Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1913, p. 2

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<gp^»*«*i|j«pg; i What People Are que ii» Wilmette <e tt§ Master Prank Biymyer, son of B K. j Hr. Oao. K Blytnyer is sick with scarlet fever. jtvenlnt? from n Mr. John D. Couffer went to Pitta-j when h. r-t burgh Monday. surgeons ;»i..i 1 The Comamhe club met with Mrs. I nols OntrnI John C. Monnerud. U1S) Lake avenue,! At a mi-Kin;; Tuesday afternoon. ; Monday «. i ti.- The Drama circle met with Mrs. t denbelm and v Jas. D. C<»!t, 1236 Greenwood avenue. : their trip t â- Sunday iHlm <l»'alln" observations scenic f^atui' The Wllm Wednesday. Mr. <1. W. Kibby wan < ailed to Boston last »ek on account of the death of an unci*-. :>, v ^ The German study class met with ] Tcmperan ^ Mrs. H. J. Smith, 806 OakVood avenue. Monday afternoon. The Luncheon dub will meet with Mrs. M. C Heynier. <'>•"•- Hill street. Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Evans and daughter left last week for her former home In Missouri to be pone a couple of weeks. Miss Marlon Roberts is recovering from an illness which has lasted for about three weeks. A valuable horse owned by Mr. A. S. Van IJeusen died Sunday evening after three days* Illness. Mrs. W. D. Matthews, 1521 Lake avenue, entertained the Tri-weekly club Saturday evening of last week. Mrs. R. S. Childs of Winnetka en- â- '-;' tertalned the Merry Matrons Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Hastings en- X tertalned their bridge club at dinner Wednesday. "iV' Miss Lucile Hall of Fondulac Is I visiting her cousin. Mine Dorothy Hyde of 721 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Arthur W. Allen, 1029 Tbir- ji; teenth street, entertained Monday af- :" terneon. 0:. - Mrs. Panusbka is ill at the home of f'lf her son, Mr. Will Waldner. 1046 ^?v<Sreenwboa" "avenue. $0C--- Mrs. Daniel Macauley of Windsor tl^; Pterk Is the guest of her son, Mr. D. il^B. Macauley, 820 Lake avenue. Hfy The Thursday Luncheon club will be /|pf entertained' by Mrs. Q. P. Butler this jlfsfl Mrs. Stone, mother of Mrs. Chas. I^ttttersoh, 418 Tenth street, has been ' Ptt'ior aome -time. / fe|'|Br; and Mi* Wrn. S. Freeman left fpto- aeveland Monday to he gone a p|||;snort time. *M* .. M«s. Mattison of Minneapolis, Minn., 'â- -â- ^te'-^wst'of Mrs. Frank L. Tolman of â-  U' Lake avenue. 'â- ".;... pJkiXw&t Boxer chtb were- entertained ^I^S^fitter h> Dr. and M». J. Lloyd JpSuunnwnd, 833 Greenwood avenue, , |||jMon4ay evening. v-«;|ini.' Lloyd'S. Lowrle and son have :;p|rctoirned' from a trip through the Ipiwitt. where they have heen for sev- - !*~-«r«l week*. Y-' |gf|;-iltr. B. J. Kelly of the Sanitary Die- ";"trict eommiMion, and family, will ooeopy the Thompson home on Lin- ;":':^d«ii 'avenue, / ^| Mr. and Mr*. Thoa. C. Moulding left yesterday for Ptnehurot, N. C. Mr. Moulding is tat poor health and hopes ; ; jto recover by the trip. Mrs. Cbaa. HL Casey and family, VLSt Lake aveaae, have returned to their heme, which has been vacant i kipr aome time. 'fW;*r* Artbtut J. Taylor and bob have haen making a tow of the eastern «i|lesv visiting Washington at the time of the taauguratloa. Mr. Bdward J. Man. 1152 Central %', avenue, left for the west on a business trip of six or eight weeks duration. } Tttssday morning. Mrs. Bdmond Dalton, 1626 Lake ave- | sue, will entertain the Five Handled e^saisg club and.some oat of town Ittonds Saturday evening-. f ItwV^arents' club of the Wilmette "Loganschool will meet next Monday afternoon. March 17, u% 2:30. The ladles are requested to bring their â- &*& â- â- '&'. Mr. Frank Simmons and family are, ^' oocupy the Stuart home on the eonier of Lake and Eleventh streets while their residence on Ashland, iM^^maOL^aNt^. Is l»e4ng buUt Mr. A. J. Seymour, father of Mrs. ^.Frahk C Wason, left last Thursday Anting to go to Los Angeles, Calif., of the IU1- al Arcanum, .-iw. L. Schel- dt-. Schelden- fiis scientific i aUe with the .ns Christian â- ..