Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1913, p. 8

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u i:m3;: THE 1>AKB SHORE NBW8, THURSDA iS'cm 'â- m'<m Lake Shore News Want Ads HjejFwanteF WAKT^D â€" A WASHERWOMAN (white), emnll family, que-day every other week; ot»«„.*rwnklng English pref«rrod. J4r«.'K. Phelps. 2«« WooU- ct.. ^'rrhiette. ltn WANTED-A HRICHT WO>lAN TO hanoTfe the Splrella corsets; must ha/i' some busrnds* anility. I'hone or address MIsh/l). ^eVenes. 1235 Chicago av. I'lftuie l.'IM. He SITUATIONS WANTED WANtKDâ€"HOr<ill DRY WASHING to take home; "l«o home made com rellcb and chill sauce for sale, I'hone Wllmette 7<M It Mrs Amanda Sehwall. ul' WANTKlV HV JAPANESE, I'OS.- t Ion as cook* or hutler; best refer- ences. H. Nakatanl, a«) VV. Laurel av. Highland Park, 111. Hj> SITt'ATION WASTED A YOlNti Klrl, to take care yf children; pre fer to go home nights; ag«* 14 to la years. Address Ella fcahl. Hubbard Woods, III. H1' WANTEr>:T~W<>l;LI> UrVfi PLAIN Hewing by the day or at m* home 21» Doyle-ct.. Wllmette, Ill\ also will go out taking care of ch through the day. Mrs. J. Al man. Phone 1322. Ct. tiiyf'lM) MAoittiU, CULOKaiU mend««jf\ flnAr«ias» work: 11*4 (or anll|ttHrÂ¥ M R. Mo *«imi*.M'«1. II PROPEJtnrWANTp Vj.KT fS Si'l.l. OK IlKNT yorit I'ROVKRTY KOH Ql'UK ACTION McCALLUM (ft CLARK 1 *;i.-, sHferiiMtiiM* «>[â- !' «'*ty HaTfr- ltp KKNTINO IK Nnt- VV,S" T0 Lfi* yonr hon*.. i>u»»mI-'> < r^nrtment ,Tn or before Mf. L. "»' lt w,th u» now. W.. imi- ^k'..MmV H«t Phone !t«4. W. I 4k (ral-Ht. fS.fiOOMBL/YS A 1.0 IM'JK CH. .Investment In choice im^oved Bv- la'nston real esta*\/east side. Always rented and e1«|i*hl<' apartments. Owner Theo !ffc||eiir»ij>nn. Phone What People Are Doing jj »♦♦»»♦»♦»♦♦ in Kenilworth. ♦•........." \!„.i>f, 10t'3 Ccn- 13-3tc Intbt 638 Evanston. 4tr FOR SALE F,OR HAI.K I.AIUJK HOOKCABK. books, hldfhonnl. .â- liiffonler. wash- stand, kitchen mule, sewing ma- chine, !<•<• Ik.v. uiwn mower; also fox terrier. .-%.; > tlilnu for Bale la In excellent condition Apply to .1. c. Hylinid, 1 :'â- Â»"» Wilmette-nv., Wllmette Tan' <>f Mrs. Smith, ltp riu. lfM Da* 1SS». «tf WANTED WANTEDâ€"A for^ajrlctly Schwftl^N»ox Locust-st. a FEW Cl'STOMERjr frenh eggs. Ered 84, GroHM Polttff Hi. Wlnnetka-aX' U|> nilWln "solqi FOR SALE KINK VolNd COW, (loddard buggy, steel cooking rango and elegant <>nk sideboard; cheap for t|Utck Mile Wlnnetku 165. ltp FOR SALE ~C1IKAI> 1 <>AK SIDK- board, I dlulitK room table, 1 com- bination black walnut bookcase with rolltop dertk. :* open bookcases. J1 IK Ureenleur uv . Wllmette. ltp FOR •:i. SALEâ€"JEWRL 1211 Hill «t , \VI (iAS Imette STOVE; ltp FOR SALE l'ori.THY 1 COCK- erel, I pullets, UlurU Orplngtona; WANTED â€" SOME J^K WHO wants a good aa >*w 7 passenger limouaine car for aN^econd-han<t price; let m* show you>^kgenulne bargain, Krank Raymond, ka 7«4.' Ilfi; 1 cockerel. Orpingtons; |1" â- : iiuliets, White IIdx vi6, Olencoe, Up FOR SALIC -TWO In good runnInn h. p.. owj a h. i>. MOTORCYCLES, order: one 4V4- liaiKaln. Mr. H. Ijice. Skow, ihr'tailfr 'WRvanaton. J- Q 710 Malo-at., 17-tf FMMi-diMSLS FOR SAI^Bâ€"MODERN STUCCO J>- roonKhome; hot water heat^«fge sun pihdor. every ' con v^fflence; facing vaWt. _t*tfsonaJ>Ie terms. 