Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Aug 1913, p. 7

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m Thomas Jessie Culve#e*#ett* W^ ' to. a, guest fy^fi&M-fy Culver^ ' home uu. if^toay^.w: ib a£:v*^dWtt» to ;.a';;doaen Thurtdny •ventof. " nowa^^fw^: 'It" GWeaje 'lew days lMt;.«^^|;|P^^f*" Katherlne Howard departed for Alt*, 0*L, where she Will r mother and sister. ; • Isabel Browne entertained Mr» Allen and daughter, MaWtv «t jo a f0w.4^t;'^t.;we^^ ffj , o. M. Howardfatsretarned .je aiter* few weeksV visit to York and Other eastern clttea fc. and Mrs. Charles a;Wo»«^f intown, Pa., are *•*#»**:% *"e of their daughta^ M^* George iOTrift;:;VK:':":-; â- â- â- '"'"â- :A:'- . Bertr*^Orn> *»w 'ha* been ^t at the Skol^elt^lor several has return^ /;to nor hone to S»BaBcity. :mmmm-':.' kiss Helen Calhofl;;lshohie'from lison, Wis., where she has been png ft course In summer school *t University.____"^/'V^CIX. &;â- !}: Irs. Fred P. Patton Is Enjoying' an omobfie trip through Indiana and with her uncle, D. B. Postal, and , of Elgin. A. W. Patten, professor of literature tt Northwestern sity, occupied the pulpit In the Methodist church Sunday, and Mrs. Otto R. Barnett and Und Miss |Tean Hulford left Sat- for sn extensive trip through lorthwest They will be gone a month. M:% d. Muir, accompanied by $e> Day, left the first of the ^Trenton, N. J., the former's ties Day will visit In Treh- tree weeks. ip visit of * few week* with IDwight Sudd, Miss Marjorie St. Louis, Mo., has gone to |Lake, Wis.,, for a short stay eturning home. fod Mrs. R. W. Hall of Park "departed last week for a six automobile tour through the IBefore tjhey return they will New York and New Jersey. rat G. Poucher and family of I avenue and Milton street are ng a few weeks at Brule, 'Wis., they are camping. They ex* to return to Olencoe about A. D. Watson : entertained nteen members of the cardr club home in Sheridan road Friday oon at bridge. The function was a series Mrs. Watson will give i rammer. HOIS SOCIETY MEETING AT A CLOSE &e Number Attended Socj. ty MeetiniC at Anns aod Found Many New Plants,i wry successful summer meeting tie Illinois Horticultural society held at Anna, Illinois, ob Wednes- and Thursday, July 30 and 31-0?; morning of July 80, twenty-seven ioblies containing about one-hun- and thirty-five people left Anna the purpose of visiting nearby *» and town*,; The first stop fetde at Cobden, where a brief in- lon was made of the Lawrence H factory. The next place vlslfed ^•wtety was the three hundred- orchard of the Lamar brothers. following facts will give some W the extent to which orcharding 'fried on in tola part of Illinois. tT-tmar brothers had Jnst complet- kttvestlng a thirty-acre apple from which they had shipped pear* of apples have been told on ]im, Wttaenra- fcefaag the chief iWfflM.-}ffiB&:i other IP? s travtlcrB Tialted several On Thursday Jtte visited the two hundred acres of itLtf»"IT. Thotnae $***•? --"Mk Thomas rsise*'!*•***• ^ Plantf for aal«. In a testing â- f# showed; the jstfifi tl^t**** ^°n« handxed an* sfarty . ^**« on en average abort pl«i% *.y«*i? i^ nib theni ta <3feternia hi the 1 :& LEVANSTON CAMPS %:J$;s^^ltorthi;trtef Pattee. The Cainp fire Girls* movement hen attracted an almost nation-wide inter eat the past year, and since the estab- lishment of several camps In Evans- ten many people of vthe community are eager to know more of its reason for being, Its object and activities. Mrs. Luther H. Oulick, one of the founders of the organisation, says that "the name 'Camp Fire Girls' was chosen for the same reason that the name 'Boy Scouts' was decided upon for the boys; because it was believed they would like It! Scouting fs a masculine activity; keeping the fire burning in a camp or in a home is a feminine activity. The camp sym- bolizes the outdoor spirit of the or- ganization." ': â- â€¢,>'""O'7\; Its Purpose. "Its purpose," says the Camp Fire Book, "is to show that the common things of dally, life are the chief means of beauty, romance and ad- venture; to aid in the forming of habits making for health and vigor, the out-of-door habit, the out-of-door spirit; to devise way* of measuring and creating standards of woman's work; * * * to help girls and women to serve the community (the larger home) In the same way they have always served the Individual home." The password of the