What People Are Doing in Gross Point and Mrs. Jamea B. Hoffman and fgnter visited Mrs. Basel Meyer, ot â- tin Sunday, April 18. _ dance given by the Groes Point a club at the village hall Saturday [eaing, April 12, proved quite a sue Max Bngels of North Branch returned from Florida last week spend lag several month* in the atn 8602 North Hermitage ^venue, Chica- go. Ill-, Wedneaday. * The Ladlea' Card club was enter- tained by Mm. John Bell Thursday at euchre. The pinners were Mr*. Helen Sesterhein, fi*at prist; Mr*, Ptt! Bleser, aecond prise; Mrs. Cecelia Wagner, third prl**. Mr. and Hn. Ghae. Hoth of Fif- teenth street entertained the Satur- CHWCHIULLETW :m& Mrs. Helen Gross and Mra. Win. day eVenihg dub at euchre Saturday .......__..___•».._ * * __ii 10 WlnnAM wars am fAllnwa. ordeur and their sister, Mary Heln, jit to Turkey Creek, Ind., last week ^attend the funeral of Mr. Fran*. I Mrs. Frank M. Mueller, Miss Mary [perter and Mrs. C. H. Ruth visited the borne of Mrs. Fred Proctor of April 12. Winners were as follows: Genta, Mr. Joseph Nllles, first prize; Mr. John Phillips, second prize. La- dles, Mrs. George Kreusch, first prize; Mrs. N. J. Miller, second prize. Re- freshments were served. ;" 'â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^ ....... # evening. Blpes. ^ Kpworth league aext Sunday the ehOdren star for part r. at SriE, win be led by Mr. day morning preaching "*â- ' St. John's Lutheran. ' dUNCOE. Union Chureh. Rbv. D. H. OomeU. minister. Sun- day school at 9:45 a, m. Morning service at Ham. Midweek meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial welcome extended to all. Good music always. Chureh of St. Elisabeth. (Epieeepal) Rev. George Randolph Arnold, rec- tor. Communion ever Sunday, 7:30 »«.,»,. For several weeuine a. m. Communion on first Sunday of have been earning money In all «^,w, each month at U a. m. Sunday school, ^odd-*w They will tell their aW ♦♦................m.....Mi......•............â- > What People Are Doing || ffli Kenilworth...........•" Mrs. Farwell enteTtelnld Tuesday. Ogden Cook has the mumps. Mrs. Charles Macklln la confined to ier home by a sprained ankle. Mrs. Lockett is entertaining her sis- er, Miss Madden. Clarence Stearns is confined to the boose with the mumps. Mr. J. C. Everett has returned from week's trip to Michigan. Mrs. Edmonds entertained the bridge club last Tuesday. Mrs. William Taylor has returned fto Kenilworth from a three weeks' I trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware enter- tained a few friends at dinner last Monday evening. --------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Freise have rented their home on Essex road for two years. Mrs. Henry Taylor will entertain at I a tea for some of her friends this after- I noon. Miss Ruth Woodward gave a din- ner before the play at the New Trier [high school Friday evening. Mr. J. Scott Tinsman has been con- fined to the house for the^last three or four days. Mr. and Mrs. Marx Cresap enter- ] tamed a few friendB at dinner Friday (.evening. Mrs. Walter N. Gillett entertained 1 Wednesday with a bridge and ruhn tjarty in honor of Mrs. E. R. Williams. The Rev, E. Reginald Williams en- itertalned all of the rectors In his [diocese Monday night at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Hallett, Who pur- the Kenilworth Union church on Wed nesday night. It was an unusually good program, but a great many who school at »:45 a. m.. morning worship had tickets did not attend. The Rev. E Reginald Williams has A'ter April 27 the 5 o'clock vesper accepted the call to Milwaukee and »ervlces will be discontinued. Sun- will leave aoon. No one has been day noon Bible class will meet follow- found to fill the pulpit in the Kenil- ln* mor*[a* worship. The Friendly chased the Hannah borne, will sell it George Bass spoke. The music was [and move to Chicago , Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman