Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1913, p. 7

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daughter, Jltiev *av* ret»r»ed :Jr©» ,»; vlg,t itt/P|Mtaursj»;N..,CV .-.•' *v'rL:c l.oul». thesmalt aon <X Mr. and M^L ' â-  " i. ..â- â- â€¢'â-  .â- :;.? .,*»•»' â- ..'.,'*V* '..•.j'.f.' ftVP?. . V;.-..', "" :"'• "'.'"" "„'â-  "' "v Mr. and Mr*. Oeorjfr Goftibs are via- Iting friend* end relative* 1tt **rt Bcott, Kansas^ -.â- 'â- : -riM;.ii?-?&:-;>.' â- â- ;-.. Mrs. John N. Bull** 'na*'returned from Florid*, wnert pb»l^»t -.'g***. ponding theater,: ^M'-Xjm^ w. W. Bdwarda and family -fa,v* niove^ to a^w»t»r,;;^>»*rf:;.?0»«>'r *$* resliW."^ : . ' '•'"â- ' :^- â- â- :','â- ',.' â-  v MrB. FredWlfek C. tie Lon*V«»° un- derwent an operation in tfce Henrotm Memorial hospital a weak ago, 1* re- ported improving. That the children may enjoy the wring weather, Miss, Thompson, kin- dergarten teacher, has decided to con- duct her etaaee^4>n porches the\ re- mainder ofth^aprtng. SOLEMNIZE CHURCH WEDDING IN DLENCOE A pretty church wedding was sol- cm mzod in St, Elisabeth's church, Olencoe. Wednesday night, when Miss Pamela Oaythorne, daughter of Mrs. Hugh C. Robertson of York, England, became the bride of Mr. Gordon King of that place. Rev. George Randolph Arnold, rector, read the ceremony. ^ XI las Beatrice King, neice of the bride- groom, was maid of honor and Frank King, best man. The ushers were Messrs. Will Parry and R. H. Weight- man. The church was beautifully dec- orated for the function. The bride was attired in a charm- ing gown of white charmeuse with io»e point lace. She wore a veil of tulle and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore a dainty gown of pink orepe de chine. She car- ried a bouquet of sweet peas. Following the ceremony a. reception. was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Robinson. The couple will re- nlde In Qlencoe. Mrk,vi*Wltlli^v;>lif^»«';.:;^ .tfueja*^*^^ <3»1;' where she has been en an extendea .visny.V'$»' %aaiaoo«np^ed;;by Mr. ^d^lli^'FraW' jfor^mer, who will be guests of relatives and friends **«^:ga^tral'--^ks^.....---- *" < Mr. and Mrs. Thomu O. King sailed "â- $iiij^^':]f^^^'^^."^ Naples. Tkeritf^ &•*• •*- Thursday. Tkey ex- peot$wyk« gone from Glencoe about three months, during which tfme tkey will-eojourn in southern Italy and other points of interest on the contu kent.,.,! ;!:*â- ' "The Immigrant Problem" was the topic of a paper given by Miss Grace Abbot before the members of the Woman's Library club Thursday af- ternoon. Miss Abbot has devote* much time to the immigrant problem and presented an interesting paper for the clubwomen. Several sketches by Chicago artists were shown in the meeting. ----------------T~-------- HOME PROM WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hastings have returned to their home, 220 Dale ave- nue. Highland Park, after having at- tended the wedding of their son, Rol land Hastings, and Miss Ruth Shot well Beebe In New York. The bride and bridegroom are now. enjoying a i'ten days' honeymoon motoring trip. They will be at home in Highland Park in a beautiful new bungalow wlilch was presented to the couple by S. M. Hastings as a wedding gift. LICENSED TO WED. Marriage licenses were issued to the following couples from North Shore villages in Chicago Saturday: OBcar Peterson, 24, Jennie Peterson, 25, (ilencoe; John C. Happ, 23, Lottie Mc- Farland, 23, Wllmette. FORM IMPROVEMENT BOARD IN GLENCOE By an ordinance pasied in the last session of the village board of Glen- coe the following members of the board of local improvements were chosen: Arthur-P. Kemp, Hother J. Moeller, Henry Behrens, Edward H. Ravenscroft, Theodore Hausch, Percy C. Gill, and Allen G. Mills, president of the board. The first meeting of the new board will be held soon, when several