Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jul 1913, p. 5

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mmM ';fPff5p i^*fe Wbat 'm& .Md......... "'" » motflrtnf trip thro\Mtb WiscoMln. llr». W. 8. Powers and daughters. 'l^^urt^w^iaj^^ stre*l»P^l^^^ dale, Ml., i/1»;,'""-»'*fcL': Mr. and Mrs. ***** 0. Wtter <>£«»• Blmwcod spent the week-end ^ **f "llr? r"l; ^vetwfe •»« »«»*i ^ Wesley avenue. ha^*o|*|i||||^ smith,. Wis. ' 'â-  ::v,v; â- p?'^imM-'0$:\^ Mrs William Sherman Canon, 1084 Eimwood avenue, la ylfitlng at ,*aa- navlUe, Wis. â- â- ' . ;v > Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDonough, 18*» ^take street, spent the vwhrend at pelavan, Wie.^.'.^^-;. ^i/H;-.. y&&$;'< ^ mm. John i^flcharrand fairly. 1049 Hinman avenue, nave gone IP Baltimore, Md*; ^ Mrs. George B. Pryaen and family. 1314 Ridge avenue, have gone to Al- lenhurst, N. J. , Mrs. C. B. Foote. 826 Hamlihwtreet, hft8 as her guest Mrs.^* **er of Winona, Minn. - "'"'feC'; •â- 'â- *••' Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dean* 1122 judson avenue, returned Friday from a European trip. Mrs. A. W. Harris II., 1746 Chicago ,venue, has gone to Beaver, Pa* lor »n extended visit. Mrs. Frank M.' Comrie and little daughter, 1734 Orrihgton avenue, have gone to Toledo, O. < } Mr. J. C. Shaffer, 1704 Judson aye- "^ue, leaves soon > Join Mrs, Shaffer at Estes Park, ColO. •>:• • Miss Helen Butow, 252t Prairie ave- nue, returned Monday after spending the week In the city; '/<..- l Miss Beryl Faulkner, 2429 Central street, left Monday to spend the sum- mer is Des Moines, la. MIsb Lola Foy, Colfax atreet an,d Prairie avenue, has returned from a vlBlt to Beaver Lake, Wis. Mrs. James A. Odell, 1302 Church street, has' gone to Culver, Ind., and is located at Fulton cottage. Miss Sophia Youngquist, 2822 Har- rison street, returned Monday from a week-end visit in La Grange, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Sauire Rush Harris, 1316 Judson avenue, spent the Fourth near Dixon, 111., on the Rock river. Mr. and Mri. John Anderaon, 2505 Hartray avenue, returned Monday from a short visit in Saginaw, Mich. JltoB of thto city have gone to Candda vtOTitlt for two months among irleads. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ford, 1906 Or- rto^ton avenne, are spending the ajujfc- iner Jn BpwOrthHeights, LudiB»W»r Miss Eleanor Hatch, i8l7 Aabury •Venue, has gone on an extended east- «rn trip visiting Reading, Pa., and ^Boston. :" *' The Mary aiddlngs Neighborhood 1 club met Modday afternoon at the | home of Mrs. H. W. Thorp, 808 Sher- | Man road. |; Mr. and Mrs. Perry B. Bade, 2414 IfHartray avenue, are receiving con- |f gratulatlons over the birth of a aon, ^ Saturday, July 5. * Mrs. A. D. Sheridan, 810 Church street, has gone to Wianno, Mass., for jjthe month of July. She is located at Cotocheset House. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry R Dwight. 641 fil Hinman avenue. left Thursday for pLake Ripley, Wis., where they will fp visit for a fortnight. |t Mr. Warren B. Norrts of Aurora, Jf «!-. spenLthe week-end with bis p*> p enU, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris, $jt't407 Harrison street --.â- ..:. W Mr. Robert Smith of Davenport, la., ^returned Monday after spending a few I days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. |; Milton Smith, 2106 Central atreet I; Mrs. Merrltt Mottj^jwo children pTof RocWordTTlU are the guests of #Mrs. Mott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. pJohn Bowman, 2808 Harrison street. ffc The quarterly meeting of the North* M*estern Branch of the Women's For- ||:eign Missionary society will be held vfewmorrow at the Northwestern cam- Miss Marguerite Raider, 1115 Grove street, after attending 'the Delta Gamma convention at Niagara Falls, Is visiting in Boston and near-by re- -sorts. S/^>- ;,':.;%:.