e ivanston illas Lotti Wider. W HlW^iJ^ e8irt. Jordan..«*>%**z***>i»*, ber brotherv^:^#;;f $l«**#»; "STILTm** â- â- £w$*^--i&. gBerman avenue, have returned <rom «irip to St Paul, Minn. Mrs. Howard Tracy, 1*58 Oak ave- Me had as her week-end guest Mias Henrietta Bullitt of Louisville. Kyr ^ Mrs. B. I* Davis, «11 Maple ave- »ue, bad as her guest Friday and Sat- urday Mrs. Frank Sheets of Aurora. . Mrs. Squire Rush Harris. 1M« *«** gm avenue, Is entertaining her sister, jlrs. John H. Hunter, of Table Gw>T«* ' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O, Cham- leis, 838 Judson avenue, have gone to summer feOTol â- .$*^Buchanan, !; Mich ~' ' ' 'â- '" e§Mr!.and Mrs. Beiijanito Jj; <*«»? firs, 838 Judaea avenue. ha|6 gone to ^eir summer I^| Jn^fuchanan, Mich. 'â- "".!»**.;'/-*.^^.;r,„1„,i',. ."j^.l __. "i fjlrs. L. A. feeler, I*** Blmwood Itenue, has gone tbf Mt Vernon. N. Y., to spend the summer with her mother. - " ^__ Mr. and Mrs. James H. Armsby, 1833 Maple avenue, have returned from a three months' touf of â- pn Medi- teranean. Mrs. B. F. Belter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barker,* was operat- ed upon at the ^Bvanston hospital Thursday. Hon. and Mrs. L. N. Sawyer, 1035 Maple avenue, have as their guest their daughter, Mrs. Bloom of Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Monday Rev. -A* I* JMurrajt-JUia family, 2120 Lincoln street, will leave for a three weeks' holiday In Winni- peg, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wilder, Emory Wilder and Miss Lois Wilder, 1211 Hinman avenue, are spending two weeks to Holland, Mich._____ ~MtaT Kathryh Rose, 2410 Park place, entertained ten of her girl friends from the kindergarten insti- tute at luncheon Saturday. Mr. R. V. Boyingtdn, 918 Ridge court, left Saturday for Baltimore, where he Is attending the convention of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Detn John H. Wlgmore, of the Nortnwestern Law school, sailed Sat- urday for Europe. He will spend most of ate time before returning to Bvah*- toain June in the Scotch Highlands. 'r^rne4-o»;:S«t»r^#6^: '§ $f|t; 1» Bes Moines an* Bni*^;lai|;g^;^: 5 irwii* Hoitav *»* Asbutyavenue, is on an extended l^p "thwughE the east, visttlhE;>Btt^ -'$ew Yorki ^^;^^â- ^^^^fc^^*^.â- f-1â- *'.-â- â- ^-MriT AV:BWl^^' ;Jr*» and little danghter] 6^Be%«ter; street, are visiting^ m^h>*t#r, Minn., and St Paul, to he "go«> <m© month. Mrs^lifred^* Topplnft 1213 Mtchi- gan avenue, has returned 'from Gene- Bee, where aha has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I* P. kosher. Mr. and Mrs. Leeds Nelson ot Mon- treal, Canada, announce the birth of a son, born May 5. Mrs. Nelson was formerly Miss Isabel Maciear of this city* Mrs. A/f>. Sanders, 122? Blmwood avenue, who has been visiting her old home town, Northampton, Mass., for a" month, has returned. Mrs. Sanders has been superintendent of the pri- mary department of the* Congrega- tional Sunday school for a number of years*and last Sunday the children, in honor of her birthday, presented her with a, large bouquet of roses. Miss Mary Glenn of this city will be maid of honor at the marriage of Miss Eva Crane Vail, daughter ot Mr. and'Mrs. Jesse A. Vail* Chicago, to Lawrence G. Hallherg, Jr., which will take place Tuesday, June 8, at the Blackstone hotel. Miss Helen Glenn will be one of the Bridesmaids and Mr. John Childs will serve the bride- groom. Mr. George* Hollett will be one of the ushers. Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, presi- dent andTIisT Anhars; tSordoH,vie* president-at-large of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union, left Evanston Thursday to fill impor- tant eastern engagements. They will make Mrs.. Stevens' borne in Portland, Me., their headquarters for some weeks. These officers havr been in Evanston since February, very busy with plans for the two great conven- tions of the organization to meet In October, and with the increasing, de- mands of the work now centered at national headquarters and the litera- ture building. The World's W. C. T. U. triennial convention, to meet in Brooklyn. N. Y., and the annual meet- ing of the National W. C. T. U. to meet immediately following at Aa- bury Park, N. J., promise to be of un- usual interest and influence. PICTURES AND FRAMES f A choice lot of pfoof Etcbjfogs, IncludA IX • number of Fftteo's AdHowa/th'ftl Y i«»t received rfom theKQftm %&* J. SHIFFMAH, 118 Softh Mfeligll AWH, CHM|0 is 'toil 5017, Riliolpl ss mm aim w*m$ /^taw-smSI^S i^'ttlliDIBB! -M 1l>iwtte,,Wbmr«liil)-tlty| r *;â- *• g;{g'?fftHaTyal>p*d HaaSaQarV** s^^is?^ Not Comfokt <k Sturdines* alone, but th)(mo8t of both I & to on such roads that its com. t features are most appreciated. â- a yea and the ruts are not seat cushions ten indies j but four elliptic springsâ€" and Von know how easily they *ide. wsMsftatea and lane easy riding is made have in your carTi? it is to j a real investment. Cearfart yoirmust have, ii'At im- fly is to get the grcate#possibl* pleasure out of the < W« UlUr. the JaekfA offers the best combination/f both to be found among carafi similar type, Yaw hava k^kgowntbe Jackam to be a thoronhly comfortable car: end yojfare doubtless ao- quainted wjh its repnta^on (or _ service in snutry use, ;: kls SMMwadfof its ability jto stand up m adEh me that the Jackson has wafca favored place among ^ ______ Jackson ears . seen three, four and even syearaof aervlceon me farm lover country roads. ; a&dthegen- Wkh more pi â€"^.____ inside Hie car . feature not >o be overlooked. 4>s y«e» owe juVtementwOl < . pretty largelyVour satisfaction with the way y*tr car rides end ChuT(A street, hava s^e#»te#r1s«on- #ltt:-foj£'"'* r' '|Kil*P»abel, Tttckerv m Ftoeter 1* spending & three weeks' va- cation in Tennessee. :^-$;;0i^Z#r Miss Miriam AllenV ISS2 Grovl street, is in Philadelphia, where she will spend the summer. Mrs. Ida Felwellyn of Klssemmee. Pla^ formerly of Evanston, has ret turned to this city to reside. Mr. and Mrs. George Fellingham^ 1118 Ayars place, are expected home today from De Land, Fla., where they have been for the past year. En route they are visiting their daughters in Kansas and Illinois. |»>f'l4^ *lias:':retsraed :^ an ::*ttmfa*-y$i^^ : Mr. and Mrs. Simon 8. Davis, 1008 Judson- avenue, are :|&:;M«a1a*tfc::'j'"| &A^ltatborK^ W, M. Sprtngar, 84« Judson avanne. |::;ilrv|^^^Gfy#: of Klssemmee, 71a., are now resWing â- to'Bhratt8toit:':;K^';^-.:. '.;v-;V:-.v;;; '. Mr.: and Mrs. Ralph Bennis have moved into th«ir new bnngalow at 273S';«irftsaii ittiset. |il|g|ll|^ I After.' a; '^«hrtt -"a* 'iliw'aaw'm Florida. Mr. and Mrs. BenUey Masaiich are again in Bvanston. Thay spent two months to St. Petersburg and sev- eral weeks in Bt Augustine and other cities and in a trip on the St John's river. They are stopping for a short time with Mrs. MassUch'a sister. Mias Farson, 1782 Sherman avenue. Mrs. Langdon and daughter. BuUj. J street, have nrmau^d a tan-a<« eoun- BvanstM today for that plaeA" Mlaa Bertha Moore, 2#oe Prairie avenue; spent ^ the week-end in Kenosha.Wla„ the guest of Miss Grace MeBtwain, formerly of Bhranston. Mrs. F. H. Holden entertained sev- eral gueaU in her home, 12M Bhjinnan gfejanfc'?-'^^ of Mrs. J. D. Hartaook of Winchester, O. She was assisted by lira; Jean Brown of Birchwood. Mrs. Hartsook, with her small son, is visiting her sis- ter. Mra. W. B. Altken. in Bdgewatar. ........ta> attend' fae _ ..... ...... ..;.vW|VTfr^?'^:-,1,'1 "^'.'."' â- fjia^ia^:**^ The Young P*o#0 Daxwclng eh* the iiil^^^ipi*!^!*1 ' Miss Joy/Brwlsy:'el' 're^ttrnedrio^li^lieii^^ being «ba:';.:**es*.;g1^ ten daya.,:- â- rv^&^-*j;^'v'^;v '-0: "~'JX--- v|^^i^ir.'iSitavtaiteaa1:--'al' 'a^ssttaai1 ... :brM^>;Tassjeay":s<latTse^^ .ttQfrs -JaW||flK-'â- 'â- Plav:, .WSfspf â- ' pEPa^jaPaVVIjWIMPr .^jls^P^^I^Ji^ M^JanMeBablwa.mJadaoaSive. Ifflt^ha^'b4|||f^1#^ Oak apartmenta left me nrrt et wa^ for ttadr futnra aeate to m So yea should got laysact to pott yourself. Dethk in the case cf ds> Jackson by writing for the cstaloa and the name of the dealer wfcoi you a demonstration. Ralph Temple AntOTioWle Co^ 1219 Mlcnlt^LAv. .There hw-XBtfiS&Tffiw^ Furnishings l^eeli, Kiiil^^ garden iittaj>Ieli^i^s: i^ - low prices. Here is a^-thoi^ilaly,.e<ira^i^iililip,._s^ prepared to meet yourttee^f^^ ing our May Helise-Flli^|^!iliiif CURTAIN STRETCHER 8â€"Movable nickel plated brass pins, QQ^ center brace...................** kj%~> GARDEN HOESâ€"Full size. "| K/, steel blade.....................X *â- %v TOASTERS _ •roasts four pieces of bread fl- at same time..... .7. '..iwS- 8AUCE PANâ€"4-Qt import- ed, pare alum- AQi* inum.................. *^V DRIP PANSâ€"10x16 inch, good OOp gray enamel...................** tfl; eeee»»»>a#Me»se<seeet>>e»^; !! Lawn Mowers : 12-inch hardened steel blades $2.25 imumiimmimmmmim* OIL MOPâ€"Polly Prim, self-feeding, and quart can Polly Prim "| OK Polish.........♦...........••• â- â- -••*•' SCRUB BRU8Hâ€"Made of Kg* white Tampico....................«* *-» SLEEVE BOARD â€" Collapsible, doth covered, padded top. QQa strongly made..................*â- u*kj f^ri*^'-'! TEA KETTLESâ€"frflt. Site, enameled, 9So value.. J&wG EQO BEATER OR CREAM WHIPâ€"Whips cream in one minute, none , 0Or> better made, .-i........aVarv « Hi nil Baa91 I Mil ia^^B BERLIN' KETTLES â€" «^t, blue and white enameled, with cover. 48o »J vatoe.........,„>.... 4»>TC rrSk IRONINQ BOARDSâ€"Adjust- able hardwood legs, Ijff} well braced.....,.....