Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jul 1913, p. 6

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W^Mr^WM^W}^ ffr «£.' v.J'1' ♦4 ui.......mi....."»; I What People Are Doing: U*~ in Winnetka MIm Kmma Dwyer in in Colorado for several months' visit. Mr. Louis Affeldt,' of Provident ave- nue, is visiting In Bhlcototi, Win. Mrs. J. Q. Symo Ik visiting In Co- burn, Ontario. Mr*. H. B. Robeson has an her guest her sister, MIm FranclH Courson. Tbe engagement ban »>hmi an- nounced of Mine J«««le McKeniln and Mr. A. J. Fllkln*. Mian Helen Hown, of Moutclalr, N. J„ la the KUCMt of Mrs. Frank A. Winds, of Spruco otrwwt. Mr. Roger Sinclair and Mr. Walter Murray spent Hundayln KockeMler. 111. Mr. and Mm. John W. Scott, of Sheridan road, ow In Kurope for tho summer ,? Miss rushing hns uddod a. sleepim; porrh to her bungalow ••Bigenougb" on Provident avenue. Mr*. Charles T. Mordock and Mm. J8. H. Clark are at Nantucket. Mass., lo remain until the end ot August. Mm. Mnsmore, of Keeue, N. H., 1» visiting ber son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mm. "' V. J. Dinsmore. Mr. and Mm. 8. Casey Wood, of Toronto, Canada, are the gueats of Dr. and Mm. Casey A. Wood. Mr. A. M. Anderson and family, of Cherry street, returned Sunday from a two weeks* visit In Wisconsin. Mrs. Victor Kltlnge and children left Monday for the Huron Mountain olub at Big Bay, Mich. The choir boys of Christ church. under the leadership of Mr. H. E. Chase, choirmaster, left Monday for their camp at Berrien Springs, Mich. |:; Mrs. 3. M. Schwartz, who has boen I; the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Fred- ft rick Budlong, returned to her home H in St. Paul Wednesday. |i Miss* Mabel Robeson left Monday |fe iter a two weeks' visit to Muskoka fl lake, Oatarlo, as the guest of Mloa fe t^uff. formerly of Winnetka. aM-V'.Mlil 'Jessie O. McKensle has re- ^R irignrd ns Hnrnrhtn- ^f-Hv»â€"w^mmtkar p> pottle library after serving one year p 'f.. and eight months. Prior to coming pp to Winnetka Miss McKenzle jfe • librarian -at-tlwh-MfapeiPta"' normal eohool. Mrs. Caroline Porter, wife of John P, Porter, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred T. Richardson. July 12, after a long Illness. 8he had town for more than twenty years a resident of Winnetka. Mm. Porter Is •arrived by her husband nnil three daughters, Mrs. Fred T. Richardson and Mrs. Win, Dougherty and a son, Harry Porter, of Spruce street. w OS'. _ SPEEDERS, BEWARE! CITY HAS 2 MOTOR COPS > Aula drivers beware! Mvanston now has two full-fledged motorcycle policemen and a vigil, which prob- ably is unprecedented in the history of the city, will be kept up the r'e-^' laJBtfJoder of the summer for violators K ©fjfdiejncrtJ&r vehicle law by these two f^ «a*le>«yed officers. Officer Larkln, Vfco has long maintained the record %' of the "champion" motorcycle police- pp *wa of the north shore, is now as- ^iilalsled by Officer Brooks. Brooks has been taking motorcycle lessons for a week from Larkln and now- has be- come proficient enough to clip off a fifty-mile rate without any great dan- iler to public safety. Sunday I^Srooks nabbed one speeder. He is PvJ. B. Dean, a lumber merchant, who presides w Highland Park. The hear- %-i$ui was set for Friday afternoon. |;V Oftcer Latktn did not keep tip hi* 'toluol gait Sunday In arreting §f*j*»eders, and only baa one arrest to !:ri*jBcredit The alleged offender is f^JBeary Latter, a brick manufacturer, s|f Presiding st 1601 Wellington, street, "'"fJMeago. Walter Norrelund, 15-Year-Old Boy, Is Drowned While In Swimming at Foot of Main Street, BODY IS RECOVERED Unable to battle with a huge break- er which BW«'i>t him off bis feet at a point K)0 ft!«-t from shore in the lake at tho foot of Main street, Walter Norrelund, 1G years old, residing in iho Sheridan apartments, Main street, Kvaiiston. wuw drowned Sunday morn- ing shortly hoforo 11 o'clock. Two HiKtora of the victim, Misses Marion nnd Julln Norrelund, were on the nhoro and witnessed the drowning. 