Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Sep 1913, p. 1

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shearsals 60 p|p|| ^ »^ the daaeer* are Millard .Cro^f, J<Att Arnold, Bv«r»tt« T»ylor. - Prances Mil- ler, lyArcf Ord*, Afne« Martin, Dor. Mm^u^ Heuer end Bessie Parka. Lak» ,Fore»t'« oontrtlratlon to the harffett ««iUt»J wUl ^e a French yin- ~-r?m?zr?z!^M^.-:^ rehearsal of il CIIRIIRR& REPRESENTED W&*.f^:^-^(§^"•ttanoon Eyantton to Wiukegafl, rownWill Mlviliinty^ythlliw! Misses Give liittrjireiittti rf â€"'^mM0MP^;* Despite the fact that mtd-summer'* Iflc heat la twsm3j|&iti>7. ^d^oni*: lew signs of autumn «"*:.$&*•.anmv and there, #^.-viwiiW*iB*; 0I1 for th^'»«*l^;:Birf*it. ,Uval of All Nation*, RaVinla j^b's jrst ^eat-atttt«al-;,paittot-:«^ ?l» given Friday %re^^'-ii^JS^Xa^: lay afternoon and OVSnito.^fcapsnnt- ^i«r 12 and 13, la' &e;O0i^:«»;:HJ&;. Sftni* F&rk ,,,s,... ....^^....... .,„... ..... "Behearsais are beingconducted tn-^anabet, BJlleen Kelly, Helen Hoyne, ••t The followlai yonng people are to take part In the pa«e»nt: Rhode Collins, th* Httie daughter of Mrs. Rath Coffin Collin*, who Is to be the fsiry a^een; Philip King, who is to be the falir idng, and the following who will ba the gnome*: Allen Mills, I>onald Calhoun, Donald Jones, Rob- b^ WVlla^ Weldlg Colburn. Fran- cisCtfbnra, Harrington Colbura. Young folk from Highland Park wUl npresent a group of Russian deaoe^ The dancers are in charge of Mrs. Robert Buckley, chairman of the Highland Park group. The danc- ers are: Misses- Catherine Cashing, The* Fessenfeld of Baltimore, Mar- JorsStaall, Frances Kemp, Cecil Vail Alma Mendonhall, Marjorie Fol Helen Kosenfield, Margaret Engel- hard and Louise Tayor. It is hoped that Miss Dorothy Clark, who Is now at West Point, will return in time to ta&e part and give the solo dance. TO BUY NEW MANUAL n»ry village and ettir ..-JSSBi^'^aMBi Itore from Evanoton to Wankegan ad the activity denotesV^aWl.-onjft1 ||s greatest success wU|meet the ef-. torts of the north shore society folk, rao aTe sponsoring the spiendid OU* irtsininent. ' t^H^K-^W-i1']'-«i->: |': ' . Talent Qalci^V^^,/^- ^therels A/mi^^'^^^ inch as is assembled only in gorgeous feitivals. The dancee will be oonfr in every detatt and the. wide nage convinces sj|]^On!e;^^|^:::fttie: prsiral will be one 1«W to U »«• Minbered as a spectaclOv The re- bstrsaiB in these dances Just now form a large part in tte social Ufe ] the select suburb»|^^^^f^:,; ffrsnston la praett&w*-«*.:. -•% Knglish Morris dance, with M5rs: W. taring Osborne as chairman, and the], following dancers: Margaret Smith, Virginia Montgomery* Marlsn Os- e, Nancy Palmer, Mary Louise wsreoet, Alice Moseley, Mary Belle Robinson, Nancy Knight, Norman Johnson, Elliott Johnson, Brerett Cook, Kenneth Burns, Merrill Blan- dnrd, John Robert^ Wesst Wurchet SBd Francis Hu^.'s:i%'="fe':'.:': Wilmette is preparing a seriea ef Spanish dances. Mr*. Charles Wan- ner is chairman.. Mrs. H. K. Snider tad Un George E. Cole will not as chaperons The dancers are: €^ Mo; FiyjB, George C^inneen, H. Flenyte, A. W. Cady, Frances Flehfye, MUdred Csaneen, Nellie AyleSwortb, Eflle Ladd, Mattie Lusted, Miss O. DonalJ- •oa, mIsb Helen Skinner and Dorothy Cody. _;-g| Claiiie Hunoartati la Kenllworth the graoeCul youhg rs are being" rehearaed under able direction of Mrs. Wallace *«reli and Mrs. Grant Bldgway, ehalrman in the clasete Hungarian teces. Many^of these dainty dances *â-  be given :'br;i^';1fWiiwor)Bh' facers. The dancers ar*t Harriet 8ta»rt. I tuiso War^ Beatrice Lackv Mr. Hester Wentworth, Margaret Frances ami: Baeanor Serrell, P&* and Brelyn Isom,' Marian Wilmette School Trustees Vote to Equip Old Building With New Machinery.