â- >et with Mrs. niraT~avenTIe7 • 2:30 p. m. meeting, the a mother be t [I ii'I'il I', p r steffens, Wll- „,,,: r i>enth street, n,,:t:i ii.'iiions of their ih.. ;uii\al of a baby , (,, tMi'ir Sunday, Feb- AUTOBUSES BEINC TRIED IN DETROIT ro1III(w The fourth entertainment to be •C'sew Orleans, «•*•» 'n tho Wilmette Woman's club, before the under •Hrotion of *** 8^88* Musical bureau, will be a children's matinee program Friday afternoon, March 14, at 3:30. Frances Lee Shdecraft will give a V ^ ."urf dramatic interpretation of Maeter- traKe toia oi ^^ „Blu<j BM„ ftnd Wm 0rIg. wold Smith will entertain with hu- morous lyrics and ballads. This promises to be one of the best enter- tainments given. / Mrs. Schulz Entertains. __Mrs1_j|dA--WJ ^chniaL_of JDelavAiv Wis., entertained the Woman's club most delightfully last Wednesday aft- ernoon. Her talk -was a historical sketch on the subject of landscape painting. It was given in a clear and interesting manner, showing the prog- ress from the time when .there was no knowledge shown in. depicting per- spective or atmospher down to the present post-impressionist style. Lecture by Dr. Alien ttoben. On the evening of March 20 Dr. Allen Hoben will give a lecture at the Woman's club on "The Problem of Choosing a Vocation." His recent talk at an afternoon meeting, which was so full of helpful suggestions, is the reason of his coming again. This time he comes under the auspices of tho Men's club as well as the Woman's club. This is an open meeting to any- one interested in this question. No admission charged. Dr. Mary G. McEwen to Talk on "Girls." Wednesday afternoon, March 26, Dr. Mary G. McEwen will give a talk on "Girls" at the Woman's club. This is one of the child and home department meetings, and will be in cbarge of Mrs? Larl jLajham. ------ Nominate Offlcera for Next Year. Ninety-nine members of the Wil- mette Woman's club attended the club luncheon Wednesday and took part In the business meeting which fol- lowed. Nominations for the various offices of the club were as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. H. B. Gates, Mrs. F. D. §rjie»*:l(»,.^rili- stay for a couple of The Men's clab held their regular e UMrthJy meeting Tuesday evening. ||=Mfc Bwce Arnsbary, an interpreter of dialect literature, asd the Illinois qaartet faraished the entertalnmenL W:*!*- "l^^iWood of .761 .Twelfth . Ik$ta^:±9a^^ Saadar et tha ssrfdea death of her husband, Mr. : S^M^M*W9i^^iho was a:way on * ^^hiiajtoffsa trip fa the aooth. . |;; .' ;.TM :y*«a«'ladtss* auxiliary of the #'Wwsb»Ts dah art boar Jetting ready tor JWir play, "The 8uflra«et.-which la to he «tv«n on tfee aftaraooa af ; ::;^sMrf#^-iiu Mr. aad Mrs. HsJL who have baw Mia....Daily's , have yaesBtly (Jeorge HuKb'- or Tuesda> " This will b. ; subject bi'ii\^ her ichlld's b< Mr. and Mi mette avenu<' are receiving < friends upon boy, which can ruary .. Miss Rcta i-'i-ill. i-":! Klmwood ave- nue, celebrat'iJ h'-r s. vnteenth birth- day'Thurttdav. Manh 6, by entertain- ing a few of Ii. i .t-'irl friends at luach- eon and later m the theater. Earl Go wins of 6.10 Washington ave- nue will be the representative of the Chicago Latin school to accompany a party of one hundred American boys on a trip through EuTope. They will sail from Montreal June 28th and travel for about two months. Mrs. Helen May Bristol, mother of Mrs. J. n. Decker, 9<M Greenwood avenue, died Friday, February 28, at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. J. A. Voils, in Wellington, Kan. Mrs. Bristol had many friends in Wilmette who extend thfir sympathy to Mrs. Decker in her bereavement,â€" Mrs. Martha W. Moores, wife of Chas. Moores and mother of a daugh- ter nine years old. died at her home, 325 Central avenue, after a lingering illness. The funeral services were con- ducted by the Rev. T. K. Gale Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the remains taken to Watervliet, N. Y. . Friday night, the Social Set dancing club of Wilmette will hold the second of their series of four informal dances at the library hall. The first dance was held Friday, February 28. Mr. and Mrs. Northam and Mr. and Mrs. Gates acted as chaperon's and a most delightful evening was spent by all. The Travel club were entertained at the borne of Mrs. Byron C. Stolp, 929 Thirteenth street, at a French luncheon last Tuesday. Mrs. Edw. Corrette read a paper on "Lyons and the Rhone Valley." The table decorations were emblematic of the subject of the day, fleur de lis and French flags being used for fa- vors. French prunes, a specialty of John A. Rippel; bouse, Mrs. Grafton Touraine, and candled berries were Stevens, Mrs. Mortimer Skinner, Mrs. gerved Q. C. Gardner. Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor; social. Mrs. O. C. Eastman; young: la- dies' auxiliary. Mrs. G. C Hnlst. WILL LfCTURE IN EVAN8TON. A lecture on "Methods of Selecting and Retiring Judges" will he given by Prof- Kales of Northwestern uni- versity Law school March 13, * p. m., in Annie May Swift hall, to which the public la cordially invited. This is the second in a series of lectures given under the general head of "Ad- ministration of Justiceâ€"Problems of Reform. Rice, Mrs. Carl Latham. Mrs. Louis Gillson; first vice-president, Mrs. L. J. Plerson, Mrs. D. M. Gallie; second vice-president, Mrs. B. F. Brown, Mrs. C. S. Clark; third vice-president, Mrs. E. L. Flte-Randolph; recording secre- tary, Mrs Alden P. Pelrce; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. J. B, Olwlhf treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Olwin, Mrs. F. D. Day. The nominations of chairmen of the club committees were: Program, Mrs. H. J. Smith; finance, Mrs. B. L. Flts- Randolpb; philanthropy and civics, Mrs. F. 1* Koonto; ychild and home, Mrs. Alvin J. Bute; music, Mrs. D. B. Macauley; art and literature. Mrs. Public School Children To Enjoy Advantages of Trained fnrtruoiion in Play. Beginning With the spring term, the children of the graded schools of Wil- mette are to hAve a physical director and play supervisor. Mr. I. N. Recker, a young -man of experience in this work, who.' is taking a post grad- uate course, at Northwestern, has been securedjjto direct the work. ' Two kindergarten teachers, Misses Pitkin and Barlew, will assist, taking charge of the. younger , pupils in the folk dances and games. It is through the efforts of the child and home department of the Woman's cluh that this'has been ac- complished. The proceeds of Domes- tic Science Day, April 2, will be used for this purpose. GARRETT BIBLICAL MEN TALK IN WILMETTE Services are being held in the Wil- mette Methodist church every even- ing this week, the pulpit being sup- plied by tbe faculty of the Garrett Biblical Institute. Mr. Frank Anderson of Norwood Park and a brother of Mrs. T. K. Gale, preached Monday evening. Thursday evening Dr. S. C. Bronson will he the speaker. Mr. Myers, leader of the Wabash Avenue choir, sings at these meet- ings.-----â- â€".....- â€" - .....---------~ WILMETTE CHURCH LUNCHEON. The regular monthly luncheon of the Congregational church of Wil- mette will be given Friday, March 14. After a short business meeting Mrs Baird will give an Illustrated talk on tii „wv, __„. „. _. -------- ----- Easter. The Ladles' society of tie Day, Mlsst Anna Dlngee, Mrs. Arthur Cortland Street church will be guests James Huxtable, 431 Sherman ave- nue, Bvanston, returned Saturday from Detroit, where be has been for the last two weeks on a visit. During his stay in the Michigan city, Mr. Huxtable he- came Interested in the five auto buses which are being installed there in Ifau to charge a 3-cent fare in traversing /SttpCflllie (ItltUlty Goods you can place before tbe most discriminating guest, call the outlying streets in Detroit whichr' are not touched by the street railway lines. After studying the conditions, Mr. Huxtable states that if <&• buaas can operate there on a 3-cent fare, ha sees no reason why Evanston could not support a line at a S-eeat fare rate. Five auto buses are to be usHd tn Detroit, each to accommodate about twenty-five persons. SPRING OPENINQ. MlssM. Flynn, sijLfq/ls) street, an- nounff a her miUinlrr o urday, March 15. I TO FIGHT MEASURED 8ERVICE- Members of the Chicago Realty board have decided to fight the pro- posed telephone ordinance calling for measured 'phone service, which would eliminate tbe unlimited aervice now/ given. OOcaPhgmSK fafe * Rml PlMp* US A. C. WOLFF X m, SHEET «TJU#iI: i FURIACE WOmtV: â- Uss. tf â- PhtU Arsuftâ€">. at this luncheon and for the after- noon. It is planned to have this meet- ing early so that it will not Interfere with anyone who wishes to attend the entertainment at the Woman's club. Inttmhi •ivery »ps. for All Oeoasimw rsa.7M iaTif*T., wilmcttb