US' K&^-vtLftfi-y^-^fm1: THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, ftiM 19, m& ♦+♦»♦♦ What People Are Doing: in Wilmstte Doing i I GREAT ♦'lt»MHMM*»'im»IIMM' Edwin Austin is in Madison. Wis., where he will be the guest of friends for two weeks. Thomas Thompson has returned from Plneville. N. C. where he has been for several months. Mrs. Henry B. dates is in Rii»on, Mich., for a few weeks, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. \V. W. Beardsley. Miss Helen Wolf has returned to her home in Toledo, O.. after a ten days- visit with Miss Ernau Smith. Miss Mary Dittum left Monday for Cleveland, O, where she will spend a few weeks visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cumberland and family of 119 Fifth street, have gone to New York and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Pervical Nelson Cut- ler are In Attica, Ind., the guests of Mrs. Cutler's parents, Dr. and Mrs. George F. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Simmons, 702 Greenleaf avenue, are entertaining the iatter's sister. Miss May Armstrong, of Hanover. Mich. Mrs. Charles Comstock has returned to her home in Elgin after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Frederick Cros- by, 901 Central avenue. Miss Olive Skelton entertained at luncheon Wednesday for ten friends. Mrs. Fred N. Re Qua. 620 Washing- ton avenue, was hostess to tbe Tues- day Bridge club at a luncheon at the Ouilmette club Friday. Miss Hazel Grey, 419 Washington avenue, entertained a number of friends Friday night in her home. Cards and music were enjoyed. William Freeman, his son, William, and daughter, Grace, left last week for Greeley, Colo., where they will Join Mrs. Freeman and two sons to pass the summer monthB on their ranch near that place. Misses Helen Pope and Hazel Pier- son are guests this week at the Alpha Phi sorority house party being given by Miss Miriam Dean of Bvanston in the Dean summer home near Green Lake, Wis. LAKE MICHIGAN William Hale Thompson, of United Yacht Association, Favors Great Series of Lagoons Off Shore. TO EXTEND TO EVANSTON A new plan of utilizing the oppor- tunities of Lake Michigan as a beauty spot along th« north Bhore is being advanced by Commodore William Hale Thomi son. of the Associated Yacht and Power-boat Clubs of Amer- ica. A chain of wooded islands from Jackson park north to Bvanston. a mile from the lake shore line, each connected with land by board walks. Is the scheme which Commodore Thompson believes could be success- fully worked out, making Lake Mich- igan one of the most attractive bodies of water in the middle west. In fact, he points out that the plan. If put through, would make Chicago tbe greatest aquatic city in the world. The proposal of Commodore Thomp- son was made at the weekly luncheon of the Hawkoye Fellowship club in Chicago. Sufficient interest, it i«s hoped, can be aroused in the project at the coming water carnival to start the movement this summer. Declares Plan Is Feasible. A glowing picture of the future of Chicago and the north shore as an aquatic center was painted by Commo- dore Thompson in his talk. He point- ed out the feasibility of the plan by predicting the financial return which Chicago and the north shore suburb * would reap as the ' result of the scheme. According to his figures, 100,000 visitors are attracted to Chi- cago and its environs dally during the Bruce Thayer is a member of the summer season. If they spend on an camping party composed of members average of $5 a day for a period of : What People Are Doing: <» . of the Northwestern university engi fleering school at Channel Lake, Wis. -------He will be away from Bvanston for six weeks. Robert Belt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Belt, 601 Washington avenue, and Ned and Junior Oreiner, sons of Mr. and Mrs. i. B. Grelner, 631 Lake ave- nue, left last week for Topanlsbee, Wis., with their tutor, C. A. Carroll, of the University of Illinois, Friends in Wflmette of Elroy Van- derkloot, who was graduated from New Trier high school four years ago, will be glad to leam that he was one of tbe graduates from the naval aca- C demy at Annapolis tbia year. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Skinner, Mr. and § Mrs. C. B. