WF: THE LAKE SHORE NEWS/ THURS EBRUARY 27, .'"Will ?$«8V" WILMETTE WOMAN'S CLUB Wednesday, March 5, Ib the date set for the regular monthly luncheon and business meeting of the club. Reser- vations for the luncheon must be made in writing with Mre. O. 0. East- man, 412 Central avenue, not later than Monday afternoon. The last of tbe series of lectures will be given March 12, and will deal with "Plays of the Day" and "The Playa of the Closing Season and the New Stage Craft." Ticket* for this lecture will be 25 cents. Mrs. Edwin C. Barnes, 2763 Stanley avenue, Evanston, assisted by Mrs. Charlies J. Kindel, 915 Lake avenue, and Mrs. E. H. Robinson, 626 Central avenue, acted as hostesses. The Young Ladies' auxiliary is pre- paring a play to be given on the date arranged for Domestic Science day. The subject of the play Is "The Suffra- get." The cast of the play Is as fol- lows: Mrs. Mallory, a young married woman .............Helen Skinner Susie, her daughter, aged 10 years ...................Katherino King Mrs. John Wilson, ber mother, the suffraget ..............Juliet Gates Mrs. James Wilson, her aunt, and Mrs. J. WilHon's sister-in-law..... ..................... Dorothy Ray Maggie Conroy, professional ahop- per...............Alice Armstrong Miss Brown, reporter for the Daily Telegram..............Mary Gates Katie, Irish maid.....Louise Mueller Timeâ€"Present. Placeâ€"Springfield, 111. Mrs. Prank L. Koontz is directing the play. Executive Committeeâ€"Miss Alame- jdjLLflgia^AUsa Florence Poad, Properties Committeeâ€"Miss Marga- der league; Mrs. S. M. D. Hunt, Oliair. man art committee. I. F. W. 0.; Hn. John Harvey Brown, vice-president- at-large, I. F. w. c ; Mr* Minnie Starr (Jralnjser. generul federutlon state sec- retary; Mrs. Fred A. Dow, president I. F. W. C. Luncheon. 12:30s) After- noon weswlon, 2 p. m. Music...........Mlf* K'In« k. Palmer *ria from "The MhkIc Flute".Mozart • A May Morning"............Mauney "Gray Days" ................Johnson "A Rose Rhyme"..............Salter Addresses-Mr. Jo.l Hunter, chief probation officer cook county Juvenile court; Alex. A. McCormlck, president of the board of cornrnl8nloners of Cook county; Mrs. Wllllum E. Bayes, super- intendent of the Lena! Aid society of Chicago. \ What People Are Doing ret Hall. The next meeting of the club will be 4>ne of great importance and a fall attendance Is desired. Nomina- tions are to be made from the floorâ€" for the board of directors. Those who have been members two years % are eligible. Clubs of the Tenth district of the p Illinois Federation will meet with the III Evanston Woman'R club Thursday, "March 13, in its'new club building, corner Church street and Chicago ave- nue, Evanston. Morning session will begin with a board meeting from 9:30 m>to 10:80 o'clock. Speakers for the occasion Include the following: Mrs. W. Plummer of Consumers' le of Illinois; Mr. Arthur B. Par- well, president Chicago Law and Or-1 WILMETTE PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH. The pastor. Rev I M Wilson, will speak Sunday at ll a. m. on the subject "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb." beitiK the la«t of a series of studies on the s<» ond coming ChriBt bra ted and new members received. At 7:45 he will sppiik on "The Mar- riageable Young Woman.' At the mid-week service Wednesday eevnlng nt 8 o'clock the topic will be Churches of Kphesus, Smyrna Perganum,â€"First Love, Tribulation and Faithfulness Dei tension, and Compromise." This meeting will be at the home of Mi. Harry Northam, 1614 Elm wood avenue. The young ladies or Mrs Wilson's Bible class and the younu; men of the, Bible class under Mr. Bradley held their separate business meetings and a Joint social meeting at the hom.e of Miss Murlon Whiffen. Tuesday eevn- lng, 1120 Ashland avenue, and enjoyed | tiremsPrveB to The fuIT. Both these 1 (lasses are organized with full equip- ment of officers. The men's Bible class, with Its two departments, enjoyed a social evening at the home of the pastor, Dr. Wilson, Thursday night. The class room de- partment meets every Sunday morn- ing and Is under the lend of the Men's league, frith Mr. Frederick R. Quayle, chairman of the class. Tbe home study department, also a part of tbe league, consists of men who study at home, and numbers fourteen j members. ' < Mrs. J. D. Colt Is entertaining Miss Sldell of Sldell, HI. Mrs.