Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Mar 1913, p. 6

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ax What People Are Doihj JMMH.iMMf in Winnetka ^m»i»4>m^ â- *- Mrs. O. C. Bote, «7 Sheridan road. ft?- Is visiting In Bast Orange, N. J. Mm Virginia Harned was confined $ to the houae last week by Illness. Mlaa Georgle Harks is staying with bar aunt, Mrs. Anderson. ' Mr. Charlea Sullivan is able to be out again after a two weeks' illness. Mr. George C. Hoge has left Win- netka, and Is now living in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Burkitt, 893 film street, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday of last week. Mr. John Buckingham and Miss Buckingham are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Elliott of Walden road. Mr. Charlea L. Densmore, a former resident of Winnetka, visited here Vunday. Mr. B. F. Prance and family expect to occupy their new home on Chest- nut street early this month Miss Emily Orwig entertained the H. V. club at supper following a sleigh tide last Saturday evening. Mrs. J. Q> Byrne and little daughter «• In New Orleans, La., visiting friends and relatives. . Mr. H. A. de Wladt of Sheridan food has returned from a trip to Ber- sanda. ,. ----------â€" Mrs. Cuthbert C. Adams entertained A few friends a^ bridge Monday after- jwon, March I. » i » %Wy': Mrs. Jewell, who has Ren staying |f fl?|Wtth Mrs. B. S. Harold, 919 Elm street, III lift last week tor a visit in Mari- etta, O. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet have retained to their home on Ridge ave- WW^'^^WWi^^^^^^^^^^'W^ ..........................................""rmmtrzwsz^&^^s^, m SSl*::! â- , Mr. Alfred Ericsson, 570 Fir street, has returned to Winnetka after a trip to Texas. ana mm. Hale Hordes wtruw Istter part of last week for Pasadena, :43el/< . *"â- â- * •; â- 'â- â-  • .A . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott jtf Sher- idan road are planning a trjp to Eu- rope early next month. Miss Garreteon has moved from ||| f^ovident avenue to the Corvinus p| Wuee on Sunset road. fpy^slOT. J. W. F. Davles lefj, Monday. ^ liglit for Yankton, 8. D., where he is Wi 'to deliver a lecture at Yankton college. K^Mn and Mrs. A. C. Magnus. 660 mMUanro^i, »n expected home this erewk from a trip through the south. Mr. John Kaasner of Provident ave- «ae has been on Jury service the last |;|wio.wTaek«;'^^^; , Mrs. _ Joseph Lechner of Evanston " 'liioay"with her mother and Jttaer, Mr. and Mrs. Anton May. 1 Mr. Wi Mn.E. 8. Smith, formerly -of 1246 Wlbnette avenue, moved to : Chicago last week. prWbi Jacob % Grelner, 631 Lake ave- nm, returned from a business trip in the Bsst Saturday night. Miss Lea Partridge, 1443 Wilmette l^avsntie, entertained a number of her pfritnds at caqss on Sunday evening. Mi:' Mr. and Mrs. Lyman T. Walker and J Miss Walker left Sunday for a trip to Paeafltns. Calif.. ' iitifisjl from their Elder lane residence â- Sj^s ^Sffcago. ' | Mr. Martin Kloepfer of Peoria, 111., ;^ -*isttetf Ws parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. s. | ;Kloepfer, over Sunday. JfeJkelSis of twenty-three people were ^coanrined by Bishop Anderson at gjCbxist church: last Sunday. '-â-  : Ur. C. C. Bchultz 'of Brlnkman * - JMiulU has-been confined to his home â- â€¢|^teougli illness for the past few days. ; r^ Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Anderson, for- •'fISeirfr of kenilworth, have moved into 41u nonse at 186 Ash street, formerly jjgeeupled by Mr. Carl Braan. â- ' The Horace Mann school was closed "}svt Friday. So many of the teachers were ill that it was not possible to The Winnetka Troop of Boy Scouts Iptf Asaerica are. planning a public ex» '^g|gifsli".iBiP.\gsn«it:. work. The plans i *ow ere to hold this exhibit April 1. - Mn Cluules Stordeur, who has keen 01 vrttk la grippe, is able to be oat • s^sig^ Mr. Stordeur was absent from ' gds work two weeks.