m1> mm ^K&i&s-fi Wii m W mi,, ui........iiii«itiiiii»»iw*amiiiTr-^iffrmir^fftTr^^^ '.Si^^Mu^saiitttk' cannot l Hi* chud is loor y#tt» WBU67, th« '4*4$ l^tw Laws and dicative Boar* f| Within Ajtsr publisbinf a munications protest! iaory vaccination of |ren, the editor of Thi fawstlnaneifortto the argument wltboni ^_ j^ean John H. jHl|ppp||)|....._^ iwest-n iinlro«ytti^^B||g^W suggest a man. ^WK!!w«!f)jipii5JW5. |a the matter wo«M';':|pf...;>,v..,,_w,..^v,.,. ^Utoiity and Una]. If|p^^ leal and legal -fiaWrft^%|Pj|g^ now auggested Dr.:f^|^|.^;^iW^i |rsy Of this ^^•-â- ^^(ISJH^SS Hemenway, although* Written articles for tbo levisw, and that ho aathority on sanitation ttrs of kindred na^ttro. f with this high J§ake Shore New» haa eaway to answer the â- â- J00ttlf§f^ Rented by Attorney OhirlOo *• Hay and others who ftfcfen, articles to The The following is statement: Editor of Lake Shore Now*: In reply to year tflniiffaT â- â- ffiUffg: '" by the m ifta iiao ttf "aoiwitiiili* tn *ny *ood the Qllnoia decisions ;||Pb^|ppPgt,;>"|r^,i). .VPFJHiJMtfpplieWMo lttr#^ >wBP|f 1'^WW||P:^^^WsPrJlif,^)jWs^**^F,.- ;P*g^^gr,y?gwnuS4pns^n^u^ *â„¢* ridea and regulations h^d^ iwlatlvo to thin matter are i i4o vaccination, I flag: | "Self-preservation of nature." Thla ^Veen recognised In uon. A nation aid material ana. It la an of the government to protect tan moo and health of Its altlaasai llsda t>f advent of v a serious Bconrge. of vacclnaUon it Ima slOTaaknw. to smportiona that esme to the me disease may DO Medical trcataaont In srtvent the spread of snttoe is very weak an a ooatrol, as period ....... .....__ _ entrantine van ^aasA wltih jsjsw met results, prevent the nw generation*, hat ftao lined. When streck a town there to the prist of the dlseone free* Haw Surgeon J. H. •est instance in , cheek of the nistrkting the #ftdftlaena. an In njm sanltarlann who in it to fltnallpox has long been recognised aa a coiamon law nuisance. The de- tesotinnUon of its presence is prlmar. P^^jw^^ » also «^ determination of the means for lt« rentrietlon. Both of these matters axe subject to review In the court. An ofletal dlagnoals of smallpox would be upheld in the court unless clear presented of error in dlag- positive evidence of error in regard to this disease is difficult, and almost Impossible. The mere opinion of other physicians Is not suffl- Thelr opinion may he biased udloe or ismorance. In Jenkina vs. Board of Education ft waa hold that the commissioner of health of Chicago had exceeded his authority in declaring smallpox epl- demie. That wan a question of fact for the court to decide, and the rela- tively few cases then in the city did sot conatitttte an emergency. The order of vaccination before school waa not Justifiable, •jadcr these conditions. In thn Bvanaton case an of smallpox was made in the „ of e teacher who had been teach- in* while m to the publm schools. It then became the duty of the commis- sianer of health to order vaccination of nil scholars in schools exposed by thi said tearhirr Thla ho did. He did order a general vaccination in all nor of citizens unexposed. Bo acted fnHy within his powers, and tt waa the duty of the school board to o^cy, KO competent authority will ^ this matter. A mandamus wiB not Ho to prevent the execution of each a moderate order as that given. Even a patent attorney should this. After danger from this _______ nnvacclnated pwp&a^annot longer be excluded. If Mr. Murray wanta to tost the of the oxder of the +%m proper coarse would be by j,g^«ii« or quo warranto, better the M Trains Will Run On Sched- ules Again. ' mmmtmmmmmmimmmmm* LIMIT