â-  „ Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Harris, 716 :3 Michigan avenue, bare gone on a Gssv : Ixsdian trip. They will tleft Montreal :|t»nd Quebec sad return via the Great ;vff. lakes. ^ ^M0^!^';:%i;\^ "•;? •â- " â- ?'!&â- .â-  Mr.. J. F. Quick, 1412 Ashland avt- Pane, and Mr. S. W. AaMrelV H00 Wes- f; toy avenae, left Friday sight for Hot >:08prmgs, n.^m^J^:^^.'^ '# Mrs. F. J; Pfahler, two son*, T*&* ^adx John, CI Main street, and ner Siiaothsr, Mrs. "i. -«. ^»a«i*v retnnMd this aornjnjg_ftom,» month's visit In flsblng tripm Oage'l •Mte^^^.. Mr. and Mruv M^»t»«^ f^ fg* HaTrts^:.-sftr^i|r^«^^ summer at;La|^::Gei^"w>:^;:^: Misa^ Bdn«^ B^ street. left MMay «W»t to> spend •ometime ii: «Jtc«n*»*» *^°4 A Mr. and Mrav A. J* Wwrmnson and faaiSly moved Saturday from 2»8 Cen- tral Street M»*00 Hwrtlson street Harrison street, returned Saturday from a two weeks' v»lt in Aurora, 111. Mt and Mrs. William Gale enter- tilUed at • twMf Vienna Friday at their home, Lincoln street and Mm Avenue. â- """" Miss Florence Myrtle Frost, 810 Da- Vis street, left Monday for Ashe- ville, N. C, as a delegate to Kappa Delta convention. Miss Lillian Coelker, 1618 Sherman avenue, entertained at dinner Mon- day, her guests of honor being Miss Margaret Lampp and Mrs. Joseph Kline of Chicago. Messrs; Bar! Gates and Ives Vil- ehrist of Cleveland, a. arrived Mon- day to be the guests of Mr. Gates' sis- ter, Mrs. Charles H*Rose, 2410 Park place, for a short time. Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss May Smith, 1227 Chicago avenue, to Mr. Charles Cuevas of Biloxi, Miss. The wedding will take place in September, Misa • 'Theodora Grantham, 2415 .Hartsell street, ^ecompanted by her cousin, Miss Dora Schumacher, 2403 HarteeU street have leit Bvanston to spend the summer traveling in the west Miss Grace Thackwell, 816 Main street, will be away from Bvdnston for the summer. Ai5ter„a„8hort visit in Royal Center, Ind., she wIU g? to Ludington, Mich., where she will be until fan. ; -rye 1^-â- &!"â- . Mrs. Gordan F. Bull and daughters, Dorothea and Virginia, 1105 Maple avenue, have gone to Beaver Lake, Harland, Wis., for a few^eks. ^Mrs. Bull spent the Fourth and week-end with them. Miss Virginia Powell, 824 Hinman avenue, spent the week-end 'witn^P^, and Mrs. F. H. McCormickr Prairie j- avenue, Chicago. She leaves in a few days for Kansas'City. Slater and other points in Missouri. tan avenue, have gone to Omena, •{ Mich., to be away until September. Prof, and; Mrjs. Harlan D. Updegralt and two children, 2226 Hartsell atreet. have returned from Oskaioosa, Iowa, where they have been visiting rela- tives. - â-  ..... Miss Ida Mae Brewer of Cairo, III., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. William D. Beck, 1141 Judson avenue. She will be here the greater part of the summer. ., â€". 'is* Mi*-A^/ ^ Harrison atreet )eA Friday to spend Vbk summer itt CJaiitorhia. y Mr, and Mrs. John W. Dottglaas and three children, 2404 Harrison street, left Saturday for their sommer vacs/ tion:-at viatMiii^m: yf'W: 'o: Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and little sonr Aldett^ 2505 Hartray ave- nue, left Thursday to spend a few days in Saginaw, Mich. :':y^^Ji--. Messrs. Edward Vandercook, Blvyn MacRae, Milton palm and Harold Ben- nett all of the north end of the city, spent ^the Fow^ motoring^ John's Military academy at Delaneld, WiS..:.;^ str^ Is spending sewal weeks With her njother. Mrs. O. S. Mann, on her iii«^:;iBBSJiW^^CsVB^i^^ <â- â-  Mrs. Nathan Qjftift^ dren have gone to Greencaetls, Ind. .