♦MimiHHtMIM Ding! - â- * - ^ » » tu Lyman Drake, Jr.. attended the au tomobile race* to Indianapolis Friday. Sixteen couples enjoyed an informal dance at the Oullmette Country club Saturday night Mrs. Melville Brown entertained tbe reading circle in ber borne, 738 Elev- enth atreet, Monday afternoon. Mrs. William T. Smith was hostess to nine guests at luncheon In her home, 615 Lake street, Thursday. Roger McCulloti^'J o, Hockforrf vis- ited hia parents, Mr. *'â- ! Mre E W McCullough, 923 Elmwood avenue. over Sunday. Mt. and Mrs. Henry J. Burt enter- tained the members of the H and W club In their home, 1027 Elmwood ave- nue, Tuesday night. Roy and Elizabeth Thompson, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Thomp- son, passed tbe week-end with rela- tives in Appleton, Wis. An Informal dance was enjoyed by several couples of tbe Town club in the Woman's club rooms Saturday night. Frappe was served. Mr. and Mrs. C E. Baldwin of Tus- cola, 111., were the guests of tbe for- mer's brother, Mr. Walter Baldwin, 2*12 Woodbine avenue, last week. Miss Alberta Bayliff. who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edward S Lloyd, 714 Sheridan road, returned to her home in Memphis, Tenn., Friday. Mra. M. H. Conwtock of Elgin, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. "Frederick B. Crossley, 600 Washing- ton avenue, has returned to her home. Members of tbe Palette and Chisel club of Chicago were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Har- vey Dulln, 1330 Sheridan road, Friday Mt. and Mrs. Burton Thorns have returned from Daytona, Fla., where they passed the winter, and have opened their home in 500 Lake ave- nue. Mrs. Charles Austin, daughter of Mrs. Benjamin Gage and son, Charles Gage, 901 Oakwood avenue, left last week for a month's trip through the Mra. M. B. Skinner was bosteaa to o doaen guests at a luncheon in her home, 725 Tenth street, Tuesday after- noon. The marriage of Miss Edith A. Cross, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charles J. Cross. 714 Oreenleaf ave- nue, to Charles Wesley Klllen of Hub- bard Woods was solemnized in the Cross home Kednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Leach of Glencle officiat- ed- On account of the recent death of the bridegroom s father, C. T. Kil- len, only the immediate relatives and friends of the couple, numbering about thirty-five persons, were guests at the wedding After a trip to New York, Mr. and Mrs. Killen will be at hope at 4739 North Hamilton avenue, CChicago. Leading Merchants on the North Shore CONCLUDE DEDICATORY SERVICES IN CHURCH Wilmette Churchmen Join in Good Fellowship Meeting . in New Edifice. ':;.' The survey for elevation of the Northwestern railroad tracks in the street crossings have been made by ? clvij engineers during tbe last ten day*. f â- Members of the art and literature committee of the Woman's club were entertained at luncheon Monday by Mrs. George Van Dyke in her home, 610 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt S. King, 711 For- est avenue, are the guests of Edward Shelton and wife, in Muskegon, Mich-, for a few dayB. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton I formerly lived In Wilmette. |ij Mrs. Alnslle J. Bell, 823 Greenleaf Ijayettne, has returned from the. Hen- Jrotln hospital in Chicago, where she pfras a patient for several weeks. She f Is greatly improved in health. j^ltrYand Mrs. E. R. Weber and chil- dren, 813 Forest avenue, left Saturday for Three Mile Lake. Wis., where they Will open their summer home. They ? expect to be gone until Sept 1. W'ifr.'and Mrs. L. M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. |?Nathaniel Whiteside of Hinsdale the last of tbe week. Mr. and Mrs. White- side formerly resided In Wilmette. A dozen little girls were guests at a birthday party given by Mrs. D. K. JOicWnson, 611 Washington avenue, l^ursday, in honor of her daughter. %Ha* Helen, who celebrated her ninth birth anniversary. iU H» 8, Oemmil and family, 829 Green- pleaX; avenue, with Miss Marlon Per- Idna* plan to leave Saturday on a pBOUth's automobile trip through tbe "New York will be tbe destinn- itton of the party. Mr. and lira. Albert N. Page, 110? pBtowood avenue, left Friday morning ||era,at* weeks' trip through Colorado