!"%$"*^jjflRti| 5! What People Are Doing j; |«............in Evanston ♦......**»*»«': Mr. V. M. Kobbins, 1713 Central street. Las as his guest Mr. Carl Ben- jamin of Jluffnlo. N' V. Miss Kdith Mfcrs, LV"1 Sherman avenue, ha.-: ah her RUest Miss Irem> Henderson of Dixon, III. .Mr H. H Wheelook ami daughter. Miss tiara, PMC Hinman avenue, left Tuesday for Champaign. Ill Mrs. Cayzer. formerly of us Hamil- ton street, will be located f.n- ;i few weeKs at l*-4 Hinman avenue. Mr. A. P Deun. IH'C Church street. Is la Philadelphia, I'a.. (.(tending the } _lon meeting of insurance companies. Mrs Frederick C Pickard enter- tained informally at cards Monday afternoon at her home. 810 Colfax Street .Mrs K Macl/t'an, I'Mtl Judson ave- nue, has returned from IXitrolt. Mich., â- where she was called by the death of her slater, Mrs W. W. Vaughan. Miss Anna Newman, 172G Orrington avenue, who has been teaching in the David H Dewey school, left Tuesday for Lob Angeles, Cal., where she may remain. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boll to, 2142 Dewey avenue, spent Sunday in Oak I'ark. Mr. Preston C Kelsey, 1807 Asbury avenue, has returned from a trip to Philadelphia. Mins Grace Thackwell, 816 Main street, spent the week-end with Miss Dorothy Stanhope of Wlnnetka. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rew, 1128 Ridge avenue, left Sunday evening for a week's trip to Boston and New York. Mrs. Charles H. Harbert, 416 Green- wood boulevard, has as her guest Miss I^tltia Sickles of Steamboat Spring*. Col. Mrs. Arthur H. Jacks, 906 Michigan avenue, left Monday to visit her par- ents, Mr. and Mr* Clbson, tn Boston, Mass. Mr. H. N. Kelsey, 1040 Ridge ave- nue, sailed Saturday from New York for a six weeks business trip in Ger- many. Mr. and Mrs Frank F. Pfahler and family, 1101 Muph; avenue, will move hoon into the Beverly. 316 Main- street \ Miss Ruth Bannister, 816 Judjon avenue, has returned from a visit to Windham, Conn., New York City aud Buffalo. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stevens, 2103 Or- rington avenue, have returned from a six weeks! southern trip, stopping in Florida, Richmond, Va., and Washing- ton, D. C. Mr& John C. Shaffer, 1704 Judson avenue. Is expected to return this week from Denver. Col., .where she has been the guest of her son, Mr. Kent ShpTer. Mrs. William H. Dunham and Chil- dren, Charles and Margaret, 1419 Jud son avenue, returned Monday from Asheville, N. C, where they have spent several weeks. Mrs. J. M. Bond of the Greenwood Inn entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Frederick B. Carter, Jr.,.'who expects to leave for Pasadena soon. Mrs. Henry F. Helmnols and sons, Lindsay and Henry Frederick, Jr., who have been in Milwaukee for two weeks, came home Saturday. Madame Henri Delebecque and Miss Eugenie Pinal opened their French kindergarten thlB afternoon at the home of Madame Delebecque, 1810 Sherman avenue. Mr. Daniel Conley, collector in gen- eral for the Public Service company, was called to Kenosha Friday evening by the death of his uncle, Mr. Patrick McCabe. Mr. McCabe was buried Monday morning. Mr. Conley re- mained for the funeral. Mrs. C. E. Clifton, 681 Ingleslde park, will give a luncheon today at the Woman's club. The guests will be members of the two boards of the Woman's club that have served dur- ing her term as president, and the I members of the club house committee. Covers will be laid for thirty. j Mr. and Mm. William T. Rlckards, 