^nmm lsP^if^i^pfpp®i^i|pil«' SORE NEWS, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY t7,1013. 'â- â- â- â- â- â- '. 'â- â- â- â- ________________________________,____________________________________- â- :-___________'â€"___________________ â- â- - '-â- -.. - START TO BE MADE MAYOR CONTEST Promise isGiven by Supporters of Two Candidates That Meetings This Week Will Be Significant. WALLACE HAS LA GRIPPE Plumber Candidate is Laboring Under Handicap at Outset-No Plans Have Been Announced By Either Side. promise that a "start" will be made this week in the mayoralty campaign iu Evanston is given by support- ers ot the two candidates in * the announcement that meetings will be held in the various precincts during the next few day3 to perfect working plans. While it is not expected that the perennial • boom" for either of the candidates will be launched this week, it is thought that the "machinery" will be well oiled and that every preliminary detail for the contest will be arranged. AJ the outset, the Wallace contin- gent arp handicapped in that their randWdte, Charles S. Wallace, Is wrestling with an attack of la Kiippo, which clings to him tenacious- ly. Despite his efforts to ward off the disease, he was forced to remain at home two days last week. He is now able to be in his place of busi- ness, but is still feeling weak. Smart Organizers Meet. Meetings were held by the Smart faction last week, but according to some of the chief lieutenants, nothing of any importance was transacted in the sessions. "We merely are getting everything lined up right," said one of the political workers in behalf of James R. Smart this week. "Our or- ganization will be of the best, and when we start our campaign will be thorough," he added. It may be said with a degree of cer- tainty that neither the Wallace nor the Smart men have their plan of cam- paign completely outlined yet. They' each have tentative plans, but as no decision has been made they are re- ticlent about talking of these pro- posed schemes. There is much talk just now about the sentiment tide taking a turn. How- ever this is greatly rumored senti- ment, according to political prognostl- cators, and little attention is given the talk. _ e Are Doing in Hubbard Woods [♦MtlMt Mr. and Mrs. It I* Gonsalves are visiting in Jacksonville and Spring- field. 111. Mrs. Heissler of Chicago visited her cousin, Mr*. 8. E. Barnes, the last of the week. The Hubbard Woods fire department will give a masquerade at the village- hall Saturday, April 5. Mrs. William Salter returned Thurs- day after spending about five weeks with her mother in the east Mrs. Metcalf and daughter of Chi- cago visited Mrs. Metcalfs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, over Sunday. Mr. Win. Relfenberg returned Fri- day from Silver Lake, Wis. Mrs. F. M. Case and little daughter, Carolyn, have gone to Winter Park, Fla., for the rest of the winter. Mrs. Douglas Smith left Friday evening for a trip to China, where she expects to spend several months. Mrs. W. S. Hamm entertained her Sunday school class and friends Fri- day evening. AH report a fine time. Mr. John Odh is moving his uphol- Btering shop from Gage street to his lot on Linden avenue, the present property being purchased by the park board for the purpose of a park. was Injured last Saturday while but skating. He ran into a wire and was thrown backwards on the ice, striking hiff-head aa he tell. He waa taken to the hospital In Evanston, where he is suffering from a fractured skull. Just how serious the accident was has not yet been learned, but it is said that the boy is slowly improving. HMMIMMMMIItlMMH>MMM»MMIMIMMMMM» What People Are Doing n«..........in Gross Point...........' Mrs. Ralph Klemm of Schiller i and daughter, Pearl, and Mrs. C. H. street entertained Mrs. R, Thalmant | Klemm Thursday at luncheon._______ #)»♦»<».....♦•*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.....♦»»»»»......♦♦â- ••••»•••••'> GROSS POINT JUNIORS ENTERTAINED Last Saturday a rfbcial was held In the basement of the M. E. church for the boys and girls, and about seventy-five were present. The boys and girls under the age of 12 were entertained from 2:30 to 3:30. About twenty-five were present. Then the boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 16 were entertained from 4 to 5 30 with about fifty present. The boys meet every Monday aft- ernoon under the management of Roy M. Kirtland to play Junior league I ill. Plans are being laid to form some weekly recreation for the girls. What People Are Doing I; :;»««»...........in Glencoe..............