IS i^m$0$t 'Mil <mM. i$4 â- ... • w^l According to the aathorltka of the Northwestern Elevated the kmg de- loop mornings, and which haTe de> Uyed B^anstan patrons of the "V will be remedied In the, oonrae of a day or two* The delaya have been very considerable, the trains consum- ing from twenty to thirty minutes to get to Klnsle sti^t ftatioa from Chi- cago avenue. The delay was dun to the new orders put Into effect by the elevated roads following the accident in which one of the Oak Park cars waa hurled from the structure to the street below, smashing it into small pieces, loss of life being prevented only by the fact that It was very early in the morning. Running Time Redwood. The running time time of the trains around the loop and at the curves has been reduced to six milee an hour in- stead of eight Because of over- caution a good many of the trainmen did not get up to this speed and some ran as slow as two miles an hour in order to be on the safe aide. Thurs- day morning hundreds of Bvanaton patrons who left Eranaton hetwoan the hours of 7 and g worn stalled *+ fore they reached the loop. The trip consumed an hour and a half inatead of the fifty minntos that it usually takes. Thla was canaed by the hloekade ahead. When each of trains In slowed up a few seconds tt asakes the delay K'WheMfliiia^!ii»^ 'P|ot:at^#1i^^ ^â- â- â- Jtewp^sWl#^S^ â- W-: l'-sm %&tk> ;. stoarii pow4« 9 the machii * twcen thej manyfjFtbern caa !# tie fcn^#s^ ^â- â- wliert"ftfgtt ,., HIS, hxm =fiati&'; |«t^ P Mchihe take^ "" -:M isv.'dut t%H He knows what he is .......................,.............'^'^^WSSKSKk oi,. the t\eettk:^mp^tB^a We want ^rott v&mz$&& WM Service Company orNorrantN u ?jS^*Sifl?Ei *')fe 'h- § ^--^.â- -. Ho Mafa E^e#nyn> _^: When interviewed by a reporter for The Daily News, Mr. a F. Schaaf, a% perlntendent of transportation on the Northwestern novated, statod that the difficulty would he of eroosne In * few days. The men along the loop and they win aa to the proper run. He stated ho the grown steadily. In othea.words, care *' "^^ businedCL us tip and give lis^amastlil? work is ipprecitted I Wouldn't it pay you att around the the trainmen at which to 4 __ auto vaociitate a _____nothtnr not construetrre F Ho cltos no authority, and of none In support of The of the supreme court in Jenkina tb. which ho cltos. Is to the con- trary. Hetamo •****£*1^ TOs hi a ptoceedmg wnien by sanitarians, and tt it would he upheld by to 622 Davis Street :i T^pim^^ Instructed aa to the exact apeed which they may attain, there would ho no more delay and that the trains would get along about an fasTae they linto been going at the Service gllflhtry There waa a good deal of faction on the part of the Bvanaton patrons of the -L" whan they were tied up on the stmctnro wtth no way of getting to tUoir »»»»«• °f*"* on time, goretalatsalantn of tno Northwestern university taw nehook who leave Stnawtam at ahont 7:W In order to reach the Inw seJsooi| hm ttmo for n dasa at S:ef. worn #ulayod so long that mv dH not roacn tte school until t:lS. nann h H, nam of S#? Lo*e excused the lateness of the and stated that an 1 ton and know the the -L~ schedule, and that the the comld * mMa mw-ut « thoy to school by t:Si. NEW SCWWL R« DISTWCT76 I wish to announce to the|Wn*Arf tbe Nortb Ihore that web^Mceiv^nrSpnngGoMdt and Styles. Il3fbg the Ml ***W0*> ^W our tailors bosKftices wiU bejagms rednce/i. Suits reicolarly sold forfjOare . U 4i tt ^.-j_ . . • â- •â- ••â- •;â- â- * 806 Dempster Street - Phone 258 ; ^ North Slam ****** Gtmdty Funkmed atiseas in School the ciicnlatlon baOdanew of Bidgea tnis