$8fP?|si!PW*!!^ ft? W | Mr. W. C. ShorMed* is In Boston this laoe*. t Mm. J. B. Olwln entertained her clnb Tuesday afternoon. March 5. f, Jerry Todd to to the Eranston hos- pital. Prot Taylor Melville of St- John'* untversltj nude hia parenta a flying visit during the week. i Mrs. Godderls of B««ewater is the gnestot Mr. and Mra. Walter Baldwin 111 Woodbine avenue. Mr. and Mra. W. D. Mathews, 1521 Lake avenue, will entertain their bridge cluh Saturday evening. The Monday Reading club met witb Mrs. Julian C. Smith, 82« Greenwood avenue, last Monday. Miss Elisabeth McCue, daughter of Mr. Charles McCue, is home from the hospital. Mrs. Frank Scheldenbelnt went to Mendota the latter part of the week to Visit her mother. Mrs. H. K. Snider met with a seri- ous accident Friday night when she fell and broke her wrist. Mrs. A. P. Fooee of Elmwood ave- nue Is entertaining her sister, Mra. B. M. Bsltea of Fort Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes. 714 Cen- tral avenue, entertained her bridge club Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 26. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Pattllo and daughter have gone to Florida for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs*. J. B. Mass have left for a trip to Panama and the West Indies. " Mr. Mff. Gearing of Toronto, Can- ada, was the gueet of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton L. Keith. 222 Ninth street, last 'â- flffijwaak. qffiti Miss Charlotte Springer 430 Hill iI3*#trest, entertained about twenty-Jive P^party last FTlday evening. ®%s 5 Mrs. Cha*. Hasujas of Gleneoe, for- pjaorly of WUmette, is in Summervllle, ffp. C. She Is accompanied by Mr and ^flllfra, Henry Pierce Pope. 'â- â- ,|55. Rov. Boy & Bowers was called to 1-EootstowB, O., to preach the funeral sermon of a friend. He will visit Ash- laud, 0„ his old home. tmm- Tb» ladles of the first division of mm- the Mathodist Ladles' Aid society met iLsrfth. Mta. Byron Stolp Monday after- few "mi'ils. and Mrs. W. 8. Bartholomew, #S©7 forest avenue, are contemplating their hope in Now Tork city 'tattko usaf future. ^Mli. 3. 1>. Docker, Wl Greenwood avenue, was called to Wellington, Kan. on aeeount of the serious illaets of her mother, Mrs. Bristol The foport has been recoivsdfiona Rochester, Minn., of lib death^ranrry f, Mllla, a former resident of Wfl- ^ ^Junior Anderson***^* alelghing M'party to his friends Fridarutternoon. m 'Mrs. Bell mud Mr. Anderson chaper- U oned the party. "H-Mrs. Poter R. Finley entertained w about twsnty-nve friends Tuesday ife evening in honor of the birthday of ber husband. Mrs. Charles Schlcsser, 621 BHm- vood avenue, was recently called to Michigan on account of the death of his sister. Mrs, A. P. Osborn of Augusta, m., on her return from a trip **»& California and Mow Mexico, visited Wftav Ito and Mrs. a R. Dart. 706 Oieonlesf mnrâ€" i Tho Publlo School Art lomguo of Wllmette will hold Its regular month- ly board meeting Tuesday, March tt, at 10 •> a** at tho home of Mrs. 8. *. Dmgee, MS Lake avenue. Jlfc and Mrs. George Van W*»** tortatacd a company of MeaditMon flji sisalnr hi honor of their friend, Mrs. a A. Barber of St Louis, who Is vtattiag here. Mr. sad Mrs. Robert Lyth Morley, 19M Ashlaad avenue, have announced the eagagement of their daughter, Oortrude. to James Herbert Walker of Detroit. Mrs. O. C. Eastman ri H and w. club Tuesday evening. The club of men who play team whist met at the home of Mr. Arthur Allen 1029 Thirteenth street, Monday evening. On the same evening tho wives of these men were entertained at the home of Mrs. Renaeckar, 1022 Eleventh street. Mrs. Robert Stoddard, 524 Lake •venue, entertained in honor of her mother, Mrs. MacAdam, of New York, taking a few friends for a sleigh ride last Friday afternoon. They stopped at her home later for refreshments. Monday. March 10, at 8 p. m„ tho New Trier Township association will hoi 1 a meeting In the Wilmetto State bank for the election of officers and the discussion of the village election and the advisability of a central de- livery of orders. The last of Miss Henry's lecture, which was to have been given at the home of Mrs. J. B. Gretaer, was given at the home of Mrs. Wm. Freeman. 