Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jul 1913, p. 2

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(c) To par the village $12,600 in two insteUSienti; $6,000 within thirty days after the passage of the ordi- nance and $7,600 eighteen months after the passage of said ordinance. (d) The rate of fare to or from Linden avenue to any point to Bvans- ton shall not exceed five cent* per passenger; from or to Linden avenue to or from any station upon Its lines in Chicago and the Union loop, shall not exceed ten cents per passenger. (e) When there shall be establish- ed in the city of Chicago free trans- fer of passengers between the ele- vated lines of said city, all passengers to or from Wilmette may transfer without payment of additional fare. Schedule is Given. (t) The train service to and from Linden avenue to and from -the Union loop on pach day of twenty-four hours shall not be less than as follows: j From 6:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m., at Intervals of not more than ten mln- ute». From 0:30 p. m. to 11 p. m., at In- tervals of not more than 'fifteen min- utes. From 11 p. m. until C:30 a. m., at ♦ Mill 11 Ml III HilUMUIl What People Are Dai« in Wilmette Church Todd. 607 Seventh street, is passing the week In New York city. Miss Rva Blake, 921 Tenth street, is visittng relatives in Plymouth, ML Mrs. Albert P. Snlte and sons have returned to their home in 112 Sixth street after a trip in Colorado. Miss Grace Smurr, 741 Eighth street, left Monday for a few weeks at the Dells, Wis. Mrs. John Clark Baker and small son, of 347 Hill street, are guests of friends in Rock ford for a few days. Mrs. E. A. Kanmeyer, 601 Linden avenue, has for her guest her niece, Miss Haz.-l Campbell, of Almont, Mich. Henry E. Brown and family, 206 Sixth street, have left for their sum* mer home In northern Michigan, Mrs. \v. j. M. Smith and Mrs. Wil- liam Da vidian have returned to Wil- mette, after a trip to Citronella, Ala. Mr and Mrs. G. W. Kibby, 835 Lake av«mie. are spending a few weeks at Cape Cod, Mass. Mrs. E. M. Broasott, who e guests of Mr. and Mrs. e, 681 Washington ave- to their home ia Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Browning and intervals of not more than thirty mirt- [children. 1537 Charles street, visited O*68- - ' friends In Oak Park, over Sunday. (g) The Northwestern Elevated Misses Helen and Dorothy Butz have Railroad company will at once erect returned home after a three weeks' and maintain a suitable passenger jgtay in New York, station at Linden avenue. Said com ; Mr. and Mrg G A Van Dyke ajjd pany will also erect and maintain j .Mr. and Mrs. Charles OTcCue spent Agates at Hill street and will upon Sunday Jn Crystal Lake, Wis. request furnish special policemen for! \jr ond A,rg F M Simmons, 110 Fifth street, entertained Mr. and Mrs, ter- service at the Linden avenue mlnal and vicinity. (h) The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company and the Northwestern Elevated Railroad com- pany will not erect car shops, ma- chine shops, factories, or other build- ings at any place in the village of Wilmette, except the passenger sta- tion building and one car inspection house, and plans must first be sub- mitted to the superintendent of pub- lic works. (1) The ordinance shall not take effect unless the acceptance of the companies, together with bond for $100,000, is filed with the village clerk and payment to the village of $6,000 is made within thirty days after the passage or the ordinance. It is the desire of the members of the village board to obtain an ex- King Mowers, of Elmhurst, last week. Mrs. l.yman M. Drake, 933 Lake ave- nue, entertained several friends at a musical* in her home Tuesday after- noon. Peter R. Finlay and family, 419 Ninth street, have gone to Pine Lake, Mich., for a few weeks. Mrs, Harry W. Miller, 725 street, left Saturday for a two weeks' trip on the great lakes. Mrs. E. A. Benthusen, 1322 Central avenue."has for her guest Mrs. A. B. Shepard and son, Lyman, of Santa Panla, Cal. Mrs. j, c. Akely, 812 Elmwood ave- nue, was hostess to the members of ' â-  He*, hare been Charles M nue, hav St. Paul. Mrs. G. E. Femald and daughter. Miss Jean Frances, 1026 Elmwood ere* sue, departed Thursday for Ferhledge farm, Maine, where they will remain for two months. Mr. Fernald plans to Join them about August 10. Mrs. Fred M. Simmons, 110 Fifth