Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Aug 1913, p. 1

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Mr. and kiss, -Couple HaveinioyableOj ;be held at Itovlola alub. tao evening %9l$iiia^^ In Greek myttolojiyâ€"wlU introduce m: ......smMim.....,,.-,-â- ......•.«â€". THINKS LETTER IS 4i lllll ,.,,.,___„.^,__NSi^'^^^tt^rl^ ^||rt^rf;|^;.'i^|l^- â-  d«nc«f, being ai^ |*j«*4"if':M&!&&id&id ooutiia. . The Highland Park group will give . th^Ba»rt*n folk dance; Ml»t Marjory BnuUl. Mr* Robert Smith. M1*b Mar- mot XJuahing, Mlaa Gl*dy» Spencer and SW*t4|pa$I**:........ The old^ime EngJlah minuet will Wllmette wiU Introduce the Spanieh |iiii€jHt^ fait* H |4e^B6iiver|iWaiKK g % Mr. and;.Mr£;;<|§^ 1015 B*mwaie&£fe^^ •ton's pioneel^?|l|ia*^^ ' ; seventh ^**i#^f|ii^ -" 4»y. .aCtbe|rf$o^.£^^ formal t^nai^^^^im^V^^^ gathering "I^IWii^liMi^ around tto«w*$paB^<^^ friends •â- wao^l^a^ them. B^^v'^^;^^:iM^,^ â- Jour teo^MiK^^^0^\-:if^^^^^*i HotchkiaB 1» 81 Md bar htubaad one â-¼ear 1^-^SI^"^M^^^^'M^: Of the ^twd,:cM^»l»^^*ifc.........,, ..,-â- . .^. ,,, the son,~m$W:**M'&9&lrX&$^jjj^Jfe?"^ .jot. concre^||W$f^*^^ Paul line. ' "-â- â- -*- "4:- -'-A_____.-..,......... . ..... ...,..,..... ;|:Mr. jfaM0*:&im& |pr a .inai*3!of.ffinte|re*^^ ' itiown hlmtett a leader In JottrnaUam $eftamtnr <&*.^ Wentifled with ^e tmnb«r induatry and waa the ni*t pe» writ© ex- tensively of lunUw wmdtBona In tlw northweBt^ prodoptng * book on the |*iMect :-li^^i*^^;«)t*: #iflfi«i»^l*!|i«!a« to vartoua traito tnaipaatoM, and haa g& artlc^i!^^ .In the'Bnc^&'p^ frtti^nioa. He $*• editor 'â- #m$j^ffljiiffi[0&-. paper, and also aftrrM:aa^ jadttbr.;of the Am#«^|l^l>^«*:?:«l^.^«» 3Wansto|fc^pie** 'W^v^W-^^' " v In the;&^*^^.'»*;'^ent Wj^ilt jgJornla .in,***^*0r gold, toakiink Q*»\ ^;|n** po» %oeS|» added pwp to-.fiiQitfa^Jid^ that came ne^^ terrific Btorm that sprung up. He r then crossed the Isthmus of Panama itm foot to;^::'^:t)to;:weit^OMt.: He irecently returned from PannTBft, ffhera flae tried. ^1iii^^^»^^';:i«. took; p»ore t£»~'sifcj£"T'~""'"""i"""~;",'.;.;;"'"" Makae Dally Trip to Chicago. He la Beeretarr einerttua o« the pAmeriean-tsqla^^ and deapite hla advanced age makes dally tripa to hla ofilce in Chicago. A gfew yean "iili^i^iHK!«Sttil v««ft«lai^*!i»ltti' |,* gold medal in recognition o£ hia .i«ervicea;t*;file" iiiibdi^i^|^^V- ; ||f At tbe'tosiieliii^ - randchildren and three great grand- llehiidren wK-tfgtfiattll^^ .---.-«.-:; .,â- -â- .,-:J:v.,_:<v ^.ilr;:â- ':v.::;u.|.wJ.';'^â- ,Vv:•Ll:^v:..â- ^.^.v.; :-K s«a^--Afcija-^-.-,lllw*^«a.i«#A«» â- â-  m>-*m«teaa> wtatiwow mm by the BTanatou group. *Mk«»% J*V - *^llofll*» <g*M va.'.,^i^..:i.^-;...^p..iSi*i; "' Poatmaftor ift ,„,,. w-»._,___ .Dwlbi.,,.,..„„,.... Olencoe la beaet with tronblea which w'^^^/when^lh. fri* mall d*- ^iirr:iriieji' ^^aJpa^:;^!!^*;: he experienced much difficulty^ Ja gef ting".'