80 frantic wor0 the young women when their brother failed to appear on the, surface of the water after he had been knocked down by tho breaker that they waded out into the lake un- til tho water was up to their necks In a vain attempt to rescuo him. Sidney Pearson, 828 Hlnman avenue, a com- panion of the Norrelund youth, also narrowly escaped drowning when he tried to rescue tho dying bather. The body wm not recovered until 2:!15 o'clock In tho afternoon, almost four hours after tho drowning, when It was washed ashore In a heaving breaker, It is thought that Norrelund «ai caught by the undertow, which made the search by J. T. Whalen, a inembor of the Mvanston life saving crew, almost useless. At the time of the accident, the Evanston crew were Whalen body of the youth. The life saver did not heed the suggestion that the oh* Ject probably was the body and thus prevented the recovering of the body. Three-quarters of an hour later the object was washed ashore and proved to be the body of the victim. When Alderman Burns suggested to the life saver that the object In the Sake might be the boy'a body, It is said that all that was done toward in- vestlgatlug the suggestion was to shield bis eyes with his hands and then reply that the object was enly refuse which bad collected in one clump. Tho third ward councilman was not satisfied with the opinion of the life saver and securing a pair of field glasses sought out the object. Firmly convinced that bis first calcu- lations were correct, be again urged the life saver to action, but he was not to be moved. 1,000 at Seine of Accident. It la estimated that the crowd which gathered on the shore during the afternoon while the search was In!rig conducted, totalled more than a thousand persons. All autolsts driv- ing in Sheridan road stopped to in- quire into the crowd and many walt- <d and watched tor results. At one time- Sheridan road was almost blocked to traffic because of the long line of autos and vehicles on each side of the street, â- Â». The inquest wai conducted in Chi- cago Monday. Young Norrelund Is said to have been an exceedingly bright young man. Ho was employed in the general offices of the C, B. and Q. Railroad company in Chicago and was a favorite with his employers. He resided in Evanston with three sis- ters, all trained nurses, who maintain the home in Main street. Tho mother Is dead and the father an invalid who to a patient lit a Chicago hospitat The grler-strlcken younj women are well known to many Bvanston families where they have rendered, profes- nlona! duties. So favorably are they known to many famlliea, that scores of message* of condolence were sent to the homo after the accident. Howard Oslwrn, the crack Nortb- weatern university Ualf-attle runner, who has ebargo of the public bathing beach at Kenllworth this summer, res- cued two youag women from dj-esit Hsfâ€"Sunday iTternoon at Kenil- worth. They were Miss Virginia Ohee, daughter of Mr. andTHTrs. Mil- ton P. Ohee of Kenllwortb and Miss Ktllth Banttn of Brooklyn, who is vis- ItUng In Abe home ol her uncle, Chas. P. Southward In Kenll worth. With ♦««l|IMIIt"MHII»< i What People Are Doing in Kenilworth R. M. Bttllington of Portland. Ore- gon, Is a guest In the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Casque. Mr. and Mrs. Thoodore Wolff, of Aurora, are spending a few weeks at the Kenllwortb Inn Mrs. Prank O. Kly entertained a dosen friends at bridge Friday after- noon. DEPUTY A.J.CHANCELON ATTORNEY AT TR|L Sheriff-Alderman Comes to Rescue of the State and Secures Conviction. Alderman Am lei J. Changeloo, Ev- asion's deputy sheriff, was forced to enter upon the duties of an attorney yesterday afternoon most uncere- Mts. James Murrny was hostess at j moniously when no representative of a dinner at the Skoklo club Satur- tbe gtate-s attorney's office appeared day. Seventeen guests were invited. before jugtlce ot the Peace William J. Mrs. Charles Miuklln entertained at a lawn fete in her home in Kenil- worth avenue Saturday afternoon. Schatz to prosecute tbe cases against John Sturm', the Niles gardener, on charges of Illegally selling lntoxlcat- Mrs. Oswald Lockett entertained at; jng liquor, having a gaming device in luncheon in her home In Cumnor road j jjj, possession and conducting a dls- Thursday afternoon Bridge followed, j ortierly house. In the new r61e, al- Mrs Frederick Charles Willis en-j though handicapped by Inexperience, tertained at bridge Monday afternoon. Alderman Cbangelon was victorious Five tables were arranged. ' jn two out of tbe three cases, securing Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Serrell and \ convictions before a jury. Sturm, was children left last week for Muskegou. i found guilty and fined |20 and coats Wis., where they will visit friends for! ror the Illegal sale of liquor and S10 a fortnight. and costs for having gaming devices Mr. and Mrs. K<-rry Meagher re- in bis possession. The defendant was turned Saturday from a few weoka' represented by Attorney Borchardt of trip In the east. They spent two Chicago. 