-,^>. Mfc FssjI E. Noe has retained teen. â€"The second series • bvsteess trip to the east Mr. Moe ppEvv M. I. Sullivan. Ml -Pine street, jr recovering. frosa a' ssvere attaek Of b> grippe. Mr. Selttvaa expect* to Mr. end Mrs. Charles H. Marsh of ♦it Sheridan road ere spending a, fee at tike santtoriom in Battle Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klemnt ©t Gross Point are making their home at the home of Mr. Klemm's mother, Mrs. C. H. Klemm, during her absence.4 L. H. Roach is building a" home for Mr. C. E. Wlttmack. 1730 Irving Park bouievard. on Woodland avenue Just north of Hawthorne lane. The plans were handled by D. E. Allen. Mrs. Hermon B. Butler is visiting in Pottstown, Pa., for a short time, and during her absence Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Butler are occupying the house. "Hlllrise." Little William Merrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H- Merrill of Sheridan road, who has been ill with pneu- monia, is now slowly recovering his strength Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lyon, accom- panied by Mr. Lyon's mother, Mrs Thomas R. Lyon, left Saturday last for RedlandH, Cal., to remain until late in the spring. Mr. H. P. Clark, physical director at the Horact >iann school, has re- turned from Philadelphia, where he was called last week by the death of his father. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sckwill and danghter of Chicago are occuping.the Carl Helnzen residence on Lloyd place while the owners are in Eu- rope. Mr. N. H. Blatchford, Jr., is stay, ing with Mr. George Mcllvaine in Hubbard Woods. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Blatchford are staying at the Virginia hotel in Chicago for the next few weeks. The regular meeting of the Winnet- ka Woman's club will be held in the club parlors this afternoon at 3 o^ojock, Mrs. W. C. Boyden wJULcead a paper on "Women of the Italian Renaissance." Mrs. George Hlgginson and daugh- ters, Emily and Teresa, who have been at their town house In Chicago, 713 Rush street, are now In Atlantic City, N. J., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R Greene and Miss Katberine Greene of Prospect avenue, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anning, will leave the early part of this month for a trip to Pine- hurst, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. May, 1448 Wll- mette avenue, are receiving the con* gratuJations ot their friends upon the arrival of a ten-pound boy which came to them Thursday night of last Mrs. William Blair, Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Juleff, Mrs. Charles F. Mulock and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stuart were received into membership in the Congregational church. Dr. C. O. Schneider gave a very in- teresting illustrated lecture Monday evening at the meeting of the Win- netka council of the Royal Arcanum. After the meeting refreshments were served by the entertainment commit- tee. Postmaster Elmer E. Adassa an- nounces that Congressman George Ed- mund Foss has sent him a quantity of government tested flower seeds for distribution. Anyone wishing some of these seeds may have them by call- ing at the poBtofflce. Wilmette Camp No. 10,334, Modern Woodmen of America, held their regu- lar monthly meeting on Monday even- ing. . General business was taken up and disposed of. Owing to the ab- sence of Consul C. c. Schults the meet- ing was closed without form. Dr. Guy E. Krolick, who has been with the Winnetka Drug and Merchan- dise company for the past two months, left Saturday to take a place as in- tern In the Sheridan Park hospital, Belmont avenue, Chicago. Dr. Kro- lick recently graduated from Ohio State college. Mrs. A. M. Kales' reading of "The Dauber," by