1S24 Forest avenue, have returned ( from a motor trip to California and other points pn the Pacific coast The MubIc Study club met Mori day afternoon at the home of Miss Marjorie Kimball, 502 Lake street, when a delightful program was given. The subject of the afternoon, "Mod- ern French Composers," was discussed by Mrs. Wm. Ewen. Mrs. Fred Meyers and Mrs. Ralph Hutchins played a pi- ano duet. Miss Helen McCarrolI sang a solo with Mrs. Banzet as her accom- panist. Mrs. Ray Goddard gave a vio- lin number, her sister. Miss Zella Mar- shall accompanying her. Mrs. George Noyes, with Mrs. Harold Knapp, ac- companist, and Miss Louise Moore, ac- companied by Miss Humphreys, each sang a group of songs, and Miss Kim- ball gave a piano solo. A social hour followed the muslcale. mi........mm inn.............<••**- •••••#•• Want Ad Department! The Lake Shore News i I TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 565 WINNETKA 241 HIIII......IIIIIMIIIM4I.......«♦♦......*++++) NOTICEâ€"AFTER THIS ISSUE WANT ads in the Lake Shore News will be charged at the following rates: Real Estate Classifications, iut cents per line. All other classifications, 5 cents per line. Minimum price 15c. No advertise- ment charged for less than 25c. Help Wanted and Situations Want- ed advertisements FREE. HELP WANTED WANTED -IMMED1AT man, 18 to 20 ymkt o photography. Salt ls-st. YOUNG age, to learn Studio, 701 ltc TED â€" COMPETENT ^HIT E â- 1 for general hpuse^ork; good •, high wagesjbv <4jght person. one 199. 1* UJIRL^WANTED FOR QEM ' houseitoHK^^no wasbing>^Bfust be neat and plau7>»al<f530 Washing ton-av., WUwetfeT Phb*sw£03 Wll (WANTEDâ€"A WHITE Mi neral housework, $7, ____lblne-av., m FOR 3all 2711 Phone ltc .*HE |R RENTâ€"TABLE BfJXRD WITH or without roomj^Aegthnlns; May 1. J31J>ntb-st#wilmette. 22-4tc THE ASBURY, 1564 ASBURY-AV., rooms en suite with private bath and slatgle rooms^*axcellent_cuisine; jates, room, IfT^smiig jMurt* 916 to \ JJ25 per week.^J0iV sV<f Dlefen- dorf, Phone 2Z9T 19-tf JIONo WANTED WASHED, COLORED first-class work; llveranT^M. R. Mo- 1339. 6-tf FOR RENT-ROOMS |]MQ JUBNT-O-AJtGB BED ROO^A»D FOR SALE â- jl'"Ir desired; LgBt. 505 Hill 8ALB iâ€" ft-SECTION GOLDEN ; bookcase, nearly new; cost435, .sell for $16. Address/D 35, re News, Wlnnejlfo. ltp -WHITE \VYANDOTTE Phone Wll- ltc UmWO-V SA.L.EVT^NTY S1NGLE- | comb Baft Leghorn Bens. 2763 Pral- % tle-ar., EjWmston. «^y llP BlPIAjftO *#t)R SALE CHEAK #OR â- ave., [mette 182. Wilmette. 1624 P\one 1*9 iBfOR a»LB-rSEWING fp,: *aaaaiiteed: f ^IwifWer .and W I^^WbMtor * Wjfton (Mp head) w>..... MACHINES, 99 13 10 Wilcox * Gfts«J..>^........... 15 m^v^UeaL * Globe...................*» Iff?- JWlilts Botary, latest model, new.. 2 PATTERSON* BROS., 1523 Sherman-av., Evanston. • ltc %!*$,: SAL»â€"SINGER SBWTNO, -«A 12S3 HlUj^wtlmette Tel iraaiBWMI^ ltp jro* Slack "tmwgff^l^oo W«sle7-aT., Evanston. LSALEV-PLINOS.OVERHAULED, sumraateed; easy payments: MM Stafford............/.... $SM Lyon 4V fc**r V* Uelrto PATTERSON BROS. ICES Shennan-av., Evanston. *6* 76 126 166 226 Its ♦♦♦..............mi^;i>» FOR arfLE-Hl'irK AjfTOMOBILE . lii^flne running order; new tires; Whe for light %Uva^; $135 .cash;' will demonstraUT 4^1 HiU-st., Wil- mette. Tel Wilmette 526. ltc RIGHT beauty; 2636 West ltc FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY Piano, sweet bargain ii tak j.Railroad-a FQR SALEâ€"T)AK ROLl^TOP OFFICE defek^ and chair, two aistgle-top buggle^r.