Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Aug 1913, p. 6

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IWlntPiopleAraDoiug fm 11 in « Mitt Eva Elite ha* returned from Dowaglac, Mich. Miss Mabel Robeson ha* returned from a trip to Canada. Mr*. Herman B. Butler is In the east tor a month's motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. DeWltt P. Ballard ot Cherry street are at Woodstock, Vt Mrs. Ernest Jebsen of Prospect ave- nue has returned from a visit to Lake Murray, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Peabody are to leave this week for a month's trip through the east Mrs. J. 8. Hammond and children are visiting Mrs. Hammond's mother, Mrs. H. Q. Rellly. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Downs of Spruce street are in northern Wisconsin for several weeks' trip. The three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Stevenson are away on a camp- ing trip in Canada. Mrs. L. C. Norton of Walnut street returned the first of the month from a month's visit In Boston, Mass. A much-needed improvement has been ntade at the village hall la the shape of an entrance on Ash street. Miss Louise Wood, 808 Prospect ave- nue, Is visiting relatives in Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Crane end chil- dren nave returned to tbelr home on Cherry street after a month's Bojourn in Hee*el, Mich. Mrs. J. O. Wean of Linden street entertained on Wednesday afternoon of last week In honor of Mrs. Charles E. Bailiff of Ridge avenue. Mies Alice Morgan of Port Wash- ington, Wis., ha* been a guest the past week of the Misses Morse of Provident avenue. Mr. John Merrlles, the village clerk, is at his desk ••Bin, after spending his tw© weeks' vacation at the lakes In northern Wisconsin. Mlse Katnerine Arnold, who hat been the gnest of her sister, Mrs |fv Frederick Greely, left Monday for * %â-  visit In Akron, a ,.( II Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Qulmby and Miss Margaret Quimby lefjt/lionday for E One Tobacco Dealer Attempts to Make Evanston Rival the Places in the South Where the Weed Flourishes. HAS A FINE CROP IN BLOOM Black Oak Lake,,/hear Donaldson, ITU, whew thayere to epend the month of A»*ust. Mr. and Mr*. H. A. Ware, former ^residents of Winnetka, who have been residing; In Pasadena, CaL, for several |ppair*;'.hnTe token the d. B. Ssnhorn m house on Oak street ^-•' .Jfr. BUS B. Chase and the members &^t ihm Christ church choir returned pi Monday from their .camp in Berrien Mitgi^-'UUJh. The boys wore very pentkuelastic about the trip. - Mr. Frank H. Pisher returned Man- after spending a few months at lllaoag, Wis., where bis brother, W. Pisher, of Ask street, has his sum- mer boss*. ' A â- anl** psxty was held on the beautiful fwuads of Mrs. Douglass of Hubbard Wood* lost Sate*. r, at which *M0 wis ralasd for the benefit of the Illinois Chil- dren's Howe and Aid society, t llrs. Bjrtt tWMwr^ts hstmehusen to lead the dancing classes which be- gin rehearsals this week for the pageant to be given at Ravlnla Park in September. Winnetka is to be rep- resented by American dances, in which about twenty young people will take part Evanston residents who have never enjoyed the sight of tobacco plants in full growth are not forced to travel to the sunny fields in Tennessee or Florida, where the weed is culti- vated. Large, healthy plant* are now thriving on a lawn In the business sec- tion of their own city. Robert Koen, the tobacconist at 1624 Orrington ave- nue, is making the experiment and is cultivating seven good-sized plants in front of his place of business. Few pedestrians in Orrington ave- nue are acquainted with the fact that the growing plants are tobacco. They are mistaken for oanna aad other flowers. The plants are genuine Havana to- bacco and probably will be mature enough to cure by the last of this month. Mr. Koen has taken consid- erable care in growing the plants and, while he states that the product will not contain the quality of the tobacco grown in Cuba, on account of climatic conditions here, he expects to offer his patrons, who are satisfied with a different kind of "smoke," some- thing novel In the way of home-grown goods. j |t t ON WESTERN TRIP, "-Sir!. Daniel McArthur, wife of Post toaster McArthur of Glnncoe, end daughter, Miss Jean, departed Tues- afternoon for the northwest, afwnors they win pass a month or six weeks in the far west and northern Hookies. They will epend some time In Calgary, Bdmonton and many other -Canadian eHIes and towns. ...