pro- posed street improvements will be con- sidered. The members are representa- tive citlsens of Qlencoe and it is be- lieved that much will be accomplished In getting new Improvements started In the village this year. EVAN8TONIAN8 TO ATTEND. The fourteenth annual eklld wel- fare conference of the Illinois Con- gress of Mothers and Joint Parents' and Teachers' association will ke held In Jacksonville, 111., oh May 7, 8 and All members and friends are in- vited to attend these meetings. WOMAN INJURED BY FALLING FROM OAR While alighting from a Northwest- ern elevated car at the Central street station at 2 o'clock Monday morning. Miss Thea Olsen, 33 years old. a Nor- wegian domestic, employed in the home of W. W. Hughes, Grove and Lin- coln streets, Glencoe, fell between the car and platfocm, suffering several cuts on the right limb and bruises about the body. Despite her severe Injuries, she boarded a Milwaukee electric car and proceeded to Glencoe. The young woman was riding In the last car of the train and, but for that Incident, probably would have been killed had there been other cars following the one from which sheieli. For Sale MY 6LEHC0E BESI ifllCB â- ccupancy, 760 Grove Ira large living room, Ix26>efr«ene4 and glazed: 6 uraiwuH. uwiM, »«»if'«i r""w "•*â- ** .â- "•"â- : ' â- uunuiy *\S*2Sslc T_T_.jt.»^ links; 15 fruit trees, currents, Kspberries and asparagusjp»gia, immediate, $3,500 cash, balance your terms. f. m.'holbrook fireplace, dining room, libraryikUchen; _ bedrooms, bath, sleeping porcl; half acre] PHOW HASJUSON 7781 675 OLD COLONY BLDG./ rofeision are to gather in Richmond, Va., from April 29 to May 6, to attend classes for recreation workers, it seema that within the last few years some 6,000 positions in recreation work have been created. A number of the playground and recreation experts are giving their services without expense to conduct these olaaaea at Richmond. S3. B. De- Groot, now with the Chicago Play* ifipii^^^^M^^^lfliiiifi Pife /;""/// g^-^-Jfrej cago South Park commissioners, has h d the expenditure of nearly a half million dollara a year for recrea- tion In Chicago, He is to have charge of the courses dealing with the play- ground equipment- ; *|||| George *W. Bluer, director of tke department of physical education at the University of Wisconsin, was for- merty secretary o* the Baltimore Pub- lic School Atkletio league and also of the Baltimore Children's playground association. George H. Johnson, besides serving as professor of play at the University of Fdttsburgk, kas developed one of tke strongest playground systems tn IPISSS Foundation, formerly 'tym tfcsi New York Publlo School Athletic league, ani Mrs. James J. Storrow^ Boston, chairman ol the oommlttee on folk dancing of the Playground and Rec- reation Association ©t Amstfca* •>* among the leaders who wttt tel»;, pi*t in the dlrecUon ;ot'theae;.el*s«e«.|g: ^ Lead N#iQrml Body, >;,;,i MONTHLY MAiltlNOS The North Shore Advisory; koarcl of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid •eeletr *1H fcold tti montkly meeting ..^.y,â„¢;^: ^ , ne^^sokdayjaori|teg^t#o'ek^^ the home. M« Ridge avenue, '" ,.-i#pipipPfi..........v |j1{^f^g^g«^e^^e^'ife^^PfHlwTiâ„¢^^a ;iB»4slgkC'lfeÂ¥s^^ Hew TeA; Mrs. WiDsaas lt.^>ss>^ > n^|K>ll»; Mm OU* satonen m4 w WlUatt T. Abtiatt. Mr* telle awl KamesllaeTeag^; ^ |nef elaya* ton '"'vt$MP^$0tetiw Tk* eUetlon'â- w&$*M-:&*^$^y***.-l--â- <â- â- â- â-  <â- â€¢â- â-  - â-  .•...Jl-.