Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1913, p. 1

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fojrli fank lfiTrustG6ft|« mwk |T0 Mr, Chart«p. Coniiftfi 1 StocliWill || afid Doors Along Sheridan Road Would r^^^Ertip^;fnto; Drainage Canal at v "*'"" WWmetfo--Estimated ?.â- % Cos* $750,000. $ Evanstonlts toi v$ay;e,::ft' vnsw;*bejifc> Tns iMtlti^|i»e Be*^ Bank and *«•* ^piii^llM «*M«4y been incorporated, end Mptssent plans Co through the instlti^n â-¼Â»! ** wady to ^it:'^}-!^^^^^;^ pany la Charje* I. <>e»nor of M20 Maple avenue, flitothoir toceroorsjors are Blms McGulw of 80S Briar pUco. Chfcsgo, and Jerome (^^ItCluV S. cam attorney and assistant county »t- $*&• ^^ v^M£3i^mm^ fttr|ace. Th«-iiiww-^^^"»**^^«*. "state auditor on Saturday and the fa of subscribing thiitocfc) ...wHt mence •*;^-Sits2^Sif f stock ^l^fiii^'^ft^v: ;?|« ,:,^^he stock w^$*OTO^-olii^y "14 Evans^n 'gAsiito:;*^ ;. : deW'. A tWi^N^-lMiMiiiJ^.- WW*": ;;:'t<»;^eoJle l|§IfSiNl^^^ ^Htognetf ^g^'^^^n^^il^' cording to it» promotera will IttttU * iro*feit,sifiil^^ r^aa oo^^l§i*;giO^ plmWiisj&ft#t^$p^^ rDowns •tf;«:.t«'w<i'c«*Wrp&« it:»Wi Chicago avenue. Thm 1* located in the Downs building, la near the corner of Main stMe^ and located in the cen- ter of the business section of South Evanston. The plans of the promoters are to have this building merely as,a temporary headquarters and to erect ft> building for the bank as soon as feas- ible. When a reporter fo/ this paper Interviewed Mc« G ed that the bank expected to open with- in a month, and in much less time it possible. The plan is only of recent origin and according to Mr. Connor has been inaugurated because of the urgent demand for, a bank in that vi- cimty. More detaila of the plan will be formulated within the next few days. ..'., ..'â- ;- 11 "'.'w*.];; BURDEN OF Evanston U»6atre Cancelled Engagement and Presented "Secret Sepvice." r "The Burden of the Strong," by Mrs. Josephine Turck Baker, which was staged in Bvanston laat week, proTed to be more of a harden than the man- agement of the theater had anticipat- ed, and quite too much for the an- diences, which grew constantly small- er, ao that the play had to be taken off and the auee)sss of the weelt before ased for the res* of the ws>k after Wednesday: &j^*ptrto&m&$AM The part thai the Bowman pubHce; tions played 111 briagtog about this very desirable event brought about the ears of tW ]e4ttor * storm o< pro- test from the aathor eren to the point of a threatened writ, not becacse of criticism ©f her ahlltty as an actress, bat because of Mr.. BoWnian's charac- terisation of tho play m "vulgar and antt for weaen and :mt*n*f-t:+* wrdlng to tie Chicago Tribune, Mrs. Bakw j« teady t» -defend her ability ««l twe fatt>naad ones torth Shore Citizens Draw Up '^""i^lptt:#i)ffB' Enlarge- ment of Sanitary Dis- ;r^S;lic&Fowe^ Proportlpn of Patrolm#iitr>th<i Number of Inhabitants Con- siderably Below the Ratio ^ in Other Cities. K$soci|f^ii Ch|rterti on Jie North Shotfcfor Pft>tttctioi%v #ofCh»Wrin,Hbldi Meet-t -"â- â-  -- " Wlpm III ioint Meajflg fjf Committoe| froiw Three flr|anl2ttioiii^ Interested W $arlangief* RAISE $8,0^ At a meeting held Saturday night at the, Women's Club building at Wit mette, the North- Shore Cltlsens' asso- ciation decided to ask the state legis- late!* for assistance in the work, of laying a sewer on Sheridan road to care/ for the sewage of the North Shore towns up to and including; Higb-% land Park. ' Representatives of the association will ask the next legisla- ture to pass a law, which will give the Sanitary District trustees the right to construct a sewer. A» the matter sUnds at the present time, the trus- tees are not reasonably sure that they have the right to promote^anyjhing but an open .ditch. -.;â- "â- â€¢".-'" . ."r:"i^y £:•&,& flroiisiy u^ieljii&fb^M {-:^M"":r'-%^- ;'JkowOJi;^-r'Vv^!giV^f:k7 4 The meeting at-':^Ii|iett#^:iiHiir>' daylwi»\oTilrrono';o^;*^^ the public sentiment Ja fator of the proposed dmlnageyi sytteinv The chairman of the drainage committee. extended address, and pointed out the fact that while the trustees of the dl»- ^t:^tii;;dobWWer|^n^^^ further >he P4an» for, North Shore draSefTt Was at present out of their power :W^^t.