llRL IS SHIT T01| Anna Haas, 20 years old. accused of taking merchandise from an BVanston store, refused the offer made to her by Judge Boyer In the police court Friday, to be sent to a home for girls, and defied the Judge to bind her over to the grand Jury on the larceny charge. Miss Edith R'elder and Miss June Woods, tbe new probation officer, with Police Matron Mary F. Carney, talked with the girl for an hour or more in an attempt to persuade her to accept the mediation. When told that she would have to work In the home for correction she told the judge she would run away, and continued to defy him to hold her to the grand Jury. The store proprietor prosecuting the case was in the courtroom, and was willing to agree to the arrange- ment, whereby the girl could escape the odium of the-county Jail. She re- mained obdurate. The Judge, after the persistent refusal of the girl to go to a home of correction, held her over to tbe grand Jury. -vVANTApar Leave your cefv for the ***** 8hore Mews and Bvahsjea Daily Hews at REKHECKAK#' wlLMKTTE, and veur adsjjrfflb* puroehed in the ftrejLUffftfcllowing. J. B. HECKLER 1137 GREENLEAF AVE. ,yReaI Estate and JLo^ns IAUpf$. ARGAI 4-Room flottage.... .^^**rT. .$2,too d-Room Bungalow. -«f^T.....$2,700 7-Room louse, hot water heat $3,500 9-Room House, stucco........$6,500 Ask for List of ITHEft IAR6AIIS FulL^Jress Suits Made to Order *K>HN ^RflSBERG GOOD (XOTHiAjIAKER Ul. 232 f 126 Central Avt.tWitmutU WI North Shfje Bakery ^^414eV^*NTf^^AVWI««- Phones Wilmette 41*414. WllmetU Auto Delivery TheVillageEIectrici<n In conn Electrical has put bin Grafono! hie regular business, of Comm- and Records. You are invited to come and , '.' hei*t|ppji^.' 609 VV. RAILROAf> AVE. r "Phone 622 '"/# ?&'<-' .'WllmeUe v/Whybe Depressed mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi It is easy to feel buoyant and happy. It iffasy to fcwntains k/Sluff- imentsflfid well, lappy and^Tctive. Take \^ g andR tlVEk TABIET8 A True Liver Tonic RBNNeCKAR DRUO GO. Tshwhâ€"waea>»t Wltasette, IH. Dry Goods New I^WjfeiibTofaeWs, Ctm- Mtulina, jhigbams and >% Other wfo Good* ' < . mow oil sale, r 114wCoHAraJAvw. Scholtz & Nord TA/LWMNG Vew Process . Clea \ing and ypetng I mafe 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. OOD Dress- ers demand art in clothes, the nic£ io)ra)â€"tfae- distinctive l£e, charac- ter, style ana tjh«^ finest workminship^to be bad. JTTKif Ladies7 Tailor â- .......v and ), Custom Tailor ;!^aa Js **â- ' M ^b^^^s^s*^ssbb^P2JBs» ^TtbV" . WhsLaswTTH: Wilrm Jess under-'. 2^^:/f ui^VI810^|^v CAPITAL iniltjir^ $60,000.00 M 'Mi Safety Depo$ l/ THE Bank is IK*** with one of the ili< Safety Deposit Vault* ity of Chicago-^XThe patrons absj^Uffe pr<4a«tion fm valuable patftrsf etc., against^sffe and burglar«jj»f sides tbe oroveni- ence of havm* this protection right here athrfe. The equipment contains thtfe hundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit bo* system. CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH fTREFlSI Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninct||| mm ^WaBNffS PEARMAI Wilmettt and Ra^tlia^venues T«b»ys»4ro Oru|>, S»d» Witet^tttlonery, Pertediealt, Clgtrs and Candles. PtfSWptioaa Carefally Compouaded, Guaranteed Farm Loans bearing. 6% interest. All original papers transferred to msfohasgr. Interest pay- ai/at Han/»y lUOdDal Bank, N. Y. VPrhe us forfraferenca/ and information. W. C. Belcnr lU& Mortgage Co. aissUrpias S3ao,eoo.eo ixnrrwoatB. TKXAt J^A.H0 wiscoNsnr iceI GENE m hMNGl 1^08 CENTRAL AVENU WlLMITTB, ILL. onie* as PHOHKSi B4«.ae ttsMajBaa Wilmette Bea EdiJ/fM. Kilmtr Second Floor The kfgh Class Beauti- < £/>«««• tying Done iittir JfrlLMETTE pAlRy 1819 Elmwood Avenue :: w^iSm? ." Reejlence 1026 Office 107S * â-  JAMES M. 9HAN|) REAL ESTATE, RENTINg/lOA^TAND INSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue / ^Ifltmette, Illinois We alee have some choice sVgains «a North Snere property. NORTH SHORjp: FH0] BRANCH OFFICES: to and McGuire(ftS rer aoariy «0 yaate CHICAGO'S HEADQUARTERS High Grade â- â- "â-  â-  r^ 'ii .....â€"â€"jpffnqff, W.H. 10510? So. Wabtah A » Hat* sank Aim gt-fc" Subscribe forth* Lake Shore Nem jle^'^f A ~ "-ivm,

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