'or the Summer Wehavejatt received a nam- i* ber of appropriate novelties e>- - v pedaUy suitable foryCARD m- PBlZttor*e*4Ml>rffcepifiM> W rant***in PrF* frVySe ta ||§v;|JF..00« .•â-  I/I'^^ Hair, Ho* I, ArWHc Uatf^Bww p| â- Oisr •* * *f PletmMfWand W Frames Arteandjjmte Ware, ^:Leaiher Jewelry, etc., *ery Tfc# Ottly Shop of Itg Kind sg|M in Chteifo ._c; on a call ut Rogersi_ Part was Tc-ft In cbarge of the station. He rushed to tho scene with grappling hooks and other rescuing parapher- wa* [ nulla, but was unable te locate th* body. Efforts Failed. Efforts to resuscitate the youth with the newly purchased lung motor were futtlo because death had resulted so long before the body was secured. Tbe machine worked to perfection,bet j tho aid of Walter Evanfc and Bert Ban- desplte the heroic efforts of Fire Mar- nesa, Osborn rescued Mies Bantln al- alia! Harrison, Dr. C. T. Roome, Dr. ter he bad carried Mies Ohee to safe- Oeorgo F. Tyson and others, who la- ty. Both young women were caught bored for two hours and one-half op-' by the heavy undiettow and were net crating with tho life saving device,! strong enough to battle with it they wore unable to restore life. "I have read of tho rescue effected with the pulmotors and lung motors after five hours," said Dr. Roome aft- erwards, "but I think the statements must be stretched. The lung motor worked splendidly Sunday and you could note the movement In the lungs us they filled with air, but condltiena of the different organs of the body after it had been In the wate^ for so long, made the task of resuscitation almost hopeless." "With bi« companion, Sidney Pear- son, young Norrelund went to the lake shortly before 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Mis two slaters also accom- panied him and sat on the shore while the boys went into the water, H. C Kawell, £442 North Paulinav street* Chicago, and C. S. McDonald of Bvanston were in tho lake, bathing. The four went out onto the sand bar and then started to swim baek to shore. Tbe large waves kept knock- ing Norrelund down and when young Pearson went to his rescue* both were caught by a breaker. Welk and ex* hausted, Norrelund caught Pearson by tbe neck and In the struggle Pearson broke away. In another attempt to rescue Norrelund, Pearson wee almost drowned when Norrelund clung to his neck and pulled him under water. Police to the Rescue. The police were immediately noti- fied and tbe lung motor was taken to the place by Chief Shaffer In the â- **tB0 oue»tion. tomoblle. After an bout's seareh tot J „IC Funeral services tor "Walter Norre> land were held in tbe family apart- ment, 526 Main street, Evanston, Mon- day morning at 11 CcBeck. • Tbe bur- ial was In Mt. Olivet cemetery. LOCKOUT ENDED; WORK WAS RESUMED MONDAY University Dormitories Will Be Completed by December Says W. A, Dycbe. 'i The lockout, which itopped work on the Jormltorles jrf Nottkweatern unV verslty, has been ended and the men returned to work Monday morning. The lockout In the building trades stopped work all over the county, some 20,000 men being out ot work for tbirty-two days. It la stated that everyone Is satisfied with the result of the conference which ended the strike. In the future strikes will not he ordered until the question has been reviewed by an arbitration board.' • The work on tbe dormitories of tho university has received such, a blow through the strike that the building 5 will not be completed until the first of December. They weTe to be xeady for occupancy by the first of October, but this now Is considered to be out ot weeks at Atlantic City. Howard Durham and family de- parted Friday for Channel Lake, Mich., where they will occupy their summer home for Hoveral weeks. Mr. and Bdrs, Alexander Hannah have taken up their residenso In the Ruthbone home which they purchased a few weeks ago. Mrs, Claude Burnham and three children left lattt week for