Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Aug 1913, p. 3

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Mr'. TO TAKE LAKE OIMSI ^Sepnilwr^JiltofceTrip on ... ;,â-  â- â€¢;/':' :Wj;i*j£Lj. "â- .'"â- '.'!-*' '^ :,;' â- -' â- -'"<<'â- ",' l^rjjipgtj^^ Evanston Mr Ai*ilM'.'i#l.^il#»;l^.â- ^?, Iropft Mrs. Lw«Sli|t at iun«h6tfii *t her bo«it 8at«rd»y Mm. at c. Watthjur M^eats C01 ,Bd Mr*J*. 8. Wall: «t:1#*^Sol* are 8pendin« a f»* w»**» at Mackinac island. â- Â»' ;.; ^^^v'^- .;;';'-if:^":;^^ •' Tuesday evening mW JametWa** Thome gate a large supper and dance 8t her home. Mrs. Wallace L. De Wolf haa as her truest her sister, Misa Lillian Rae of London, Eng. f Saturday evening Mr. and Mr*. W. E. clow entertained at dinner at the Onwentsla club. The Lake Surest open air horse sbou takes place Saturday. ^ Js*"*6 entry Is expected. Mrs. John H. Hamllne entertained twenty-flve at dinner at the Onwentaia club Saturday night., Mrs. Prank R. McMullen presided at the regular weekly meeting of the Itavlnla club at the park Wednesday. Preceding the national tennis dou- bles Wednesday,' Mrs. Hugh Johnston McBlrney entertained at luncheon at the club. Mrs. Kellogg Fairbanks has re- turned to her summer home at Lake deneva after a short visit with Mrs. H. c. Chatfleld-Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Granger Parwell and their daughters, the MlsBes Alice, Sarah and Helen, have gone to Rye Beach. N. H., to spend the rest of the summer. IF YOU ARE HUNGRY TIGHTEN UP YOUR BELT : r If every one. wears a belt, will ft re- duce the high cost of living? According to one of the latest sclent title theories advanced by an eminent specialist, this is exactly what a belt will doâ€"not by a direct reduction of the cost of foodstuffs, but by a reduc- tion of the human craving for food. No less an authority than Dr. Ran- <k>lp Lennholff, according to repqrts "made to the Vosslsche Zeitung, has .discoveredJthat the wearing of a belt reduces the*"human^abpetlte for'food. According to the report of Dr. Lenn- holff, his investigations were based on his knowledge of the fact that the "Knights of Trampdom" when hungry and far from food, tighten their belts to allay the inner craving. Exhaustive investigations, accord- ing to the Journal of the American Medical association, which In turn quotes the Vosslsche Zeitung, Teveal that the wearing of belts keeps hunger pangs away. A contracted stontacn Is declared to be the reason for lessen- ed appetite. la*, and their families art planning to take a week's oruise on the great lakes «n the new steamship North A^ertoart the second week in Septem- ber. To date, more than twenty knights, have signified their Intention of making' the trip, and It la expected that more than twice this number will be aboard when the.great ship steams out of the Chicago river on Sept. 6. The boat has been chartered by Apollo cpmmandery, No.. 1, Knights Templar. Chicago, and this com- mandery has extended an invitation to the Evanston knights to accompany them. No persons but members of decided to remain away from the "convention city." Eminent Commander James L. Rat- lake trip is the outgrowth of the boosting of hotel rates at Denver during the period of the annual con- clave, which is convening in the west- ern city this week. Both Apollo and Bvanston commanderies had formed Denver clubs and had completed plans to make the western trip on special trains. Apollo commandery had ap- propriated some $6,000 for the Denver trip and the Bvanston knights had a fund close to the $5,000 mark laid aside for the purpose, but when the Denver hotel managers began to boost their rates to equal the altitude of Denver, the knights took a vote and cliffe, Eminent