$« rasWejiiii to! fl|nits% 'Wit witii ^helr strfik ad^retaeav «<» tfNmer 1»M ne. compiled thlif liat'â- ';&. atr»jit WMn- '"' :M«*-; vho bad â- 'bia^'tt^^tw.;;!^^* aide route In :-thir.;;|^^;v|aiWd,^' :pa^'.^^Pft*a^-;:|*WB|^^ Johnson had aMumed hia duaeaand ____ , ^ . ,%:Mr. and/*l#f|«iwl^ -t^BhUd, lA)ii.;o|C|^ie^?'?I^^-lBaf«i*- Hogle of Phnadeiphia, Mr^aad Mra. •William HotchWaa and two chUdren. m- Among tt$^!i&M>*mft -MifV .ftad M«^,dli«a«a|68#^1^^ S anston; Mra. Charts Hogl* of Bw» ton, and Mr. and Mra. Brneat Lyonaof *^BTanaton.; ^^^^0^^^'::':/^^-"'-y ^ â-  WOnring' the afternoon jiqoi^-"(ii| A Mends and nelghborit of the conpte : |;gratalati^;ii)iitf:.^«a^ !^B*ercislng tka privilege «*.^ hi* ^ years, the rlriht of adTlataf yotttn, Mr. '^iWd^:ii#i$Hi^r:,vr.. ..... ..,. "|««. far lp^il^.-^iX##^vI^ WSpeaktBill nl» lite, Mr. HoteJikiae â- :9m hnrf nerer ^maxreled with #fe ""*"!&;""' ^»n«- and Winn«tk* the Greek dano- :!^^SpW*:#l!$^IW?i# S^^^^d^cTatd'eta^ ^w111"* «»"»teiung death to Mr Mc ia to beg^lvthe^^JVbodBj^ y^ ^ ^^ bf|ow ^ ^ltoe. |>«te> dai^ ^ from Qlencoe, wliile the "Highland i ;to^ fran police (awHnoir .4|»<a«#RT^i^';.:,-;r^ share' Mr. McCulloch'e opinion that laitoj.jnur ^mo^as^ belleTe that the misair* in the work of â- oraeyonthiathat aUotthe worda are airflled correctly. Instead of wrltr Ing :b^;^^^r«ai;:; e^:ij^:';|^ printed with a lead pencil in eapital The foUowing Is the contenta of the ; |^te1i*^:aiiatrt«; .>*,i»^: tt^ raila you wUl be murdered aa »«r« ia;»el^^i^%a|i^%s;^ , MW^^»^^"^m^^^m...... Idea that hla warning woold be heed- ed, a aeriona mtatalte waa mad* when he addreaaed it in the same printed manner to **C*te Waugh McCulloch, 8238 Orrington avenue." It bore the postmark of Wilmette, dated July SI, work he waj cause ofâ- -;%aMMte^^ teat wa» giten be t*« M* ftw^'Mi' service* iw^tM^A^M'^-M& account "vS^i^||^%^#i!lf::t«^l^^;; ft. â- : p^itttt*BterxMcArthnr^ dilemma. -lB*'w«'iW^^»ito'l*M up the sack" and make the rounds fo/two daya Uat weeJk oti Jphnion'* rout* ^rttisnPranlt ^. Mead «t High- %^--'"*^:-#tt"iwi^'-*ii «ne on th^ waiting list for the place. M fcn«e? ^^"ttailtadrV."*»".'\OM»pa<to^--V:^a>iBlI Itnown the N^Mr^ickpocket^ _____......&u&)W9tf$*' a'naton ^li^rifciio^ .. ^ii the -^»ob^W«^^'toee^ot::-*...:M.;ii^^i||^.awflt»^; _^___m .'l,'".^"' /" _^..... ^>"Â¥yiuMi,-;.;-iMit "......... picked :a||>etor 'a^»nj^^i^:|w^'; '3^^-ati^^itotioa'" eleetiio. the Milwaukee glten next Weak. ...,...„. . Mitsive SaysHeWJtIGobaWarm Old Cars to Continue to Run mm â- liii^i;" d taottoa have feeen ro- ot the Bvanatonatreet raitwar Il&e, iwcordlng to a threatetflng letter aent ... „.v........ ;;p^e^p«p^.:^p Aer|^oi^||ip|ip Ri^.-Mi|jK^ have received *o«an r requeata from aiOIanad i»trc^ who attend the number* that wefw Uto of that :^e^;:oi|::;^;:;i&?ip^^^ aad Bartow, a .t*Or;i^;|a*| violteUt. and comedy aketoh ;I^.j^:.il3ifc..jv...... ^h*tthi*a^wmi»a«aededbyoer- â- aelirad' fro9 the adrtortUmg la the ^t>rof|m^?