___â- _ fWfhe Summer Not First Experiment: This Is not the first experiment made by the Evanston tobacconist in growing plants here. At hi* home at 2145 Maple avenue, last year, he /rslse4 several plant* of different varieties, many of which grew to twice the site of the plants now ma- turing In front of his store. Unlike the tobacco plants which grow in the warmer climate, the Havana species do not grow to such an extent here. The present plants are about twelve or fifteen inches In height. The leaves are about three or four inches in width. Mr. Koen has made a careful study of tobacoo and its growth. He asserts that climatic conditions have every- thing to do with the successful grow- ing of the plants. The leaves bore grow much thicker and do not con* tain the rich aroma when consumed in smoke. "Cuba probably is the best place in toe world for the cultivation of tobacco," said Mr. Koen, In talk* ing of the tobacco industry* "Bven in Key West and Florida, the sane grade of tobacco cannot be produced as in Cuba. The climate there te ideal and the tobacco leaf grows thin and with a flavor that osssiot be w» celled. One feature in tobacco grwwlng *», the nipping of the Mossons. Just now the buds on the plants la frost of the Koen store are almost ready to open. When they do open Mr. Koen will clip them. This sends th» strength of the plant to the leaves, j which broaden and become more ma- ture. What Psople Are Doing . Miss Laura Rosslter is visiting In East Mt Pleasant O. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dewey and family are home from a visit to Mr. Dewey's parents in Magnolia, Mass. Mrs. Hugh McBirney was hostess to the Garden club at her home on Laurel avenue, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William "E. Clow en- tertained at dinner Saturday night at the Onwentsia club. Mr. and Mr*. Charles Fairbanks are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Chat- field Taylor. Mrs. John A. Stevenson entertained at luncheon Thursday at the Onwent- sia club. Mrs. J. Ogden Armour entertained at dinner at the Onwentsia club Wednesday. Mrs. John H. Hamllne entertained twenty-five guests at dinner Saturday night. Mrs. Carter H. Pitz Hugh enter- tained eighteen guests at dinner Thursday. Miss Ellen Holt entertained more than 100 boy* from the congested dis- tricts of Chicago at her home on Sher- idan road Wednesday afternoon. The tennis matches at the Onwent- sia club this week are attracting crowds. Many dinner parties <are being given each evening following the play, in the club. PROUTY FINES AUT0_ SPEEDER SWIFT $10 CLEAR $60QATCARDE PARTY FOR CHARITY Police Magistrate Carlton Prouty assessed flO fines against two speed- ers In his court in Winnetka, Monday. They were Edward F. Swift, son of the packer of Lake Forest, and John Canfleld of Olencoe. Swift was ar- Mre- Artnttr ° Cab,e' Mrs Mancel T. rested in Wilmette and Canfleld in Splendid Success Attends Lawn Fete at thorne Mansion in Winnetka Friday Evening. Among the brilliant entertainments along the north shore last week was a garden concert and dance for the benefit of Arden Shore, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Thorne In Winnetka Friday evening. More than $600 was cleared in the function for charitable purposes. The (picturesque villa was trans- formed into a fairy palace and the extensive gardens and grounds were a glowing kaleidoscope of electric lights and gay Japanese lanterns. A huge canvas stretched over the tennis court served as a passable dancing floor, which was occupied