^:-0(i^^"i^'^^ members of the association who were present, about fifty\ in nnmber, (to ask their representatives in the legis- lature to pass an act "which will enable matter. ^^J^i^fM'^XJ ' «â- ' '^/'X;", Sewer Before Improved Road. Mr. Greeley also stated that until the sewer connecting with the drainage canal was built, it, would be impossi- ble for the IitocblnVlwrk board to M- prove Sheridan road; ns their plans are laid at present The board have plan* for the extensive improvement of thd highway, but until nom* deflnite action is taken, relative to* tit* s«w«r, it will be, according to Itf. Groeloyr impossible tor them to act. If the Street were Improved It would mean that: the new pavement Would have to be torn up when the aeweT was lai<T. This, stated the speiaker, would tooltsfaness as weli: a* an imposat Mlijty. .â- ...-;* 41 Meed Improvement in lection. ^Mte Greeley also stated that the millionaires of the North Shore would not build theirresideneei on the Sher- idan drive, nor would they even visit the section of the country unless the roads were improved, #ad especially unless somethliis waa«^ trith «l•^ idan roa4 at once. ' ^ «ww«ge Peliutc* Water, The proposed aewer wO«ld mm from Highland Park, along Sheridan road sooth as anown« map, and woold empty into tfce Wllmette-Bvanston drainage oanat near where the road meets the^ oanal. ^hrhnllding of the sewer would do *way with the present sewer outlets into the lake designated on the map hir the hlack pOfntof*. It will be seen from the map that there are twelve W tWsOontleta into tho lake, In the territory proposed to be drained, in tho aame> t*f«»tory there are three watet itrtaltoip indicated fcy the white pointers, pm*& *° '«â- â€¢*' turn that too water is pejOMBA by u» aewage from the numerous outlets m Drain.^rrttory- «0Hor **«**_, Wto* proposed sowOf wild <miy drain ^the territory east of the water divide, which to indicated on the map by a dotted lln* running parallel with the lake; ^Thw ^torrltorT^oaat of the divMte would'i*Mto&&*-*m'-*al- Of tho ground ftl M*&m* MJ**- North Shore. Bsn^maiei.;£» lltt* !*• MWW wlU cost to tfie neighborhood of *TB<WK)0, «rt whn> a flia^d^gi - like tesldenta ol Iho drainage that of children, to c<H)perate child helping agenale* and in general rSi|lrloi» iii New/â- Voric^Wflo ||500 t°ca1 Foree dvertw»rked | llgjand Inadequate" '^0:^ According to comparison with other cities the size of Evanston, the police department of this city if 0Ott•lde^ ably below the numerical requirement that is the standard in most towns. The poJIco^^:^ ^ twenty-one patrolmen, five sergeants, an assistant chief and the chief. Dur- ing the past six year*; while Bvanaton has grown considerably to sise, hav- tog added several thousands to her population, the police department has only been Increased by one man. hi ptoparlng the budget |br llttti the \chlef recommended an increase of from five to tent men. Tola to» crease wis refused by the city coun-. oil booause the revenues Were inade- quate to provide for the extra expendi- ture. This year the recommendation was not included in the chief's annual report to the council. It Is understood, because it waa certain that there would wA he onough money^ to meist ^e ext».ei3w»nn«vt â- â- â- â- >â- '.â- *>-.i.:;';-.:-'sgf^:' " ^;biio;;^Hoe»nnn?to"l<«*0:. Pm&M»y- mmmmBWwm* Suiclentf^ndiiu^ of Enlatglng !^f.»flmii^l»^ive Vlltegei: ||; v?m. ':V'|t;a;- riie>an|^held^esday night at the Community House, at Wlnnetka, pinna tor an extension of membership in the Juvenile ProtecUve association of the North Shore Were formulated. Up until thevpi»io«i time, the work of those In charge has bean directed towards the development of the ideaa for whkh the association was organ- ised, and It la now Imperative that the membership be widened in order that more people may be interested 10 the work of the society, and in order to ;fl^frt»-too:^nOJinol^ preeent-plahi-.. w«B ^|ft^epfp|p:!