Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1913, p. 7

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ttilif HP i a dingy outhous* greenhouse, west of the ^^^ gas, narrow avenue £ggy^gg nW, Saturday night, the *«^^«* l^jgge of Clay were fo: the character of those 1 U, evident that the idea :||f|p^ n*te as Nick Brosiug lm$'iliijM*4$: l^rpose of driving WW§$^I It was only by considwpllif f|Mp$Jl!f tbgt • lepresentative;;:;^|^jtefflW ksws ww able to 9*ffiWt$K$'& l^jrt rationed at th* |^10|tt«f q^^ nveryone WBO--flrtiif^(^|#l^ $; keep the procee4I^fc»/.^^:^^||i|l^ Jig from" teing mf!•eâ- vâ- ^pi^^;.|^^||^lâ- , Ike Daily News. Joii^>^;;ito8fa|i|^ -ded and his right-hand matt was ffek Brosius, who has ai record for the illicit saJ Uquor Question Not â-  The total number of ' ajHS during the entire Ike purpose of the «d by Le Bohn, who ,,.*|a|i; l^w-m-iQa":,",,»,. WjWJ. 'J^,.* .-t*pP,?"5,(«»\T"" â-  i»|?)iPP't'T".,WS^"l *"S)^^UjPnJk #*GJMfl>ft>J( ^ „ _ wm receatty put under ft |l,00a bond^ representatives of The DaUy Nwft,aa4 wb^waa also recently fined to be of the opinion that the new vu^w^d 1w a splendid insti- _ si fee would not have to ^ pay «o much of his Uquor profits to ue^Sfttaatoii authorities. ^ While' the nieeting was in session a wagon, drove up with two cases of beer, and it was evident ths* these were for the con- •umptton of the charter members of the proposed village. When the peti- tion wns being circulated a negro came In and attempted to sign it, but ^..._^_____^______________April. The Sixth ward alderman was prohibited on the ground; that the has been discussed as a possible meeting "was strictly on the square." Bmrlng the circulation of the petition persons present who could not iden- tify themselves were ejected. 2-4 â- 01, LECTURE TONICHT Miss Stella Skinner lectured last evening before the Evanston Histor- ical society on "The Charm of Spain." Miss Skinner is the lecturer on art Iter Northwesternuniversity, and her wide knowledge of beautiful pictures, «« »-»-------"v ^£Z£Z&M^M&&*M& Bw*1 has so many, together nameB an anacnea i© w» ed by Le Bohn,, wb^W^B§^t ^^ ^ of that wonder- ^^^ war4 mmtitf* petition, thus lapidate table u*a^ ^_* ffla^*1 fully interesting country gained from ver|fy,,^ .utemeiiti rciwatodly inade lantern. ^^*|g^|I^ there/made it a do- Dytfcto newSjmper^^ the purpose was to /^ffW^^gg Uimtfal evening. solon baa-lost m^Wm ****** m they could «^|^Wg^^|l|^ lecture last evening was at 8 ^ tttpport that has been bis for so we now ain't go%g.: lt^PPf!^| to the lecture hall of the Pub- j^y ye|irg to &«north end of town. ^rith the ProDOgl%li^,|Wfe^2S lie Library building, and like all *l were dubious on «WfW *#fcf^ society. Charles S. Wallace filed his peti- tion as a candidate for mayor last Sat- urday, and so insured for himself first place on the ballot to be voted in the Evanston municipal election next mayoralty candidate for a number of years, but has until now held Onto his seat in the council from the west end of the ward, in preference to making an effort to secure the larger and more important office.' His action Saturday, however, definitely eliminates him from the aldermanic contest in that ward, at least as far as his own candidacy is • vy-^ fttim* m concerned, and makes him a candidate i,doo«. Cub» ctafe* against James R. Smart, whose peti- -â€"-â€"^-*-- *«< tion has been filed this morning, ^mart Goto Help In •(*!»• Efforts to see Mri lisjia^wef* unavailing, but it is understood that several hundred Sixth warders' names are attached to the aeigar stuck in . ......,_..___,.,,_,„ tick in a rickety chair, tl» presiding ««cer attempted to ©â-¼â€¢room* nil np- parent obstacles. Owing to the fact tktt there were severftJ perftonn who own property in that section present tvposed to 'blind pigs," the question «f being allowed to sen tto^ofV by granUng licenses to liquor dealers, wis not given the open prbnlinence Hat it was evident mo«t oi thoae pres- sat attached to it -m^^s^^^t^-:,: : Ryden Answer* OMeriee, The legal question* tltftt confronted the assemblage were^elariiled by Otto Eyden of Evanston* Tho locai ftttor- 4ty was not very «mp*atlQ in his statements regaMins tlM Jaw that would affect the new ^DlftgBv His sentences were carerwlly Ittntt^ by the statement, "That i« the law to the bBst of my Imowjftdi^j^^ time that the Uquor vttsiloa came up !