Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Aug 1913, p. 8

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Mr THB "MOVIES" AGAIN HAVE â-  imhhuihimmmmmm •'»*imniit•»i ^ SwK Part in Great Drama and Will e S e en on the Screen. EVANSTON FIRE LADDIES,;; Want Ad Department i â€"â€" â- ; The Ladle Shore News ; Evanston Fire Fighters Take j telephones: evanston 585 wilmette 14«7 : Will < > ». . *i_ â-  »•.. t-i.- cl___mi____-M- _t.__-j .» jl~ ' t^n^l______â- .-... ( THURSDAY, AUC ! Want Ads in the Lake Shore News are charged at the following rate*; ' Real Estate Classifications. 1% cents per Inc.""' All Other Classifications. 5 cents per liae. Minimum Price, 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents, i The "movies" have captured the f ~ ,......,.........III â-  M IIIII111 • 111......:il Evanston fire department again. This ' - -..... time it Is the Selig people. The first ] time the fire laddies were caught! on the screen It was the Kssa- nay crowd that was given the credit for the "scoop." In the first pictures, which were displayed not only in Evanston, but throughout the country, the fire de- partment and the university buildings were the chief attractions. Thin tltno ft Is. the Evanston lung motor. When completed the slides will be shown at the Star and other dime* droms. The 8ellg artists were In charge of Director Oscar Eagle. By ar- rangement with Fire Marshall Har- rison a run of the big auto fire truck was made to the lake front at the foot of Davis street There a squad of the people attached__to the ^movl^s" were stationed and a small hoy., a member of the company, who had Just had a "dry" plunge In the lake and had "come out" nearly drowned, was brought back to life by tits firemen* assisted by the little lung motor. . Following this hair-raising scene, the^bmpany went through their lines, which, from a spectator's standpoint, proved auijte Interesting. When the pictures are flashed upon the screen the firemen will then realise the great part they played in the rescue. In the employ of the "movies-" are two men attired as fire- men. After the Evanston fire fighters had returned to the station the 1ml- through a long the. |t':. ^plllalides win. be .the attempt on the part f' plf^*' tt^mayor of the city to pull the I" wft-'^^^en *w*y ttom tne body ot the 'â- ;- â-  ^;fe °oy» wnposed to be the son of a poor & lllpfwiddw^'â-  to go to the aid of his own ^ â- â-  18®^' who *** met-with; a.similar accl- tt, g||^:4ent Of course, the firemen refuse pB ^^1^'•*"â- â€¢"'*â- "'*h- mayof'te driven away ^j: i4-:-UySUid stoned' hy v the: friends - of the |:v':'-; l^srldow. ...Then 'the, widow, after her gj|P^:&«ytf itis been brought back to life, p*^;^3rtialies;to and showers /kisses upon %:•/„ Mk the brave firemen, who. have' worked •o faithfully over the body of her boy. If the pictures turn out well the HELP WANTED JTED â€"VAN Ian to Help rdays; steady W EXPERIENCED ut tlRfnouse. Fri- ll, ^fchone" "Evans* ^k^MOSmti ^firb ink RENTâ€"MODERN 8! furnisTrTHl am|i{e.;inHpbnard Woods, 2 blocks fron^Kf^to right party. Addressj«Sdf48, Hubl FOR SALE BVAN8TO, j$$il880 Sherman-av. 39w-tf | Sherwood Music School rOtindM by Won* B* SlMVWooflL;;,-": 712 tffae Arts Bt GEORGIA KOBBR.] WAI/ UNIVERSITY GO-ED DIES IN THE SOUTH SITUATIONS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NCEâ€"ROYAL IN8UR- ancajmnpany of Live/pool, largest flrf^s^suranceir coaipany In the world, insurerflwdnings, household goods, rent; K#es\rates. Charles A. Wightman/ e\/ Co., resident agents. Phone 208 { ltc Miss Maud Speck, a student of Northwestern university, died Tues- day In North Carolina of throat trou- ible. Mlss>8peck attended Northwest- ern University for one year and was a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She was compelled to give up university work about a year ago on account of 111 health. While B» school at Northwestern she lived wijjr her sister, Mrs. Montague Ferry, 271* Woodbine, avenue. She was the daughtsr of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Speck of Oak Park. M& m SALE ^feftation:;.firemen.' went |?|^drama. One of the features of FOR SALEâ€"PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our high-grade inside player. Before buying srTiew player it will pay you to see^ur player. .....I 18.00 ..... 76.00 ____ 110.00 ------ 136.00 .... 160.00 $300.00 Packart 300.00 Simpi 400.00 Hallett * jD 400.00 EmerBon 400.00 Cable 650.0o/chickering S0(km.elnwif. We fare, offering- a new $760 inside player this montfi for $490; easy! payments. Patterson Bros., 1622 Sherman-av., Evanston. ltc o 'â- iÂ¥ £$f« X Evanston fire laddies will have a per J$|-- ' â-  ' .....- â-  fife ALB â€" "WHl^K FROST*' refrigerajem; gOod condition r* bargain. 