* W. H. Lee. 1010 Central avo- nue, is reported ill. Mrs. C. H. Klemm will leave tomor- row for Peru, 111., to visit relatives. Mrs. Edward Cage of KlrksvflJe. Mo„ returned to her home Wednes- day. v Mr. J. N._ Crampton, 612 Lake ave- nue, has been in Omaha, Neb., for a week. The Thursday Luncheon club meets with Mrs. C. G. Todd, 607 Seventh street. Mrs. Hoyt King left last week to spend a month with her parents In Union City, Pa. The Reading circle met at the home of Mrs. E. B. Hyde, 721 Elm wood ave- nue, last Monday. • Mr. Elmer O. Smith was a guest over Sunday of his brother, Mr. Earl Smith of Woodbine avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Robinson of Elmwood avenue entertained the Idle Hour "500" club Saturday evening. W. D. Mathews, 1621 Lake avenue, left Sunday on a business trip to New York city. He will be gone a week. Miss Edna Pitman, who has been the guest of Miss Leila Palmer, 1225 Hill street, for several weeks, left Sunday afternoon for Independence, Iowa. Tbe Tuesday club met with Mrs. Carl Latham, 229 Sixth street, last ^eek. The club meets with Mrs. J. B. Olwin, 719 Washington avenue, next Tuesday. ' The Travel club met with Mrs. Mel- ville Tuesday afternoon. The subject for the afternoon was "Rambles in Normandy," given by Mrs. Melville, and fully illustrated. Mrs. George T. Palmer, Mrs. E. P. The Wednesday Luncheon club was th<. seeond coming of entertained at the home of Mrs. T. O. The communion will be cele-1 winnett this week. Dr. G. F. Butler spoke before .he Commercial club of Attica, Ind.. on J Patch, Mrs. Philip Bright and Mrs. H. Wednesday evening. J. Richter attended a luncheon and The Drama Reading circle met with bridge party on Tuesday, given by a The I Mrs. Wm. A. Mann for luncheon friend In Edgewater. and I Wednesday afternoon. • | Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gathercoal, 1538 Mrs. J. K. Blackman of Hill street will entertain the Neighborhood Luncheon club Thursday. Mrs. H. J Richter of 1211 Hill street entertained Chicago friends at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. Rodney W. Jones of New York j spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother, Mr. Orville D. Jones, 1615 , Forest avenue. j Miss Bertha Bowers of Ashland, O., 14* ft guest of ner brother and sister, j Rev. and Mrs. Roy E. Bowers, 1024 Eleventh "street. Forest avenue, gave a dinner part> Saturday evening In honor of Dr. Her- bert Powers and family, who left for Wauwatosa, Wis., Saturday. The Parents' club of the Wilmette Logan school will meet Monday after- noon, March 3, at the school house, at 2:30. Everyone Interested in the work of this club are invited. About thirty of the eighth grade young people enjoyed a sleigh ride last Friday evening, and were pleas- antly entertained after the ride at the home of Miss Norma McMlllens, 1010 Linden avenue. A. P. Graham, who, has been night policeman, has resigned, and William Johnson has been appointed to fill h!» place. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tucker of 515 Central avenue, will move to Chicago about March 1. We understand that it is not for a permanent change, but that they hope to return to Wilmette after a time. A kitchen shower for Mrs. S. H. Seily, who expects spon to start to housekeeping, was given by Miss Er- nau Smith, 615 Lake avenue, last Fri- day afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Thursday evening, Feb. 27, is the date of the next concert in the series of artiste's recitals being given at the Woman's club. The University Trio will furnish the entertainment. The trio consists of Bruno Knehne, violin- ist, well known from his connection as soloist of the Thomas orchestra; Winnlfred McAllister Kuehne, pianist, is the offioial accompanist of the Chi- cago Slngverein, and Mrs. Hazel Eden Mudge, soprano, has toured with Ar- thur Middleton and John B. MUler, as- sisting them in opera and oratorio. Mrs. Mary Steiner, aged 75 years, died at 4 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week at the home of her son, Mr. Joseph Steiner, 1451 Wilmette avenue. Mrs. Steiner had been ill for several months, although not serious, and her death came very suddenly. Mrs. Steiner was one of the early settlers of this community, coming here from Germany forty-eight years ago. Her husband, Mr. John Steiner, died ten years ago and since that time she has made her home with ber son. Mrs. Steiner leaves a host of friends who will deeply regret to hear of her death, besides three sons and a daugh- ter survive her. Mr. Joseph Steiner, Mr. Benj. Steiner and Mrs. Mary Blesser of this village and Mr. George Steiner of Chicago. M"$l Our Discount Expires 11 S Our busy season is beginning and we cannot afford to give a discount any longer. If you intend to have a new suit this Spring, do not delay but take advantage of these genuine savings. $50 Suits made to order for $35 $60 Suits made to order for $50 This Offer Good Until March 1 Only This establishment is widely knq for the quality of its p: style, fit and workman tional antf"kll the latei shown.! I&Fanston and references tladly furhishe Whv not take advanta exi veltie rth Shore us liberal and bona 'fide offer and at least.come and see what we have to offer? * H. NAKUTIN Ladies Tailor & Habit Maker Phone 258 :: 80S Dempster St" | Wilmette Missing Word Contest As to Dignity. If 1 am walking in tbe \ery ejs) of heaven and feeling It on me where I go, there is no question for me of ho* dignity.