Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jun 1913, p. 5

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^f^!f^^^ig^^^^S^^^|te^S^|^j&S':'; ^JktJtamiiut^Hmte^ikJmLi and l|p^'^^lto«ft;-«*',a Mr ,M„» h.^ imtii Ut MtrAtMtU, '-T. - _- rov,. street, .oeve':^'^'*^ 1127 ,cn. for a twa^#k»'«t«-,;^VA Hinman »taa»*fc^:;»W*M;•■ * m Mr and Jajtp."C. L, B*f^;^Uaj;llal^l^i£:vit;;^^ .^^f. f: , tievriand street^ nave gone to Idron , i n 10, to be away tantll July 6 ■■^:iiiii^^-|iifWt-ioy':i*twnr av« nue, h«« left for b«r summer borne at INwJplltt^ll*- ■ . „____.________----^.^/j|^':1ltti^'iW»W*%J>*8 Michigan A. Comstock, **0* Haitsell a*«iiM^|pl^e" to ipend the summer in R«n«elear, Ind. Prof. F. 0. Eiselen and family, 2340 Orrington avenue, will spend the sum- George Young of ltoetoeater is the guest of nor daughter, W. Harnwell, 616 University and Mr. and Mra. Geo, Q. Wll Hinman avenue; returned mer In Augusta, Mich. ironi California. jas" i "' Oai>i- Wai>'- arc Flop hup Ml* UUP. apoH.- to »l' ents. Jotu^ Mis avenu rinne Moore Patton, who his | Sherman avenue i h her aunt, M*». B; J, Buffing* to Forest avenue, during the ,nter, has returned to her home i ttsburg, Ky. Mary Hildahl and Mr. Albert ,,i Milwaukee were married In «an Saturday evening. Taey isiting-the bride's aunt, Mrs. . Taylor, 1731 Orrington ave- Kdna Jones, 839 Sherman ave- turned Sunday from Minae- where she has been teaching, ml the summer with her par- \ir and Mrs. Charles Reading Kva Taylor, 1731 Orrington returned Monday from Sprinn i>ake, Wis., where she was the gueBt of Miss Bettie Tletgens at the Tiets* n's summer home, "Berry Farm " Tli" engagement of MISS Lela Ul- rich, daughtn of Mr. and Mra. Bartow ririch, Chicago,-to Mortimer Car- rey urovci, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Grovei, HO© Hinman avenue,hae been announced. Mr William Arthur Bauer, 730 Oak ton street, bis sisters, the IIlaeje Edna and Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Oiliiford of Sogers Park, and Kits Catherine Bauer of Chicago, left Saturday, June 21, for White Lake and tentwater, Mich., for an outing. . A number of HWanetonians leave July 1 to spend the, summer at Bph- wis. Among them are Mr* R. Brown and three children, r-jtt'Hinman avenue; Mr» and Mra. R. " |yon, 1705 Ridge avenue, and Mr. '"" Irs. C. B. Sample and two daugh- 746 Hinman avenue. Mrs. o Bach, who baa been visiting parents, Mr. and Mra. Alberf ',84'; Judson avenue, has returned i hi i home in Birch wood. Mra. trafl a >i a three children, Pauline, Al- ert an.i Robert, left Tuesday for frtih c . k and Green Bay, Wis. They expert u, be gone about a month. Mrs i oulse Koenig and daughter, Lbs buia Koenig, formerly of 1816 mern<M. street, who have been visit- g in Menominee, Mich., have been »sts i Mr. R. C. Koenig, 1316 Bmer- n sv. t They left Tueeday for »ton Mass., to reside with Mrs. oenu aons, Herman and Christian oeniK MIsb . mice Ayres of Lake Forest id t. > sister, Miss Zilda Ayres, Ijobc lodgement to Lieutenant John . S< L iiing of the United 8tatea Navy is ju.-' been announced, spent Sun- iy at aie home of Mr. and Mra. rank . Potter of the Elmwood and m. v,,W&^tMvl*^^ Mis. Mary L. JiadV" "" „,. _jarrialii„ Jetree^fi|^|P;:>e^ •on, llt*ifMp"'1lL Norrtt^li Auro- i:^ra,ni..