liwa. Utah. They will Join friends In |||i^n||LJBJir_Salt Lake City, where /^Iher will remain for some time. Mr, and Mr*. P. Albert Fagg and peon. Kenneth, M5 Greenwood avenue. left Monday for a three months' stay ^ hi Wlieonsln, Thar win visit in vari- J«as cities, including Madison, Milwau- kee, eta, and will locate in Mercer late In June, where they win pass the remainder of the aanuner months. |:iftr."and Mra. Thomaa Hair of Chicago liaiva; taken the Fagg; home for the motoring party composed of rati* of wilmette Invaded Bdgewa* Special Music Given. Mr. Price presided at the organ and the quartet composed of Miss Dorothy Rae. soprano; Mrs. Frank R> Eager, contralto; Mr. Alfred G. Freeman, tenor, and Dr. H. B. Barackman, basso, gave the anthems, "He Shall Come Down Like Rain" and "Adore and Be Still." Mr. Freeman sang "Hold Thou My Hand." The day crowned two years Of faithful work and most encouraging progress and may be regarded as pro- phetic of further advance and a larger co-operation of the Christian churches of the community. ; The Men's league • onvenes Friday nlgbt and will be ac treated by Dr. Evans, the head of th* health depart 'meat of Chicago. This meeting Is for all the men of the community who may wish to come and aQ wfU re- ceive a hearty welcome. Children's day will he celebrated In the Sunday school and the regular morning church service nert Sunday. The pastor, Dr. Wilson, will apeak on "The Man Who Loved Little Chil- dren." and tn the evening, at f* 48 o'clock, on "Awake, Thou that ffleap* est" Mr. Freeman win slug 'The Good Shepherd," by Bsrrle, and the aria "For the Mountains Shall De- part," from the oratorio "BUjah." . _,..„,________________________ At the mid-week service Wednesday ^Mich* Sunday making the ante in rtfnt, Mr. Bradley, commissioner to ^ faw hours. Those in the party were the general assembly at Atlanta, wUl Mr. a»d Mra. *, Jackson Cease. Mr. apeak of the work and ach " Ifta Oarence Worthlngton. ©r. of thai great gathering. , t «, ^ , •ad Mrs. C. N. Reese, Frank Brown. The Woman's society meeta la the Mr. and Mrs. Oharlea Sanford dark, parlor Tuesday at 2 p. n, to saw* tmd Mrs. Louis Clark, Mr. and The organist, Mr. Price, will five Mi* tfceodore B. Potter and Mr. and ««>il Antart W. Hawkes. An anjoy- bgj^ trip waa taported and: *ot a mls> §L&&MMi&0& number* on the organ at Tito •** Saaday^ AB the paoplt af* nartleularly those who fga • ttHtat (Hill nil ^"^""' :"'^-* The following advertisers on the Home Builders' page, which appears once a month, are good arms to trade with, and Invite your patronage: Wilmette. EidU&er A Spe bussing material. They'Edmund mej*K1152 cTH^Bretbold, 645 pfestRaU Nortbytbore___ esta^^CjerminaL W. A^rlce. vj Greegrealeavenue. Wllnamg's pharma candy; etas., Wilm avenuear V^Bette Fruit home-made candy, etc.. lja/wtlmette RnKrt Rae. arc 431 ureenjeaf avenue* jr» Frank^mlth. fan^/gSb WeJr^Hlroad avenulT W shoe Wilmette' Studio 112f^aslfral avenue WdT CyKurz, pi iag, lQftFXinden •VK Nilles, gr 1215 WUmette avenu ahUgey & Crook, pi ratero, phones Eva mettejtf^, 9^. Weissenberj rial, bajOTraln, woo Segjort Bros., Ing, 1158 Central s Wlnnetks. Pharmacy, StofeT BMrf and Gjeorge B. Walkey, healing, MSfEall W^naelka Electric electrical,, 4 Prouty UpsdfShore La Winnetka-- -Mej^rVlrons, plpeTttlng, 670 West jljsjaTHostetter, Ada/sPha ItoPeT Bfcttf The dosing events of dedication week of th*- Wilmette Presbyterian church marked a climax in the serv- ices. The thanksgiving prayer meet- ing Wednesday night was character- ized l>y earnest testimony and was largely attended. The reception Fri- day night. May 30, was a genuine house warming and welcome. Miss Eleanor Bradley and Mrs. Robert Erbe of Kenilworth pave piano selec- tions and Mr Roger Erbe sang. All the rooms were thrown open for In- spection. The communion service Sunday morning was of unusual tenderness and solemnity and great joy. The pastor spoke on 'Love Reciprocated," giving an interpretation of the Bong of Solomonâ€"the love song of Christ and his bride, the church. Twenty seven were received into membership. %^.^mâ€" .