i^MXqSBl^^t^K^^ I f^^^p®Pi;^$?p": ^!32Si*&<"'**^* :• ww: HOLDMEOINfi PlPilp^e Are Doing â- :; â- -; w^jm* wM&ul Wilmette.....>.......I Names of Street* QhanRed Sidewalk Ord«Mncel^e<J -Will Numberlots. , The Glencoe village Improvement board was called to ordsr TuesdaV (tne • Mln Latham and'lira. Louis Spring- er entertained at luncheon Tuesday, Feb. 11, »t their home, 430 Hill street. ." Mrs. H. BT Gates of 1126 Wilmette avenvie ha* sons to Burlington, la., to visit her daughter, who is teaching . -^ Mrs. Ben. Sterner of 1453 Wilmette ,-vening by PreiWfBt: W^W ™» aremw tIwnt «,* w«ek-end with her main question of tha meeting was we BUter Mrg Qeorgfj Kreger |n Sycft. paving proposition. mor€t „, The board was addressed by Attor ^ ^ ^ R<>y gfaaw ^^ ^ ney Olson, who stated that no denci „t|eet enterta,ned Mr Shaw.8 bn)ther ency would arise ^«* *eV™°8 Mr. Waverly Shaw of Oskaloosa. la., issued for the '*^*J^r£? last week. unless a possible *â„¢*l£**â„¢^ Mis. Nulla Buck. 1624 Spencer ave- "'^-^-LZZ^ZS-â„¢ Pertained Mr. and Mrs. wil- Ham Collette of Chicago at her home of brick in specified the estimate l*"t Sunday. He also, Mrs- VVillard H. Thayer will enter- wltb the use places, would Increase fnr navlne to $201,333.21 for paving to j.^ proyJde(i ^ ,n taln the afternoons of Tuesday. Feb read the law improvements over $100,000 an ordi- nance shall be referred to an execu- tive committee, in this case to the alley and streets improvement board, and that such an ordinance with the minutes of the meeting, shall be pub- lished at large one week before pass- i nK- Mr. Olson suggested that an ordi- nance to clarify "the chaotic condition of the streets, such as Monroe street and Monroer avenue, be recommended to the village board of trustees in order to avoid complications which may arise in legal documents preced- ing the paving proposition. improvement Board .Adjourns. As the meeting was drawing to a flose word was received confirming thf validity of the sidewalk improve- ment, which was held up until con- firmed by the Supreme .court. A mo- tion was immediately made to adver- tise for bids for building such side- walks, the total cost being $11,650. This proposition was taken up two years ago and laid aside through com- plaints entered by Mr. H. L. Lloyd and (lertrude Uthe. Through this ruling Chicago and all municipal governments have la-, traduced this ordinance for sidewalk I improvement. The meeting of the , improvement board was adjourned and the regular meeting of the vil- lage trustees convened. Make Street Names Uniform. : lg, and Thursday, Feb. 20, at her home, 519 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lechner and son Robert of Evanston spent Sunday with Mrs. Lechner's father and -mother, Mr. and Mrs. Anton May, 1448 Wilmette avenue. I The Hiawatha Social club held its annual masquerade party at Wilmette Assembly hall on Saturday evening. Many of the costumes were certainly original and amusing. The marriage of Miss Eleanor Day. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Day, 810 Oakwood avenue, to John David Jones, Jr., of Racine, Wis., will take place Saturday, Feb. 15, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baldwin of Woodbine avenue returned to their home Feb. 1, after a sojourn in oppo- site directions, Mr. Baldwin having been to Texas on business and Mrs. Baldwin visiting relatives in Ohio. The Epwortb league of the Wil- mette M. E. church held its regular monthly social and business meet- ing last Friday night A very enjoy- able evening was spent by the young folks. The ladles of Wilmette camp No. 3926, Royal Neighbors of America, have planned to give - a euchre party on Wednesday evening, Feb. 19, at Jones' lodge