^r:- m:- . Mra.r:;"A|ia*.:^™J_. •4 and children, in Sand Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, 1228 are spending a fewi weeks at Neenah, Wis. Mrs. Stella Plckerell, 936 Hlniuan avenue, has as her guest Mrs. Frank. Atkins of Indianapolis. Mr. John Thulln, 2026 Harrison street, left Saturday morning for a Ashing trip in Fox Lake, 111. Miss Kathryn Hose, 2410 Park plac, has returned from a two weeks' camp ing trip at South Haven, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tletgens ana family have gone to Spring Lake, Mich., for the summer months, j Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Crawford, 121s Sheridan road, have gone to their summer home in Wianno, Mass. i Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central street, left Sunday for Marlon, 111., where Bhe will spend the summer. Mr, George S. Kingsley and family, 225 Kedzle street, have gone to their summer home at Saugatuck, Mich. Raymond Bristow, 1138 Sherman avenue, Is on a farm near Corliss, Wis., where he will Bpend'a month. Mrs. Qeorge B. Bevtn and little son, 2236 Harris street, have returned from a month's visit in Bellwood, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tletgens and family, 1622 Forest avenue, are at their summer home in Spring Lake, Mich, h Mr. Charles J. Roberts, Lincoln street and Hartray avenue, has re- turned from a business trip m the west. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howell and fam- ily, 2017 Sherman avenue, left Sat- urday for Leland, Mich., to oe gone two months. Mrs. Frederick O. Smith, 1002 Elm- wood avenue, has as her guest Mrs. Henry Abraham and daughter, Elisa- beth, of Normal, 111. Mrs. James A. Odell, 1802 Church street, la expected home soon from Missouri, where she has been visiting on her husband's ranch. Mrs. O. S. Bowman, 1736 Ridge ave- nue, has as her guests her brother and. nephew, Mr. N. K. Fairbanks tfnd Glenn Fairbanks of Pratt, Kan. Miss Edna Palmer, a teacher at Noyes street school, has resigned her position and will tour with the Cathe- dral Concert company next winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Watt and two daughters, Nannie and Martha, 2712 Woodbine avenue, left Friday to spend the week-end with relatives in Peoria. 111. Mr. Charles Remington of 2115 Lin coin Btreet, whose business interests have for some time kept him In Jersey City, N. J., has returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Comstock, 2408 Hartzell street, returned Fri day from Rochester, N. Y., where they their home in Leaf River have been visiting friends and rela- en Mon.Kty. Emma MacLauren of New York, „ad Mrs. Irving Smith ana daught . Pauline, from Washington, who tam.= to Evanston to attend the wedding of Misa Bernice Fisher, will leave utout July 1 for their homes. Mr. ai.d Mrs. Morgan Butler (nee Ber- nice n«ner) spent a part of their hone. n. ,>n at MOTalne Hotel, High- land I'alk. Mlhs uiga Helen Brenneman, daugh- ter of . ir. and Mra. Jullua Brenneman, UOl u„vis street, was married Satur- day nidit at the family residence to Mr. Murray A. Ladd of LOCkpOTt, 111. Dr. Wm t. McElveen, pastor of the First congregational church, per- former the ceremony- Only the lm- ttediai. families were present. After a wedm.ig trip east Mr. and Mra. Ladd will make their home In Lockport. Folk dancing will be one of the aialn natures of the lawn party to »* given tomorrow evening at the aome of Miss Matilda Wlttbold, under the auspices of the Bpworth league of Covenant M. B. church. The im- ttense > rounds win be decorated with toe league colon, red and white. The fcogram will conaiet Of folk dancing, <a charge of the Misses Ruth RUley •»d Marjorie Grantham; a Boy Scout, •rill, m charge * Mr. George Witt- told, scoatmaater Of .Troop No, S; fcosic and game*. lew eream, cracker »ex. popcorn and candle*:*fli ha on *te There wlU be ao admlMion. we program wffl open at 7:46 