*'» GROSS POINT LEAGUERS IN EVANSTON The Epworth league of Gross Point M. E. church will go in a body to the Covenant M. B. church in Evanston next Friday night to attend a rally of the Evanston subdistrict. They are making special efforts to have a large crowd accompany them. A banner is given the league having the best at- tendance. A new one was awarded last May and was taken by the Wtt- mette league, and at a rally last fall was again won by them and the young folks are determined not to give It up next Friday night if they can help it Mr. Geo. Carrington is reported ill. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lodwidge have moved to Evanston. Mrs. John C. Parry entertained at luncheon Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mortimer left Monday for Panama. Mrs. Ralph Pate spent last week with her parents at Elgin, 111. The F. F. F. Social club met with Mrs. G. H. Morris Wednesday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ur- ban Levernler Tuesday, Feb. 18. Mrs. George W. Tracy gave a small informal bridge party last Friday. Mrs. Henry Behrens entertained Mrs. Wm. Rudolph last Wednesday. Miss Sadie I. Meline is visiting friends in Milwaukee for a few days. Mr. Louis Taylor of Georgetown, Colo., is visiting Mrs. Michael Gorm- ley. Anthony Schweiger is still in the hos- pital, though he is reported to be im- proving. Mrs. Levermler entertained h*r daughter and grandchildren during the week-end. Mrs. M. B. Arde and three children are going to San Antonio, Texas, for a short visit. It is reported that Col. Jacobs, who has been ill during the last ten days, is much better. The ladies of the Union Church guild met Tuesday afternoon. Tea was served at 4:30. A directors' meeting of the Woman's Library club has been ordered for Thursday, March 6. Mrs. C. M. Parrisb, formerly of Glen- coe, now living in Lake Forest, was a visitor here last week. The Sewing Circle of the Sacred Heart church of Hubbard Woods had a meeting on Thursday. Messrs. E. D. Brigham and August Zleslng left Maltland, Fla., last Mon- day for a trip to Panama. The Neighborhood Dancing club will give a dance at the Woman's Li- brary club Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. I* N. Printhens of Chi- cago Bpent Sunday at the home of W. W. Edwards on South avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane of Valley avenue are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Wednesday, Feb. 19. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Thomas of Chicago spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs Henry Behrens and other friends of Glencoe. Mrs. Kennelly and Mrs. Geo. Tapper spent last Thursday afternoon and ev- ening with Mrs. Tapper's mother in Wllmette. The Washington Circle met with Mrs. Arthur Bennett Wednesday, Feb. 19. The ladies were entertained at luncheon. Mr. Henry Pape and family left Wednesday for Summerville, S. C ex- pecting to remain there for a month or six weeks. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church meets next Tuesday at 1:30 with Mrs. John M. Campbell of Wlnnetka. VICTOR AND EDISON \Y RECORDS Sjbet your Ea» eords saw. C stock ot Sacred n«ar Cawao ' Mrs. F. Ebert entertained the La- dies' Aid of the German Lutheran church of Highland Park last Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Hobbs of Washington avenue Is entertaining her sister who Is here on a visit, having arrived from California last Wednesday. Mrs. James P. Brewster entertained last Friday afternoon. This is the third of a series of afternoon teas glv- en by Mrs. Brewster. The Young Woman's Guild of the M. E. church will meet Friday after- noon at the home of Mrs. W. A. Fox on Longwood avenue. Mrs. Chas. G. Haskin of Glencoe, but formerly of Wilmette, is in Sum- merville. S. C. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pelrce Pope. Mrs. Fred P. Patton gave a dinner Friday evening, Feb. 14, to the doctors of Glencoe and their wives. The deco- rations were flags in honor of Lincoln's birthday. Mr. Eckelman was surprised by a party of friends Saturday evening iu celebration of his birthday. Refresh- ments were served and all present en- Joyed a very pleasant evening. The MyBtic Workers of the World held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday eveping at the Woman's Li- brary club rooms. After the busi- ness meeting a social evening was en- Joyed.. The Matlocks family, who live In the Demls home on Downing avenue, are I having more than their share of trou-) ble Just now. Three of their children' have scarlet fever; this includes the .baby, who also has a bad case of diph- theria. The Men's league of the Union church is preparing for its annual ban- quet which Is to be held on the even- ing of March 10. The speakers on the program are men who will attract uni- versal attention, and artists of consid- erable note have already been secured^ to. provide the entertainment for the evening. Mr. L. C. Conrad's little son, Matt. MRS. ATGHISON TALKS BEFORE GLENCOE CLUB Mrs. Walter S. Atchison of Morgan Park addressed the Glencoe Equal Suffrage club in a meeting conducted in the home - ot Mrs. Sherman