Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jul 1913, p. 5

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*^f»*l y-7>?.f%T, Miss Nellieâ- 'mum, 2«T BlfMdWiy avenue, Is visiting; her nTOa*ajenis in Springfield, 111. Mrs. Ftlger of Miiwauke*. Wis., is the guest of Mrs. George Betts, *71| North Prairie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George A. haddock j,ave returned from Miami, Els*, and are living in the Newstead. Mrs. U J. Phillips and cbUdren. 2728 Woodbine avenue, are spending the summer In Greeneastte, Ind. Miss Lucile C. Robertson, $11 Reba place, has as her guest Miss Ann Wist ,f Decorah, Iowa, who arrived Satur- day. ' â-  • 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. QaTe^llff tA& coin street, bad as their week-end guest, Miss Hazel,Snow of Mankato, Minn. • „,;.-""" , >â-  Miss Winnifred Jenks, lt21 Chan- cellor street, has returned from Mar- seilles, where she has been spending * Mrs. Frank Baker, 2226 Central street, is visiting In Clinton, la., aa the guest of her aister, Mrs, Leo Paulger. Mrs. Margaret Orvis, 2210 Hartzell street, has as her guest for a short time her son, Mr. Harry Orvia of De- troit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Doty, 2113 Col- i fax street, have gone to the northern woods oi Wisconsin on a two weeks' Ashing trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Boettcher and their daughter, Edna, 2119 Ridge ave- nue, left Friday for a week's stay at Antioch, HI. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Vandercook and family, 2610 Harrison street, spent Friday motoring to Milwaukee, Wis., and return. Mrs. John B. Ackerman, 2311 Har- rison street, gave a children's party Tuesday afternoon In* honor of her little daughter^Edna. _______ """ Miss Grace Smurr of Wilmette, for- merly of Evanston, has gone to Kil- bourn, Wis., to spend a fortnight in the Dells of Wisconsin. *Mr. George S. Dunham, 1704 Hln-* man avenue, sailed last week from New York on the steamship "Presi- dent Grant" for Europe. Mr. Fred Cowap, who is traveling through Indiana, spent the week-end irtth his parents, Mr. and MrB. Henry B. Cowap, 822 Hinnaan avenue. f ifiss Quia Gamble, 520 Davis street, jvtas returned from France, where if jibe has been studying at the Univer- sity of Paris for the past year. Miss Alice Cooley. 1032 Maple ave- nue, is spending the summer in Los » wiiiiaA-'lttWfc-ts'v^'.^'^./:> 'MtC^ift---:' have moved from 1011 Grove street to M04 Hartsell â- wttg^^^^^^ Mm George Jlt^li*r4»nrdt, Jr* m Sheridan road, hag returned from a visit in Des Motnee. la. Mrs. Frank Bwald, 760 Hlnman avrottOr ts entortainmf Mrs, Manslr Northup of Ne* ?ork. Miss Helen Woods, 1145 Judson ave- nue, left today to spend several wseks at Berrien Springs, Minn. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Charles S. Claypool. t4lf Greenwood boulevard. Sunday, July 18, a daughter. Miss Lillian Hale of Kentucky IB the guest of her sister. Miss Flor- ence Hale, 608 Church street. Mr. and Mra. Fred P, Vose, 1131 Ridge avenue, left Saturday for a short trip to Cape May, N. J. Mrs. Lewis Omer, 716 Clafk street, has gone to Clayton, 111. She will re- turn to, Evanston in September. Miss Helen Gardner of Kirksville, Mo., is visiting her aunt, Miss Belle Boardman, 1422 Hlnman avenue. Mrs. Edward K. Warren, 2829 Sheri- dan, place, who is In Europe, will not return until some time in the fall. Mrs. O. W. Youngqulst, 2501 Elm avenue, was a luncheon hostess Sat- urday1! Covers were laid for five. Miss Gertrude Reiley of Atlanta, Ga., is the guest ot her aunt, Mrs. Jennie M. Loney, 1614 Oak avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson, 1724 Lyons street, celebrated their silver wedding Thursday evening, July 17. Mrs. Arthur L. Sprinkle, 2023 Sher- man avenue, has as her guest Miss Lulu Funkhouser of East Chicago, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb Grlffen and daughter, Frances, 828 Monroe street, have