gionera of the North Shorf ^ftafo, trfct should act first i%0j$er &*& plan may be carried-i^^iffimfofc: iforable action on the part of this let, the whole propositii^to torn ieiidan road ' over to the, Lln^oltt rk commissioners wm:ta&^:A^ Uport of Improvement Aeeoclatlon. The annual report of the a»8ocla* soon to be published, mokes the Mowing statement concpiaing |?on- & JBekbart, William A, Oard- Chartei L. Hutch- Lobdeil, Harold F, McMullln, •rrlek, Anrwtna 8. Pea- Harrison B, Smith, Charlei H. ttteeâ€"Charlea H, Charles T. Boyn* Wxed for the â- *'" u shall be:*l*W$ttJyPt......... jL authorities of i^|#4w^l^ jjyy ft special Uf^fiypgjjf^i l' ^jireneflted^W^ -i*,-^-â€" s^forthe^oe^ ^^ V ^a â- â- anil XOF W*" ' .*WP^^?^^ff^v^^^-"' S thereof, a»'e»^ni^p^' Sd of park commli|l«l^p provisions for UP* Lnance and repair o*:*fyp|hp*§^ fc&rHiiay be TW^ei^^rtffl^OS; lent or by general ta»tp|p' '^^ by special assesB^e^t: i^s iy general taxation, /$%&$$ Brmined by such cofporatf ties Under this law the e*3 jaintenance of the rori,^$§$f<*m Jould be distributed In sucb|i;|a|#||$p Igt it would not be a bur^*-$t|fir the frontage owners or to|i$^l^| jperty owners, all of whottf benefited. The statuteyprprt^ jta road taken over .^j0^fj^j^ff^ jjfsioners must be a contl^^ i^|* idlng to a park. For thlsj-r||S9&L;;«& gherldan road located to|l|^^iff ^ Chicago must be obtMqe£::;ti?^ ien In Evanstoh, Wllme|^*^e1^ Lak, porest and Waukeganl I It legislation and Legal Procedureâ€" therefore necessary thj*^ chairman; Harri- UMlmlth, $|$ti|£^^ chair Harold F, McCormick, Oscar 0. piii#iif^ j. Temporary Repairsâ€"George E. Scott, chairman; Arthur .Meeker, Ed* ward S. afoore^ Theodore W. Robln- ||'i%l^l^|ohn W. Scott, chair- man; j^p* Jj[ibjbar^ f^k H. Arm- etrong, Morris W. Kozminskl, James Mem1>ership~Wm. H. Rehm, chair- man; Clyde M. Carr, Ira M. Cobe, Frank R. McMullin, William A. Gard- ram Arnora, age 16, and son of , M $*|Waf&! *M l^es at 812 <*Kton avenue, Wllmette, was killed by a Chicago & Milwaukee eiectrle car yesterday afternoon at the New ^fpuhg? Aroc^i^i^K-n^^l^^ other WHjnette students who attend New Trier high school, were waiting in the station for a south bound car. A whistle was heard, and thinking It was. a car for Wilmette, i^^ walked out of the station, stfKted across the tracks and was struck by the car going north., His companions could render no assistance, and the boy was killed almost instantly. His father is engaged in the whole- sale tobacco business in Chicago. He was a fourth year student in high school, and was a bright and promis- ing young fellow. soi? B. Riley, Rudolph Mats. Local Committeesâ€"Chicago, Walter Mills, chairman; Evanston, George P. Merrick, chairman; Winnetka, F. J. Scheidenhelm, chairman; Kenilwortb, Percy B. Eckhart, chairman; Winnet- ka, Charles H. Thome, chairman; Olencoe, John H. Hardin, chairman; | Highland Park, F. W. Cushing, chair- man * Lake Forest, Byron L. Smith,' chairman, and James O. Hey worth,) vice-chairman. WILMETTE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ^ Woman's Club Building, lOth street and Greenleaf avenue. The pastor, Dr. J. M. Wilson, will speak Sunday morning on the subject "Jehovah's Ap- peal: Return, O My Backsliding Chil- dren." Sermonette to the boys and girls,***Piek your Steps."' Mr. Alfred G. Freeman will sing the aria, "Lord God of Abraham," Mendelssohn. At the evening service, 7:45 o'clock, the pastor will speak on Martin- .£M^wM*:tM mithlnp^iorW abundance are the fruitage of a sound' Luther's battle ^hin^'lSto::|eirti #tr| is, â- u'Bae*:' Gott^/' â- ':Toff i:gen*raif ^o|i^ will sing "Home, Sweet Home"-and ^i^^W^r^-^£t«e^^;;Dy^ ' FT^aa^il^rMe^^^ :»y ';bj^ft|;#$^'^ ,.fa1(th|5:pBf': of no faith will find this a pleasant 8unday eveiy«^^" "'" mid-week service, Wednesday Joseph Davidson and will be held at the home of Mr, Ralph H. Rice, WOT iath-H«:r^e%;;^^pSiiWi^^:' ' v.:^ph4 'w»n^M|'i»ote!^'; wiU'. hpld,: m all-day, meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 28, be- ginning ^^l^^'inllit ^thilhome- Mt Mrs. CannifiV919 Ashjand avenue. Box alwaps'^; rheart3§i^eiednio;^ these meej^s'of'»c*sty^ "'ll^^n^^of^ime:^ church census on Sunday afternoon* Jto.:-"2#;'M*s^ Ralph H. Rice are the committee in ChirgeJI|t'is.