organization is «Wohelo," a word coined from the first two letters of the three words, "work," "health," and "love." It is woven into song, ceremony and orna- ment. The law of the Camp Fire is to "seek beauty, give service, pursue knowledge, be trustworthy, hold on to health, glorify work and be happy/' ' Expresses Her Desire. When a girl Joins, she expresses her desire to become a "Camp Fire Girl," and her intention to strive to follow this law.. She first becomes a "Wood Gatherer," for which the require- ments are very simple, and she may now wear a moat attractive little sil- ver ring presented to her by the or- ganization. The design on this ring is a bundle of seven fagots symbolic of the seven points1 of the law. The second degree, that of "Fire Maker," is niore difficult of attain abre to prefftft'lwenty-eleo. ttve henors" eaVwell. She may win f these honor* In any one of seven dif fctot "erifts," some of them being aoqulreff on summer outings ; or. In wjoser sports, but many of which re- q^ real4W^ orjrtttdy or creative eadeikvwr.SAiV'-A-' When a girl has atUlned the rank of "Torch Bearer," the third and high* est degree, it meant that the is an assistant to the guardian and Is now deemed worthy to be a leader of other girls hersjeif.';iiv; , ,01;'±. â- â-  j::: â- y:'0p Have Nine llember«4r;^% "Muskoday Camp Firs," the local group, has a membership of nine girls. Its regular meetings have been held each week at the home of the guardian, except when the weather has permitted the variation of a win* ter walk or spring outing In the woods. The < work has been In line with the honors to be won In the vari- ous crafts and? always something in the way of song or story is thrown In for recreation. The monthly ceremonial mectfcjg. at which new members are initiated, honor beads bestowed, etc., has been held at the homes of the various members, combined with a supper, cooked and served by the two girl* acting as hostesses for the evening. This not only has proved a delight- ful way of carrying out the festive occasion, but has given the girls an opportunity to fulfill one of the Fire Makers' requirements, which is to help prepare and serve at least two meals for the camp. A Social Organization. The organization is essentially a social one, and cannot be held to- gether by bonds of duty. But the girls and the guardian find that in it %....., th»in together wishtoipend a reasoneM* amount of iime .ft- :|lii|lw^?p|M:Mi:;:i^e»iit^ in th» outdoor life, with lis splendid .activities and intimacy with nature Is stimulated as much as possible, alii the home duties sn#w«manly arts have e<raal emphasis. The ' .honor head* nre bestowed for prowess in both. i. friendly rivalry ia encouraged and alray* a fair, genUe and beTpfut epim.lwwsjrd;.eajeh"j^rp|^^^^ FOR BAIT; ALARMS MM Boarder at Evanston Hom( Gets tip With the Birds and Police Ar* Called, A hoarder at 1«08 LaVe street,' Evanston, a devout follower of Isaak Walton, caused a scare shortly after 3 Vclock Sun- day 'morning as he was making ready (or an early morning fishing expedition on the lake front A mem- ber of the household was aroused from her slumber by the continuous bark- ing of doge. Peering out of her bed- room window at the early morning hour, the was surprised to see a man with a lantern prowling about .|he: barn. â- '.*' V"«'.VV"'..... â- â- .â- . "Q-f.,â- "•â- â€¢-' An alarm was sent to the polio* sta tloh and Assistant Chief of Police Robert Johnston and three other offl. cers went to the place in the police auto. Tne "prowler" ir|S"found to he one ot the boarders, who was dili- gently at. work searching for worms to be mad as bait on a fishing trip. Evanston Business College A biah «adejinsiness traiinp/hJL, ^ â-  EJverytbingjfflBeitt and ujAp-dalar We tench office work, bookkedffn«yacoountiir|, Greff^borthand; all commercial brana£j!*str '^0^^^"" New term opc«S€ptcinbtr2, Day and Evening W.H.CaltowtPrari 634 Davit Street •&AMES* T4Ii<i Our August Offers: Suits of Ehglis]^ color. ValuV Spits of Value |45, f| FitandWorkmanship ===== We Do adcloth, Telephone 1409 unteed. Heferenci$£ttMlihe& Kinds of famdeling.,=ssh^=sz 1907 Central St., Evanston â- "W?] i.:AWr>-i 'r^Wil ti'A Many^a^oipkeeperjhas m^^^^j^^. vest in diamonds If he ctooselby creating PrfEjW*^fig* in his store »nd thus coJerthJ it into » msgne^Ihat tttnets trsde. AsTy^ufcofflBn^ markable stores ltt4ii^iowBiJtey_M^acoj«ij!ied^ â„¢-------------â€"-------.