Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Mar 1913, p. 7

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lisps V :»^;;"-'K'?v;'^^«^f S" £H BULLETIN •t ica" one iLaMtrrm «Htf*©w not**. '" press***** Church. m pastor. Pr- Wilson, will y 11 a, m.. OU th* ^^ s„ is the IwJnlllng •« *» ***! 7:45 on -D»vld UvhmstoneV Scotland and Apostle to TM» will b* *»«* *l*fc* Scotch »B«i and hymne '-**rJ5 -uBtrymen will be sung. * *»• «»r» mo that Mvlngetone *tft \nd tula month wUl crtalff* centennial anniversary.;-r^f^' Iprtver andsocial servtoeitWedsau- > March 12, at Mr. Davidson's, ttS ' street; topic, The Sevan L»rche« of Aala." *he GlrhV elrcle with Mme O^. JBaaar. 1*« awood avenue. 3:1* P- "U !â- Â«* The Woman* eoclety meets at Misses Pone's, 904 Lake avenue, iy, March 11. •^'â- â- :-'J:4-:':" BantJa* CtHireh. ;**#_ larrangementa ate now being aaeoe L the formal organisation * «* [trch, to take place about the »m of Aprils- ^«-~ [Those desiring *» become charter nbers of the organisation should their church lettera as aoon an ilble. fon Monday. Mhrch 1«Y » WolT*** Bociety will be organlaed at the of Mrs. John D. G*elg, Mi avenue. A cordial invtta- 'to "extended to all Interested ta this meettaff. which will be an one. Boa luncheon, election „ pjicere, etc., at S p. m. Tfct devotional meeting, March 12, be at the home of Dr. and Mra. sworth, 1147 Wilmette avenue. A __ invitation is extended to all Btewsted to attend these gatherings. Congregational Church. Sunday morning, March 9, Rev. L. Baird, P. D.. will preach, coming Jto Mr. Bowers' aaaiatance in the midst [of the many responsibilities of the [Lenten season. At 5 o'clock Rev. Mr. iBowera will speak on The Reign of aw." Wednesday evening, March 12, there will be a fellowship dinner hoosewanning\ to mark the comple- of the flrie new social room in basement' of-Hne> church. The End eircle will fiirnisb the din- at 50 centa per plate. Beserva- sbouid be made of Mra. A. J. not later than March 10. M. K. Church. The pastor, Rev. T. K. Gale, will next Sunday at 10:45 on the abject "Out Greatest Gift." The sub- Jor vesper. aexv4ce_iUl JmJ"Ebe_ ection of Lasarus." Mrs. N. P. ilwell and Mian Peterson will stag. ay school at 9:30 a. m. Junior Be at 4 p. m. Bpworth league at :1B will be led by the president, El Dean. Lenten services will be* Monday evening, March 10, and stinne till Easter Sunday. Among speakers will be Drs. 8. C. Bron* on, W. J. Davidson. O. A. Hayes and Holmes of Garret Biblical insti- 8erviceB will be held every t, except Saturday, at 7;45. ji KEN 1L WORTH. Church of the Holy Comforter. Rev. B. Reginald Williams, rector. [March 9, 9:30 a. m., Sunday school; 111 a. m., morning service and sermon* |w|ek day services: Monday, Tuesday, [and Wednesday, evenaong and address I at 5 p. m.; Thuraday, holy com- imunlon, ll a. m.; Friday. Litany, [12 aoon. Lenten sewing at the guild I rooms. BWiPSftfS' PftSS MIUHMIMIIII.......Minm....., «^^« in iiaDD^a woods ,;.. ^ .....u ... Ill l.ll «*k â-  \M*~ M„___w .