f^ggtJSl $lf;;: â- â- .<â- â- - . •.->.-^ .« ^â- i#j|i',db^'-»iM^,«rt|W*y from " â- â- • _ . _ .â- .. l_.a>mMtUHli Tfi k, .III i*.. DC â- SS-fifii(sw>s*«^ tr? W^^^lS»« ^ ^^ return ^*«r °n^tt^^^^ * * BarnheiesL «» Washington spend two mont^t ^ H»e W^ ^ ^^ jgfcja* to 1315 Lee r^^^^^ ^t^^^"^ Hartray their home, *8b Hlnman ar^nej „„ -nd Mrs W. W. Rom andfam• business trip. !•• iM2 Rldge'avenue. and MissEm- Mr. Thomas L. White, 1714 Orrlng- j,y McCormtek lett today for Orroand Floiada.,-;.,.:..;.';'j,I'......7 , - &;:,..'*...*. Mr.. '* 'U Iftlluun*'of 2607 Park Mrs » L. 1lfr.llnn.ff.of 2^7 fWK Mfe. F. B. Wlnana of the Rtdgewood place has been called to Iowa by the apartments Is spending six weeks vls- Very serious illness of her father, tfcingjn Pasadena, Cal. Rev. ft. A- Griffith. Dr. W. ^ Phillip". 1217 Michigan streei^ left today for a month's visit avenue, leftiSaturday for Florida. «»• ln B| B6n0> Oklahoma ' _......._ -1* .w„i.. little dauahter will â- .,â- _„_ „___,.„___...k.. The Country club will give a pro- gressive auction-bridge party next Fri- day evening at 8:15 p. m. • Dr. Edgar Blake, 612 Church street, left Sunday, .night for Cincinnati, O. He will be away all week. The Misses Currier, 312 Kedsle street, have as their guest Miss Dor- othy Stohr of St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sheridan, 310 Phillip, a^iyflr HWle dwght«*lll '"leave later%,:*fe" - . / *„>;l*;v":*•>:;."â- â- 'â- r.â- ;"=. '.' v Mr. aud MrsVSell*^ Kellenforger ,nd fam 1J>- have moved, from 2003 tln.oln street to Iowa, where Mr. Kel- tenberger will engage < in business. ^Mrs. Edward K. Harris, 821 Davis atreet, left Wednesday fqr a week* rtay at Lincoln, Neb, She was ac- companied home by her daughter, Mia* Clara Harris. >.-„ -ta_ at Church street, left last week tor Rey. J. Madison .i*. lijjj; nth,g tr|p througb tne BOuth the First Baptist church, arrived "^ y Q shafler im Judgon home â„¢***>h*â„¢%"Z in CalvaS avenue, has returned <roto a short He preached there Sunday in Calvary ^ iBdlBnapolis and Louisville. ivmeiit met of the Water witt kh Meke. „kl„„ l»IP»i>t». Mr. «d Mr.. Prederl* Mr.. Walter Ot.me,u, tuiOMcw. JD Bttard.. MM Hwrtaon.tre.t.1-. .««».. «««« '»' P^J?S' rSurwd to hU horn. U Martlnmile. I Wl., to .pead » »«•* *"" "w â„¢>UMr- .Indiana. 5 610 Davis from New avenue, la ih California, oa a short ton avenue, spent Sunday In Chicago, the guest of friends. |ffr^ Avi<>. Nicholson, »29 DaviB Mrs. Springer. Mrs. Ed Bristol, 816 Chicago ave- nue, went to Kenosha Tuesday morn- ing for a brief visit with her aunt. Mrs. Mae McDonald. Thirteen young ladies* of St Luke's Girls' 'Friendly society Tuesday even- flf Mrs. W. B. B)kto of LoulpvlBei Ky.. tad her great niece. Miss ffllsabeta HaiUaxd, of Wabash, Ind.. after a tislt of several days, the guests of Mrs. EUkln'a sister, Mrs. N. P. WU- ;^lisnu, returned homeTuesday. ,a,,, ""â€" -;â€" ",MiB tn tha dinner at | Mn Nathan Willmr Helm, principal ine went to, CWcago to the dinner at I Mr.. Clara arbart and UrtM ""-^ rto „„ „,„, ,„„,„, Earhart has Just returned from their wnere sne «*y« «â- oM home In Chrtampn, I1L. where she May l. ^ Hlnman ave. ^ha. been since *«* J^n^Send. at her home |: MI.8 Marie Doerlng,: â- &***• 1^^ evellJllg m honor of Mis. Car- place, gave ^V**^â„¢?