hall. A very delightful evening is anticipated by the ladles. Mrs. Otto R. Pomper, 709 Elmwood avenue, entertained at luncheon some An ordinance was introduced for of her 8on Herman!8 former teachers making the names of several of the 1nm tne lja]ie Vlew school. Saturday. streets uniform. All streets will be j j^,, 8 Mre Hoslck, formerly a resi- destgnated-by the new names on legal; dent of wilmette. was one of the documents and maps. Where the con- g^^g tinuatlon of the various streets was Tfae Becond designated as avenue or street, for- merly, the name was changed ^r that the entire street would be named •street" or "avenue" as the council designated. The following names* tor streets were adopted: Greenwood street. Vernon avenue, Randolph street. Lake street. Linden avenue. Railroad avenue, Jefferson avenue. Madison avenue, Monroe avenue, Jackson avenue. Krieger avenue. This ordinance had nothing to do with the system of numbering the lots. f* President Sayles appointed the fol- 4 lowing committee to consult with City Knglneer Don E. Marsh In regard to [lumbering the lots and houses: Trus- tees Edwards. Moeller. Robinson. »________I------ SECOND OF WOMAN'S CLUB CONCERTS The second event in the Wilmette concert series, being given in the en>6 hall under the auspices of the WU- nette Woman's club, will be given by the Bailhe Trio and Louise St/ John Westerveit on Thursday evening, Feb. 13. The fallowing interesting pro- Kram will be given: i Trio, Op. "2 (Allegro moderato) .........Godard Bailhe Trio. 2. Aria from "I/RBfant Prodigoe". ........................Debussy Extase** .................Dupare Mandoline" .............Debussy lonma St. John Westerveit. : Norwegian Dance, O.- 36. No. 1. ..............Grieg Adagio (Senate Pataetlqwe)------ .............Beethoven-Flevet Spinning: Song . .............Mesmalssohn-BaUhe .......BaBne Trio. 4. "A Woâ€"led Bird -Taw -itajr -The Utile Piper" ........<•....... Henataei St. John Weetercett. -^TunwiHav St,*««...-- â€"-.Awneny of the series of con- certs to be given at the Woman's club occus this "^Thursday evening (Feb. 13). The Bailhe Trio, consisting of piano, violin and 'cello, assisted ' by Louise St. John Westerveit, will fur- nish the program. Members of the Northwestern chap- ter of the Delta Gamma sorority en joyed a pleasant afternoon at the home of Miss Helen Skinner. 725 Tenth street, last Friday. Miss Skin- ner is entertaining Miss Esther Hutch- inson of Ottumwa. la. school Tuesday to investigate its sys- tem of heating and ventilating. They wer« particularly pleased with the scheme of humidifying the air. The basketball team will give a dance Friday night in the mess hall. The new semester began Monday with about thirty new pupils. Owing to good management onlv thirty mln. utes was *"M in getting started, thereby making a record for rapid work. The Winnetka school furnished eighteen of the new pupils. The request of the New Trier Hinh school board, asking that the street called Essex road, be opened, has been granted. WILMETTE BAPTIST NEWS. Owing to the fact that we have no regular organisation at present many of the cards returned at the recent reMgloas census were not filled, hat in each a way as to indicate the real preference. Up to the present time the committee has received the nunc* of 125 admits who are or have been members of a Baptist church. A large per cent of this number has already expressed an interest in the formation of a Baptist church ha Wil- mette. The committee is very mwch pleased with the outlook and is confident that aa organfctntton will be effected at an early date. The devotional meeting for Feb, 1» wBl be held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Kelson. 