M. Booth, Vernon avenue and Lincoln street, Glencoe, Monday afternoon. Her subject was, "Suffrage, the World's Movement." In the course of her talk, Mrs. Atchison declared that the killing of Madero would set the suffrage cause in Mexico back 100 years, because the former Mexican ruler was a staunch supporter of wom- an's suffrage. African women, according to Mrs. Atchison, enjoy more equality than the English women. She stated that the feminine sex of the Congo coun- try, being equal In Inheritance, en- joy all the Joys and sorrows of the male sex. Mrs. Booth, hostess, gave a short talk on the work being conduct- ed In the state legislature at Springfield to secure the passage ot the equal suffrage bill. She has been at the capital working with the law makers In support of the bill. Are You a Lodge Member? Masonicâ€" Shrintâ€"Ea$terjuStarâ€" OddFtUowiâ€"Rtbtkah^lnithU o1 PylMafâ€"MCfiodmti^^faeeabntâ€" Forttmt^VlnifXft Columbmi and all 6tl*S§lnt\pcl»iy Builontâ€" PlnifKingl -Ch\m* -Mcdaltâ€" in ttock orfnadttomrdw.Schooh- Clauâ€"Prftâ€"SfhAyâ€"Soc'yPin* W1NSHIP A CO., Fatt'i ^7-6T«ttMic Tple. * TAKE ELEVATOR CENTRAL 1380I CHICAOO. ILL. V 132 N %" DiMdnds Save three profits by buying direct of me Of MtfiAt WCRCHANDISsI :l&&B*m**xm&:' IWTE have been doing the cleaning, dyeing, pressing W and repairing for particularopeple* for more years than we care to remember. £Dur birSttacss has grown steadily. In other wards, careful ar*djjjtelligent work is appreciated in tj0rTbusinef&jft in every other. Wouldn't it pay you to cap us up andgiveuj Dehmlow's 622 Davis Street Telephone 1730 FOR SALE wands. House Is pi r«*ory modern featurj <worth invaatiffatlon. Rapidly increasing it w\ N. C 69 West Washington Street A Country Home at Hub- bard Woods convenient to itatlon. yet distinctively ru- alâ€"surnainded by natural tically pew and embraces Thin if ^proposition well odBslan investment. . Svtire of VrFlELD Chicago 44JBBARD WOODS ^-W-IARIVIACY io*65*6lTsT tblc>»*qnii eio -"T«JBBARD WOODS, ILTr~»w«*_ KCKEI'S HUSK MOP SM hBlttir StrM Established *9l L. UITT Dtffto-* â- Lpwr â€" int ----- Do Your 8|epp<n«r Here and SaTeJManey WaUh RtptWag cane on premteaa at V> prlea 325 W. Madison Street Bat Franklin and Markat Sta. CHICAOO North Shore Trust Company t STATE BANK CAPITAL. $100,000 f Affckes loans on improved North Shore real estate from yftogers Park to Highland Park, and on nruain Lake f Issues Certificates of Deoosit for not^esftthang^ahonths in denominations of Ij^Wfind multfple/WwWch it pays four percent, interests f Offers for investment** mortgages on improvejLreal estate, netting the investor five and onc-lmlf fffrccnt. in sums of S500 and unjMcd,/ Send for list OFFIOBrtSAND DIRECTORS J. Fred McOuire, President Charles A. Wightman, Vice-President Ira .1. Oeer, Cdansel R. O. Keller ArthnrW. Vercoe, Oaebier Banking Rooms Ceatral Avenue and Sheridan Road Highland Park, OHmU ARTHUR W. VKKCOK, Cashlar Caanucal labersterj Coaaected Braeaaeer MSI tlatete *«., Tal. Ua. a l»a. <S04 «â- **»» ***.!*â- â- »Mnesei:ii§| â- •aaama. ISIS OnSMfW A**., Til, BiaeMM 1*77 .^^a Bpaetel mm take* «t isWHea* •*••*»* â- •»â- *A^JfiSfcJBC**-** T* <""***#: FOOT TROUBLES ARE AVOIDED BY USING A PROPERLY FITTEI^ whi< do tftj^lt m ^.sjyael by our metliajsv I knowledge of Anatomy I SATISFAG RohthfaerOrthopfttxAppllaa^Cbiii^ .% NORTH WABA8H A VE.M E. CORN Kit MADISON •*•»! - «2**g- Room S04. K«n-r Boildin. i^, DtaU.ea Tatopae*. ««-«•»*_ ^ 509 W. MADISON STREET Oppoalta N. W. Dapot la ^L THE. HOME OF^ALirCMrVfjIIAMUITS P«ady far yoti HOME MAlit CANgj^ FRL8I iACHDAY^ TEATROJ^©DEAMANTAMf>f^ Franhlln 3951 *°» W. Madl.on 8t. Plch out m. baa Ret aof ti order and wa will havo It apUojp* your rhan you call. CHICAGO. ILL. Gertrude A. LynjgK Mrs.J.G.McCleUan,Succ*sam^\^ 15 East Washington Street Phone Central 3796 | Hot for lisr. PBut, madam" said the surgeon, altar the woman had recovered con* sctensneaa in the hospital, "why dldnt Iva sum when the 'crossing- police- man held ap hla hand? Then you wouldn't hare been struck by the an- tossobne." "What! Mo atop when Jam Masdama holds up Ma hand? Td let you know ri his wife,__an* ho anar saw tte day when he â- sol- Maejaitns of '""........•"â- " ~t-$m - H. GLASgJCm J. GLASSES K. GLASSES / NASSER BROSa Ladiep'T 3992-54 Sheridan â- < • Naiof •%" Sta. Tat Lake otters S. State Street TaL Caatral rNI ^câ„¢-â€" â€"_______ON ALL OR- DEBS DUBING TBJB MONTH ONLY TRIANGLE . IROfl ' GUARANTEED FOREVER THE ONLY Electric Iron Equalling tbe Best in Appearance, Constructiot^snd Efficiency, and st tbe stmeJltte tlsFLoaJMf in Price. ThJps aUâ€"bOJItat's a lot. Just takWteok st s Triangle Lektrik i Iron. HOttJen always telltjjia iron by I ><tae aame and triang^rade mark. Metropolitan Electtical Supply Company IEVERYTHIMGZBLECTRICAIA 180 W Lake Street '<» So. Wabash Ave. ^ T£h^:M*in>4194~Ra*dol,k 610 |*~*..~5,",