Sir Norman J. Rosa and Eminent Sir Edward L. Johnson compose the committee In charge of selecting the Evanston group. The trip will be made after the close of the season, the boat leaving Chicago at noon on Saturday, Sept 8, making the following ports: Mackinac Island, Sault Ste. Marie, Fort Wil- liams, Ont, Duluth, Collingwood, Owen 8ound and Detroit. The crulBe will last eight days, taking one day longer than the usual trip of the North American. James Conlln, 30 years old, a deliv- ery boy employed by the Evanston Packing company, was reecuta from drowning at the,Evanston bathing beach Thursday by Frank Coratto, attendant at the beach, and Policeman Fred Ecklund. Conlln was diving from the raft, about 300 feet from shore, when he was selaed with a cramp in his arm. He was- unable to keep I above the water, and had gone down 'the second time when the rescuers 'reached him. Conlln was a good swimmer and was with a group of other youths when he was stricken with cramps. A call was given tor help and Coratto quickly responded with a boat, rescu- ing the youth, lie was revived In a few minutes and was able to be at work the next morning. AUGUSTSALE During August there will be a sub- stantial reduction on every pair of FOSTER SHDES y of the Gs^f^upertor This is the year ixr appearancfilbaterial anj^Pbrkman- ship, and*bfA>e them Scientifically fitted. DiMontinued Lines of Patent Calf Boots, Slippers and Oxfords, $3,50 Values, $1.65 $4.50 Values, $1.85 F. E. Foster & Co. 1608 Chicago Avenue Corner of Davis Street NEWS WANT ADS BRING RlSULTl Mr. James Bowdeo, Sr., Is ipittO- lng his vacation in Canada. Mrs. J. O. Hicks left Monday to spend a month in the White moun- tain*, v â- .:â- â- .â-  'â- â- '. V-:,;>'.;.:,.:;:,^ ';.\v,v - W:;[ Mrs. David Minard Shaw has aa her guest her slater, Mrs. Peter Campbell, ot Petershoro, Canada, and. her husband. 'v'yiM- Mrs. Lucten M. Williams enter- tained fourteen guests at dinner at the Qlenvlew club, Friday. Mrs. W. L. Palmer, who has been visiting Mrs. C. W. F. Smith, hat re- turned to her home In Boston. Colonel and Mrs. R. P. Davidson, accompanied by Mrs. H. P. Davidson, motored to their home at Lake Ge- neva Monday. The Misses Edna and Ethel Van Riper are the guests of Miss Char- lotte Friese, of Kenllworth, at the Thousand Islands. Captain Washtagtou, fit > Miss Badie ....... chosen W4iittfy;:.tttit^'Jw»- ^ «t';Pm(ki Queen of the Harvest, at the harveet fettlval of all natlona. to, be held la September, at Ravinla park. ««, Robert Buckley, will have charge o* the Highland Park dancere at tbe af- fair;^^j^ ;'v B;.v'.; vi'iljp V, 1857 J^Trust ^Company, â- %f Statemeat of Condition at Cotnmeacsment of Business Aagustll.1913 ' ' RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.......................... Bonds and Mortgages........................ Due from Banks and Bankers.'...........SI Cash and Checks for Clearing House.... Capital Stook..... Surplus Fund..... Undivided Profits...^ Reserved for Accrued Deposits ........... ARTMENTS Com moPclRlâ€"Savings -Trustâ€"Bond Farm Loanâ€"Foreign Exchange DIRECTORS FRANK R. AKM8TRONQ, Vica-Praaldrat Murdoch a Comiwiir. 'halrtnan Board of ______*trle Company. BUBJLEY, Attorney and Raid. Ml ___^ EN08 If. BARTON, CLARENCE A. Capitalist. HENRY P. CROysajU Quakar WDUJAmT'oANDiNER, Pfiifihat CWowto A Northwaatarn Railway Co. _ ELBERT H. GARY. Chairman Board of Diraotora Unltadjtataa Staal Corp'n. EDMUND D. HULBBRT, Vtaa-Praaldaiit. CHAUNCEY KEEP, TnutM Marshall TUM Estate. OFFICERS ORSON SMITH. Praaidant &5v,1B?