^ ^ In the last meeting of the board of education in Wilmette Tuesday night, prior to the opening of the schools Monday, it was toted to purchase new manual training machinery and equip the old Logan school for this depart- ment of work. The Logan building adjoins the new school property and consists of three rooms. With the mechanical work confined in this building, it is expected that great headway can be made In this depart- ment. Two changes Were also voted by the school trustees In the text books to be used this year. Hick's "Cham- pion Speller"' wW replace the spellers formerly used, and the Stone-Millis arithmetic was made the) official text book. Both are up to date and con- tain many features which are more thorough and easily understood by the puptt than the former text books used. â- Â»â€¢" General plans for the school year were discussed and all details for the opening of the institutions" next Mon- day arranged. â-  .â-  . m HAD EVERYTHING; KeLeish, Roger Brbe, Alfred Veness, J«*ert TaylOT. Howar* ClstieBts, %^Erte. Paul Soalei Ooortney fc . Mfltoii-^sa»tlf^^:f^af*itt: li|he Keauw^HBiiirl^T$0fy#tih Iff » charge of PrJseHla Allen, Edith Lacy (AandleT, Marr >tte Parnaelee, CttHe Beiley and ie Maltby. The Kenllworth m ds Katfcsrtoe Draka, Ka'ten, HUsabeth-Stiioit, Ottr- - Everett, Chartotte Phelf*^ Jeswie g^andChariotte Frfea*. ^â- .'â- ':V^;.-; «• price of general sdnslstton to â- tlval wffl he tl, while reserred «an be obtained at prices rang- ^from twenty-ftre to st'warfy-fiTe *"1 be on esse at 0»e Kenil- thmnmej/ ;jfArgs« jjiiiTiiiiii on â-  (hiklrw m^ae*^ fottfteen <»d wM b^^siss^eJ for ^ f^"*1"*ittf Jsj" ;|0j^^jtlis||^sf^^ h i» rehekrsing Ow Greek Mrs. »ss*^R. ;' •W# rliheafWtM^atwIFire Laddies Make Run. A boy, a match and a gasoline soaked mattress caused a bad Are in the home of J. tt «rhy. Woodbine ar- OTue, B^anstoo. ^tamle Cooper, the maid, had been cleaning a mattress and had soaked tt with gasoline. She had replaced it oil the bed and being, unable to fit it, had Bdmmftd Brby. 11 years old, erawl '4m0fc ^* *•* *° nnd out what was wrong. The lad struck a maten, unaware of the danger of explosion front the gnaoline. He a lwem^y^lro.;^M^^<a•fspIy"«r«l^JW,"1,, .J""2?"' ««. k.** «•* Wto in K^^wortlt 4h-aSr^ Before tiie Mghtenod maid and y<rath could reniovo the oorning bed- ding frt» the nonoev oflwr fBrnlah. togs caught nrujBBd a sUTl alarm was twneft in. It» f»ttoi*# «^ *£* f400 damage wa« «w^*f«^ *" b«tisehoId furnttmre. The rtaldenes was damaged to the extent of fl Both tn« |M»ia« ' ; ."..^TT life*; With the Exception of New Trier High and Kenllworth Grade Schools, institutions Will Open Monday. MANY NEW INSTRUCTORS Several Additions to Teaching Staff in All Suburbs, Including New Superintendent in Wlnnetka Public Schools. These are the last few days of grace for the "Young America" to en- joy freedom from their studies and work in the school room, as moat of the public schools In north shore suburbs open next Monday, with, one exception. This Is at Kenllworth, where the kiddles will enjoy a week longer of the vacation period. If the present hot weather keeps up the instructors will labor under a severe handicap and half-day sessions probably will be held to cope with the conditions. However, it Is hoped that the weather man will deal mdre kindly with the educators and bring cooler breeses. New Wilmette Teachers. Five new teachers have, been added The summer rejsMenlh of ill the north shore suburbs ale beating a retreat back to their cttk homes this week because of tho r»turn of the families who nave been spending the hot summer months in the Michigan and Wisconsin awirtsetl homes camps: The exodus of line summer renters of furnished hofces probably is more noticeable at the post oQces in the suburban villages, where the clerks are kept busy learning the hew forwarding addresses. School time always forces those families who leave the suburbs dur- ing the summer and rent their homes furnished' out to oit^ apartment dwellers, to return, no,* matter what the weather conditions are. This year September has started in with a vengeance and a forrld