street, was hostess Thursday after- noon at a party given a dozen chil- dren from the Olivet mission in Chi- cago. She was assisted by Mrs. J. M, Wilson. After a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Morris, 621 Park ave- nue, Mrs. W. L. Blank of Michigan City, Ind., went to Chicago Friday, where she will be the guest of friends before returning home. Mrs. J. C. Gapen, 1208 Forest ave- nue, has for her guest Mrs. Julius Taul Smith of San Francisco, Cal., for a few days. Mrs. Smith is en; route to San Francisco, after a trip which extended almost around the world,, Miss Rose Yokel returned to her home, 1219 Wilmette avenue, Monday after a visit with friends in Dayton and Wapokonetta, O. Bernard Lear, a nephew, accompanied Miss Tokel home. Dr. J. M. Wilson, pastor 6f the Pres- byterian church,1 entertained the mem- bers of the young men's class of the Presbyterian Sunday school in his home in 1005 Central avenue/Friday evening. Miss Nettie Kaufmahn has returned to her home, 1029 Elmwood avenue, after a visit with relatives In the southern part of the state. She was accompanied home by her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Kaufmann, of Olhey. " ! Mr. and Mrs. S. M, Braden, who have 1>een visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don M> Culver, 519 Gregory avenue,, are now in Cleveland, O., for a brief visit. They expect to return to Wil- mette late in August for a few weeks' stay with the Culver family. Hostetb and. boarding street^ ^ of M. K. injkftka Drug tailor salng, Uvery West Oak tiding enue.yand Sp Shore Gi appliances, Otto, lai it,; 817 Willo a & M eyors, tt & Wyl pany, concrete coi Annexâ€"Advt tbe"s*Orf,'fVesper"'rl evwythiAe^ b>t weather. Miss will have charge of the Safiday'evehfhg. Plana are being laitf Irl^att Mp- worth League day the second Sunday in September and it la hoped to have the entire cabinet of the Chicago Northern District present.;;Cv-,.. . Baptist Churefiif1!^'"" . â- 'â- Â£ â- â- """it Is expected Rev, J. F. Fraeer, of Logansport, Ind., Kill conduct the regular church service at 11 a. m. Sunday, August 3rd. .........:^ The bible school will meet at 9:45 am. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to allv The devotional meeting, Wednesday evening, August 6, will be in the home of Mrs. C. Stephens, 1224 Elm- wood. bandlsecom- and women, company. Railroad any, gas and gardener and vil engineers street, ction com> 16 Prouty CHURCH BULLETIN th^â€"C^ttetnttrr^cTub, Thursday after- fe:"'" jp$fft noon. Miss Dorothy Ward, of Highland iPark- Ib visiting her uncle, J. R. pression from the people of Wilmette r)enman m „„, g for â-  on the question as to whether or not j week8, the matters in controversy between the village and the railroad companies shall be Bettied on the terms above outlined. To this end a postal card vote will be taken. Postal cards are being mailed to all those who voted at the last village election. Those who do not receive postal cards by mall may obtain them at the village hall. Please mark the enclosed card by placing a cross In the square opposite jhe word "ye*" or "no," -a? you-may desire to vote. Sign the card and attach your address, giving street and number. All >votes received by the village clerk not later than Fri- day, August 1, 1913, at 6 o'clock p. m., will be counted. John D. Coulter, \':tr:"-'l^-^ ' ••'•"".'..': President. s^fi. r > Herbert C. Arms, r, ,, George English, Joseph Heinjsen, George C. Hulzt, Win. J. Montgomery, J. F. Stone, Village Trustees. Leading Merchants on the North Sharp, POLICE OFFICER BITTEN m> R^|.;;:-Sergt.;_Arthur Johnston was-the vie Ig^timof an attack of a vicious bulldog, ^^0!ip^ed;/andi; set', upon him by. a coiotfed '^|S.;::wjMnan,^Mary Plummer, residing at pif^ii>-:riCnlcagd' avenue, J Evanston. Ig^^ <>n fel^lnngereoi'the" left' hand., where the ;p|^knlmai;«et 'his teeth. The ligament* j§fcilB'ais::ieft leg about the kakle were' |||^ilaeerated.;" The woman was locked up '• ||f^*c* the night â-  •'";â-  . W0% ithe' troubW started when Officer :|||£^ «00 block to ;â- ' â- lpf|ii«(«o' â-  avenue, yesterday afternoon to ;. K^paryeattgate certain thef ta, said toaave :4v. i||<B^^pe*^etrated by some boys. He . ^|i:i^aa. Inquiring for. a man he wished to ." '^pllalit With, when he was accosted by i|j toe Plummer negress, who had the dog /'fe||«*:k Jeasa at her side. After cursing P^^?8er»1i,^w4ahnf^§^d abusing',"'him ': f||^wi&0ut ^ she was â- ' ^||| placed under arrest'. The woman had "â-  |^si^n'drinking, and when Johnston was .:.v..