â€"Meredith. Wilmette Beauty Shop 4M Bdith M. Kilmtr Second Floor^s* Bjffkteldg., 1200 Central Ave., Wilmette High Class Beauti- LM^iL ltJ^^J^ •' tying Done ilCHT tfOOClS £ «a»#r» quilt* in ttoek tnd MADE TO ORDER W» toUcit jour patron*** Sctiultz & Nord TilipJMN Wilsjttti 320 TAPLORipiG / ew Process Cleaning and Dyeing The Wilmette Exchange State Bank AUTHORIZED TO DO A BANKING Bl SI NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SI $6o>opefb( PLUS â- "*< 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. Offl««Phon«< ttt Shop ft Saa. Phone 168 p. C. WOLFF yr TIM, SffcET MBtlL r a FURfACE mm Furnaces and He«airs. vGas Stoves and AH Kinds Stubbing a Specialty Office, 1124 central Ave. Snep, 6 28 Park A v«.. (rear) Wllmottm msjmm J. B.>^LM!p0. PROP. Wilmette sa^fAsilrosd Avenues rikphoM*! Drug*, 8o0jr4Fat«r, Stationery, Per'< and Ctarflaa. Prescriptions Carefalrt i .Cigars ng 6$ interj transferred to able at Hanovi Write as for refer] W. C Belcher teedFarm Loans Allopriginal papers Interest pay- 7 \ N. Y. information. CO. •0 ronr worn, tjxas equipped mm ne ot the most complete Safety Deposit Vaults in the vicin- ity ofGMEago. The boxes afford oatroflVa bso 1 u t e protection for valuable papers, etc., against fire and burglars, besides the convent. eace of having this protection right here at home. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. gjBNTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety -FOR- Bakery Goods of Superf in^Quality 7 Goods you caii.plac most discriminating eT^efors} yle : tgfest, call Wilson's Noijth Shore-Bakery 1148 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones Wilmette 413-414 AUTO DELIVERY In several of the adver- tisements on this page you will discover that im- portant word? have been omitted. Read them over, supply the missing words, and send the list to tbe "Contest Editor" Lake Shore News, Evanston. To the first four persons residing in Wilmette who send in a correct list, prizes as follows will be sent: First Prizeâ€"CA8H, $1.00. Second Prizeâ€"One year's sub- scription to Th« Lake 8hore News. Third Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Fodrth Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to Ths Lake Shore New*. I THIS CONTEST IS OPKW TO RK8- I IOKKTS OW WILXKTTK OMX.T 4 S.H.CRAMER % Dry Goods «3 Notkras New Lace^Smbrotderies, Cam- brics, Fl*»ns,Lo|]g Cloths, Muslin/jyingtfams and other"Wash Goods now on sale. Phone saa 1146 Centra] Ave. NEW8 WANT ADS BRING RK8ULT8 F1 mis; T«I«»fcoM 9*9-} Wilosattc ISS RUTH ELMER ...xrcacrSptofBuino... RHtrtnct: £ 1603 Lake A MllUlBBUNG Wilmette. in. L. CRAM BO & CO. yrftesidence 1026 Office 1079 JAMES A. S^JJlO REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOAlfsTAND INSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue f 'â- "^PSTmette, Illinois We sis* have sosae coolce bargt ins ia North Snore property. 1168 Wilmette Ava^TTLMETTE, ItX. Read our paper on â- ] Nothing like politan Electric West Lake adrertisemen this Irons. orld. Metro- mpany, 180 South Wa- -j-------------------------- GOOD Dress- ers demand art in clothes^ the nice touphA the distinct ve tqpj^Miarac- ter, sty e andVthe finest workm inship to ha*4iad. GEORGE J. EBER Ladies* Tailor â- â- â- â- == and â- Custom Tailor 1131 Greenleaf Avenue WILMETTE Phone 18 :: Residence 779-L J. A. HOTH 'wiscoNsnr 1208 CBKUtAL AVENU WILMBTTE. ILL. Offle* 53 PHONES t R«s. 30 Stable 80S Pave You i«>ead the advertisements in the Ladies' Home Journal and the Woman's Home Companion for March? We ha^e anoVvery ar- ticle advertised/tha/yo/i would expect to BnAJfh sSlfag store we have. rf ^^ This \k one ot the msrny ways we are |prepared>l6serTe yon, showing the completeness of . oar gtolk. And well might we say if you see it advertised in the Ladies' Home Journal or Woman's Home Companion, where only meritorious articles are advertised, you can get it at the Renneckar Drug; Company. Renneckar Drug Co. The Rexall Store Tels. 31 & 29 Wilmette, III. / NORTH PROFEMTT WE ARE HtAPQ*l2*T££s BRANCH OFFICES: bash avenue, near Monroe street VanO FnUiOren Sails Mtde t. Order RALPH W. FAUPEL THE VILLAGE ELECTRICIAN In connectiorvwith lijiu ityu,^ Electrical ^gfracting bfisincssi!^ has put in aftrtHme of Colunilila "^ pratonolas and Records. You are invited to come and hear them. Phone 522 609 W.RtilfOKl Avenue