spell snob as is only expeHenoed in mid-sum- mer greets the vacattoniitswho have been eojoytag the qltflly breeses lu the northirh^*owSgi|p" 'â- â- " > Kenting of bimos" furnished in Olencoe, Winnetka and Wilmette has become quite a otuttomj with many north shore families, ini fact, it is a splendid money making plan and oftwn times enough revenue is do- rived from the three mouths' rental of a home to a otty family to defray the expenses of a vacation trip to some Michigan resort for the same length of time. Rents of fur- nished homea range from 100 to |176 and $200 a month; and? many times tber-demsnd In tho early summer ClosingWeetfsProgram of the Best of the Season, ;lvfnd fireat Crowds rWegi |£| Expected to Attend 'Mi PCrtfif LARGE CWWOS With Only Four Otyt RemilningAttendance Is Expected i* Ex^ i^^^fl«d, .;iii«c:;'Rf*k5©r«i« ;::,*?f;:, ^: to the list in the Wilmette schools. Superintendent J. R. Harper has not j months cannot be snppUed at these | completed bis assignment of the teachers and thus cannot give out a statement regarding the grades in which they will teach. The" new in- structors are: Misses Moore and Car- son of Bvanston, Miss Lnetke of Oak Park and Miss Cheilgaard of Chicago. The new manual training instructor, 'f£'T£ Osborn, will assumeWs duties next Monday. Mr. Osborn has had much experience in instmctiue; youthrto. work with their bandas and comes highly recommendod, Expeet Enrollment of SOD. "I don't expect much of an Increase in the enrollment of the Wilnwtte public schools this year," said Super- intendent J. R. Harper, Tuesday, in talking of the school opening. "How- ever, you cannot tell, and we may have a larger enrollment. I fully ex- pect 800 pupils, which was the total number enrolled last year." One new teacher has been added to the corps In the Kenllworth public schools. She is Miss Mamel Almond of Chicago. She, will teach the fourth and fifth grades. Mlw Alma M. Holden of Chicago is retained ss principal of the*Kenllworth school. - New Wlnnetka Superintendent. The Wlnnetka schools will open Monday under the direction of Su- perintendent O. N. Rhodes who suc- ceeds Miss Gillespie as head of the splendid school system In that vil- lage. Superintendent Rhodes and family have taken up their reildenceln Hubbard Woods. He has bis plana about completed for the work of tho coming year. He formerly #*» con- nected with the Oak Park; Mhools. In addition to Superintendent Rhodes, the IoBowJag now teachers are included in the list a* the Wl* netka schools: Mr. Fonkhowsr, man- ual training Instructor, formerly to 4tbe Galena schools; Mass Hiu, 4r*w- teg instructor; Miss C&oeeWsr, «P««al teacher in English; Miss Para* •*•* clal teacher 1ft Natural Science, a new department added tall yoar; Miss^Ligbt, fifth g»ds teadwr if «J« Horace Tfann school, and »»-«• munds, playgronnd asilitant The nature study instruction* to be supervised by Miss Payne, ♦»â-  *^*» tended to every grade. It » •**•«*" ed that much interest win be mshl- fested in this hew work, whloa l» be- ing adopted lii all the modem and op to damiacnool systeni. m» Payne comes highly reoontmosdod as an authority in thto 1ms of edscatfoar al work. •'•â- â€¢. ' _^t The New Trier High scbool -will not open until Monday. Sept If. Pupils wnt be advised about .tnelr work by Principal Brown and other nastructors next «alHn« •* the emces in the sdmhilstrntton building of the institution. Olarenes Shean, a ;l*-yofiN)M, *•». •# fractured skuB f» a fan to '1 "I' ^iPine' 'ns*:1itlii; **«* seemingly high figures *I .could rent out my home easUy for ♦larha.monm/'liiaBl t well known Glencoe citiien a few day* ago, "and make $400 or 1600 on |^e season. 