Providence, R. I., where they will spend a few weeks visiting friends. A beach party wuh given by several members of the younger crowd of Kenilworth Friday evening.' Among those In tbe party were Henry Ev- erett, William Kcichmann, Ruth Woodward, Harriet Relcbmann and Vivian Wltherby. Howard Osborn, the director of the Kenilworth beach, is putting in some of his spare moments making baro- metrical observations He is keeping a rocordâ€" of~the tomperalurevbT_TBir" lake which is posted each day tor tbe benefit of tbe crowd of bathers. Mrs. M. Osborn or Ottawa Is the guest of. her nlec«. Mrs. C. D. Dent, for a few weeks. In honor of her guest Mrs. Dent gave a bridge party Friday afternoon. Eighteen guests were Invited. Among the Kenilworth people who have Just returned from YellowutOiiu Park and who were members of tbe Chicago Association of Commerce crowd were Dr. and Mrs. George VV. Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Calef Darling and Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Coolldge and son, John Justin Coolldge. They report an excellent trip. Paul Sehulze and son, Paul Jr., re- turned heme last week from New Yo*k, where they have been for sev- eral days. While in the east they were In New "nven, Conn., wnera they made arrangements for Paul Schalze, Jr., to enter Yale this com- ing fall. They were also guests of Walter Scbulze. who is a cadet in West Point Military academy, for a few days. Chief of Police Jpbn Keane ha* been busy the last week looking up the list of dogs in tbe village which are unlicensed. The village officials are insisting that the tax must be paid' and It Is thought that after a eanvass Is made by Chief Keane that it will not be necessary to proceed by law against the delinquent resi- dents. The arrest of Sturm was effected abouj two weeks ago by Deputy Sher- iffs Cbangelon and James Frawley after they had purchased a number in a raffle for several bottles of intoxi- cating liquor attractively displayed in a suit case. Tbe outfit was confiscated by the officers and was used as evt- denco In the bearing yesterday. In conducting the prosecution Alderman Changelon acquitted himself In an able manner, despite the fact that At- torney Borchardt presented several legal technicalities In objections raised during tbe bearing. One point which sorely grieved the alderman- deputy barrister, upon which he lost, was Justice Schatz's concurrence In the motion made by Attorney Bor- chardt that the suit case and whiskey should 5e returned to Sturm. It bfl* long since been the custom to destroy all liquor which has been used as evi- dence In any case, but Justice Schatz allowed the liquor to be returned to Sturm. 3Wt Classified Busiries GENERAL MERCHANDISE LIST WITH US W.Utfirf^OORE \ B0AL ESTJrBL/OANS \r RENTING PHONE »«4 1023 CENTRAL ST. ]/{.E. ODHNER Hubbard Woods-T$t. Winnetka 278 MADE TO ORDER AH Kiadf of Fsacy Cletsisg, Pitniag tad Ressirisg Good* called (or ui dcUvertd. Osiy firit dits work. gBiristced. Telcsaose your order*. JODl AUGUST v tgniaor to \fla>ert Watobt vepalrlasef Ch and «!oeks. Hi •aoo iritfc batf v boaaei. ' •heee MM. »li, j0mm MKM'» wtAlT >m Ready Mi 80 Ohlldrin. lag 8 P>CUMBINO [ _ . _. __________neatly and prompt- ly don*. Camp chair* and sard tabUa far rwot toss BBNseiir aye. KVANSTOH ituni 110 tattb MiatWf »o Av«. mmtmmaiitMm the body tbe machine was returned to J the fire station for fear another caU mtgbt be made for It. with the In- structions that when the Norreland body was found it should be rushed to Main street At 2:36, when the body was washed ashore, Fire atsrshal Harrison made a record-bTeaking ran to the scene of the drowning with the life-saving device. It la said that neither the life savers nor the police made any attempt to employ artificial means ot respiration before tbe arriv- al of the lung motenv Much criticism Is heaped upon mem- bers of ths Evanston Mfc savin* crew, who on their return from Bogan Park •topped at the scene of the drowning, becauat of tbe Indifference to a s«f- gestloa made by Aloermaa WllMam Poster Barns tad ©there conceratag •a object they dted far oe* i» the lake wblejMoter turned eat to be «• no other trouble comes up POLISH CHILDREN STEAL LUMBER FROM BUILDING Lumber to the value of $10 was re- ported stolen from the buildings be- ing constructed by W. S. Williams