711 Lake avenue, last Monday after- noon. The subject was "Beatrice D'Este." This series has been very enjoyable. It is reported that Mrs. D. L. Tay- lor, a former resident of WUmette, has purchased the home of Mrs. Harry S. Griswold on Michigan avenue, to which she will make some additions. Mts. <Jriswold has bought the home on Seventh street formerly occupied by the Smart family. The Parents' club of the Logan school met Monday afternoon. Mrs. Alvin Bute spoke of the plan and oh* ject of work for domestic science day in the Woman's club, and Mrs. Thurs- ton, probation officer for Wllmette, Kentlworth and Wtanetka, told of her experience In ber work. Friday even- ing, March 7, the parents sad irlendr of the school sre Invited for a social evening. Miss Ellis, head toaohor of Eng'sh literature of the Elgin high school, will talk. Light refreshments will be served. A concert was given by the Univer- sity Trio, composed of Mr. and Mm. Kuehn and Mrs. Hatel Eden-Mudge, on Thursday evening, Feb. 27. It was a most delightful evening, each per- former being an artist in tho number given. The next concert will be given Friday afternoon, March 14, at 8:80, at the Woman's club building. Fran- ces Lee Shoecraft will give ah Inter pretation of Maeterlinck's "Blue Bird" and William Griswold Smith will give humorous lyrics and ballads. BOY SCOUTS ACTIVE IN WILMETTE WILMEHE'OLD TOWN FOLKS'MEET At the annual meeting of the Old Town Folks given Friday evening, Feb. 21, Mr. Frank Grover of Evais- ton gave a very interesting historical sketch of the NoTth Shore. | Mr. A:>,C. Weaban spoke of "Then and Now,"- tasking comparisons that were full of sentiment a» well as humor. Following the addresses the election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows: President. Mr. Edw. L. Scheldenbelm; vice-pres- ident, Mr. J. 8. Dolg; secretary, Mrs. Sam 8. Dingee; treasurer, Mrs. Arthur P. Rogers. OOILMETTE COUNTRY CLUB The March program for the Ouil motto Country club Is as follows: Friday, March 7, 2:80 p. m.â€"Cards; lilies. Saturday, March 8, 8:80 p. m.â€"For- mal dancing party. Saturday. March 15, 7 p. m.â€"Basket dinner and military euchre. Monday, March 17, 8:80 p. m.â€"St. Patrick's day party. Saturday. March tt, 8:15 p. m.â€"En- tertainment. Saturday. March 22, 8:80 p. m.â€" Masquerade. WILMBTTK WINNERS. The words omitted In tho missing word contest in the last Issue were as follows: 'Shore" In the advertisement of Mc- Gulre A- Orr. "Egan" In the advertisement of Van Order Livery. "Plants" -in the advertisement of Wilmetto Florist "let" in the advertisement of J. A. Hotb. Thd winners were: Blixabeth Micholot, 1028 Sheridan road, first prise,-------- Marjorle W. Petrie, 710 Washington avenue, second prize. Myron Appleyard, 1122 Lake avenue, third prise. Harold L. Gore, 108 Woodbine avenue, fourth prize. Activity In the Boy Scouts of WU- mette la continuous and enthusiastic. Merit badge examinations have been passed recently by the following scouts in the subjects as given, and certificates have been forwarded to national headquarters for approval: Miner Coburn, firemanshlp and min- ing; Warner Gates, firemanshlp and bugling; Bertram Hammond, public health, first aid, athletics, mining, cycling and firemanshlp; Leroy Ham- mond, first aid, public health, garden- ing; mining, swimming and flrcman- ship; Wilkie Klelnpell, firemanshlp, mining and poultry farming; Hugh Peterson, automoblling, firomauship and forestry; Kingsley Rico, mining; Shelby Singleton, mining, cycling and camping; Clarence Wolf, cycling; Erwia Wolf, mining. Elections and appointments in the council and in the two troops have recently been made, at the end of tho scout year, as follows: »»â€"â€"»» â- • Council officers: President, Mr. B. The Neighborhood circle mot at tho rrmnk Brown. vice-president. Mr. W. ?1§»*J*§«5*>__---------- M «. fjjUJT hj Msadsmsi Frank and *» Simolrtonhalii' litImrlf and Pelrce. % The Tuesday Card club was tutor- tatoed by Mrs. Ira M. Hatch Fob, Sf, George Tern Dyke entertained with a sMa*las party last Saturday after- jrir. and Mr*/ Dambleton. who have I Wan mm **«*• »*â- *• •* » * 1*5 Nhath street, ea»ect to leave W»* la mm «• mafco their home In to- Iad. Mr. aad Mrs. P. B. Hetron, •♦» Forest avuau*. wttl spend the rest of toe winter at Hotel Royal Palm. Fort Myers. FJa. Their daughter. Miss â- Usahoth, Is la school at Saint Claras ooOego, Stsalnswa, Wis. :• f^ Fotai»slUP *&^m^**^* the hosso of Mr. aad Mrs. S. D. Coat- far. 