every mo- ment by tireless tango dancers. Dainty refreshments allayed the some- what oppressive heat Mrs. John Sidney Burnet is chairman of the Winnetka committee for Arden Shore and Mr. Thorne is vice-chairman. Miss Lucy Bates proved a sensation with a series of interpretative dances which she executed on the lawn. Mrs. John Sidney Burnet sang with Hoe. Johanna Hess-Burr at the piano. A large part of the success of Arden Shore is due to the board of managers. The members of this body are: Mrs. Frank R. McMuIlin, Mrs. James E. Keith, Mrs. McGregor Adams, Mrs. August Magnus, Mrs. Mabel Dick, Mrs. Cornelia Lynde, Miss Ruth Gregory, Mrs., A. A. Carpenter, Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Miss Edith Boynton, Mrs. Robert Gregory, Mrs. Charles Thorne, Mrs. Phillip S. Post and Mrs. John W. Scott. The Winnetka committee Is com- posed of the following: Mrs. Charles T. Murdock, Mrs. Tyrrel Cheney, Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mrs. A. W. Shaw, Mrs. John N. Ott, Mrs. Edward L. Grlswold, Mrs. John T. Boddie, IW RANCH ROMi Growing tired of "just hanging around home," Miss Ann Bhrat e* Rogers Park, several years ago went to Colorado, where she staked out a claim and established a ranch. About the same time John Foreman White and two other Evanston boys who were graduated from the Evanston High school in 1908 made the same decision. Out in the west Mr. White and Miss Bhrat met at a dance and a romance started, which resulted in the announcement of their engage- ment Sunday. Miss Ehrat is an fn- tructress of swimming "lust for the fun of the thing" at a branch of the T. W. C. A. in St. Louis. She plans to come east soon and expects to be married about Aug. 15 at her father's residence, 1920 Morse avenue, Rogers Park. Mrs. White, mother of "Jack," is traveling in Europe with her daugh- ter.^________________ Felt Hats Hah shapes oartb Floar STATE ST. \Ef. L. GONSALVES Phem* Winutka 433 | Ship: »0» UmUn An. Hubbard Wood*, Illinois NELSON B CUTLERY!AMB Git MsfltttaSiMiaHr I rillIHSJsWi Mas3089 6 West Madison Street Wort of Frtnkiin Straet, to BaaoaMnt Glencoe. Both pleaded guilty to driv- ing at a rate exceeding twenty miles an hour. Swift apparently did not care for the fine and costs but was perturbed about the delay occasioned by making him retrace his route to have justice administered. Because of his legal training, Police Magistrate Prouty is recognised as one of the most able justices of the north shore. He is fast establishing a rec- ord for fairness and impartiality in all the hearings he conducts. It might also he added that he has the best equipped court room for a village the site of Winnetka in this part of Illi- nois. ' Clark, Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Jr., and Mrs. Edwin Fechhelmer. RECOVER8 BICYCLE. A bicycle, which was reported stolen by Burton Lloyd, 1006 Eknwood ave- nue, late yesterday afternoon, was re- covered by Sergt Arthur Johnston this morning at the Y. M. C. A. build- ing. It Is thought that the wheel had been misplaced and that some youth probably rode it to the T. M. C A. building. »â-  â- ..... ' - « His Windward Anchor. And aaany a man* wonderful ost> oontrol 1* do* to the Cast that ha has • ksdpaMsL CHIEF SHAFFER RAGES WITH AUTO SPEEDER Chief of Police Shaffer of Evanston taxed the speed capacity of the police automobile Friday arternoon when he advanced the throttle to the last notch and for almost a mile chased a reck- less young auto driver through the streets in North Evanston at a rata near the fifty-mile mark. The fast driving of the two machines, endan- gering the lives of persons w*bo were on the streets at the time, earned much consternation. When -within a block of the city limits Chief Shaffer overtook the speeder. He was taken to the police Station, where he gave the name of B. Blaln and his address as xOl Brie street, Chicago. A few minutes later be was arraigned before Police Magis- trate Boyer, where he admitted ha was driving at a forty-mile rate. He we fined $40 and costs. He