Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1913, p. 7

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•: M* .n^M^«btln»Tctur^ east M0WPy«]t;->-1l^^^^v;^«j|^ , ,.:; '.' A daughter was bom'^If^'^0- urt, Henry K*anke a?****^fo* Mrs. W. G. Wauingend children at* spending » few motttfca in the south, Mr. ladMn. .Dougl** Smitb have cone southrfor^e-re^^ «* **»* winte.v vj.x;'^feili^Pi^:^l^s;:: Mrs. Fred -TS5^i:1i^..WLli**."^ her pejent*. M* ^^^i|#i*f»ie' Monday.- "'â- 'â-  •'#â- :'.;â- .?'/ Mrs. Yondell and daughter of Ken- tu#rare visiting at the<^m|.of Mm. James Fentress." fll|ll^^#* Mis* Oeraldlne FitseWald WK Wednesday for a week's yUrf^.wl|h/ friends at Argyle. â- >* ^£V^.. ^Mr, â-  JK ft :TotM:i# W*. ^-;(»^^m.:-'i*>B*^ vte* first 0tthe:i*ili';i- ',' 1^; Beck of ^aiwton la building a sew bom» on Aibnry avenoe which he expects to occupy about Hay 1. The funeral of Mr. M. Scheldler, an old and yoapected cltlsen of Qlencoe, Us mi, bald a* the Sacred Heart, church Monday morning at 10 o'clock with burial at Nprthfield. ' A, meeting of the property owners of Asbury avenue and Merrill street was held at the home of Dr. W. L. Ballinger, the object of the meeting Doing to organize an improvement as- sociation to beautify that part of Hubbard Woods. "ORE NKWS, THUK8DAY. FEBRUARY »©. What People Are Doing in Gross Point ."♦« A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meier of Schiller street Mon- day. Mr. J. Sehmdler of Qlencoe was burled at St Joseph's cemetery Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Felke, 81*, of Ridge avenue, are reported on the sick !^MMim!»♦♦♦ in Glencoe u&mwH" Col. Jacobs Is 01 with 010 grip. Little Joseph.Bright la sick ir^h jmeumonlai â-  'i, ' The Cbas. Mortimers left Monday for a trip to CaHforia.,* . , Jake Beck gave a stag party for thjB old settlers of Glencoe. Mr. Glen Parks returned from a trip to Florida Friday. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Burmester, Sunday, Feb. 9. Mr. James K. Calhoun and son, Everts, spent the week-end at Madison, Wig. -â- -â- -'.......'â€"; --â-  â- :â-  â- â- -,- Miss Helen Martin entertained the Thursday Evening Bridge club Febru- ary 13. The F. F. C. club met at the home of Mr». G. H. Morris last Wednesday af- ternoon. Mrs. Best of Oak Park spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Holmes. Mr. Albert Beck of Nebraska is vis- ltlng his brother, Mr. Jake Beck, on Park avenue./ Mrs. H. F. Smith gave a valentine party Thursday afternoon for her Sun- day school class. ' Mrs. Langhenry entertained a valen- tine party at the public school house or. Friday after school. '* Vi rginto Bnell gave a valentine par- ty B^s^^^j^i^i^.^ J»«y?!fe pied soon. Considerable damage was done. The Pleasant Sunday Afternoon club of the Union church meets every Sun- day afternoon at 4 o'clock. All young folks, 14 and over, are cordially invit- ed. .The new officers' elected are Sam. Goes, president; Preston Calhoun, vice-president; Agnes Martin, secre- tary; Robert Antoszewski, treasurer. Mr. Michael Schinler, an old resi- dent of Qlencoe, died Friday, Feb. 14. at the Age of 84 years and 6 months. Services were held Monday at the Sacred Heart church in Hubbard Woods at 10 o'clock. Interment was at Gross Point Mr. Schinler Is sur- vived by five children^ Mrs. Frank Schramm, Mr. Joseph and Michael Schinler of Glencoe, Mr., John Schinler of Wilmette and Mr. David Schinler at Chicago. Mrs. B. G. Poucber was called to Milwaukee by the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Holbrook, from heart failure. Mrs. Holbrook has been prominent for many years in the D.A.R. missionary and church circles in Milwaukee. She is survived by her | husband, Dr. Arthur Holbrook, her A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borre of Lake avenue last week, A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Parks of Schiller street Friday. A daughter was born to'Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of Relnwald ave- nue Monday. Roman Bngels of Seger street is Ytill on the sick list and under phy- sicians' care. Services and sermon every Friday evening during Lent at St Joseph's Catholic church. Mrs. James B. Hoffman of Soger street entertained ten of her^lsW friends at luncheon Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klemm of Schil- ler street, spent the week-end with relatives in Peru, 111., last week. Mr. A. F. Sterrltt of nil Lake ave- nue, has been confined to his home for the past few days with rheumatism. Miss Helen Schleyer of Chicago is ,,â- >,.