entertained it fifty of her friends at a buffet Mrg Merrtn received. Mrs. Nichols, lea Sunday night f The ladies' chorus, which was to [kwe given selections at the annual meeting of the Neighbors, has been abandoned. Miss Helen Scbujze has returned from Buffalo, N, Â¥., where she has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Starck, for the past thre weeks. The Clara Gould library Is open Mondays from four to six o'clock. Any resident of Kenilworth may draw out books. All of the children of Kenilworth •were Invited to t the dancing school party last Friday afternoon. This •wag the last meeting of the year. The new school building will be •opened Monday, April 21. The open- ing has been delayed because of the â- strike of the deskmakers. Mrg. Tlnsman gave a luncheon for Mrs. Allen last week. In the after- :noon the guests were entertained by Mrs. Victor Sanborn, at tea. Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman and Mrs. Walker entertained the active North- western chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta at luncheon on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton have returned from a three weeks' trip to Florida. Mrs. Sutton is very much Improved in health. Mrs. Rufus Porter entertained a few of ber neighbors on Monday after- Been in honofc of Mrs. Kelley's mother, who is visiting here. Mr. and Mra. Allen left Thursday for a two months' trip abroad. They »ill return In time to see their son Leon Ballard graduate from Cornell 'University. lias Charlotte R. Everett enter- fned the '*^» chapter of Alpha una Delta sorority and their es- at a five hundred party on Fri- \r night Cope left Saturday for Wash- ington, D. C, where she will be a rep- resentative of the Daughters of the American Revelation. She win make a few short visits in the last. Mr. and Mra. Freise have rented their hone to Mr. and Mra. Blair of Chicago for two yean. Mr. sad Mrs. Freise have ••to the ____________x V>wing to taw bed weather only * *»*n crowd sttrWlei the musical at worth church. The luncheon of the guild of the Kenilworth Union church will be held next Monday. The officers for the ensuing year will be elected. A chafing dish luncheon will be served. Each table will be presided over by a hostess who invites her guests. The next meeting will be the last and annual meetlngi- The business session will beginrpYomptly^at 10:307 The luncheon will be served at» 1 o'clock and the program, which is most interesting and varied, will be- gin at 2:30. Miss Churchill will have charge of the gymnastic dancing/ The other numbers have not been an- nounced. Mrs. Merritt Starr and a commit- tee of five Neighbors are soliciting funds to be used by the beach commit- tee of the Kenilworth club for the rebuilding of the pier at the lake, a necessary improvement to preserve the fine beach of which Kenilworth is bo proud. The committee is bard at work on the beach proposition, and they intend to make it very attractive this summer. The last regular meeting of the Neighbors was held last Thursday. Mrs. Minne Starr Granger and Mrs furnished by Mrs. Hunt and was ex ceptionally good. Mrs. Barrett and assisted by Mrs. Dodson and Mrs. Forbes, served at the coffee table. Mrs. Pitts, assisted by Mrs. Lockett and Mrs. Laugblin. presided at the tea table. Miss Marie Hasten was tbe first to register at the Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations, which opened Saturday in tbe Fine Arts building. Tbe object of the bureau is to find positions for college women who do not want to teacb, and to act in ah advisory capacity to those wishing to fit themselves for "-special lines of work. Miss lCasten is a graduate of Wellesley of the class of 1909. She Is seeking a position as foreign buyer. NEW TRIER HIGH SCHOOL NOTES New Trier Saturday. April 12, was won by New Trier with a score of 56 1-3 points to 29 2-3 for Lake View -â€"«.