^| \' •%ho^rginla«tton'; mv^ti&xinn^ some time ago. The object is to "con- serve the welfare of the children, and to suppress and prevent all oondltlona detrimental toh';tjh^;^s#^""-,-|Bdiil and ik^'^'^^XW-t^W, action authorised by-law:«|totot aft lewens.^to'rany/V'Wi*^ â- *• dependency, truancy, or dettnauency .......with all W.M.GreeB, Wirt E, Humphrey |||:5)j^lon»(Ro^^ iSS^i^X^^^ ^M â- v^^Mftiipi WiMi eiidents Vl»| tboiWi '^^liiSirellllit^ the proportion of policemen to the population is one for every W0r6hfc cago has one to every 700 and the police officials complain that they do not have enough to care for the needs of the city. Bvanston has twenty-one policemen to a population of approx- imately 80,000, or about one to^ every 1,430 inhabitants. During the winter months the de- partment is able to take care of the city to gooof shape with the present force, t: But to the summer, when the complaints about dogs are numerous and there is considerable labor con- nected with the enforcement' of the dog ^license law, and when toe guardians of the city have to look out for the speeders; who make Bvanston a race track, the Inadequacy of the small force is felt. When any of the men are sick or on a vacation, or have to go down to the city on business} for4he-department,4t4nean» that the rest of the force, have to shoulder the extra work. It la not an uncommon sight to see the hard-working chief, Shaffer, doing sergeant duty because it has been necessary to send one of those officials out on special business. It is fortunate that Bvanston Is aiWr- iy law-ebiding city "or our police de> partment would have more- than: they could core for. It might be an aid in the prosecution of "blind pigs" and other Infringers of the law If the de- partment had a few more men to put out on such work. -â-  Evsnston Well Cared •'or. If the number of the policemen were Increased it might be possible to en- force the Mqnor laws In Bvanston bet- bar than they are at the present time. It is not possible now to watch •» the suspicious places, and a good many suspects escape being caught because the police do not watch them closely. tlmeat to favor of establishment ana maintenance of recreational and so- cial agencies for the benefit o| chil- dren?' :,/^ 'V),y'- ". -'^' Flvs Towns Represented. The organisation was called into being because of some cases of de- linquency which Occurred in Winnet- kOi and the association spread to tho other North Shore towns. The board of directors from the various towns is as follows: Highland Park, R L. Sandwick, Geo. RV Dean, •and..â- Mrs, Maudei Shannon; Olencqe, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, J. Pope, and Mr. Arthur RoweU; Winhetka, Mrs. W. W. Cas«, Mr. Ira Coach Wood, and Mrs. Morris Greeley; Kenttworth. Dr. Charles Horswell, Mr. W. F^ Zimmerman, and Mrs. Bdward Phelps; Wilmette, Mr. Ralph Londsberry, Mr. George B. Cole. «nd Mrs. James A. Brltton. The offi- cers of the society are as follows: President, Mr., Jtolph Londsberry, WH- matte;- vice-president, Mrs- James Anr Brltton, Wilmette; secretary. Mrs. Morris Greeley* Wlnnetka; treasurer, Mr. George J. Pope^ Glencoe. Plans tnoagina Superintendent. It is the purpose of the association to provide someone in the near future to take general charge of the work LWbich they propose to commence, and the/ are considering Mr. Howard Shair, of the Chicago Juvenile asso- clatlon, as superintendent of the work. He was present at the meeting on Tuesday night, and talked to the di- rectors about the wprk. No decision was, reached in regard to engaging him, as It Will be impossible to de- termlfte Just what the association can do in a, financial way until the cam- Yhe the park ^TWPtos......,. ,.r,...... designate plaJorr be purchased park :-thesej More toan one hundred Bvanston citlaena attended the hearing in the council ahamber Monday night acoord' ed by tt^city counoU joint Judiciary and raUroad committees, to commit- tees from the North Bnd Improvement assocUtlon, the Sherman Avenue Im- provement association an4 the Bvans. ton Commercial association. The busi- ness men's organisation was represent, ed by a committee of two, bnt each of the other two bodies sent a score or n«>re to the meettog, several of whom spoke In addHlon to the principal ad- dresses made by the chairman or speaksrs Jl!!