Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1913, p. 5

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Mrf. chart* B. We!*, 8*« Mteluv tad. s^^^TK-i^iafsfei^iNife*^ jfc.^ ~ ^^T7 .^^to***- * «--.-»-. Ridge avenue. Mrs. Belle B. Chapman, 1323 Davis moved from street, left this week to reside tn Dr. Ftank A. SmltfyW W««BW«~« ~Afc\^L£3Ei* 2536Ashland ave- Pasadena. Cal. JJevard. tstt this *W ** hit â- #ew f"« ^ ^^ ^B^C Dr mnk A ta|f|l| 330 0reenwood *. fU%i^.m«^ ^!?^^My1 J^ue in Mason City, la. Mrs. T. B. Wee of St *>aal, Minn Bafllie, 922 Main street. ir. and Mrs. :»* Anmson will move ..jr. and Mrs. F, Arowon wui move »*. ^ -^ ! - t French Perry of Austin, 111 'iJ week from 26** AahlaOd .venue ^ ^ >»« «>â„¢ t0 ***<* Mr8< mton c. ^ Lick Si>rin*s. In» Mi* I. 3. Van Every. S13 Sheriaan w»r. n^»"j -•---------• -â- â- --_-. iflvenue, la entertaining Mrs. Louis ^^TSiUSS^ ' S2of Seattle, Wash. •..„i,.' *hi> to a. Miss Ethel Gale, Lincoln street and ^2040 McDaniel street I Mr. Henry W. Lemau. ,1326 Judaon wkB' trip to' California. Mr. Oscar StreMow has bought scar StreMow has bought a *"â- â-  â- Â«â€"» «â€"• â€"T----------7* ~~ m Mlch^an avenge and ha.BUn-*-»^M a. her guest Mlas jiome at jaoved here from Chicago. T)Ar and Mrs. Howard M. Carter, 1i Jpy Howley of Rockford, 111 ______ 6 Mr. Henry W. Leman, 1326 Judson returned Thursday avenue, came home Saturday from a six weeks' trip in California. Mrs. Daniel Shea, 2112 Asoury ave- Iforest avenue, lirom a short trip to Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carleton Wilson For«st avenue. have returned nue. has as her guest her sister, Mrs. fioro French Lick Springs. kr. P. L. Whitehead, 712 Michigan r»»enue, returned the first of thiB dan road, is entertaining her mother, wtek from Philadelphia, Pa. " Mr and Mrs. Albee Smith, Jr., 1218 OMenleaf street, moved last week and m at 1334 Hlnman avenue. Mrs Guy Leonard McKinnle and daughter, Miriam.^ 1224 Oak avenue, have returned from Citronelle. Mrs. Ira Le Baron, 1016 Ayars place, will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stevens of Riverside. Mr. Burnham Lapham, 822 Sherman avenue, left Sunday for a tnree weeur business trip through Michigan. Mrs B. Blakeman Early, Elmwood apartments, is visiting her mother, Mrs. White, in Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Amalla Annett, 820 Hinman avenue, left Friday on a six weeks' trip to Denver, Colo., and Idaho. Mr. R. J. Rickey and daughter have moved from 2516 Park place to their own home, 2625 Ashland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Houghton of Edgewater moved into their new home at 719 Forest avenue last week. Mrs. Ellen C. De dolyer and family moved last week from 1807 Judson avenue to 1732 Orrington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. De Golyer returned last week from Chicago to their home at 1745 Chicago avenue. Mr. and Mrs. L. Korschbraun have bought the residence of Mr. George M. LeOngwell at 802 Colfax street. Mrs. R. K. McCabe, 1001 GrOve street, Is in Baltimore, Md., where she jfill visit her daughter for a month. * Mr. and Mrs. William Paddock Mac- taw (nee Louise Sherman) returned Thursday from Virginia Hot Springs, lev. A. L. and Mrs. Murray and fam- ily expect to leave on May 12 for a three weeks' holiday In Winnipeg. Can. . Mrs. W. O. Thomas, 2241 Sherman ivenue, will spend the summer with jfr. and Mrs. W. A. Thomas In Lake Staff. Mr. and Mrs. Perclval Adair of Hew York City have been the guests Of Mr. Stanley W. Clems, 1945 Maple .avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns of Chicago have rented the home of Dr. W. A. Thomas, 2241 Sherman avenue, for the summer. Miss Gertrude Carter, 412 Green- wood boulevard, left Friday for a wood boulevard, ua ^Q% T? or so, fishing and camping, month's visit in Rochester, Pittsburg «" *> and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. R. E Ridge avenue, will be at the Green- May wood Inn until their new home on club Sheridan road la completed. days' trip. Mrs. Nelson C. Gridley, 1433 Hlnman avenue, returned Friday morning from Clearwater, Fla., where she spent the winter. Mlas Margaret