â€"â€"---------- ------------------- AU1CI IVIIU, »«7 wwmmmw »w wâ€"o-^--------«*----- the New Trier gymnasium. Kellogg tbe university of Louraln, Belgium. . . .» .» _••_____.«_ „__«^JI tA ____ .._____ Huntington of Kenilworth covered 10 ft 9 in. In a pole vault, the record be- fore that being 9 ft. In a broad jump Edno Kist of Wilmette covered 20 ft 1% In., and Werner Schmidt of Wil- mette made a new high jump record, leaping 6 ft 6% in. On Monday New Trier waa visited by the forty ideal California boys, members of the Boys' Achievement club of America, whoâ€"are making a tour around the world In the interest of the Panama exposition hi San Fran- cisco in 1916- Wallace A. Criemore of Berwyn, chosen last Saturday as the Ideal Chicago hoy for the trip, ac- companied them. Moving pictures of the bufldinga, the boys and New Trier papHs were taken, which will he used In entertainments in their trip around the world. Monday morning; the Rev, Jf. W. F. Davles of Wlnnetka gave an Inspiring talk to the pupila of New Trier on "Making the Best of an Opportunity.'* Miss Fulton Is ill with the masons.â€" A formal opening of the Now Trior school bauMfng* will take place on the 7th and 8th of June. 10 a. m. On other Sundays matins and sermon at 11 a. m. Choral even- song, 4:30 p. m. • German Lutheran. Rev. c. Hints, pastor. Sunday serv- ice at 10 a. m. Wednesday evening at 7:30. / Meth.odfst Episcopal. At Woman's Library club. Rev. Ho- race O. Smith, pastor. , Sunday school, 10 p. th.-' morning service, 11:15 a. m.; evening service at 7:30 p. m. WINNETKA. Congregational. Edwin F. Snell and J. W. F. Davlei, ministers. Sunday, April 20. Sunday at 11 a. m. and vespers at S p. m. club will meet In the library of the church Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The Tuesday Morning class will meet at 10 o'clock on Tuesday; subject, "Philosophy and Religion." , Mid-week devotional services are held every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the library of the church; a quiet hour different from all other hours of the week. It Is as Informal as. a_gathering of the family around the piano on a Sunday afternoon. After tbe hymns Augustine's confes- sions are read. Copies of the recently published list of members of the church may be bad at the office. Church Chureh (Episcopal). Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. An important meeting of the vestry Is announced for .Monday evening. April 21. The Sunday afternoon meet- ings in the chapel have been discon- tinued until further notice. Advance notice is given of tbe annual parish meeting, which ia to be held May 12, In the parish house. There will be a meeting of the Sun- shine Workers Friday, April 18, at 3:30 o'clock, In the parish house. Sunday, April 20, the fourth Sunday after Eas- aer, the sermon topic for the 11 o'clock service is "The Tenderness of Jesus." Holy communion at 7:80 A m. In the chapel. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. Scandinavian Church. Rev. Richard Malm, pastor. The services the week beginning Sunday. April 20. will be as follows: Sunday school at 10:30 a. m.; young T»0p1e^«waiE meeting at 5 p. m., with Bible study Regular Sunday evening service at 8, Wednesday evening the regular mid- week meeting In the church. »» «---- «T--â€"™« Chureh services will be conducted Rev. Hemanjleyera, the new pna- bf B#rv. UJMtom* of Chicago £ J^?06, J1* *â„¢!**f *. m **** **** â- * ***** the W*n* very beautiful and lmpr.„iveMrTice „v a«b h^udtog, Tanth street and conducted by Rev. B. Hints, assisted or,^^ ivwror l?'"!LINfm.,,r ^^Ei1?* •** *•*#*»•» meetlnia ara hold each Rev. Ernest Meyers of Bvanston. w*taeaduy evening. Neat wet* the Next ***** **• â- »» pastor will mMeBjS wju be In the homo or Mr. preach at 10:80. , (^ j^ w j McDowell, 1846 Btav This evening in Library hall the la- wood mVMMML w-aaa mak* no other dies of the chureh wfll hold a dollar social. For several weeks the ladlfi* •orta perlences tonight Refreshments will ir»~«..».vw »«.