SITUATIONS WANTED FoB teWT--Aptnts FOB RENT--*-ROOM APARTMENT, eompjgefly furnished, In new West ndmsTer apartmeMrf bullfffcg, 640 Hin- mfn-av.; all (Me ^ms with southern and Jejstersr^exposure. ' Present oecupe2T desires to spend next lew months Phone 1642. 'Vfe/U) Eldredge Automatic, drop head, new................32.00 We also have on hand need Singers from $15 to $30. Some of these machines have never been need. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av. 2td-ltwe BvM«#e't F^cst Apart ASSf OR RENT-ROOMS .AfiS£tmCI1™ MODKRN FURNISHED MXIM**-- roonuVM' 'iKaSira 8MABT UB98lMnnaoAT«Boe FOR RENT-HOUSES For Sale-Bukgilow FOR SAJifc-A PIANO WITH OUT- sideJrttachment pianola an^uxrata l^rfdred rolls o^musbjrPiano In first-class condMyL wW sell for $150; time if d£jfed.s^ust more at once. Apply^llSO Farwell-ev., FOR Sji-B-BAROAINS UT PIANOS Ijilpdnlii trade on our high grade ttranvRlcnstelg piano. See this piano before buying: $350 Upright, ebony 350 Upright, fnahoj 400 Fischer 350 Cable .. Also bargains in pianos that were out on short rent Our prices are from $25 to $100 lower than Chicago Patterson Bros., 1622 Sherman-ay. wltc $85.00 116.00 165.00 175.00 Thursday, Fri Ayrshire Butter 23Sik'40c AppiCS Good eaters. Peek...........35C >.*•..... Grape rrmi a**** Florida Oranses ^^ 21 ClubHou Pure fruit Quinoe, Snmll tinTrljffilar 25o caa^ Quean Olivet 'SSgSJS !•••*•••••••••••••••••« »•••••••»•«•• FOR -- FURNISHEjr ROOMS or withouy^pardC Mrs. M. ight, 1117 Cen^a^J^Umette, Phone 480. 10-2tc MISCELLANEOUS TO) LOAN. „v... bath, electric ■Jet/Wp at $2,700; on*fae>ed street, $12 ents pajd. Ev- On sta RlAL'ESItT HUMPHREY TALKS AT NORTH END Y. M. G. A (Continued from Page 15) w£ SELL THE EARTH w i Sr- LET US SHOW YOU •AJLGAINS Orriagton-av., 2 apt building, large lot, 7 and 8 rooms, hot water heat; rental $116 per month; onijHJOOO cash, required. / /* Hinman-av., 100 PjlF(D§w rm* house and barn, liifjeWiil sHssfed lot; be bought for^alout the actual lot. f ^^ 7-rm. hounjptmot water years old; lot §0x ISO. A«#wJrpTOTements paid. Must a^wttK ten days; $5^00, $200 cash, balance $46 per month, Including fa- Tacant property from $10 $85 par foot In North Branston thstwffl sbow a handsome margin of within a few months, our list of houses and apartr for rent. Money to loan at rates* mCLAMK Opp. City BaD. ltc Itn^Sherman-aT. 3j>'-r,lf ■ -------------- $gjw> BUYS A If grantee upon the terms that the city might have taken It oyer, and it shall be lawful for the city to make a grant containing such a reservation, for either the construction of operation, or both the construction and operation of a street railway in, upon and along any of the streets or public ways therein, or portions thereof, in which street railway tracks are already lo- cated at the time of the making of such grant, without the petition or consent of any of the owners of the land abutting or fronting upon any street or public way, or portion there- of, covered by such* grant. No ordinance authorising a lease for a longer period than five years, nor any ordinance renewing any lease, •hall go Into effect until the expira- tion of sixty days from and after its passage. And it within such sixty days, there fa filed with the city clerk of each city a petition signed by 10 per cent of the voters voting at the last preceding elejtlon for mayor, in- such city, asking that each ordinance be submitted to a popular vote, then such ordinance shall not go Into ejfeet unless the question of the adoption of such ordinance shall first be submitted to the electors of such city and approved by a majority of those roting thereon. The gtg"!--■-- to such petition need not an be appended to one paper but each signer shaft add to his signature, which shall be m am own handwrit- ing, his place of Msjdstire. giving the street and number. One of the signers paper shall make oath More an emeer competent to admin- ftster oaths, that each signature to the APPLES Choice cookers, pk....,.............27c ApplCS GtoScooking Applet, bushel box 1. 10 GJUME'S GOLDEN, bushel box.............1.60 JONATHAN'S, bushel box...................1.6* BKUCtOUS, bushel box....................2*50 SHTZEffBURC, bushel box...........J.....2.15 WHITE MtRMAJN. bushel box.......|.....2. JONATHAN'S, medium size, % sise bit.. Deer Island Salmon Ste Smith's Fresh Maf ke Van Camp's Pork and Beans, 2oan8;m^/sTrV;25c;'urgecan StollWerCk'S COCOa, Half pound oan. The equal of any....... MatCheS, Magic Tips. 25o package........... Cando Polish, The best silver polish. Jar.................................:•.....««.... I Parlor Brooms, Regular soofor..................„..........................................3 ArgO StarCh, Four packages for................................................................II giwWi finest canned. Can..•••....••....... 3 cans, small size* 25c; •*•••.*. 1.......... 1 a*.... ...... ........ m St m MEAT DEPARTMENT per lb. 66 64 Home-MadtS Sausage........................ KflSKCt 13aCOD.... ...............« Fraokfurts, Armeur's Star.................. Lard, Kettle Readered............ 3 lbs. Little Pig Pork Roast (Sat. only).................. per lb . . . . • tore of the person whose name pur- ports to be thereto subscribed. Street Railway Certificates--Se- cured by Mortgage or Deed of Trust- Default in Payment--foreclosure. 2. In lieu of issuing bonds pledging the faith and credit of the city, as pro- vided for in section 1 of this act, any city may issue and dispose of inter- est-bearing certificates, to be known as "street railway certificates," which shall, under no circumstances, be or become an obligation or liability of the city, or payable out of any gen- eral fund thereof, but shall be pay- able solely out jot a specified portion of the revenues or income to be de- rived from the street railway prop- erty for the acquisition of which they were issued. Such certificates shall not be issued and secured on any street railway property in amount in excess of the cost to the city of such property as hereinbefore provided and (10) ten per cent of such cost in ad- dition thereto. Adoption of Act--Reserving Right in Grant or Lease. 4. This act shall not be In force in any city until the question of its adoption in such city shall first have been submitted to the electors of .such city and approved by the majority of those voting thereon. The city council of any such city may, by ordinance, direct that the question of the adoption of this act in such city be submitted to such vote at any general, city or special election in and for the entire city, coming not sooner than thirty days from and af- ter the passage of the ordinance. If the dty council In any city shall in- corporate In any grant to a private company of the right to construct or operate street railways a provision, reserving to such dty the right to tfke ever such street railways at or before the expiration of the grant, in case the people of such city shall later adopt this act as herein provided, such provision shall be as valid and effec- tive for all purposes, in case such city shall later adopt this act as.herein provided, as if the said provision were made a part of such grant after the adoption of this act by such city. A committee of nine members was appointed to Investigate the Mueller law and report back their findings to a meeting in fhe association rooms to be held next Monday night. The com- mittee consists of W. M. Green, chair- man; W. D. Chapman, Jr., D. T. Lay- man, R. C. Brown and Hiram McCul- lough from the North End Improve- ment association, and R. B. Belknap, F. H. McCulloch, Sherman Kingsley and A. M. Nelson, from the Lake Shore Neighborhood club. Wallace Gets. Vindictive. Alderman Chan.; S Wallace, who is chairman of the railroad transporta- tion committee of the dty council, no matter how ridiculous it might: The Improvement association i not go into the merits of this dl#co* slon, nor was It brought out that tft|| have not always agreed with Mr. Wi#|| lace upon his own suggestions to |||§ association, notably his opposition *i| the recent filtration proposition ***#! received such an.overwhelming &*^ able \ote in the ward which he repm$ sents In the council. :<t A NEW COMPANY. ^ One of the newest and most up4o| date orthopedic appliance companies is that of Louis Rehthaler, located hp suite 604, Ressner building, 5 Nortfc| Wabash avenue. No expense has bes|| spared to make the offices as atf*"^ tive as possible. ^p Mr. Louis Rehthaler, who has bs4| many years of experience In this comp try and Europe, hasTbeen made presiy dent and manager of the compaajp While science and medicine has monp wonderful strides in recent years, thf^; and father of the autobus Idea thatH^^^*^^ ^^^VT!?^^ not made the advancement that ouw* branches nave, hut under this noiy system the Rehthaler Orthopedic Am pliance company give iheir partem^ and physicians the best appli*»«f % that money can afford. - m does not meet with the approval of the North find Improvement associa- tion, was vindictive In reference to the editor of The Lake Shore News when someone stated that this paper had referred to the possibility of building a branch of the elevated line to run.west on Central street from the Central street station of the ele- vated system: Prior to the bringing of this newspaper into the contro- versy, Mr. WaUace said that no one Jasper. would think of extending the elevated system as soggeeted, but when refer- ence to the newspaper wan made, he corrected himself and said that hehad neglected to thmk of Kl^' Bowman when lie made the remark; and Inti- mated that the editor of the rtewswus quite capable of thinking of aaythmg. BE8T. I soft by drinki**! Tnom*j§; Mai* 1*77, ^flj^r^j%>.X;.ess«e-vof"n ^^ -^ net of teeth wlien he waa past elgW-v -Thafajwthmg. My grandfather dlst. of Infantile paralysis when he wssj £:SS~ •VK.-.'A" 1