9Z1 Elmwood avo- ws, at * »_ m Reseat Wednesday evenings fa* mm mustian Ton wfB find them very halafnJL The annual meeting of the Old Town folks will be held at the Woman's Mrs. B O. Calloway and little daughter Jane. Kto Linden avenue, left Monday evening for Gainesville, Fla.,'where she win visit her slater. From there she win go to St. Peters- burg, and on her return will stop at Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. David Foreythe An- club house on Friday evening, Feb.' demon of 650 Washington avenue n- 21. Dinner will be served, at 6:30, followed by the usual social evening. All who came to Wilmette before Jan. 1, 1889, are eligible to membership in this association and may become members by applying to the secretary, Mrs. S. S. Dingee. tertalued at dinner at the Chicago Athletlo club last Tuesday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford Claries, Mr. and Mrs EL Jackson Caase and Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hawks*. Many of the Wumstts residents H*- tag north of Central avenue are w«v daring when the Milwaukee; BHsetrlc line Intends resuming it* UMssnt tars to Chicago from Wilmette. It Is op- erating under a franchise a*dmnnea requiring a 10-cent far* by mesas of a transfer. The tickets were on sals In Wilmette for a number of years, bat shortly after the road went Into the hands of the receiver it wan. an- nounced that the 10-cent tickets were to be temporarily withdrawn. The fire company was called out Sunday morning tu response to an alarm given by the neighbors of Mr. It was bsing used by Irs.W^t^^^^^^^ *•' sims. Aghs|f|t^B|sdls4n^; wrapped them ...... mw*wi*iswkmsws«*'«is«w Dibble as I mWW^^^i tp?smj*fnis 'Wjmmm^jsmsjaiMSti^^R • of s noksr ipcoendeff f»f' *fc* ' s«*e* Thsaomns; oept for the smoke. mmmmmm^tmmm m te>Oi T. Bernstein, Ladies'Tailor SP«CIAt. OFrtR on Suits M, FIT AN U WORKMtfr^Htp GUA1 1909 CENTRAL STREE' NOTICE! Our Mlllln y Department will occupy the room formerly used by the 8. & H. Stamp Parlor. Though we no longer have a premium parlor, we contlnus to give 8. a H. Stamps as well aa Rossn. berg's Red Trading Stamps. -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING Open Tuesday Nights till 9 Saturday Nifht# till 10 This SAL15 Thursday, Friday and Saturdtry, Fe Y «, M^ Furniture $8.60 CHIFFONIERS. 5 large drawers, beveled . â- . plate glass, at.........»7. #<3 18.50 SOLID OAK DRESSERS. 38 In. top. 16x20 beveled glass, 3 large drawers. C 7C a......................0»/%J 12.50 QUARTERED OAK PEO CSTALS. 3C in. high. 4 in.square post..... 75c P'CTURES, size of frame 14x20; popular sub- jects, at ........... $30.00 SiOEBOARD. selected quartered oak. massive construc- tion. 60-inch top. large beveled mirror; sample, V4 price ........ 822.50 AUTOMATIC BEO DAV- ENPORTS, opens to full slxe bed. Early English frame, uphol- stered In Verona plush, at ....... 1.85 49c 19.50 17.50 Infants' Wear To Be flSf5#5* â- 'â- â- The Infants' Dept will soon be in the room formerly used by the Millinery. Many articles of Infants' Wear at removal prices § Infants' Slipsâ€"Long slips o\&M0xfna\st neck antl sleeves edged with lace^^ty.* i Removal price.............................r,.^, Infants' Dresses â€" Of excellent quality lawn and nainsook, tucked and hemstitched yokes, finished with dainty laces and embroideries.........................:\,^ Infants'Coats- Long and short coa'8 '>f cashmere, bedf-TfJ cord and mercerized popjiflsSatefii lined collar and cap , trimmed ^ QO with braid himI rit.bon.. .*»ei!PO Infants' Sllirtsâ€"A large as- sortment of long 8kirts\made of fine muslin and ieajmbric, ruffle flounc of lace afiit : ^~" embroidery. Price •, Fttrnisliiiies FOR THE HOMB .. This M-qt. Orsy Cnswlid Dish Pan,«xtr« iMptaspt, •Mc bandies, first f.a*|. •oly, 49C valiM, Isr this IQg* 8MIIS...