â€"-mâ€"-• â€"--â- »â€" â€".â- .â€"â€" â„¢â€" • «m>wvit »â- •!»»»>*,, vvwin, w«w au*w»- be served and a good time la assured, ed on complaint of Hanna King; also A small admission will be charged colored, who olaimed he had been dls- Mrs. F. H. Witt is president of the orderly. Flnley is confined at the po- ImillAa' aAolafV Kma msVatdtnea **4h«*^lle**a» 4k* â- waAMinleksi' jaif KENILWORTH, Church of the Holy Comforter. Rev. E. Reginald Williams, rector. Sunday April 20, fourth Sunday after Easter, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, 11 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. Last Sunday the Rev. John E. Cur- zon, general secretary of the Fifth de- partment delivered the sermon. WILMETTE. 8t. Francis Xavlefs. Rev. J. V. Shannon, Ph.D., rector. Mass at 8 and 10:30 next TBunday. Benediction of tbe Most Blessed Sac- rament at 4 o'clock next Sunday. Mass every morning at 8 o'clock. «,_. «i-u A two weeks' mission will begin at The meet between New Trier High mMg ^ ^ gt p^cj,, xaviert and the Lake View track teams at _ . AnM1 ,rt Th_ -oâ€"iees will Sunday, April 20. The services will be conducted by Very Rev. L. F. Kear- ney, a Dominican friar, a noted preach- %r and euridlte scholar. Though an Three new records were made for American, he was strongly taught at Ladles' society Congregational. The pastor. Rex. Roy B, Bowers, wilt preach from the subject, "Where Judgment Begins," 8unday morning. The last session- for tbe study of China in connection with "The World in Chicago" movement will be held Wednesday evening. 8t Augustine's (Episcopal). The Rt Rev. W. E. Toll, suffragan bishop of the diocese of Chicago, con- firmed a class of sixteen persons at the 11 o'clock service of the St Au- gustine's Episcopal church Sunday. Presayterlan. Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. The pastor, Dr. Wilson, speaks Sun- day night on the subject "The Busi- ness Man's Temptations and How to Meet Them." This Is the third In the series to business men, and from the interest shown it is apparent that they are meeting a genuine need. The evening prelude is on the current topic, "How Atlanta Banished Vice." Evening worship at 7:45 o'clock. Morn- ing subject at 11 o'clock, "We Are La- borers Together with God" Everyday Is telling on the new church building, which"!* rapHDy a proachlng completion. The day of dedication, however, had to be post- poned to some Sunday in May, The date has not been definitely decided upon. The church has been honored by the Chicago presbytery in sending Mr. Thomas B. D. Bradley, one of the elders to the general assembly which meets In Atlanta, May 15. The mid-week service will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wells, 127 Woodbine avenue, Wednesday, at 8 p. m.; subject, "The Transformation of India" Tbe Sunday school attendance last Sunday was 161 and the collection was $7.38. Mr. Charles C. Oliver has one of the finest classes tor women in the presbytery. The primary department has grown so that It had to be trans- ferred to the club bouse parlor, leav- ing tbe stage for the beginners. An admirable plan is in operation to have A Count* Horn* at Hub- bard Wood*â€"Mnvantont to y*tetatlnetW»ljrru- _^ToagHd by natural ^ JsInJbpoaltion wall JLMn fnvestmmt. IwlbbVof W. N. CTfATFJELD 69 West Washington Street Chicago C.A.THORSSN Ivery Building Materia Insurance Co. & I, _ . KKWrfl WORTH Residence Phone 264 Phone i6t Chureh services will be conducted wood avenue. Please make no other engagement for that evening. WAS DISORDERLY.:'f ;:^ ' Albert Flnley,. colored, was arrest- lice station pending tbe procuring of a man to go his bonds. OsMfttaeara.