Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1913, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1913. . jfe OUNCIL TRIMS EXTENSION OF TIME 90 DAYS Ordinance Granting Traction Co. Right to Operate Cars Without Franchise, Passed,! Though Cut Down, REFUSE TO COMPENSATE pOvvners of Trolley Line Would Not Consider Any Proposition to Pay Evanston for Use of Streets. Reducing the time limit from ISO to 190 days, the Evanston city council ban passed the extension of time ordi [nance to the County Traction com- ClMUty to operate street cars in Evans- ion, In an adjourned session. The .amendment to change the original ^ordinance, Introduced by Alderman Frank B. Dyche In a former session. precipitated a Blight debate, but a vote, resulting 7 to 5 in pruning the ex <<«nslon time limit to ninety days, Bet |Hed the argument. Two members |were absent. Alderman Dyche read the report of ^ fllBjBdlclftfy committee, which showed | that a legal Interpretation allowed the prontnge held by the United States, K*he City of Evanston, the Evanston achool board and the Chicago & <M11- »: ^^wankee electric to count, and showed i||apre than enough property frontage HiW the car line was signed up to war int the passage of the ordinance. No Compensation Secured. ^The report reviewed the efforts of lithe city council, in .conferences held -with representatives of the traction ;company, to secure some compensa- tor the use of the streets for the lime extension, but all efforts were ru idle. . It showed that Corporation ^ <XmnseT*McNftj had talked with Mr. 'air, who asserted that he had no Ity to take any action in the jnatter. Mr. Hoover then interceded Jfith Mr. Harris of the Harris Trust & I^Barings bank, and this gentleman re- ferred the proposition to President 8mfl Schmidt of the County Traction company for disposal. Mr, JBchmldt met with the council ilgl a committee of a whole after a re- was taken and flatly refused to entertain any proposition of com pen Mtlns the city for the use of streets. Alderman Dyche then moved the adoption of the ordinance with the amendment of cutting down the time laatansion from 180 to 90 days. At juncture Alderman William Ea-t- Ijrigatt attempted to make a motion to second amendment allowing 120 but a vote on the original tent for 90 days only, resulted lis vote of 7 to 5. The ordinance then passed unanimously. Si Tlme'Llmlt Too 8hort? me have doubted the advisability jq£ a WMay extension, fearing that an ^aireement on a new franchise could Jjwjt 'be reached by that time and lWfmiihQ*K that under existing condi- ~ :.$S0BB;'« second extension could not be without again securing frontage it. Legal lights on the council, 'eVer, seemed to be of the IgftMB that if the Mueller law adopted at the April election, a sec- '|^m4 axtension would be possible with' & ^ftjtv again going through the frontage sweat formality. Alderman H. M. Carter asked that %as) cowscil take cognizance of plans for a tkeater building on Davis street !:^*r|ICB called for an awning project- |^sto*cr\the sidewalk and that some Bam be taken before the building ataetad. The matter was referred 'a_wl BHt1Nfhf committee to make an of the plans. :AlMnaan James Tuntock asked jsalsaloii to read a letter received •11 J. ft. Oallliams of the Branston â€"j/SiJsBOf board, which contained a re- 1%^ ttetfiae council recognise the aif il lull rf a medical examination |sj aolsxilt fnllmrlnr the omission of m afftroprlatlon .of fiM.for such Istfk w«A The writer pointed oat tft^ Oni sehooi board was unable to sasat the esY-nae, and alao that the of the bc*rd of health was __.