|faBs mm M-m lflMP»fPl^^ THB SB i<IM.....M...........«♦♦♦♦' H What People - x ; f............»in WinnetiP- Mr. A. B. Remlck Is in New York on a business trip. Mr. Albert Hansen has returned af- ter a week's absence from home. Mr. Paul Frank, who has been the guest of R. L.. Gonaalves, has returned to bis home in Jacksonville, 111. Mr. L. L. Buchanan, Ml Cherry street, is In New York on a business Crip. Mrs. F. K. Copeland arid Miss Mar- garet Copeland are at Nussau, Bahama Islands. The Mispee Bishop of Oak Park, III., â- were the guests or Mrn W. S. Bishop Sunday. Miss Florence Miller and M*ss Ruth Chrisinger, formerly of 436 Linden street, were in Winnetka Sunday. Mrs. Paul Fisher. 893 Elm street, bag been ill the past week and con- fined to the house. Mrs. B. I Ferguson of Harbor Springs, Mich., is the guest of Mrs. B. B. Brown of Maple avenue. Mrs. P. H. Mann«of Philadelphia is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Famsworth Fisher, 822 North avenue. Mrs. J. N. Carter of Qulncy, 111., is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Mon- tague Ferry, 826 Lincoln avenue. Miss Virginia Gushing, who is in Fairbope. Ala., is expected home the latter part of this month. Mr. J. W. F. Davies has returned from Yankton, 8. D., where he was the guest of the Yankton college. Mr. Sherman B. Orwig has moved Into the house at 563 Elder Lane, for- merly occupied by Mr. E. F. Ward. Mr. Husband and family of High- land Parte are now occupying the Cor- nelius Lynde house at 601 Ash street. Mr. Charles Svanderllk has moved from his Railroad avenue house to his new home on Provident avenue, cor- 61 Oak street. % The regular meeting of the Winnet- â- |\) fca Belief and Aid society will be held f" Monday morning, March 10, at 10 |i -tfclock at the Public library. Ijr Mrs. W. H. Cox of 577 Oak street fraud Mrs. George Rudolph of Spruce |v;atreet, who are In the Evanston hospi- f^ial, are gaining nicely. I!: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Elsendrath and MwJ'*'*" are staying at the Kenilworth ^^HPLSblle their home, which was dam- V«ge4 by Are last week, is being re- ;-J$%^llr.'â- Donald Knox, who was takeV Wi&®$"**» scarlet ftveTlasT wee*,' is getting along as well as could be ex- iXtected. He is in the Evanston Con- .taglous hospital. 8 Mrs. William B. Dale, 519 Ash i; Vtreet, entertained at a luncheon last fkf*4k in honor of her sitter, Mrs. C. ja Prest of Orange, N. J., who Is visit- :\ teg her. ' % The north shore health resort of Winnetka will be host to the Wilmetto |*hysiclans' club and physicians of the ^>irth shore towns Friday March 14. ' Dinner will be served at 7:30 o'clock __a varied program will follow: *The mothers' meeting at Community > will be held on Thursday after- of this week. The topic of dis- «ttiiion will be the "Montessorl Mr. W. A ncBOta for a two Mr. and Mrs I Katherine Cir<'< ' H M. Annin^ I1 ington, D. C. Tl !i- and to Mln- rip. ' Greene, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Friday for Wash- will stop in Wash- Mr. James Thompson, a former reel- |S5«ent tit Wlhnetka, visited friends here P%faa4fty> Mr. Thompson has been en- gaged in the eattle business in Mon- tana and Booth Dakota since leaving IIJWTnnetka. B Mrs. T. A. West, 860 Pine street, en- If^terlained Sunday and had as her "."'giiaits Mr and- Mrs. B. C. Caxei, Mr. ftsw* Mm. Ben Thursen, Mr. and Mrs. ll&W flhants and the Misses Shants of pWifcaetle. l!;f'M*, B. T. Shants of Wilmette an- Menaees the «ngacement of his daugh- ter. Mabel, to Homer O. Case! of Pitts- >*j«trgji» P*>> formerly of Winnetka. The ' waajdlhg Is to take place in April, after tftflbn 'Hie couple will make their home '.