Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Aug 1913, p. 8

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SECOND IN COOK m "$?"""'. »' Expenditures for Educational Purposes in Evanston Next to the Highest in County - Outside of Chicago. Kyl^* -Schools AS TO POPULATION MIHI11111IIIIIMIMIIIIII.....Mllllllll UMIIIMI i Want Ad Department I The Lake Shore Hews TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WILMETTE 140? ' Vast Aii in the Lake Shore News tre charged at the following rates: | Real Estate Cliwfacatioas, 7\4 ceats per liae. | All Other Gasifications. 5 ceata per lis*. < Minimum Price. 15 ceats. Ma aivertisemeat charged for less thaa 25 cemti. >>......mi..........miitinniii HELP WANTED BOV^V^TED-^ttTER lfLYE- or age, tVlparn tBteUaer^r TEARS Irade. Sanitary "home BaUery, 734 EIu street, Winnetka, III. ltp. 'm: mi fMti. m Vy ocnooiB id Evanston townstrfp rank tuird in point of attendance and sec- ^ ond in cost of maintenance of all of AJr the schools frJ the various townshi â- of Cook-tounty outside of Chicag <^ftTing to computations raajlie from r^the most recent bienniaj'^repbrt of County Superintendent^ Schools Ed vard J. Tobin While statistics are usually drjutnd unlntere^kfe, yet those coaMrfned in the rejtffyr'of Superintendent Tobin re- tajtjfrg the cost and^ruendance of the n the wtfious townships of Cook count^Mttshie of the city limits o? Chicago; are interesting to study. Cicero township, wblculNntai ns the fcP^ and n,£rn schools of tbe sttfcurbs »ak Park, Morton Grove, Berwyj* nd other municipalities, tops the list In expenditures and number of chil- dren of school age. Proviso township is next In population and Evanston third. Cicero Heads List. The outlay for Bchool purposes in these three townships for the year end- iig June 20, 1912, follows: Cicero, $727,880.59; Evanston, 1339,660.21; Proviso, 1260,093.94. This includes! money paid for new equipment and general outlay of cash for every item in school work. The current expenses alone for the schools in these three townships for the year ending June SO, 1912, follow: Cicero, $364,791.42; Evanston, $248,695.03; Proviso, $183,- 15L.3Q. Provisp township is conV prised of the following suburban vil- lages: May wood, River Forest, River- side, Brookfield, Melrose Park, BV>rest Park and others. The special census taken for the 1911-1912 report shows that Cicero township leads with 10,637 boys and 10,400 girls under 21 years of age. Children of school age in this town- ship total, boys, 7,377; girls, 7,149. Proviso township, second in tbe popu- lation column, claims 6,774 boys and 6/567 girls under 21 years of age and 4,604 hoys and 4,469 girls ot a school *ge. The 1912 report from Evanston, which has slightly increased according t< the census taken this year, shows a total of 4,649 boys and 4,784 girls un- der 21 years Of age with only 2,076 boys and 2,074 girls of a school age. A comparison of the census figures Nof Evanston children of a school age taken in 1910 is interesting. It shows 1.000 more children in this division than is shown in the 1912 report In 1910 there were 3,193 boys and 3320 girls of a school age in Evanston. The cost of maintenance of the high school in Evanston is much leas than that of other high schools in Cook county outside of Chicago. New Trier heads the list for expenses In thelSll- 1* report by Superintendent Tobin. The expenditure there was $192,480.34. This, of course, included the cost of the additional new buildings at the institution. Evanston is fourth In the expenditure column, with a total of $57,720.30 checked against it, a trifle more than a thousand dollars more than was expended in the year of 1910 and 1911. As was told by President Rufus a Dawes ot District No. 75 in his annual eddress given at the graduation exer- cises last June, flftjMme par cent of] the taxes paid in Evanston are for purposes. According to Ma