^»ip ......Wmim> l*;*:kW,W^*fe r* *?W .^1!a^JaaUaBm^lllMail addressed letter waa for his Uttte daughter, who It al preeent with her mother, Mrs. Catharine Waugh Mo- Cnlloch, In New York City on a vialt. J^X<^Mm*m Ap*â- ,^Wjg J«g-|| 'f^tiirlriatorhed^b^ to the police. divii« the note acaroely more iban paaslng attention, Mr, M*j3olK*b mailed It to ChM of Polloo Frjid .:^^-'.:ft;a-4loajiS »t the Cen- |g^||»!^ji^.:,:f^^ij^^ the letter. Aaiat •* # fci$wjB>.:ite t atatwa <*>w»,'«»fi^w. ^f the Mtttr;:,.A»-ar,a»,»wwii..*»,â- S^TB-i^t^iiia'atf-TairMrintifim'-iif ^^laiiteiSWi*.' -f^i:|i«P*«W^" OH. ::ttt* would befa 1>o1a«ri6Bt» pr&k%o ae k:o«^{^.;tn*^'.to'tk«^weU'»^^r*^':^.. ^^ZilJI^-faa.^^^^itlwra^ =«^e»*^g^^are*ar«^^ ^^'W;)a»w'|l»Wi^^ cli^;x8b'm^T*;an**»^^|^ WftTarralgaed to'p^:^t^-^Mf^:' j^:, :|njii||»t^ ________^«nd,llaed>;tJ:"a^."iBOt*i ^ISS; â- ' ;Be«*«ie^««. ^«W«l«f» =«»oom « ^â- -ISiii-iowwt'a..*«*»**â- * ^apsiwv ;^~r^,'"3 h«*irft*l aad a home tor m-J*w;m*m.W>* .-^^ -*.!»..« **iamd» ^he^iolice ate ^«Mrf heAwiia the Alio^ wmto aa» =.y»>??^,.*»;«â- "â€"tTa?^-;- x -v,,,.-;-,-.^ .i^;;H %lcx^m***!^ ui«it 1 ;gtt^:»fje«|>||^:*^ cerna along the 1 ihaote' attd"vO0Br ahore, and IV U than Jtha 'cialAs«>* Througrv ftiiii'itiliii ;a^ore to:^"litta)B|^ draiixage isanal loom up ato the oneetrtng aiM^^M â- "--'--â€""-â-  b^ the aanttary dbrtrtet tf«it«M that lAla inay be received withl» th« n«t two week* for the flrat aeeUon of the proiweed aewer. Baaementa on WP*c- Ucalty all c€ tht n«op*rty needed in the j^poatd roirt^ from Wllaaette north to Qlenooe have beea aieaped, and with the a^oiwl-Impeta* glteo by loeSatiiijl^ that the plan jiriU" gg through wtthoot | from '!# Member* Of the mercial aaaxKdatioja ^,*^ Mobile trip throng* all *tii^:^tta^if In â-  -'iieiif:'^te|pr-.v.â-  #p#a>^*|ramie.- meat* W:$* ..^^fa^-^ldo: ^,; * :»l^la|,%i^a«ttiag:-;o|s"l^^ Monday night â- ' nad^f^;fttalrtjri«v:* '.....-...........â€" â€" -â€"â- $ tary district tonateee have decided to grant the damaodajj the aortbi »*2j|f k;:i«4i|e^|p^;i||^^ , to the thowaada of reeidenta ia the ^ *^$^i|ei:;:;|*§i^ bythelmproven^t. Formanyyeara, to fact, alw^ the vfllage* have Ifr come toool^onitafl^ ing haa been perfected, the vtBagora have been ^DOI% with tae aewage diaiwaal prob»-«^ - ^>f^'~; '^^ tnd>- awnttoy and ::*?*ir|i#*aw^,.vm mette, ;»etween *jptt&^#elockv o« ;«Mt.aif^*iM!ieigv.^ â- l«»t^'P!»WPt^. .-^', .......... through Wllmette, :Cii^V#|i>^^,t/l^: leiii^atf^He^ *fi aewen syatem* in the horth ahoro vlllageVln the lake and the Skokle, much annoyance baa been experl. want all the pl«Mttrea and beneflta tor be secured from the lake, deplore ttoe fact that the beautiful lake front 1* made the Bcene of a eewer outlet. Y^kewtae, the Bkokie /aai': *ro*i*:: to '•b«::*it t^§aaitlwy:ib^^ ' greeUnga will be extended to the vil- lage merchant*. After Olencoe ; J* viBlted the merchanta will Journef to *^p1a^.;i«i|!, meaili^^wliera -laiida; W*i*#*?' :armr;.';'ttoiiti.' that acoras of citl»*ns Interested ^a appears oelore^he trnatee* and pteadfcd for aid. regarding complete AU . , the aecuring of automobiles, program. impale;:-: r Aiu^oWri^' %-ioiiom^. ooaV:i;;^'^Te*keiji|^"Tj^ ifftir llam Greene. W. ^^^§M'^^^- W* acher, L. Pean.