Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1913, p. 7

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»»# 11 MiJift IJM <>» M f l,> l|If is* y^ Ms What People Are Mrs. M. A. Bealy and children are -pending a few weeks to Jlortdar- - Mill Alice tymw !â-  «1 witH a bad Herbert Stafford of Champaign vis-* lted his mother. Mr* H. L. Stafford, over Sunday. • mIsb Kate Remler of MeadTiUe, Pa., vas the guest of Mrs.Andrew Davis a few dayB last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Titns nave jpened their summer home, Berwyl Ix>dge, on North, avenue. The MlBses Roma He and Madeline SIcillvane have returned to their gchool in Baltimore, Md. Mr. J. a Taylor'«* JBoononiy. Ind., 4s -risitliig his di»tfl^-Mw- «' ^3- Ballenger, on As*or* avenue. again after being confined to the house on account of illness for about two weeks. ',-..'* '*â- $$â- * , â-  ,r Mrs. John Ott and children have re- turned from a trip through Georgia and to W»*h,lnKt<m' D* °*' wnere tney spent sev.eral weeks. •* a mooting of the Parents and Teaplftrs association of Hubbard Woods was held at the Columbia school on Friday afternoon. What People Are Doing inâ€"»»♦"«♦♦«♦ in Glencoe were expected home from Florida Sat- urday. The Young Women's guild of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet with Miss Edna Powers April 11, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. E. J. Sherwin entertained the membership committee of the Glencoe Equal Suffrage association at lunch- eon Saturday. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church met Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. H. J. Peas- ter on Hazel avenue. Mrs. Henry G. Phillips gave a din- ner party Saturday evening. After dinner all went over to the B. A. E. Dancing club in the Women's Library club rooms. "Children's day" was held Saturday at the Women's Library club rooms. Miss Georgene Faulkner, "The Story Lady," told fairy stories and Miss Trude sang. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and family have moved to their house on Skokie road. Their flat on Vernon avenue, near Park, is occupied by Mrs. Richardson and children. There was a guild luncheon in the Union church Tuesday, April 1, fol- lowed by the annual business meeting. Mrs. J. L. Lane was re-elected presi- dent and Mrs. Gerry Taylor secretary. The second lecture of the course given by Miss Julia Henry, which was to have been given March 31, at the home of Mrs. George J. Pope, was postponed on account of the illness of Miss Henry. Mrs. Charles White entertained Tuesday, April 1, with a birthday din- ner. The decorations were narcissus and jonquils. The guests were rela- tives and friends from Chicago. Cov- ers were laid for twenty. F. E. Scott, Albert MacRae and F. A. Davjs attended the funeral of the late Geo. T. Nicholson, vice-president of the Santa Fe, held in Lawrence, Kan., on Friday. The Santa Fe ran a special train for railway officials ana other friends of the deceased. The members of the F. F. F. club gave a dinner to tfielr husbands Mon- day evening at the home of Mrs. Sher- man M. Booth. Covers were laid for twenty-six, and the long table was very pretty with its decorations of pussy willows. Dinner was served by half of the club. Miss Mary Trude sang at a recital and reception given by her teacher, Mrs. Bagg, in the Little Theater in the Fine Arts building, Chicago, last Mon- day. Miss Trude sang again on Wed- Uttle Bobbie McAllen has scarlet fever. Mr. John Day has returned from Micco, Fla. Mrs. James P. Brewster entertained last Friday. Mrs. P. N. Hood entertained Tues- day afternoon. Mr. James H. Hirsch returned last week from Orlando, Fla. Mrs. Alex Smith, daughter and son, hare moved to Ravinla. Mrs. Colman Martin entertained at tea Thursday afternoOn. Miss Margaret Heuer entertained Tuesday evening, April 2. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Monday, March 31. Mrs. Norman Williams entertained with bridge Thursday afternoon. Mrs. William S. Crosby is in New York City visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mortimer returned last week from Panama. Mrs. Wilbur S. Sample entertained the Bridge club Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Schnur entertained the Basket club with a. luncheon Friday. Charlotte and Rodney Wilkins of Grove street are ill with the mumps. Mrs. Charles Whltelaw returned last Tuesday, April 2, from Palm Beach, Fla. One of the daughters of Mrs. A. B. Jones of Bluff street is ill with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. King of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelllng. -The Royal Neighbors met with Mrs. P. W. Armstrong Wednesday evening, April 2. Hiss Kingman resumed her classes In gymnastics at the Union church Wednesday. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Richardson ex- pect to move to their bungalow on Sko- Jkie road soon. Miss DIArcy Orde entertained with a dinner Saturday evening. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. Albert Dennis left for Toronto, Can., Tuesday, April' 1, accompanied by Madame Dennis. Mrs. Gaythome and Miss Pamela Gaythorne are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Robinson. Mrs. Max M. Maskwell and son, Robert, returned last week from French Lick Springs. Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Andrews enter- tained with bridge Friday evening for Miss Pamela Gaythorne. Mrs. Benjamin Newhall gave a bridge party Tuesday evening, April 1 There were six tables. i - __ . .,«-«„,_._ Mrs. Charles Dwight Budd, Jr. has nesday in the rooms of the WeItestey rented Mrs. Marc N. Darling's resi- College club in the Fine dence on Railroad avenue. I »»*• She was accompanied in some of The Sewing club of the Lutheran her selections by the violin 8. & Qreiner, m Greenwood avenue, f^'heJ&V".^.'^; 7:;;-V "'"^;v:;'V- ;: McFllnt was ' mating m^tftott keep hu ae«d above the water and when taken from under the cab ft was found he had two ribs broken. He was sent to the Evanaton hospital. TAKE8 PRIZES AT FLOWER SHOW Mr. L. B. Kuppenhelmer of Hubbard Woods made an exhibit at the Flower Show last weak at the Art Institute. He had two entries, one being prim- roses, for which he received first prise, a silver medal. The second entry was for cycloma, for which he also re- ceived the first prise, f 8 in cash. I'"'- stasis*' 'BSlgSWlSBBBBn^OSBW" t and to htm really is due the wonderful showing that was mad*. Mr. Kuppenhelmer bat recently finished his greenhouse, which makes It all Oka more gratifying to sea the grand re* suits that have been accomplished in the short space of time. --â- â- ;- f^- QLENCO* I. S. A. MtsvTINO. The GJ*ncoe Equal Suffrage associa- tion met at the home of Mrs. Sher- man M. .Booth Monday, April 7. Or. Darling spoke on the subject "Worn* enjs Suffrage from the Standpoint of the Physician" Mrs. Wlnthrop Gir- ling, a member of the school board, «^o«^^B^Ooao*theFd«k uMrav: B.;,li;:ra^s*#a^^ of the parade* at Washington on March 3,' gave her impressions ot: taa| |renfc; fENEiriT MIDOC PARTY A benefit bridge party, the proceeds at^w%l«» *IH;£•«•***•* W1*** » the.Children's Home, wttl be con- ducted by the members of the sewing society of Chat Institution tn the home of Mrs. Dolls, Michigan avenue and Greenleaf street, Monday afternoon, April 14. at t o'clock. Bveryeoe t» terested in the cause is urged to at- tend the function. ^M^Mtil- ,11, i....................HW&F^u a^istf*^?^^ of *raaei» Xmm* ©**«â- "»* W past semso^^^llM^^i1^.?^; â- ,^rteo^pivol»»iw*^ from friend! at #*» •aerge^ aiga* nation. A-Ii«^.*-P^? this, summer. > *1m*Mff»?*: ***$, W. baadt*b>e^a*^^ comwtsh this:im*m# ^ «*» » ^;j^:f^^s^^a^lg|' ; WSSBJj- tlBS/ SlS^f*l||^y.SSB^SSS^>^pf ;MST ^^jliSps^s^^fe the North lad .f*,it'jft"'#^hp»f» nteety-Botmd Maroon team met tlsa OhA':'*Sw;BaaJ.a*a»:ja^^ taw ^mmmmm^ m^t*jM Evangelical church met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Fred Ebert. Several Glencoe people attended the birthday and card party given by the Eastern Star lodge at RaviBia. The Women's Missionary society of the Union church met Tuesday with Mr». D. H. Cornell at the Manse. Little Jamie Stewart, who was oper- ated on at the Evanston "hospital for the removal of tonsils, is getting along nicely. Mr and Mrs. H. T. Smith and daughters, Dorothy and Gertrude, WILMETTE E. L- ELECT OFFICERS. At the regular monthly business meeting of the Epworth league last Friday night at the M. B. church offi- cers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President-^?. E. Dean; assistant F. A. Buck. First Vlce-President--W!lliam Wis- heart; aaajstaat, Bose Duerst Second