*Siw£^^*S",4£ w^_ FRANK O. NELSON. Vlco Praaidont *. LEONARD JOHNSON. AM't Soervtary JOHN E. BLUNT. JR.. Vlea Pr^W«nt F. W. THOMPSON, Mgr^axm Uea Dag*. P. C. PETERSON. CaahW H. O. P. DEANS. M*r. ForalcB DoparttMnt raxmau' ^""q. F. HABDIE. Manactr Bond Vmpurtmmtt CYRUS H. MeCORMlCK. PiMldmt Inter- national Harvaatar Comoany. _ SEYMOUR MORRIS. Troataa L. 2. Latter Batata. JOHN a RUNNELLS. Pr«aid«nt PnUnatt EDWARD°L RYBRSON. Chairman Board A Company. ORSON SMITH. Praaidatit _ . ALBERT A. 8PRAOUE. IL. Vio^Pratldant Spravoe, Warner * Company ITS, MOS es 3rwi ENTWOR1 112 West Adams Street SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LAKE SHORE *D SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE <7 Buyers' Guide to Shops of Quality CT* a*. STUDIO "CLOSElf UNfIL SEPT. 1. Harrison 6227. THE ARTS. Com] M •Crown1 made Jewelry. Butte) elf TeL Central •!!â-  104 8. Michigan Ave. R. M. 651 __ iNear Wabash Ave.) Phone Central S064. TTBRNS. 8t, Chicago FA8HIONABLE C08TUME8. SPEJOtAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Ezolujile Ready-to-wear Qowns at Greatly Reduce*- Prices. 502 Kesner Bldg., Wabash Si Madison, TeL Central 64«7. Chicago. GOWNS AND duJTn \2L O MONTH E WILL LADIES' SC FOR STEIN I CO., LADIES' TMLORS, (Suite 207) 177 N. State St. Pnone 1382 Central. 8EPH ROTHSCHILD, AIR SPECIALTIES. :p diseases 6 W. Randolph it., cor. State 8t lone Central 142L LATTON SYSTEM HAIR OITL^bBJk .[•nee has dBnwsjsfl&tld that hair will grow^pin,fcv* after years of disturftnf WulUons. L. L. IAYTON, 1104 Republic Bid/. 209 State St Phone Harrison 6144. HINO AN&^rueK4NQ, NUPACTURINQ CO.. 120 Softh State St, rnarters for^ii«ts*|grade Ac- i. Knife tons eovered. Puckering, Shi the most moder service. Charg tings. But- [g. Tucking, We nse methclls. Give quick low prices. Telephone Central 18 WILITARY SCHOOL I^NGLIfi TOILET SPECIALTIES. ME. HUNTINGPOBD (Originator) NGLISH HOt OIL 8XSTEM. FuU line of Tot Spt Expert Hair Shampooing. Auditorium Bldg., Chicago. Wtcmi clentiflc ASSAQB INSTITUTE. „ Phone Harrison 3635. rCME MASSAGE INSTITUTE, Scientific Massag*, EtoctiinJJgbt and 8bower Ba^s,/Thg«l|eutlc Hours 10:00 &.m^^:%Mm. Daily. MIS?LMAB #LIVWR, Prop., Suite »0, Is• WrJoams -St, Chicago. CORSET SHOP. YOUR NEXT CORSET be a made-to-order at the TJ BONE pOJ^lET SHOP, and get coLfQR as^lell as style. L*c«\m0rMn§ back models. We#wiBlf rfnd a trained corAlerre^ST YOU; no extra cAarge. 1020 Republic Bldg. Harrison 1402. LADIES' TAILORS. Manufacturers "Jr^adli Hats. Reblocklng/Clei ing of Ladles' Hni 105 N. WABASH AVE. (Fifth Eloor) Phone Central 5160 ! â-  S A TRAVELING OUTFITS. will manufacture your Trunks or 'raveling Outfits, to order. Select your own lAa/fier and Design; below retail Jrjfefj ^ We also have ^JHfPraJelsj trunks la stock at redSaB pniy BONKBJ TRUNK «s CASH CO^ Phone Franklin 2077. 2d floor, 178 W. Madison Bt, Chicago. OIL PAINTINOS. INCTIVB CLOTHES. NEW STYLES AND 'â-²BJtICS JiAVE IVED. S ANDERSON, 803 Mailers Bldg%, Madison Bt a*d WabasbJIve., Chicago. TeL Cent 0152. W. H. MOSH1EB CO. 016-022 MlQJIgaa Av., 5jh floor. BXCLUSrV^MMBTEir TmiLORS. Formerly lceatef at 140«4flehlgan Av 1. LKRNBR WOMEN'S TAILOR. Fall styles Ini Special prices Suite 814 J N. E. Cor. Wa WATER HEATERS. FOR PI Silk Corsets, f Silk Corset*, ALTERA Corsets Kept In 'â- '-â- â-  â- â-  ;Â¥f-Y. epubHc BMg., aO> 8. State St" - HOT WATER IN8TANTLY. The famous "Ganon-A-Minute" ©•MALLET WATER HEATER (tor gas). Just/ltgbJ the gat and In two minute* dgfw sAajslsM hot water from the (aucflt^sfPiipSl per mhv uts oont ISA J. O'MALlTfY CO. 79 W. Lake St, Caleaga, ^U.KIWQ Mi Wecords by Chaum MACHINES. Chauacy Olcott. Phouogmphf ranted. Rent to ap- ply on purchase, IfJtaMlrec. Deliveries Orders taa^8#^ftajl!|a. VSOSS 69t*W as« ;H w. I^^Ci|S^^^ffif^M#tsk':A^|lmi I.LT014S, Lake 8U ChSeago. ^^â- ^^%±m

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