returned from a visit to Auburn, N. V. Miss Jessamine Price and Miss Helen M. Bannister of St. Louis are visiting Miss Vorhees, 1316 Hlnman avenue. â€"Itftss Crystal XJonover of Wheaton, 111., was the week-end guest of Misses Helen and Celeste Douglass, 600 Da- vis street. Mrs. Wm. T. Hardie and son* Fran- cis, 904 Judson avenue, have gone to Leland, Mich., tor the remainder ot the summer. Master Charles Cooper of Detroit, Mich., is the guest of his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Trlvess, 2704 Harrison street Mr. George Beardslee of Chicago was the week-end guest of his brother, Mr. Louis B. Beardslee, 2314 Harrison street. Mr. and Mrs. William Ford John- son and children, 1115 Grove street, OTe, is spenmng tne â- â€"* « *~ returned Thursday from a week's Angeles and Pasadena, attending the Christian Endeavor convention. Mrs. George E. Lamb, who has been the guest of her mother, MrB. Irene Lane, 714 Reba place, returned Satur- day to her home In Cleveland, O. Miss Carrie Focer and her mother of New Jersey are the guests of Mrs. Matthew J. MacAdams, 2227 Harri- son street, for the entire summer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bartlett. 1415 Judson avenue, left Friday night lor New York, where they sail for Germany. They will return Sept! 1. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pratt, 748 Hin- '"man avenue, nave given vn? their . apartment. After a visit in Luding- ton, Mich., they will go east to make tfioir home. Mr. Charles A. Wightman and two oldest daughters, the Mlssep Cather- ine and Margaret Wightman, left Fri- day night for a week's outing in Macatawa, Mich. Miss Theodora Grantham, 2415 Hartzell street, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Dora Schumacher, 2403 Hartzell street, is spending the sum- mer in the west Mrs. H. Hunter and daughter of Buffalo, N. Y., visited Mrs. J. P- Walker, 416 Lake street, for a few days this week on. their way to their new home in California. Mrs. W. J. Ripley, who has been viBiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wait, 1020 Forest avenue, for a few days, returned Monday to her home in Grand Rapids, Mich. A number of young married people Save a swimming party Saturday evening, followed by a picnic supper and porch party at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. R. V. Trusdell, 703 Forest 1 avenue. ' Miss Ruth Kimball, 1663 Ridge ave- jaue. left Saturday for Cleveland, O. ; From there she goes to Salter's Point Mass., to attend a house party at the home ot the Misses Mildred *nd paartna Smith. , Mrs. Godfrey H. Atkln, 611 Hamil- ton street, has gone to Minneapolis* Mhm., for the remainder of the sum- tow. Her slater, Mrs. A. D. Edwards, M Chicago, has takes the Atkln home ftr the summer. • Mrs. George A, Kearney, 1141 Oak ^ at a thImWe party, at whteH ar- !§**•* were mad* for the Visitation stay at Lake Geneva. Miss Mildred Armour, 1608 Ridge avenue, sailed Thursday from Boston tor Battle Harbor, Labrador, to assist in Dr. Grenfel's mission work. Prof, and Mrs. Willard E. Hotch- kiss and family, 714 Milburn .street, have gone to Leland, Mich., to be gone until some time in September. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Robinson, 1225 Ridge avenue, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Bessie Gault, to Donald Macdonald of St. Paul, Minn. Miss Celia Campbell^ superintend- nt of music in the Evanston schools, is at the Presbyterian hospital recov- ering from illness brought on by over- work. Mr. and Mrs. William L. McKay and son, Dayton, 2308 Central street, have returned from New York, where Mrs. McKay has been studying music for the past four months. Mrs. W. A. Phillips and family, 1217 Michigan avenue, have gone to their summer home in Delafleld, Wis. Dr. Phillips is staying with his parentB, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Phillips, 228 Greenwood boulevard, during their ab- sence. The annual