-,v^iySio^ act the dog upon hfan. At the same •^ lime :sae. tried to bite him. Finally ;:-' gi the o«cer overpowei^ her an<J sent .;'..,. ^.i^^jiiij^^ ;: â- ,, At the police station the negress ^used much trouble whea JShief of Poltoe Shaffer and Police Jfatron Mary I Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Hammond, 110 Crescent place, entertained Mr. and Mrs.' F. G. Dickinson, of Edison Park, Sunday. Mrs. Robert Hill, who has been vlsitfng Mrs. B. F. Brown, 606 Wash- ington avenue, has gone to Fond du Lac. Wis., for a few weeks. Frank S. Montgomery, of Madison, Wis., was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Shurtleff, «19 Green- leaf .avenue. :-*:*sL. .-.-â- â- â-  Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Searle have returned to their home, 527 Washing- ton avenue, after passing a tew weeka at Tippecanoe lake, Ind. Mrs. Martha Smurr, of Chicago, is the guest in the home of Tier son, Mr. and Mrs. J. h. Smurr; 741 Eighth street. - '~-X/*% |:'?%Sv«^H.'. Mr. and Mrs. Willard^"H^Ug4i'1^5 Fifth street, had for their guest, last week, their nephew/^Wpar^^^lyn, of Chicago. ~^~ffic0$$£Q- A party composed of Mr. and Mrs, F. H. Tichenor, Mr. 'andJ"jfe*.{-% P; Brooke and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Moser. enjoyed a boat trip to Milwaukee Fri- day. : â- â- â- â€¢â- :.:'fe'.'|p^^|| ";•••'., Mr. and Mrs. M^'Wl^epjilb Greenleaf avenue, de; for an extensive trip through {he east- ern states. ^â- mimsm^m/' The following advertises on the Home Builders' page, which appears ohce a month, are good firms to trade with, and invite your patronage k ^ -Wilmette. wralnger & :,*#â- â- ;;;',, WILMETTE/"- .; Presbyterian Church. The pastor, Rev. J. M. Wilson, will apeak Sunday morning on "Fellow- ship With the Father and the Sonâ€" the Personality of God." The fact of God's personality is one of the truisms of Scripture, but is often obscured by false philosophy and the ignorance of men. It is one of the great truths which Christ taught and llluatratedMtt His life on earth. The evening sermon will be on "The Law of Godâ€"Love Its Fulfillment" This concludes the series on the Ten Commandments and the Gospel." The pastor starts Monday on his vacation, making ay side'trip to visit for a few days a sister in southern Illinois and a brother in Omaha. He and Mrs. Wilson plan to spend the mon|h of August in northern Michi- gan. His father will accompany them. During his absence the regular serv- ices of the church will be maintained as usual. Supplies are being ar- ranged for each Sunday. The music committee and the Men's QLENCOI. Glencoe Union Chureh. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor, Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching serviM at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church every Wednes day night at 8 o'clock. coke, building avenue. iXhe Edmund meats, U52 Cent »C. H^Bretbold, eWwisat Railroa INorjT Shore Refit; estate, JL terminal *3t>sf. Price, va< Greenleaf avenue. HWJJilTng's pha; candy, etc., Wiina avenues. ^Wi^sfftte Fruit home-made candy, etc., 1211 Wilmette tgohjsr Rae, arc! 431 Greenleaf avem frany Smith, fi ^eTTRa coal, wood, 1301 Lake itz market, ue. d insurance, elation, real leaner, 1147 gs, cigars, d Railroad indy Store, xm, cigars. Miss Katherlne )3a^'^ei^iiikibiii Ind., is a guest '^-^^e';^iJ*,' and Mrs. Joseph Giwit in IIToodblne avenue. i^*0A :M^:"':' Mrs. 3. B. Johnson and chUdren* 120 Fifth stre«t, have returned from a visit with the former's parents in th« Southern part of th« siate." Mrs. Lucy Walsh, who has been the guest ef her sister> '4mm^^tofcifc. son, 6 :o Central avenue, has retarned to her home in Harfli«$l.$!£'; Mra^ Wlllard Hi".^al4fe.ah4daugh- ter, MnHaii, of 6l^^^tejtW!*ij^ nue. are enjoying att^tihf at OuU Lake, Mich. "'£^101^^^' Mrs. s. R. Thurman, who underwent a slight operation at t]|W Kvaniton hos- pital a few weeks a««, has returned to her home in 822 Llno^ aventtf, Mr and Mrs. George Boerting, 1U* Michigan avenue, *|BNwurtibn, ;mfl known in WUmette. have gone to Edg<vl mere. L. 1./ where:" i^^^^mlmm unui November.,i;-^^^«^^ . Mr and Mr8, B. C. LWbenry, 1W9 Chestnut avenue, departed Saturday for Dowaglac and other points in Michigan, where they will remain â- Â«t- erai weeks, v "-i^jf^y^^" â- â- â€¢;â-  d:^M':-:-'::^ - Mrs. -.