^a^vislt^wlth :'i*|a^vs*::tP^«W. Helm' remains here busied with hia plans i»r^r^^mW^^-^^s . ton;.aWlemy;i^p^il^P^ 'â- 'â- '{â- â€¢<'?W â- - Miss :ii»M,^:./i^:'^'^iWN^ avenue, .returia^SattK^^ from Chattanooga, Tenn., where she has been in attendance at the Univer- sity â-  of Chattanooga, vjftr brotner,viar' ;&ai«fiJit|sig'a^ and â- M*<vfr-wmmb^&&M& ' ssWssssjfcipiisssi^ '* <^cs«o, w^^ prsssmi> ....... . retttrnlhg:^li^^^^ 'M$$ sons, to visit D>.ssllHaW. W. Wtt- ktes«U';fo^!^i«*i^^ f^rrfsasst^reiarm^fTtiay â- ssi»;.;iii^:*i!i^ :tij^i||ih^ This means beautiful Spring and Summer Wearmtv«ry low prices Our Grea Sale (or Thursjri. and Sat., *vVe have'Mready^befUri^iirlce cutting^â- â- I3iir1!^th:tep . ^,.â- ,..,.•*. patterns, odS sizes, and slow moving Spring and,p^me|^o|dsi clearance. A careful reading of these ttemsvwiU^tmf&^^^m0W^m^B ties m *>P& Mrs. Horaos F. Smith and daughter, Woa, 645 Hinman ***&*&.***' l»*^;;»*sv Mr. aiMl-.Mrs,.mpb.m;F^steir.i^|?4 Keeney street left Monday for a two weeks' visit in the east Mrs. Foster will stay wltk her sister In Rochester, N. Y., wbile Mr. Foster goes to New York City on business^ Mr. B. W. K. Bailey, 780 Michigan avenue, returned Friday from Hamil- ton, Ont, where he was called by the sudden death of Mrs. Bailey's sister, Mrs. R. D. Harris.. Mrs. Harris was killed in an automobile accident. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Davis and'chil- dren, 645 University place, Phillip Paden, and,, a company of Chicago friends, left Saturday in Mr. Davis* private car for Bstes Park, Colo* where they will spend the summer. Mrs. H. F. Russell and son, Charles, of Flandreau, U D., who have been visiting for some time at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Guy M. Pelton, 1419 Lake street left for home Sunday by way of Wisconsin and Minnesota, where they visit relatives. Dr. A. S. C. Clarke of the Second Presbyterian;uhurchr-with his "wife and children, Elisabeth and Robert, and hli sister, Mrs. M. 8. O. Jordan of Fort Worth, Tex., sailed from New York on the "Campania" yesterday for a European trip. They will re- turn on Sept 1. Mrv and Mwr^WBUaBt aammermanr 110 Kedzle street have rented their home to Mrs. John B. Snerwood, a prominent Chicago dub woman, for the remainder of the summer. They will leave about July 15 for an ex- tended eastern trip, visiting New York, Orange, Brooklyn and Boston. TJhey will join their daughter, Miss Margaret Zimmerman, at Rapona, Vt, where she has been for the past three weeks. Mt. Zimmerman will return about August 80 and wfll be located at the RoycroC «W Michigan avenue. Mrs. flmmennan and Miss fflnwner* man win not ratamimtn September. Will McKean and Will McMillan, 1608 Bmerson street departed for a few days* stay on ***» Minatonka, Minn., Thursday. 4)» Monday they began a ten days' trip I* their canoe down the Mississippi rtver from St Paul. They eapect to reaeh Dubnaue, Iowa, In ten days, a dis- tance of 1W mtis*. Triads are e»r- rytag their tent and provisions wtth them, and satielneis making at least forty miles ajjsx_j^«enoe *• Shell Late sixteen***** M^*^ jWfflto MSeV â- Â»Â»'*!*?!*2?5 the words «TBviiis*on, W on the tear ni, M sn Xn^m*Z* -g that all along «ae **»*• tt ^P1 I? ?SMK-a^;:^^s4i^ feafcasiiia "^i/^^i^-3y^<i*j«ifi»fe J^ClelilicI Only three or four o£ a kind. Tpe ^ iMO BUcWWSoiSerge $Mi^~^ 16.50 French Serge Wool Suite 22.50 Black Serge Suite "^rytasw**^;. 