Sunday school picnic of St. Matthew's church was held Satur- day in the field west ot the end of Harrison street Large numbers at- tended. Games and races were the amusements of the afternoon, followed by a picnic supper. Mrs. J. S. Bousquet and family, 920 Judson avenue, have gone to Colorado for the summer months, where they are occupying their newly-erected cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Montgomery ot Hammond, La., have taken their home during their period ot absence. The engagement of Miss Holly Hol- lenbeck, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Edwin Rollins, Jr., 4520 Sheri- dan road. Chicago, to Robert Burns Ogilvie, Jr, son of Mrs. Newton H Bates, J3« Hlnman avenue, has been announced. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Ruby Rapp of this city will oe maid of honor at the wedding of Miss „«^ «,______Wilhelmina Dalrymple, ****** <f Tuesday attar* 41*,. Mary Dalrymple. of CWcajo. and Mr. Gordon T. Seator, son of 11* ana Mm B, Vt. Bentor, of Wrchwood, which takes place this evening at tne nom* of the bride's mother. .....|i§*ii^^ avenue^ |$£in?tntichlgan for V snort •'%f*;/Herry Van Pettan, 2323 Harri- son street, left Sunday evening for Los Angeles, Cal., where he will Join Mrs. Van Pettan and her son, Reed. Miss Georgia Edwards and Miss Louise Field of Slater, Mo., who have been the guests of Mrs. E. M. Powell and family, 824 Hlnman avenue, for several days, left Saturday for Detroit. From there they will go, by water, to Buffalo, then to Niagara, and back to Wllliamsport, Pa., where they will spend three or tour weeks. They will visit In Evanston en route to Mis- souri. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rose and family, 2410 Park place, left Friday for a motoring* trip to Lake Marie, Wis. "!'?'%â- â- '•â-  " "'X'"" Mrs. Frank L» Richardson; and^son* Pierce, 2712 Harrison street, have re- turned from a three weeks' visit in Malta, m. Mrs. Newell C. Knight and daugh- ters. Misses Katherlne and Nanoy, 1326 Asbury avenue, are spending the summer in New Hampshire, Mr. and Mrs. Bugene J. Bufflngton and daughters, the Misses Eugenia and Sara Louise, 1140 Forest avenue, are motoring through New England. They will not return until the first of September. Miss Helen Whitfield, SOt Washing- ton street, is in Lake Geneva, * guest of Mr. and Mr*. W. 8. Shields. Mrs. J, P. O'Connor, S3! Seward street, returned :pa^p:i$xm.:-', h visit to Jamestown, N. Y. " ' Mrs, Colby Daviea, 1713 Asbury avenue, has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Edward Howard of JanesvUle, Rev. and Mrs. Harry F. Ward ind family, 3512 Park place, are spending the summer at. their home; at Gordon Lake, Wlsv Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Osborn and little daughter, Mary Elisabeth, 1W1 As- bury avenue, are spending two weeks In Wisconsin. s5scsaBrrT^Tiir,rii^),jij|iiii«'^N»j»;!i;»a,»iiir'f';'.'y!' Miss Matue Nelsw sn*;ilis« iffln Nelson (rf BvaiJSten leave SnturiJay tor •â- trip ;t|Nii&*#^ Martnrst endl*!**. «» Lea street have gone to Benton Harbor, Mien. Mrs. 0. m ****opsV |*tt 9rtlns*0» avenue, Is spending the summer with her mother in Ooahen, Ind. Bhe wlU not return.'»n»U':0#*sfe; y >" 'Mr. and Ism" *. ;fc;<N|rM*;s*** James and Whitney. Wli Orrington avenue, ^ItC'tu^kufdl*" #*/'- *&» Mr. ^m*:tem0.:M-.^~W. daughter, Gertrude. 830 Forest ave- nue, left Saturday^ tos »•* Claire, .wtaXto -»n<ad> w*i;:f? :<*», â- f»i% OHIfii" Vwwiwtwwwi "irf\th# s^nsisssr Rev. and Mm Ftank Onaan ,r...., .„ 1641 Pratrte avess^ hate ^ t^? Lb Baok»of WshnM^A't^'S^ad1'"' ntee^lilM ttaltn tWKmbM ~ " •PV*W« •*••• â- : ; ^ â- ;•â- â- â- . ^ ^(g ."â- .â- ..'"â- '^'â- â- '•'.»"