â- â-  B^||pB^;aiMlXm .Schaeffer4;v..".-i'-;!:' v^~^:"^fe.'t*:^"%;.SJi"r??s;S£S||i ghafler and did not take the time to confer â-  with - him abort :lt ^|firwe^' {f the work la that of some demen1»d youth ^or older perspn, the police: are anxious ;'to':'lc€ato;aini; and:^gj^;|to»; 16 any fortaer m^ma^§MmlMP The jwatofflce attthorltle* In vTO- mette ar* unable to giro A* »raaa* ton iwlieoany aid^ Itt^lie a«ar«h of |aa ' ime|^Jia»d^----artfitM||t-^ that the author probably mad* a trial to Wilmette to mail Uie letter, fearing that he might be detected If he mailed it In JBvanaton. .;' "y.'-'/^^^iH To carry out the ueoal method of foreign black hand men, the postage stamp oh the letter waa placed In the confer of the addrese, so that It is difficult to decipher the addrea*. The abbreviated ;«im || pi^ la I « * w ^ , â- * ** â- cr*wle^^aan^tor Aadr^ .*o"'-^*A'lt;;rep^^:^fe|ye^^ ;ti*ed: ^(l**^^^..*^':'..^; According to the announcement, the ;«wt^vOf-;^ii«e^'#fa^ conatntcted from the canal in tlw south i|^-Jo^^WH»At^,;;.:,to. ;â- &&$: â- treet. Wlnnetka. The route wiU be aa foHowa: Korth on Sheridan road In WUmette from the Bvanaton drain- age canal, foUowing the road aa near- ly aa po*s4l^ to ' Winnetka atenue, ^ni Have Bought 8-Acre Tract ";^,iu;rii*rOW»de:"v^:.'t^:rv^rt^ ...^fa^Seetton^wltt^a*. ... to provide for the carrying afar of •enrage f<» a popnlaUoa twice that of the villages through which ft wUl run. AuthoriUe* on drainage work declare ♦^;1t;i^i»Bld'â- **.:hard^':-**? ferl^^la^^oi::tlfc^p^^ order. Howaver, they aaaert that K .wfft:^1ama^lalia.;^^ Beeds, .;.'.:;:? • â- ;'m~'*r:- %^0;.,;•.â-  â- :;k-^SB .While the bnflo>« of the **oond •ecUon of^ ;the:-*wiro^.^w»lcIkV;$&::4& tend to Glencoe, probably wfil not r___ for »om* time, the ronfe haa be^ approved by the aanitary dirtrtet tnmtee*. Connecting with the flrat Bectlon on Wlnnetka .-«t*i*«i::,tr1ttf netka, the aewer «»be carried west ev::;^£naia^a^ '^:V&& thence" north to foil** along up the iaie^5t%iB%% '(da«oii^i--iifiiw,;^iM boundary of the vinage of Gl -» »^^ KM^it**^ made recently. It la t^^ ^T=_T-;^TT.,.,,,._...,â€"^.,.:..,,-..-T,-.,,- ,,.• -. .â- ..-.,,, extend* so^^i^^;^iB^r^t;#«! through the ravme at the foot 04 '&$§£$........ according MtMt 'â-  ' .to::. ,aii:' amnottncemeat iron the COaUy atructure. acre* of land have been pur- aa the work. U started « the temple, ;l#;iliAte^Si S2K «^«lp*e**SS ;^la^^^o*«iOTldaa1^«^ i^i^:^.:!^\:^ia)^f^ atai* that ta* roato A* SSSr^^ ^^Sa^pt*al^|a^p»^^ «l1*ffS?»..«W.5!55«E!S .