921 Oalpgged-^., Wilmette, 111. Phone nrilifMtte 785-J. ltc feet right to feel proud. AWAY SUNDAY : Henry E. Seelye, 1483 Maple avenue, ranston, member of the Cook count/ oar for half ft century. Is dead at his nome. He passed away Sunday. Mr. Seelye was born In Connecticut 86 yew/aio antf eaine to Chteafo more than a half century ago. Three years ago he gave up an active practice. '£Wm*::M-'-inftfc/tf\iiii» daughter. If Miss Henrietta 8««l7«.'. Funeral ssrr- f| ices were held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at hy late home. Interment p;i^.;at Rosehin. -."• â-  .;s;s#3$Tv- |)t.lltll JONES DOWNING. " Lulu Jones Downing, composer-pla* 1st >f Chicago, Is known extensively ^for her excellent work as song writer BafraV- concert pianist all through the ^' 'Middle- Westii,;^i^r^ 'â- ' f^"'», â- - v' â-  JK Ahout three years ago Mrs. Down- ^tog entered seriously into composition. S%er wrttlngs are thoroughly descrip- tire ot the poem being depleted, ana i . Mrs. Downing's appearances are 5%uule ^mtly with an artist to smg hsr (wmposltlOTis while she scoompan- tos. Hsr specialty, however, Is in the giving of recitations, which she has set to music. Notably among these |i»-Tllea of ptih," "Because of Thee" -,;"#*^w^::-:Chteato' appearance, jointly, wRh David Blspham, who sang a groop of Mr*. Downing's songs, was prodo^vs of flrst-cfass criticism. = Some of her ^mposltlohs are or- «hestrated.andanumberofourprom- toeat singers are using her songs on their recital iircgrama Among those, doing so are Mme. Rider Kelsey. Da- irld Blspham, Mme. De Cltteros, CecU »»anlnc Sybil gainmis 1^ Mttsto Art Shop, Fine Arts Building. ^ ^ which is the exdusive pnb- lis*erH an Downing compostUona These composlttons may be. had from •R prtn^ps>iilesJers in music. ' A^E - 8BWINO MACHINES en in trade on oar new Singer tary. See this before boring a new machine. Price vSry ream able. Domestic Standard Singer ., White (drop-hei Wheeler k Will Wilcox ft Oibbfl Wilcox ft Oibbi ...»./.i.>...i:JJ& ../TV......i 7.oo ..(..\....... «.oo .y*r..,v» ia.oo (drop-head). 14.00 ............. 16.00 _______ ..!.,....>.. IIMMT Also large assortment of slightly used machines at very low prices. Easy : payments. Fattenon V Broa, }6St ; Sherman-av., Bvanston. ; â-  ^Itc m^fmm You may. now telephone t Lake Shore Ne^from GleA- eoe or any village south/of ^ GtencoewithourOTarge on through line, Wilmette 1 be in another to^n, but Lean readily secure Ifcr. lust phone the Lake Sh< ing akd-your ad wil^ the pdiper- •e ay even- ppear in onlyl$c. M â- â- ' For catalogue address JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. ftftehigan Arenue immmm> k^-mr,-: YOO WO^ Ea£> CSOMVOl muunuf :tedforChtt^nfcConcer^ura- "Opera. >roughly equip- ped assistant*. Pupils booked at any time. Mr. Munro tests allvoices •nd supervise* all work. ills! wm Portable Electi Are for B*Mim The bes many cases of pi, are due to the ms wilrteil you tlii|| ^mature eyesfght weakening te of poor light for reading w oston's Flneat Apartment! Rimnsa OhoJe»loe«Mon. testsâ„¢5 FORRENT-^flfRBK RENT - OFPtCB SPAC1BS; tery desinO^sm. H^Bmith *8on, 1621 Benson-aQ mmm."atriiitea • BOARD AND ROOM 54 ABBUAT^AT^ private teth and 'a":'"" ilihslV tUto Hefsav ltdf aos«s*it:.___,_. interested inette, Kenilwot-th, Gleiicoef1Rj iPark and MXo^nts, lachineshave ts6f thewant feach ^ry^one *Varisfoiii Wil- Roint, Winnetkai ink, Ifi^Iand *orestatacost lice Shore Satnitarlum rEPCfc1^ .fc-JMS^amslslttssissisSef H£UM»TISy*i.^£r' Boom for inn SOMWiCMtSS.' ^t ^vasjatosvOl. ^TM^boMSnuMte^lSU Strain oolbe^optic nerve I* reduced to s minimum when Mazda ToBftten Lamps of proper cspscityr properly â- laeetf, are twiiM «» Ur fllwalintlos Their quality is nearly that of the $un ^ Public Service Company - of Northern niiiioi» ^?-<*->n\H !M& nuine Tortoise Shell Ey B*sntw $8.80 find |10>00 Vahus for $5.00. Comp VsIiim for 12.00. QulekaalSirthfs MURK, Optician m- iifefj IL SlK' :m â- <%. M to Rent^S^ North Sihore peopldare the best t to and the Lake Shore idieulously 1< A blgh-diaw line of new and i»oo>tMl-lMuid ,___________titmtv^ bopgkt,MOtd tml exchamgm,, 1004-6 Entoison St., Telep^otte tSt. ^eow, â-  •oM'ittrnl lp ^or secure emj if a fdom, secure rcoreidrf things by means (taiiiiij^: If you could «Ik^ loud ent littodred^^^^^^i^^ :Wml â- M.. It eov^ iiltimer as The telcphoneyo a *«fo>^wi£ It cbrii > traia lor ymu^M^c^, i;>|L long di»- ru *?^ •^^l^l7! caH Wilmette 1$S7 (no toH),teU the ad yoo want and the biU wiB be "'iS?-.t^"' I elephone Company Gates, Dist. Manager p| iii^^ â- â- '-. %-^ wman 'oa can't go wrong on any of these 5??!^S^^ >NE> f.*«r;5*i* *sSSft"*ai ®( %*% *'#*â- % f*&2

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