paid and was released. â- /'-."'t;^'-' Two other violators of the motor ve- hicle law were arrested Friday. They were B. F. Schoefleld of Qlen- coe, fined $10 and costs for speeding, KteMeyer, M19 Bvanston avenue, cnicago, for driving his auto without the lights burning. George P. BdaenbWd, who" iras with NleMeyer, was taken on a disorder^ conduct charge when he Is alleged toi hava eursedl the onscsr. -. â- â- â- :'wmv," WfW r~..:;' :" ' ' - ATSON BUSINESS COLLEGE announce* tTtjsae^oriNrtlgf TUESDAY, SI Foil Stenographic aad Comma%al Ourat BotksfJay and Evening PfcoaaEiiasrai 3806 1557 flfcraua Are., oMF°Gteve St.. Evtestea :<?%%\ kthefooJrSfcadowoftbe IS *3< dally Denver, Round I from < CO jsthto and ____ithe<dtrfyroul way to Colorado; i *B)*MBfes1S#VusW* ftlJag^Sr^gP' • Colorado air, the balmy days. 1 night*â€"the many one-day • by rail and auto, where you â-  in rammer without the attend- |terâ€"-Mountain Peaks, where the |jw instead of above you -*- trip* r carriage, burro or afoot â€" a i for every day of your vacation, > that Is doubts tracked all the is protected by automatic; tffflmls tha entire dlstaace. . Chicago^ Union Pacific and North Western Line The DscrVar Sf*cisi~Leaves OucagoeaOS p. m. duly, arrive* Denver 9*1S p. m.^ Chuy ane«ught enroote. Tho CojJOBsjib Bs^fsssâ€"Lc*vet CJucsgo 10:45 p. sa. daily, ainvet Denver 7i SO a. m., uw second monuBg. . press' :<ae hew Passtntct Tersiitad CluVago sad Merm Wsaura Ry* ......K^tickeUand M pwtfcubjrt a "s Rv^^fii â-  *mJ^Bft^tt*^g***V MXaf^Bk^bJaa^a^as^aav **BsV^s^a*>MM&Bm^a*ai -" MWt 2IlJra m en'sTajloredSuits UNQLAIMCD 0-»l5 Fulton TailorMg Co. 358jp7. Msdlson St.? ssssMt. Chicago HENRY JMLG FLORIST/4?LANDSCAPE GAttDE est Eallraad Avenue Winnetka 313 Winnetka, ffl. Plseltrest rWsfWIns MhA You BAR.GAIN for ou in Winnetka A oiencvtaate susMom awns with lavsw t imsmva* _ ._ __-.__ bathroom, html hdja, iHSt |sflf/aad *•«, for Rsasoaabl* shraw saay be had oa thispreperry JONAS H. MADSEN Phone 34s Winnetka, 111. â-ºolic LTON PROUTY Police MgivalAtrato that •«oa Jurisdlet of a J«st rtOUrf BUILDING TcfetaoBsjriaaetka 7 WINNETKA Otttroji Odor W . Mak*i Sort Fit Happy ASK YOUR DRUGGIST 26 CTS arson Water PMerf for' , Laundry and B*' 70 W. Lake Street Vktrnm Coatnl ersr OCNtRAL MCRCHAfiOmC LIST WITH US ff" .MflORE ifayms, |NO Phone W4 " 1023 Central St. | LIST WITH yAEAL E/rA*. ^ RENTiN Quality and not Quantityâ€"1 best 4pr the moneyâ€"Is c to. Our large stock o^sj*Jceries Is alwlhu selectgdsind Fresh Fruits anoN*£easflaDleB a speci- alty. â- " Chicago cademy of :he Visit ation UmM It flMtfs't stet NsrfM Sahwt EVANSTON :t RXINOiS UNDER THE DIP. SISTERS Off TH ^â- '^^^0^fMwkifi^. Art, _WHaw_' WsWr. _WgPsWIBIWspiy;, f WwypW PO*further information address, Tb* Sjassr Dlrtctraae. TeL Evsnaton 2»7 â- Â«M«fip|lMp H. E. ODHNER rd Woods-Tel. Winnetka 278 All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning, Press- ing and Repairing Goods called for and delivered. Only first class work, guaran- teed. Telephone your orders. •a* VI Hoosahold St*ra*-«, â- â€¢â-¼lnavaKxprestlna All kind* tornituro repailins noafly aad prompt ly dmio. Camp ehaira aid card tabloa for cent. leSS BENSON AVK. EVANSTON GROCERIES INTER *flttBa3B8M*B**a^Ba^ SEWING MACHINE* w t PLAYER WANOsl PLAYER PIANOS 88-NOTf IN8IDE PLACER Installed MITE TROtJSERI Cleaned in Short-Ocder We M»b« » Spcriifty of \J i We have just installed a phea* for our North Share eatress WiLhfBTTE 14T5 | Tel. Ev.naton wso - - 622 Davis St., Evanston WINNETKA V WM. T. WEHRSr Rambler, Studel See Our1 Jp«to-dat - and Sirvtce Department Phone Winnetka 166 -One Half Block North ofN.W. Dep# W C. A. F DEAL fancy Groceries, Iftea Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 \Al rMMJ uph «Sf fiard ware Hubbard Woods, lit jyA. ODH MATTHES8ES AND CU8HIO ANTIQUE FURNl IMifkssj WIMETM 235 - OssnHs C. A I. HNETMA1 ID NKMOVATEOj ^-â-ºAIRCD ,lsas|. HUWAROWOOOSJU. Vaw^or UnowSiSl •TCTROPOIITAI «^S^ssri«*a* **•"; ; ';^S^£ikM^MM^^^i!^^i-

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