*«».i Tbe young people held a devotional â- nd__?otr!!ff ataW meeting at 7 o'clock. At 7:45 o'clock Sunday night the inter-church fellowship meeting was held. The churches participating with tbe Presbyterian were the Bap- tist, Congregational, Episcopal and (he Methodist Episcopal. Father Anderson, the venerable Presbyterian minister, led the congre- gation In prayer; Rev. B. Heald, rec- tor of St Augustine's Episcopal church, traced the theme of the even- ing, "Fellowship tn Service," through the Bible, showing its scriptural basis; Rev. Roy E. Bowers, pastor of the Congregational church, dwelt on the achievements of fellowship and co-operation, especially In the early times in founding churches in New England and the west and in the operations of the American Board Of Foreign Missions, and Rev. jPhomas K. Gale, pastor of the Methodist rhurch, spoke of the great need and the possibilities of fellowship in ser- vice. He emphasized what'more pro- nounced co-operation would do In the village of Wilmette. cigars, Railroad idy Store, , cigars, id builder, series, 607 d furnish- lotography, and heat- market, and deco- ,348, Wil- ling mate- street, decorat- 'â- ::^WILatETTE. Congregational Church. First Congregational church of Wilmette, Wilmette avenue, corner Lake avenue and Eleventh street Minister, Roy Edwin Bowers, 1024 Eleventh street; clerk. S. B. Groves. 1223 Wilmette avenue. All business correspondence should be directed to Mr. Groves. Treasurer of the church. EL Anderson, 1123 Elmwood avenue; treasurer of benevolences, Mrs. F. L. Joy, 812 Central avenue. Sunday school, 0:45 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Vesper service, 6 p. m. "• 1147 /^youngNpeople'a meeting, 6:15 p. m. â€"' Midwest service. Wednesday, 8 p. m. Communion the firstSunday of each month. The church is open daily for rest, meditation and prayer. M. E. Church. At 10:45 a. m. the children's day program wUl be given, which promises to be very fine. At 5 p. m. the Junior league chorus will sing, and the pas- tor, Rev. T. K. Gale, will give ah ob- ject lesson for all boys and girls. It is tbe object of the church to make it a children's day all throughout the day. At 6:15 p. m. the Epworth league service will be- in charge of Miss Ruscb and Mr. Btaver Moulding. Friday tbe ladies of the church will give their last monthly dinner of the season. This has been postponed from Thursday and the ladies are endeavor- ing to make this last meeting espe- cially good. A very interesting speak- er will be present. The Epworth league will hold a beach party Friday evening of this week to which all the members are invited, with permission to bring their friends. man m the church. Sermon toplft fi»r June 8, "Interruptions as Blessing*.*^ Congregates*** Church. c.pjg:| Pastorsâ€"Edwin P. Snell, residence at 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J; J. W. F. Davies, residence at 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45a.m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.; vesper service, 5 p. m. AID SOCIETY TO MEET. The Woman's Aid society of the Wilmette Baptist church will bold an all-day meeting June 11 In the home of Mrs. John Greig, 886 Greenwood avenue. An Interesting, address on missions will be given in the after- noon. All women interested in this society are cordially invited to be present for luncheon at 12:30. NO TRACE FOUND OF AVENUE HOUSE BELLBOY plumber, avenue. Uvery West Oak street "j? B^ToUfi. K. Me; Winaotka Drug ft pany. ^ BMJnJftattor for WfnmrJta Coal- Ule.Vfmnding mate: avenue^axd 8pru< MoJui Shore G sojpKpees. • / zg, jrfank Otto, landfjjfcsfgrdetter and florist. All Wttlow sjeetj^ Wkide/ft Marsh^cjyjynglneers and surv|adja»508 BireWsuBst BV&tt A WyMaftojCpnetion com- pany, concrete cons)|rucfbn, 16 Prouty Annex.â€"Advt d women, company, Railroad ttC Elijah G. Harris ^ CHIROPRACTOR and HBRJUkSPECULIST. _in« He«d- itmljria. Spi- *w aim from tamer patient*. Appointment* by f»lephon«-'»lSMMt 1IW. ItaaNOf. 1786 Few! ln„ Wllsitti, litm Kiln-------- •the. Nervous nal Curvature. Bestofretf ymething everyone should know-" ic Buyers' Guiii^toimops of d^Uty^ The, eaatossue of ike ShoSeNews Chiglgo's best s p c c I\) t y shops here invite the pan •t discriminating Noi Shore patrons. WINNETKA. Christ Church (Episcopal). Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. The church Is on Sheridan road and Humboldt avenue. Tbe parish house and chapel are at tbe corner of Oak and Linden streets. 