1 have had many oflers, but 1 cannot do it on account of the number in my family." - NEW RECTOR IN KENILWORTH CHURCH Rev. Edward L Eustis of Nan- tucket, Mass., Accepts Call to Village Church. Rev. Edward I* Bustls, rector of St Paul's church, Nantucket, Mass- has accepted the call to the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenllworth, and will assume charge Sunday, Sept. 21. He fills the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. H Reginald Williams, now rector &t pt Mark's Episcopal church in Milwaukee. The announcement of the accept- ance of the call to the Kenllworth church by Rev. Eustis Was made Friday. For some time, the offi- cials of the church have'been look- ing for a successor to Heir. Williams and have been In corresjidndence with Rev. Eustis for several ;w*eks. He will strive in Kenllworth about Sep tember 15. Rev. Edward, Btutis secured educa- tional training ut Harvard, University of Colorado, and Bplaoopsl Theolog- ical schools pat Cambridge. After com- pleting has theologioal ooarse and being ordahisd, he was In charge of St John's ofttbedral. noar Denver, Colo. He remained a few years its Colorado and than accepted a caB to St Peter's church in Cambridge. Mass. In both cities he engaged in tnrUntrre church .work, which greatly tmflt up the two congregations.' ' '-:: %- â-  - Tfce management of Ravinia Park wan fortunate in having a holiday as the date for staging the opening pro- gram on the last' week of its season. As a result tho ,l»rk Monday was crowded with music lovers from noon. Use opening hour, until the lights were dimmed after the evenings pro* gram. For the closing week *f dasaling and ambitious Program has been agreed upon by the oommlttee having In charge the welfare of the famous north ahors amusement parte. As during the past week. Miss Ruth St Denis, the dashing dancer, la eon- tinning to perform to the delight of all the park's patrons. A number of new operas -also have been added. Twice daily concerts,'under the direc- tion of the popular AtUllo PareUl, are given. Signer PareUl Is directing the orchestra tor the dancing of Miss 3t Denis as well as for the perform- ances of the opera, grin," act .III, was rendered for the firs* time during the season Miss Loin Swell of Bvanston appeared as Blsa. Wednesday evening, anal repetition of -A La^ers'^t^reVV wlm lille, pufntt and the usual east of the Par- olll operetta, was given. ; Tonight gnd Saturday evenings. "Madame Butterfly/ acts II aid HI, for the first time, with Miss Swell as Cho-Cho-San. the preceding an- nouncements of "Madame Butterfly" at Ravinia have had to do only with act X, an excerpt which has to date proved to be the most popular of tho offerings of the little band of singers. Next Sunday evening's program will be miscellaneous. Miss St Dents will dance, the orchestra will give A pro- gram of show pieces. Mile. Dufau will sing the polonaise from "Mlgnon," and, not to be outdone in a matter of Tocnl fireworks, Miss Swell will fol- low with the Johann Strauss waits, "The First Voice of Springtime," vhtch has been thrown into the lesson scene of "The Barber of Seville," by every coloratura of the past forty years. The trio from the final act of "Fsast" and the sextet from "Lucia" will be the other selections by the singers. Moreover, the soloists of the orchestra will take part. Altogether there wiU be quite an 1872 air about thlnss at Ravinia on the last night of the first prosperous season with only a dancer like Bonfantl or Tagitonl to make the mid-Victorian note complete. It is doubtful, however, if the great' est jdf the tarlatan skirt dancers of that period would be so welcome as Kiss St Denis, who out at Ravinia would appear to have found the «Uen* tele so long dented her in the city it- self. ': Monday evening. "Ls> Boheme," act 1, was given for the first time, with Idle. Dufsn as Mlml This program wd be repeated tomorrow. an organ- ♦no operate jftfnft Wti:^§im&, ** chief *of ;«*#»•* wim&mm- â- .