** rTldoVf, also of Hmman avenue The Those present aw"» »Mâ„¢^n,Q^f writin- of culinary recipes proved an "^ 1â„¢* JSr^dTllbert rnurtalning game. son, MMsre. ^J^^J1â„¢*: Mis. Edna Harris, 321 Davis, street, Helnsohn, George Doerlng. Mrs. Her- ^ ^^ afteni001l to man Schmidt was the,<^»f£-> "£ the IfSpas in honor of Miss Florence Fred ^>«^*â„¢L ?%Si "^iSr Grtl^TS Colfax, Iowa. Mis. Ora- *• â- **3^'"E ham, who was formerly a Northwest scheme was irtnf*isid white. , tmiveralty student and an Evans- j; Mrs. William I)i^ Marsh of Owen- •£ ^^ ^ gpendlng two weeks wood Inn announces the marriage of her daughter. Mabel ^'M[*2 a'^12^ WllUama of Highland P. Paddlson, Jr., of Palm Beach, Ma, Miss low Jâ„¢^J atever both which took„place In Palm Beaeh on Park^^^J^^ve T brkge Feb. 18. Miss Marsh went to Paam of Sheridan J^J^lJ^ Beach some week, ago to be the guest whist parjr ^J^^^ of an aunt, whom ahe fmnently ha» honor of Mto. ^^^^Z tutted in wcent yearn At tte time inmrrtage^ *r M^J?"^^uay her betrothal to Mr. Paddtobn had Pittsburgh, P»-. wUL°^.._ *!!?: titerville, la her uncles, avenue, for a not been announced^ although It bad been planned that the wedding would take place some time within the next tew months. Instead, the young peo- ple decided to have the ceremony in the south. They are now on a wed- ding trip and will b<* at home after April l u Palm Beach, where the bridegroom has lumber Interests. : A number of young people of the northern part of Evaaston gate a sielghride party Saturday evening, meeting at the home of Miss Francea Vandercook and ending np at the home of the Misses Bather and Mar- Jorie Grantham, 2415 Hartsell street, where excellent refreshments were served. Those present were the Miss- es Esther Moore, Frances Vandercook, Vendla Johnson, Helen Snyder, Bertha Moore, Esther Grantham, Both Btstey, May Palm, Matilda Wlttbold, •ad Marjorte Oraatham, and Messrs. George Wlttbold, Arthur Meers, Bich- «rd Ryeraon, Paul Faulkner, Milton ward Yuulercook and Warren Byer â- JBav. evening next. Miss Templeton was a former Northwestern student and many of her Bvanston friends were among the guests Invited to this party. The Bryant circle met Monday afternoon with Mrs. George A. Fos- ter, 1«22 Sheridan road. The circle's subject for this year is, "England Daring the ^Seventeenth and Eight eenth Century." Mrs. J. J. Tufts read an interesting paper on nlngs of Jouirnallsm.w Mrs. O. W. Hinckley, who is in California, had prepared and sent to the club a paper on "The English Gardens," which was read by Mrs. John Scbwender. Miss Emma Dorothy Albertson. 14M Elmwood avenue, was the4 gnest of honor Tuesday evening at a shower given at the Bvanston andltorlum by the employes of Rosenberg'B depart- ment store, in anticipation of her ap> Broaching marriage Easter Sun- day to Mr. Arthur William Scbwrler of East Chicago, Ind. The evening strwt. left Monday morning fo> ;we^*'^rippo^ Prof. Amee, who was entertaineU at the Unlveraity club last week, left Saturday for home. ; i „. _ Mrs. Frank T. Murray, 522 Church street, entertained her card club Monday. Three tables of bridge were played. Mrs. H. H. Klngsley, 1334 Hlnman avenue, left Sunday night for Minne- apolis, Minn., where she will visit friends for a tew days. Mr. and Mrs. George Frederick Knifely, 2720 Woodbine avenue,'were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Birch, Maywood, 111. Rev. H. 8. Graves, pastor of Bben- eser M. B. church, is improving rap- idly and hopes to leave the city the last of the week for Texas. Prof. Harlan Updegraff, 2826 Hart- sell street, returned Friday from Phil- adelphia, Pa., where he attended the National Educational association. Mrs; Frances E. Finch,. 