â- m»'.1'V â- 'aVsjia 1 ifcasmâ€"Is .•.â- •f»x nuaoursn. 'Justong the new arrivals in Wlnnet- T^ctkVm Hr. George F. Brown, Jr.. and ^fssWllr who have moved into their %eir ^Ihoae at 1*0 8prace street, and MK â- . D. Penes and family who have W*fr,tawed Into their new place on ' read............ and Mrs. John D. McKay re- jv &**»y Mr. McKay was in [^Canadian Northwest for three lysete sM^^returning stopped in Saoit |«i;Matii tji fistt relatives. Mrs. Mo- :Ka»r »sfl>iw««h •*<> and Joined Mr. |Me|Bar «4 the Boo lor the return trip. Mr. Allen W. Wylie of the Burkitt 'Pt^m^^am^wAiM company, has led from New York, where he tfce winter. Mrs. wylie and [•so* are visiting relatives In Bomulus, |>f T» and wtH retnrn about April l. ^tor. J. W. F. Davies left Monday for Cleveland. Ohio, where he to apeak before the oaavautton of m citthâ€" Boys'Club......... Hubbard Woods .... Ridge Ave.......... ._........ Intermediates ...... ___ atangtons gdneatloaal aaeociaUon. oun Club .......... ,:;Mf, pwtsa* address Is to be on the Indiana............ pillinf-rj0riinm stta qwrefc *fa> Daslneas Men'.....'. (Conmmnlty Benares ington for a f.-w days and from there will go to Pln.innsr x <\ for a few week?' stay Some of th.' Wu.n.-tku letter car- riers ittendtd a in-'-'in-r Saturday in Waukegan of the N.»rth Shore Civil Service RctlP-iiKMi ;is->".' iatlon. Mr. Henry Thorsen, Cnrri>T No. 2 of Win- netka, has »»«.n .-I.-'..I -oUector for this district. The meetinn of tlif Woman's So- ciety of tlif t'oiiKrelational church last week was larch attended and the paper read ly Miss Hae-hel Rogers, dean of the Chkago Training School for Biblo WorkeiR «:.* v.-ry interest- ing to those pr<-K. m Mr. William .'. i-"iH-lier of Chestnut street, who has ;•â- ') m Philadelphia the last month as- a Member of the or- chestra of the ('huaco Philadelphia Grand Opera company, liaa returned to Winnetka. Mr l-'iwh<-r is not to make the trip to the Pacific coast with the opera company- The New Trier ('.lee club held a very successful dance in Mess hall at, New Trier last Friday evening. Several numbers were mini; l>> the club, which is under the leadership of Mr. Ste- vens, a member of the New Trier faculty. Raymond Orwig and Donald Cox of Winnetka are members of this club. The boys of the basketball team of New Trier were entertained at dinner by Dlnsmore Ely last week. While at New Trier, Dlnsmore Ely was a member of the teaun and he still keeps up his Interest The great showing of the team this year lias aroused the 'old guard" to much enthusiasm. Mrs. W. D. Washburn and Miss Hes- ter Washburn of 4C1 Maple avenue, left Tuesday for an extended trip through the east. The trip includes viBits In Philadelphia, New York, Bos- ton and Washington. Mrs. and Miss Washburn plan to spend Easter week in New York, where they will he joined by Miss Sara Washburn, who is student at Dana Hall. Mrs. Wash- Wrn, who Is a delegate to the D. A. R. Congress, will be in Washington for the meetings beginning April 14, and will return home about April 20. The regular monthly meeting of the Relief and Aid society was held Monday morning In the Library build- ing. The main business to come be- fore the meeting was the reading of the report of