____-'____ ^Bose'Bhrin^saa^ Itra. Clyde Olerwf Greenatork, lad., has been visiting hex sister, Mra. H. a- Balleng^;;©* Assjiry. *â-¼#â- * Dr. and Mrs. Ttoinlin have been visiting the famine* of Dr. W. L. and Tjr, IL CrBaUengerv ;|^i^^H â- :';'â-  â- :,;- £$%â- '&. -ii;;BaManiaf iii|:^;'Green- villa, a C. thle week to speak before the Otologlcal Medical society. Mr. and Mrs. R> L. Gonaalvea have returned from a two weeks' visit at Jacksonville, HI. Mrs. Fosrch has gone to Connors- ville, Ind., for a few weeks. CLOSES AT L CLUB Winning thirteen games out of a? ttvn, the team of Ghariei and Bart lett top the list in the etaatfcng of Players la the wUst tournament Jwt Misa Grace Harrington la vialttng S^^^TSSSrS m. wiiiuâ„¢ »*â€"«*- ctow* •***• â- fanatoa club. her mother. Mrs. William Bdwarda. "The three small ehudren of Mr. T. G. Laage, who have been lit with grip, are much bettor. Mrs. Merta of Cincinnati, O., Is visit- ing her daughter^ Mra. L. a Knppeu- heimer. Little Mary Fentress left last Tues- day for California, where she aspects to make an extended visit with her uncle, J. K. Lyons. ;»»»aeeoooo»o>e»»o»»t»»eeaee»o»togt>a»>»»»»at>>»saa#» ! What People Axe Doing i MMi.....»in Gross Point ••••••••••• WINNETKA. Christ diureh. March 9, fifth 8unday in Lentâ€"7:80 ! a bl, holy eoaaniunlon (chapel). 9:46 a nv, Sunday aehooL ll a. m, ser- vice, with sermon by the rector. Rev. Frederick G. Budlong. "Etoancipattoo Vroa Our Boodage,** 4 p. m., connr- matfca clase (chapel). Monday. Much 10, the Servers' tuild wtu meet at 7:10 p. m. Tassday, holy communion In the cbapal at 7:30 a. m. The Junior aux- mary wui meat at S:30 P- m. Qatot serties m the chapel at 6 p. m, Tsareday aft t:M a. nu in the by Bav. a W. Laidaaw. The Woman's amid win ate* at lf:lf a. m. Serv- ieesmthaehaa^eadaennonbyRar. G. C Stewart at S o'clock. There win ha servieaa held m the ebaoel Prlday at S o'clock. Ministers, sMwhi V. Snail and J. W. 'Davlea. Sunday Hwadaj school. 9:4f a. m. btonfau; worsMpv ll a. m. BtttoeJaaa â- Â»â€¢Â«*â-  after aaatnlnc aarvwaa In the Bleary of the ehurch, adjourning 1 o'clock. Veapar •arvteaa o-doek. jr T Wednenday The autet hour auriag Lent -^--------,-------- ' Ttai»day--The annual meeting of ma W. B. hL L of tiha Chdaago aaao Ifhttloa at tha> Wsatun avenue church ** 10 a. m. r-^;;^-â€":-- , at B Miss Lena Wagner returned Sunday from <?bJeag<L A daughter waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman Monday. Feb. 84. Battle rrowfca of Kenmore visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Seawall of 804 Ridge avenue Friday. , Thirty young people had an enjoy- able sleigh ride party Thursday even- ing. Mr. Peter Vollman of Chicago spent a day In Gross Point visiting his rela- tives. Miss Kate Htterter of Schiller street leaves this morning for Detroit, Mich., to attend the funeral of a relative. Twin boys were bora to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jennetten of Ridge avenue last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Roemer enter- tained a number of friends and rela- tives at supper Tuesday evening. A party of twenty young people had a sleighing party to Glen View Mon- day evening. A good time was had and all enjoyed themselves. Helen Schleyer of Chicago, who has been a visitor at Miss Florence Sehae- fer*s. returned to her home Wednes- day. Mr. Frank Kreusch and his brother George visited the clay products show at the Coliseum In Chicago the open- ing night, Wednesday. Mr. andVrs. Otto Stordeur, former- ly of Ridge and Wilmette avenues, moved to the Schildgen home. Lake avenue, near Seventeenth street. Miss Barbara Martini, Markus Mick, Jr., and Joseph Range!, Jr., visited at the home of'Anion'Martini of Wjiuu* gan last Sunday. Mr. Pater J. Schaefer of Wilmette and Mrs. Helen Sesterhein were en- tertained at luncheon Wednesday by BIrs. Alfred Weeks of Bvanston. Edward Hoffman and Mr. Peter Heck