1806 Colfax street, who has been in New York City and Brooklyn during the month of February, returned.Saturday evening. Mrs. Frederick von Schlegell, 1411 Church street, and son, Frederick III., returned Sunday from a six months' trip to Dunedin, in Southern Florida, Mr. Albert F. Mochon and son.Ber/ tie, .of. Wheaton, I«., were the over- Sunday guests of his brother, Mr. O. J. Mochon and fain^ €20 Clark street Miss Ruby Rankle p arrived Monday to Mr, H. B. Williams liams, 2233 Orrington month. Mrs. E. Julia Bogart, 1113 Maple avenue, who has been visiting her daughter and husband. Mai. and Mrs. Jack Crosier, in Toronto, Canada, ar- rived home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Seurloek. and little daughter, Catherine, 824 Hlnman avenue, have returned from California, where they have been tor the past, three njpnths. Justice Charles H. Volgt will close out bis business May. 1 and will be succeeded by Mr. W. J. SchaU, 1460 Maple avenue. The first of June Jus- tice, Vo'lgt will go to Florida to re- side. Rev. and Mrs. Charles M.« Stuart, 621 Foster street, entertained the Monica club of Northwestern univer- sity Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Dyche read a paper on the municipal art of Chicago Miss Winifred Hull, 1422 Hlnm*h avenue, gave an organ recital Bun- day afternoon at the Church of the Holy Spirit, Lake Forest. Miss Edna Palmer, soprano, also of Evanston, was the soloist. Professor H. H. Klngsley is among the many Evanstonians to wit- ness the inaugural festivities of Presi- dent Wilson. Mr. Klngsley ha. been attending an educational conference in Philadelphia for the past week. The regular meeting of the Bryant circle was held Monday at the home of Mrs. George A. Foster, 1022 Sheridan road. Mrs. Tufts read a paper on "The Beginning of Journalism," and Mrs. Hinckley one on "English Gardens." ^ Mr. Harold Pynchon, 1728 Wesley avenue, Is home Ogf an extended trip to Portland, Me., where he acted as best man at a frond's wedding, to Boston and New lork. From New York he went by #at to Galveston, Texas. Mrs. Samuel B. Warner, 427 Green- wood boulevard, left Sunday for Washington, D. C, to attend the In- auguratlon. Her son, Robert Warner, Is one of the Princeton boys who acted as escort to President Wilson. She will go also to New York sad expects tone away tor threeweeks. - The West Side Pleasure club held their regular meeting Thursday even- ing at the home of Mr. Fred Ahrens, 2120 Wesley avenue. Twenty-seven members were present. The business aeanon was followed by music and dancing- The, next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. John Ahrens. 2081 Darrow avenue, Thursday even- lag, March 18. . The next meeting of the Parents' and Teachers' association of the high school wltt be held tonight at S o'clock in the high school bnlldlng. Prof. Charles H. Jndd, director of the School of BMucatton at the University of Cliteago, win speak on "The Bela- tion of the High School to the We- mentary School and College.- The public Is Invited. - : :" '- "' ........ _....._.....'mm^^^MM^ . Mr. A. C Galits and Mr Bdwm Ge- nts went to Huntley, ill, Bunder on business. .•â- %0m&^k^ Mrs. Waltef S; Primly, 'rest avenue. l*aa been slightly III, for saah to Belieair, era! days. ^':'.";:.