at Elmwood avenue and Main street, Ev- anston. Sergt. Arthur Johnston was detailed on'the case and soon discov- ered that the theft had been commit- ted by three Polish children. They were warned against committing further thefts. No prosecution was conducted. QEO WI INTER Quality and best to. O1 is always and Veg A. S •ert plumbing, drabufe. - La* us your wOrte I ., CHAS.U^ Phone m 'I.JiM l":l"lj..jfs^j TsiiM immmm LAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANO*, 88 • NOTE INSIDE BLAYIR installed \JaU-VfrAttlanw. Call and aeiaVsnp plfyeif weryTOw. SIM BLA Our prices arei IPattersonBros, ^ EN HOTELS H. Et^B E PBRMANE UNSURPASSED 707 ChUKh St. Telephone^!! IttpeirheTP&mptlymAttd To PHtmt Winnetka 4il 1183 North Ave. Hubbard Woods, til. 7,150 BOOKS TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY we hope to have the dormitories ready with the number of books which have fer occupancy by the first of Decern ber. The Greek letter bourn have ail been notified of the trouble and they will seek other quarters until that time," said William A. Dyebe, business manager of the university. Patrons of tbe Svanston free pub li-j library took advantage of tbe li*» era! offer to take out ten volumes on each card Issued, and as a result u total of T.150 books are now In Evans- ton homes during the month that the institution will be closed. Miss Mary B. Lindsay, librarian, is' well pleased IH ^Quality Printer ants Your Business My custom* satisfied work. 1 more cu to your ad' me, but i c tare unanimously |the UdfnVy of my no\#9erv* many Era. lit wAild be , bt after ' wait. I' intend to get after you. Give me a trial and be convinced. Phone Winnetka 331 HUBBARD WOODS, ILLINOIS WINNETKA WM. T. WEHRSTHDY, SAU Rambler* Studel See Our WG! and an Department Phone Winnetka 166â€"One Half Block North of N.W. Depot V" C. A. EOR â- dsssajBtf lu Taney Groceries, XMm, I PHONE WINNETKA 40 & 78 « fiardwm Hubbard Woods, 111. 'â€"3-----' Pine Street Phone Wlnnctl Avenue Winnetka, Hi. WINNETKA GROCER WtNt. John Bmith,^ $^ §)tow troM Win- netka, was victorlou»sln a hotly con- tested civil suit on contract insti- tuted by the Moneyirel«tt Scales company of DSytoh, O, aa* Mod bo- fore Police Magistrate Boyer, in Bv aaaton, Friday. Bmtta sbjned a con- tract for a new $160 sole, bat A Hmp bole in tho document ttloaed him a vorttet In the eyes of i Jury Friday. Attorney Oarltoa Proutr represented Etaltb Msi oajpsfod hi with a Chicago attorns ra^raseatlM J put, IM persons a bean taken out during the vacation period and states that, although an extra amount of work was necessary In granting the. extra loan, all of the workers at the library are glad'of tbe chance to serve tho public under exist- ing conditions. The rash for the extra loan started Saturday, July 6, and In the following ten days, after which the library was closed, the attend- ante at the loan jloek were kept busy. The greatest rush was occasioned last Saturday and Monday* the closing day. On Saturday a total of 1,826 volumes were taken from the library, wbHo approximately the same num- ber were bonowasl for the month on Meaday. The »rs$ Eaturday under whicb the ton books could be taken the mm*nr<-M'::'°&a&£ ......' kimimi Momfonaklc i or YoUn Wiaaotka $fed Strauss Dye Works] ------BtTABLUHIO 14 CARPETS AND OMENTA* RUGS Main Owe snd Wo 2649 SHEOTIELD Chemical Laboratory Connected I Dyeing and Cleaalsg of every dewrlpflsi j Wholfsle and »»»'" f , -----rTrrr1 Branchet: 2451 Lincoln A»e., T«|. Lin Jin 132. 4C04 slcrUaiiM., Ttl. kavcatveotf 37» Evin«ton, lets Orflngtoa Are., Tel. Bvtnatta 1077 - Sp««lnl enre taken of la<ll«-n' «>v«>nl>ig; ynwna Htitl clonic*, Dri»p»rte> nnd eurtatS* N»p0olnl<jr. Olovva oleanrd on abort notleai. ^iVODH Uphol MATTRCS8C8 AND CUSHK ANTIQUE PURI __ Tiltphoic Wliittki 235 OppwUi C. & H. W. if NOVATCO||-1 ftp* HiWird WotHtv j| ___....... ^ ate room beoM wlib tarna •CTMaaS tmnh ••« all inttrtor imnrera* maata, iaelndlac MniBltM bat broom, raraaci haa», tlntrle Htbt and gas, far S3, lTboMftMi • Vrottr oatl oa tkia lot, baariac. JONAS H.1«ADSEN Phono 345 Vmnetta. III. RLTON PROUTY Police Magiftraie v J w*isdle*4-i iame/ae Ibai of o AsbeaVaefir lie Maos •ttOUTY ftllLSms Tek«alwosWianosto? WINNETKA v2- -TH1- Arnold M as sage Vibrator nroTBX

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