^iz^^tgj^^iianf tlnw kaa be«'a»elft to arraagtag thia iiaplay of'mixed priielor the gia ^ola^aiaiilli......... ^^>'wiut:atw»it"1»«*/ toSrtwewaki h*« taken to oattsvatftg garoea waa ta* ftrat ahov ... .........;.iafeei»^ •ilfP$^'P,i4^^i' P of come to the r*|jji$i^^ ..... departmeat waa oonaldariag the :a|u^i^^ end in vtsw ahO»M bo team wtttll the ^irwtiata-^itio^^ from htoinapeotio* trip to taovartoaa 4hO aliimtoatto^ of a aomber of army aoato tk«# are considers !Uw*oe*eary. Ik^ idan bM been inentloaed a« ono of tiaW^iiPM^; -|ii||XMlK|aM^ be «m*U*red toe baal* to ^ .J|l lWa*0.,.aajawi|PaJWnP^ to being ooaaldvr^ of tension to Cherry iad:keaolabjb fti»\^ «-^.^^-. ?T.:,.,„! â- -«W|b^-'^^^aimWaamaaJraarfr^'-^aMjfa^jMg^^M' /**"' â- i"t:"r ^'^"'â- â- "^^j'-aaw*" ;^^i^iliiiiiyii^iii^p|||||fc »i|fca j iiliiiiiiSWpW awa^ eaetmttve to â- Â«w« MlunrbMadvertfaod e^taa^lT^^^^^ Ipy^fltiii; ~1pitljBfpH|igef' li^raj'^; fail l|Uei«atba*be*aaro«eedbxatt^p^ :dSL^/^Hj>,: gwajH' i Bddle Hanley, yoath of VonM In Bvanatoo Moaday aiglit .. he "*.ta jJoaerted ty a. ooaato.:. frOtt ntetto tt Urn CMimgo^^^ a raUroad ataUoa, Betogt wiUMmt fuade who tor^^ia* tltottgb^ awayi-'.Jto-•>iBM^ef!.;.o*dled" for 1'nt|t Tiina^ay ajadtl^ 1a#f^ rtftn. ?i tf rn^ft ^ttirnyriy^^ ilMlia ^ wa*-w)Wtli^':«ama'> attend a la^tar* abow< Tito WUmett* relative ^in»ed* a Kortaweatera trato to rid* Itoma aa4 wawa;HawleT aeacsfeasscsasifflBJfciB*^^ and oxta< eatommleal roato ha* been .atoag' "flto; aorlB very aat^toctorr. aad Uh* all eagemw . *&aniiL;:ai^ lalit^lM^ <if Uat year wW» r*a«**d t*« atoJ* â€" J^ »t» .^m,.; fcijinj-i -â- Â« 'mâ-  ***â- â-  tM^i wjife|e|iis^ a«Aool ihotdd d* ao *dr*rttab% II the loyalty ottkealamni and the;if«a>;; .iii;*l«^ftiilia^liii!i^ •retool^and«»*fwie»t body^ of real devotiw to their *tadJa» Taj* toa featureof tl»*eliooltaatto^ tnarted tp' 'ftntraat" ;iff - mtiiy; *; '* .ttoa* ^'Sfkaro stliii.yia1ia«MN|::<peBlfe: abottt 0A mat tniag ""';"." ojuitoaiambsrof »»leiUUdyo«wamoi ;w^?ilelr?ia|i»^iia#^^ otStor ttUuralaro Jjlpaivaiaa.". e^-i"tflami';Ja|apil(w^ eeem to creato a f a*«raWe imateostott and tor. caoee many paraona to aetoet y tao; ft^tttot- ^ vrmfjr1^^^ "'^0^ logtm atotew oattrt^toou a>o«t t»« "! alawertty a^ w«a a deatto to awaw .taS^fat^^'tt»a^#:;-d*iN^ aot for any *t« it »» seow *roi« â- , taem (forth*tatttonoltart»doeaae*" cover the coat of eaea *tad*ax to **_ eelwol). l»t lor th* real g«^ taat »1 ma* do them. Ttiarf a ataawal waev ettend* ^ ihraaatoa sea flamy to moat fortoaat* to ala ea«loa ot aeseota to wen att«atod by 1^ aptoadid r made by aoeh atadeato aad tao etotHe ^ kttora reoadred from ' of a*4l*d*d panato. T»o aeaool la profit ereyp«M|toe or tooa] '::'" aad to at Qm aamo> tlia1^:^laiM>dft'-; rehatoa* fooxdailoav irtttomt ^mto mani^ a^ Maaa ere^t aÂ¥oag* to Wtod^ • Maxafc, otvll eagtoewe and :aiiv*r^tf^ ...â€", „,.„.^,,_^ ..-,., e^V Tal* te a^ loog b^^^ i^^^^Slfj^iii^SS edwaaikm amamal o^Mk:: :Qjjjj£0Jki'*~""

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