-one surrey and^T wagon, at a bargain/" §21 Q.akwood-av., Wil- mette. Phone,JWii;J. ltp FOR SALB^-HORSE ATH^WAGON netted Wit. Lake W i 1 m etteT^-P^one IHr I0ARD AND ROOM t^O'sCtM SPECIAL lTTIBI^irf For 250 Wrappers American Family Soap BflaVHsflHaVHaVMaVH ||||HHilaHalHHHBHsflHa!a^ain^BHBaVBBl iaWa^a^n^fc^B^a^B^s^aTss^Bs^B^a^BBaW Linen Pattern Tablecloth Assorted Patterns, all white, size 62 x 70 inches. War- ranted Durable. SPECIAL NOTICfe: American Family will wash clothes better in cold water than any other soap. "Every Atom Cleani*" FREE for 150 Wrappers WANTED WANTED â€" 500 U>nce. Skow, the, TSvanston. »STO] S AT Maln-st., 17-tf BB1 MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN. Evanston and Kor^ JPbSH prop- MASO 1080 Sherman-av. FIRE INSTRANCK ROYAUrIN8UR- (nce Company of MvejSwl, largest American Family Soap 3 Silver £ Silver Forks or v Teaspoons 3 Silver Knives or HIGHEST GRADE WM. A. RO These knives, forks and teaspoon^ spoons you have been getting in fsame patt for Amerii quality as the tea- ^amUy Soap >A^rappers. This Offer Exgires April Bring Wrappers to gVearest Premium Store 108 E. Michigan Street Near Rash Street Bridge 6426 South Halsted St. Near 63rd Street 1547 Milwaukee Avenue Near Robey Street 1658 Bine Island Ave. Near 18tn Street 'I coqlpany in the l. insuq^dwelAngs, household i, rents:fQdwMtJrates, Charles A. Wigiitntaii g^ Co., resident agents. Fhon«- 203. re insuran orld goods Ite JAMES S. KIRK & CO., Chicago, U. S. A. NOTEâ€"Wrappers sent by mail require 10 cents for each set oi silver, and 16 cents for each tablecloth, to pay postage. Homes for Sale We have had listed with us recently 3 x»r 4 moakexcelient, high-class homes, that are to i>e sdjdt^ecause the o^ are obliged to leave the City/ If Arou are interested in purchasing a home, come and see us at once. Real Estate,Bonds Mall SON J> Fire Instixance Mortgages If____ Fountain Square 1580 Sherman Avenue X" MSSCST" KMovingTimeistheTiihtlbBi ABSOLUTELYthe tiful fu/r^Hr^Je pricea^re more than reasonable. m^^ y Marcus SKlempercr Co. seen has beafrfgathO'evTiere your inspection thl^Spring. Come earlv. yAxe more than reasonable, ^-s***"-^ Down Town S10 So. Wssufc Ave Near CoacrtM St. PkMt Harriaoa 442 Two Big Stores North Side 8S1-8S3 Betaoftt Ntw Clark Stmt nmu VtUlatwa 98*$i A Real Vacuum Cleanai THE MILWAUKKI VAOUUH Uve aa^Dowertut^Ha fAoB*b> tion on rtqnsst nftesa aayr tm trial.^>yu 1118.00. Milwaukee Vacuum Cleaning ^ " 1725-74 LawiiM Avt. hm fkimmi I \X7E have been doing the clean-; ing, dyeing, pressing and pairing for particular people for more? years than% we care to remember^ Our business ii4wr groyrA-rt&sdily. In other words^barefurrod intg|U- gent work is as much appreciated in this business as in every other. WOULDN'T IT PA Y YOU TO CALL UP AND GIVE US A TRIAL? m V Dehmbow's w 622 Davis Street Phone 1730 Electric Lighted Houses Are Quickly Renfa Modernity is more a matter of age. Even itn old Js^Hse. if wi light, is mor without this cheerful, convenience. for this mode n con trul And thanV^bew honse r-saving, economical who rent homes looj first. A flint to Landlords Look upon Electric Light as an investment. Once installed it needs no repairsâ€"and it keeps down the cost of papering and painting because of its cleanliness. Tenants win pay a better rent â€"will remain longer and a more desirable class is attracted. SEE US ABOUT WIRING OLD HOUSES Public Service Company Or MOKTfiKKN ILLINOIS tmi^ 'â- ; ir^fe. aS^^^^i >-j^'|pS^i^ jp; &k> ^^MmMMjM^^MM>