o'clock Jmp The proceed wlH be pot into <*• Dmmin« f«s^ of the ohitfaa. Urea I ^WW The MisseB Kittle and Mayme Wel- ter, 708 Woeley avenue, have re- turned from Kenosha, Wis., where thoy attended the marriage of a friend. Prof. Clarence E. Snyder and fam- ily, 2715 Woodbine avenue, left Thurs day evening for Big Bay, Mich. Prof, j Snyder will have charge of the boys" j camp located there. | George P. Englehard, who Ib pass- ing the Bummer in Highland Park, will give the baccalaureate address at : the Wisconsin State Normal school at! Stevens Point, Wis., Sunday. Word has been received from Mr and Mrs. Alfred H. Gross, 1100 Ridge avenue, who sailed a few weeka ago for Europe, that they are now enjoy ing London. From there they will j go to Paris. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ross have taken | an apartment in the Forest Annex, 901 i ForeBt avenue. Mr. Ross is district; manager of Llggitt ft Meyers, and has recently been transferred from St. Louis to Chicago. Mrs. L. J. Aikin and daughter, Helen, 618 Lincoln street, are enjoy- ing a five weoks' trip In the east They are tit present In Cincinnati for a brief visit. They will return by the way of Cleveland, Buffalo and De- troit • Mr. and Mrs. C L. Boice and daugh- ters, the Misses Marguerite and Maisie Boice, left Friday for Cincln- nati, where they embarked for a trip down the Ohio river. Mrs. Walter Clark *t Rogers Park accompanied them. Childs, 600 Davis Mreet, is taking the course in citizenship under Dr. Howard Wood- head, Chicago. Mrs. F. D. Richards of 2526 Harri- son street, has as ner guests her daughter, Mrs. Williams, and two sons of Martinsville, Ind. Mr. H. D. Martenson and family. 2218 Central street, have taken the house at 1400 Harrison street. Mr. John S. Burchmore, 2107 Harri- son street, returned Saturday from a tri» to. low* a«4 la* Sunday for WteMntton, D. f. Miss Helen Palmer enUruioed in- formally Saturday evsalng in honor of Miss Marian Coefrove of Le Sear, Minn., at her home, 2700 Lincoln street. ,; The Ravinla club will hold its nest meeting this morning at 10:3* o'clock at Ravinla park to arrange »omc final details before the opening of the park on Saturday night Dr. Harry F, Ward, secretary for the Methodist Federation for Social service, living at 1512 J'ark place, has recently been called to the chair of Hoclology In Boston University School .•fls!^,.,....... ......... ,,,.- ....,.,.„. etTtooteff. ilewffiiM^ ' part of Ai*»at to all a» iieeltloa. Oa next Sunday mornlat he will the aermen at the Covenant gbuxeh, ;'/"';.:.; v:;vV,;'.:>>i' L^.d^v 4 ,■'£,> ' A marriage of. leUreet to many Bv- anttonians is that of Mies Louise SchelL a graduate of Northwestern university In the class of 1M», to Mr. Carleton Fraser, wttleh will take place Wednesday at Mount Plsaaant, Iowa. Misa Schell is a member of Alpha Phi sorority. Mr. Fraser la a graduate of Columbia university and a member of Sigma Nu. Both Miss Schell sod Mr. Fraser have recently returned from the Philippine Islands. le'lp" the blemilal •cljool stttdeam; ? best renal oaa e|»e;'ef' -tMrtn" he*4 So^wtiitpi^;^ flcmMsartkefV" who waa tfte 'aradaite tk ltfl* led. -fa*- glsiii^ ■,ej|e*'eewa^s^^ew e>ew. s^wp^p _w^^' ■ »^^,":^)!fn^•^^^wa»^_,,,., hie atasat. 'IfeMi' HeUlatef; as^'dai ^ ^^.^m^&M^: W^&S&MSBb frtenda about -W^^^^^^ risiting mmJ^fMW'****;*** through the>»i*telli:$****** 1"» headed^^ikm^mm^M m * members ri^*l&W^:*l&'-1m' provemenU that had been made in the City. A%^0^^^g!