*toU: Kv DBS. MeOBSBNKT * BMWX, la*. &K.Oer. Randolph aad Oath gas,, OMsate Superfluous Hair SIMM* N**4l* th* Araw,N«k.Kr*T Inventor* of thai (Over 801 Is hair w* mtrnuuvrmm wtD daily Ft** of Chats*. Uberantr, Hae**t DaalUur. We a-uanint** astlscMMan. tl.00 will eonrfnoajrou. Coaaoltation* laritod <rr**.) WriUforBooktota M me. Stiver 1407 Attdltortan Towar, Calaat* 7*t*phoa* Barrl*as4Sn There will be two masses each morn- ing, one at 6. with a short Instruction, and another at 8 o'clock. The evening service will begin at 8 o'clock. The second week of tbe mission will be given over to an explanation of the Catholic faith. Non-Catholics are in- rited to attend. A question box will be placed at the end of tbe church for such as desire Information about Catholic belief. Methodist Episcopal. The pastor. Rev. T. K, Gale, will preach next Sunday morning at 10:46 on "The Joyful Man," and at 5 p. m. on "The Unaccountable Man," At the 5 o'clock service Louis Falk, formerly organist at the Chicago Auditorium, win give an organ recital. Sunday school next Sunday at 8:30. Junior league at 4 p. m. Boys and girls are West Kenilworth stive H and ferennial ft. ft. Aveone, sal Meet serBsf tosesrtUawt PhOMl KraOworth.nl. KtmOmortk, 111. Richmond Rt ttbe HctfTlwort trailer '. Building Lillian Russell S-%Srq • "I am perfectly de- jryâ„¢* lighted with your I Wfur-de-Li* cream. I want a Jar ipery two weeks sent to the above Veddres*. Please send me a fresh jar at once and thenevery two weeks after. Send tbe bill and I will re- turn my check." Endorsed by Stage and Society Fleur-de-Lis Face Cream a NRleur-de-Lis Fa^Jp^ifrn restores and the complexioi thorou AL , from the skin, else is "Just as urines cleanses hlvatla ^sv^ste At Tour Druggist's, Sec Btelvia B. Bricaon, Sole Agent S« 8. Waaatb Av*.. CbJaag* Th* foUowIn*' draawl*t* **U n*ur-d*-U* facaCiwam Colwatr*..........................Oavi*8t Oaors* L. Cork*.............D*nw*tar 8C Tr!*r-L*ffln*w«ll...,.............Main 81 Central Pharmacy.............Cmtaral 8t. CH. Borkatt....................Dart* St. Nurtliwâ€"tiu Pharmacy ......Da via St. R, L L*ffln*w*M............D*mp*t*r8t. Daatota' Pkarmaey. Porter St. A Mapl* Ay. fta*B**MiB^^ High Cl«m» m:m:^^wm ^$ii||S^««iii»'h** a*j» seepwsusj aao MO FLOOII COM. MICHIGAN AVC. AJSO ADAMS 91?, mmmmmmm wmmmmâ€"mmm 8TATE BANK CAPITAL. 9100.000 f Makw loaaw on inn>toved No^ta 8kor» real taMte fiwn Rogers nude t© Highland Park, and "' 1 agfttta Cattifkatea of Deoaait tot not 1 is denomination oitjjWa|4»idtii four â- parcasit intatvot. 1 Offera for lavattmtnt w eatata, natting the inTtator/ve and ona-baif 1 aumaoilsooand MoQaiia^f*i»iida^ J. Gear, Ceuaasl R. O. KeUer A«*har W. VeteoavO^ â- 2:-----:.W BanlUng Room* -^ W^m g^-m-^A-n-jJ JLm^mguma^^^' -MBgjB "jttka^iSBB^ftja.'â- IggAgHdl "' gjAfcaJ^ffLA^a^A' gs^aaaa^asL.' y.â- â- 'â- <$ Wt§ML-:: iROfl . GUARANT&BD FOREVER K*S?v' iLiectri Eqaalliag the •acftoa Hi Youean^ ^^ aame anjL.tipi^'ira^:'aisw^l, Metropolitan Electrical Supply Company EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 180 W.Laki Strut 103 So. Wabash Ave. Phonu: Malm 4104â€"Randolph 6toâ€"Automate 31079 Wm ill I *>MONK CiNvauMtatg m. oLAasmm y^ i. ^fr^â€"mm GLASSER BRO LadWTai Now Saowug Exdssive lm; 3052-54 Matrtdaa • aawaKa.tf'l^gm. Tai LateVWwBKT ekic* for Snriag taiSaaimtr •alte lOOS, 36-44 S. State Martk AiaHaâ€" BMte, tW. OaastalSlBf THE LUGKT FIVEl ;#!-!? THE CLOVfcH, 208 S. Wabtslr A^e~--^raHm^H^ARTH. THE GURNEY, 23 S. Wabash Ave. / TME CM " THE MADISON, 221 \H. Wsbaslr- S. Wabash Ave. ison You canH go wrong on any of these five restaurants. All under one man- agement. All run separately. They re all exceptionally pleasant places to eat. CHOOSE THE ONE NEAREST YOU Porter EVANiSTON. HJL. Plana should be made now for Sp^JM planting* O t 1VJC»IL 1 |^aw^^eleph<>nesVaw7aod -c Chicago Office: 1 » SiM&iM ^^^#1;,:,: ^KlmkM ' :ilfeS^M^Ml^ls^^^ â- :. v:; WL:W%&i^dik rtW tranaptaatad aocsassrally at taistinte PIMM Istaia 2414 'KM !MMilk&^&i^«:& S?i?i