____ to ptodaee effectual re- Mm* AMmmi H. X. Carter replied m llii snasmnsU alliwi In Tsrnmfntfi-1 |_g feat the cowjmO reply franklr to that th# ottr treasury staiwt dapfted aad that the ap- gsxattattosi for the ntedieal asaaJn*> WOULD SCRUB i KENILWORTH STREETS! .Mr. Percy li. Kckhari H mred on •Berlin and Potsdam" Uii- »<"•*â-  His lectun-'H merit bettor aii-ndnice, as they art- not only Inter.â- -mii^ and Li- st ructlve. but alHo atnuMiiJ-'. This week Mr. Kckhart laid M"<l.. empha- sis upon the streets of IJ-rlin. which are not only brushed and ,, nukled. but also scrubbed, and MicP'-sted the same for the streets of Kenilworth. The lectures are given . â- â€¢r Sunday, night at 7;30 sharp in Hie >-'"i: ' room of the Kenilworth I'ni"'- Everyone is cordlall> i!'i!,,; Sunday Mr. Eckhart will 1- "Heidelberg. Strassbur« :<'»i helm." •>•»♦»•»>•>»»♦•»»♦•♦>»♦•♦••»•• »♦»»»»♦•♦♦»♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦;; | What People Are Doing ♦«»»»»»»««»* in Winnetka ***.........*'• rhurch. Next ure on lugols- TWO INTERESTING LECTURES IN GLENCOE The first Methodist rhur, h >', <Jlen- coe has two interestint : '"" - «<hed- uled for this week en.i <Ji. Friday night Dr. Charles Ua>aid Mitehell, pastor of St. .James . hunli m Chicago, will speak on "The Ordinal Idiot." On Sunday a< 7 ::'.<• P »' l'r"fessor Amos W. Patten -t Northwestern ' ('Diversity will deliv, r an illustrated lecture on "How ">' Krii.-M.-ti Hlble Came l" l'»" WILMETTE BAPTIST NEWS. Haptlst women of \\ enjoyed a delightful afternoon at the home of .Mrs. Alpheus E. White. ]<>:;<> Green- wood avenue. Friday, February 21. They were entertained t<> Mrs O. W. â-  Schmidt, who sang several sections and by "Alias Jeanette Tuthill, who read Dickens" "A ChlldV I "ream of a Star." I Although the afternon was very - stormy, the number Interested In the Haptlst movement was well represent- ( eii and it was decided by unanimous vote to organize a Woman's Aid so- ciety. The first meeting will he held! at the home of Mrs. .John I>. Grieg, !/22 Oakwood avenue, Man h '.'. All interested in 'his organization are most cordially invited As previously announced, services will be started early In April, and will bo conducted by Itev. F. 1. Anderson, superintendent of the < hbano baptist Executive Council. The devotional meeting. March 5, will be at the liome( of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Itovven. 1215 Elm wood avenue. Tin m' meetings are growing in numbers and interest. Plan to attend. Mr. Paul E. Noe is in New York. Dr. Alice B. Brown is now in the south. Mr. Anton J. Vollman has returned from a trip to Wisconsin. Mr. Sanford Dissell is out again af ter several weeks' illness. Miss Church of Watertown, Wis., is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Snow. Mrs. P. S. Post of 475 Maple avenue is In New York for a short visit. Mr. William Smallwood Bishop is very' ill at his home with pneumonia. Mr. O. D. Earon of 838 Lincoln ava- nue is in the east on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hoyt have re- turned from a trip through the south Mr. and Mrs. BenJ. Allen, Mrs. P. B. Hoyt and Miss Hoyt are now in Italy. C. D. Murphy, formerly of 989 Cher- ry street, has moved to Alt. Vernon, Ohio. The Mothers' club will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Community house. Mrs. Ira C. Wood, 808 Prospect ave- nue, is visiting in the south for a few weeks. Miss Mae Ferris of Elkhorn, Wis., is visiting Mrs. C. E. Hall of Willow street. Mrs. John Buckingham, who is trav- eling in Europe, is now in Paris, France. The two small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Whitman are ill with scar- let fever. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Power and fam- ily have returned to their Ridge ave- nue home. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Clague left Sunday for a three weeks' trip through the east. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kreger spent Sunday with Mr. Kreger's mother at 1031 Spruce street. Mr. Nash Cazel Is confined to his home with Inflammatory rheumatism. He has been ill for several weeks. Miss June Keith, who has been vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Douglass Smith, has returned to New York. Miss Delia Morse, 433 Provident ave- nue, who has been ill for the last two weeks, has developed typhoid fever. IS' PHjMWVTXcY JhTSHball Store ^Jt.-£*ADAM muiUtttttti. Tel. WiMMtkt 22 WIMETi Mr. Thomas Scully <rt Elm street, is in Galveston, Texas. Mr. Scully ex- pects to be stationed there for some- time. Mr. aud Mrs. James O. Weart of 27s Linden street, left last Saturday for Magnolia Springs, Ala., for an extend- ed visit. Dr. and Mrs. Casey A. Wood, who have been at the Virginia in Chicago for the last few months, are now in California. Louise, the small daughter of Mr and Mrs. Roger Sherman of 7S8 Lin- coln avenue, has been very ill the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Bros* Llo/d and family left Saturday for Leon Springs, Texas, for several weeks visit on their ranch. Alius Mary Elmer is visiting at the home of her brother. Air. H. N. Elmer, of Spruce street. Miss Elmer's home is in Bridgeton. N. J. Mrs. James L. Houghtellng and Miss Leila Houghtellng are in Paris. They are to visit Miss Margaret Houghtel ing. who is in school there Mrs. Charles Burkitt was in the southern part of the state last week on a business trip for the Burkitt & Wylie Construction company. H. L. Hollia and family are soon to move from their Elm street home to the house on Lincoln avenue fo.- raerly occupied by Mr. Hale Holden. Mrs. George Rudolph of * Spruce street, who was taken to the Evans- ton hospital last week, has not Im- proved in condition very much and is still very ill. The Men's club of the Congregation- al church held their regular monthly meeting and dinner Monday evening The boys' clubs of the church were the guests of the men. Miss Ethel Aiason of Wlnnetka has been chosen head of the membership committee (women) of the Chicago Progressive club. This committee is composed of five members. The iitermediate grades of Girtoti school e uertaiued friends and parents at a HUl * play, at the Wlnnetka Worn an's club Thursday afternoon. The play was under the management of Miss Julia Henry. Andrew K MacLelsh, 31 years obi, a brother of Mr. John E- MacLelsh. ."..'!) Ash street, died Saturday at Lew- iston, .Mont. He was born in Chicago. hut moved to .Montana, where be owned a large ranch. Mrs. Ha>mond Hardenburgh is to return to Huenos Ayres, Argentine Re- public, carh next month. Mrs. Har- deuburgh t.- at present with her mother, Mrs-. L. M. Johnson, in Augus- ta. Ga. Mrs Johnson expects to ac company Mrs Hardenburgh to Buenos Ayres for an extended visit. Mr. Rudolph Matz. KiOa Sheridan road, who U a member of the Legal Aid society of Chicago, was one of the speakers at the thirty-eighth meet- ing of the Industrial club of Chicago at the I.a Salle hotel Monday even- ing. Mr. Matz spoke of the industrial wage loan bHl now before the Illinois legislature. afternoon. Feb. 28, Miss Bertha Wheelock will tell of the educational revolution in China at the. missionary meeting, In the church parlors at 2:30. Congregationalists are asked to re- serve Wednesday evening. March 6, for a fellowship dinner. This will be the house-warming for the new base- ment room which has Just been com- pleted. This dinner will be served * by the East End circle. Reservations can be made by communicating with Mrs. A. J. Coburn, 400 Eighth street, on or before Monday, March 3. !