^'^lt of the ITS that want te the:. oaeef thebset tafte ofthe _ telltac of • the. e«pe»iesw* of tlm ateo* she boye la the army. Mm Stav*> weather was one of the memhtra et tot* ^'e^;et:«i««reh;: :lti;: iWlkbim atarkwaather remained ever tundey, i Giant Drug Bargains 1 lb. Hospital Cotton for ................... 50c bottle Phillips' Milk of Magnesia...... 25c pkg. Garfield Tea for................... 25c Kolynos Tooth Paste for............. 25c bot. Sloan's Lini- ment for.............. $1.00 size Pinkham's Vegetable Compound... 25c 39c 19c 20c 19c 69c Our Giant Bargain Sale is continued frqm:'^n^0 to 28th. Space only allows us to tell aboiti:%$$. of the many money-saving bargains that haM:^0^: this sale so great a success. In order thaty^0B^^ be served properlyy please shop as early as 3§^^| gfwahgf; grwpaf * «jW $20 6ood Clothes, 15.95 HART 8CHAFFNER A MARX Men's and Young Men's Suite, in fancy wool, cassimeres and worsteds. A great chance io buy good clothes at« a low price... 15.05 49c MEN'S UNION SUITS--Plain white, extra fine ribbed, short sleeves and long legs; sizes, 34 to 46; $1.00 value for..........•• MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS--In plain soft bosom, coat style, cuffs attached, all light colors and attractive patterns; sizes, 14 to 17. iSOer* Special $1.00 value at.......^9w\^ MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS--Made with soft French cuffs attached and soft collar to match, all very neat patterns, a large assortment to choose from; sizes, 14 to 17. aSAf* An exceptional value at......^\M\* MEN'8 BALBRIGQAN UNDERWEAR --Ecru color only, two-piece garments. Good underwear that always sells for 50c. 50c Underwear ^QgH for .........................*J^W MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS -- Light and dark blue chambray; sizes, 14 to 17. 50c Shirts 3QsC for........................&*** Furniture Barpins SPECIAL TERMS OF CREDIT TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE. BAMBOO PORCH SHADES--Wide slat, outside hark, stained brown. 10 ft., S2.00; 8 ft.. 11.50; 6 ft, $1.10; 7*%r* 6 ft, Me; 4 ft....................• **+' PORCH AND LAWN FURNITURE AT RE- DUCED PRICES--Hundreds of pieces at sharp reductions. Variety Is comprehen- sive. Extraordinary bargains right in mid- seejon. AXMINSTER RUGS -- Slse 9x12, extra heavy pile, closely woven back, 1018 de- signs and color effects; Bold everywhere for $25.00; 7 1Q our price ................•!• • * ~m FIBRE MATTING--A new/sanitary closely woven, easily kept ilean, 36 Inches wide, per yard.I...... VELVET RUGS--0x12. vely closel] long eilky nap, lome vera fine dest color effects; also plain frown and^ $20.00 value; I |£ ffA our price ...............7.... • ■w»w w BABY CARRIAGES AND GOCART8; 26 STYLES, ALL 1013 DESIGNS. $30.00 Carriages for............ 20.00 Carriages tor............ 24.00 Carriages for......... 18.00 Carriages for............ 16.00 Carriages for............ 15.00 Carriages for............ 16.00 Go-Carts for............. I5,0o (lo-Carta.for............. 14.00 (Jo-Carts for............. 11.00 Uo-Carta for............. 10.00 oo-Carta for............. $24.00 . 21.S0 . 10.70 . 14.75 . 12.75 . 11.00 13.50 . 12.50 . 11.50 . 8.7S . 7.50 Household Bargains Only a few of the many mmf4fow£:* itema. Demonstration of Aedreek Ovwea eontlnuee on aeeount of w»na*rt«l eaie* GARBAGE PAIL--0 gallon site, »«^^ heavy galvanized iron........... SHERBET OR ICE CREAM GLASSES--Colonial shape . .r.T CUPS AND SAUCEjS|-Beautlfol^ hand- decorated China; Special, 6 pairs for^. ..#....«.,, *, CLOTHI 10-inch one yea| BOG »V cream li and labor TOWEL BARS VktiKK, made of brass, heavy n|efal plated.....,.ij CHAIR SEATS--Made of good heavy fibre, In two colors, black or tan; all sises...................