$.^0^^Bno^%^::m turned to he| home at 138 Greenwood WeTT Railroad W^a/elsh, shoes, mnib Wilmette Ouilinette Studio ntral avenu CL Kura, pi 1064 Linden Nilles, ilmette Caiiiey started to place - her In a tiett. *he still held the dog on the leash and, javenue fron> Colorado Springs, Oolo., i â- ;wtth"#,jui;:'i:JhHiy/a^ard; she'^ropisC^" >â- -*â- â- ...- â- â€¢â- â- > ^.:^^:.,.^^.,^ J» the flow la ^te action and for a iiaa lay M^ns; and squirming, defy* ingiheomcerstetoiicbher. Thedof where she was called by the death of '|Mit>' ^ther4h4a%,;: 3, 'â- ygfiMW'l" Y^hk raiid;-|lrt;- M/at ""~"H&0Hiit teLake Genera where ther wflr Ja#sj t^ r#mah»d4* or ths hot nwBthe " "" lipik-'r'?-'-'1'":^-.- arsy phones \f^r0rt Bros., Ing, 11M Central s Na^^Weissenbi •J*ey^.---<f';:.;p?*Mp; Us^mSPnarrn Store, ^» and ,'!';|^pjir P League committee oh the Sunday evening service are working out the plan of an evening, chorus to assist in leading the singing. So far they are meeting with great success. Mrs. George Gordon Hannah presides at the organ., and gives every Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock organ selections to the great gratification of her au- ditors. Her services are very highly appreciated. I The Sunday school is maintaining its record. The average attendance for the last quarter was 126; the en- rollment is 213v The offerings aver- aged $7.09 per Sunday. The school meets at 9:45 a.m. ' .........__„:.„... â- . M, E. Church. The pastor. Rev. Thomas Keene Gale, will preach next Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 5 p. m. In the morn- ing the subject of the sermon will be "Chris* and thj» v Sorrowful," and in the evening, ^Christ and the Heathen." "£]£ k\,_ â- _â-  Mir. Kuntsmah, well known by the place he has occupied in our choir, will have charge of the music for August • W^y.;/;'--:;;:'r. $hC":i;£li The Sunday scheo! wiH tneet-tsV 9:30. Junior League at 4 p. m. Bp- worth League:-^t «s o/clock in the evening. TJiO hour of meeting has from 6:15 to tt, owing WINNETKA. Christ Church (Episcopal). Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. The church Is on Sheridan road at Humboldt avenue. The parish house, chapel and rectory are at Linden and Oak streets. Rector's telephone, 527. Rev. F. D. Budlong, rector of St. Mark's church, Boston, and father of Rev. F. t3. Budlong, will be the spe- cial preacher at the eleven o'clock services Sunday, Aug. 3. - Congregational Church. h Pastors-â€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 506-J; J. W. F. Davles, residence 1004 Pino street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a, m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 5 p. m. The communion serv- ice: First Sunday in January, March, May, July, September and November. First Scandinavian Chureh. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school Is held at 10 a. m., followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods yon can place before the most dlscrjsff)stlnjr%uest, call North 1114ftpaw**AL AVENUE Vrrfons* Wllmstto 41*41*. Wilmette Auto Delivery '-".||I30S:CENTRA« .•j^lfpl Vwh.mbttb| â- ^'v'llSlSi:. *aoJwssti oillctf,ea"r'"â- '" Young People's society will meet Sun- day at 5 p. m. Services in the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. RalphW.Faupel (Dwy?flage Electrician In connectiatewith^iVregular Blectrical^ilract^g Asiness, has put InsRull U^cj^rColum- bia Grafond\sJ aacT^tecords. Tou are invited to come and hear them. dOfl W. KAH-WOAD AVE. SipryB rrnsT hildren't H, ATOHA! Wilmette mmmmmiiim decorate Ijpfy !fc^f|^ ft* AB Otmrttm •T**WltsfETtB-..r';1 fcollege Tutoring **<& ^v.:;»^>;-^sii*ifc»»^ K E NIL W a**^i*Mll4tf ilPIilhaLServes Is Where TBft'stoit i witfbinW: .y6u.,;«very: facility is where yon will find great satisfaction store right in every sray,fr Depend upon our store to nil all your drug ftore :Wimts to\:ag^^|!ig^Jftj^^ and' idght,-'^^m0W:^-'U :â-  *-i*. THE REXALL STORE TDHbvM29lU31 WHMl CO. SALE-WILMEnE Tin, Mitt mtial and furnace work. Furnaces, TBffers, ports MiHUHemi roofs. A-Mii- &*,,; Lawn mom^0:rharpeHed^w& -:M^*' S««p, «2S Part Ar:(mr), WUmttU Office, 1124 Central Ave. | '^i-j^p.y li 7 Rooms, j U^^^^e^l ^â- i'v#*itr " Avenue M0^flM!fcBw^ ;.5feit#l»'3*a«Sry: Aw«.; ..,,'.-t%^||ff! fMW:

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