1503 Lake-av^Vilme^te. ltp WANTED â€"THRE*>«AR LEASE from May 1^ eight oa^nine-room house, profeVably in SoulRNEvans- ,-fblght buy on terms. W 34H, ton, ojC' Lake Shore News 12-3tp REAL ESTATE FOlK^SALEâ€" BY OWNER. ZiiOxjWO feet/Saa^jnlnvitea froni statian' and three miiiaiM from tu* electric; sewers and wabsclo and paid for; several paynient»'brvinad*' "n 8lde" walk. AddrejNi C. Antolh^wski. Box 136, Glep^oe, III. I'hone <JIencoe 235. J^ce |2,»t)0. >r O tp Y â€"^Z-----------__-----------^>,, ,W£ SELL THE EARTH/ ,ET US SHOW YOU Mlchfkan-av., lO-room house, haMwood throwhout, 5 chambers, hor water heat, W 50X.1R6; terms; $8^000. 131mwo<td\v., 8 rooms. hardWood ttoora. furnace »eat, <-|ose to tran8|>ortation and Behoof lot r»0x200; terms, $4.2(>0. yOK REXT. Maple-av., **-roVm brick houHe. .%:',:,.ti'i North EJvanston\ 10 rooms...... Ki.on Ploneer-rd.. G-robtn bungalow. . 2r> no Jlldson-av.. 10 poOinH, hot water ; heat ....../ .. .\............ -r'G'>•" flfoeridun.rd.,/lo rodins, 2 baths r;o.0o 6-room apt/heuted. J porches.. 42.r»o 7-room a|»rtment. heated...... 40.00 6-room {nmlshed flpt., \intil June 40.0O J porches, new'building CO.OO • roofas, 2 porches. 2 ba>>n... 8O.00 ^.JPI^TvOUR VACANT ANp LET US BUILD FOR YOO, (1. Adams. Y.Vl Kline st, VVllmette, 111. ltp OHt-SALE A WKATHKRED OAK buffet, mirror back, 2 drawer*, lead- ed glnss door, price $18. Phone Wllmette 22::. ltp FOR SALE COVERED DELIVERY wagon. Phone Evanston 2997. ,2tp TO EXGHANGE Shreve Badger Is pledged Beta. Master Elbert Jonea broke his arm at the gymnasium last week. Mr. James Prentiss entertained his brother and bride last week. Mr. RuBsell Stearns has returned t<> s<hool at Ann Arl»>r, Michigan. Dr. George W. 1*1118 of Abbotsford read has purchased n new machine. Mrs. Dodson entertained several of her friends at luncheon Thursday. Mr. Reighter, Mrs. Drake's brother, will leave for Panama February 20. Miss Marcel) Vennema entertained several of hlg^4ttle friends last week. Mrs. F. E. M. Cole entertained Miss Hates of Canada for a few days last week. I Mrs. A. F. Reichmann, Harriet and Master William are at Long Beach,' California. I Charlotte Parmelee has returned to Kenilworth after an exciting week at Hamilton college. | Mrs. Milton P. Ohf<> of Cumnor I read was elected a member of the Neighbors' last month. A daughter was born to Mr. and ( Airs. Edward D. Wheeler, Abbotsford Road, last Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Tilt of Holland. Michigan, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. C. Little, last week. Mr. C. F. Meyer of Cumner road has purchased a new Peerless car to be delivered the first of March. Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart entertained at luncheon Monday for her mother, Mrs. Capen of Bloomlngton Mrs. Hugh W. Dyar entertained a few friends for Mrs. Peter Rath- bone nt luncheon last Wednesday. Mr. and Airs. John Rathbone were out from Chicago at the dance given by the Kenilworth club last week. Master Charles Elmes of Wlnnet- ka entertained several of his formor playmates of Kenilworth Saturday. The Neighbors' club will help fur- iilsh the rest room for the teachers at the new public school on Abbotsford road. Mr. and Alts Brown, who lived In Kenilworth two years ago, arc stay- ing at the Kenilworth Inn on Cuinnor road. Mrs. Howard Durham left Wednes- day for a two-weeks trip to New Or- leans. Mr. Durham expects to join her next week. Mrs. L. M. Allen, and the young boys and girls of Kpnilworth sur- prised her son, Francis, Friday night with a dancing party. Tho be on the skating rink was bet- ter this week than It has been. The younger people of Kenilworth seem to l»o enjoying the skating. The