• SLEEVE BOARD--Hardwood, padded top................. FOOD CHOPPER--Universal different knives; chops food coarse or fine, as desired..... CUSTARD SET--Ten-piece fireproof brown, consisting ,_, „ oasserole with cover, pudding pan, mixing bowl and Individual custard fO** cups; $1.26 value.............*i. »# WV "DELTOX" GRASS RUGS -- DURABLE, SANITARY, ARTISTIC. 9 Kl2 ...........................SMS 9 xlO .....................'•••••• s-g 6x9 .....................1...... 4»S» 4%x 7V4 .......................*<f*i.-M f*0 36 X72 .......................-..i'.i'-l^ 80 XCO .....................•»••••' »*J 64 x27 .....................• k**.» * • *#8 seaeaexiBsamaBBammmBaBBBaiMBssWsB^ I are given free wttti evary Be purehaee, hilt they're worth |1JO • thousand. Save them. [They mean money te you. Double etampe alt ________[day tueeday. Open Saturday Night Till 10; Tueeday Night Till t. :*&ri-jbi Men's Union Soirs, 59c MEN'S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS --Something fer the warm we*We --made up In short legal' ...•,«• sleevea; slaee, 94 te4Sj $1.00 valve at......... $140 SHIRTS, 70c--laeeV Shirts, whMe and tumm eeler, Frsnch euffs artaohed and eellar to matah; Bead Neoltgee Shlrte, even ae yew have atwaye paid %iM far elee- where. While they leetv Olant Bargain Price...... s HATS '■ Off Your choke of any of ew eeawtMul Trimmed Hata at 50 per cent eff the regular selling prtee. Bathing Suits Now is the time you want one. Bathing Suite for men, women and children; aleo eape and bathing slippers. Wa have Just what you want, whether M be a low-prleed or high-prieed euit. GOOD OOD at Remember we sell Groceries and Meats for cash only. That is why we can sell such good food at such low prices. If you do not buy all your food m our ------------------- Grocery Section, begin at once. YOU'LL SAVE MONEY I SAVOY SOUPSI I 3 cans of any kind... -22o | GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. for.............49c With a grocery order of |1 or over (flour and butter not Included). OUR WEEKLY MONEY SAVERS Chsmplon Chloride of Lime, per can .......• •-----•••ec Yacht Club Sslsd Dressing. 2&c bottle tor..........Z1= St. Elmo Molasses, 15c can for............11c Lucie Molasses, 20c can for........- ' " Nomordust Sweeping Com- pound, per can..........»° MIIsdy Toilet Soap, per bar ........••......*c Dr. Price's Rolled Oats, 25c pkg. for............J8c Jello, Tryphosa, Bromsngeion or Nesnah, 3 pkgs. of any one flsvor for..........*»« Rex Extrsct of Beef. per Jar................*** Runkelfs Cocoa. fclb. tin...............1,e Poison Fly P»P«r. ' 2 pkgs. for.............** Stlcktlte Fly Paper, 6for................Sea Black A White Matehee, per pkg......•......-17e Barber's Best A Cheapeet Matches, per pkg......14c Grocers' Matches, per pkg...............ll0 Ball-Mason Jars: pints, per dozen. - quarts, per dozen ■ % gallon, per dozen Foster Seal-Fast: pints, per dozen.. • quarts, per dozen.. Sure-Seal Jars, glass pints, i>er dozen... quarts, per dozen. . Richelieu Brand Jat ...43c ...63c ...03o ...73o .. .83o op, ' ....73c ...83c Rings, red or white, per dot. Economy Fruit Jars, pints, per dozen.. quarts, per dozen. V4 gallon, per doz.-a. Economy Jar Caps, per dozen ....... • • • .90 ..000 •1.10 1.36 . .kOc Ordere No Phone or Mall en these. SPECIALS FOR »aTUR- DAY, JUNE 28. Rlohelleu Catsup, 25o bottle for.........15o Lakeside Grape Juice, 26c bottle tor..........'5e L. F. C. Olive OH, 2&c bottle tor..........15c IN OUR BAKERY Fancy Coffee Ceks, each .................."