7:30 a. m.â€"Holy communion (in the chapel, except on the first Sunday in each month, when it is in the church). 9:45 a m.â€"Sunday school; primary department at the parish house; in- termediate and high school depart- ments in the church. Although a thorough search was made of all the hotels and rooming- houses in Gary, Ind., following the post card received in Evanston last week from Victor Dahlgren, the "runaway" bellboy, no trace has been secured of the missing youth. Knut Dahlgren, a mall carrier, brother of the boy, went to Gary the day the post card was re ceived and* with the police of that city searched until midnight for his brother, without finding anyone who had seen him. It is now thought that young Dahl- gren has gone further east In his search for hotel work. Acquaintances at the Avenue House where he was employed do -not believe that the lad allowed the man who left here with him to fleece him of hia savings. They declare that be was unusually careful with his money and would not even lend his best friend any of his sav- ings. [alphW.Fatipel The Village Electrician his regular g business, Colum- Records. invited to come and hear them. 600 W. RAILROAD AVE. Phone 522 Wilmette In conn Electrii has pui bja G: You are Wife Subtle Scent of Bouquet Jeanice Will Delight You I . IN I â- jinn I I.......I nil It is something new in perfume. Entirely different than any odor you have had. It Is not a heavy oriental that Is ovfrpowejng, but a subtle odor that i/deUg/Tfil, deli- cate and lasting! Jn^ f J We havi thelifcaet imt up In 1% ounce! Crystal lalsss Bottles In BeautlfulBozes 8^11.25 each^Alao the Extrlct In bulk a^ffoo par ounce. I ir The Toilet Water in 80 ounce Crystal Glass Bottles, 11.25 each. Jeanice Face Powder fat all tints, 76 cents a box. Jeanice Toilet Soap, 8 cakes In a box, 81.00 per box. Sent by parcel post without ad- ditional charge. Sample of extract sent on request free of charge. Offic* Phone 296 Shop A Bea. Phone 158 C. WOLFF Tin, sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, vattera, spouts and metal roofs. ESTIMATES FJ IISHED Lawn lUMersWarpened and remSred, called for and delivered. :: 25 •"•' Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shep. 628 Park Ave. (ic«r), Wilmette vty. G. Beyrer ELECTR ?2$ MOTION Repairing and Supplies Schultz & Nord ^e*Te!ftplMM Wilnette 320 600 Vest Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. NESS UNDER rSJA$|te$p| CAPITAL an#^iiilili $60,000.00 i : \/ Safety Depo npHi ink ia goi wittaffne of the fflfcst complete Safety Deposit Vaults in the i^if" ity of Chicadb. The patrons a^/olute proTection for valuablc^apers, etc., against fire and burglars, besides the conveni- ence of having this protection right >here at home. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. â- â- '„â- ' '".wig .â- <v£2§ CENTRAL AVE. AfcD TWELFTH STREET] Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety j| J/fohn T. Rosbertf Merchant Xai 1 or A full line <f. the If"**£ *PrlBg novelties. ClawiWp rewgmng ana pressing. Good clothes maker. For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Ooods you can place before the discriminating^ guest, call North SUbre" Bakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 413-414. Wilmette Auto Delivery T. A/H0TK WISCONSIN Id GENE^L TE/tiING 1208 CmCRAgf AJ^NUE Otttoe S3 FHOKJ»< 3S Stable 4 1 Sett** bSMMHC PHONfc • Van O] Lreni '726-794 »T„ WILMtTTE 3| ve Wilmette B ft-fff\JfrfTr"~rr Second Floor T High Class Beauti- LI~2^l fying Done nuir Shop 0 Central Ave., Wtlmettt •i *mtrt «««<«>'"*<•«* and MADE TO ORDER W§ tolicit your patronot*' ^rjLME^E.DAIRY Pure Mflk and Ci aTfflrff' Ik and Cheese 1819 Elmwood Avenue TELEPHONE 224 WILMETTE. M. Residence 1026 Office 1079 JAMES A.«HA1 REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LQ*P^TaNDINSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue! ,-. Wlllltttte, Illinois We slae hsve some choice bargain* tit North Shore property. North Shore TE^^f" ItiifiVlBJlie Nb>|1i Shore from Chicadfrto tpj*a> Bluff. and Acres u^^mm!^^s»^p HIGH 6«,ABi:/i?: den Hose, Reels. Sprinklers, station) All elevated trains stop within hat Mock W. H. SALISBURY d -. , Wboleaale and retail ' ltS.107 fouth VaaashAvsaue CBICAOO ficxr e^sjj^asisjj^;.