«••............^ii'V.. "1. •F*#": Jspansss dseoratssl ChhM Satt snnwl n^Ssn%Sndha*- S^sUhfcsftBnml: aBAssll'SJksialHBna-' •ItwS* VWJPfPW wfftVtVlWsrsJV' ins â- *pnjp»jajaj"#>- sold rsnwlaHy far Sis par pair. Spsej.1 far mis m*mm*%$ tRs psir ...vv>v,.v.^^psc*?tt Cuspidors, mads of .ttanswan, nicely tinted^ lirfn-SMSSi.^> 'alas, gQc varus, for. ...JCC ONE-THIRD OFT on n» 9 hnportsd dseoratsd Chhss, bugs varlsty from tratelk select at *ons4htrd if 1 iregular salting pries. : ^ DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES. PATENT MEDICINES AND TOILET ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS. BELL'S PINE TAR HONEY, Regularly 26c. - q now.....................* *'*' MALTINE PREPARATIONSâ€" A $1.00 bottle Q~ for .....................OJC GREEN SOAPâ€" y _ A 25c Jar for.............1 5C BELLADONNA PLASTERS* â€" Two plasters â€" _ for.....................jbOC KONOOU'8 CATARRH JELLY, 25c size. t ._ for..........."-..........llC COMPOUND CARBOLATED WITCH HAZEL f _ SALVE. 25c slxe.........* *>C Men's Clothes Still at Half Price You ve found out what this means. If you haven't, you ought to at once. Come and see for yourself. Suits and G'Coats at exactly one-half their former selling price. WATCH For OUR TROUSEJfc. SALE THURSDAY SPECIALS Far Tlirsdqr. Ftlraafy 13 No Mail or Pfcens Orders Filled. MISSES* SHOESâ€"Broken stsss from oar regular Uses, lacs only, valaes ap to S2JM). Qi&V Tnursday ...............&QC BLEACHED MUSLIN â€" dale msalln. a yard side, tar 12*e anality. -. For Thursday only........'5" MEN'S FAULTLESS GARTERS --Mads np same aa Boston or Parts pad garter, heavy ^ - dasOe. per pair..........i 3C SEIOL1TZ POWDCRâ€"10 pow- ders in eacn bos. regular 28c size. For Thursday fi\r only ....................iUC HOUSE DUESSCSâ€"A large va- riety of bam. psrcnlsv sawn and chsvtnt; Bant, miillem and dark colors: checks, ntiinaa. ptate ssatsrlals. siasa. t4 ts Ml GROCERY AND M A Small Space With Big Brooms: Little Beauty, our regular 30c four- sewed Broom, special ..........l*c BOTTLED GOODS. Vinegar: Heinz's Pure Apple Cider. per Vfc gal. jar-----22c Pickles: Star Brand. fancy sweet. per jar...........»c Pickles: Angora Brand, fancy sweet. per jar..........25c On.oas: Union Brand. tarn * per jar-----ISc Onions: Monarch Br'd. fancy sweet, jar..21c Olives: Durkasco Br'd. fancy Pimento, stuffed, per botâ€"31c Olives: Dodson's fancy Pimento, stuffed. per bottle........ISc Olives: Wolff's fancy Queen. per Samson jar.. .29c Olives: Fancy Qnsen. per honey tumbter.Se Olives: Sylmar Brand, California Ripe. per 50c can.......SSs Othrs OH: L. F. C. Br'd, Pure Italian. per Son. bot.....12c per S os. bot.....21c per IS ox. bot.....3Sc per 2S on. hot.....S7c fail oL esa.......SSs Maple Syrup: SUvsr_ Kettle, per hot LENTEN SPECIALS 1Sc to 20e LEf<T SPECIALS 9c. Fancy Pugel Sound /ink Salmon, per tall can W>man's Lnncbeoo/Muptard Sardines. large oval cans. Savoy Branll SbriSip. Bismarck Brand KippeVed Herring, per can. Finest Norwegian[SaT/ines, in pure olive oil. large cans, per Schmidt's fancy AntJtaovies. in glass jars. per jar \....................................** Many Other Specials Too Numerous to Mention. CANNED VEGETA- BLES. Corn: Onargs. Country Gentleman. 2 cans 25c Corn: Raven Brand. Sweet Sugar. 2 cans...........25c per dozen .......»5e Beans: Special for Lent. Be*ns without pork, per can..........12c 3 cans ..........33e String Beans: Savoy Brand. Slringless or Wax Beans. 2 cans...........27e Lima Beans: Angora B/and. fancy greea. 