Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jun 1913, p. 3

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:s|KP^b^»?1^®?R5WSS1 m^fW^SfWWSffmf' sti^P^f^ m John Venncma entert^ed at s Thurso^ evening. .'^*!%'^-;?? r. and lfc»*rJBlB#/^*W;-'«R> ylng a cruise on the lakes. .'.:'" rs. G. P. Nichols Isentertaining . h. J. Chspin ofBoston. yron Hart departed last week for tsburgh, where he will pass the miner. . - jrs. Frank M. Chaffee returned Pri- f rom an enjoyable trip i» several jes in Iowa. * >- -> -e. Mrs. William 8. Kies Is entertaining- ir friend, lira. Charles Stair of Chl- go, for a few daya. -.;r" "' :MJ|| Miss Eleanor Serrell has returned om Culver, Ind., where she has been tending a house party end other col- ge festivities. :".V., ^'â-  " 0.1111," Mr. and Mrs. William B. Douton ,ve closed their home In Melrose venue and are on their" farm near outh Haven, Mich. Fred C. Traver and family expect leave next week fos an extensive rip throughout the east. They will ipend two months on a motor trip In he New England stales. Mrs George W. Maher, who has Ken nursing her mother and father trough an illness in their home on be south side, Chicago, has returned iome, after a week's absence. Mrs. M. L. Bell returned last week from Des Moines, Iowa, where she has been for several weeks. She was ac- companied by her mother, who will' spend several weeks here. Mrs. Rufus K. Porter departed Mon- day for Boston, where she will enjoy M extended visit with her mother, 'Mrs. A. L. Dyar, formerly a resident iof Kenllworth. Henry R. Corbett has returned to Ids home in Abbotsford road after a trip to Des Moines and Omaha5~In the latter city Mr. Corbett visited With his mother, Mrs. H. M. Corbett, veil known to many residents of Ken- flwortn. Mrs. Corbett accompanied her husband to Des Moines on the trip. Mrs. Franklin N. Corbln and daugh- ter, who have been patients In the Evanston hospital for the test two weeks, are again at their home In ptoslyn road. Both are Improving Iteadily a Mn. James Keith has returned to pnflworth after an extended visit lu gbmtreal, Canada, with her daughter, Henry Hall, who returned to Keu- jStorth with her for a few weeks' /Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert WV Kelly left fftegday for Plymouth, Mass., where [they will pass six weeks or two months on a fishing and outing ex- [xpedition. They will visit in Washing- on their way to the coast. Mrs. Henry R. Corbett entertained Mme. Blrdice Blye, the noted American concert pianist, Friday. Mme. Blye is a close acquaintance of Mrs. Corbett She is recognised as one of the leading pianists of Amer- ica. fwiljlli g^Sii w ........................liiPiWiPiL^--^ m*ilMmm0*i»i!i m mm*** mm M '$P i: S^flpf "**-$ ?m â- MK]" â- sis pis1 .'. ,&%,: i?,3k'-?±f!-%iviF3 â- flij&tii ?|P^Sipgfp flff I'^pw.w^^a^sap *m EMMing '•^p^f^'^^' ' ': 'limmmmmiimid WATgOM BUSDIMg SCHOOL tiissjM^"ffiiwri^^ __ gfSniUc. caajaeav: ,;S^^ ^mmm Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Reichmann will leave next week for a two months' tour in Europe. They will sail from New York on July 1. In the tour they will visit Germany, France aid England. They expect to return to Kenllworth about Sept. 1. Mrs. C. K. Parmelee is the guest of her mother In Ceutrslia this week. Mr. and' Mrs. Leon M. Allen re- turned last week from an extended stay in Europe. They left Friday for the east, where they will attend the commencement exercises at the Cor- nell university. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart enter- tained twenty children in their home Friday afternoon in honor of the fourth birthday anniversary of their daughter, Marlon West Eckhart'" In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart also entertained eight couple, the occasion being the celebration of their tenth wedding anniversary- KODAK PHOTO SECURES WOMAN'S CONVICTION Inspector Lindsay Produces Photo of Dirty Alley and Mrs. W.J. White Is Fined. BATHING BEACH TO OPEN. The bathing beach at Kenllworth will be opened under auspicious cir- cumstances Saturday. Many improve- ments, Including new walks and paint- ing of the boat house, have been added this spring. Full privileges will be ac- corded the poor mothers and children of Chicago who will be guests of the Neighbors' club