^helieteil, that this move- ment, If followed W ^laithfnilf g^tR: 1is^:ii»:tm^^.'#^y ^«he; village. "During the past yea* |h# 5lenv jrary repairs committee of the asso- lon collected $14,000 from 463 con- ibutors. This sum was expended in Bpairing the road between Glencoe Ravinia, which was pracUcally Bsable. The worl.ffai^i^we, the supervision of ^Jfujjter- flntendent of Lincoln vjjajri^;w4^;th« lelp and advice of others in authority \t the park. These repairs were nec lepftarily temporary in their character, (yet they relieved the situation very '"Near Jan. 30. Sullivan's "Golden Legend up-to-date music. t MCOtLWQKAtmn 105-1 Or So. Wtto&Avmim Vt Mock aorth A<Um« St. "L Iftch. The funds collected by this joomniittee were not sufllcienl ^ pay |Oe entire cost of the work^* f| v^ Evantton Next to Be Conside««d. "As soon as the Rogers Park mat- Jtfsris definitely settled it yUfi be nec-j lessary to concentrate our efforts on Itae Evanston situation. In Evaneton, [Sheridan road is lost for a number of Mocks; the ideal thing there Vould [be for the city of Bvanston to con- a road along the lake shore, [which Would not be very Costly, to [f"aect with their present park sys- Sheridan road would then ruh [akmg the lake shore from Calvary -g-Jetery as far as Northwestern uiii- |«B»lty. This part of tiie road could be made as attracttve as Lake drive in Chicago. :f I^Consents from frontage owners to feUncoln park plan have been ob- M|iaed in some of the towns north of [fwnston. The, attention and - of the association are sow " l^mcentrated largely on the solution Ni the problems easting in Rogers ^ UnU1 these ""« definitely set- i;W. nothing can be accomplished on [ jeeUncom park plan north of the city ™«, as the road must be a con- leading to the park. Neeoed ' to Acsemyllsh Plans. some time will be required to out the plans of the association, l^^ectors hav&recommeiided that town through which the rond m "^ temiK^ISy re^patol s» tibs* Jl***. wffl^pasBl^^^al* "? H«^f^sf|ar|li|^ tbat the entire road will bat© sioners." ftct that the present „._____ are aroused to the situatkm •»e wining to s^stbne resitonsi- which the extension of the OaHiSiS Ig^cExclusivii. .\:, ^â- .-.â- .Agents. ife^^^l^g? - -â- ..*,.•. -^ v Home |;:/|rW0iirmal^ i'l.jpatteriis.^j. Fountain Sqaare Evanstou, Illinois PHone Wilm«tt« Nocharii©w#i^ '. connectioniif 1 Women's and at Special Prices Every garment in stock now/offifgd at a special price. The entire stc^ divi. ed ^ur ^ pri $4,50, $5,50, $6W B* $7.95 Garments that have been sellingirom $ to $15M each. All are new Correct models. &:f'ffl mm -'â- â- s:'- ;..'., Kjiii/"jf\,g t'-"':V; ' .£& ' '-â- '».;> â- -*â- y.k£sM .;â- â- u ':â- '•;?}•>â- :&U â- â- **. V ^'J,ik4*,y\:i^!. •.^â- â- ."i'A ;~j:~-A-^ 'â- r...g l'4':-:/lf: «'«-;;' .'â- -:' *" ;•; s^S. Ilie New Wash The an*r of^eoloriiigs and weaves will delight the heart of every wopinr^a^ irresistible appeal-as wfll their sturdy goodness. Ginghams, ^n^ Isl^^^piW B^al^Stthe new fahrics that, regardless of their price, will jrei* «»m to thejjij ^^^S are suitable for ttie new ftpsse*, watetsand suits as^MM^I>^»^^ ^eiournal P«terns^d tl«^ nse^^i^ rammer wear. Here are scm« ot the new fsfc*itesr ' ' >-â- â- ' â- >v-S^--^^i^^^;;M^ r^s* RAMIE LINEI*â€"36 inches wide, made to Ireland, all pore linen, to cadet blue, ptokv white, lavender, light blue. Tard, SOe. i t TUB TUaaOltâ€"A new silky cloth wish dimity ribb self-flgured, can be washed to water of any temperature and retain its color; ordinary ironing will restore iu pres- ent rich mstre and flnisb; In all colors. Tar*; t^--.:^mmmmmmA[m %>. )>â- *&?>â- <â- â- .â- ; ;' -SILK' STRIPE BATI»i^"Mi!"s««? rery handsome silk finish and patterm, to --sdl-eodors^^..Ysgll.:lWe.:^ ::^"^-gsgg^«» "'•' A NEW CLOTHâ€"-A comhlnatiosi of raUne and crepe with a Hnen etTeet, both Isun and tub-proof, In black, gW* btvwsv tan, white, champagne, cadet, navy, light hlue> corai, green and red. Ta*4V S«e*r ^!iP^ r-'r^l^Ji^^^^^^^^l^li^l^"