji of p» municipality eon- ^*:^':-*--'~^%m*:t: '..'â- â- â€¢:• â- .-;;â- ".--'-: AboisVlM men listened to the dis- ' # th^ alojs of which Presl. Tamp IT Itijltlw slitiiil thit the ........."l^'^8fe#^i r$M$®&6E* friends in Woodruff, 111. C. A. Lundberg and family, 1210 Twelfth street, have returned from a ten days' automobile trip in northern Illinois. --â€"- ----- Misses Agnes and Josephine Col- lyer, 524 Hill street, have returned from an extensive visit with friends in Springfield. „* Mrs. J. B. Miller, 725 Ninth street, has for her guest her nephew, Prof. Henry Unangst of Pittsburg, Pa, He will remain several weeks. Miss Dorothy Traver returned to her home in Decatur last week after a visit with Misses Frances and Mar- garet Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest ave- nue. Mrs. Joseph Shantz returned to her home, 1053 Linden avenue, Saturday. after an extended visit with relatives in Melrose Highlands, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stattman, 916 Linden avenue, are at home after a few weeks spent in camp In northern Wisconsin. ;) ..-":-'Mr??; Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Knox are again at borne at 519 Forest avenue after a (wo months' tour in England and Scotland. . ;^y-i'%$$^$J$) Misses Alice, -Margaret suodjlarah Gallagher are In Grand Rapids, Mich!, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Klndel, former resident of Wilmette. Mrs. B. H. Robinson, 980 Central avenue, will leave today tor Hartlatfd^ Wis., where she ,.w«l reiaa^;^"stivk eral weeks. â- " 'â- â- ^â- :J-:y:^0;::^~ Miss Florence Wlnship returned to with, and invite your patronage: Wllmstte. nger ft S ke, building avenue^ YJ0T Edmund wlats^»H62 Central mneriaay /C/C Brethold, loi l« Wast Railroad l&ma Shore Realt eltate,^ terminal. Price, v* dal, wood, 1301 Lake marketr insurance, lation,real aner, 1147 Greenlej^ avenue. ' % iWmfng'B pharmad|Jj&fes, cigars, •fndy, etc., wnmettsTalB Railroad avenues. * Passat J^jUfcette Fruit WyRx lfime-made candy, fa Ilea: etc., 1^1 Wilmette ( rt Rae, arc 481 Qseenleaf aven4 Lm** Smith, f« West BJailroad aye fjlt^Welsh, shoes,^ iggs^lS Wilmette- L^frilmette Studlb^ 1123 Central av«nne.j tp€ C.".K«t«k Pi' mg, |pj64 Linden av< iflsjpilmette ave: lllRpley * Crool rators, phones mett^67. JJ0t6rt Bros,, Ing. 1168 Central Win andy Store, m, cigars. of Mrs. Rernheim, a converted Jew- ess, in the afternoon. On Saturday evening the young peo- ple leave for Chicago on the 7:16 train to conduct service at the "Bible Rescue Mission" on West Madison street Wllmstte Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Wo- men's Club building, Greenleaf ave- nue and Tenth street Preaching service, 11:00 a. m. Bible School, 9:46 a, m. The devotional meeting Wednesday evening, September 3, will be held in the home.of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ma- jor; 2l5 Ninth street Topic, "How God Guides inilfe^ On Saturday afternoon, September 6, the church and "Bible school will' hold a picnic on the lawn of Mr. D. Nelson', 821 Elmwood avenue. All are cordially invited. / 'Wilmette Presbyterian Church. Dr. J. M. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson returned Monday night from thjjir vacation. Dr. Wilson will occupy his pulpit of the Wilmette Presbyterian church, Sunday morning and evening. The first half of the vacation, was spent aU Frankfort, Mich., on tho QLENCOE. Glenooe Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as followsu~Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church-every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. WINNETKA. Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 606-J; J. W. F. Davles, residence 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. « Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:46 a. m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 6 p.. m. The communion serv- ice: First Sunday in January, March, May, July, September and November. First 8esndlnsvlsn Church. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school Is held at 10 a. m., followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young People's society will meet Sun- day at 5 p.m. Services in the church Wednesday at_8 p. m. I> E 1209 Wilmette Av. Mb Ovtr Warning"! Dng Stor* erbertD.Collyer SSBBSSS9B8 Insurance Broker rnsuraj^e\fi|fected 654 llSBTMM EnbMgi 8liM!ig Wakasw 793 CHICAGO fuV Everyth and Electr warq Supplies Best of fwMwneM fvon tmumt pansnti. Appolittm«nU by tsjteplioMâ€"Wlswttt 1*04. ItWIMfe," 1ft0 FSTttl Alt., WjMtttj iMsttl Pare Mk -nd CrMm, ' â- â- ' â-  ~- • 1819 Elmwood Avenue BST AND !T 1/^ Tjm CHEAPEST JLlVjil II QUICKEST, > ^? " CLBANESTt^^"V AND MOST^ CONVENIENT to pay for the up-keep and the clean- her home in Elkhart, Ind>, 1«M* weel| after a visit with Mrs. CharlekJ(K, Al- ien, 10*9 Thirteenth street i"/ Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Schmidt, 817 Elmwood avenue entertained Miss Florence Clarke of rjdw^ls^ite^}^: merly of Wilmette, a few days lsst *_ _ 'J. ,'S,.., ^ ':'.:..i^---*'.-"'----1-"'â- â- â- â- -â- â- 'â- .â-  - Dr. and Mrs. A. Lb Evans amd ohil- dren returned to their home tn ItoUa, Mo., last week after a visit with Mr. and Mm O. P. iBvana, «1« Gregory •treet **-':- 'â- â- <]/ -1'â- ;r^4^>::;: ':i Mrs. S. 8. Fits Gibbon is agsOn with hor daughter. Mrs. Frank H. Oalla- gl«r, 1283 Forest avenue, after having passed several weeks at Beardstown ^aj^Biai^BeWUe, TXL ^^-j^M the legislative conmilttse «f)th« <k)B>^ mereial aasocUtlon, This comanlttee consists of A. H- Bowman, chairman; C D. Macpberson, Peter MJH

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