statements, a total of $125,205 was ex- pended in District No. 75 for the year ending last June for educational pur- poses. Of this amount $91,000 was tor teachers' salaries, $10,800 for Janitors, SM f 11*200 for fuel and light and 213,000 ?:5^for incidental expenses. The total en- fglroHxmtit of P«pU« in the nine schools 0f this <mrmm$M&* with an av»: ;e attendance of 2,31*. Qne hun- slx pupils were employed in schools last year. The cost ear's training for each child attendance WANTED â€" COLOR ;no\\s hovr^o^ress ork and go Linden sr.. Winnetka. WANTED â€" GOOD CAPABLE GIRL. for Kineral-vhoual .k; rtferei required. 'Mis. <\\>- Wortb^ilfcton, 602 Uke-av.#afflmette. 42ff-ltc REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL HOME IN Nrfrlb Evanetsn at a areat bargain; eight\roomsf frithytuV parlo^f ga- rage, IsJ-ge/ot; l|n«t sell\aJsVy. A. McL*£ 2516 Central-at. 42w-ltp BOARD AND ROOM WANTED â€" GIRL at>R QEN1R housework; jn 1 am dry; or assist. Call ll£?6jGreen\*B6d-av., Phone 378. 9r 42w-ltc SITUATIONS WANTED dorf. Phone 2322, 1554 A3BUR Private illent s%isroe; board, $15 to F. C. Diefen- COLOHED MAN AND WIFE DE8IRE position as bufieV and>itlhk. Good fefen^es^AddresWa. Chflfc, 402 Railroad ?fve., Glencoe, 111. W ANTEI> â€" WASHING WITH without iaoninaV) take bom c!a.s.s hom Wilmette. mei laun*j 618 Ine-st., 42wltc No Toll FdfR SALE 1580 Sherman-av. 30w-tf FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new player. We are installing this player on all upright pianos. Call and try this player. $500.00 Myers Square.........$ H,0Q 300.00 |lmpso|rV............ 7 350.00 |lalletttaY)avi8.......1 400.00 Me*son„......... 200.00 jftlsfer, almost new___ 165,00 Outside player with 60 rolls... 16,0© Patterson Bros., 1622 Sherman-av., Ev- anston. 42w-ltC You may now telephone the Lake Shore Pfps from Hub- bard Woods ai* any village south of Hubbard Woods without charge oti the through line, Wilmette 1487. FOR SALE----jMti ONE-YEAR-OLD White OrplnsgVn pullets (Keileratrase strain Al e£gh; spring ducks, spring iicks^\oc; young n 25c; peiloAflveTJlue Swedish $10, worttraoubl Wilmette, H1.N lay be foucai^readi ly time tier town, but 6l|8ure her. Just ^^Shore News >iil||uesday even- yo^ir ail^ill appear in ^ ||N5t is only 15c. To f [easeM&rbt&j >«> ""I'll I \<ml*m*mmmmmmmmmmmm * â-  * FOR Si ery Lord. riVEl 1200 â-º-LB. WIUI 42w-lte I'OR SALE harness. Rallroad-av.f lORftB, WAGON AHfc mltQJk Nord, 63 rilmette. 42V FOR SALE â€" SEWING MACHINES overhauled; guaranteed 1 to 5 jreart, Domestic ,.. .£............,,;>| %J^ Standar Singer White, »roDbe Singer, Mroihead........ •> .^> i4,W Also large/assortment, of machines slightly used. Prices very reason- able. Patterson Bros,, 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. I v f ttw4t(( K^t-i-' Complete Pnaeral - Casket, a^a- bahDlof: aaatf Serviceâ€"Hearse and Carriage te any cemetery $65.00. Itpay convenien( tireless servant that willcfo the Men'sTai! UNCLA» Fultortaift] 358 V. Madison St., I Kenil Glenc< .^4|,|g,achool Etoctrte ., Atom. Need Ibvwbi In *bam. hour; Oar 1 ltk( limit i ta* Cte*. lyaaipiHatt. NO PAIN-NO flARKS Oft 9CAVS treat Should my Mtnra we vol aieab/ r*mov. than Frc of Chaw*.."^-•^w* Our Motto, UbcnBte*. BUmm____ W« smaimntM r***mtmtfc _ tLQO eeavihM you. Oun»ul tsttohs, iavtodl (rie*) Writitor V^jklj^^^m^: W**:.. Wi'A mf. of Scdiits used machines have _||Beans tf§|e want ii can reach iisery one " if £vart*^-Wi|- os$ Mint, mintmksLt h, l^bba|^ avinia, w ake ForH! at"iciost to IMP M Yo^fiou^ North Shore pWle are the best id dfle] it to and the Lake Shore iculousl m ......, '^^M^^^B^Bm^i |l^i||roiu^^ ^"^tvia^t, accompnsj ......___..... means of 3fe *â- â- â€¢ FINED. Nit peddler/(l6 nned %% and Sunday, by Pr> â-º JBoyer Saturday Boorn- ' Bnaaarbr .lis) Ifpa <r|f« VNK-.jaiiv*' ®§mP^'14^: 'jfe^£|KlH:,i? It* iaigika: SKKceaE-.'fc. * ?ssi«a

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