*». Whrnstka Monday swraihg »Xter the litg turned turtU to SherldJ Hubbard hiU. . No one ef was hurt In the sosadent Tnsy the names of George Metkel H Van Bursn street; Rndolph 01 West Van #iil&W#^Mf tt, 7 west &&em*'ilW^:*& Stewart, 410 Rush street, sJl A Wso1 pissed against the thug* After an investigation was made ? by Chlel Psterson it was fomi»d thai the anto, a Ford make, had been stolen from A. P. Flynn. 141* North Okik street, Chicsgo, s ,fdrn|S^:;si|^^ youths we« s^ven m the custody of polios offlcers from Chioago and they were returned to that city to the Municipal ooe^ Mon>8sy, each Saced und^ I16W bonds on a ny ohargev ^'^'^^'^"'^M"'^^--' It Is said that th# conduct of the youths m Wlnnetka waa disgraoefuL The automobile was badly wrecked. mm wnsWerePre»ntatLC. NORTH SHORE WEN Al John H.Hiraln, FortflHi of Erswtton, But Now of Hubb«^ Wo*4s»tt Vic«-Prwi<J«tofl«prowiiW(t . ment/Ut%SUrtt^ • t>brt*. ........, ... ... , ., *."SE|li.S3f"F:-..... â- â-  â- â€¢ â- â- â- {.â-  t "â-  â- .... J win,)i. 'l..^s:^:^"^h:. New Trier ConlmerctaJ Asso- ciation Members Will Enjoy All aboard for the Wg antomobile ride which wUl be taken by mer- chants of New Trier, township today! Promptiyat*^i|J|os^Uris(Tl«arssV> afternoon, unless weather conditions sre nnflfoWWr fifteen large touring cars wits fifty or sixty merchants and business^ men In north shore suburbs wiU lesve Central avenue and Twelfth street, Wilmette, for the first outing. The trip will be made through Gross Point. Wilmette, Kenllworth. Whv netka and Glencoe. A stop will be made in some shady spot, where lunch will be served. In each of the villages the mer- chants who do not Join the outing will be called upon by tbt» "Joy riders.'* Greetings will be extended and every- body along the rouU wm be apprised of the fact that the New Trier Com- mercial association w a live organi- sation. _ "â- 'â- â- .MrK: â- ' EVAHSTON MAN KURT IN AUTO H. H. Hermes rTeceives Two Broken Ribs When Steering ' Gear Falls to -*t:w. WILL PAY INJURED OfflCHIillARY Oslcer John Dehmlow of Wlnnetka, who suffered a broken^ lag while rld- ing a motorcycle in that village in performance of bis duties last week, will receive his pay and" Ws doctor bills win be psld by |*# Tillage of Wlnnetka, according ftiscSion takes by the village board in the meeting Ttiesday night. -^'.-li: iM:': â- . *~.":: Trnstsd W. a WaWnsV who has been a member of wefsoird of weal improvements and finanee committee, resigned from those twor bodies is the Tuesday night meeting beeause ef ttl a^tk HI* place wOlke^slled soon, wne* l^rssident GohU maios snother WXh only four days more to remain , it is expeoted that the crowds till far exceed those of any of the previous weeks. The closing week's program to an exceptional one, and If the weather remains good a record week wiU be recorded. The season this year has been the most successful in the history of the perk, and ft Is stated that a fair profit Till be gained for the year's work. ITCCPLi) 4ACK9 IN BVANSTON? Two workmen who are repatrtnr the two tail smokestacks at the Bv- inston Public Service company's plant in <Jrove street, have bean csusfng a craning of seeks of pedes- triand m watching them at their hsssxdoua work during the last few days.' The -steeple JacksT work with aiiooficern at the dlssy hetght* and oanee their watchers to gasp as they lenle the eryllndrfssl slaapsd stacks in nsoefc sad tsssss Uft, H. H. Hennes, 17«a Central street, hVanaton. was peiafuUy iajsred at Gross Point m an. aatomobUe smash- up. Hennes was the guest ef Jscob Hoth. and his son. Joss, and tifey were bound for a ride m the country when the mishap bsppsnsd. As they were speeding along Lake avenue near the Old Telegraph roa* the steering •gear suddenly gave'way and Hoth, who was drtvinc, lest control of the machine, which suddenly swerved to one side and tuned over In a ditch, AU the oocspanta Of the oar were hurkd from their seats. Hermes, who had two ribs broken, was the most painfully inJured of-tfce trio, although both the Hoths snffered severe brula- es. Hermes was taken U a passing MttcmobjBe to a physician in Wilmette, where he was given medical aid; He is now conflned^to hte some. John H. HardlA for years, a resldeat o| olose personal frieadciof Burnhanv who in the Utter his life drew the plana the present sgitatkm for Beautiftti," whWi, incidentally, eluded' -s^ranston B«^l^tifal.,• dreesed the membeti ef the Commercial aeseciaqoa and a niimbsr o. of guests at the irogtthfcr aiesiBayOg-^isi orgMisatl<m Thursday night ;' Mr. Hardin's subject #•*!