'ftt Lake arcane, Wdar . afisses Dototfcy aad Beasa Butt win esAertalaa few of taelr friends at the kcuao^fafr. aad Mrs. an* ^~ â€" Merit Badge Examinations Passed and Officers and Leaders Selected. WINNCTKA WINNERS. The words omitted In the missing word contest in the last issue were as follows: "Massage" in the advertisement of Miss Anderson. "Prices" la the advertisement of Forsherg A Larson. "Deposit" In the advertisement of Wlnnetka State bank. The winners were: Harry Cadenhead, 902 Oak street, first prize. Adelaide R. Jenjks, 619 Elder lane, second prise. Ellen Johnson, 1020 West Spruce street, third prise. Leslie B. France, 264 Sheridan road, fourth prize. WIHHETKA WOMAN IS HONORED Mrs. W. A. Otis, president of the Wlnnetka Woman's club, has been chosen a member of the executive board of the Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs for the tenth district of the state. There is to be an all- day session of the clubs of the tenth district at the new Woman's Club building in Evanston, Thursday, March 13. The program follows: Board meeting, 9:80 a m. Business meeting, 10:30 a. m. The speakers at the morning ses- sion will be George W. Plummer of the Consumers' League of Illinois; Arthur B. Farwell of the Chicago Law and Order league, and Mrs. 8. M. B. Hunt, Mrs. John Harvey Brown, Mrs. Frederick A. Dow, Mrs. Mlnne Starr Grainger, officers In the Illinois Fed- eration of Woman's clubs. Luncheon wttl be served at 11:80. An afternoon session will be held at 2 o'clock. Addresses by Mr. Joel D. Hunter, Cook County Juvenile court; Hon. A. A. McCormlck, president Cook County Board of Commissioners, and Mrs. William B. Boyes. Legal Aid so* ciety of Chicago. OPEN NIGHT AT KENILWORTH GYM The open night at the Kenilworth gymnasium, Friday night, was a great success. The bowling contest was won by Mr. J. C. Murray and Dr. Patillo. They were presented with gold cuff buttons and stick pins by Mr. Chapman in the gymnasium after the contest. The young Kenilworth boys sang and did "stunts" until the basketball game. This game^ was played between the two best teams in Kenilworth, the Kenilworth Lightweights, consist- ing of Wallls Evans, Franklin Bel- lows, Meniere Ware, Alfred Veness, Hilmar Zimmerman, and the Kenil- worth Midgets, consisting of Bertram Veness, Charles Macklln. John Bel- lows, Edward Parmelee, Ogden Cook. The members of the winning team, the Lightweights, were presented with league (baseballs. league Jawol Dally Thought. Who, than, Is free? The wise who can govern himself .â€"-Horace. ave You 1 NKWMAN T^VRLTALK*! B, to Berlinâ€"Eastern Oer- many," wHl b^ the subject of tho fourth Newman traveltalk at Orches- tra hall on Wednesday evening; Fri- day evening and Saturday afternoon, March 12. 14 and 15. In this picture pilgrimsge the tourists will visit the places where much that is famous in German art and culture had Its origin; they will have opportunity to compare the homes of costumed peasants In the 8preewald, with the more pre- tentious habitations of the plutocracy In such splendid cities as Berlin, Mu- nich, Dresden, Leipslc, Nuremberg and Weimar; they will vlalt the homes and haunts of Goethe, Schiller, Liszt, Wagner and Bach, Inspect the art treasure* In the galleries of Dresden sad ride In a dirigible balloon orer the cities of Dusseldorf, Jena and Eisenach, and the beautiful Thurin- gian forest. Mr. Newman's new views and motion pictures will show graph- ically the most modern and pro- gressive cities of the German empire in contrast with the ancient ones where excellently preserved examples of medieval architecture are still to be seen. Interest in the pictures will be enhanced by Mr. Newman's delight, ful descriptive narrative. As an added feature, Mr. Newman wttl show his film of the storm on the North sea. which caused so much favorable com- ment when exhibited here last season. J. B. HECKLER 1137 GRCENLEAF AVC. /. Real. Estate BARGA^S* 4-Room dotuge.............