Saturday at the beach. NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Mrs. W. J. White, 323 Hamilton street. Evanston, was fined |2 and costs by Police Magistrate Boy re Sat- urday morning for allowing the alley in the rear of her home to become littered with paper and refuse. Stren- uous protests to the charge were made by Mrs. Wbite, who had as a witness in her behalf one William Dorgan, a Janitor, who testi- fied that the summons was issued by Alley Inspector Lindsay because he (Lindsay) held a grudge against Dor- gan. The testimony of Dorgan and the protestations of Mrs. White were of no avail, as the alley inspector sub- stantiated bis charge with proof which could not be contradicted. He intro- duced a series of snapshot pictures taken with a vest pocket kodak show- ing the pile of rubbish near the White home and also had a bundle of papers including discarded letters, wrapping paper, etc., which bore the names and addresses of persons In the White household. • iiiiiiiiifiitiiiiiuni What Psopto Are Doing -in The Ferry Hall alumnae gave their annual luncheon Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday at the Onwentsla club the second of the season's woman's golf matches was held. A number of luncheons were given at noon by the different women who participated on the links. Mrs. Harold F. McCormick. who is spending the summer at Zurich, Switserland, Is taking many short motor trips with her daughter, Muriel, and son, Fowler. . They will not re- turn until fall. «£- u±7Ci£ y McCormick and his daughter. Mathllde, will open their Lake Forest bouse upon his return from the east, where he has been learning to operate his new airship. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carey are in Lake Forest for the summer. A large number of Lake Forest peo- ple were attracted by the polo games at Meadowbrook, Long Island. Among those who attended the International contests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meeker and Miss Katharine Meeker. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. James Ward Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 8. Moore, Harold F. McCormick and Frank Hlbbard. Countess Clsycka again is home af- ter an extended visit with Mrs. Thom- as K. Laughlin in Washington, D. C. She Is now busily engaged in plan* nlng the landscape garden which will adorn her new home on Abwahnee road, a recent gift from her mother, Mrs. Robert W. Patterson. The house, which was purchased from Mr. Louis F. Swift, Is surrounded by ten acres of ground, which will have the per. sonal supervision of the new owner. The former Patterson home is being remodeled by its - new owner. Mr. Charles W. Folds. While the work Is going on Mr. and Mrs. Folds are keeping house in primitive style in the guest bungalow nearby. Mrs. Pat- terson will spend the summer at the Onwentsla club. STIPLCR IS HONORED. The Rev. James Madison Bttnef, pastor of the First Baptist church, yesterday had the degree of doctor Of divinity bestowed upon him at the commencement exercises of Denlson university, Granville, Okie. Dr. 8tifler is a graduate of the school. was his mother. The campus of the school lies on the ground comprising his grandfather's estate, which was donated to the uni- versity by him. NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS $Mj00kM&,: ft .â- ; Garden Hoa^ Iteela. Sprinkleri. AU elevated treisat^wfcbiaLalfbtock oil ... /^:^li|^ip^l|^;CALL W. H. SALISBURY 6 C< WliolesaleasHltetaUl^cWBRQOOOSforeverf use "«-tv* •9«ta> Wa^aalk Awe««e' • cmCAIW ^Sp Vldasls Street i s*iis mm* â- '$> Hiiiiili mmmmmmmmmmmmm. â- vP€ 1 Make* toaoa <m inproved North Rc*e» Pa^ t»Higolaad MK; U.-,«-, »-,-â€"~-.««w i Offers fw i«T«stAirfirA nMstfafsa ««......... csute, ae^y tlMt^v^a^ five aed wnc- ^ J. Fret MoQaire, iiajr,.Qi!£r â- â-  «wm for inc. >*-<^#;fi*p - â-  .^;;s^^^ia:,"^^w.^v;"'^- â- â- â€¢â-  ;-â- â- â- â€¢â- â- â-  â- -mmmMsrm^^^m M -----------------------------*D SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE Buyers' Guide to Shops of ____ARTS AND CRAFTS, VIRGINIA CHESTER, BOOKBINDER. 