Maesfleld. was an enjoy- able feature of the regular monthly meeting of the Philanthropic depart- ment of the Woman's club of the Con- gregational church, which was held in the church parlors. Monday, March 3. Saturday to the effect that Mrs, Nixon, mother of Mrs. C W. Tostevln, had died, is Incorrect;' Mrs. Nixon was very 111 for a few days but 5M now up and around again. Mrs. Nixon, who Is over ninety years ot age, is very hnle and hearty for her years. Rev. J. W. F. Davles of the Congrd. gatlonal chureb la to speak at the Religious Educational association meeting in Cleveland, O., March 16. The subject of Mr. Davles' address is, "Children and Chureb Worship." This convention Is to be a "three-day sea slon and will bring together promt- nent men of the country in religions educational work. There are to be 100 speakers and it is an honor to have Winnetka represented. The regular meeting of the Wom- an's auxiliary and: guild of Christ church wss held Wednesday morning in the parish house. Holy communion in the chapel at 9:10 o'clock preceded the meeting. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock. Miss Oarretson gave an Interesting talk on the work of the visiting nurse In Winnetka. Mrs. 8. P. Breckenridge, president of the Wom- an's Civic club of Chicago, read an in- teresting paper on "Cltisenship." Mr. -Burnett* Jones entertained a number of his- friends at his home Friday evening. The guests were Misses Ruth and Jeahnette >Beck- strom, Cora' Dickson, Lillian Ros- berry, Emma Johnson, Catharine Wynne, Alice Tusason and Clara Pihil and Messrs. Howard Beckstrom, Leon Randenent, Roy Swansea, Clar- ence Swanson, Hal Scholey, Gus Guritz, Will Gurltz and John Hohn. John Coutre left for St. Louis, Mo.. Monday night to act as witness In a suit brought by Mrs. Rawn, formerly j.Adams*" Walker, E of Winnetka, against an Insurance company for the amount of her huB- MaffsJUfeJiiimran^^ was a vice-president of the Rock Island railroad, died here about two years ago. aiimcuta eosnMiry â€"Romeâ€" getting belter all the time. The Hubbard Woods. ..000406 3â€"13 Ridge Avenue.....010030 1â€"6 Hubbard WOodeâ€"EIliott, Taylor. Rose, StepbeiCtliean, Turvey. Hansen, Ostrom. Ridge Avenueâ€"Callahan, R. Wolff, Fitch, Paulson, Calkins, Wolff, Power, Bolte, Richardson. First Gams Monday. The Boys* Club have not lost a game this season, but the Gun Club came very near beating them in this game. The boys, with only seven players, were up against the strong players of the Gun Club with a full team. The boys were leading up to the sixth, when the Gun Club batted in nine runs and what seemed like the game. The Boys' club showed tbeir gameness by working harder than ever and put over four runs in. the last of the sev- enth and won the game. Williams and Kaasner bad a batting average of 1000 for the game. The score: Boys' • Club........3 0 0 2 4 0 4â€"13 Gun Club....,,... 0 10 109 1â€"12 Boys' Clubâ€"Carpenter, $ Williams, Kassner. Gotekunst, Kreger, Knox, Balmes, Duncaa. Gun Clubâ€"Radner, Blow, Kloepfer, Knapp, Schafehen, Hostetter, Jasperson, Wolff, M. Knox, Baker, N. Casel. Second Gems Monday. The Indians won from the Busi- ness Men, 22 to 12. The Business Men started as If they were to win in a walk but slowed np and allowed the Indians to score 15 runs in the third inning. The game was called at the end of the fifth Inning. The score: Business Men ...... 7 2 0 1 2â€"12 Indians ............3 215 1 2â€"22 Indiansâ€"C. C. Adams, Cheney, Steere, Fentress, Orwig. Business Menâ€"R. Casel, Poff. Dehmlow, A. L. E. Adams, Detloff. 