#71 WAKES^TIalTeiiae W« Oardea % Q^ i-Balte^l&e^vBii^^ NAPKlNe-Pa^r. beautifully desolated, ;;:til iargeâ- 'SSa^ata«S^?SM:'f:4^ -iyjlp I per doean;:.'i*:.v*»>*^#il?ffl^»;w^*^IP^ coiTand tBT-io-piece« UnpDt<ed French brown mO**K*vt**WiQt%**- .crystal glass, ';;':i'tviiH"u" ::MsfesT^afc^' , large 'aiae»"« «.â- •,• •»*â- •»..» •.*â- »'«.♦ â- * y*.»+'• t£>it^v*$£ SALT AND PtPPBR •HAKBRJs^Been- .-. tlfnlly;deee«ted;:eMi^.^ a:fsr-. 'Pa^*^*il^^lS^^^^-W^^; e»eee»e»»eM»e»eee>a•!•»>> I m mm QAB MANTLESâ€"Upright and inverted, good quality, Mantles, 1 for .......XTC 4 TOWEL BARSâ€"15-la, made ot brass, good 1Art nickel plating......... JUTC SCREEN DOORSâ€"Made of best Norway pine, covered with best grade wire 170 cloth. aU sites........fyv WASH BOARDSâ€"Zinc hard- wood frame, regular family value..................eVire ICE CREAM FREEZER-Heavy galvan- ized, steel body, 1 1G 1 qt slse.....................-*-• â- *•*' 2 qt sise.. *.......................9tM T 1. , v1. YYi-^^yV^V^^QOOCOW^I Kvi-i-ivv ft POULTRY WIRE â€" Mnch mesh, gal- vanised after woven, 160 ft' long, sold by the roll, fallal 100 sq. ft......------.........â- ...«**/•-' SPADESâ€"Polished steel, AirA hardwood D handle....-.......vPEFV WRINGERS â€" Guaranteed, lfrjn^ ioft tnbber /oMerji, hardwood . frame............. DISH PANSâ€"Grey enameled, lfonart fA* TUMBLER HOLDERS â€" Heavy nickel 90a plated................jGYG FOOD CHOPPBRtfOTver. gal, with 4 kulvaa. chops food fine or im^C^^JMjk'} as desirad.*i.>x;^'M>;.5f^P(f'-' % v&Sift1' '?$&â- 'S^ffisi-'hty HOBE RE win hold 100 ft. ti garden hose.....*»«i.. huW mMSMp: lnood. LAWN RAKESâ€"A gt wire Bake, with long hardwood handle...... â- Ws9M....." " STEP LADDERS â€"Selected pine wood. S ft high, s*a„ with shelf............DVQ CUPS AND SAUCERSâ€"Fine decorated, imported china, 25o value, •7^/% 6 pair for.............f»Jv fssHliS a: *-."â- ;.; No. 8 Waah Bollen: 'â- B^'aMa^B^BbaBtSBniiaBaw'V Ba^Sa^gea^^'sEMfeliBM ; with hesvy eoppcr m ill SCREEN WIRI-Bast grada black in all widths from IS to « inehesv__- :hy'the roll* A. a^CZM &K XW*sq. ft...*_♦ ;«.>•*i>v^i*^M»A»,:rfif^"*55v OARBAQK CAN-»H^oa sisa, hjavy galvanised iron, with ooTer, Qfi#» .strong handleSi......:...*w.:^i.«***%^;, SINK STRAINgRâ€"Large hiise»>Pn«Mdv heavy perforated . , J':7-:^:r0} " bottom. ... ••.. .»«-•• •.»«i^,j>^«:*>,.^V**' COFFEE MILLf>â€"l-lb. glaas canister, screw top, atsW blaek Jspaaned....... .«/3rC TUMBLERSâ€"Star cat. bell shape, thin blown Lemonade or Water Tumbler*, 6 for. »••••••••• • •># • *» ."W crystal glass. OAB aLOBES-lnvarted.half 1 SPRINKLING CANS-»>qt. frosted, blown -%A else, made of good «||l i...m.m»mVC I quanty On............iyC ^'?|l| GARDEN HOSE-i« ft C^nweJWftjfc with brass - ^ X*48 eonpltogs.. ,.,,,..â-º....*.»»*.. ****,-< POLISHINO CLOTH-I>oathM»Vt*alh^ does not eeratch, leaves n» »at» *•» poUahermada, I iff*. S8evalue.........••........;â- »«-â- • "V. CLOTHES LtNE»â€"Beat itoysjenejtta** 71 ft long. each....... •••.«••,•>••»•'•••*•• CHILDREN'S OARDEN SETS tptoea, .very weU tls^ mane..• »......-•..â€".••-•»•»»•.-»»*•<»•** v^^ CLOTHES HORSEâ€"Folding. aaVle «t hardwood. Tie valne...*..«.^*<*^.«* ,«'«* ***. .^^a^%^,. thurs.. Fri.. SatMMay -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING SavingRosenberg'sRcd 15.tgMd 17