returned Thursday after visiting Mr. Hoffman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of Clifton, 111., former residents of Gross Point WINNETKA SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKER DEAD Beatrice Huester. daughter uf M*. and Mrs. John Hueeter of Mmuev street celebrated her fifth birthday anniversary Thursday. A few of her Uttle friends were there to enjoy them selves. The Saturday Evening dub waa en- tertained at euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weeks of Bvanaten. Winners were as follows: First gents', Frank Kreusch; second gents', Charles Hoth; first ladles', Mrs. N. J. Miller; second ladies', Mrs. Geo. Kreusch. Mrs. J. NUles and Mr. N. J. Miller were awarded the booby prise. Refresh- ments followed. Martin Ballmanny Director of Popular North Side Turner Hall . Concerts. Illi: m® The funeral of William Smallwood Bishop, at Christ church last Friday, was very impressive and was the oc- casion for the many friends and busi- ness associates to express their love and respect and to show how deeply the loss is felt in the community. The Rev. Frederick G. Budlong con- ducted the service and the vesica choir sang three hymns. Mrs. J. E. May sang as a solo, "My God, My Father While I Stray,*' and Mra. A. F. Callahan sang "Peace I Leave With Ton." Mr. Bishop has always been a very sealous worker In the Sunday school and In church work and hie going caused the hearts of all to ache. To have known Mr. Bishop made us all feel better and the Im- pression will always remain with us. morning service at 1L The Young People's society will meet Sunday at 5 p.m. fleftloss la tha church Wednesday Superfluous Hair NO PAJUjffjIOJiaftKjfoR SCABS to eiii ny even_!*•* w* ____,____jwrteton w» wfll sladlr raâ€"w taâ€" Firâ€" ct Ckmif. Oar Motto, Ubaratttr. Hâ€"-t DmUm*. We fMiMtN aattafaetfcw. ttSjvBJ > 9WL OMMMltattMW lllVlto* Writ* for Booklet B. me. Stiver X«lfAa«torte«TMMr.CMM«» GLASSERB Uaie»'Tafl 20% DISCOUNT DER8 DU1 WED Q9TSLL OR- 6 THIS MONTH ONLY $35.00 Perfetff Fitting SU We make Suits at much bigbeV nrlei you s salt «st far style, m asfefsbri price. We would like you as fce us L STEIN ir tadi©^ Tailor wfll make xcelleAsV the ^gsmmmmm 'emtrml Str««t .'mm,- i iwstUiijJLa.^. -i...- ..u The scores of tbf games played Sat- urday. Feb, M, ware as follows: East and West North and South. Cobb and Bragdon......l« 147 ------. .Glllls and Dunn Foster and TopltB......150 163 ....Turnoek and Piarsan 8mith and MoOonnell....lss 1« ..Plttman and Heb*walte . Charles and Bartlett... .lit IN \...Stanbery aart l>>rbes ' ;.:,-': Cutler and MitcheU.....HI 1«1 ...Iglehart and Worstall : Clifford and Durant.... .lit 1M ..:......Smith",and Day Born ajai Van Deusan... â€" â€" . .*Congar and Sstugharty ..' •Wbtfc aa4 jTauaal...,.. ^ â-  : <â€" . ...♦ .^.Walla, ami CUslhn ^~u-a 1*71-«. Average 1HH •Forfeit High score North and Southâ€"Cobb and Bragdon, High score Bast and Westâ€"Plttman and Hebblethwalto, Turnoek and Pler- m. Thla play concludes the tournament. The standing of the teams la aa fol- lows: Team. W. L. 1 Charles and Barttett. .18 , t Smith and Day........11 4 Turnoek and Ptersen. .11 * Walla and Chaffee.... 10 8 Cobb and Bragdon.... 10 S Plttman * Heb*watte. 10 B Work and Henset..... 0 0 Iglehart and Worstall. t ? Clifford and Durant... 8 7 Stanbery and Forbes. .8 7 Smith and McConnell. 7 8 Foster and Topliff..... 6 10 â€" CuUer and Mitchell... 