• Coeoanut Macaroons, per lb............ Raisin Bread, each .21e NEW POTATOES Per peck.............20c COFFEES AND TEAS Sheridan Coffee, In the yel- low bags, per lb.......35c 3 lbs. for.............»1.00 Santos Coffee, a good driuK- er, per lb..............26© 4 lbB. for..............»5o Extra fancy Santos Coffee, per lb.................28c Our Bogota Blend Coffee, per lb.................30c 3'4 lbs. for...........S1.00 Plain Olives for Picnics, 3 bottles for...........26c . Stuffed Olives, per bottle ..............9c Basket-Fired Japan Tea, fine for Iced tea, per lb.................47c Sweet Pickles: Monsoon Brand, large Mason Jar.......23c FLOUR Gold Msdal, New Century, Plllsbury and CeresoU, % bbl. sack..........* .76 % bbl. sack.......... i.*8 ft bbl. sack.......... 2.70 Napoleon Flour, % bbl. sock..........* .60 % bbl. sack.......... 1-36 tt bbl. Back.......... 2.66 BUTTER, EGOS AND . CHEESE GOOD MEATS BEEF Prime Chuck Roast Beef, best quality, lb...15'/ao Prime Shoulder Steak, tender, per lb.......16c Best Porterhouse Steak, per lb..............28c VEAL Native Shoulder Veal Roast, per lb........18c Choice Veal Stew, per lb............l«'/ac LAMB Choice Lamb 8tew, per lb......12o and Ho Young Leg of Lamb, per lb................20c BACON Extra fancy Bacon, by the strip, per lb.......24</ae LARD 3 lbs. best Lard, with any meat order, for.....41o 10 lb. pail Snowdrift.|1.19 Beet Creamery Slitter: Wayne 4k Low and Swas- . tika, l lb. cartons, per lb.................33c Jelkel Oeed Luck Butte rlne, 2 lb. cartons...........37o 8wiffa Premium Oleomarga- rine, \ lb. cartons......23c Strictly FreeH Egge, per' doaen.............23c Delivered price of Btt". per doaen.............28c New York American Cheese, per lb, ................24c Pull Cream Brick Cheese. per lb.................23c by the brick............18C Finest Domeetle Swlee Chesee, per lb.........39o JAR RINGS Heavy rubber Jar Ring*, red or white, 3 dosen tor.........Efe No Phone or Mall Ordere en these SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, JUNK SO American Family Soap or Swiff e Bora* Seep, 10 bars tor.............37c Oeld Duet, large pkga.. S for..................tie Dr. Prloe*e Baking Powder, I lb. ean...............37o Tanglefeet Fly Paper, large earton for........2to CANNED GOODS Sweet Sugar Com, 3 cans for..............21e Nashotah Peae, per can...............10o High Life Peae, per can................12o Cherokee Corn, per can...............Oo Onarga Corn, per can ...............He Yum Yum Plum*, per can ................*o Hllls-Oale Asparagus, No. l can..............14c No. 2 can..............10c 30c can Tuna Fish for....................23c Ruby Sardines, per can................9c King Osear Sardines, 2 cans for.............26c Rainbow Sardines In tho round cans, per can... 23o Kippered Htrrlng: L'niou Jack Brand. p«»r can.... 11c Aurora Red Salmon, tall can fur............22c Pink Salmon, tall cans, 2 cans tor.............19« I PURE CIDER VINEOAR In gallon jugs, per Jug S3e No charge for the jug. MONDAY (JUNE 80) SPECIALS /7k Boneless corned Beef, very best No. 1 cured, per lb.. Very beet No. 1 Cured Hams, |Aj per lb... I O4C 8 to 12 lb. average, -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING * w * SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 28, Prime Rib Roaut Reef, beet quality, per lb., 20* and.. 1013 selected Young Leg of | Q^» Lamb, per lb.................* OC 1913 Hlndquarter Lamb. per lb.................. 22c 18c 19c ,^*i ■Mm Mim&i ■Jt&jM &lfet**:iiSli tr^^istv^a&^i^^^S^.

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