â- : .,. ^ „, to surrender control oi Sheridan read through Bvaaston to the board e*« â-  conunlsakmers :ofâ- . l^aiilialfs^w^iv'iii^' xplained that me flaertdan Road I»^ provement association m an ors^aJsav ^ tlon chartered by lis stsu of DMness H for: the purpose of promoting the pret | position to have all the ^ffl»«^lira nicipaliUes, park dUtriots, e«t, nortil 'of'^-jsla::^ movement to aWMrret4^;aosmii|gs^ Sheridan road ^^i^^^^^M triets to the Uneela ps«k board. He made It clear that after snoh ssver* elgnty is' once acoulred 1^ tlM LJbsealn Park eonwtissioneri, tb* toterest and tisj^^s^:^ provement â- ' assontatVlfl "â- â- 'â- W^^l^!^^ 'ccncluded snd tiwt thsA orgnaJs Will gO OUt Of WllSfrlWlO. v^^^:;'^;;'! '.; Soerd netter Abli to tm0l^m ' Mr. Hardm exiOaioedthiU While thS^ various inu»tflP«li«lm>aTt»m them- selves ths power to tnaiMVfve Sheridan road and that some of tssm prohawp 'have the iimi&i»wi0i*W&%^&'y-% altogether untikely tlint the varioua municipalities through their tuted aathorlties, each as city cite, village beards, an* jwu* eonmtis* aloners. would, worhls* separately, build a road or maintain tt as well as Lincoln park could do should tt be given control over the entire dtstrtsi'?: from tta beginning at the north end of Lincoln park la Chicago and ex- tending through Bvanston and the lages north to the slate Was. ;r . Mr. Hardin explained that tho first step unmaasij to the our render of eojaji trol of Sheridan read » the securing , , of frontage eonssntssf the majority of ^ the privately owned frontage on tnsi*^f|g dan road; pronertf'frwaad by tam^tn?,^||| rlous municlnaiitieA' as for. instance, \.^g| the Lake Front pitk la Bvajmtc^ has .^ no voice in. the ooaienta. â- M^"JJ:{1S tral, which means that the adrossasl <i^ of the preposiUon mMjmm*-&M*i get a majority of all frontage .s»nfa>,|||| sive of municipally owned Is** -**f â- Â« next step will be tie granting off i$£m& ordinance or the psieege of a rasan|fc^M Uon by the various ianaiictnaitHe«-aa|g|^ thormmg the traasfer to the anysi:|M board. '$'£$& Ji^ZZ' CAR M1T# AUTO TRUCK. A large anto deUvery track owned by the Fair store, Chicago, snd driven by. Owe*^ife Knisery. was struck by a sonthbound Ohicago * MUwsukee electrm ear at Ash street. Tuesday afternoon about 2;S0 o'clock. No one was tajwad. The oar struck the rear snd Of ties tteak. wbieh Just failed to dee* spa eresatng. Consfd- erame slam ta tne front of the tsmrban esff Could Aaettme J It was made plain,, too, that aader 5 the law which waa paasad by the last : legislature, H wiU bs proper far tss| ^ Lincoln park soert to assume Jurnv :^ diction over sectioai of ti»e road pro* ,>- riding that Svanstoo, BUhland Park- er any other municineilty, [ttoH%&^ choose to retain control of the rcsdVjM This, the speaker ttonjflat wonMt lyj0 lamentable because it would interfere With the carrying out of a unfrersift plan for the beaattnontion of...tkfs|! whole road through lis wbols lengtit an s unit The speaker explsiaeol tnat.;th*: oiHg which was passed by tfc* mat laidala# ture dtflBem from a iiatilar W8 passii^ in ltle in^theshlef essential that the ltW b» provided that tia» par* aaaM not assume jurtsdJethm ewepts^iaat; onlem each and, aU of tlsa »ag}fcdpnl» \., ties should efeeose tejobm tn mmpf^x avsnt and make we iaa« «V""" essv sjatatairantad .Ifiw* mndar *aa>v; sontrsl at tne aosrd. ^'£*Mgm' &MM0&iiM$ iMf**"

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