,- milium i1""*"*â€"â€"â€"wwwynmi. I. -' â- â- â- i----- ! â- ..â- â- :'â- â- . •.« .£ ..; 'â- â- ':-.â- ' J^^,.^,^.^.A •^ ;A%ra was nOrowtxr'Mr. and Mrs. John a. Schneider last week. Miss Lena Battues"s returned last Thursday from a week'* visit to J»er brother, P^^ at La Feria, Texas. -IMr. Kudblpa ^eOrootr^rho ^faa in different parts %>f Texas tor two monthB, returned home last week. Mr. Jiom^ Bmg^, Or* and Math. Hoffman have returned from a success- ful ;^ai*!ti^t;^^â- .a|ftm.;W•» TvieB' day.-.....' ' ^â- â- > ,lite..:8klwj»ffl.;lSpirnian..h«gi. been laid HP with a severe' cold last week, but he is able to be up and around at present. » Mrs. John Hoffman, of Clifton, 111., has returned home after having paid her children, Mr. James and Edward Hoffman, a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Doetsch re- turned last week, Tuesday, from a month's visit to Riviera, Texas, where Mr. Doetsch owns a farm. Mr. Wm. B. Selser, who has' been in Colorado nearly two years, is vis- iting his parents for a few weeks, when he will return to Colorado. Mr. James B. Hoffman fell and hurt his ankle Wednesday a. m. He has been under a physician's care. He* is'mending nicely according to latest reports. Mrs. E. E. Besser, of 1221 Green- wood avenue, entertained about twen- ty little girls and boys on Saturday afternoon in honor of her little son Richard's fourth birthday. Mrs. Math. Hoffman entertained the Ladies' Club at cards Thursday; the prize winners were as follows: Mrs. Bfrank Kreusch, first prize; Mrs. Prank '!$ Mueller, second prize; Mrs. Cecilia Wagner, third prize. with the grip three days last week. VvMr;jf$ifo^ returned last Saturday from a week's trip to Iowa anirSdTath-"lEWki>ta. ¥„ Zia|i!^an4^W^ohn ^§U, of Colum- bus avenue, entertained! the Saturday Evening Club at card* ^Saturday. A good time was had aid the honors went to: first, Mr. A. W. Weeks, gents; ffrst, Mrs. A. Weeks, toes; second. N. J. Miller, gents; second Mrs. Jos. Nilles, ladies, i^ - _£.. The newly elected Officers of St. Joseph's Society were installed last Sunday afternoon by Ex-President Paul Nanzlg. Addresses were deliv- ered by Rev. Wm. Netstraeter and Ex-Judge Oirten. of Chicago; »Rev. John Ott and Rev. H. Ezell also spoke. After the installation a card party was given. Master Nick Bauer narrowly es- caped serious injury last week when he fell fifteen feet into the basement of the new scboolhouse while playing with some other boy. He jumped on a board laying over opening into the basement, which broke. He was stunned, and had to stay in bed sev- eral days on account of injuries to his head, besides suffering a broken thumb. The funeral of Mr. Maternus Engels took place at St. Joseph's cemetery last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral cortege was met-at Wll- mette avenue by the members of St. Joseph's Society of which the deceased was a member, and escorted to church and later to the cemetery. The de- ceased was only twenty-three years of age, and died after only a few days' illness. What People Are Doing in Hubbard Woods May. U -Jl'tlk^ . *** -I' ^Mr. McCormick, principal of the La mm h^ichooJ|wss a guest at New Meriljit Friday, ^Before leaving he g%4^h>fteacb,e|s of New Trier a short address. %£ * The boys', gymnasium in the new building not being completed, they met for their flint lew^1^*06^1*' gym last Wednesday. 7 The furniture for the model fiat and teachers' resfc WKims has been pur- chased. The fjat. CQhBiata ot foup rooms on the fourth floor and will be used in connection with toe domestic science work. Lunches are being served now in fne school dining room. The teachers were pleasantly surprised last Wed- nesdayâ€"when tney climbed to their new quarters in a balcony over the* dining room. The tables were attract lire with linen, flowers and a dainty luncheon. On inquiring it was found that Mrs. Pomper, of Wiimette, was responsible for the delightful surprise and by unanimous vote it wag agreed that she was a royal good fellow. In the debate between the Deerfield high school and New Trier, at New Trier last Saturday evening, our boys were defeated. The defeat may not have been agreeable to think of but it may result in greater ambition and more earnest effort to win at a later time. The work done this time was not in vain for it was a fine expe- endum and Recall as Advocated in the rienpe for the boys. The subject was, Resolved "That the Initiative, Refer- National Progressive Platform, should be Adopted." The boys of New Trier who took part were Lysle Smith, Robt. Antozweski, Tom Brown, Ernest Dahl, Hilmar Zimmerman, Harold Procter. Mrs. M. A. Healy is in New York. Dorothy Killin has recovered from tonsiiitis. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Montgomery are at Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Danby are the parents of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McNamee are the parents of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Noble are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. W. L. BalHnger is spending a few days with her sister at Comers- ville. Mr. A. G. Oliver has moved his family to their former home at Jack- sonville, 111. Mrs. Gerald Mahoney, of Elkhart, Ind., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davis. Mrs. Mark Merriman, of Kalamazoo, Mich., is visiting at the home of her brother, G. H. Mclllvane. Miss Edith Lange entertained the Young Ladies' Guild of the Glencoe M. E. Church Friday afternoon. 1 Mr. J. A. Jameson and family have moved into their newly Vremodeled residence near Green Bay road. Mrs. T. W. Cloney, formerly of Hub- bard Woods, died suddenly at her home in Lake Forest after a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davis have returned to their home on Green Bay road after an absence of nearly a year. Mrs. Jas. I. Lyons entertained in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Nissen, of Grand Rapids, Wis., last Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heinig and daughter. Miss Flora, have gone to their winter home at Magnolia Springs, Alabama. ; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Spooner and daughter, Miss May Spooner. have gone to Winter Park, Florida, for the remainder of the winter. Mr. Jake Lyons, who has been vis- iting at the home of his brother, Jas. I. Lyons, has returned to his home in Cuba, where he has a fruit farm. Mr. Geo. Mullen, agent for the C. ft N. W. Railroad, Is visiting his parents at Wilton Jet., Iowa. Mr. John Lin- ville is relieving him during his ab- sence. â- â- * '•<â- â- '** /'*'â- â- $ â- 'â- *"!â- <â- â- ] '< â- 'â- The St. Stanislaus and St. Agnes Societies, of the Sacred Heart Parish, will give a play entitled "St Elizabeth of Thuringia" in the church hall Mon- day evening, Feb. 3. Mr. Frank Taylor and Jas. Livings- ton sailed for Spain Saturday. They expect to take up construction work in that country. They will be gone about two years. Mr. Taylor's busi- ness here will be conducted by his two brothers; Arthur and Clarence. NEW TRIER NOTES. Mr. Burt, the supervising architect of the new building, has gone to Eu- rope for an extended trip. The Zenoblan Literary society, the members of which are girl students, is doing some good work. They meet on Thursday afternoons...-*, The 4ourth chapter of a continued story was written and read by Marie Starrett WM%M'i - -TOLL LSGTUReS^P*^^^&^»? â- ' i% 1913 at EhrsIod Conpia^CW 'â- -â- . - Beautifully ^Colott^^ m*-- w?mt8M^fflMm