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. II Gale Meginniss were patrons and pat. |f ronesses of a dancing party given by the Northwestern chapter of the Delta | Gamma sorority at the Ouilmette Country club last week. ^v' Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Burt left Wednesday for Ottawa, Can., where |; Mr. Burt will attend the national con- Is vention of the American Society of H Stationary Engineers. They will re- I main in Canada for three weeks fol- ! lowing the close of the convention. If Miss Ruth Gates is in Ottawa, where she attended the Fullerton- f Burg wedding, there last week, the % guest of friends. Miss Gates was a '§'â- ' classmate of Miss Fullerton at North- |5;â- .)â- western university two years ago. The |f wedding was the culmination of an- other romance enacted at Northwest- t& •â- era. pi___A social will be held in the Wil- li'mette Congregational church next ||f Wednesday night in honor of Dr. and §1 Mrs. Henry Walker and all new mem- .'§£ bers of the church. Dr. Walker will itilto In charge of all services in the church during the absence of the pas- tor, Rev. Boy Bowers, who Is enjoying ,.,_.» six weeks' vacation In the east Dr. fe Walker wfll also be in the village dur- leg- tbe summer on each Sunday. W:. m HEW TRIER MERCHANTS HEAR RANDLEV TALK p."_______ fp-^fla titwfotet <tommerc\Mt aasocla- mm**»tl°*3^^J?^ Harry Higgins, a chauffeur •renin*, Juns », at tbe Wilmette Basin«BS aien frwn other cities have been invited to ntt«nd. Mr. Petox Sandler of Bvanston has consented te spea* on the snWert* flff MJddie- . isj^;;^g^.f4(Jb^.iN^Mra «Bst*rWutaft Conuaereialaaaocfartton ' Afew ***** no. AD as»bwl ««i â- re** to be pr##-»t, tad â- â- jg0&%iWj$ Mrs. Norman Williams has re- turned from an extended visit in Ba- tavla. N. Y. Mrs. H. O. Miller and brother, Harry W. Stannard, are in Atlantic City for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Falls are enter- taining Mrs. M. H. Falls and daugh- ter of Cedar Point, Wis. Ed. Murdow has as his guest Ar- thur Braybrook of Jacksonville, Fla.. a few days last week Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Orcutt enter- tained a group of friends from Chi- cago Saturday afternoon. Miss Bessie Key of Aberdeen, Wash., is visiting in the home of Miss Bessie Day for a few weeks. Miss Helen Martin is tbe guest or her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Gilmore, in Michi- gan City, Mich., for a few days. Miss Mabel Buchanan of Urbana 1b a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Meyer in Hazel avenue. After an extended visit with bis daughter, Mrs. John Jenks, in Paris, 111., Jacob Nelson returned to Glencoe Friday. Miss Bessie Day and Miss Rose Dennis of Chicago were the guests of Miss Clara Corlette a few days last week. Mrs. H. F. Blyth and daughter, Mrs. C. D. Grassett, left Friday for Toron- to, Canada, where they will pass sev eral weeks. Misses Hilda, Ruth and Anna Me- line of Clifton avenue, Chicago, were guests of their sister, Mrs. William W. Harry, in Milton avenue, Sunday. Mrs. A. G. Bennett Is in Berlin, Wis., this week, the guest of friends. E. C. Swain and family departed Friday for Dallas City, Tex., their fu- ture home Carl Harris of Champaign and Fred Cox of Little Rock, Ark., have left for their homes after a two weeks visit with their college friend, Cam- eron Whitelaw Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kelly of Mel burne, Australia, have visited with friends in Glencoe several days dur- ing the last week. Mr. Kelly Is com- missioner of public lands in Australia. Frank Taylor, who has been in Ma drid, Spain, for the last six months, will arrive home within the next few days. After a brief stay he will leave for New Orleans, whence be will sail for South America later. Mrs. Charles H. Howard will depart this week for San Diego, CaL, where she will pass the summer months with her son. Dr. J. Burt Howard, and family. Her daughter, Miss Nina Howard, is also in San Diego, John Day, Jr., returned home from Daytona, Fla., last week unexpectdly, He left Friday for Minneapolis, where he will pass a few weeks and later return to Glencoe to be with his parents for the remainder of the summer. Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Swain had for their guest their daughter, Mrs. M C. Bigelow of Cedar Rapids, Iowa last week. On Friday she departed with her husband, who Joined her here for a six weeks' trip through- out the east. Miss Emma Hartwell, a missionary who is enjoying a furlough in the United States, was guest in the home of Miss Isabel Brown last Friday. Mrs. H. H. Holloway entertained seventeen guests at the Skokie club Thursday evening Joseph Schlndler, a clerk In the Glencoe State bank, and Miss Lulu Johnson of Sweden were married by Rev. Father F. J Haarth in Hubbard Woods last Wednesday. They are enjoying a two weeks' honeymoon trip in Wisconsin. They wi'.l reside in Glencoe A card party was given by