Hull, 1422 Hinman aveaae, Is spending a month with her cousin, Mrs. Claude Richards, in Rub- sellvflle, Ky. Miss Margaret Moore, 1300 Main street, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crombie at the Wind- sor Golf club. Mrs. John Owen of Pasadena, CaL, will spend several weeks as the guest of Mrs. Nannie L, Johnston .at 1411 Chicago avenue. Mrs. Wallace Cumnock of Mobile, Ala., is spending three months with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Palmer, 1115 Hinman avenue. Mrs. Louis Palmer of Seattle, Wash., arrived Thursday to be the guest of iher aunt, Mrs. J. J. Van Every, 813 Sherman avenue. ; Mr. and Mrs. Abram Meadenhall futve moved from the Judson apart- •ente to the Court apartments on iShermaa' ajvenne.'^. Mrs. Frank Chapman and the Misses <*apman of Afhevfue, N. O, are the tuest. of Mrs. Victoria Brtckson, 8118 r ^u»way immi^^s^jiv Miss Adeline Baker, Maple.avenae,. spent'^'-wlBi at â- FfHttJHl; IslClL.';;, Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Foote have Judson moved from 518 Grove street to 1716 hue. to.'- " '-it 'â-  ' v':'•;::-â- ----------------------- ---------------- Mlaa B^thryn T>omjpeeh,f 01 Forest boulevard, has gone to Mason City, ^2nd iirii "&T. Holts. 1513 Vs- Thayer street, has as her guest Mrs. Julian Golz, of Columbus, O. Mrs. Frances P. Horan, 1032 Sheri- Mrs. O'Donnell, of Jackson, Mich. Miss Elizabeth Johnson, 2306 Col- fax street, has returned from a short visit with friends in Forest Glen, 111. Mrv and Mrs. Abram Mendenhall have changed their residence fromtne Judson to the Court on Sherman ave- nut. Mrs. Robert F- Pettibone, 1225 Oak avenue, Is expecting her sister, Mrs. Bronson of Winchester, Mass., for a visit Mrs. Robert Madison Bohn of Cleveland, O.. is the guest of her sister, Myrtle May Knapp, 1518 Sher- man avenue. Mrs. Marquis J. Newell, 2019 Sher- man avenue, is convalescing from an operation at the Grand Rapids hospi- tal in Michigan. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Gary, Ind., was the week-end guest of his sister, Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central street, this week. Mrs. Howard C. Rumery, 718 Clark street,, left Friday night for Gosport, Ind., called there by the serious Ill- ness of her mother. Mrs. E. Chrlstenson, 1125 Noyea street, left Tuesday for New York City and sailed for Norway. She will be gone six months. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Couch, who rented the residence of Mr. W. M. Thompson, 1133 Forest avenue, have gone to Glen View for the summer. Mrs. Victoria Ericson, 2118 Orring- ton avenue, has as her guests Mrs. ^ Kendal,vlUei Ind.t i8 ftt home. Frank Chapman and the Misses Chap- MrB ppea,,,.,^ s# colburn, 1602 man of Asheville, N. C the guest of Mrs. Margaret Patterson, ^^ Mk$h wftg tfae gaMt of nonor 529 Lee street, left last week for her ^ John p stewart and faml home in Orleans, Neb. who haTe been Bpending the winter Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilsey. 1716 . ________ „,„ „atnrnaa Mnndav Ridge avenue, are at the Greenwood Inn, pending the completion of their home on Sheridan road. Mr. Guy Pierce, 1810 Chicago ave- nue, is entertaining his mother. Mrs. aucUon waB played. There were three C. W. Pierce, and MIbb Seola Pierce, .. of Boston, Mass., this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Mahin of Chicago, formerly of Evanston, left Friday to Join a party In northern Michigan, where they will pass a week Mrs. F. A. Scare, 2320 Mrs. Ellen C. DeGolyer, formerly of 1307 Judson avenue, is now living at 1732 Orrington avenue. Miss Halverson, 600 Davis street, has gone to her home in Sheboygan, Mich., for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Perkins, 1312 Oak avenue, left Monday for a visit to Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cove. 1145 Elmwood avenue, are home from Chat- tanooga and New Orleans. Mrs. Warren Simmons of Brooklyn Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank R. Alexander, 207 Main street. Mr. and Mrs. James Gascolgne moved Monday to 714 Foster street from 2001 Orrington avenue. Mr. E. E. Billow, 823 Washington street, left Friday