^^;!!^ Alderman James > Turnock presided at the mayor's dealt' and Invited the Commercial assoomtum representative tosUtethedlfncultiesofthatorganlsa. tlonfirst. Mr.A.H.Bowman,charrman of the legislative committee of the or- ganisation of business men, explained Provementsjs»oclaUon and the Sherman A venne Improvement association were troversy, the proeosltlw tototo otfluottl^^ the adoption of the Mueller law, and should be heard first.:' .Mlft^rt, ;.|fc Humphrey, clmlrnum of toe Sherman Avenue Improvement association, was called upon next and sftld that Inas- much as the meeting was the result of a petition asking for an election to vote upon the Mueller law and that the petition was presented through the North Bnd Improvement associa- tion, representatives of that body should speak first , W. M. Orson States Position. " Mr. William Oreen, who" lives on the street car line on Central street in North Bvanston, was spokesman for the North End Improvement asso- ciation and, went **to *ome det»u re< gardlng the developments which led up to the presentation of a petition' bearing the signatures of over twenty per cent of the legal voters of Bvans- ton, praying the council to provide an election to vote upon the adoption of tbe Mueller law, the eftect of which would be to empower the city council to grant a franchise to the County Traction company to operate street tars on Chicago avenue and Sherman avenue, the streets upon which the cari now operate, without securing frontage consents. After Mr. Oreen had presented these facta and had Illustrated tbe position which tbe north end of Bvanston would find Itself in were the present street car service discontinued and none other provided for it, Mr. Hum- phrey stated tha$ the council did not know positively that it was Impos- sible to get frontage consents and added while he thought the Sherman Avenue Improvement association con- trolled the majority of the frontage Wlnnetka waats another park. That :eb1tfttton3^i#!^ ***» ,wit: fall ;§j^#i|p^ $30.WM» waa, vo*<sd^^,# toe purchase of a tinaot of land.: The .bond isegptig^^ WmWmfcW mm w*w .S^:|P^;pt#^#«g«^ 'lsig^'pi«ii|ip^ that er etoctlon. of land to down, so that ^'«ittoanBr'£Bd:'Basset, tao. .......';jtslsii';'hl....... dlsimssed at leMto last year were la^^^mMi^m^^^^ land In- --:l|i?i|iisw^^ comprising some throe sores and ad- joining the aanitarlnm. However, this healto resort las nuwhased a plot of ground near this location on whioh it wing to tne lack of i board rf trustees of Wllniette wete unsble to bold a meeting on Tnesdny oight^;w »oerd of poortie[;;;; 'miis«lt'S^;|sW^^ canal where the water ^wu bids for toe pumps had (bsea < for tastallln* the p^^ to run'them"ws*^M-to.,^ rSWSF"'{ Wflw|?|PW: -',^W'.' fl^ffWRl- ........liima :thBv^ ie^p|e|p!||i|ii, minute, as«e»ryoaew^ he kept: psm^^auK^t â- :&â- '.... pressors ttto kekage vid more waterw^Ihe: The entire eoAirpmentwlB two <^ntrn>igaJ pnmpa run oy motors^' r:<Rfcm^;^.$* ^.^Wtifrldgy the session was the General Heetrio """ â- ' ^;.m^^^M^m^n' of <^to would detmet from the de- ticuiar j^mwm-i»*yN^ ' â-  "; ' Wsrt tide Looetlon •'â- -f Ventnro: type win-m, mH9Wm,t!m T:ism*'-«isWBBB* dents of immm&***m west | ntsiUon. ami one at .the village,*ejp side of tto (Bh^cs^ i No^ railway, it seems to them that a park should be told out to that vicinity, where the most benefit could be de- rived. But the location doss not en- pear to be the topic uppermost in too minds of the people now; the proposi- tion of raising the money seems most urgent Mr. H. L Drwig is circulating • petition fof toe slaotion, and others who have interested themselves in the matter are My. #£& Greeley, Mr WH» lard Bolte, Mjr. O. vv*. Gordon, Mr. Jsj. Porter and litr, J. J* Hamilton. GLEHGOE palgn for members w carried on £?J&l?m£s:£ 25b» ^*?L-jst-SJ?s gaging of the superintendent It Is expected that the salary will be fl.