the visiting nurse, which shows some very interesting figures. There 134 calls made during the month, 20 new patients being added to the visiting list, and 22 visits to the school.were made Miss Oarretson co- operates with the village health officer In detecting and keeping track of all contagious diseases. The society is to be commended for the work being done and much praise is due Miss Oarretson, the visiting nurse. Tlfe free dental work being done by one of the local dentists through the Re- lief and Aid society has been a great help to those In need. Game (Wednesday). _ The JIubbard Woods team losT W the Intermediates, 16 to 9. in a game featured by the great pitching of Orwig. The Hubbard Wbods players did no^ play up to their regular form either in the field or at the hat. The, soore: Intermediates .. 8">""o"i l 3 2â€"16 Hub'd Wbods... 101000 7â€"9 _ Intermediatesâ€"W. Washburn, Tal- bot, Graver, Orwig, Williams. Qeherty. J. Washburn, Brown, Harper, Hale. Hubbard Woodsâ€"Elliott, Taylor, Rose Stephen, Dean, R. Elliott, Tur- vey, Udelhophen, Ostrom. Second Game (Wedneeday). This match, between the Community Squares and Ridge Avenue, furnished the excitement for the evening. The two teams were evenly matched and one run decided the game. In the seventh A. Wolff stole home while Hale held the ball. The score: Com. Squares. ..241013 1â€"12 Rldgc Ave...... 2 0 0 0 6 3 2â€"13 Ridge Avenueâ€"Callahan, A. Wolff, R. Wolff, Paulson, Richardson, Bar- rett, Conway. Community Squaresâ€"Voltz, Haines, Rumfeldt, Anderson, Hg, Nelson, Dun- can, Hale, Diets, Odh. Z":ji.....:.";?': CELEBRATION Olisiufka eomnmrity Bouse The Midgets met defeat In their game of basketball with the Evanston Midgets at Evanston Saturday night The scare was 30 to 6. The results of the indoor ball games Saturday afternoon in the Junior league were as follows: Cruaaders 24, Colts 6; Midgets 20, Cardinals i> The Neighborhood club had a social and supper Tuesday evening. The Intermediates defeated the Sedgwick street boys, 9 to 4, in a game of indoor. The Sedgwick street men defeated the Winnetka men two games to one at volleyball Saturday night. Saturday evening the Community house basketball team will play the Highland Park Young Men's club at 8:15. A curtain-raiser to this game will be played by the Midgeta and Semlnoles at 7:46. A picked team of players from the Boys' Club team and the Hubbard Woods team will play St Mary*a in* door ball team at St Mary's hall. Oak avenue and Lake street Evanston, Friday night INDOOR BALL LEAGU*. , Standing of the Clubs. ? • ^ W. ....17 ....11 ....U ....10 .... t .... • .... S ... 1 1.000 1*. JM 16 Hon i* ' 9: First Game Monday. The Oun Club took the long end of a 9 to 7 game from the Intermediates. The Intermediates had their troubles batting against Cazel, who pitched a good game. Brown played a good game for the losers. Orwig struck out ten of the Gun Club players. Um- pire, Clark. The score: Gun Club ......2004 120 0 0â€"9 Intermediates ..00220020 1â€"7 Gun Clubâ€"Radnor, Baker, Hostet- ter, Jasperson, Schafehen, Blow, Knox, Kloepfer, Wolff, Cazel, Knapp. Intermediatesâ€"W. Washburn, Gra- ver, Talbot, Orwig. Qeherty, J. Wash- burn, Williams, Hale, Brown. Second Game Monday. The Ridge Avenue team- won from the Indians, 14 to 4. For the Indians Boal, Fentress and Orwig played fast ball. Scrlbner made the feature play of the gameâ€"a "surprise" double play. Callahan and Wolff for Ridge