â- â- â-  - "â-  ,........twmtSm- visiting at the home of Miss Florence Scnaefer of Ridge avenue and SohiUer •trest.^, :r-' An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meier,; Blum street, died Wednesday and was buried'et St Jo- seph's cemetery Friday. Miss Florence Schaefer had the mis- fortune of, scalding her arm by steam , nM. nt(ii,BimT » saown, im. last Sunday. It Was very painful, but no serious eOAapttcatlonB set in. Beatrice Huerter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joan Huerter of Schiller street, had the misforune to run a sliver in her foot Complications set in which caused an operation on the injured member. A painful accident befell Mr. Mich- ael Baumgarten while returning from Chicago by wagon. One of the rear wheals of tbe wagon broke oft which caused Mr. Baumgarten to fall into the road> resulting in painful bruises to bis face and body. He is employed by Mr. Paul Nanslg. K^^i:^en*^Mrev .John- Phillips of Charles street entertained the Satur- day Evening club at cards (euchre). The prise winners were as follows: First genU', John Phillips; second gents', Charles Hoth; first ladles', Mrs. Charier. Hoth; second ladles', Mrs. James B. Hoffman. Refreshments were served. NEWMAN TRAVEL TALKS. Mr. EJt M. Newman, the traveler and lecturer, has chosen for the subject of his second travel-talk at Orchestra hall, on Wednesday and Friday even- ings, and Saturday afternoon, Feb. 26, Feb. 28, and March 1, two quaint old provinces In northwestern Franceâ€" Normandy and Brittany. The tour will begin with Dieppe and Etretat two fashionable watering places fr* quented by English and Americans. Havre, a thriving. seaport; Fecamp, where is located the, monastery in which benedlctlne is madeâ€"no longer by the monks, however; Rouen, the largest and most important city in Normandy, where ancient Norman architecture Is seen at Its best and where the tragedy of Joan of Arc*was enacted, will be visited in the order I named. Trouville and Deauville, tie friends were inrited: Mr. George Menrtens and Mr. Chae. Hohlfelder have returned from a week's trip in Michigan. Chief Maloney of the volunteer ttre department gave a smoker Saturday evening in honor of the flremeli. Mr. John Newhall of Thompsonville, Mich., spent the past Week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Newhall. Miss Bessie Doffer spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lee at ShermervUle, 111. Mrs. Reebtenwald was surprised by a party of friends last Sunday evening, Feb. 9, in honor of her fifty-second birthday. Mr. Robert L. Davis and daughter, Dorothy, left for Florida Tuesday, Feb. 11, expecting to be gone about two weeks. Mr. Maurice S. Miller is taking an extended trip along the Pacific coast. Mrs. Mary Becker is visiting friends at Danville, HL Mrs. Albert Olson and daughter re- turned home last week after an ab- sence of eight weeks in the east visit- ing her old home. Mra Sherman M. Booth and Mrs. Catharine McCuDoch attended the Il- linois'legislature m Springfield the past week m the interests of woman's suffrage. Jj^;':(, '•{& ?â-  •• . ' ";;. * Mrs. Herman J. Hall gave her third and last talk to the. Women's Library club Thursday afternoon on the sub- ject, 'The American' Triad, Inness, "Whistler and Sargent1* Mesdames Holbroke, Glasner and Martia bad charge of the flowers at the memorial service of Dr. Darling Wednesday, the flowers being sent to tbe Augustana hospital afterwards. The Glenepe public library is bow located in the viUage ban. Hours are Monday/a to > and 1 to 9 p. m.; Xtfn £- '"' * â- â- â- "'â- â- â-  '-fg"-"a m ' t" ms â€" t' ^Wssl^lal*aT » *A & wouutisaay « to 0 9, m., stibbj » «» » and 7 to « p.«.; Saturday T to » Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish left last week to spend several wealai In the south. Mft» Isabel MacLeish, a student > at tike Girton school, wffl board at the school during «Ba4jr ^ ' Miss Ruth Collins, who has to damrtag in Glencoe and Wlnnet** has forated a etess In KenOworai. Tfce class wffl be l^d at the club house on Mi-o'clock. two daughters, Mrs. B. G. Poucher, of Glencoe, 111.; Mrs. T. H. Spence of Milwaukee and her two sons, Dr. Har- old E. Holbrook and Dr. Arthur T. Hol- brook, both of Milwaakee. The Missionary society of the Glen- coe Union church met at the home of Mrs. George Pope. There were forty- five present A collection of $38 and also many bundles of clothing was taken up for tbe Bement sisters in Sbao-wu, China One of these sisters in a doctor and the other is bead of a school. Both are graduates of Oberlln