-$W. Words of a True Patriot ,S| Pity me not. I am happier the* you; for I am fighting to be free*-* Francis Marion. WILMETTE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Sunday afternoon at the vesper service Mf M. Frank Brown, princi- pal of the Lake View high school. talked on 'The Value of Having a Purpose." In the sermon of the morn- ing Hi. Blaisdell. president â-  of Alma college, Alma, Mich., spoke on "The Making of a Man." Sunday. March 2. will be observed as Mothers- day In the Wilmette Con- gregational fhutch. This is an old English custom the fourth Sunday Lent. There will be communion at the vesper service at â- "> o'clock and a reception of new members. Friday Katznelso AW PRICE /S TOO HIGH FOR A StilT THAT NEVER GIVES SATISFACTION : AUTO BARGAINS v Chalmers 30. with Taxlcab andTofripff bfiyK........$450 /Marlon 30, 5 Pass. k. . KJJT^ \**>-: **** Flanders 20. Fore-door, I PassenTel..................*600 Stoddard-Dayton Fore-dW. 7 P«sa} ..... -. - - • • â€"^â- *%* Sterns 30-60. 7 Pa**l$4S0. Rambler, B Pmf^fr.^ABO Stevens-Duryea, 3 Pass!...............'^g^^ â€" - ,. These carslmay be seen a*Tne â-  â- .......^ WINNEsTKA GARAQE One half Mock North of N. W. Depot Phone Wlnnetka 166 W1NNETKA, ILL. PHONES: CENTRAL 246 AUTOMATIC 48-827 TCHfllY NORTH SHORE PATRONS / Js7ill Repair your Evening Gownsâ€" klso rriWetoonfcr Gbwns, Dresses, \/ Fancy and llngeriejfrjists V THE FRANCESlSMOPJt^*^ a„.T^.tw,LL.1,oH.rBLDa. 81 E. MADISON ST. <^ ammond Cor. Michigan Ave, Telephone Auto Pbone 63-371 Chicago Coach and Carriage Company unicagi V1 223-123 Deslgnei AUTOMOB1 HICi [id Manuf OD11 tNUE Etitrers of ID TOPS GENERAL REPAIRING AND PAINTING North Shore Branch, 918 Sheridan Rd. Phone Croceiand 426 C. A. FO DEALEb£lN fancy Groceries, mtat$*3)ottari « Hardware PHONE W.NNBTKA 46 * 78 Hubbafd WOOdS, 111 Telephone 188 Orders Promptly Attended To ]/ OSCAR HOSTETTER EXPRESSING LIVERY &t> a^A^DING STABLES Carriages Furnished Aor Xfl Occasions 800 W. OAK STREET W1NNETKA. ILL. JyA. OPH UptiolstpLandJJabinet Maker \Y MATTRESSES AND CUSHION^MADE /ndJ»ENOVATED ANTIQUE FURNm«J3F RERA>«ED Telephone Wlnnetka 235 Opposite C. & N. W. R. R. Depot, Hubbard Woods, III. WINNETKA WINNERS. |««w wm **»t*t«d for (bat reaatm WINNETKA MISSING WORD CONTEST In the Wlnnetka missing word con test the following words were omitted___________________________________________________ in the last issue: "^^^^â„¢"â„¢^™™^ "Discount" In the advertisement of \J ^e jiaye pUrchased the busi- "-•JS^. .â- Â» -..««... o, d Announcement ness * r: c DAILy, su^ie E. Allen. Shop, Winnetka. f We also make a fV*pf*\ of Lawn Mower ScbeiT1"" iD the advertlsme,U °f Mr* »nd Skate grinding, etc. f ^f \S "Repairing" In the advertisement |-----------------------------------------------------1 â-  â- -----â€"4-----------~ ,. ^^g.T~7: oni717 V^c Call for and Dcliv «f Machin«ssjsV«rKmdg FREE N. E.'DALLY of H. E. Odhner. The winners were as follows. First Prizeâ€"Lester Dalmes, i»8,s Elm street. Second Prize^â€"Walter Niemann., 1040 oak street ! RO 7 Elm Street Vv innetka. 