did good work. The score : Ridge Avenue. .1 2 113 2 0 0 4â€"14 Indians .......0 30000010â€"4 Indiansâ€"Baker, C. C. Adams, Boal, Wlldman, Cheney, 8cribner, Wylie, Fentress, Orwig, Ridge Avenueâ€"Callahan, A. Wolff, R. Wolff, Paulson, Richardson, Power, Calkins, Barrett, Bolte. Seldom, it ever, do people find an acquaintance or friend whose natal day Is the same as their own. Through the daily papers, and other publica- tions, people read of renowned men and women whose birthday is the same date as theirs, but it is not given to many people to celebrate the anni- versary of such an event together. Thus when two young people, living next door to one another, have the same birthday, it is occasion for un- usual festivity. Miss Mary Wilhite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H. Wilhite, 722 Reba place, Evanston, and Miss Helen Foege, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foege, 802 Reba place, were enter- tained Friday in honor of their 16th birthday, at the home of Mrs. William Gardner. 811 Washington street Ev- anston, after a delightful sleighride under their hostess' chaperonage. The young people who aided In the celebration by their presence were the Misses Hasel Liscoe, Helen Foege, Mary Foege, Agnes Foege, Ruth Wil- son, Gladys Robinson, Marion Mo- Clure, Agnes Tabor, Isabella Wright, Virginia Fellowa and Messrs. Allen Wright, Richard Henderson. Carl Fargo, John Patrick, Dennlson Paden. Squire Wilson, Bud Foege, Butram and Harold Lloyd, and a number of Edgewater friends. MASON PARK BAND ELECTS OFFICERS The Mason Park Military band held its third annual election of offlceft^or the year of 1913 at the band room Monday night. Those elected follow: M. Walker of Wilmette, director. Hugh Thompson, assistant director, William McMillan, president. Robert Mathewspn, vice-president Walter Severson, secretary. Richard Chamberlain, treasurer. "Terby" Anderson, librarian. Alex. Erlckson, assistant librarian. Albert Nelson, manager. Last Saturday night the Camp Fire girls entertained the Boy Scouts at dinner. The girls prepared and served the entire dinner and the affair was a great success. TO HELP IN PLAYS. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Oates, 2018 Orrington avenue, will assist Mrs. Vera Jane Edwards in the presenta- tion of missionary plays which will be given at the Coliseum soon. EVANSTON DENTISTS W We will examUM and extract teeth (f itjfcut an- aesthetics) fref ofNmarge DAVIS STREET for s Satu hour duri Marcth drenejstry iw€en the 1 children^ ben and 11 a. m., the month of Evanston Dentists 629 Davis Street Pleue farina this card with you. Announcement. We have purchased the busi- ness of R. C. Daily, Bioyole Shop, Winnetka. We also h&* a specialty of Lawn MoweT anfi Skftefcrinding, etc We calf for\a*d deliver machines of alFkinds free* N. E. DALLY { 807 Elm St., Winnetka, 111.} Another Bungalow in \/ Winnetka Th« owntr hardly realizes what he 1« a-hring up when he part* with thia attractive little home. He hae a 60 ft. lot plenty deea^nd with lots of •hade trees; and his house coujjTAarcely be more attraetiv^ if you hai pfcnnedAjfturself. Tha house, his e^ApstndWfcfliUrn improve- nssnta. f ^8) I / It baa the wideSJalsa and tUv/ray stucco ex- terior that give such (homey look to a house, and the large porch in trofft has such a pretty outlook. It i» about 6 blocks from the depot and the price only S4.TOO.00. Jonas H. Madsen, Phone 345. Winnetka, 