25.00 Black Broadcloth Suits 30.00 Black Broadcloth Suits 20.00 White Pique Suite 18.50 Blue Linen Suite 22.50 Black and While 27.50 Tan Wool Covert M&l tan^£averi Coats MMJ^Nqyetiy Coats tS.SSTfavy Bute Serge Coats 14.98 Black Serge Coats , $1.50 Women's Prin- cess Slips of fine nain- sook, lace and em- broidery trimmed, 98c 9 •gB»W:"**W'S«»W^»!:*^ Women's 6ovis $1.50 Gowns of musv Hn, nainsook A orepe, slip over atvle, tiftt- med with face, em- broidery and insertion 1, 1 '.-v ': i" $1.5W Suits, corse* cov er and drawers of all over embroidery and Bus nainsook, lace and embroidery trimmed, 4i*! yyyy Eponge ism m •m* v|l^||fi^01o1re»>; $l.W Corsets, due batiste, long: ^steoi "....... """"" ** -.......â-  ' "fi CHILDREN'S COATS, made of fine wool serge, stripes, fancy mixtures, and silk moire, all new summer styles; sizes a to6 years. Regular $5.00 val- £ Qfi CHILDREN'S DRESSES. Nor folk STytei-trP^eiJC^ percales and linens, in checks, stripes, figures and plain mater*, ials; sizes 6 to 14 *| QO years................•*•• ^^ WOMEN'S LONG KIMONOS, made of best quality lawn, in very pretty floral designs, empire styles; colors, pink, blue and lavender; all sizes at Oftf* only..............*.»•"•• v*"^ WOMEN'S WHITE PETTI* COATS, of finemttslin and <*m- bric, deep ruffle flounce of lace insertion and embroidery, top of flounce edged with rib- H f\f% bon beading........ *»W n^iil««l« Women's new su,mmer parasols, a great ParaSOlS variety of neat effect. \o + £%ft select from, psrasola with oontrasting color 7 _OJf borders, plain and fancy handles..;......;....,.....:-, v^^:.? CHOdt^S ParOSOli. in P«k, bine, whit« and £&„ pretty color combinations, fancy bandles..........w.»..^v»v :W^Mmm::^m 'Sttle«t;'.Ot: .. ^JtMS&f^ . in one-piece or ooat effect, all new summer modeK dsiaty trimmings of lace -a^isjibwjJn^^v ' 'â- â- ....... " â- '- ^ â-  Ur shades, aises for women and misses. Special Clearance of Hats Extraordinary reductions on Women's Trimmed HATS This is an exceptional offering tor the plume on this hat alone sold for $5.95 Other beautiful Hats sharply reduced for clearance. Our millinery section is' full of bargains. Wosaen's bine ana white <^P«Nurse Dresses......... .*e(S8p MaMs* Oreesea, made of nest qnaJity black sateen, tacked walste, aaa jOalngored skirts.............A5fO Women's Brassieres of fine masHn, for â- lender or fall fig- ales, hwer and~em^ broidery trimmed, aUes34to44, 25c Summer Corsets of strong net mate* rial, medium bust, hmghips, front and side garters attack- ed, swea 10 to 80, 50c Women's two clasps Gloves in chamois and lisle, ^plwiLMaok,. white, and natural, all sues, 25c Women's C3. Gauze Hose High spliced keels 4 toee, wide garter taps, colore black, whit«and tan, â- ': ^ â-  250,11 IS Wosaeav's Prissss, made of white ratine, Unas, pio^ievvelleaadliaHnies, trlnmilngolIaee.emh'derT j aa and bnttone, alt sines......4*3rO la nne sHeer lawns* voiles and UngerJee, beaatirolly trimmed with laoe aav broidery am Insertion. tv IMsV Spselalat...................._. i«79 GMNrw.** fUm **MUs* Hoasj, with double hwetsi soles and toes; oolore, white, blaok jCn IN lltt««ftis e*e*e«e«»e-»ee«w»a'»e«*'*"*^f Womens? Petticoats Made of good quality striped Ging- ham to Wti*s^wkite%X^'^0/» deep ruffle flounce, at |. . "w.: â- *|||3?0,R^^ SrW- ;>M$£. In plain and. fancy topt, all summer shades, aliea 4>i to-7^,_ at 'v. J|J;,|||||ii^iS n ? â- -'-..........:......"'â- â- â- '-â- â- â- ' Af

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