night for Lander, Wyoming, to be gone one month. Mrs. Myron L. Norrls, 2329 Hartzell street, has been called to South Da- kota, where her aunt Is very 111. Mr. and Mrs, Frederick And, 1141 Hinman avenue, have taken their summer cottage at the Golf club. Mrs. Andrew McNally, 1332 Chicago avenue, and children, who have been in New York City, returned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Schildgen and two children, 907 Craln street, have moved to a farm near Hartford, Mich, Mrs. Otto L. Braunhold, 2715 Harri- son street, entertained Friday at luncheon and bridge. There were two tables. Mrs. Henry A. Apps, 2315 Harrison street, entertained her Auction Bridge club Tuesday evening. There were two tables. Mrs. Wallace Cumnock of Mobile, Ala., arrived Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. Ellen Palmer, 1115 Hin- man avenue. Mrs. Nelson C. Gridley, 1433 Hln- man avenue, came home Friday morn- ing from Clearwater, Fla.. where she has spent the winter. Mrs. W. G. Sherer, 519 Grove street,- who baa been visiting htr daughter, Mrs. Theodore Redlngton, Chnreh atnat to lltr Ch«r*h street..^ ••:. ^v^.'/" -. "â- â€¢' ".^ .V: Mr. O. A. Webafcer;i412 Judson ave- nue, la. on aav crtended trip through" the West .V;i£.,";'.r Mrs. Alfred Lv topping, 1213 Michi- gan avenue, la at Waukesha, Wis., for a ten days' viett. .-------------------------------- land aVenue, gave a bridge party Miss Jean McGehian, who has been Monday at wnich Miss Stroh of De- --------„♦ .. MM "-«» P«tt«rson. oU Mlch wftg tne gue(jt of nonor Mr. John F. Stewart and family. in Daytona, Fla., returned Monday to their home at 2121 Central street. Mrs. James Wynn, 1937 WeBley ave- nue, entertained her card: club at luncheon Wednesday. After luncheon The North End Dancing club will Wilsey, 1716J give Its next dance Saturday evening, 10, at the Oullmette Woman's The ladles assisting will be Mesdames H. A. Apps, John B. Acker- Mr. Gerald Butler. 1555 Ridge ave- man, Frank S. Spohr, Harry H. Van nue, has gone to Wisconsin for a few petten and M. C. Ruehl. Dr. J. F. Loba, who was for fifteen Miss Julia Norton of Piano, 111., vis- ye&n pastor of the First Congrega- fted her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. tJonal cnUrch, attended morning serv- Norton, 727 Foster street last week. Jceg at tne cnurch Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. . W. M: Thompson pronoUDced the benediction. Dr. Loba moved last week from their home, Qa8 come eagt from California to take 1138 Forest avenue, to 901 Forest ave- charge o{ the Mormon section of "The Itlll ,:i%si%^s^ World In Chicago" exposition at the Coliseum. A large number of the audience greeted Dr. Loba at the close of the service. The annual meeting of the Univer- sity guild will be held Tuesday, May 13, at 12 o'clock at the Northwestern gymnasium. Luncheon will follow at 1 o'clock, at 75 cents per plate. Each member is privileged to bring one guest. Responses must be in by May 8 and members will be charged for reservations whether used or not Tickets, may be purchase J at the uni- versity office, 518 Davis street, Mon- day, May 12, from 10 a. m. until 5 p. m. An attractive program will fol- low the luncheon. The newly elected board of directors of the Drama League of America held their first meeting Saturday morning at the Hotel La Salle. Mrs. A. Starr Best lMt Orrington avenue, was ap- pointed chairman of the organisation and publicity committee. Delegates from aH over the country were pres- ent The next board meeting will ba held in Chicago In June. The Drama League of America had Ha Inception in this etty. and it la fitting that one of jtt residents should hold a pjromt- S*nt place In the organisation. tables. Mr. and Mrs Robert S. DeGolyer, who have been living In Chicago dur- ing'the winter months, are for the summer in their own home at 1745 Chicago avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pearson have moved from 2353 Ridge avenue to 629 Noyes street. Saturday evening Mrs. Pearson entertained at cards. There were six tables. Mrs. Harry Payne and little son, George Payne, 1631 Orrington avenue, who have been the guests of Mrs. Payne's sister, Mrs. Charles Gooding, at Lake Forest relumed home Satur- day. Dr. J. F. Loba, former pastor of the First Congregational church, has come from California to take charge of the Mormon booth at the "World in Chicago" exposition at the Coli- seum. ' Mrs. Henry Wittbold, Central street, near Reese avenue, has returned from Chicago, where she was called by the sudden death of her mother. Her sis- ter, Mrs. Roden, returned with her and will make her future home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic G. Slmpsou. 