111. â- *fhe First Robin was seen in Evanston last Sunday. The First Offering of the newest Grand .Rapids furniture store. The Time ow now be seen at our to see the beautiful offerinVrs of the best makers and to place your order forlhe pick of tan great stoek we have assembled. BE SURE TO VISIT our stores as soon as possible. Vou will be cordially welcomed whether you wish to pdrohase or not. Down Town SI0 So. Wabash A vs., Hear Caatreaa St., Phone Harrises 442 North Side 851453 Belmont Art., Near Clark Street Phase WeHtDgws S5SS We Clean, Dyeis) Curl PliiinesiiiFeatherB NTS NtfFACTURED ART FJEATHER^eeMPANY RoonWfeO North American Building Phone Central 5319 36 Sooth State Street, Chicago LtJMBS RE-AfJlNtfFACT GUARANTEED FOREVER THE ONLY Electric Iron Apptaranc*, , and at bttmmim Pric*. lot. Uktrik Ton MstffsTsy stall tow iron by name and irkngti trmd* mm*** fjJSS* FrtBC #3»B0 ^fiB take »Hci^Trimmgl0l nEleciricalSupp _ EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 4194-ltmnSolpkOtOâ€"AufMmHc 31079 ~ " Alii ing IND TAILORS dur- tays ordpa plq/md o 20%Dtteount ALLOWED Telephone 249 Winnetka rirfSBERG & LARSON HAND LAUNDRY FAMILY ILY IfAMall klffWkl PRICES GMTftllS MB URNS MTlKCIHTT* 662 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONC 306 MTINNCTKA, ILL. H. E. ODHNER Hubbard Woods-Tel. Winnetka 278 Hubbard Ladies' sJnGertlemen's T All Kiaas oiFaecv Cbsaisf. fttnusg aaa Befsirisg CeeasctlMfMeee 4etivtt»i. Oslyfint flMfesstftcde XtfCftssVOM 'yeatotiets. r HENRY ILCJ florist anA aafneape Winntki State Bak Chalraer's 30. with rsudfert M*l Marion 30. S Psss...... jrtsndars JO. Fore-door, i ystoddard-Dayton Fore-* AX Steiraa 30-60. 7 Paee. w^ Stevens-Dnryea. s Pass. ======5=== These carafnay b* WINNETKA GARAGE One half Mock North of N. W. Dfjpot Phone Wlnaotta 160 . • y;:-^::;-^\yt0Ktm:Kil^ PHONES: CENTRAL S46 • AUTOMATIC 4»4tr TpyMY NORTH SHOBfPnTRON8 , Wlff Repair your Evening Gownsâ€"AI* mataV ord# flirns. Drctsss. 1 IjT Fsncy and Linierie s|«**ta ^^ THE PPAWflB&feMQP Prone** HammthWI Soirsjii WiLLOPoasr Butt 81 E. MAm»ON BT. Coa.lhoHieaaA^ii ^ C. A. FO DEALER fancy 6rocerit$, meats, PHONE WINNBTKA 40 k 78 mm* Hubbard Woods,!«, I Tclephoas 188 Orders Promptly A y OSCAR HQXTETtE^ m* EXPRESSING , LIVERY ANl/BO^npiNG ST Carriatfes Furnished tpc AllOccasions 806 W. OAK STREET WINNBTKA. «&, A, ODH Uoholste TTRESSE8 AND CUSHIONSJ|A*BMN^ItKNOVATEB ANTIQUE FURNITURaT^EPlnREO \iMM TiiiphON WiRMtki235 Opposftt CAN.W. R.R.Dipot,Halbartf WNlt,i, Fine Pictures for the Home We carry a fine line of Pictures, Sculptvtei cl& Picture Framfi at Rtufsonal NATIONAL Kft T SUPWFf COl i j,* autre 3*4. «no see i>to">LKe das mkX> FUOOa COR. MICHIGAN AVE. AND ADAMS ST., CHICAG( Teleahaae Cahnast.434 Auto Phone 63-371 Chicago Coach and Carriage Company , 1223.U31 Desi: AUTOMO GENERAL HJpfURlNG AND PAINTING North Shore Branch, 916 Sheridan ReJ. Pnone CraceUnd 436 M.OLAS8BTR J. OLASSER &OLAS8EB \/ GLASSER BR Ladicfl' Tai 30SZ-54 Sheridan mood S doors No. of "L" 81a. TsLlak* 209i Suite 1008, North te Street TeL Central zm r^ DI8COUNT ALLOWED ON ALL OB- rO DEB8 DURING THIS MONTH ONLY ^ -;.! \)t7E have been doing the clean- ing, dyeing, pressing and re- pairing for particular people forjiiore years than we caj^o /Snettber. Our business h& grown steadily. In other word^ dareful a*d"intelli- gent work is aWnuch appreciated in this business as in every other. WOULDN'T IT PAY YOU TO CALL US UP AND GIVU USATRiAU