college. The ladies of the guild sewed on towels for the hospital. Mrs. Geo- Pope and Mrs. Holmes gave short talks and Mrs. D. C. Clarutt played. Dainty refreshments were served in the shape of delicious French cakes, ^-ftea and coffee. The Men's league of tbe Glencoe Union church held an enjoyable meet- ing Monday evening, Feb. 10. ' The president Mr. Hall, secured the* serv- ices of Mr. Olson of Chicago to lead in the singing of old familiar songs. These and tbe solos given by Mr. Ol- son were greatly enjoyed by the men. Each man wore a tag in his button- hole on which was inscribed bis name, how long he had been a resident of Glencoe and his former residence. In this way newcomers were readily iden- tified and all enjoyed the pleasant fel- lowship. The evening was concluded with light refreshments. Mandolin lessons, $1.50. Tomaso. ______Sterâ€" iffcsfr-ffafefttto' CebmfcMM* Uty Bmttmu- .___m-MMfU- , t*U*to •r*$r.S*kootâ€" '•*-S«r«f«r-*««'r«iw WIIHIF •*•*, rttfr 707-6-5 lamfe Tptt. ' ' TAKg gkgVATOR CCNTRAt ISSOt OHICAOO. Ut. where Is to be seen the elite of France; St. Etlenne and its wonder- ful 'cathedral, built by William the Conqueror, and Caen, an aggressive city teeming With life, will complete the tour of Normandy. Brittany, though It has no large cities, appeals to the traveler through the charm of its people, the, beauty of its land scapes, and innumerable spots of biSj torical association, bringing to mind incidents in history that have affected the entire world. Mr. Newman's splen- J did color views and motion pictures! will transport his fellow-travelers i into the very heart of this delightful land of the Bretons, who with their picturesque costumes, and ancient myths and legends seem to be an an- cient race come to life. The travel- talk will be completed with.a pictorial and verbal presentation of the won- drons Chateau district, a feature of which will be a ride in the dirigible balloon, "Bayard-Taylor,^ showing balloon'e-eye view motion pictures of the surrounding country, taken by Mr. ww 1 De 622 Davis Street Tomaso furnishes up-to-date music. A Counter Boom •* Hub- twrd Wooda-convenient to itton, jr«t dtatfDctJveJyrii- â€" ted by natural „„ and smbrmcM • proposition well an Investment. infra of W.N. CttATFIELD 69 West Washington Street Chicago GALLERY TOUR TODAY. Today Is view day for the members o£ tie Witaette Woman's club at the Art Institute, from 10 to 12 o'clock a. m>, to visit the anlual exhibit by Chicago artists. The tour will be con- ducted by Miss Porter of Evanston. Members attending will meet in the main entrance hall, Art institute, at 10 o'ctocsf a. m., and will be admitted on presentation of their club tickets Mrs. FrankJU Joy win act as hostess. WOOOS IACY m. ph. STATE BANK fl Make* loans on improved North Rogers Park to Highland Park, county, fl Issues Certificates of in denominations o four percent interesj fl Offers for investm Banking Rooms Central Avenne am4 Sheridan Road Wghlaad Park. ARTHtTB W. VBnOOK, CeahUr E have been doing tbe cleaning, dyeirig, pressing and repairing for particular^ pegle ^r mow years than we care to rememb^j^Ojpftfi*ine»« has grpwh steadily. In other worda^ycfiM-twfd intelligent work is apprecirftecMfrtlie busTRna asir^iscry other. Wouldn't it pay vtfu tc/call us up^a«#five ua a trial? mlow's Telephone 1730 North Shore Trust Company CAPITAI* $100,000 tit for not less thaj and multipU ktate from in Lake months iichitpays v»«- .«____._____n"1 mortgages on improved real estate, netting the investor five and one-half percent, in suras of $500 and upward. Send for list. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J.FredMcGmre.P«*ident ^OhvlesA^Wia^toa^ice^^nt Ira J. Geer, Counsel R. O. Keller Arthnr W. Veroee. oashier 5509 W. MADISON ST OpSesM* N. W. 0*p«f I THE, HOME OF .CALIF Pick out a baafcet a order and we will hnw __ HOME MA»t a^M»T, FRMH tA>afBAY TEATROS d DEAMAlrfAKOS Pranklln 39S1 *" W« **«»••» ••• •CHICAGO, ILL. I^frRUITS H|k* It honie/er teles*hone your •jt ready fosfyeu when you call. knowlodsw of Anatomy Reht^sJerOrthope^c Appliance Company » NORTB WiBAlB ATKNVI, COlMIBK WADISOS i«|Wna|» fe^»"^2 GUARANTEED FOPEVER THE ONLY Iron Equslling^he Bksth Appearance, C6nstru&fy*na+Mct*ncy, and at tbe samJaatEe the LowixLin Prtc*. Tkmfs «U^00dR** lot. Just take a4*vl%ts T^riangl* Liktrik tron. You can always teU this iron by tke name snd*iriaMgts%rade mark. ^J8£Price $2.50 w«u Metropolitan El^ricaimpply Company ttW â-  •*â- â- â€¢â- â-  â-  - â€" HmrMmrM $tr**t

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