> â- + -:'"'r:' ^â€"â€"^ <^-yâ- â- â- â- ': niie, h« been having as her. Mrs. Wens is now m CWcago vislU ^^layen^-pwejilte ..... Mr. Wnt, J. Oorman, »86 avenue, has returned from a ful trip to Iowa. Mr. and Mrs, Guy 8. McCabe left Thursday evening for a three weeks 'trip.'In Florida, %â- %'â- Mrs: F. Britton. 2734 Prairie ave^ nue, has returned from a alx weeks' visit in southern Illinois. ' Mr. P. VS. B. Ward. ISM Elmwood avenue, went to New York Wednesday on a ten days' business trip. Miss Helen Tym of the "Parlsisn" wilt be married In May to Mr. Henry Green, 1012 Wesley avenue.. ':'-^:Mk:ii: Mrs. Gilbert M. Weeks, 1720 Asbury avenue, and her mother, Mrs. Fred, James, are* in Pasadena, Cal. . Miss Frances O. Perkins of Fond du Lac, Wis* Is the guest ot Mrs. Frank A. Wheellhan, 1207 Michigan avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Savory of Wilmington, Del., have recently moved here and are residing In the Hereford. Mf. C. S. Harlan of Atlantic, Iowa, Is the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Frank E. Baker, 2236 Central street. He will be here about ohe. week. â- -s ^ .-â- '.â- •' i;t Mrs. William Dean and Miss Hau- gan were dinner, hostesses Saturday evening at their home, 1122 Judson avenue. Covers were land for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Simmon, 1735 Wesley avenue, have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Simmon of Bos- ton, Mass., the parents ot Mr, Sln> moo., ';;'„ '/â- â- " Loomis Hypes, 1128 Michigan ave- nue, a freshman at Princeton, has been appointed flfer of the Princeton guard who will march In the inaugu ural-processienv â€"â€"'â- â€"â€" The Misses Nelson, missionaries to India, who .are returning to duty after a year's furlough, were over-Sunday guests of Mr. Fred Cbll. strom, 1116 Ayara place. They sail March 5 from New York. . - > Mrs. J. Bex Allen, 1022! Grove street, gave a dinner party Satur- day evening in honor of Mr. Allen's sister, Mrs. Daniel Bell of Philadel- phia, Pa., who has been her guest and who returned to her home Sunday, <; Mrs. E. D. Poole, 080 Hlnman ave- nue, assisted by Mrs. Harry Bell, will entertain the chorus choir of the Sec- ond Presbyterian church on the even- lug of March 8 ,Mr, Bell is the di- rector of the choir and Mr. Poole" Is one of the soloists. Mr.Cl*rwF. *a*^i»l^ enue. and Mi^ellinatim^A. Jones Sngsrs Paaw, menalMwpvot the mi- nots rsbjtions* CvlsJen irf u*e Oilcago '""- wot Commeroa, were gneatt of honor at the c*iemercitf cln* ben- quet at 1* Batte, m.. last evesrfng, Mr. lanels addrssssd the elmh. art Ryeraon, Paul Fnulkner, Milton or ^^^^"H^ft orchestra furnished th-» jntisic There were abont; eighty present. Exclusive Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns" Fountain Square - s» i PROCTER and GA IVORY SOAPâ€"large or laundry size. Box of 100 bars, $6.75. barsfor.......................^15 IVORY SOAPâ€"small or toilet size. Box of 100 bars for $3.95. 6 bars for......... -.............25c m- Wrappers Good for Presets AMBER J valuable. Bo 10 bars for-^ STAR NA POWDER. IfeIf the White Naphtha Soap? |^|§ of 100 bars for $3.95. 6 bar^ ^~m^i yv................'.;% .:25^" X/SOAP. :]^5^fS^ for $jLs9& 10 bars lor wrappers bar " WASHING lb. cartoii1for^^.l6c m EMERSON Plans should, be made now for BVAjNSTQy. TLjLj- Chicago Office: M11AZ WEST OIT CANAL Telephonesâ€"«67 and 3768 isplanted saoceaaf nlly ai thistiaBie^ Street. Phone Main 9414 p Evanston Theatre. Wed. Matinee, March 12 Seats Jl, JI.50, $2, Bun W U* WWI Isf ZTL^^ZJ^,