plat presented by the New Trier high school board, asking for the con- tinuation of the street called Esse_road in Kenilworth was accepted Mrs. Peter Rathbotu- left Monday for Florida, where she expects to re- main for Borne time. She has closed her home on Kenilworth avenue. McCALLUM (ft CLARK 1«1B Bhermanav., Opp CUy\Hall. ltp !s?v- Murr us show you" fcChurch-st., 12 rooms. I bath^Thouse $y;- lt stone and stucco; hr w. heat; floors, interlor^ftsdabed in »y and £ak; largft^eepin fast and Jmngw>rches jprflh lot 7fc*aPto alley^Thts Is oa* Jflfce flnCst homjr on the North â- unjnnft the ptfft hi richt mm: I IHngalow flf UBBBiB, stucco on stone, hsjJwocWWn^ronflinnt h. w. bent; lot WxlW; W.0O0. FOR B8NT. fljpwis List of HMtMt and Apartments. H Ahrsy* Pleased to Show Property. » il<CAUAfM*CLARJC MM Wb*m»*vi» Opp. tttjr HaU. â- -i#: lt? ..•-p6*fr;/.. ,. V'-".',: Rig/ I- *t Kitt SALE <»R KXI'HANOE-tBIX- roonY-^moderii stucco 1101180^^4,750, will exctmiiK" for lnrj(e'r house, worth $7.oim>-«^c) $s,o«n. on north shorg, or will consider Kood vacant on whUli to build A King, 310 Central-nv.,' Wilmetie. Htone Wll- mett^. t\ r, N^ltp FOR RENT-ROOMS KQjt RENT ROOMS FOR LIGHT housXu^eping: also other furnishe.l rooms; AH modern conveniences. 1328 Wllmette av, Wllmette. ltp FOR RENT--2 ]rtlKAHANT~ AND nicely furnished warm rooms, with bath, at 1144 North av.Xubbard ! ^ a few weekg. ^y i_ nisj,P The flag at the Kenilworth public lAIAMTCn Tfl DIIV school was at half mast last week, ft All I Ll|â€"""I U BUT commemorating the death of Mr. Jo- seph Sears. The new schoolhouse that is being erected Is to be named tho Joseph Sears school. This question Is of Biich tremendous- ly vital Importance to every Indi- vidual member of the Kenilworth club, and to every citizen of Kenilworth, that Mr. B. V. Crandall, president of the Kenilworth dub, and Mr. Henry Taylor, president Kenilworth village board, called special attention by per- sonal letters to thlB meeting, and urged the attendance of every resi- dent. Wednesday evening;, February 12, at the Woman's building In Win- netka. Mrs. Henry Taylor entertained at luncheon Monday. Allen Bulley is ill with scarlet fever. Clara Gould library open .Mondays from four until six at the Kenilworth assembly hall. Any resident of Kenil- worth is privileged to draw out books. .Miss Dorothy t'oolldge of Detroit, Michigan, expects to live with her ii tint, Airs. F. VV. Coolldge. for the next feur mnntliH and attend Northwestern I'nlverslty, taking up music. English and French.' Air. and Mrs. S. I). Flood of Kenll worth avenue entertained with u "faggot party" Tuesday night. Each guest was given a faggot. While the fnggot was burning, each guest did a "stunt," causing much merriment. Owing to the Illness of Miss Marie Hasten, chairman of the dramatic* committee of the Kenilworth club. MtBs Isabel I-ovedale is coaching the play to be given Tuesday, February IS. The cast of characters Is being kept a secret. The Wlnnetka-Kenllworth meeting (ailed by the North Shore CUleena' association, to consider <»e question of water supply and drainage for the North Shore, will be held Wednesday evening, February 12, at the Wo- man's building in Wlnnetku. Mrs. Rufus Stolp was entertained at dinner Monday evening by Dr. and Mrs. Byron L. Stolp of Wllmette. Mrs. Stolp left last week with Mrs. Kahn for the East, where they will visit New York and Philadelphia, stopping on the way at Niagara Falls nnd re- turning via