**» during Ryden'ft explftnatkm. He â- was asked if it would be posftihto to hsue licenses to seU Uo^ In thai s«o- p*. and replied that that wee ehso- Httely prohibited by tlu charter gxantr â- If to Northwestern unlrerstty, which •tipulated that no U4*c* **owld be â- old within f oiir inil» of the nniver- •»y. and this territory?&-â- â- v"*-"-*:A -*-*- within that radius.:--:^"vt^ UfW Regulatiofi to VNtaoe ^â€"â€" â-  The next question pnt to OM attor- ney was w' "" •â- -•â- .•• *«* of the prorlsiotr wooM be> toft to the police oAciala of tte new vil- ^^" Ryden wa« of th« osinton that ••l* was the .._._., , •ttlsty the meetius and tkey ^feel that any poUce " •iprinight --- #«Mwty PPl would _ fSin to closing wp 'â-  |v' Other QtMsllsmsYi -#isiUons - * ' * was open to the public without charge. The present course of lectures is known as the winter course, and like the course of last summer, which was so successful, this course has been ar- ranged by Mr. William C* J*for4who 1* the secretary of- tto society. So many of our citisens have enjoyed these Monday evenings, that it is ooped that another course wfll soon be arranged, because, as one citisen who has been a constant attendant, aaidr '"The Historical society has been giving us such pleasant Mon- day evenings that we do not know whmt we shsn do with that evening when the course ends. The lectures irt* been high-class and thefflns- tmtidns have been most adeqnate. Many of our citisens Journey to Chi- eas» to attend travelognes, pay ttere a Ait* Pries of admission, get back toae late with the next day spofled, -B unaware of the fact that right here " Branston onr Historical society is St^comwe that to 11 intents and -*v£af*-ii the eaueTof those they journey afar to attend.**___, DEFEATS OHIO STATE Ntethwe^eni annexed the second -ference basketball game by defeat- tog Ohio Stote university, ^to% ivOolnmbns. O. Saturday nh£t Scan- Ua proved the star for the Purple ag- the ;|^|«hf*;lbii ^ssehoal-il^Sii l»def hp to ehOdresi to after 4e to *TTis njot known yet whether of ndt there will be any other candidates be- sides the two who have already filed petitions, but it is thought that by the 1st of February it will be definitely decided whether *r not the ccittost Is to be imiited to ^^ or if some other candidate from priv- ate or official life other than the city council * witt Shy his caster into the ring. '^:-X^^Msi^§§^k Mr. Smart's friends"~m"itowi':#nah sanguine that he will be able to secure the majority of the votes In April's election and he an easy winner #ycf Mr. 'Wallace, but on the other hand, Mr. Wallace himself is very confident that he can command a'bigger vote than win he given Mr. Smart under any circumstances, and his friends agree with him that this Is the hesl opportunity which has been afforded to a number of years for the Sixth ward candidate to seek mayoralty honors. ' "-; *T-' .-.* One interesting feature in the pres- ent situation ia that both candidates are local men, not only Mving, hut ha* tog .their bnsiness affairs here. Mr. Wallace Is a consulting; plumber, hav- ing offices at 1«21 Orrtngton avenue, and Mr. Smart |s a member of the real estate flrut af Mason * Smart, 1680 Sherman avenue. you may need in nc^ ranges, carpets, nifstnd lete line anytfaii ^ furniture? ttoyes^ old goods. MODISTE ' Gowns, Dresses. • JlsjMrfrlsjftfa*------^-^ tonmp^^^ 81K.MABWWS* mmilmBSm Thto was Ohio's initial â„¢9»!Tâ„¢ to tbe coherence baskettaB schedule. L the almwing it P"^^ troto it^smV ^Ooach «»dy has a ha. developed a "*W.J*&*^ toam. ami * » *»t ****** « ^^^aitersiwfflwn^ \% Jtw ailwhe aaft hflr drinktog r. 113 No. MOTORCYCLE Now Kvanstaa polioe de- ft street. Fheaa partment has the chief and c^har __ abled to whm Ihniiih the dty streets with litter disregard^ of altanwai law* the envy of <he^re_«apart * kii* been arousedV ami tlisy are the purchase of a ^- _. ,^,; cycle «jie" msMnew to ia nawt at tia North Chief Hantosax saya that ical engiae eovtoped with ft tank of thirtjr-«va to terty gftBoaa, a â€"f ef earrying cato Iramin, cam «rt to ~ per to a very few Quickly as to protection of the "siwl:^*"*-^^..r......._.......,_..- ^^^ to: drawn ^smawtasl.. .can. â- â€¢ 'aapa*. .w^

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