-'t*«H â-  . *»__ it:' ts> ftetaW ^M â- ^^btmmdi Mies Mhel ChrnMS. t4J Judaa» atessttsa. â- â- Sfesnnss , issneiaw*, .vae^essweFp wmm â-  ,.swssr^ss«jsna>. envw^snasssBBBniVi aeeoassanted' hy the MlssW ntsffjanV east They wUl. visit in Sh^htlgnSt This is just the period of the year when y^fi^ T_w, begun. Soon the new merchandise will be coming inPi^ though we*re right in the midst erf summer. All .nii^^ duced In price, as you know- If you have not taken advantage yet, do so at once. These offerings for Wed., Thuw, FW^^ Bsvnmai BUS TO Ride from anywhere in Evahs^^Ri^entier^s ^li^ Comfortable and smooth riding buses provided for your convenience. Buy. tickets at Rosenberg'sâ€"6 tickets for 25c. Cheaper and better transportation than you have ever had. Buses on Moiday, Wed., Thursday & Friday from 7:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Tuesday & Saturday till 10:30 P.M. NORTH 8tarting at Roeenberg*s-North on Ben- son Ave. to Emerson mâ€"West on Em- ersen St to Maple Ave.-North on Maple Ave. to Noyes St.â€"Wert on Nofts St. to Ridge Ave.â€"North on Ridge Ave. |o Oentral St.-West on Osntral St. to Stewart Ave.~Ns Ave.toParhPlao» to MbDaniel Ave. to Harrison St. toRR. to Oentral over the s&y&r MONDAY JULY 28 From 2 to 5 p.m. Women s Tub Dresses Women's Tub Dresses, of good quality lawn, neat figures, piped in contrast! ng_ jEDifira^ lace and embroid- ery trimmed, colors blue, pink, laven- der and black and white, sizes for women and misses, 1.19 WOMEN'S GOWNS Women's Gowns of good muslin and nainsook, button front and slipover, styles, tucked, lace and em- broidery trimmed....... WOMEN'S DRAWE1 Women's Drawers, of fine m 4 si in an? cambric, circular and umbrena style, lace and embroidery trim- \jj Q^ med........................*T01/ Women's CORSET COVERS Women's Corset Covers, of fine nain- ^ook* lace, embroidery and ribbon run beading trimmed, sizes 34 QO/» to44.....................oy\* SOUTHEAST Start at Boseaberg'e r-Xaston Darts 8*. to ShermnnAve^Sonth on Sherman Ave. t# Lahe St.â€"last on Laka Si. to Ohieage) A**.â€"fikmth an Ohi- Ave. to Oalcton Retnmisf over the same ronin to Aosen- berg's, ^ahnsmak- Mrvtos. â- â€"-- ------rf afJg«mmn«nfantnli SOUTH WBST Start at': li<nsi>lni|'i' â€"* Waal oat Devts St. to Wesley â-²â-¼.--gsnth t Dempster St _^s*JS ^ J^^snsjjgygenssjsf' .. f^gfja - â- fny :Aiawy':# ;.««:. v4akit^f^ £&;$$. '(ptn • over.. ,tl» ^asjolav i •K"A*siia«r- iOas)hwt tissf* Children's MUSI^TGOWNS Children's U^ill^tvmi^-'iftm^^^ good musl^hf^utton front and slipover style, lace and embroidery '^]9Qjs>:' trimmed, sizes 6 to 14 yrs.....vast »*v WOMEN'S PinTHfCOATii! Womeirt Pettreoatr, otriwit quality gingham, in neat blue and white Btripe, deep ruffle flounce. During iQ^ this sale for.. ....... T.\ .;^K>V WOMEN'S PETTICOATTS Women's' Petticoats, made of blaek mercerized sateen, tucked and ruffle trimmed flounce,* regular * (\(and extra sizes.........., JLaVv Hade of good per* cale,inneat»trlpef and figurei, colors blue, grey & black & white, iizes 34-46 1.00 Infants' Silk Hose In black, blue and tan, regular 50c values, this sale at -25 c- Womens Gloves In lisle & chamois, 2-clasp style, colors black, white and natural, all sizes, -19c- $1 Women's Waists at 69c Snappy, clean, well made gar- ments, of good quality lawn, trimmed with fine lace and em- broidery, the new turnover col- lars and smart turnback cuffs, three-quarter sleeves, many different styles and patterns to select from, sizes 34 to 44, regular $1.00 values, this sale, 69c Dressing Sacques 1 lot, in fine lawns and dotted Swiss, in figures and floral designs, values up to $2, sizerS&to^ â€"79câ€" Womens H A T S If you haven't tak- en advantage of our extraordinary clearance prices on women's hats, you have missed seme* thing. All our trim- med hats at half their former price. The feathers aloae os many of these hats are worth more than ere ask for the entire bat. Summer bats of all kinds for outing wear. Every- thing for women and obUdrea. WANTED At ONCE ExperiencedSabs^ women. Good Pay "THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING &£Q$t? Save Rosen* berg's RED TRADING STAMPS. ITI W wm l3lsl&!S&; le*

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