Washington. Air. J. C. Everett returned Saturday after a few days' business trip to Grand Rapids and Holland, Michigan- Afr. and Mrs. Truninu Brophy and son Billy have left Redlands, C,al , and are at Coronado. Mrs. Brophy's many friends will be pleased to hear that she Is very much Improved. At the last meeting of the board of directors of the Kenilworth club the Imnihouae committee for the eomlug year was appointed. The members are Dr. Henry H. Everett, Charles Al. Armstrong and George W. Keehn. Plans are being considered for the re- building of the pl«r and many other improvements are to be made which will add to our already attractive beach. The committee lias offered two prizes for each of the boys- gymnasium classes. The prizes will be awarded to the two boys In each class who have tho best attendance and who apply themselves the be*. This does not mean that the b< Bt athletes or gymnasts will get the prize--every boy, good or bad. in athletics has a cl-atice .lust what the prizes will be Ins not been 'announced. The question of what shall we do at the next dance was raised in the minds of many who attended tho last club dance. The floor was crowded, but It was not until refreshments were LOST AND FOUND I.()H*^4RISI1 pleasure"**! Phone ::"4J>»- ."^. ... TERKIKR. ^JjJiHJnTR -^Lm}-*** Monroe-st. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAM MASON .Mrs. C. K. Parmelee, who has spent served that the fact of the limited the winter with her mother, Mrs. space of the club was realized. Owing Cleveland, In Thomasvllle, Qa., re-! te the small kitchen and dining room. turned to Kenilworth last week. Mr. the party was divided and served, as and Mrs. Graham will be her guesN no refreshments can be taken Into the dnnce hall. It eeems that something ought to be done immediately to pro- vide for the growing membership of the club. Church of the Holy Comforter, the Rev. E. Reginald Williams, rector, February 16, second Sunday in Lent, Holy communion, s.00 a. in.; Sunday school, !>:.'!( i a. m.; morning service and sermon, 11 a. m. Week day services: Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, evensong and address at 5 p. m.; Thursday, holy communion, .11 a. m.: Friday, Litany, 12 noon. Lenten sewing at the guild rooms: Mondays, Woman's auxiliary, 2 p. m.; Tuesdays, Junior auxiliary, 2:30 p. m. Lenten instruction at the rectory: Wednes- days, boys, 3:3D p. m.; Thursdays, girls, 4 p. m. On Evanston 1180 wkrt titty snore prop N rty annan-av WILMETTE WINNER8. The missing words n the Wllmette mlsHliiK word contest *ere as follows: "Avenue" III advertisement of MlSS Ram bo; "piano" in advertisement Of Miss Elmer, "druggists" in advertise- ment of Retmeckar Drug company; "grapbotiolas* in advertisement of Ralph Faupel. The prize winners were as follows: First Prizeâ€"Elizabeth Mlchelet, 10128 Sheridan road. Second Prizeâ€" Ann* Hoffman. 1685 Lake avenue. Third Priceâ€"Merrlman Heat, 882 Forest avenue. « Fourth Prizeâ€"Esther Hoffman, 1636 Lake avenue. The prises will he sent to the win- ners on Friday. A new punle ap- pears la this issue. tomato furnishes up-to-date mutte. Central Trust Company v of Illinois 125 W. Monroe St., between Clark and La Salle Streets, Chicago BANKINGâ€"SAVINGS-TRUSTS SAFE DEPOSHNVAULTS Capital and Sorpl Depoalts • - OF 1,500,000.00 r,668,981.04 â- ^m^iimm The boys of Kenilworth have been requested to stay away from the gym- naalum on Friday from three untlL six. This is the