3r Mrs. Orrilla Whitney, 903 Elm street, Winnetka, ^iiedâ€"at-herâ€" heme- Monday, March 3, at 12:05 a. m and was taken to Sycamore, Illinois, for burial, Wednesday, March 5 Whitney was 78 years old. Mrs. At the meeting of the Winnetka board of trustees last Tuesday night the main business wat. in regard to the coming election. It was decided to hold the election April 1, polls to be open from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. The vil- lage was divided into two precincts. Elm street being the dividing line. Citizens living north of Elm street will vote at Daily's electrical shop, and those living south ot Elm street will cast their ballots at Ekllnd Bros.' tai- lor shop. A disagreement came up aa to the selection of the six Judges, and it was finally decided to let each party name three judges at the next board meet- ing. EKLIND TAILORS All orders placed dur- ing the/textJ9D days <o nflscount ALtOWED telephone 24$ Winnetka Attorney H. H. WsJtmire of Peoria ^aM Mies Ethel Hyde of Chicago ware tmests of Mies H.J. Bock,1624 Spen- â-  ear avease, Suxuay. "^iffi-igt.-'M- â- : ':^Wt,'lL3. Mao of 1152 Central ave- ; snaa, la spoedmg several days at, .heme :.,: Mr, Jssejfa StaJaer, 1451 Wllmotta «renne, entertained Mr. John W. May M^a^-e^. IFhemea Meyer at dfftrtr Sua- ot Mrs. Merrill's talks will begin Thursday morning, March 6, at 10:15 o'clock at the resi- dence of Mrs. H. K. Tenney, 640 Pine street There are five lectures la this course and the meetings are to be held at Mrs. Tenney's each Thursday morning. The Very Rev. Waller T. Sumner <* Cktesgo is to be tbe speaker at the evening service in Christ Ckarek to- day. This service will he oT greet In- terest to "all the people of Wls^stka. hearing Dean Sumner. An organ f»>. dtal at. 7:36 o'clock wfll precedestlsi servtee. . 'â- -- ;•â-  :'vv;?. At tfce annual meeting of fa* Mew Tri feamercial association, hefcfm Lfhrary hafl, WBatette, last week, two Winnetka baataees men were eseeted to o«ee: Joseph Teake, of tkw Cb- Opsrative eosnpany was The Maketsanakwe Camp Fire Girls are to entertain the First Class Boy Scouts at dinner Saturday of this week. The Camp Fire Girls are to prepare and serve the entire dinner. The Community Squares have re- ceived their new uniforms from Spauldings and are to appear In them in their game this week. The Community House Basketball team lost their game Saturday night to the Highland Park team, the score being 34 to 32. John Williams played a whirlwind game in the second half and made 26 of the 26 pointa scored. After a few minutes' rest the boys, with a few changes in the lineup, met the St. Mary's team of Evanston and ran away with the game, 34 to 6. Saturday afternoon the SemlnOles defeated the Midgets at basketball, 13 to 6. The Intermediates met the Hyde Park team and took an easy game of basketball, 27 to 6. The Intermedi- ates are going along winning game af- ter game. In the Junior league of indoor ball teams, the Midgets won their fourth straight game by beating the Winnet- ka Colts, 17 to 7. The Young Crusaders won from the Cardinals, 11 to 2. Next Saturday evening the Inter, mediates ' will meet the Sedgwick street boys In a game of Indoor ban and the men will play a game of vol- ley ball with the 8edgwlck street men INDOOR BALL LEAGUE. Standing of the Crabs. Tomaso furnishes up-t -date muste. Club Boys' dub ----- Hubbard Woods Ridge Avenue.. Intermediates . Gun Club...... Indians....... Business Men.. Community Sua. P. 17 16 16 16 17 17 17 16 W. 11 9 9 S 6 6 1 L. 0 6 7 7 9 11 16 Pet. loeo 626 662 562 466 352 29v on First Game Wednesday. The Intermediates had a hard time winning their game with the Com- munity Square team. The boya their larger opponents to a score and early in the game threat- ened to run the IntermediatesjHf their feet. After the fourth inninglhe yoys were unable to- do any more scoring and the Intermediates managed to run six tallies across the plate and won the game. The score: Intermediates -.... 