1029 FJnejtrts BMildlng. ^L Harrison 6227 HBI.EN C. LBDQKRWOCbr Room 706 p^ake Vie* Building 116 So. Mllh^n Afel Chicago ART AND fOOK SHOP. Randolph SOW ALBERT WEHDE, Jewelry Work Shop.] Original Des: at pree: ling Silver yon 740 FINE ARTS BMW., Chicago. f»s ARTS ft CRAFTS BOOK] Complete line barkers,____ ^""'n Jewelry, | ••4a Jewelry. _ Suite its Monroe Bide jttCentral ttt. 104 8. Michigan Ave. LACE AND EMBROIDERY, R-M. KANTOOS A CO 55 B. Madison BL, MILLINERY. NEWEST DEVELOI -1ENTS is MID-SUMMER MILLINERY Offered at pklces tnuaeV reduced for the iaobth* of Jline "WRiGHTl HAfSHOP, ' S 116 South Michigan Ave. Sm noi HIONABLE COSTUMES. now making special prices for the summer months. Have also some PRETTY GOWNS AND WAI8T8 made oaf that V^SfUl sell at ver^rdasonaDleVirices. OS Kesner Bldg., Waliash * Madlsoa Tel. Central 6467. Chicago- Summer Farm ana ussop Session- Illustrated booklet on application. XI ACADEMY and Camp- lifesSi^ â- â€¢::^,^^Bi^^^^Cf^^&^M£0^ 8H0E8. AISTON SHOE CO., 56 W. Washington at. rs of AND O VJLIPPER3 TCH GOWNS. (Fifth Floor) (Central 4221) TmJrci WJWO BI Saving of fro Sample Fu Down-town S Ave., near North Side FURNITURE. .CUS & KLEMPERER CO. BIG FURNITURE STORES. er cent on | Rugs. Wabash pongreft St. Belmont Ave., near Clark St. -----Jf. A. i \f SCALP ITpow hair and or mo HAIR SPECIALTIES. : a. FRflDBR~nrgr SCALP SPBCLAUST. 6 W. |p diseases Randolph It, cor. State St. Phone Central 1481._______ mK LAYTON SYSTEM U BAIBiCTJLTURB. *Bclenes has Joefconstrjied that hair wfll s^oirjaaln, /^ after years of dllBtWasJpojBatloaa. rabBc Bldfc SOf State Bt Phone Harrison H44.________ you a stranger to us? If so. Sfic will get yon the fol- iOc iShainpoo for SSe, 80e Fadal Massage lor Sfjt SOe Scalp Trea^ast fojtJpMs/nmUnraesias for Sf^ tfee lstSue|ulttsffor^Bc. Hair Importers. Wsfork^inDomttata. C. B. KOFRANBKa ^O-•«*• "^ No. Aawr. Bldg. M 8. State, CWoago. JEWELRY. . ILHELMINA cOULTAS, •signer and Maker of Novelties In Jewelry. Remounting P 917 Fine Hours 9 to 1. .and Semi- Idg. Harrison 2960. fblLET SPECIALTIES. yMMB. HUNTINGFORD Lr (Originator) ENGLISH .HOT OIL SYSTEM. Full line of fcJff^reWations and stetlalUesW Can Be Had it Leadmg* Stores. Mall Orders HsvVb Prompt Attention. Auditorium Bldg., Chicago._____ HOTELS. PLANK1NTON JlOTEL, iiiiM $m:-ismsi$im PACE LXPERT. CB EXPERT. _____ Wrinkles, Dlscoloratlons, F/eWfes, Scars (specialty). Moles re- moved, $1 and up. JffrlnklM »nd dl*- colorations remtveg Jffii\ one eye free. VlbratorylflWlafe. brice 60c Call or write rorlfreeXhaSklet J. ELIZABETH TwMPKlNS. M. D, 6 W. Randolph St., cor. State, Chicago. Sixth Floor. Phone Central 268V. TRUNKS A TRAVELING OUTFITS. W manufacture your Trunks or iling Outfits to order. Belect jt own Leather and Design; below retail nVlceef fWe also have alfejJasfrc-U punka In stock at BONKE TRUNH * CASE CO.. Phone Franklin S077. 2d floor, 178 W. Madison St, Chicago. OIL PAINTINGS. '"^yfcoiECBArr SHOP. %mprli* Watots. Negligees, Neck" W" wear. Oulmps a Specialty. ~ " tlon Jtowns, aa/Waista, lfUhoP, Btnoeked Children's THE T11-71S V Central 4S01 Blda. Chicago. 111. JIVt bleachbry. A34fjllCAN HAt BLEAdHUkY If (Lack Bros.) flom S, 116 M. Slate St.. Chicago, Opposite MaWhsil PleJA * Co. Dyers, CSaanefs bad Jglftebers of Ladles' sad Mlslse' HlB a Spe- cialty. Straws, Panamas. Beavers sad fatts. Plain as well as Fancy Snlta vand Ooata, We Syg^Jt* *SPt»w wear: Ho cloths, „__ __. _ ika Also Wblte Serges, tWorsCMs, etc. Es- pecially low prices during Jane. LARSON 4 ANDMRSON. 803 Mailers Bldg., Madison St and Wabash Ave.. Chteago. TeL Cent. 6161. MOSHIBRCO., Av.,>Bih floor. ^ AILOfia....... Formerly located aVuot Mlehlgaa At Qaleassv 8fiBnAI L PRICES ON LINBNS AND GOLF SUITS During JfoMOuXk BC l«Stv M Sixth Floor. [ If I^HsMoe tt. tme|month .wlffBOBi •or. ISTaC Phone Central StSl. m. TOILBT AjrrMMJttw Telephone Barrisoa tiH~ MAUDS DAVIS, HAIR DRESJHNG. HAIR GOODS. Resldenee enc Third Flootf Aadttortam Bldg, ttl 8. Wabash Ave. BENSON COMftnl*Y?i tkumhmm a.van s5<ooi«>6>MOtrm J cawT.atrs acMTnuoa t..mKNSOM t^ CORSETS. CORRINE. FRENCH SHOP. CORBET COMPORT 430-418 Tel. sd&ft-,t^£S|| See oar Front Lake C rset wttfc ^hfpm^ Tongue. It 8psaka for Itself. â-  -^ ' ALTBRATfONS *S | Jw*dtimi The Perfect llade^Maaears^ cobsbt. . •;--â- ;.':. Modeled over YOTJK OWlt FtUIUsH QuaMty. style ^ feataree Price SS.6S (m OaatBK MAUJBBt BtaWsBSBk Wahaah 'asst'. sSaBbasai â-  â- iMz&'&i'A'&.zi iaiSKS. ae:::^i«Su>»*/;jU

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