girls' afternoon, and the boys Interfere with the work. The Neighbors' met today and en- joyed a program of which a paper" t»ad by Airs, Russell Bishop was an Interesting feature. Music was fur- nished by Miss Sears at the alano and Miss Isabel ('line, v> ho sang several selections The next meeting will be held February 27, when Mr. John L. Whitman will talk on "Some Prob- lems of the Modern Philanthropist." The third of the lectures, 'Brides of Ancient Song." by MIsh Julia S. Henry, was given on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 11, at the residence of Mrs. Herman A. Kasten. Melrose avenue The subject was Beatrice Portlnarl "By her pattern Beauty tries Itself." - Dante. The fourth and last lecture will be given Feb. 2.p> at the resldenc «>r Mrs. Grant Rldgeway, Cumberland avenue. Subject, Beatrice D'Este. Air. Percy B. Eckhart was out of town on business Sunday and was un- able to give his lecture at the Kenil- worth I'nlon church. Next Sunday, however, he will give his lecture on Rotenburg and Dresden. These lee turee are Illustrated by stereoptlcon pictures in color, and are given every Sunday night at 7: .10 sharp In the guild room of the Kenilworth I'nlon church. Every one Is cordially In- vited. .Morris Kottler, the 14-year-old son of Mr. A. Kottler, the Kenilworth tailor, expects to give a musical at the Kenilworth hall soon. He Is a very fine musician and well known by nil of the Neighbors', where he has pluyed several times. He will be as- sisted by his uncle of Chicago. The proceeds of the musical will be ap- plied to his musical education. The date for the musical has not been set as yet. WINNETKA WINNERS. The words omitted In the Wlnnet- ka mlsBlng word contest in the insi Issue were ns follows: "Deposits" in the advertisement of the Wlnnetka State bank; "cutlery" in the adver- tisement of the Wlnnetka Hardware and Cutlery company. The prize winners were. First Prize Mrs. W. A. Worth. 89:' Elm street. Second Prize-George Cadenhead, 302 Onk street Third Prizeâ€"John T. Conner, 1040 Pine street. Fourth Prizeâ€"Ruth Jenks. '.lit El- der lane. 1857 Merchant^ Loan ^0> W* Trust ii Stattmeat oC Condition at Commenc* meat of Business February 3, lift RESOURCES 'â- % Loans and Discounts..................................%......"••84,045,499^1 Bond, and Monies.....................oVa iim'Si-On*'* * °'9O5'508'<0 Due from Hanks and Hankers.........*",1i'*22,?iA?J «- (ash ami Theeks from Clearing lloua*.. 8,628,500.46 88,118,408.88 LIABILITIES /CX^t J Capital Stock....................................../r..rry»...\LJsWH).()OU.OO Surplus Kuad.....................^............L^y*...... 8,OW),OO0.Olj rndivided Profits.............. Si.....*......^Z.......... 988,640.48 Heserved for Accrued Intent a/d Taxes................. ._l!*!'2*Mi| Deposits................ DEPARTMENTS Commercial Savlnga Truatâ€"Bona Farm Loan ForaJgn Exehanga DIRECTOR* Vlc«-Pro.ld.nt THIES J LBFBNS, KRANK H. ARMSTRONG Raid, Murdoch A Company. ENO8 M. BARTON. Chairman Board of Director* Wostern Rlcwtrlc Company. CLARENCE A BURL.EY. Attorney and Capitalist. ^ , HENRY P. CROWEL.L. President Quaker Oat* Company. WILLIAM A OARDNER. Prenldent Chicago A Northwentern Railway Co. ELBERT H. OARY, Chairman Board of Director* United States 8 tee I Corp'n. EDMUND D. HULBERT. Vice-Pre;Ident. CHAUNCEV KEEP, Truittw Marshall Field EtUl*. Italiat 1 Prwldent ha*. â€"«y. â„¢ e L. Z. Uh. Batata. ~ JOHN 8. RUNNELLS, Prealdent Pnlhn» CYRUS H. MeCORMH national Har*»iter________.. SEYMOUR MORRIS. Trustee L, Z Company. _______ »pa t. ttyerton a Bon. JOHNG. 