3 4 0 6 1 3 2â€"18 Community Sqs.... 2 1 1 3 0 0 6â€"10 intermediatesâ€"W. Washburn, Gra- ver. Talbot, Orwig, Williams, J. Wasa- and all should welcome the ehaaoe f burn. Hale, Harper, Oague, N. Hale. Community Squarea HeRs, Hafnee, RunnfeMt. Anderson, Bg, Kelson* Das> ean« Hale, Walker, Odk.; -,-.. ^X^'^"'^ Tke Hsmbard Wood* wen oa exctti- tng / game from tho Midge Avenue team, it t« 6. fai Oe ae^ inntnga the game was very elose, but the test ftir' fw*tf**gjr" *Â¥*"jf"****^. Woods boyav illian Russell Qa.,.« "1 am perfectly de- «7<iy^« lighted with, your Fleur-de-Lis cream. I want a jar every two weeks sent to the above address. Please send me a fresh jar at once and then every two weeks after. ~ Send the bill and I will return my check." '"-r-~ ~.'<-\' ": Endorsed by Stage and Society Fleur-de-Lis Face Cream . Fleur-de-Lis Fade^Cyam restores and^*eautiffes the complexiori-cleansps the Ao ep thoronehhs^nd and Jo noveS AL&Vaste prodxu C8 from the skin. Nothii g; else is "Just as good."1 At Your Druggist's, 56c MatriaB. Brtcsea, Sole Agent 94 •. Wssih Aw, CMâ€"> The feUewins Sraestota tg flwr i» !,!â-  CoHkU**...... Omtf L. Oarfce. CLH.BariMtt Mi " ...Onto St. ImaMSarSt. ....Hate St. .Cratnlttt. ...OavtoSt. .DMrlsSt. a. L. LfflfBawsO............tamtwM. F0RSBER8 & LARSON Jim UliNDRY FAMILY Wttpdi ATJtfENAL ralKIV ^m ifcl ^K.II.S ,uXaJ fkMM^mm^^ aaisny/CSJss rsrissmnnnaTai - CMTaiM Mf JkISJsI IrWMin 6fj2 RAILMOAD AVENUE PMONS 360 WINNgTRA. ILL. pfcoM Cmtnl at sr AUTO / enelsaer's 30. with raxlcab sad Marion 30, 9 Psss...*. Flanders 20. Fore-doar, Stoddard-Daytoo Fr Ste*rna 30â€"60. 7 Stevens-Duryee, S ===== These WINNE,TKA Om half Block North t^N, W. Dtf>ot_ fkmmm Wlnaetke 16* 'p/:-[uWMaftK*, PHOMSS: CBNTBALMS TO MY NORTH SH Repsir your Evening Gowns-fAlse Fancy snd Lingei THE FRANCBiSM 8om 711 WnxovoBsr blpo. 81 E. MADISON ST. C. A. FO DEALER fancy tiroctritt, ltUau, PHONE WINNETKA 40 * 78 Telephone 186 Orde« Prontfi^ Att«ae»4T» •" OSCAR HpflTKT' EXPRESSING LIVERY AND BEARDING ST; Carriages Furnished An All Occasions SOe W. OAK STREET WINNETKA, HI. 1 ttpfiif J. A. ODH UpholstirSPMCibirtiibr ritaakMMla H. E. ODHNER HubbMrd Woodt-Ttl. Winnetka 278 rO ORDER All Kiss's cTrsacy Clcsaisg. Pietstag sad Bcstirisg Good* cstfed fan sad delivered. Osly first class week, geusatced. TeUslosc ATTRCwSIw AND CV?HIQIvT1llfPfM|6 rfFNOvl ANTIQUE PURNIT«J« RCPA.ft£f> Tfrtshoil Wlllgtai 235 OpofSftl C & N. W. R. R. Ilfat Htate. WfaV,!. Rue Pictures for the Hi Ur> carry a fine line ofPicfares, Sculphrifiitet/am £'& Picture Fr flibJuEritii NATIONAL ART SUPPLYO aurrt see snd see •ecoeuea eaa auiLOima 3RD FLOOR COR. MICHIGAN^AVE. ANO ADAMS ST., CHIC/ For the next 3(>OaysOnly W* *W n«k> *ar HO Lmttn' TaUand Salts buu tm mjaamfm Over JOO SMtterasf ll PH^Styte WiBietki Stite Bilk Ladiea'4 Tailor5 144 r4ertk Stat* Street ': 43 »aetCs1islSiS4 RAMER Cnns- _Ckths>^I MnsHna^dfmglwM aikT now oa aaJe. KM*. sCSii - ^SP yallS 18 THE TIME Ssalrit â€" t ti» tot on which roaangafaw s»fana«fc»it mm !»â€">â-  yo^jps wrw* tobaahray* Sbawaata Lataaakowyoa AmmIoCs fan Whamtkm mmt Babbwnt Woods at priest that wfll Joitas B- Madsen, Phone 345. Winnetka, 111. 71 HEN norist Fa%28t.aad Csdsjsaet.4M Auto Fhoae A3-3ri Chicago Coach md Carriage Cppany 1233-133L AUTOMOBILE &j& GCNERAL KfgfOtlHO AfOTPASHTWG Norib$hor9*nnebt9l&Sh»TMmaK4.P9«H»Cr*c*»i42* Ann «% «% ^x.-« •> «m ^^^«v^% ^v«>« e. We have purchased the took nnouncement „«,<* r & daily, Bic,* Shop, Winnetka. 1 We also m and Skate grinding, etc. *B*f 8Pej^^ of Lawn Mower We Csll for and Deliver Machine* of. idg FREE N. E. DAtM 807 Elm Street Winnetka, III ^ TT17E have, been doing the clean- ing, dyeing, pressing and re- pairing for particular people for more than care ,^c^etnyp ber. careful arjd mt^lli- mucl years man we Our business In other gent worlc in this business as in ei^i^^Mtlier. WOULDN'T IT PAY YOU TO CALL US UP AND GIVE US A TRIAL?

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