5 10 - Horn and Van Deusen.. J 11 - GUlia and Dunn....... 3 IS â€" Conger and Daugherty 0 16 â€" ^.^hstpH- WITHOU m.. TCS t«ee> DlUk M«CSUCS!T*Y * â- Â» ^ a«. Ot. hâ€"fcibjl-fltaark i te. A \*tumt&!ltoWB*tiiiti&ft^"' igajg, vAlVartotitoi ;vi-A-'rS.,.< , ((. - â- '*â- -. WANT ADS »f ita CLYDE ION Cteacoe. ID. ;ist.. LatlTT â-ºtier. KfiPP rsteeaasi Make Little of Life's Hie. fA> he poor Is not always pleasant, but worse things than that happen at aaa. Small shoes are apt to pinch, but not If you havea small foot; If we have little meana It will be well to have little desires. Poverty Is no shame, but being discontented with It Is.â€"Charles H. Spurgeon. IBARI IARI •v, 1US3BARD WOOOl • 10 Bob atHstlae mi""";' ": rtaaUtos«IHarkot8ta. CHSQgOO 33S FOR SALE i at Hub. Ia«aii«< of TFIELD 69 West Washington Street Chicago N.Cl to m 1 Lodfe ? M4UO»U-Shrin*â€"i OUT* Jtofâ€" Coit*Uo# iatHI fr^ *^ Wr - W*^^ T^P' .'â-  mt: i$m 'mm a!m Fifteen :;T<i|| /Yaajni^j Pirm 818 mmmmmm isva AnkMai teas Bsoraosi â-  atsW :; .;;^:, asasSBss OROOCHIKS ^f^i^ffri". i&m Jw:; tag Ob! "JwfAc' ?^0®mf vm niiii .......a Jin., i,ii;iti,i i>;i^il jJB^iMj^tewSjft^. mum m sat*xa»ssoaaaB«B^^ |4 r^m m â-  QEO. KliJI:t w i# THE AV] . "•Wf^^feP^EL-^ tut WilMIP A eft, RsfffW-W Imsssi Iplt TARE tttWATOPJ ecNvnAt issol CNWAeo. im- Wrth Shore Trust Company STATE BANK CAPITAL. $100,000 fl Makes loans on Improved North Snore, Rogers Park to Highland Pagk, and county, fl Issues Certificates ol in denommationa of four perceat interest fl Offers fur iavestmen estate, netting the sums or $500 and for notlaeafThsn six months d multiples on whichlitj edreal anef one-half percent, in Send for list, OFFICIB8 AND DIBBCTORS J. Fred MeOaire, PreaMant Oharlee A. Wlghtman, Vio^Presideat Irs J. Gear, Caunaal B. O. KaUar Arthur W. Vereoe. Cashier Csattal Ai Batnlllfifl Rooms AKtstQB w. vnmoon, cu*a*a» / 509 ITS W. MADISON STI . OaaeeHe M. W. 8to» THE. HOME OJMfALIFOl Pteft ««tahrnakatssfltajs U home order andwsjwrlU BAvalt>ajHf.y for: HOMBMAs>KC^HiT. TKEMM fB^sfJftf&AT TEATILOS * DEAMANTAKOS ______ ______________Iff) W. Madlaoui «t. CBICAOO. ILL. •laphemo yowr 1 whew yajs eull. GUARANTEED FOREVER THE ONL1 Eoualhag ComttructlM^jpfEfftdancyt and at the same tbne tha tsawst ta Prim. i*llâ€"bttkMt'sm a lash atajjaalftri alii it . You caa always tell thia Iran by name sad trtoafi* trad* aunw, r-^ Price f 2 JSO â- 'SS Metropolitan Electrical Supply Company EVERYTHING, ELECTRICAL 180 W. Lake Street 103 So. Wabash Ave. ^ Tttrphemrt- Mmbt 4l»4â€"Rmmdorpk 610 ____ itmt Mmna Strmt mm «MaloopiioM*aaaa» *€*; TALKINO MACHIHCsl rile5"- ...mtM, jarassBDl 707ChurcbSL Taie^asMWIisf ; tmr .. .\^:^Kr^f:: Chsailrsl tabSritsiy itaB SraMSMi 24SI Ava>,To 183. eaajh AH>1 ;-ffl^iiiSi . Svevtet oaM'aalMMt'esT tasMNo^ eodjslaasoMaa^adoW^leofcaw'. nhro>s*tlossAO;#aataea#, aoaertojiiy. gfovoiolaaataeeoaiotaoelia. aa;;. 8 :'.| «a««wafS:-i '-;-$ Arch FOOT TROUBLES ARE AVOIDED BY USING A PROPERLY F rieVr faswwlt4w^ of Anatomy m' . .- V: :r\inTiwrA RehthaJ«rOrUhop«t)l%Applla%ne«Comp%siy 9 HOSTS WAWUaaW ATKHVB, OOnXUB WADISOST ^ AflANTCCO mm. Gertrude A. MvniM ., '-liili^»- J.QjMeCUkm, S^^M*\J "y^wff^^"1"' '-'â- 'â- ' ; 15 East Watkimitom Street cj s»Jsh»ww^ *^Bisnasan>a; sauay ssw4r tâ„¢*â„¢^, |wSR« 1 atssaiuMauWBan*^ WHEN,HUWCRT LT AT |^1 Vny RING'S RESTAU Hoi Fiaost iiiwshrsamm Cateaau la Tame d'Hota. » oeama, Suadayi . .-^r=. swljhflifwst •awit â- â- op-- ^â- ^^Mtf s&at~.'.-..--i»'.j

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