2 cans...........27c Lentils: Royal Brand. German LsntHs Without any meat). S cans...........27c CANNED FRUITS. Pears: White Horse. Eastern Bartletts. per No. 3 can.....22a Pears: Glass jar. Label, per can..........2§c Pineapples: Hills-Dale. Hawaiian, sliced, per can .........22c Preserves: Angora Br'd. Strawberries, Black Raspberries or Red Raspberries. 2 cans...........33a Plums: Yum-Yum Br'd. fancy Michigan. In heavy syrup. No. S cans. 2 cans......27a Green Gags Ptems: Sa- voy or Glass Jar Br'd. per No. 3 can----- Peaches: Union Brand, per No. 3 can.....V MEATS Fwacy Pork Chops, per lb....................«• Fancy Pork Loins, whom or half, per lb.....l3»/jn Fancy Pork Shoulder. 3 to 4 lb, average. IS. .tS^a »oA a*o_ Pare Ma- KM*** *«* Ro-*t °* C*"ck BoMt- *** *';.: S>* Bkf^?iL hoT 4st ^m€j Rolled Boaelee. Sirloin Roast, per lb .1*>£ £ZlZ!!. m£m bZt ' Nntivs Sirloin Steak, per lb..................Wn KlTtaB^nKfHoa^mad. Pock Sausage Meat, per Ih 14. perinr 25e FISH FOR LENT. ssarW'ffarVi----- Faaey Halibut Steak, per lb "• Brand, ahsotately \ Lake Tront. per R»..........................•»» p^rTstrawberry. (Lake Snoertor WhJts Flah^ per lh «. per jar ........tSajBaBSlsss Cod Fma. per lb i/n Glencoa f Norway Breakfast Mackerel................ i°» Fancy Finnan Handle, per th.............. "a* CRISCOâ€"The Lenten Snorteak«c-=5c siie 23a $§« siae.............................. **• fl.gS sfse ......................... **•_ Brand, pass Fruit Sugar, per Jar Catsup: per qL hotels per t-L hOttls IS lb. ...........*c nrtth a SI gracorr or- SptvrtMiR for Saturday, February IS Hams, 10 to 12 lb. avers* • ......... ...... • '-5*4» Prune R"> nmnat of Beef, per ib - i*n OeJscted Tsmng; \jt* of Lamb. 5 to nge, rjdr â- *%*............ EXTRA SPECIALS. Ftour: Ootd Medal. Na poison, Maw Century. Bis Jo or Ceresota, nML sack....« .€6 % bbl. sack.. 1.29 % obL aack.... 2.4S Fasd: Boat mixed Globe Chicken feed. par 100 Ib. sack »i.5» Qatmsal: Best milled. S tt*.............17c Caramsal: Fresh Yei^ low or White. Sloa.............tie Oatmaal: Dr Prtce'a. perpkg. ac Cam Fishes: Club House. Toasted. per loc pkg.......7c ftntrattt of •Reef. Ar nMmr*s or Cndahy's Max per 45c Jar. -2»c Stnrah: Best hoik Lanndry Starch. s ns.............we Tailat P>aper: Waldorf. natra large rolls, « roUa..........2Ss Caannasr: Swift's Pride. SMecnna. ..^------2ic Swift's Boraui (wast nonn made). It wan..........43c Pride IS wars .33c CRETONNES sY S1LKALII Ons lot of yard wtds CrwtoUsmf1 for curtains and q,mttt enarsrtBaT; regular tSo valus, s yard............. One lot of yard wtds SttkaUwS. beautiful, fancy pattenwv wwA quality, a yard............, FANCY TOILET SOAPSr^Ons lot of fancy 10c Toflwt #oaps; all high grade Soap« for. apiece.......... CURTAIN GOODS â€" ArahhU color, fancy patterns, curtain net. worth np to ?Sc a yard, for........... £â- M 5C 29c MUFFLERSâ€"Choice of all La- dles' La Mods knitted, mercer- ised 28c and &0c Mufflers for .......... LADIES' NECKWEARâ€"LadMS- Jabots. worth up to 60c, for...............,'v... 9c 7c TOWELING â€" lS-tnch Santtarj- Huck ToweUng. IS^r quality, a yard----- HEAD SCARFSâ€"All colors, silk mull Scarfs Special for........ 6k 36c .S1.0S Own at Hnlhrnsl Bb> Cw.'a Cracker* S nkgn. .12c RSC L Grs- want at CRySo. re. 3 pkgs 25c Cnasn: Rmakeil Bros.. mm % Vs, cnn. 1*e Hour Sales WEDNESDAY. FEtV tt. • ts 10 and 3 to 4, No Mail or PHens Orders Filled. lo yard* of soft Sntsh attached Muslin, worth |1.W. ~~ for......................OJC THURSOAY. FES. IX » to 10 and I to 4, i>. yards of uahteachsd Mwatta. aeavy aa4 &ue thxead- e«i. worth «3«. for..... FRIDAY. FEB. K » to 10 awl 3 to 4, 49c 2ac and 53c double faced fancy colored Scrim and Ba- t;te t^tnsia Goods, yd -I lie SATURDAY. FEB. tSk t to 10 and 3 tod. iw quality itercam. 4arfc pal ;*-â- *. One Boor Sale, a ya.d Bght ani ll