8HEDO. PreeWent MarthtlirWi EDWAF_______.._- of DtreatoM Jpeep A Cempai . ORSON 8MITH._PreeWent any ALBERT A. SPRAOUB, II.. Vice-PreKdnt Spratfue. Warner eV Company. MOSES J. WENTWORTR. Caxlullit. orricrna ORSON .SMITH, I'nenidont EDMUND D. HUI.BERT, Vice President FRANK U. NELSON. Vice Praaldent JOHN E. BLUNT, JR.. Vice President J. 0. ORCHARD. Cannier P. C. PHffRRSON, AnHleUnt Cashier C. E. EHTKM, Aeslstant Caahier JOHN J. OKDDE8, AealaUntCMhtttr LEON L. LOEHR. Secretary and TrunOaW A. LEONARD JOHNSON, Aet't tmSSf F. W. THOMPSON. Mar Farm Lom Dm.' H. O. P. DEAN8. Mar. Forelirn D^ejSnt G. F, HARDIE. Manaver Bond Department 112 West Adams Street . / Mandolin lessons, $1.50. Tomaso. 0. A. THORSEN Livery a Huilding Materia In^iiranee ('". .t lllin KCNI Kesidfiic-e Phone i< I'hone -'fn Arthur S. McKwina y w-*» 1 1 iii> rAn PLU %& Phone Kenllwwth 92 Kenilworth. 111. Superfluous Hair (he Money. NO PAIN -NO HARKS OR r>C4R5 We guarantee to deetroy pvery h»lr â- mn treat. Should any return we will triad Iy remove them Free at Charire. Our Motto, Liberality. Honext CVeling. We truarantec natlafaction. will convince you. ContxultationH invited (Free.) Write for Booklet B. Mme. Stiver 1407 Auditorium Tower, Chicago Telephone Harrison 4223 Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago Statement of Condition at Close of Business Tuesday, February 4, 1913 « RESOURCES Time Loans......................% 91,764,521.97 Demand Loans .................... 30,673,478.56 Bonds, Securities, etc.............. 15,893,043,84 ---------------------- SI 38.331,044.37 U. S Bonds to Secure Circulation. . 8,703,062.50 Real Estate ....................... 7,172.16 Overdrafts ...... 4,498.43 Cash and Due from Banks.......... ^^ /^^ 75,539,040.62 ^\ ^-^$222,584,818.07 .lABILlWs Capital Stock............/................._#»»e***""' f21,600,000.00 Surplus ................../...........**tf1*T\.. 8,000,000.00 Undivided Profits ......./.............. 1,658,716.24 Reserved for Taxee...../......... ............. 160,000.00 Circulation ........... 8,602,000.00 Deposits: Individual ..............f 74,967,516.16 Banks ................. 107,718,686.68 182,676,101.83 $222,384,818.07 OFFICERS ..Asst. Cashier EDWARD S. LACBY, Chairman of Advisory Committee. Wllber Hattery......Asst, Canhier OEOROE M. REYNOLDS. Pres. Ralph Van Vechten.....Vice-Pres. George B. Smith Alex Robertson.........Vice-Pres. Herman Waldeck.......Vlce-Pres. John C. Craft...........Vlce-Pres James R. Chapman......Vlce-Pres. William T. Bruckner... Vlce-Pres. William 0. Schroeder. . .Vlce-Pres. Nathaniel R. Losrh........Cashier Harvey C. Vernon... Asst. Caahier H. Ersklne Smith. .. John R. Washburn. . Wilson VV. Lam pert. Dan Norman....... Ueorge \. Jackson. .Aast. Ca>*liler .Asst. Cashier .Asst. Cashier .Asst. Cashier .Asst. Cashier SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LAKE SHORE NEWS • Never Tire If H -s-ps of eating in Jhaa»r>acanw tk» f* You Mwer TaiSwarF51, * of telling yon about these five excel- lent places to eat because they &n so good. Weareproadof them. of eating invthej^>eoon^ tm-sfoodU va- igrfadt. : EAR THE HEARTH ou % 141 N. Wabaeh Ave. TRY THE ON THE CLOVER, 206 S. Vabaah Ave. THE GURNEY, 23 S. Wabash Ave. THE CLOVER. 526 S. Vabaah Ave. THE MADISON, 2%\ V. Madison St., netrSth Ave. ':.:-,M'^M

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