$2,100 6-Room sjangelow...........82,700 7-Room Bouse, hot water heat $3,500 9-Room Rouse, stucco........$6,500 ASk for List of OTHER BAR6AIHS Scluiltz & Nord TtlHwsM filarttt 320 read the adtertlsements In th^ \n Ladles' Home Journal and tho *" Woman's Home Companion for March? We have and every ar- ticle advertised that von would expect to find tti a /run store we have. I L> \J This Is oni/fthe nttny ways we are prepareM to serve ypu, showink the oWpletenenw of our stonk. And wettjstvht we say If fou see It advertised In the Lollies' Honw Journal or Woman's Home Companion, where only meritorious articles are advertised, you can get It at the Renneckar Drug Company. Ruieckir Drug Go. The Rcxall Store Tots. 31 ft 29 Wllmette, III. No olflNi TAlLORINfi Mw Procem Cleaning and Dyeing West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL.' |/ â€" ro«â€" Bakery Goods of Superfine QuaUty Goods you can pli most discriminstitSg: Wilson's North SaofcrSakery 1148 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones Wllmstte 413-414 ADTO DELIVERY Mtaaii %. Klelnpell: secretary, 7-treasurer, Mr; executive committee, the oounetl onV oers, with Mr. C. C. Cameron and Mr. O. S. Hammond. Appointments in the First troop: Patrol leader of the Stags. Hugh. Pet- erson; assistant, Leroy Hanunoad. In the Hounds, patrol leader. Miner Co* burn; assistant. Bart Skelton, In the Wolves, patrol leader, Merriman Hess; assistant, Arthur Kant; assistant sooutawsters. Alfred Schmidt, WUUam RJelnpall. Past patrol leaders, Shelby Singleton, Bruce Brown. AppolntmenU In the Second troop cporHno Firing Ragles, patrol leader.] Allen Csmeron; assistant, frank Fa*>] nieka. In the Black Bears, petrol leader, Harvey Hoop; assistant, A> fred Watt, to the Beavers, patrol leader, Allen Northern; assistant, Ber- tram Hammona. In the Buffaloes, pa- trol leader, James Peterson; assistant. Clarence Wolf. Assistant scout""** Wolf, Mr. Lomnsbary leader, sttohard Hopp. ALPH W. FAUPEL THE VILLAQM ELECTRICIA In connectioiA-Mdth hi^ Electrical Contracting _ has put in a full line of Columbia Grafonolas and Records. You are invited to come and hear theiii. OOmPImmIM Shop* Urn Pbon« 168 / . C. WOLFF ift^CIWORK Furnaces ansVsf epairs. Gas Stoves and All Kmds of Jobbing a Specialty Office, 1124 Central Ave, SlwsH0«fOerkAve..<iMi) WllsseHa frHKmim^V^^ <? OOD Dress- ers demand art in clothes, the nice toucbajmie distinctive toj&j«bnTac- jer, styW tiMMne fin« Wilmeiie / AUTHORIZED tD fob' A BANKraGViliSfc 5eSS UNDER ST4TO SOPBB:y|S|ON CAPITAL arid SURPLUS $60,000.00 | Safety Deposit THB Bank is with one of th posit Vaults^ igo. TbbOcxes afford solute protection foj tpers, etc., a^gma^^rTe urs, besides tkTconveni- having this protection r at home. The equipment w-.-»â€" three hundred boxes an^ they are becoming very Mrahrit the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit oox system. Ill 'mm 'MM ;cl^i^ CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH sfa$$ Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Nlnj Wilmette Beatitv Shop M E^A M. Kilmer Second Floor Thefaenk sftg^aoo Cential Ave., WUsatts High Class Beauts f4a{pknods^^^^^ tying Done * MUli UUUlAO w, tMM w ptrmp LMETTEJ)AIR^ Par* Milk antf uidChee«e 1819 Elmwood Avenue TaVttPHONE 814 WILMETTE. Jlfc WOT 7" nee 1026 >^nO Office 1071 JAMES A. Si REAL ESTATE, RENTINo}, LOA^sTaND INSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue J -â- Wllmette, IUinoii «7e else have seme choice bargains in North Shore propertv. GEORGE J. EBER Ladies' Tailor Custom Tailor till WsLMETTX Wt-L WOnRwTH SHORE PR. * WE ARE BRANCH OFFICES :\Roger%^irk, } Highland Park IVTY Hlmette, Gleneoe r CHICAGO'S HEADQUARTERS High Grade JiubbcttKS&Jds snasBnoBi 105-107 So. Wabagh Avamw _