-----,-----------â€"â€"a-------------------;-----------;-----*--------------:-----mm â- <<*â- '.<. *. "Z."^ "7.- 'â-  7v" t.â- />';' " ' '**â- â- ' • "." â-  Vf â- 'â- "â-  "*-â-  'â- â€¢'â- â- " l.!-> â-  ' V •â-  '.--1 't 7 ' .,"â- '-â- â-  ftn«i»;:diemseives:up « revenue pwducgjin toy store. ^p: ^â- 0ff^^^^k^; v-â- â- â- â-  ^»«i»w»*»tubim*"****$l â-  ;J^^£^ lllSElVIClfO w the central part, whers Mr. rornese is > located, pracUcally no uprising or trouble of any kind has resulted dur- ing all of the exaggerated reports ot the storming of dtles several months Paso to Mexico City, guarded by mili- tary tralna. Ths gaerllla bands, while oontaming only a few lnsurr>c- toi, can destroy inany mnee of rail- roads in one night's time with dyna- mite and other exploalves, hot they confine their pillaging only to the thinly settled' dtstrtots. <m%%mMM' ' BVANtTOM CLASSICAL tCHOO»« The Bvanston Classical eohoOl to now" regisjsMng pupils for the year 19l8-l^ftM«Uent equipment for both tl^s^W«P and lo otlfses, Individ Ists in various and Oerman Rythmic gymnai1 Mnk Prank ' from tho Jaques-Dat' Dresden. Certlflcate admits to eastern colleges. 4pply toMrs. Alice C.Oove. Tel: :\:l^ahston./l»07*;V^M|:;i tJ)MversJty place,'Bvanstol(t':': ' ;;;;."'i:'v-'. â- ' la. Small ; apeeial- ;- Freneh teachers. music, 4by her' helper «e college near f^J^Jp^^^j^^ U37WiIton m3M*W$ _______________|'" &'vW$i â-¼ â-¼ the season's most fashionable furs at a di Our «ffort» tifa^h&to dw making this the most successf August Fur Sals) we have ever enj and we firmly believe that the vi offered are ttiiSh that upon inveati- gation you will duplicate elsew! an e ealar the largest as the ready-to-wear impossible to sing business stock of good Chicago U. Soarfa aundf^uffa ; ordanTf In Any. of hir OMirad, at : grattt pnea: concea- sions. We have toe1 :it»r-yo«r7"Belsettpa"ar beantirnl collection of skinsâ€"Fishers, Blended Hudson's Bey Sables, Russian Sables, Natural Hudson's Bay Sabltjs, ChmcbiUns, Ermines, Miakt Bwadiafls, Pet- v â- ihu LtimU, Caraculs. Molw, Alaska Seals. Pointed Foxes, Black Poxes, White Poxes and all peltries in 6wuM&?f$km-;;, â-  .|^f|l|l^-"';il* Fir lepairiif aid leaideliif In smoSt satisfactory manner,:td August prices. Ws uH sure Fill OF SMMii set srMi ishHil FAVMIHT mat aa OatarraeJ aatll Dallverf SKUNK »CAFtF» AND MUFFS Skunk Fancy Scarfs, head and • taU trimmed..............SaaUlO Skunk Fancy Scarfs, boad and - talltrimmed............... 30.00 Skunk Fancy Scarfs, bead and A tall trimmed»...... ......••• 3«.00 Skunk Fancy Scarfs, head and â-  talltrimmed............... ?t*22 Skunk Pillow Muffs.......... |J^O Skunk Large Pillow Muffs.... 411.00 Skunk Large Pillow Mutis.... §0.00 8kunk Extra Large Muffs.... 0740 « MOtS SCARFS AND MUFFS Mole Scarfs..................*,&*& MoleSoarfs..................30.00 Mole Scar».........*. .«.rrrSMO * Melrfcarm.................. £0.00 Mole Comfort............... aT«s<f Mole Large Muffs............ ajAO Mole Large Muffs............ffl.OO Po^ed Fo» Scarf, bead S^arnvlsffsedoable Muffs.... df^Q [ttffs.^.. 4S.0O CIVCT CAT SCARFS m, MUFFS Civet Cat Scarfs.........., Ovet Cat Scarfs....... .">.«• HO.OO .Ove^at|«rls.a4^a^:^a|sao._ Civet Cat Muffs. .,*... *r... 3<iUI0 Civet Cat Muffs..m ......... 8A.OO CrvetCatMaasV^ii.^..:. MM NATURAL MINK_SCARFS AND MUFF» Natural Mink Scarfs.........S4S.OO Natural Mink Scarfs ......... 0340 Natural MinkScarfs ......... 0*410 7A.OO Natural Mlnk8caru.., Natural Mink Muffs.,....... 00.00 Natural Mink Muffs......... 07.SO Natural Mink Muffs......... fS«00 â- LACK FOX SCARFS e\ MUFFS Black Foa Scarfe..*•â-  •••••• **»*. ♦#•••• ». ^a,^ I »»-a^P«0 HUDSON'S sa- Black Foal Black Fox I Black Pes Fob , Blended Bhn»oor1i Bay Jnsaia.. •• *,.♦• »*'f|i)jH. SLMDKD HUDSON'S BAY ; . SASLst^SCARfp:;.â-  ^^V Blended Hudson's Bar Hants < * - >rw3rn« r^V* y^:-^^mi--mmjui Blended Hudson's Bar ^anSi*" ^^Jm^^i^u ***** Blended HUcWn's Bay Sahlfp'-^^,^,^ Four-Skin Scarf.. .v...... CARACUL COATS Natural Mink Muffs......... 9mJ>u c--««1i iga£& C t^. .1 . IIS.OO Caracul Model St........ 1*0.00 Caxacttl Model Coat........ *a<L$0 Caracal Mods) Coat......... aaa>Oo HUDSON SIAL COATS SLfNoiD SQUIRR1L COATS FONVeOATB P^Stlrves^sriaVi; tBoor STEWART BUILOINC as' -:- 'â- ' r*

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