«*9 or $2,000 a year, »irf probably moro later^-v -:~-\ X;-:- WlLMtTJSi »APTI»T CHURCH. To Usee Pamphlet. Tbe first'Sftndny afternoon service. -^President Ralph Londsberry pre- IS.?, the home of Mr. oonted to ^^" t^of * and Mrs. J. H. Coneland, Ashland *vo- pamphlet which the tt^ntaatlon w Inoe. was ****!#***. Rov. i. g«Ung «p, to be «^^4tJwo«? too meeting and hi. words were great- j phlet contains a £et«h of **..**£ FttteeTof our people attended ajfor ^ ^to,^^ ^J^^to*J banquet at the Auditorium la Chicago (board of directors idkjrt bad been made to secure these consents, it was impracticable, unnec- essary and unfair to the owners ef the property on the street to. question to vote upon the Mueller law. Effort to Confine lasus Made. At that point the discission became WATCH Illicit on iofWotGojtHft Police Joints-^ Bvanston ^s^rtlte on^.. place in- fested with *1att»d plg»5 Glenco«» has Its troubles In the same line, but the sale of intoxleotots by these plaeeB has been watortaJly deoreaaed since they have been sinder cloee watch of the police. For several doysv aoeordiag to the police report read in toe ctty council mee^ oh Tweedny night, a elose Inspeosso* has heen kept on the illicit disiribs|to|g stotlons and no bust ness has be^ >doae- "Pete's" and the same amount of newer pipe to liild,ott-^»ger^*voniie^wt^^ .... The only ;Wdd«^;M..i^;#'©o^ p»ny of. Bvanstoti. VWt,'tf!*--'*i^:IWj|^ sewer was im*M^W&'*^m M .the water pipe II0S.1I* â-  ^tter:iia^ „e«uUve session behind dosed eOors^ iTwas decided *,W&;mti^M$$ the lone bidder. When the-^-**** ^ of Oto'lodrt-|»spt»*Jiss^ over at»tH^fo^*^W$!#M body laok»d,o«e of having ;»:«|efc§e*|^ number to do business as a board of iraateee;-;^ ,tho:;:iiin*^ prwldent Mr..John &&**>:*:**§$ decldod to hold ft noatims^^^h^^ on next Monday eveatog im-mMmm^,. pass on the pay roll tor the mon*koiiitj^ approve the payment ol saJariea «Jf-*M^g â- ; tillage officials.'.' â- â- :>.' -iffl^l trg«t wouk A*myiM*.;: i§;:w The first load of steel work tor #»v| new dormitories estf .trsj*e*Wti>*^^ ' which are bewg-ereeted:ott Norl*ww>«sfg era unlverstty campus, wse/reesiveip;! Saturday from the Hanse»-Aleock||*J company» Archer avenue mid Bntlef|| street, <^losgor^iri»e^work. on thes|^ struetnres wm continue wtthewtintei|| ruption, and they will he ready smxf^ cupancy about Sept IB. scheme for numbering the houses In the village. ;V â- â- y.'-'i'J Several matters of routine *»«taeeo general and an effort wb mi ds by ^f-ugn^- ptooes 5j»^"i»e^sB»rched.rwer» dlseasneg and a nnmherot MOf reoresentatives of the 8* .man Ave-1 . m .m!SlZii«ia*:.W »« mvk,anoroved and ordered pent #?**«•*. Tuesday evening at which fcdOdBan- tlsts were present, .. .â- :. :^: -. .'£â- +-. The next devottoial meeting wlU be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. ^^IWeh;. ::|«y;'-A^Msaid' aven«e,,:-i|l 1 MK:lsV as tv ^» towns, in addition the endorsement* of wlfao prominent men and women from these towns wlU be printed to the pamphlet The paper will hot bo **ady for pnhlloailoni and «atrimttlom atones as several eJias^eewerO-nwdf representatives nue Improrement association to so confuse the Issue before the commit- tee of the dty cotmcll holding the hearing as to make It seem unneces- sary tad unfair to the property own- en to voie on too Maeller law wlth- out*flrst making an effort to get front- age rctisento. nelwttbstanding the tact that vaxiens reptessntatlves of the as- •ooiation smted en: tim noor that 'ojsjnntlty of wet goods ewldenoe of the sale of diaoorvered. a totter fross ths post- the vUlage can man by earrters. If postoflloe kee? np toJulyl How- of a syates* Of de> eanae the houses to be and a smi found, but any of it can According master of have itellvi the receipts to the usual ever, the livery numbefSjsVf,^-; the aeeMng emsoesttog Saylee tw Sjpotot ft ^ approved and Edwards asked.permfcslott* hafet: South avenue as1 far as ftsrk.sffsim^ flooded for. cossttag. **&**%*£$ used end .csffere exeenent f»eilJ«en ^^ this sport The village beard did i grant tffgp^Jtm^^M^g'; street end nee it in»»»n«r^ft. mtiinatedtJsatwohjBrtloMWwa^ oe>|e*:if;!s*;e!t!^

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