111. Third Prizeâ€"Eddie Knapp, 9681** Spruce street Fourth Schafehen, 846 Cherry street. The contest appears again in this issue. Try it and »ee if you can't win a prize. EKLIND TAILORS WILMETTE WINNERS. The words Imitted in the advertise- ments running under the beading, "Wilmette Missing Word Contest," in the last issue, were as follows "Metal" in the advertisem* ut of A.' C. Wolff. "Cream" in the advertisement Of Wilson's Bakery. "Wilmette" in the advertisement of Miss Rambo. "Dry" In the advertisement of S. H. Cramer. The winners wore as follows: First Prizeâ€"Bernard Braun, 629 Kline street. Second Prizeâ€"Malcolmn L. Mel- ville, 1128 Greenwood avenue. Third Prizeâ€"Kathryn Hess, 8J2 Forest avenue. Fourth Prizeâ€"Eleanor Blake,. 921 Tenth street The contest appears again In this issue. Try it and see how easy It la to win a prize. iddur- \39 days J All odek pi ff ing th+Jext 20% Discount ALLOWED Telephone 248 Wlnnetka Tomaso furnishes up-to-date nutate. Daily Thought. Who, then, is free? The wise who oan iorarn himself .â€"Horace. I §e«lp treatment Its HilWrwtnoi HAIR IfRESSER Th« Preaty BalMla*- Blei Strmt PhoMWIniwtkmMl-L WWNKrKA, ILL, /Bank of M. KnMeyer FORSBERG & LARSON Am LAUNDRY Mtuftmthm ****** CMTalM «M IfM* WlrRliLTr 662 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 306 WINNETKA. ILL. Mps. Esielle Nordberg OfliNUittw: / ^^ T«le»»has« 144 810 Elm St., Wlnnetka, Ul. W/ aaTe a salsctea list of aasirable Ibsms, Still rooms, priced a3,5#o to «30,000, assmt with rny large ftoaaaa. Aisa^baM saaaSful wood- •d Lota at VK. and A. [ Csti, mtwgjm *pMeUysa for for- D. E. ALLEN m%imm* i^wmm*L In several of the adver- tisements on this page you will discover that im- portant words have been omitted. Read them over, supplythe missing words, and send the list to the "Contest Editor" Lake Shore. News, Evanston. To the first fourpersons residing in Wlnnetka who send in a correct list, prizes as follows will be sent: • First Prizeâ€"CASH. $1.00. Second Prizeâ€"One year's sub- scription to The Lake 8hore News. Third Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore . News. Fourth Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore News._____________________ This Contest Is Open to Resi- dents of WINNETKA ONLY. Fine Pictures for the Home We carry a fine line of Pictures, Sculpture \liefs gi... Picture Framii NATIONAL A«T SUPPLY CO. SUITE 364 *NO 300 PCOPLCS OAS BUILOINQ 3RD FLOOR COR. MICHIGAN AVE. AND ADAMS ST., CHICAGO I NEWS WANT ADS Bill NO RESULTS Spring Gingbafcns an3 White Goods direct from New York WJrtla Still tat Paid on leposits Safe Boxes For Rent DOtBCTOKS: Csrl*»Pr^ta_|Lgp^ HyE. ODHNER HubbJfd Woods-Tel. Winnetka 27S MADI All Kiads of nstr Cleaaiag. Prcuiag aad Reetiriag Good* oiled for aid delivered Only first class work, ftaraateed. Tclcpaoae yoat orders. Read^. our advertlseq_SBt in this papy^n gpeoW'cferer flpr Flat Irons. Nothing like IT in the v\rld. Metro- politan Electric S*>ply<C*npany, 180 West Lake street |ind 103 South Wa- bash avenue, near Monroe street |/Mfl Modern Electric Light Baths Swedish Movements Miss Ellen Johnson GradUa MedtMl Office: Prooty Building Room. i. Pbone 257 WINNETKA. ILL THIS IS THE TIME tonSfk out-the lot on which yon ore going toSUild that littU borne yoa and your wife have bean planning all these fears. She may not say much but don't SO' that she has made her y< to be always, She wants Let me show and Hubbard suit you. ly a shelter. in Winnetka at prices that will Jonas H. Madsen, Phone 345. Winnetka, 111. .RsfS r l__i_ isian Dye Hous< JOHN KABIER, Proprito Ladies* aad Gaaclemm'i thai Dry and Steam and Gentlemen's tains. Wool _ farters. Fun, Etc AH, Phomb Wik: Phone Winnetka 147 736 Elm Street Winttotka Weekll __ No. 8 American f^riswold AflA Waffle Iron.............OilV

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