916 Forest avenue, are in Asheville, N. C, where Mr. Simpson is convales- cing from a serious Illness. They will return to Evanston as soon as Mr. Simpson is sufficiently recovered to travel. Mr. A. E. Root of Detroit, Mich., Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Root 2409 Harrison street He will make an extended trip through the Dakota* and Montana while his daughter, Miss Ida, who accompanied him, will re- main here. Mr. Louis Johnson of Balrdsburg, S. D., spent several days last week the guest of his uncle, Mr. James R. Budd, 216 Rlnn street Mr. Johnson's slater, Mlas Lplu Johnson, who has been tl» ««•** of her nnde, Mr. Rttdd, and of her aunt Mlas Johnson. 1030 Florence avenue, since December, left m.~K. ^.TftantTand family moved Friday from 260? Prairie aveane to 2405 Colfax street Mr. F. J. Staehle, 2418 Park place, has returned from a business trip in northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mr*. Max Sealing, 1784 Ridge avenue, sailed Saturday to spend the summer in Parts. Mr. Henry Raeder and family have removed from 1635 Hlnman ave- nue to 1115 Grove street Miss Miriam Allen, 1022 Grove Btreet, will spend, the summer with relattves in Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. B. D. Anguish, wife and daugh- ter, formerly of 1427 Chicago avenue, are now at the Avenue House. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Baker, 1246 Forest avenue, have gone to French Lick, Ind., to be gone two weeks. Miss Alice Byrnes, 1022 Greenleaf street, Is entertaining her cousin. Miss Helen Toland of Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Murray and family expect to leave on May 12 for a three weeks' holiday at Winnipeg, Canada. Mrs. John F. Boyer Is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. P. Conrad, In Chicago, called there by Mrs. Con- rad's illness. Miss Katherlne Morse. 1019 Michi- gan avenue, is spending a month in Keokuk, la., the guest of Mrs. Ed- ward L. Barr. Miss Grace McElwaln of Kenosha, Wis., formerly of Evanston, spent a few days aa the guest of Miss Bertha Moore, 2406 Prairie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fabian, 1509 Ridge avenue, will spend May at the Greenwood Inn. June 11 they sail for Europe to remain until October. Mrs. Guy S. McCabe's play, "Thur* day," will be given at the Evanston Woman's club tonight tor the benefit of the Visiting Nurse association. Messrs Wm. N. Buchanan and A. P. Carroll have been elected delegates from St Matthew's church to the an- nual convention of the dloceae of Chi- cago. Mr. and^lra. Matthew J. MaeAdama, 2021 Harrison street, have moved to the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Paul^ at 2227 Harrison street Mrs. John A. Rood of Philadelphia, Pi, la the «naa|^ther.parents, Hj. and Mrs. Colby Davles, 1723 Asburjr avenue. She will remain In Evanston for several weeks. Miss Mae Leslie will be hostess at a luncheon today ai her home, 206 Main street. In honor of Mrs. Allen B. Drury, who will leave May 1 to make her home In Oregon. The date for the marriage of Miss Leone Giddings, 1639 Hinman avenue, daughter of the late Charles H. Old- dings, and Frank Barrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Barrett of Wilmette, has been set ter June 18. It will be held in St^jjpte's chapel strettl^r»t\ar»adfreeaiaaajawsjaT.O. J. G. Dickinson. US Foster street, hag recently., »s>ehsja^^j!ess«i_^ 1016 Ayars jilssc i=4 rscrsd tisrs &•» w-.seaV/-"".:V:,*.: â- â- :':':^y::^^'-'^!::"^/':'- Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Maaallch of Bronxviiie, N. *.. former Evanston residents, have