Mrs. Henry Mollenhauer in her home Fri- day night for members of the Glen eoe Royal Neighbors' lodge. Ten tables were filled with card players. Many prises were awarded to the half dozen making the highest scores. A lunoheon was served, According to a letter recently re- ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. King, who are enjoying a European tour, they are at present enjoying the beauties of France. For the last two weeks they have been in Par*" Mr. and Mrs.. Frederick Penfleld re- turned last week from <* tan /lays* visit in Cleveland Mrs. Wilbur S. Sample la entertain- ing her sister, Mrs. Edwin Jiagar of Toronto. Canada, for a few weeks. Owing to illness. Miss Ada Kaon of Bvanston, teacher in the fifth* srada of th* Glencoe schools^was unable to Harry Higgins, a c^mm^lM9^'^^^^:^!^^^ Dearborn avenue. Chicago, was caught t^M^SS^^****** driving an automobile tweaty-stx aafi^|^a,f,** *^ ^r**** an hour on West Railroad avenue. He was lined $16 ana costs by Jtai&* Boyer. CHURCH BULLETIN ninety days, that would bring to Chi cago and vicinity every summer f*5,» ! The chain of lagoons would extend a distance of about seventeen miles, from South Chicago to Gross Point, Bvanston. A Great Asset. "While i was commodore of the Chi- cago Yacht club.'" said Mr. Thompson, "on 3 of the things 1 realized was that Lake Michigan - oue of Chicago's greatest aeseta la lying practically unused odd that tue bad reputation which the lake bears is due to Its misnomer as the most dangerous body of water in the world. The troth of the matter Is, Lake Michigan la the safest body of water of its size in tbe world." Mr. Thompson continued to explain that owing to the lake's reputation, not only do few persons from Chicago lake advantage of its attraction, but it draws few from the central and southern states. "A moBt fortunate natural condition exists here," continued Mr. Thomp- son. "One mile off shore from Booth Chicago to Bvanston, a distance of seventeen miles, the depth of the water In tbe lake does not exceed thirty-five feet. This shows that it Is within the physical and financial pos- sibilities to build such an attractive lagoon or chain of lagoons in the lake, extending between those two points." SICK BABY, EXCUSE OF HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN Mrs. Rothchilds Says She Was Hurrying Home to Baby When Stopped by Officer. Giving as an excuse that shfi urgedT her chauffeur to drive fast that she might arrive at her home in Highland Park to minister as soon as possible to the wants of her sick baby, JtrsvM. N. Rothchilds appeared In toe police station late Monday afternoon to answer a charge of speeding. She was allowed to continue the trip to her home upon promise to return to WILMETTE. Methodist Church. Next Sunday morning at 10;45 the pastor, Rev. T. K dale, will preach . n "The Family of God." Good music by the quartet. At o o'clock vespers the pastor will si»al< on "The Grand Review." Sunday school at 9:30; the boys' and girls service at 4 p. m.; Epwortb league, at 0:15, will be led by Miss Cress of the Chicago Train- ing School. The meeting will be held in the basement of the church. Wilmette Presbyterian church, Dr. J. M. Wilson, pastor. Sunday servic- es: Sunday school. 9 30 a. m.; morn- ing worship, 11 a. m.; evening wor- ship, 7:45 p. m.; mid-week prayer services each Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Wilmette Baptist church, Rev. Frank I* Anderson of Chicago in charge. Meetings conducted each Sunday in the Woman's club building as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m; mid-week prayer services Wednesday night. 8 o'clock. Wilmette Congregational church. Rev. Roy Bowers, pastor. Sunday services are conducted as follows: Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m ; vesper service, 5 p. m. Wilmette Baptist News. On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, June 22. the church service will be conducted by Rev. Francis Stiller, brother of Rev. J. M. Stifler of Ev anston. The Bible school w!H meet at 9:45 a. m.; classes for all. The devotional meeting at 8 p. m. Wed- nesday, June 25, "ill be in the home of Mr. and Mrs W B. Hough, 125 Fifth street A <ordial invitation is extended to all interested to meet with us at any or all of these services. GLENCOE. Glencoe Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m ; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service Ib held in the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. WINNETKA. Christ Church, Episcopal. Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. Sunday services: Holy communion. In the chapel, corner Oak and Linden streets, at 7:30 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, in the church at 11 a. m. tbe first Sunday of each month. Sun. day, June 22, special music by tbe vested boys' choir. Congregational Church. Morning worship will be continued all summer without Interruption. Mr. 8nell is in charge until August and Mr. Daviee will be in charge through August Leading Merchants on the North Shore The following advertisers on the Home Builders' page, which appears once a month, are good firms to trade with, and invite your patronage: Wilmette. ;er £ Sp teri Bdmund mesfs. 1*52 Ce C.MTBrethol 54M?ejf Rail 8hore K< estate, Inform wood, coke, :e avenue. falits market, nue. id Insurance, roe. isoclation, re%l cleaner, 1147 I rugs, cigars, id Railroad landy Store, iceZfcream, cigars, avenue. and builder, irles, 607 furnish- Photography, ^alphW^Faupel TheVillageElectrician regular 'of Colunv Records, cotne aad " hear them. .-. «• W. RAILROAD AV«. =*» taaC. C. KursLpitft ing? 1064 Linden feveftu j. yf Nilles, iette a ley & Croo rs, phones E mette^67 Weisse ' grain, w SeJTort Bros., 1158 Cen Winnetka. AdafBa Pharm Stsnjt jj0hn an iofgeB. Wal ig, 548 Ra itka El IcabH Prouty N&rttsvnore AnjT F. Irons pipyratpc. 570 W M Osckr Hostetter i andi^oarding stable .ilor for Coal tUeJfPuIlding mat avenue ansr Spruce s bing and heat- ,e. *"' and market, era and deco- 4348, Wi: ulldlng mate :, Elm street and decorat- Tbe Rexal avenue, metal workr, .venue. everything lex. elson Broe., leal plumber, llroad avenue esslng, livery 106 West Oak handlse com- id women. ier company, el. Railroad ggiflj renue an^Spruce'street NojtirnSboter QaefoimAi »assfotto. 1 - - - "* >Ml >17 Wfl ny, gas and appl _ land; Willow ft Marsh, 508 B ft Wylle concrete cons Annex.â€"Advt irdener and engineers and iction com- 16 Prouty jlT?. Elijah G. Harris * CHIROPRACTOR and NERVE/6&CI1LIST After twelvf return to practice^ All nervoot <" »ch«. Nenroos I nal Curvature. , Best of references from former patients. Appointments by telephoneâ€" SUatHe IIS*. itsMHcs. 1710 Ftmt An- fault*, isksis lludins He»<3- ralsia, 8pi- â- Mti ml AUTHORIZED TO DO A BANKING BUSI- NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and I^RHLUS $60f00#.00 Safety Deposit THB Bank is aoi yrith one of the m< _ Safety 1Q»gpEi) Vault* in the vicin- ity of CM&tefk The boxes afford patrons • Wo lute prot valuableyfmts, etc., against fire and bulbars, betides the conveni- ence of having this protection right here at home. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and they a-e becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREE| Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety mm Inn Mi »v< rip bee SCO RENHECKAR DRUG CO. P Sixth Anniversary Sale h Frid We wil holding sej^ftiu Free Souvenirs For All RENNECKAR DRUB CO. THE REXALL STORE THsp.wn29ii.31 WilltHi, III. John T. Rosbertf erctwnt/Tailor Telephone 232 ENUE WILMETTE, ILI ^Bc*l Phone 296 Shop A R**. Phona 168 A. C. WOLFF Tin, sheet metal and farnace+vrk. Furnace*, gutters, fpoats an£ metal roofs. Lawn *se*rs iltarpened and repaired, called for and delivered. Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop, 618 Park A v». (iwr). WUawtte W '. G. Beyrer ELECTRIfAiUrfjrBUCTIOII Repairing and Supplies wciallarealiis 6 Room Buogklo 7 Rm JStueoo, new, it&._$6>25Q j. B. H^ekter 1137 Greenleaf Avenoe Gfcforl Jot Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the most discrlmbiatinf.guest, call North Snore Bakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 413-414. Wilmstte Auto Delivery WISCONSIN I( Wm 1208 CENTRAL; AVENl WILMSTTB. ILL. Ofle* AS PHONES: Rm. 3S StsMil PHOt ^an Oi Lrsnt Cstrisewl Carriages. C«ba sad T2B-734 1 2TH ST. for All WILMCTTI ^wS [mette R Edith M. Kilmer 8«con4 Floor High 'Class Beauti- fying Done Shop M 200 Ctntral Ave , WUaeto UUU& w, unci, yimr jMtrwef Residue IT ice 1026 Office 107* REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LO^rfs?AND INSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue / â€"' Wlluieite, IllinoJ* Wt also bsve some cboice bsrtsins in North Shore property. Afj^LM Pure MQst an* 1810 Elm wood Avenue and Cheese raLtFHONE 3S4 W1LMETTC. IU. FORCHIL0REN dmits di^if^rfficult fittin4>fioes for chil- ly doctor will tell you shoy^n hmiw I Hilton ^7 and a general nervous condition. 4 Foster shoes for children are scientifically made and fitted. CVERYON *-* to get p dren. Your that improj arches, flat r. E. FOSTOiKE eo. Chicago Avw^ iw, INvk StrMtN SvMttos i - s ________w_ to nun ta JT#4. about tn« ume alfSS tluvtSsa^ii 09«ft air pietww ~