-.w 1/ / A SPLENDID showing of all kind^jtorments for women. Our stock isr now a^fl«5pd-tidc. We are prepared to supply your every^ant. Our beautiful women's section is newly arranged that we ihay the better serve you. Our clothes are full of fashion and weMgow prices are lower than elsewhere. THIS IS A GALA WgtfH.;.;; j|::M Women's Dresses ^Wmm i^P BEAUTIFUL SILK DRESSESâ€"Made of crepe de chines, measaHnee, crepe meteors and fine serges, high and low neck models, trimmed with fine laces, Bulgarian silk and fancy but- tons, gracefully draped skirts, dresses for street and afternoon wear, colors, blacks, navy, taupe, brown, Copenhagen, rose, pink and blue; $35.00 down to. STYLISH AN â€"Made of the rics, such as onals and shep ively trimmed range of shadei BLE DRESSES '::>_*_^^,. w^*«« WW a* frAnt. neetlw iJaeil it beautiful fab- ISERVKEA est/ndp e, •JhaUieV, fine serges, diag- rd cieck/ dainty and attract- silksNfnd braids; a beautiful and styles, 14^8 BALKAN BLOUSE DRESSâ€"Women's and Misses* Dresses, Balkan style, fine navy blue serge and shepherd checks, collar, cuffs and wide girdle of black satin and Bul- garian silk.......'...............• 9.98 Spring Curtain Sale now going on $12.98, $10.88 and. 7.98 WHITE DRESSESâ€"A large assortment of dresses, made of fine white sheer lawns, voiles and batistes, beautifully trimmed with fine lace and embroidery, low neck and three-quarter sleeves; sizes for women and misses «* Q A many styles to select from.........e^eSr O gingham, button back or front, neatly piped. in light and dark patterns, if»,.».,-»,.' STREET DRESSESâ€"Made of fine white pique, madras and linenes, neatly trimmed with lace, embroidery and insertion, V or col- larless models;~w good range of colors an* styles; women's and misses' sizes; special................ Spring Curtain Sale now going on EXTRA SIZE HOUSE[jMOUUa^ light percales, in neat figures and * ; JjSj|-I - stripes; slaea 46, 48, .^A%ifi^ft^^|S»' -|witl^i;;p^phu», m o5arlt:pa«imip r^strtl made, sizes.86^0 4a.:..^«g|^|^ WOMEN'S kiMONOSâ€"Mad* ol g«#rt6>s>i crepe, and lawn in pretty fkwal designe, Em- pire style, trimmed ww*';ji^:1&ffi::&\^$ 'â- ^M^:^:fioi^lMi^ng colors,; HOUSE DRESSESâ€"Made of fine qtiaMty checked or striped percale and ginghasi, in a models, neatly titoii^-ei^^^'ij^^^-- ^f M m eeetaae ••••••»»< iWAISTS 1.29 i DAINTY NEW WAISTSâ€" Shown in all the new popular styles, in plain and Bulgarian em- broideries, new roll collar and frills are featured in a number of models; other styles in high and low neck..... NEW WAISTSâ€"Made of sheer lawns, batistes and voiles, prettily ! trimmed with panels of etnbrbid- ! â-º cry, valenciennea lace, fine tucks and insertion, high or collarless styles, long or three-quarter sleeves, sizes 84 to 46.............. BEAUTIFUL WAISTSâ€"Made of chiffon, messaline and crepe de ; chine silk, all sty lien models, high I and low neckylace yokes, chiffon ; waists, trimmed with silk 1 in contrasting colors......^fl +..........................»* 1.98 ! <:â- ! Children's Dresses LIKE ILLUSTRATION H ^ CHILDREN'S D R E S S E S -- |§ ! Made of good* percale and ging- ham, with set-in sleeves, plaited skirts, collar, cuffs and tie of plain or checked material, waist neatly piped in contrasting colors, sizes |£ e| 6 to 14; all the new shades-----.V $1.00 CHILDREN'S DRESSESâ€"Msde of gingham and percale, in , - black and white checks, plain blue, pink and tan, neatly ; : trimmed with white pique and plain pink or blue « aq J ; linene, sizes 6 to 14.............................X eXf eT * GIRLS' SCHOOL DRESSESâ€"Made of French jdngjhngg, :; ; full plaited skirts, waist prettily trimmed with embroidery, « j linene and piques; colors pink, blue, tan and plaids, - qq . ; ; ........................1 •5FCJ i t sizes 6 to 14 years.. |»»iiiiiiiiiii;...ii.Ml iiiiiiHtiiiiiiiiiiiimn 1 sizes: /> QA finiabed.' â-  *................V>. .^ * •£& '^ffe^p^^ll Corsets of ail kinds to fU every woman. NemorKabo9 "P. N.y" Royal, Worcester, American Lady & other malm. I "NEMO" WEEK i Beginning May 5th i |S|MHMIim>MilMIMMI» -THE STORE .THAT SELLS EVERYTHING M -i Wanted-Extra Help for Saturdays

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