moved to^iffM* Plains, N.Y. - â- . . -#y Miss Aadhette Gardner, 1218 Sheri- dan road, is entertaining Miss Hasel Mai-shall of New York and Miss Schrosder of Brooklyn. -'.Iryf -j^f* $; Mr. and Mrs. Lindgren. colfax street and Pioneer road, are planning a three months' trip in Europe. They WlM leave early this month. Mrs. C. C. Nash of Chicago Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. T. Lay. man, Jr., Lincoln street and Elmwood avenue, for an Indefinite period. Mr. and Mrs. Arba B. Marvin, 1213 Michigan avenue, left Friday for a month's visit at the home of Mrs. Marvin's sister In Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Blgelow, 1618 Ashland avenue, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Katha- rine, to William Swift Lord, of this city. Mrs. James Comstock, who has been spending the last year In Los Angelos. Cal., baa returned and la the guest of Mrs. Chester Comstock, 2410 Hartsell street Rev. Hedley* Balderston, pastor of the Methodist church at New West- minster, B. C, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. S. Victor Balderston, 614 Clark street. , Mr. and Mrs. Bunten and family of Boston, Mass., will occupy the house at 2115 Harrison street formerly oc- cupied by Mrs. George Balluff and family. During the absence of his family who are Jjl Switzerland, where they will remain until October. Hon. Geo. Edmund Fobs will reside at the Uni- versity elub, 1704 Hlnman avenue. en ptimm!^^ wmmmitat Giirte W. fed for Chuw., Concert, ^ra- )pera. Roughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils booked at any time. Mr.Munro tests all voices and supervises til work. mmmm SpeciaMsta inartificial plates and give aatiafrctioB. ^ Porcelain crown* that tooth.' J'-H u.*:â- ?â- ';*. Porcelaift fillint*. that fillings, aasVtanse *st= place of gdldor as Uto it lia4 a ^..itoaeatotflsfasr^^ _ PAdvasMMlMM*feo^^ without discomfort to the patient. ;-;: ^â- â- ^f:*^. ,si^.„-« ReasoiiaWe prk^ that help redn«thebi«hcostoniv^ .iMisi.iM#ii^ EflMtW Dft, F0IID/l*l8Jsisvv :â-  xm garment* tha^ou*b*ih hare o iat wfjpt&uJtr weLauth m*nf$ foBwmifa*£:mmmgimm: %HE New Spring Models of Spirella Corsets are aomm»6y for inspection. 'Thsyare de- signed to meet the demanjC of fashion for the low-bust, long-V|fL slender- line effect. j\ ^j Without at^oMigalleVon your part 1 will bringjJDn to your home and talk Iwith »u about corsets. This is bur \3*y of aswlrtising. Every Spirella corset^fllst be fitted to the meiurementsof the individual wearer \tja trained corsetiere. Miss Olive Berkenes 1235 Chicago Ave. Phone 1384 EVAWSTOE I/A CLUB PI Sherwood Music School ffbundsd br Wm. B. Shmrwood 712 Fine Arts, GEORGIA Piano, Point Public tory, S HarmoB^Cbunter Btion. Voemi, Violin, Music, Musical His- ol of Expression. For catalogue address L. F. GETCHELL, Business Manager, 410 S. Michigan Avenue NNIE E.j PROGRAMS FIR v ALL •2A8ION8 304 S01H Wilats Amu ^y-aWsCTaai CMIMM BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST. CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENI UGHT ARC LIGHTS SPACES. THE HOME. HEATERS, W STORES ESCENT Q6HTS tfOR GES, RADIAT01 HEATERS^ Tin Northwestern Gas Light and Cake Co. 1611 Benson Avenue, Evanston > TBLBPHONB8 89-00 The Modern Home Requires a Vacuum Qeanar |p MADAM, arq/irou4ii3feing *" Ml use of the rou kctric have in your home? This same _ ity wiU opemte a FEDERAL Vacuum Cleaner^wffl save you time, money and-1 strength-^«Hll enable youk. 4u UWiJ 1 with the dn and drudg^^of spring 1 house-cleatehg. With the FEDERAL Vacuum Cleaner, you can keep your house Spick and span the year around. The FEDERAL Is the Guaranteed Cleaner The FEDERAL is light and may be easily moved from one room to an- other. It it quiet running because it has no platone or vsJvea to work loose. It ie •fficient because it is built on the latest scientific principles. The price of the FEDERALia$125 tab. Chicago. *£$&â- â-  m$*m Elecituc Shop CHICAGO -rSB M i-sfti :,,i«1?S ^*y?Mis#f 'j&'i&xvL ^^K-jf â- â- â- ^â- "â- 'ii'-At^^ ' r-^"f^t. â- : â- , ,. •(. 5, '"•-,.,.â-  ,',â-  . , â- hi^}M>^0iC£'>i< -^.i-j^-i^^SSi

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