Vice-Presidentâ€"Mrs. Uska; amlshmt, Helen Gemmn. Third Vlc^Pre*ident--«rdle Bate- atta; assistant, Mia Haff. g Fourth Jrtee-Presla^srt^-Cttrtis p>le- irove; assistant HaroM Slpes. aat.lji^Ptrtinn. Mr. Patterson Holmes, father of Mr. Fred L. Holmes, died Monday evening. March 31, at the Evanston hospital, where he had undergone an operation. Services were held at the Union church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, address being given by Dr. Cornell, pastor of the Union church, assisted by Dr. F. A. Noble, who for years has been an intimate frjend of the family. Mr. Holmes was born in Ridgefleld. Conn., in 1830, The body was taken to his old home town, Geneseo, 111., for burial. PlaniBtâ€"Luclle Agnes Flentye. Choristerâ€"B. Brand; it Stafford. Drake; assistant. assistant, ACCIDENT IN WILMETTE. The heavy rain of last Thursday night nearly cost the life of P. Mc- Fllnt, a cab driver for the Van Order Livery company. Ballard, the U-yearold son of Mr. Md Mrs. W. B.-fcottnson, 1026 Ash- land avenue, was riding home in the eab. A portion of the street at Teat* «ad Greenwood had eared in and the «aep water amne it Impossible to see the hole. The cab apset. tailing m Young Robinson sicked ___^ fedow m^*J**J^ erawled eat aml'wa to tha home of , Friday and Saturday April Uth and 12th -THE STORE THAT SEfcL* IVEiT^liitF islMlMMIlIi A JVLmh Q***4 R«^-^in^wbmd^^k A l\ew ,^3xlP^c^,i^4 you ougtit# buy. They're :^i^!^ servative styles # duyafcle ii^^M^t^^^l domestic weavesaiaim to pick from. A;;:sui|t|iat wi«f ple^j||^g^ Business W$* ^t^^l not show the dirt, ano^give you a clean- J|l K cut appearance. Sfriendid values ^f^^^Sm Boys9 Suits ivf§Sprm XSSSM. double-breasted and Norfolk styles, every ^^cll/I»d*j!^ tailored; trousers ag^llific;Suit *n«* will»^|W|g2| hard wear. Comemkmf ^»#^*nd«rey mixtures; alsi rffSS, at....»:.. ......«• •.m^:j»$j Little b^ imm^t^W^m Rah, Middy, Tyrolew*j^oV in any other nifty styles, ~" ~ •om $1.00 downjpyfi. * >,?-.. •«* *- • • • •------ ; * • â- â- â- #â- ? 4<iji »/• -o-e We carit a complete line •! Men'a afi| Mip-un* Slip-One in plain tan and grey,mil Slip-Ons in plain tan and grey Boys' come at $3.50 up to $5.00 Men's ^mf^M^^H^-^^00- \l„nVnoo Qhirte *i» iarlington make, plain iofl Negligee snirts ^^ n6llt% iimple p*tt*m. gug^ss^':' Truly an excellent tiU^$^-g^^4iB6aA worth. A real bsWfiin]^i^.:v^i>^.?.........•• â-  •••*.*,: U„4* for Yim*J*^:*i£fa1& tod of wftkffe*«*» Mat* the bow in Inelficl^^ fellows around town wearing our hate. They're ^ f * right in every respect and they're good values at..;aafe lUt*~>e Qlt/rfc I'beBhirti^ that will soon be very pop- mpnS onirib ^ ^i»Spring and Summer in a jprani variety; made with separate collars to match and ^^ roll-back French cuffs, at fl^O, $1.25and.. .^... .^ Avf^ee'o Raltc in bliw^tto and grey, with two buckles, Men b Deuz one peAri 811a one steel, made CAa of good leather; sizes 90 tp 42, at..... .............. V Washable SilkfieckwearSSJSi£t in beautiful light and dark patterns, 25 dozen to ^SiC select from. A real bargain at..................• .**wv Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes, White Cat Closed Crotch Underwear and Interwoven Hose Ouality Shoes at Moderate Prices GIRLS' TAN CALF BUTTON SHOBS-Madeon footform lasts, with low, broad heels and »ood wide toes; sises, z% to 6; g 50 Miaeer whiti canvas shocs at st!7»r- The new spring footwear, foil roand toes, exten- sion soles; stsoSgJAjlj to 2; f 7E at ............Mm:-..............*•» ? CHILDREN'S SPUN© SHOKS AT S1J0--Jn white caxvas. patent colt with Ud, white or etotb tope, tin and doll ldd; all made oa f sSA orthopedic lasts; sites, 4 to 8; ai...~.le%«W BOYS* OXFORDS AT $Sj0Oâ€"to sB BOW laaOMfft* made on the newest spring lasts, with. Ugh or low heels, the Seat of all makes, - WOMEN'S WHITS BUCK SHOKS AT SlJO~ Best grade, medlnm weight, Cabaa^or low heeU; 5e«i, 2H to 7. Three of the newest ltlt •prtng models to select from, " at.............................. %9*m «*y« â- â- â- bj 3.50 SHOE REPAIRING Our PHoss for the aleiiga of April: $1*6 Men's Half Sole and HeaL aewed, f»^TU» ftoo Women's Hslf Sole aad fiaal. atwa«Jdr.7ae 7B« Women's Bait Sole and Bass, nolle*, for- •••• ♦Too mSS HaU Sole and Heel, neileS. for.. .eSe Bteees Called For aai

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